Golf Players


Aaron Ekblad Started his Stanley Cup parade speech by swearing at Brooks Koepka. We’ll talk all that and more on today’s NHL hockey video!

today was the Florida Panthers Stanley Cup Parade in classic Florida weather I.E rain and thunderstorms could not keep the fans at Bay anyway during the Cup Parade old Aaron eblad came to the microphone held up a traffic cone and started his speech off by saying you Brooks kka F you Brooks kka Brooks ke of course being the multi-time PGA Champion Masters winning golfer so why did blood say this what was the beef with capka well it actually all goes back to last season during a game when the Panthers lost to my New York Rangers Brooks Kea who’s a well-known Panthers fans was at the game and he held up a traffic cone and can actually be heard yelling eblad you suck obviously if you’ve watched any sort of hockey you know what it means to call a defenseman a pylon basically they’re out there on the ice just to skate by and I love this because it’s like drunk fan Behavior but from someone who Super Famous anyway Kea apparently apologized to eblad it’s all good but eblad still got the little shot in during the parade this year which I love obviously Florida would turn things around last season upsetting the Bruins and well we know how it ended for them then of course this year win the Stanley Cup and all past sins are maybe not forgotten but at least forgiven


  1. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Which Coach or Team Mentor taught Ekblad ? I am an Albertan who cheered for your team. Because you never won the Cup, because I like Bennett and Tkachuk, and I wanted Paul Maurice to win. Today, I'm embarrassed by your Coach Paul Maurice – TOTALLY embarassed. The leader, the It's obvious everyone was intoxicated prior to the parade. A classy coach would advise them to be sober and on their best behaviour. That didn't happen because the coach was out of control. Players with no shirts, and heavy chains like gang-related. Language that people who brought their young children didn't want to hear . I'm utterly disgusted with their display. How many of those players can say their Grandmothers approved of their language. I watched how the Oiler Fans conducted themselves after losing. Unlike Vancouverites they didn't riot. They were classy, and held their heads high. SHAME ON YOU PANTHERS AND YOUR COACHES….SHAME, SHAME, SHAME. I hope Paul never has the chance to win another Cup after his disgraceful display. And the curse of the Cup disallows the Panthers to never win again until they know how to act respectfully in front of their fans. This will take decades and I hope their Coach is as classy as the Oilers Coach was. Wow. Just Wow.

  2. I am so thoroughly confused by the backlash from some commenters related to how we've celebrated our cup win, lol. Is it really so different outside of south Florida when other teams win the cup? I didn't realize being shirtless and throwing some expletives was that horrid; shirts are borderline optional half the time here! I guess today I learned that there are only specific acceptable ways to celebrate.

    Unfortunately, I was not able to drive up to Fort Lauderdale to join in the festivities, but I was having a ton of fun watching the broadcasts nonetheless and seeing how many of us still showed up despite the torrential rain! I think I saw all six of us! Can't wait for next season, though I'm tempering my expectations of this team despite the cup win. It'll be really tough to make it far a third straight time.

    Added tidbit: I may be an FSU alum who was familiar with and liked Koepka, but dude is an impulsive hothead and deserves a little clapback for his dumb takes and lack of a filter at times lol.

  3. Not a Koepka fan, but in this year’s playoff….. he was right. Ekblad got beat like a red headed step child, REPEATEDLY!!

  4. Lord Stanley is finna have to go to detox after partying with Panthers. Idgaf what anyone says "It's 70 with clear skies in Edmonton but they have no cup" from Tkaclutch, Ekblad trolling Koepka holding the cone over his head, and Paul Mairice's speech with 40 f bombs and wearing the shirt with his two cats photoshopped on the Panther's logo was the hardest celebration mic drops I've seen. #LETS GO HOME BABYYY 🔥 #FLAPANTHERSSTANLEYCUPCHAMPS

  5. Man why are the titles so clickbaity recently? "WHY WOULD HE SAY THIS!?" all caps makes me think he completely went off the rails or something but no, it was a completely normal return to what Koepka started

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