Battle of Cleveland Hy-WOOD vs HyBRID

In this video, we compare the Cleveland Launcher XL Halo Hywood to the Launcher XL Hybrid. Find out which one you should try!

Cleveland Hy-Wood, Cleveland HyWood,Cleveland HyBrid, Cleveland XL2 Hybrid

#golf #hybrid #cleveland

these are the Cleveland hybrids firstly we’ve got the high wood so this is a combination of fairway wood and hybrid it’s a little bit bigger than normal if we go and look at the standard hybrid the hybrid is a bit smaller but we have a few other differences we’ve got different size head we’ve got different grooves on there on the hybrid we’ve got grooves all the way across on the Highwood we’ve got grooves not in the middle so it’s a bit more design to be hit off the tea I would say but we’ve got that glider rail on both of these clubs now the glider rail in theory with design there it’s supposed to just straighten up the club a little bit through impact but generally speaking they are very forgiving clubs in the Highwood we’ve got the four plus at 20° and in the hybrid we’ve got four at 21° so 1° different the stock shafts that you’ll see in these clubs are slightly different as well so in the Highwood off the rack on the shelves you will find the aldilla ascent it’s a 40 G shaf this one is stiff but very lightweight a nice amount of movement in the shaft just to help get that ball Airborne when we go into the hybrid we’ve got the T side blue 65 G so 25 G heavier and just a slightly different profile of club with the Highwood being 40 GS and lighter we’ve got a bit more Bend and release into the ball just to help us get through it get the ball airborne and encourage that left shot the hybrid with the 10 side blue it’s not it’s not a very stiff shaft but it’s stiffer than this one but I’m going to hit a few balls with each of these just to see what the difference is in ball data even though both of these are a four hybrid on paper so I’m going to kick things off with the high wood this is 20 ° it’s very inviting behind the ball it does remind me of a seven wood quite a lot so it does look quite seven Woody but sometimes with seven Woods someone with a bit more Pace in their game might just get a bit too much height from that seven wood if you’re hitting a seven wood into wind it can be a little bit uncontrollable sometimes but generally seven Woods are very good very helpful this could just be a nice bridge between the two where you get that forgiveness and that ease of use oh that was too easy I’ve only hit one shot with this club ever I’ve literally just taken the wrapper off and straight away plonked one just On The Fringe I didn’t know what yardage would come out but I’ve guessed pretty well hyra loads of spin so quite a lot of Spin A lot of people struggle to get distance out of their hybrids and their Fairway Woods because the ball doesn’t spin enough if the ball doesn’t spin enough it’s going to drop quicker and then it’s going to run a little bit more so it just depends on the Dynamics of you through the ball but this Club is super duper helpful I am using the Callaway Chrome Tor X which is a higher spinning ball anyway but that is lovely um yeah you’re not going to go for wrong with one of them I’m going to hit one more cuz that was fun delightful yeah lovely I don’t have to try too hard I’ve got a bit more Pace than some others but I’ve got less Pace than others that’s very nice so if I now hit three of the hybrid this is not the Highwood this is the slightly smaller head I just want to see what the difference is really in height spin distance all the sort of parameters cuz you know you look at it and you might look at them and think they’re one degree different what how far different can they possibly be well we’ll find out now it looks different at a dress it doesn’t sit as closed this is the high wood it looks like it like just toes in a bit more so it wants to sit a little bit more shut and then we go hybrid and I think it just sits a bit more neutrally it doesn’t look like it wants to fold in as easily it just sits a bit squarer uh some might like that if you lose the ball to the right then you’ll probably enjoy the towing in element of this one is this as easy as the high wood yes it is not bad a little bit more draw I feel like that was more me and my technique than the club let’s have a couple more oh that’s lovely oh they’re so easy so I had last year’s Highwood in the bag for a little while but the only thing the only reason it came out of my golf bag is because I could not hit a fade now that is a good thing for some golfers but not a good thing for other golfers sometimes I wanted to work the ball left to right and give myself that option but if you lose the ball to the right and you can’t correct it these things are are going to help I chose to take the Highwood out of the golf bag because it did one thing but sometimes that’s not a bad idea from that far out I kind of want to put one back in the bag but I’m going to test that I’ve got a hway AI smoke hybrid in the bag and it’s good it’s lovely it’s got a very stiff shaft in it I’ve got a driver shaft cut down because someone broke it and then I’ve using that broken shaft put it into the hybrid for my hybrid maybe if I do something similar to one of these and then compare them because off the face that is delightful ooh subtle differences I’ve got five yards different my variance on three shots was one yard so it’s done the same thing three times lovely I’ve only got a little bit more variance on this fine they’re both nice and tidy very easy to produce those shots for me I’ve got more spin on the Highwood I’ve got more speed on the Highwood it’s a longer sha so I’ve got more room to create that speed and I’ve spiked up five yards so not a massive difference dispersion fairly similar the high wood not quite as much draw the hybrid more draw so I think because the high Wood’s got one Dee less Loft and it’s got a longer shaft and it’s got a lighter shaft all those elements have just creased together just to give give us 5 yards extra and the other element I want to look at is the peak height so the peak height is here 128 of peak height with the Highwood very consistent and 111 with the hybrid so the hybrid is a lower Peak height if you play on Windy courses the hybrid’s going to be better if you need to get over trees and things like that then the Highwood is going to be your friend which leads me to think that the Highwood is a very very good alternative to a seven wood if you don’t like seven Woods I’m very impressed by these clubs super forgiving very easy to use stick one in the bag or go and give them a go if you’ve got someone near you that you can try them with if you don’t and you buy them online I think you’re going to be in good shape


  1. Callaway has the Super Hybrid. How about a test comparing it to the standard Callaway hybrid?

  2. I was expecting the Hy-Wood to draw more due to the softer shaft and how the face is more shut. Didn't happen. I currently have the TM Sim 3 hybrid in the bag and I would consider replacing it with the Hy-Wood.

  3. I loved the previous hy-wood. But the lower loft of the 3h+ (17*) and longer shaft makes the new model a bit harder to hit. The 20* is probably a treat to hit.

    The hybrid is very good though. I have the 4h of the old model in my bag and 5h of the new model and they are both good.

  4. If you're struggling because hy-woods or fairways are too light and long and you like to tinker with golf clubs, get an advanced hot melt kit. This is how I tuned my 9w. Or become really good friends with your local clubfitter and he will be a willing accomplice to your experiments. My 9w is an absolute weapon

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