Golf Simulator

Mevo+ 2023 Distances off (way short)

Hi All, i’ve seen some posts about this that seem mostly unresolved so I’m going to add this to it.

I’ve used the simulator for the last year+ and all of the readings have been for the most part accurate as far as Carry and total distance. The Mevo plus appears to be very forgiving for hooks and slices, but that’s a different story distance wise. It always appeared to be accurate.

All of a sudden, I plug it back to use it after about a week or so, and all of my distances are short by 20 to 40 yards.

It is not ISS, I’ve been using this sim for over a year with accurate readings.

My current set up is as follows.

Mevo + 2023 Radar (same level as hitting mat)
RCT balls (with option selected in software)
8’ Radar to Ball
12’ Ball to screen
gs pro and fs golf (issue happens in both)

I can only assume it’s the radar since the issue happens even when I’m using the FS Golf and the weather condition set as standard sea level.
I checked, and the firmware is all up-to-date on the radar.

My nine iron is 155 to 165 club with flush contact (trackman verified) All of a sudden now I f it’s flushed, the readings on FS Golf now are about 125-140 if I absolutely crush it.

I’ve attached a screenshot to show some of the information-this particular swing was with the driver, but at 104 mph club speed, plus 3.0 AoA, and 3000 rpm, this should certainly be going further than 221 carry and 6 yards of roll out.

If I hit one up closer to 108 to 110 mile an hour swing speed with driver, it might get closer to 240 or 250, still way short of the nearly 300 it used to be.

Same thing is happening with all clips regardless of loft.

Anyone have any thing similar happening? Any thoughts?

by WeekendGolfin


  1. freezedriedhamsters

    Yeah mine does this once in a while. Usually it’s a cracked ball, sometimes it’s just until I restart it. Something clearly goes wrong temporarily but it usually comes back when I either switch balls, put a new metallic sticker on it or turn it off and on

  2. Grandpas_Spells

    104 driver speed hitting 9i 155-165 doesn’t jibe.

    3200 backspin is a ton of spin. Depending on your launch angle 220 carry is not impossible.

  3. Miserable-Way-4769

    Ya my numbers are “off” too. 🤪

  4. TurboCHiCKN

    140 ball speed with that spin is 220. Smash is low, missed the sweet spot.

    I recently got a GC2 to pair with my Mevo in my sim. 95% of the time they are almost identical in every data point.

    Mevo isn’t the best chipping and putting. And also struggles with gear effect (toe and heel hits)

  5. Imscomobob

    If you “verified” on a Trackman that was in the wild, it was probably juiced up to make you love the clubs you were hitting enough to buy them or come back for another session?

    Many places set them to 4000+ ft elevations…

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