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Who switches teams? Any blockbuster trades? Reacting to the latest rumors and news before and after free agency opens at 6pm ET.

he n welcome to a free agency kickoff show we are pick aad on Bleacher Report and today we are going to be the intro to an8 hour long free agent show the bleach report got in store for you guys going all the way up until 10: p.m. we’ll be here from 2. p.m. to 4 p.m. covering all the latest free agency news and rumors fellas how we doing today doing as good as we can honestly this is the best time for NBA basketball honestly there’s just nothing something about free agency with the fact that you can have so many different players go on the move and impact so many different teams but it really starts with the main piece Paul George of course that’s the news we’re all waiting on but excited to be here excited to talk some ball likewise I mean this is one of the best days in the NBA calendar it’s time where a lot of shocking moves can happen last couple of years been quiet but I think this year’s gonna be a lot more exciting doing fantastic you know as the resident NBA champion on the panel I’m excited to see what vet minute moments can get done for the Boston Celtics they’re saying maybe Daniel Ty could come back to town Andre Drummond out there you know maybe LeBron minimum wants to come bring Chase who knows but uh but excited to see what uh what how the landscape changes in the NBA now today we started off with a bang already we got some news we we got a big bomb right there Mr Obie toen has resigned with the Indiana p is on a 4year $60 million year getting paid 15 mil annually how do we feel about that move it’s it’s a whatever move to me I think that Obi toppin played some good basketball in the postseason with with the Pacers obviously being just an energetic guy athletic guy being able to shoot the basketball space the floor a little bit too they did want to keep their role players and keep an Obi topping around especially for 15 million a season is not going to hurt them not even a little bit I think that that’s a very solid contract for a player of his caliber yeah absolutely you know uh OB is someone who they traded for last offseason so don’t want to let him walk for nothing 15 million a year in today’s market especially a year or two down the line uh that’s gonna look like a great deal and then you also got to think the other side if the Pacers do want to go out and trade for a star a year or two that’s going to be a salary that they can include um and he’s also probably still going to have trade value that’s going to be a fine contract he’s still going to be young athletic in Space the floor like Drew mentioned so for the Pacers I think that was no-brainer I think it’s a really good move for Indiana not because toppin is just only not only because he’s coming off career year shot 40% from three really Thrive play off tyres salurn but as you highlighted just now the Pacers don’t really have too many midlevel contracts a lot of the moroi deals and for Indiana a team that’s so loaded in the front gr requiring pass galaka you have jerus Walker a top 10 pick who hardly played last year OB to is a potential trade piece that they want to make a big splash at one of the next two trade deadlines and 15 million in today’s market is a lowlevel starting play player to a upper Ron backup I think that’s roughly what toing is the biggest question mark with top in coming into this past season was his three-point shooting and he improved that shooting 40% from three and he brought them a spark Off the Bench I felt like he was huge for their Eastern Conference Finals run the the bench piece that he is a depth piece that he is him and TJ mccon that’s one of the best Duos coming off the bench because they push the pace so much I just worry about jerus Walker and where he fits in and all this because I look at the Pacers and I look at hurn nard n Smith Pascal miles that’s star lineup confirm mcconell Ben Shepard Obi toppen all are going to be in the lineup I’m not even mentioning Benedict Maan and then we got Isaiah Jackson there’s not a lot of room for these young guys to get some playing time but I think it was important to rean Obi because now that’s another contracted salary you can put in a trade maybe if a player that’s better than OB becomes available and Indiana wants to pull the trigger because they have a lot of young guys that are intriguing and they need a match salaries it also depends on N hard’s development as a secondary scorer if if he can take that leap and and really be that counterpart to a Tyrese and of course Pascal cakam it’ll be dependent on whether they use topen as a potential trade piece to maybe get that secondary score because nard really does dictate a lot of the the future moves for the patients at least I think so but yeah 15 million a year for a guy like Obie toppen it does concern me with a jerus walker obviously we’re talking about a top 10 pick but I I think that you saw that Indiana can go far in the playoffs and although they had a little bit of help to get there they’re still a team that that has a pretty high ceiling right Paul George is the biggest name in this free agency cycle he’s somebody that he can maybe turn the tables when it comes to the Boston Celtics not going back to back and you saw the raise in my voice we need Paul George to go somewhere I know and when he declined his player option we all thought it was Philadelphia the 76 is going to be ultra aggressive pursuing him he’s going to half free agent meetings with three teams I believe it’s the magic it’s the 76ers and it’s pretty sure it’s the Clippers the Clippers he might stay there too that’s always an option I feel like in terms of impact power move the 76ers is number one is it if he goes to the Sixers they now have one of the best big threes in a league but the biggest concern with that is Joel embiid is unavailable Y and Paul George is a noow in Big Time moments and Big Time games so if Paul George Goes to the Sixers do I think they’re the best team in the east no I can’t I can’t think that you can argue that the biggest power move for Paul George would be going to the Orlando Magic the Orlando Magic have a top three defense in the league you add Paul George you’re getting more defense on top of that what do they need more than anything else a Creator yeah and someone that can space the floor Paul George gives you all three of those things that I just listed right there you you put him on the Orlando Magic next to Apollo banero that is a dangerous Duo and that only benefits Paulo more because now Palo has the space to actually do what he wants with the basketball unlike he’s had these last two seasons with the Orlando Magic and even still they gave a great series to the Cleveland Cavaliers that they were one game away potentially going on to the next round and play the Boston Celtics what they needed was a consistent secondary score next to Paulo and that’s 100% Paul George absolutely Paul George J magic is my favorite option for him to go to because this Orlando team physically matched up very well at the Celtics doing two in1 vers in the regular season but as you just highlighted now they really are missing that perimeter shot Creator and what he can do in the regular season would Elevate them into the status of a 5 win team in the playoffs we worry about Paul George he’s had a lot of no shows and specifically that in games in game seven versus the Mavericks this year we see that often times in very big moments game six so we look at the magic and Pao Banker’s development I think what would Aid him the is having somebody from the perimeter who can open up the game from the play some small ball five a little bit at the four and specifically for France we saw him as a three-point should have really regress and stagnate this last year so I think it would really ease the burden on those two guys in the half court and at the same time physically on the defensive side of the ball Paul George would fill in pretty perfectly at 6 foot eight yeah you’re not taking anything away from the defense that’s the most exciting part about potentially adding Paul George because we’ve talked about for months now at this point adding a guy like Trey young adding a guy like Anthony Simons who can bring a guard to this team who could playmake who could shoot the three who could space the floor but now you’re taking away pretty significantly from one of the best defenses in the NBA if you’re adding a 616 uh 6 foot 61 point guard to this team who’s playing along jayen Suggs now in that back court but you add Paul George who’s 6869 he can defend he has the size and you just it’s a perfect piece the only hesitation you have when you compare it to the Sixers is when he goes there he’s probably going to be the number two option you have Paulo I think very firmly number one pldr is number two the 76ers is intriguing because although he does have his low lights in the playoffs he’s the number three option I think if you have embiid healthy which of course is always a question in the playoffs and you have Tyrese Maxi who already had some really high highs in that Nick series now of a sudden Paul George if he has a bad game it’s not the end of the world if he’s doing that on the Clippers he has a bad game we see kind of the shortcomings the Clippers have had the last couple of Seasons but if he’s able to play alongside Maxi embiid which is just a beautiful fit the only question is how do you feel out the rest of the roster because right now the only other player who got any type of minut on the Sixers team is Paul Reed Maxi’s due for an extension he’s going to get signed and you have him beat under contract so you could bring in that third star but I think what we’ve seen really over these last two Champions we look at the Celtics and um and the Denver Nuggets you have the two stars and then around those two stars you have high high high level role players borderline Allstars and guys like porzingis and and Aaron Gordon kcp so the Sixers would kind of be doing the old NBA not that it’s that old but like five six seven years ago when you add um you know that third star into the mix even what the Suns did with Bradley Bill this past off season going into the 2023 season where we’re saying let’s just add an all star level three and kind of fill out the other guys with maybe an mle here and a lot of vet minimums that’s the only concern I have if he goes to Philadelphia I think the point you hit on is that you really want to find complimentary skill sets in your star players and for a guy like Paul George maybe in Philadelphia he is a bit redundant when tyes Max offensive end but can you bring a skill that’s maybe complimentary with a guy like Paulo bonero driving downhill to the rim and so I think that’s where the abundance of highle role players comes in because you want to be able to stack the deck with guys who bring a bit of everything they not going to leave you vulnerable in one key area that’s why the Celtics and the Nuggets felt pretty unbeatable because there wasn’t really a weakness that you could pinpoint either of those two teams with the best teams going up against them in the playoffs I understand that logic but at the same time Paul George compliments Ty Maxi and Joel embiid sure you would like to have the luxury of building out a perfect team around just stars but we seen the Nuggets do it with their two top guys the Celtics got three stars they got Tatum they got brown and they got porzingis porzingis is a star porzingis was never considered a star until this season he was always an All-Star caliber player when healthy let me not say never because when he was on the Knicks obviously he was an Allstar but with Dallas second year they were ready to get rid of him and they did because he was hurt that’s why he was hurt and he was unavailable Drew holiday just made the allstar game the Celtics were able to build out a roster by buying low on guys like porzingis they traded a lot for Drew holiday and it was quite frankly just a perfect move porzingis trade was was terrible the fact that they got porzingis and two first for just trading away Marcus no exactly it was they got a they got they bought loan porzingis who’s a star player and sometimes the Cookie doesn’t always crumble that way but they got very lucky and fortunate that it did with the with the Sixers it’s really about do you want to add Paul George or do you want to add two players of like kyp’s caliber because instead of adding Paul George it it could be embiid it could be Maxi it could be kcp and maybe somebody else that’s an impact player and at that point I I’d rather have Paul George I’d rather have Paul George who can defend at an elite level can create and and really will the Sixers if embiid is unhealthy because I feel like the biggest shortcoming for the Sixers this past season was the fact that whenb got hurt they fell off a cliff and I think that if kcp is there that doesn’t change but if Paul George is there they could still stay afloat in the Eastern Conference it’s so hard to have this conversation given the fact that the Sixers only have four players on their roster we mentioned tyres Maxi is a restricted free agent we’re anticipating that he gets signed back you have Jared McCain who just got drafted he already mentioned Joel embi and of course Paul Reed it’s so hard to see the rest of the roster and that’s why for me right now it’s difficult to say definitively I would want Paul George I would rather a kcp maybe a Gary Trent that type of that type of route to really fill this roster I just wish we had more than four guys on a roster because then I could have a definitive opinion just to see how these guys can can fit together but I understand your logic Paul George is a great great counterpart to already Maxi and beid who showed that by themselves they can have a competitive series with a real contender in the New York Knicks and that was with embiid not even playing at 100% so if you add Paul George to that mix it’s not imperative that he’s dropping 25 every single night but he gives you that sound defense defense on the other side and can still give you 20 any given night the Warriors have had a terrible season and they’ve also had a terrible past 24 hours because they offered CP3 Wiggins kaminga Moses Moody and a first round pick for Paul George and it got declined the Clippers did not want to stand pa George to the Golden State Warriors but also Klay Thompson is leaving he feels disrespected by The Warriors organization and now we have a plethora of teams that can maybe use Klay Thompson Services we talked about the magic they could be one the Sixers they could be one the Lakers they could be one as well I won’t say no the Mavericks they could be one just Round Table where do you think Klay Thompson is is going to end up ultimately I always felt he was not leaving so it was it was really shocking to me to see that it was almost guaranteed he’s gone if I had to say now where I think he’s going I do believe he is going to the Dallas Mavericks I think that it makes the most sense it’s a great fit for him uh but at the same time to me my concerns with Klay Thompson still are real as a as a Creator sometimes he he forces up some bad shots I I see on defense he’s still not that same player that he once was and that’s obvious you have a Tor ailles and a torl and backtack Seasons it’s going to take time to get back there and honestly at this point at his age it’s pretty unrealistic to ask him to to go out there and guard the best player on the opposing team side but with the Mavericks he still can space the floor for Luka donic and Kyrie Irving still be a solid defender on the other side but really what what they need more than anything is a consistent shooter that they can rely on PJ Washington was awesome in those first two rounds but then really exposed himself in that Western Conference and the finals Derrik Jones Jr is another player that he caught fire early on but then really couldn’t sustain that through the entirety of their run they need a reliable cons three-point shooter and that would be clay but to me that’s not the best available role player for them it just makes sense what Klay Thompson feels like to me is a fallback option for many of these teams they’re trying to elevate and when I look at where he would fit best I think it would be Orlando and the reason why is that you want to P him alongside a guard who can defend the point of attack and other Elite level point guards and this stage clay Cur as you highlighted he cannot do that at all he really more of a four or 3.5 defensively guarding up not down anymore I feel like pairing him alongside of Jaylen Suggs would be ideal for him that side of the ball where you can kind of hide him in the corner and if he’s the worst defender in your lineup I feel a whole lot better about him especially in this stage but then offensively like what I was talking about before when you have a guy as explosive and physical as a downhill driver putting pressure on the paint he going to open up a ton of open Cash and shoot looks especially in the corner so I think stylistically Orlando would be the right fit for uh Klay Thompson but I don’t think it’ll happen on day one I like the Lakers fit I like the Lakers fit a lot potentially using their mle LeBron already came out and said he’s willing to take a pay cut to get one of Klay Thompson or jonis Valen Tunis or James Harden uh I really like the clay fit because we’ve heard JJ reck talk about um using Austin Reeves more as a point guard we know LeBron’s point guard but Austin Reeves playing the one of course you can sell ruy ad and LeBron Clay Thompson fits that too pretty perfectly I think they’re going to still play Anthony Davis at the five and try to run a five out offense that has a lot to do with Anthony Davis going back to his previous form being able to hit some jump shots especially three-point jump shots and Klay Thompson fits in at that number two I do hesitate a bit with the fit in Dallas I don’t know if he fits seamlessly alongside Luca donic and Kyrie Irving because I look at what made clay so great in Golden state is just constant ball mov we’re gonna go go go it’s it’s constant passes screening I don’t know if that’s how Dallas is going to be using him or really just running their offense in general we know Luca and Kyrie are going to be two of the the highest ISO guys and the NBA and we saw it could get them very far went to the NBA finals couple years ago went to the the Conference Finals of course that was without Kyrie but I do hesitate with that fit and also on the defensive side play Thompson’s not the same defensive dude we saw in his prime you know post these injuries now he’s well into his 30s at this point you’re not really adding a plus Defender if you’re getting clay I think with the Lakers you have some Defenders around him especially Anthony Davis um you know protecting the rim that you’d be able to kind of make your way make it fit in that scenario but with this Dallas Mavericks team I don’t see it as seamless as I do with even Orlando or the Lakers right let’s be honest with Clay we all know he’s not not the same player how much would you be willing to pay him without feeling like you’re kind of getting dripped off 20 is my absolute absolute Max and if you’re bringing Klay Thompson a 38 to 40% three-point shooter for that price tag that’s a win and don’t doesn’t clay said he felt a little disrespected by whatever the Warriors offer was he did reject a two-year $48 million contract preseason that’s an L looks like an L on his part then W by The Warriors but hey if if clayfield is a little disrespected if he holds a little Grudge in his heart you go to LA play with LeBron you’re going to see those Golden State Warriors so that might have a little thing to do with it to I’ll say this I’m not too against it obviously you give us more floor spacing you give us another guy on the defensive side of the ball that’s a win for the Lakers but there’s another player available that I would much rather have that I already know has come in and play with us and can fit next to our guys and be successful at the highest level I think you guys know I’m talking about kcp but I wouldn’t say no to it obviously he has ties with the Lakers he does want to to wear that purple and gold I can only assume so and he would fit well with us I just don’t know if I’d be comfortable with it seeing the player that he is now I’m tired of the Klay Thompson disrespect what’s the disrespect because I feel like on one end there’s probably a group of people that overrate him and there’s probably a group of people that underrate him Klay Thompson you you guys think underrate him a little bit we underrating Thomson Klay Thompson is not a bum Thompson at the table laay Thom Klay Thompson is a 20 point per game scorer he’s a 40% three-point shooter and in both playoffs back to back he’s underwhelmed I understand but he is the second scoring option next to Steph Curry if he’s the third scoring option in Dallas I think that’s his role AG right now that’s the best role offensively I listen I understand your concerns Mr Dells my concerns more so lie on the defensive side of the ball because if you’re bringing in clay that means you’re losing Derrick Jones Jr and Derrick Jones Jr guarded the toughest assignments on defense for Dallas they went on their win streak when they inserted him into the star at Lana he was huge for their playoff front and you’re going to lose a lot on defense if you swap him for clay but the three-point shooting improves and I think the movement is a fair point but also when you’re moving around all these screens it’s also getting you tired out it’s also put putting stress on your legs a little bit more if you’re in one spot and the gravity of Luca Don and these pick and roll situations just leaves you wide open I think those are better shots and for Klay Thompson I think offensively the fit for the the Dallas Mavericks is perfect defensively though I just can’t really see it it would be a major downgrade because PJ Washington will now get tasked with guarding guards and that’s not where he’s at his best I like clay with the Lakers a little bit I feel like defensively with Reeves and clay in your back court that is food all day down it is it is it’s food if the Boston Celtics face the Lakers is that not food that mean they beat us with that with Austin re and D’Angelo Russ right Anthony Davis will be the best player in that Series yeah or Lebron James yeah both of them they they’ have the two best players didn’t the Mavericks have the best player in the Celtics series how’d that go yeah yeah but then you guys allegedly had top two but then you had the five six seven best players you should have thought about that when made pred yeah I should have I but listen with with the Lakers they got the two stars you just got to build around them I like Klay with the magic too but I don’t know got one sleeper team who if you say the Pistons John I might have to might have to San Antonio why do you have to cop off I feel like Klay Thompson’s best Ser of the six-man where he’s gonna have a lot of opportunity a little bit more minutes probably not going to close for you and I look at the Spurs they have their forward situation somewhat figured out with Devon Vel at the three Kell Johnson at the four and then you have Wy as well maybe you want to play one be at the four instead with a second big but I feel like Klay Thompson for a team that has a lot of cap space finished 28th and three-point shooting percentage last year would be a huge upgrade in the backboard to add that shot making if teams dare to double team Victor Rama now you’ve got one of the two to three greatest Shooters of all time CH in the corner he would benefit a lot from that gravity so I think play Antonio no one’s going to think of it but I think with that cap space it would be a good fit for them it’s just hard because how often do we really see a free agent go to San Antonio I love I like the fit I like the idea lotd true 36 late stages I mean Money Talks money talks and especially when you get a chance to play with a player like wemi and you’re going to be a great addition because they do need a floor spacer I don’t mind the fit there too much it’s just it’s hard for me not to see clay at this point in time still try to go to a team that has a chance to contend and play for a championship magic do make a lot of sense but to get back to the to the conversation talking about clay not being in the same type of offense as he obviously has been accumulated to with the the Warriors we saw a ton of open looks for the role players of the Mavericks and they just weren’t hitting those shots PJ when it got to when the when the Celtics pushed him out of the corner and had to start hitting that shot at the wing he really struggled with that and same with Derrick Jones Jr you know Klay can hit it anywhere on that court so to me I feel like that is still an obvious Improvement and so long as you have Luca and Kyrie there’s going to be space there’s going to be open opportunities but clay helps out Kyrie and Luca more too because now you can’t just sell out and and cheat off of PJ or a cheat off of a derck Jones and now it would be a little bit easier for Kyrie and Luca to get downhill yeah you know um three-point shooting was the Maverick’s biggest Achilles Hill PJ Washington as great as he was in the corners in the playoffs in the regular season he shot 24% from the corner he was better above the break but they just couldn’t make those shots John I like the spurs fit they have an obvious need with shooting but I don’t take Klay Thompson for a loser he’s not one and that’s he wants one more pay are a losing team got a top 10 players making and they have a good second option I they’re not making a playoffs next year thp we just the one more pay 20 25 mil that’s where the Spurs come into play one’s not great enough to get the play 10 seeds the the max be a solid 31 team next year solid what 30 like 35 win team they’re cooked you’re not get intense in the West in the West Conference though there’s so many great teams I think they’d be another that’s a 12 seed yeah 11 seed yeah probably we talked about Paul George we talked about uh Klay Thompson we talked about Obby top in the beginning show now we’re going to talk about the best available free Ag and somebody we haven’t mentioned just yet I think we all know who we’re thinking I’m assuming he’s talking James hard the next guy up oh it’s Miss the fear the beer James Harder we still do fear him it’s crazy that people we kind of have more conversation about Klay Thompson being a free agent not enough about James Harden James Harden to me is definitely the second best piece unless we count LeBron James because obviously that’s the best free agent available but I still think that he’ll be a Laker but the fact that James Harden hasn’t gotten talked about when we’ve seen him adjust to three roles in the last what three of the last four years with the Nets with the Sixers and now with the Clippers he knows how to adjust to that tertiary role now we’ve seen him as a secondary player he has gotten more efficient as a three-point shooter these last couple of Seasons he is one of the best Playmakers in basketball yeah to me James Harden is still the second best available right now in free agency and I get it because the price tag maybe that’s why people are valuing a little bit less but $30 million for a guy that can give you a double double any given night can shoot 40% from three that is extremely valuable and extremely hard to find I want to see James Harden get a championship before he goes and I think that the best team to do it with if we’re looking at all the teams is the Los Angeles Lakers talk about I think if he goes just to to the team next over next over to the Clippers he goes to the Lakers he takes the mle LeBron James SS he takes a pay cut with Harden LeBron James Anthony Davis and Austin re that’s Austin re yeah I guess I guess I have to men now he sleeps on Austin re pick up talking about James hard we’re talking about legitimate Hall of Famers you want to mention Austin re Austin ree had generational efficiency in the WCF last year don’t forget James Harden wearing that purple and gold oh that’ll look good that be awesome imagine Joel ruining for the Lakers I can see it I I could bar I I used to with Kobe Bryant I respect that there so there’s only there’s 10 teams who have the full mle right uh I think some teams we could throw out but the 10 teams are the Bulls the Nets Hawks Kings Pacers don’t really see Harden sign with any of those teams Pistons Jazz magic Mavericks and thunder these two teams have the full 12.12 million of course the Lakers can get that if LeBron takes a bit of a pay cut which is already rumored to happen the James Harden fit with Lakers is interesting because when you have him and Anthony Davis pick and roll combo it’s very very intriguing of course you have LeBron James he could play on ball he could play offall I don’t know if that makes the Lakers championship contenders with James I’ll be honest nothing moves him nothing moves Davis would Dominate porzingis and Tatum download first of all they got to get to the finals can you stop going to the that’s we’re talking playing into his hand immediately they did they didn’t make it past the first round last year so before we talk let’s get to the finals let’s just talk about Western Conference teams if they get James Harden would you put the L over the Denver Nuggets yes they’re losing kcp the Denver Nuggets they they can go through a bad hit this off season Anthony Davis just went toe-to-toe with joic in that first round this guy just told me that Christian Brown might be their starting two guard next season over the Lakers the Nuggets W what nine of eight of nine against the Lakers last years I’m gonna sit here and eat a slice of Humble Pie the nuggets have owned us these last two seasons no doubt about it they they have owned them but the Lakers let in that first round for 70 3% of the series if you get a brilliant if you get a brilliant coach we just needed D’Angelo Russell to be consistently good and we needed a true closer we didn’t have a closer consistently what is the difference between DLo and James hard in the next two years as hard and continues age great playmaker okay and defensively it’s pretty much the same truthfully well you’re really searching hard’s a better big time that means we’re going to next season Denver and La matches up in the playoffs your prediction is Lakers your prediction is Lakers yeah what the Lakers are really searching for is reliable goto shocker I mean it’s listen it’s offseason this is hypothetical conversation you’re talking super super loud like you didn’t watch the series we lost we lost yeah I understand that lost in five are we all right listen we lost in five I understand this however watching the series The yes you know what man where was this two months ago man here in the coaching was different the the series now you got a brilliant coaching JJ reck he’s brilliant I know he’s brilliant he’s a brilliant M basketball man James Harden for the first three games in the first round against the Mavericks he was the best player in that series You could argue for the series he averaged 215 and eight he he played great his deficiency was great I feel like if you play next to a guy like LeBron James and Anthony Davis the pressure just goes off you so quickly and yes I think they would be I can argue I can argue otherwise it does not the pressure does not go off of you because we’ve seen the role players around them sometimes just get to get to them and they honestly don’t play I’m just talking about from the defensive attention aspect hold on time out time out time out because just before we’re talking about Klay Thompson you said Austin Reeves and Klay Thompson back cour is food what’s a James hard James Harden and Austin Reeves back we’ve already seen it buet we’ve already seen it bu DLo and Reeves and we’ve gotten torched but the offense was pretty awesome and DLo was pretty basketball best offense and years listen and right now d’el Russell’s still on the team he just opt it in your guys are aggressively pursuing a trade see but that’s why I don’t know I don’t know who would we be getting you know what I mean so are we getting another Wing what if you TR what if you trade DLo to the magic for Jonathan OAC why would the magic do that they need a the magic saying I appreciate it if we they’re Nota jonan you’re getting scared now scared he getting scary because you know jonan Isaac knows how to stop Jason Tatum I don’t know about J Brown like okay I’m the Lakers or excuse me I’m the magic you’re the Lakers convince me to trade Jonathan Isaac for D all right D’Angelo Russell is a floor space for you you’re the worst three-point shooting team in the league arguably and amongst playoff teams you’re easily the worst three-point shooting team Jonathan Isaac is an amazing Defender he definitely benefits your guys’ defense what you guys really need is a score and a perimeter score at that too us million I have $50 million in cap SP okay let me go get a three-point shoot on the open market and keep Jonathan Isaac who was just carrying partially one of our best team here’s the thing about Jonathan Isaac as great as he is he’s injury prone he is and the Lakers would be taking a gamble we don’t really care we resigned him we know he’s injury prone we still wanted him they I’ll tell you what the the Orlando Magic have shown an extreme amount of loyalty to John paid off paid off we can we can two awesome Seasons from we can Circle back on harden a little bit later and talk about other fits next name up tyres Maxi we’re all expecting him to to resign with the Sixers five years 200 plus million dollars great deal Max contract he’s that guy he’s an All-Star level player not thinking about that one too much understanding he was Sensational against the Knicks honestly he’s been a great playoff performer these last two seasons he has been as consistent as could possibly be that series versus Boston he was awesome two years ago but this past season versus the Knicks hitting that damn near halfcourt shot to extend the series tyres Maxi is a big time player the Sixers would be foolish to let him go I just don’t see it happen a brief reminder in that Nick series tyres played 45 minuts a game shot 40% from three average 30 points a game seven assists he’s unreal was he better than Brunson that series honest question went bar for bar consistency wise no Bronson was better Brunson the first two games was and and then he cooked yeah crazy and he was was bad they went right they did go and then they lost game three that’s why bu team when he went crazy that’s what I try to tell you I think the best part about Tyrese Maxi and his game is that year after year he improves that’s the biggest thing you want to see from your star player this is a guy they took in the 20s right this is a guy that had to develop on the bench he got he got he was looking like he could potentially be a starter then they trade for James Harden and then they go into the next season James Harden’s going to be our starter Max you got to come off the bench he took basically every P every punch that came his way every obstacle that came his way he just worked every offseason now he’s turned to an All-Star borderline all NBA guard five years $200 million he proved this season and in these playoffs he could be a number two potentially on the championship team we need Joel embiid to be 100% but even embiid noted 100% this past season still gave the Knicks 50 they still win six games a couple possessions Go a different way that could be a seven game series and then who knows potentially we see the 76ers advanced in the second round but Maxi’s a homegrown player in Philly he’s he’s phenomenal um yeah around tyres Maxi they need to build a team around him and Joel embiid we mentioned Paul George earlier and the potential fit there I think the only question marks that arises with that is how does that affect Maxi because if you bring in Paul George you’re taking away a lot of Max’s touches and he grew in a big way as a point guard as well so around Maxi and beid they got Paul Reed McCain they don’t have much many players on his roster what are the most ideal fits it’s current 76ers under contract salar by the way outside in the be you have Jared McCain Adam Bona KJ Martin Mo bomba and Ricky C don’t sleep on Adam Bono don’t sleep I’m gonna say this if Paul George were to be that new addition for the Sixers we’ve seen him have success off ball he can be a player for them that doesn’t necessarily take away all of Max’s all of Maxi’s touches and kind of ruins his flow to the game we know mb’s going to have the ball in his hand a ton rightfully so he’s a top five player when he’s healthy in the NBA but because Paul George has a season under his belt playing next to Kawhi Leonard playing next to of course James Harden he has done a great job of being that secondary at times tertiary guy he does not need the ball in his hands at all times to be successful he knows how to playoff ball and we’ve seen it for at least two seasons now I think that’s the the ideal fit when we’re talking about Paul George potentially going to the Sixers that he can playoff ball is that like you mentioned Drew there’s always concerns with fit amongst teams that’s why Paul George is so valuable because he can play off ball he doesn’t need to be ball dominant that’s why I think there’s still some questions with James Harden potentially on the Sixers but that’s why you have LeBron James who could play off ball although I want him to have the ball as much as he can when you put James Harden suddenly he has to be in the corner and he doesn’t have the ball in his hands you’re kind you’re taking away a lot from his game Paul George is still really strong as a playmaker he’s a good passer but he could sit in that corner or at that wing and shoot 40% from three and fit perfectly and it’s also nice just from a team building perspective when you have your guard in tyres Maxi you have your wing in Paul George and you have your big and Joel embiid It just fits nicely when you have a guy at each of those positions to take on defensive assignments more more so for Paul George Max he’s not a top tier Defender but I think he’s above average Defender at least for his size you know since he’s a bit undersized um you know just from a little skinny um and then Jo be protecting the rim and offensively you could do actions with Paul George and Maxi together you could you could have screens or inverted screens and you know find mismatches that way too right I think what Philly really needs is sh fire Shooters they’re not going to hesitate this last year they 22nd and three-point makes in 19th and three-point attempts and a guy like Paul George will fire away seven to nine attempts kind of the antithesis of what Tobias Harris was someone who’s hesitant not always willing to fire away I also think the other part of what Philadelphia’s offense could add as Rim pressure I don’t think Paul George brins that in this stage of his career is not going to get down hell as much as he was back a decade ago in Indiana but I think it’s a good fit for that very reason offensively the shooting between him and Maxi that’s like 17 to 18 three-point attempts a game and those two guys are making damn near 40% so if they sign Paul George right he’s gonna get 40 plus million dollars a year which means Philadelphia the cap space would be under 20 million they’d still have the mle I believe because they would have the cap space what other players do you think they could pursue this is gets tough for me and I I I look at the available free agents understanding that is becoming a wing dominant League it now becomes even more imperative that you do bring in a Paul George to help solidify that but again how’s how is the remaining roster looking would it be possible to bring back a Tobias Harris on on that type of contract would it be possible to you know over that I think Tobias Harris though where he is unreliable as a scorer still provides you a certain level of Defense can still be a spot up guy is not a not definitely not the player that can put the ball on on the floor and get you a bucket he can be a strong role player for a team and I feel like Tobias can be one of those silent guys that moves and goes to a great team just to to fulfill a role will give you sound defense can knock down an open jump shot if he were to be willing to to adjust to another role like that like we’ve seen already that he’s done with the 76ers when it was Ben when it was Jimmy when it was embiid in him if he can be that guy and take a pay cut to stay with the Sixers to me that that does become enticing just because of how essential it is to have multiple Wings on your team but again he is not that type of player that they wanted him to be this past postseason they should be over him if I’m Philadelphia There’s No sha bringing back Tobi no doubt Tobias Harris just has zero points 29 minutes in a closed out game that that is but again I think his days of getting insane money are obviously gone if he were to take a middling type of offer and if I can keep him on my roster he’s still a he’s still a good player and a solid player to have on my here before you go John here’s the problem with the free agents right and I think that’s why we’re mocking Paul George to the Sixers so much there’s no forwards on the market really no you have Tobias Harris Gordon Hayward Demar de rozan Doug McDermot Covington Batum Kyle Anderson miles Bridges Caleb Martin Derek Jones Jr tor Prince okay dear dear I like that Demar doesn’t fit on every team but dear fits I think on this Sixers team because you already have the spacing there with Tyrese Max you haven’t beat who could hit threes but of course he’s gonna get a ton of touches in the post the biggest issue with dear in 99 exactly in 99% of places is that he is not a three-point shooter he is 99% of his game is from that mid-range he’s one of the better mid-range shooters in the NBA he’s one of the best fourth quarter players as well in the NBA too he is clutch he fits with the Sixers I don’t know if adding Paul George and dear might be a bit too much to just add in one season trying to figure this out on the Fly of course yourself training camp and everything that might be a lot to add on but as a piece if you strike out if you strike out on Paul George I think Maxi Demar and embiid although does that put you in a championship caliber kind of sphere probably not but I think from a team perspective that fits dear is one of the most difficult free agents to really predict because he’s still a very good player just in a vacuum he is a good player the issue that I have with dear and why he would be on my bottom tier of free agents is because his skill set does not fit a championship not it’s not and at this point in his career where he still has not become a great three-point shooter he’s getting up there in h he’s not he’s not a great defender his offense from the mid-range getting downhill being a playmaker he still he has that to his game but again what helps in AE championship teams I don’t see Demar being a part of that however let’s let’s stick in this conversation that they do decide to go the route of a Demar what’s the contract looking like that’s another reason why it becomes so difficult to talk I think you a two-year deal listen I think Demar de roosan is what you said is perfect it’s hard to evaluate him correctly because I think a lot of times we unell Demar because he is a great player he just averaged 24 four and five he’s not going to go signed somewhere for nothing he’s gonna get a good sizable contract and this past season he shot 33% from three still not a great number but he’s taken it more about three attempts and he shot 44% from the left corner so that I I think is at least like a good sign that he’s willing to take them nowadays dear’s an excellent play though I just don’t know if I see him going to a contender because a lot of contenders really don’t need what he offers because he’s never been that great of a Defender he’s not a great three-point shooter he is a great mid-range shooter and he’s a really good playmaker he developed that in San San Antonio so that’s a good thing I think the Sixers fit is pretty fine um I don’t think if they get Demar though they’re getting Paul George too it’ll be probably dear and kcp if you want to go that right that’s why I ask what’s the contract going to look like with dear because if dear’s contract is nothing egregious think 25 a year 25 to 30 no no he’s gon to get 30 at least and that’s where it becomes G that money I don’t the market is I’ll be honest Pistons need something to be optimistic about if you really wants money he can go to Detroit I mean it’s already an Abomination that being it the wor he’s trying to get’s trying to get paid no you wouldn’t what stop you’re not they they started jayen Ivy dear’s not giving you worse space than a Jay Ai and I mean assar Thompson also we understand he’s just not a great three-point shooter you just drafted Ron Holland if if you they need talent they need some veterans he definitely provides that but again like he just said 2 five and four might as well go back to Chicago at that point yeah the home in Chicago the thing is they maybe Chicago doesn’t want to give him that bread understandably so I think it’s signning trade with dears also in the cards if the Clippers lose Paul George they’re still going to want some sort of second star to be next to Kawai James it’s it’s not great but there’s not a lot of options out there for the Clippers I think the Clippers is probably like the a realistic destination with the Pistons I mean you’re adding 24 a night to Detroit that is a huge upgade from whenever Detroit Pistons fans wanted Zack LaVine to get traded to them just because they needed something to to be optimistic about and some type of production Demar D rozan gives you that he’s probably going to get a lot of money the Pistons have money too off they also picked up Tim Hardway in the Quin Grim steel didn’t shoot well but historically has been a good three-point shooter down he is he is I say this with the idea best if let’s say he is no there’s no he no 35% from three this orade Cade might be their best three-point shooter let’s say he signs for 30 to 35 million right I I think I’m being kind here but let’s say 35 million then you have the opportunity to bring in a kcp also now I’m intrigued but again it’s so hard to judge what demard D Roan’s contract is going to be that it becomes difficult to to potentially mock him to go to Philadelphia I don’t know if it’s just me but I think of all the free agents that we’ve talked about the one that has the potential to have the most impact is kavia callwell po sure I think kcp because of the contract he’ll get maybe a team overpays him a little bit more because he’s such a great role player but um he has a chance to really change a team’s landscape because of what what he can add as a shooter and as a Defender I really hope that signs with a contender because I don’t want to see him with uh a middle of the pack or a terrible team because I think he should be competing for a championship I think him in Philadelphia is already a shoe in you can lock it in I think kcp is going to Philadelphia really I think he is what made you suddenly because they have the money to pay him to overpay for him slightly overpay for him and I don’t think they’re going to go Star hunting I know they they said they’re going to aggressively pursue Paul George but I think Daryl m is smarter than that I think Daryl m is not going to use all of his cap space on one guy he’s going to add a three-point shooter and a Defender and you look at the free agents on the market kcp if they get him they could still bring back DeAnthony Melton I think that would be great Kelly UB just spoke highly of Nick nurse and I think Kelly UB is going to be back he was awesome and he was awesome he was really good as a Defender too in the playoffs against Jaylen Brunson and then with kcp even if you bring back those other guys you can still Maybe bring in Klay Thompson too because they will have money maybe you take a swing on a guy like miles Bridges maybe you take a maybe you sign somebody like Caleb Martin or you take a flyer on somebody like sadique Bay I think there’s a lot of options for the Sixers to just take swings on very talented players and putting them in good situations and seeing how it pans out I don’t know if because Dallas doesn’t have money there’s a report from the Athletics saying there’s now doubt drick Jones Jr returns to the Dallas Mavericks that could do with um uh poti going there um but Dallas is a place where if KP wants to take a bit of a pay cut because you’re only getting the ml 12 13 million that’s a perfect spot for him too yeah but here’s the thing I struggle with that um is that kcp could have gotten an mle in Denver it’s fair point so if kcp could have gotten that offer in Denver might as well stay he just stay in Denver yeah you’re getting you could get 20 mil in Philadelphia because they have the cab space to do looking for 20 to 25 million Ann that’s where it becomes very difficult Philadelphia definitely does make sense I do also look at a situation like the Orlando Magic again fits the mold fits the mold perfectly understanding that he can stretch the floor that’s exactly what they do need can defend at a very high level obviously that fits the the the Orlando Magic to a te I just think that bang for your buck the best available role player is kavus Caldwell Pope and the magic exactly need that now to LeBron James and the Lakers we’re gonna have a tweet up on the screen shortly LeBron James rumor since Lakers star goes year-to-year Amed contract decision I’ll be transparent that’s what he’s been doing right that is okay with me well what he’s been doing has been signing like a two threee Max contract type deal so yeah that’s essentially it but a oneyear deal is fine with me trying to also gauge the the future of the Los Angeles Lakers or also put pressure on them to actually make moves to put a contender forward he he’s kind of using this as leverage as listen I’m going to be 40 years old this season I still am a top 10 player in the league you have to still do everything you can to put a contender out there but if he’s going to be real and take a Paya which would shock me he’s already been on record saying I’m never playing for anything less than a Max contract he’s lived up to that so so far if he does take a pay cut he is dead serious about winning another championship and it would only benefit the Lakers I do have a hard time seeing him do it though because he’s already been so vocal about not taking a pay cut before and and and and still having lived that so far I I would love it obviously as a as a lake fan LeBron fan I would love to see him really put together or the Lakers put together a great strong team to potentially get them to be really strong contenders maybe bring in a kcp maybe bring in a Klay Thompson potentially a James Harden I think what the Lakers need more than anything is a true Center move Anthony Davis to the four to me that’s where I’ve seen him play his best brand of basketball that’s when he was best in in conversations for best in the world when he was playing at that four but you need to get a real big so then that way we can have some death behind Anthony Davis get a little bit more floor spacing I think that the Los Angeles Lakers have a strong chance to to move the needle going into next season but again it all begins and ends with what LeBron James wants to do with this contract fun fact about the Lakers whenever the Celtics have won a championship they have won the very year after last time it happened in ‘ 08 the Lakers won at 09 and in 2010 just saying Dells it sounds like he’s coming along on the way no he’s desperate to be a Lakers you know what it is bro it’s that because I show love to the Knicks he’s showing love to my Lakes look at that book to your right man three ring circus man it was look Lakers jersey right there next to the camera can’t see right now but we got way too many Lakers here around me I think I understand LeBron not want to pay for less than a Max Lebron James you’re not going to go out their sign vet minimums you know you’re that dude but I also think the fact that he’s bringing it up exploring the idea of taking a pay cut just goes to show that there’s probably a real chance he does if LeBron James I feel like I’m getting teased he’s a billion dollar dude he has anything he ever wants paid for he has every connection in the world what do you really gain from taking a Max contract when the outcome of that or you know the um the other side is you’re not going to be able to improve the roster as much Lebron’s a very self-aware guy I think he goes into next season knowing that if we’re keeping as of right now DLo Austin Reeves himself LeBron ruy and AD that’s probably not a championship caliber roster respect Don conect Gonna Come Off the Bench he’s I don’t think he’s gonna start he’s not gonna start right but that was a great pickup a guy’s gonna come in day one be able to play in the NBA he’s at least Sam Hower if you’re Sam Hower is one of them ones he’s NBA champion now don’t forget that he C fire he C I’ll give him his respect but LeBron knows that there’s still at least one more piece missing from this team if he takes the Paya especially year to year where his money kind of comes off the book off the books although they’re still going to have his Bird right so there’s still uh implications when it comes to cap space that all that shows just what LeBron’s head space is at right now JJ reic was an upgrade dton connect’s going to improve the spacing but we still need another dude to kind of get over the hump you’re not a fan of this roster right here I like that roster that’s a playoff roster that’s a roster that could potentially go the WCF if you look at that roster Reeves ruy Anthony Davis LeBron James of course coming back DTA connect vanon James it’s a little guard heavy yeah yeah you know I didn’t want to mention the last two really listen bro three and D play hard defense Off the Bench that’s all I can ask for in like 15 minutes it’s a little guard heavy but that’s a really good roster I’m being kind it’s LeBron James Sun who knows it’s not insane yeah saw he’s not gonna play FD had a plus 3,000 for him to score 25 points in any game any game 25 points interesting April runs who knows but you look at that Raw and you think about the fact that they’re going to add LeBron James and possibly one of those impact free agents that’s a very good roster I I think you would need to make a trade or two to add some more Wings to the roster but with DLo as a trade piece maybe you dangle Austin Reeves around a little bit you can Austin Austin re is not he’s not moving he’s Fring Untouchable hly crazy I only say that with the way that JJ reck has talked so highly of Austin Reeves I’m fully going into next season with the idea that Austin Reeves is our point guard but DLo is definitely a trade piece I don’t love the idea but ruy hamura has definitely entered those conversations also solid contract was awesome last season didn’t have his best showing against the Denver Nuggets especially on the defensive side of the ball but he has really taken huge strides in his offensive game these last two seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers that DLo ruy haimura with a combination of picks we’re not going to get a superstar no way no how with those two guys but but we can definitely get a strong upgrade to our wing maybe get a potential big because you’ve seen the the way that these new teams have come in and really become strong contenders look at Dallas did it with Derek Lively and Daniel Gafford you look at the Boston Celtics did it a little undiz for the fact that Chris christas porzingis was hurt a majority of your run but Hilman came in and did a great job as a as a reserve and of course Al Horford understanding that he’s been such a staple for the the Boston Celtics we see bigs just be so impactful Isaiah hardenstein and Mitchell Robinson they’re so impactful for just closing down the interior of the paint having solid rebounding is super essential the Los Angeles Lakers the last couple of Seasons simply have not done that for Anthony Davis he really has no help on the backside and when he’s off the court those minutes killed the Los Angeles Lakers momentum where he has to play an exuberant amount of minutes so I would love if that was really our primary target going and get him a true Center a backup center whether that is overpaying for one maybe potentially in an Isaiah hartenstein but again I’m not true I am not against LeBron taking a pick up for obvious reasons but it’s going to be hard to see right he would have to take roughly $16 million less according to Hoops side for them to open up underneath the first apron the full taxpayer for around $12 million but who do you guys think among on available candidates would be the best possible fit for the Lakers of Brennan called well po but it’s unlikely because again he if he could get 20 million from the Sixers why would I take 12 from the Lakers back home I got a name for you guys and it’s one we haven’t mentioned all stream it’s Naji Marshall it’s Naji Marshall I think Naji Marshall is an excellent Defender he’s a great defender he’s a really good shooter and he was a a great role player for the Pelicans this past season for a midlevel exception maybe it’s a little too much little not you’re not you’re not getting KC we give him the ml I’m done with the Le part of 12 million save the eight for someone like let’s just be real you’re not getting kcp for the mle Klay Thompson is still a 2B determined we don’t know if he’s going for the mle but based on the disrespect he felt from the Warriors I feel like he’s seeking money and a good situation Naj Naji Marshall did you 39% from three last year the previous years were 30% and 20% not saying listen he’s a young player 26 years old this is your you know 2 three four in the NBA so maybe the three-point shot has just evolved with his game but you’re taking a bit of a risk this is a guy that has really one year showing you that he could be a respectable three-point shooter I’m also saying as a guy who has cam reddish on the roster guy has no offense to his game but defensively he’s awesome most definitely on the defensive side of the ball cam reddish got it na reddish was a really good cam reddish on defense was Naji was better Naji is 67 220 pounds right we we just saw the Lakers roster a better player because of his offense defensively cam Rish that’s really the only reason he’s on roster we we’ve just SE we just saw the Lakers roster on the screen they have a lot of guards you need some size JJ reic and is press press conference mentioned it when he was introduced as the Lakers head coach he said lot of guards D gab D DLo is more likely than not in my opinion and what it sounds like from reports is to get moved so I’m not really expecting de maxy too Max ch’s a guard what point of attack Defenders you have on a roster they don’t exist no one exactly you need that and JJ reck in his press conference said that in this league you need wings that could defend well the point of attack Defender is Vanderbilt yeah but sometimes he can’t play issue this season should be the healthiest he’s been in a while it should 100 he is our point of attack Defender we saw it two years ago when he took the most difficult assignment in every series and until we got to the Nuggets where he got played off the court he was exceptional for us and one of the main reasons our defense was so great he is our point of attack Defender that is a great option to have he just needs to hit the three-point shot which he has not been able to do I mean that’s true but the thing is what I’m saying with the Lakers is that JJ said that he wants wings that can defend and that can shoot nii Marshall shot 44% from the left corner 40% from the right corner 38% above the break he was very great as a shooter last year and you need somebody of his size at 67 that could defend he’s somebody he could start for the Lakers I’ll say this it’s just hearing all these names where I I’m I’m flirting with the idea of having kcp on my team a Klay Thompson you throw a Naj Marshall at me of course I’m naturally I’m going be a little bit disappointed in that but when it comes to being a a very firm role player you’re sound and I understand what you’re where you’re coming from I just feel like where I’ve I’ve trying to stay consistent this whole time we’re here talking you need Wing depth and you need to stay solid in your front Court and the Lakers right now are weak in both of those spots amongst the players that LeBron is willing to take a pay cup for Jonas valenz made the that was a surpris one of the three but it’s not that a surprise because Jonas valunas could play the five he’s a elite rebounder and he’s a great post scorer in some series he will not be able to play but I felt like when the Lakers went on their finals run in the bubble Anthony Davis sometimes started at the five the based on matchup so I think based on match up they will still have the versatility to start ad and Jonas won’t get as much minutes but Jonas he could start the entire series the entire season alongside Anthony Davis and bring physicality bring rebounding and really keep Anthony Davis fresh for a postseason run that’s really all I can ask for as a Lakers fan if you can just give Anthony Davis any type of breather as having to be not just the RoR not just the rim protector having to go out on the perimeter sometimes and switch onto guard cards he needs he needs some type of help in that front court it’s getting to the point where what more can he do defensively and then offensively now we’re asking him to go and give you 25 to 28 points on any given night he needs some help on that backside the Lakers have failed to do that these last two seasons JJ needs to make it a point of emphasis to go to go out there and get a big man to help ad no doubt I’ll be honest I don’t know how you f Fitz at ad he took one game this year and the half court those two guys would be really kind of clunky together in the spacing side of things and then defensively he’s not a rim protector I feel like for the Lakers what you’d want is a Miles Turner if you will someone who is La repor just unavailable he’s saying play the skill set because Turner can be a in past years good rim protector or at least a good shop Locker as a stand up five that can open up the floor what available big right now can space the floor for you yonas I think we might be thinking of it backwards morr Wagner MO Vagner I wouldn’t say no but I think what the Lakers have been missing what you guys have been missing the last couple years Drew what you’ve been missing the last couple years I think is a backup big correct you bet Wan Gabriel uh it’s Christian Wood got injured you haven’t had a big Jackson Hayes you haven’t had a backup big that I think you’re confident in game to game I would go if you bring in yonis you have that now to play behind Anthony Davis does that again move the needle for you because can he really play more than 15 minutes a night when you have Anthony Davis out there I don’t know but I think that gives you some level of comfort one if Anthony Davis has to miss some time in the regular season now you’re bringing out you’re bringing in a big that is a lot better than the backups you’ve had these last couple of Seasons but you also um have someone in the playoffs that once ad80 comes off the court he could grab rebounds like you mentioned Joel he’s not a complete zero on offense although he’s not 100 by any means but what’s the other name John that name to me is goab badat this last year when El quarter went down of better Rim protectors and rebounders of the five he has not been able to translate the three-point shots to the NBA at all but as a back of five and minutes in games where ADS out he would really be a good number two big and honestly I think he’s worth a whole lot more than the vet minimum but it seems like his Market might be just like the buy anual few million dollars a year and that to me would be an insane bargain for a good backup there’s a lot of good backup centers Xavier Tillman comes to mind he’s a free agent he could definitely add defense to the Lakers I’m not worried about Jonas valenz is spacing on offense because when the Lakers won the championship jav M started the whole season I understand in the playoffs I know I know but I’m saying Jonas doesn’t have to start every playoff series you think that JJ re’s gonna you think that JJ re’s gonna start Jonas if they match up against the Celtics no he’s not he’s gonna adjust and that’s what that’s what you have when you have a luxury having a really good roster you adjust to your personnel so with Jonas this is just a regular season move to keep your guy fresh who can average 16 and 10 On Any Given night who can get 15 boards roster though did have a luxury of multiple bigs we had jail we had and we had Dwight yeah but you could get Jonas and you can get a vet minimum big see like if Christian Wood is my third big I’m I’m okay with that he’s actually solid on offense can stretch the floor for us defensively that’s where we do have our issues when it comes to Christian I feel like I would rather a more defensively sound back up big but again Beggars can’t be choosed especially with this Market in the available big men honestly if I’m the Lakers I’d rather take that midlevel exception if you get the full mid level let’s say $12 million and put that on a two-way Wing player someone like Nick patum Caleb Martin and then with that remaining few million dollars put on a go do on a full ml is N I didn’t say that not the full thing $9 million 8 million for one or two years say he was awesome this last year in Philadelphia he did have himself a good moment in the playoffs I’ll say this though if LeBron James is willing to take a pay cut with the opportunity and with the rumors circulating that James Harden could potentially be coming to town James Harden is going to be getting $30 million if that means that we can bring on a contract of a $30 million that means we can bring on a kavus Coldwell Pope well James hard be signed for the mle because you guys don’t you don’t have cap space even if LeBron takes a pay cut but then ultimately what that means to me too is that DLo is definitely getting traded rimur is definitely getting traded definitely because then it frees up even more cap space yeah but you don’t I don’t think any move frees up cap space cap space this just frees up the mle well just for annual salary DLo is getting paid I think it’s 20 million this season or I think that’s what he’s oping into see and then ruy haimura just signed his deal last season I I believe it was 60 60 million around right now you guys are $22 million over the cap well I think the the conclusion we’re coming to right now is that only those impact guys like kcp harden clay they are only coming to the Lakers if they’re taking a massive pay cut yes which is unlikely based on the market that’s going to be had for those guys so when we talk about the mle we are talking about guys like Jonas valenz we are talking about a guy like maybe Mo vogner we’re talking about Jam hard is not no ml player he’s not but also James Harden probably doesn’t have a ton of options to get paid compete like he’s not going back to Philly we know that I don’t think he’s going to sign with the Spurs or with Detroit so you could go to LA or exactly that’s the other option he stays in LA but with the other team being the Clippers yeah talking about big men we mentioned Jonas valunas now we’re gonna mention a New York Nicks Legend Isaiah hardenstein he is uh Isaiah hardenstein this is the guy that I’m fearful for the most that the Knicks are probably gonna lose because OKC is right there with cap space ready to spend even though OKC made two moves that caught my attention Isaiah Joe and Aaron Aaron Wiggins they declined their their uh qualifying offer so they’re gonna have to pay them market value money which means Isaiah hardenstein might not go there but we got a tweet that Isaiah hartstein is expected to be a top Target for several opposing teams at free agency with the offers that hardstein is expected to command on open market it’s becoming increasingly unlikely that the New York Knicks will be able to retain hardenstein her SNY sources and that is a punch to the stomach if this is the case I think the obvious landing spot for him is is OKC even if it’s coming off the bench I think they have the luxury to do that and they need physicality they need toughness they need rebounding and Isaiah hartstein checks every single box I mean it just makes too much sense for Isaiah hartstein to go to OKC I understand that they have something nice going there with of course Chad holr his ability to stretch the floor obviously he’s one of the better rim protectors too with that size that he has we saw it in the postseason on full display but hardenstein gives you that level of rebounding offensively he’s not a negative by any means has great touch can be a connector pass the ball at a very nice rate for a big man but also has great touch around the rim too hardenstein makes a ton of sense for me if you have four guys that can stretch the floor and then you have hardenstein that’s perfectly fine we just saw that with the New York Knicks and it translated to winning basketball when they were healthy so I have no concerns over that it makes too much sense to me they do have the money to pay him seeing that it’s unlikely that the Knicks are going to retain him that stings for the idea of how Much Chemistry they had last year how great he was to me if I’m the Knicks it’s an easy move trade Mitchell Robinson keep Isaiah hartenstein at at any cost because you saw how great he was for the Knicks in that postseason yeah hardenstein was phenomenal this last year 96 percentile as rim protector coming off the bench opponent shot 7% worse at The Rim defending within four feet perkley in the glass and then as you highed before one of the best pass bigs as well and per 36 he’s averaging 12 rebounds a game you get him in a place like Oklahoma City doesn’t have to start doesn’t have to close it would be a matchup oriented thing some series he would some series he won’t but this is somebody for the Knicks you’re really going to miss out losing him because I guy like Mitchell Robinson’s had a lot of injury issues over the last couple of years so having two bigs was really a luxury now they have to look to find a replacement for hardenstein it’s going to kind of diminish the bright spot that he was the entire year coming off their bench and starring in the second half it’s a perfect fit for the Thunder this is a guy that no ego he’s going to come in he doesn’t need to score 20 points a night he’s going to rebound he’s going to screen he’s a good passer he fits OKC perfectly uh I think the other end of that though is what do the Knicks do because you cannot go into next season with Mitchell Robinson as your only big man under contract unreliable he’s when he’s healthy one of the best rebounders in the NBA unfortunately great defender as well unfortunately he just has not been able to stay healthy and as stacked as this Nicks roster is we have the the roster up on the screen Jaylen Bron Dante d venzo m Bridges OG Julius Randle then all the Josh har MC this team is stacked but you do have a lot of guards you got a lot of wings that big though is concerning because you could have the great POA Defenders you could have guys that could guard wings and guards and you could do all this switching and all this stuff but we were talking just about this before we went live you’re gonna have to guard christops porzingis potentially that’s a dude that’s 73 that’s a dude that if you’re you cannot switch on to him you could have these great Defenders but you’re going to need at least one big that could put some physicality there that could at least get a hand up in and be at his elbow at a minimum because right now if you just have Mitchell Robinson out there that’s going to be ACH to lock up lock up insane if he’s healthy he will not lock him up he will not Christos porzingis is gonna stretch the floor and it’s going to be very difficult for that to guard to for the Knicks to to adjust to that christing it’s a match up nightmare for any offense that’s for any defense that’s 100% truth but but the Knicks current problem right now and it’s a good problem to have is that you have Julius Randall on your roster Julius Randle is a two-time all NBA player he got injured down the stretch for the Knicks and they still were a game away from the Eastern Conference Finals I know I’ve been very vocal on this maybe I’m in the minority on this I believe you trade Julius Randall to free up some cap space and you bring back Isaiah hartenstein Isaiah hardenstein was so essential to the success for the New York Knicks down the stretch and for the entirety of the regular season you were able to have a you were able to play a lot of winning basketball while Julius Randall had the shoulder injury while Oobi was on the court you only lost three games now you bring in male Bridges what have I what have we been talking about essentially this entire time we’ve been here how essential Wing depth is you have arguably the best defensive Wings in basketball together I’ll respect of course Jason Tatum and Jaylen brown but that’s the answer to stop those two guys Joel come on I’m we’re here but let’s not push it I do come on come on we know you you Julius Randall is a piece that I would move because he’s making a good amount of money I would move him to bring back Isaiah hartenstein because we’ve already seen we don’t need Julius Randall to play winning basketball when it matters most in the playoffs someone who’s potentially being moved in shopped is Ben Simmons with the did you see his 2K RA in it dropped yes 6 68 I think I think that’s what I saw Ben Ben I think we got a tweet up to show but uh Ben Simmons is being shopped the Nets are taking offers for Ben Simmons they are I bet they are are they gonna give picks away for blls are taking over to Zack LaVine too hey Zack LaVine I wouldn’t say no to him I would not say no to Zack LaVine however what would you say about uh Ben Simmons going to the Celtics we don’t have money we we can’t take that on that’s not terrible we don’t have money the issue with Ben Simmons is that he’s not healthy we saw this season when he was healthy it was not bad there the only way you get Ben Simmons is if you trade someone in the starting lineup first does Ben Simmons want to play basketball good question I don’t think so I don’t so is there any team so we just got to think about teams that have cap space right now Ben Simmons is still a younger player showed all NBA potential all NBA defense potential supped to be LeBron but the teams that have cap space that realistically could trade for him Philadelphia I don’t think that going to happen Detroit Orlando Utah OKC the Spurs uh Charlotte Houston sure Houston does have money Spurs is interesting I mean these are all teams that it’s going to be very difficult to see a role for him again Ben Simmons I don’t think with all due respect has earned himself a role on NB any NBA team he has to prove that he could stay healthy for longer than a month or two in the NBA season so he could actually you know have some sort of impact but it’s unlikely the Nets are getting anything for Ben Simmons it is more likely the Nets are going to have to attach draft Capital to get off his contract I believe he only has though what one more year remaining so he has he has one more year remaining on this contract that makes it more movable but if I’m the Nets we could talk about Ben Simmons all day but I’m looking to move cam Johnson I’m looking to move DFS there’s other guys that actually have trade value on this team I could get some draft picks backs and we could actually get this rebuild so we could be the worst team in the NBA next season Ben Simmons is like if we can move off him that’s great but it’s G to be very difficult to find a trade partner I wouldn’t trade B Simmons for an office space he could use an office space for like an analytics guy in an organization maybe you know jack up some more threes Ben Simmons is is at this point in time is harsh to say but he’s worthless in the trade market a team will not trade a second round pick for him and that’s the lowest you can go for a guy like him we just seen Rob Dillingham get traded for like a seventh grader with with the Tim rolls and Spurs trade no team would even do that for Ben Simmons Ben Simmons is just it’s it’s unfortunate how far he’s falling off but he doesn’t look at the basket he’s not the same Defender he doesn’t have the same activity and your question that you pose is really the biggest concern with him amongst all of this it’s not even the injury concerns it’s does he even want to play basketball and when I look at Ben Simmons and the times that I’ve watched him this year I’ve come away from that question saying no he does not want to play it’s it’s really disheartening to see because Ben Simmons early in his career was an extremely exciting player he’s simply not that anymore you mentioned it he’s really not looking to attack he’s not looking to get his own he’s looking to to to facilitate pass the the defense isn’t the same I think the back definitely has taken a toll on in that regard but he’s still a very good connector very good rebounder can push the tempo of an offense it’s just a matter of him not being aggressive not only scoring the basketball but his drive to want to be great and and be on the basketball court Court that’s at least how it’s come across uh but I still think that when he is on the court he is not a negative he and he’s not a negative asset when he is on the basketball court he is useful to a team but we rarely see him on the court nowadays you need to have a you need to have a really good foundation for him to be a positive because offensively there there’s just not much he’s doing outside of being a playmaker you know who would really benefit from him Phoenix Phoenix needs someone that can to that can run the show they don’t get some rebounding of course of course and that’s really another unfortunate part to why we may not see Ben Simmons play meaningful basketball for at least another year he’s gonna have to get bought out and then a team really can make second a team they can’t get buyout players either yeah exactly that that new rule stinks that stinks see him getting bought out yeah that’s definitely in the realm of possibility it’s tough because what once made Ben Sim so special is the fact he was one of the fastest players in the league of 6’10 and watched him the last two years in Brooklyn partially from the Hern disc the back injuries the back issues he had get back to 2020 in Philadelphia is that the explosiveness is completely gone so he feels like a broken player and you said before his worthless in the trade market a lot of the time in many situations he would be a completely useless player on the offens side of the ball because a guy who’s not looking to drive a guy’s not looking to score a guy’s not going to be spacing the floor is really going to be pigeon hold into this dho type of option but he’s not looking to roll to the rim either so it’s like what does Ben Simmons really bring to the table for us for a lot of these teams it’s frankly nothing if he’s going to play 12 15 games a year yeah and it’s hard because I think defensively there’s still something there to be unlocked or brought back with Ben Simmons game but offensively it’s just it’s very difficult for him to find a role I mean the Nets were one of the worst teams in the NBA last season maybe record didn’t show it but the Nets were one of the worst teams in the NBA last last season and there still wasn’t really a role for him there that’s when you kind of had some spacing with M and cam Johnson and cam Thomas at times so there was at least something there FS offensively but it’s really difficult because ideally like what’s Ben Simmons a small ball five you know you can’t really play him again with other centers there that especially since most can’t shoot especially if Nick Nick claxon you signed to a hundred million doll contract it’s very difficult to find a market for someone where it’s like he’s a small ball five but then offensively he kind of needs to be the point guard because he can’t do anything off ball and defensively he can be great but he’s not always on the court so there’s just not many teams that even want to take the chance like Detroit for example they need talent desperately but you already have no spacing on that team and you already have Kade there who’s going to be running the point guard so it doesn’t make sense for them Utah there was rumors out there that saying maybe they’re a kind of a sneaky team to go get Paul George so it seems like they’re more looking to get pieces to win now rather than try to find this project and Ben Simmons is at an age that he’s not 22 years old where like there’s years in front of him that he could get better he’s 27 he’s he’s 27 though like two years older us that’s not that bad 27y old that is a project in the NBA no there’s not many it just you know I think Utah would be a great fit because if there’s any place where Ben Simmons can somewhat be fixed it’s in a free offense with a lot of shooting and a great young coach who can amplify what he does do well I feel like will Hardy’s always done a fantastic job at maximizing a player skill set whether it was calling sex and coming off the tourament against Loren Markin so if he’s going to go anywhere to be saved it’ll probably be the Utah J if Ben Simmons is 27 he’s pushing 30 yeah you’re pushing 30 that’s right now he’s getting is that not he’s getting I already feel like a I’m 25 n you shouldn’t you shouldn’t I’ll tell you what is Ben Simmons is is this the most unique falloff we’ve seen from a player ever maybe I’m allowing the moment to cloud my judgment but when have we seen a player go from all MBA I guess bham comes to mind that’s another one he was playing at very high level but Russ was great for years years almost a decade of being great and you could understand because it was like a bad fit he was on the wrong side of 30 with simmons4 Ben Ben was in the early Prime of his career he was an all NBA player multiple time Allstar he honestly he had a huge ceiling injuries and conf DK injuries not really it was confidence that that Atlanta series took his heart I think another player that comes to mind when talking about falloffs I think Darren will Williams is one of them when he got traded from Utah to the to the Nets with the Nets he failed miserably there and then he went to Dallas and in Dallas he was a complete shell of himself Roy Hibert comes to mind too okay he fell off out out of nowhere Kenneth fared comes to mind but no one was like Ben Simmons Ben Simmons was I mean I don’t want to say face to the league because that’s strong but he was one of the most exciting young players in the game so early into his career now I think B Simmons had the biggest fall off ever yes because at least like with the other guys I mentioned like Darren Williams it happened gradually and then it kind of happened all the way correct with Kenneth fed the the leag kind of shifted to a different style Roy Hibert same thing with Ben Simmons it really was a confidence and you can say injury kind of thing but we we don’t really know how much the injury did ffect them I’m not going to say it didn’t affect them at all I think that would be naive to say but when I watch him play it really doesn’t feel like there’s any assertiveness there to compete at all I was gonna say um Ben Simmons we’ve discussed a lot I think we’ve given Ben Simmons more than enough airtime there’s there there’s a player out there who was just on the Los Angeles Lakers would you want tan Prince to return I would not say no torian Prince was awesome floor spacer for us I know that a lot of jokes are made between darham and Toran Prince but tan Prince was a positive for the Los Angeles Lakers one of the few that consistently shot the three ball very well for the Los Angeles Lakers not a bad Defender can be can be a little bit better but as a three andd player tan Prince for that level of contract he is a very firm rle player that he can go to a contender and definitely have an impact on 2023 inseason Tournament champion can’t forget that you cannot forget that honestly they don’t talk about how Lakers and Celtics both are celebrating their 18th championship have some respect sorry what do you think about tan Prince Sean I think he’s a really good uh second piece to come off the bench because dingham last year kind of was playing him more than he should be there’s limitation there but for a team that needs a lot of spacing a lot of shot making they should retain Prince he’s also only going to cost about four to6 million a year for two years I think that’s someone they absolutely should look through for a team that needs wings as well you know like outside of ruy and LeBron there’s not much there you know Chris Christian wood could kind of play the four but tan Prince is one of the few players that actually shot well for the Lakers last season you know almost 40% I think Darin ham overplayed him at times I think there was definitely moments that you saw maybe toian Prince should get his minutes reduced by a little bit but he was a darham guy D dervingham loved him and it is uh per Mike a scato that’s pronounced mik scato they’re interested in resigning tan prince it’s not gonna be a huge deal you know you’re going to need depth in the NBA at I think ideally he’s a guy that could be your six or seven man coming off the bench and he’s able to repeat the season where he’s shooting nearly 40% it’s guy that’s been able to shoot around 40 like 37 or 40% for multiple Seasons he’s not a bad Defender by any means he’s not Elite but he’s not a bad Defender this is a guy that the Lakers need to bring back you know what’s funny I I really think about the Lakers shooting last season we weren’t a bad shooting he made a good amount we just didn’t take enough of that top 10 D’Angelo Russell broke the franchise record for most three-pointers made in the season I know you guys are tired of hearing me say it but that’s the truth Austin Reed shot around 37% from three LeBron shot a career high from three point percentage toian Prince was a great three-point shooter R ruy hura was a solid three-point shooter the issue is that Anthony Davis is not a floor spacer at this point in time he takes a mid-range shot and is pretty efficient in that regard just when it comes to be being behind that Arc it just doesn’t fall for him right and I think that’s fine because one thing that I can Envision for Jay dtic is trying to run his offense through Anthony D was more he said that in the press conference he did the way that the kains have kind of maximized mon sabonis who also can space the floor so if the Lakers are going to stock p a lot of Shooters in here they just add in D connect I think R Haim more will benefit from the JJ R more than almost anyone else as well and I think you look at the amount the abundance of three-point shooting in there it’s okay if ad is going to take one three points we’re gonna have ad take up the ball and all that we’re about to have ad run the show I mean that’s a way to get around this the not space an issue but his lack of three points if he have the ball in his hands it’s not a b deal you have to double him in a post he’s that dominant with Anthony D against the Nuggets they didn’t job yeah with with Anthony Davis I I feel like the Lakers would have beat the Nuggets even last year if he was used more in the second half he was the best player in that series if he was used correctly if he was used correctly stat yic everying yish in the first half in the first half agreed but let me give credit to the Nuggets they did an excellent job of taking him out of the game throwing two three bodies on him at times in the in the closing moments of these games and forcing the other Los Angeles Lakers to beat him which is why we saw LeBron James have such a high usage in these fourth quarters because they said listen we’re going to live and die by this Anthony Davis was doing whatever he wanted against them if you have both him and LeBron James going off that’s a recipe to lose a game can’t guard him if you take ad out of a game and it’s just LeBron James that’s when you need your secondary he can’t who’ you say Yas can’t guard him he could not guard him that’s a fact funny yeah I’m fine with it I’m I’m actually that’s now you cook a a beautiful meal you need The Supporting Cast to do their job and the the Lakers last year they didn’t do that we saw ruy go excuse me we saw ruy go ghost truthfully we saw DLo have bad bad lows had some good moments but for a majority wasn’t that great and then Austin Reeves was so focused on defense that on the offensive side he was fatigued and and a lot of his shots were missing missing short we got a Warriors tweet to look at next our producers are going to put it up on the screen shortly season for the Warriors this is Steph Curry you only got a couple Seasons left he’s going out like Kobe man I think that we’re going to see those last years similar to how Kobe Bryant was on the Los Angeles Lakers I just don’t know how you can salvage this current situation with the Golden State Warriors with Paul George opting out of their contract essentially removes them completely from get him at least that’s how I feel but let’s read this real quick the Warriors are shopping Chris Paul and Andrew Wiggins and Trey talks they know they you have to shake up this roster somehow the tough part about them is they only they only have two unprotected first they can trade every other pick has to be a swap and swaps are still valuable right teams are still going to Value swaps in potential trades but we saw Mel Bridges go mostly because you had four unprotected first round picks to go for you saw KD and James Harden all these teams multiple unprotected first round picks were available and right now Andrew Wiggins has shown potential couple years ago in the finals he was arguably the second most important player on that team but you’re coming off a really rough year for Andrew Wiggins a really rough year he’s had some personal issues he’s had some injuries but on both sides of the ball he’s just not been that same player and Chris Paul’s a guy that I think had some really nice moments in Golden State especially when Steph Curry went to the bench in that like you know first half or maybe majority of the Season where Steph Curry when he came off the court they actually weren’t a complete negative like Chris Po was able to run some offense for them so there is some little amount of trade value there although he’s getting paid $30 million but it’s difficult to look at this this gold State roster under contract you got Curry Wiggins Draymond Trace Jackson Davis Chris Paul Gary Payton kaminga and airpods you got some Talent there and they tried to go and make a home run move to get Paul George the Clippers didn’t want to accept the offer which involved a bunch of their young guys it’s just really difficult to find a trade and I was trying to find trades for Lori marinin yesterday that puts the Warriors in actual contention in the Western Conference it’s tough goad Johnny I really feel like no move like you just said anyone would really swing the worst Championship back would to being a top three team in the state of the Western Conference all the teams at the top right now are teams that are continuing to get better and better and they’re developing a lot of their players you look at Golden State’s roster the only guys under 26 years old that are going to be here long term we think because they’re just shoing two of them around in this potential PG trade or Moses Moody and Jonathan kaminga and so it feels like for Golden State all of the players that are trying to build a championship team around are going to just continue to regress more and more Draymond defensively can’t he be the defensive Lynch pin he was three ago I’m gonna say yes I’m gonna say yes he has shown no signs of slowing down defensively a lot a lot was it though it’s not he’s not falling off by any stretch but cidate I think we’re slowly starting to see he’s not gonna be a oneman defense I was going to say honestly I still feel like that’s the statement to make he’s still the defensive anchor for them he’s still initiating offense he’s still the one of the lead Playmakers for them defensively I I don’t see any sign of slowing down we we see him when he’s on the court for for them the Golden State Warriors are drastically better not just offensively but most more importantly defensively to talk about this tweet yeah Chris Paul can’t be shopped nobody will trade for him with the guaranteed money that he has on his de with you unless he agrees to take less but I think the best case scenario is that he wants to just be a free agent and go wherever he wants Andrew Wiggins is the only one that has value but he has a lot of money on his contract still appeal the Warriors I will say this about them they are having a terrible off season and it’s only made worse because Klay Thompson was just reported by Yahoo that he’s willing to take a discount a mid-level exception for the Lakers or the Clippers which means he is so disrespected by The Warriors that he’s willing to take a discount for those other teams but not the team that he helped build a dasty with and not sure how I feel about that because if you’re leaving the Warriors because of whatever money offer they offered you you felt like it was disrespectful to go and then take a similar offer for another team instead of the team that has drafted you and has been by you throughout everything I I think it’s a little bit of a bitter move by Clay can I also add maybe that’s clay admitting the writing’s on the wall with the Golden State Warriors that their better days of playing basketball are gone he needs to move on and go to situation where he thinks he has a better chance to win now and also where there is maybe a certain level of disrespect with the money and how the the front office handled this situation maybe there’s also a side of him that believes my best bet of winning is not right now with the Golden State Warriors right this past season we were a playing team and we were we were let me not say healthy because of course we understand that Draymond Green did miss a ton of games not just because injury mostly because of antics on the court uh the Golden State War simply are not a a true legitimate Contender and that’s hard to say when you have Steph Curry on your team a top 10 player at the world at the absolute floor and Draymond Green who still in my opinion a top 30 top 35 player in the game because of his impact on the defensive side of the ball because of his ability to playmake they didn’t talk about how he improved as a three-point shooter this season also the rest of the surrounding Parts simply are just not up to the level of competing for a champion I’ve shot a huge Draymond Green stat this was the first year in Draymond screw that opponent shot better at The Rim when he was defending them in past years he’s been 80 to 95% he just had to show that Draymond fell off I respect it that’s not my point but we are seeing Draymond slowly decline the defensive end with his age this last year opponent shot four and a half perc better within four feet that’s 12th percentile for protectors it’s pretty bad and past years he’s always been 81st to 95th inning back to his first Defensive Player of the Year all the way back 2016 he’s not the same defensive player he was back then and I think these next next couple of years we’re going to see him continue to decline with age it’s hard to expect him to be the same exact guy on that end we got a Paul George Report tweet to to pull up on the stream it’s about to be pulled out by the producers to talk about this Golden State thing well we got the Tweet up right now Drew can you read it you’re closer you got it report the the Sixers Plan B is to trade for Brandon Ingram if they fail to sign Paul George one potential contingency plan that they’ve been bantered that has been bantered around the league if the Sixers fail to land Paul George’s Pelican forward Brandon Ingram via trade shout out to Mike a Scot what does that what does that deal look like because the Pelicans just trade uh trade for Deon Mar um what they need is a big what they need is a big and there’s not really much on Golden State’s roster that’s gonna help that no at least Sixers oh my apologies my apologies the Sixers Plan B is to is is to trade for Brandon Ingram they got even less players so they have no players this would be draft picks this is straight draft picks the Sixers have a ton of draft picks they could take on Bron Ingram’s full contract because they have $60 million c space Jared McCain yeah that’s tough because if if the Pelicans want to move off Brandon Ingram right now again they need a big and I don’t know if their plan is to trade for draft picks and then hope maybe have to trade deadline we could flip those draft picks and get a big if I had to assume this is a three- team trade maybe they bring in the the Cleveland Cavaliers also into the mix where maybe now the Pelicans can go and get their big and maybe a Jared Allen you bring Brandon Ingram over to the 76ers but the C the Cleveland Cavaliers can’t get nothing maybe they get a bunch of assets from the from the Pelicans whether that be a bunch of trade pick a bunch of draft picks if they trade young players don’t know maybe potentially which would be a bit much you’re already trading Brandon Ingram if they want to trade one of their younger guys maybe AES Mei is included in the deal I don’t know if it’s really essential also that the Pelicans go and get another big because they did just draft the VES Mei yes young yes for to start one cuz they don’t have they don’t know the big I don’t know if it’s the craziest thing I ever heard but at the same time you would like something a little bit more for sure and Jared Allen last year was arguably the best he’s ever been yeah I I mean Jared Allen is the perfect fit for the Pelicans and that’s that was the rumor trade for a while now as Brandon Ingram for Jared Allen or something along those lines so when they acquired deante Murray didn’t give up really anything I know they gave up Dyson Daniels draft pick but at least like their their actual core that’s getting significant minutes because the roster right now a pelican roster is kind of like a lesser version of the Knicks because they have deante they have Brandon Ingram Zion Jones Trey Murphy great I think I would take the Knicks core over the Pelicans core what we got right nowon is a potential DPI level player he not Mel on defense even on defense Mel is best was a second herb 10 times out of 10 and I I respect better than him though off oh he’s just a way better player God her is I mean top two what do you mean why he’s a way better player because he can a defend at an elite level herb can just defend Elite level it’s an empty 20 it’s not an 1ix Phoenix for sure when he was a dpoy level player yeah but he was averaging what 16 is a way better player than her not a Le version of the Knicks with all the respect to to Trey Murphy to Herb Jones Zion all those guys I don’t know man I just saw the pelic play Zion you Brunson Murphy yeah Josh har I’m going with Josh Hart we have other names to get Trey Murphy is nice herb Jones is nice CJ McCullum is very good I think at this point he’s a great three-point shooter but we saw him last year against the Lakers go ghost that was tough to see of course Zion Williamson we know at his at his best he is still one of the best players in this league I do firmly believe that do a matter of being healthy it’s hard to be Brunson I’ll be honest it’s really hard to be Brunson he’s one of them ones he’s one he does zion does he does from generational to underrated man that’s just the sad truth they got start putting respect on Zion’s name I just looked at how well the Pelicans played last year in that second half of the Season particularly after the All-Star break defensively we were talking about one of the best teams in basketball and offensively as well well it was clicking on all cylinders until bi got heard I just think that lesser version of the Knicks I think now understanding that Mel’s now added to this team you do have OG as long as if you’re GNA say when it comes to injury with Zion you have to also pair that with with ogan and Obi yeah but Zion O’s not one so much better yeah but also went down Zion was one of them ones he would have kept the Pelicans afloat in that West he gave him 40 he gave the Lakers 40 he tried everything he could until his hand should I’m saying they should have should have kep five seed if is one of them on difference between andeven gota win one of them games he didn’t what you talking about games I don’t know man did we just had this whole julus would have won one of the games Julius R has been a fifth seed before would have been nice to have that game three one of J Rando Zion look at the numbers tell me who’s better Zion clear the numbers real quick get get back to the Sixers and the bi thing I think what the Sixers are showing us is they want that third star more than anything we could talk about the kcp and who knows maybe what’s brand making how 30 so much for darl Mor doing the right thing apparently he’s all in on this third star yeah because again they don’t have they don’t have players to trade out which means You’ have to absorb basically all of Brandon Ingram’s contracts so if it is 30 to 35 million now you have around 20 to2 25 million in cap space so maybe there’s still a world you could go out there and get kcp and still fit under that cap but then again that’s a really good roster of four great players but now it’s all that minimum type but here’s an interesting tidbit about Brandon Ingram this is the last year of his contract 36 mil until he’s an unrestricted free agent they would have his bird rights next year though if they trade for him yeah there’s a chance though Darren Moore could get him for not that much though no because he’s an expiring player nobody’s gonna trade a lot for an expiring player myy could get him with maybe two first you know Brandon Ingram it depends on how badly the Pelicans want to move off of him but I think at this point in time you want herb Jones to start to trade two first it makes sense for the Sixers if I’m the Pelicans to only get two first for Brandon Ingram and not find a firm replacement for him in my front Court this what if I threw in Jared McCain well you have Trey Murphy you have her no I’m saying the front Court as in I need a big I need a big but that’s not the that’s not the role that he plays though all right I use the word replace but you’re yes correct cuz you already know who I want to to fill my two three want to and I want it to be heard I agree with you but that becomes easier for the Pelicans to do if they’re not worried about $37 million but who’s the big who am I getting oh they could maybe free agent you got to sign somebody maybe there’s just no available I guess they prolong it this goaz that’s my guy you could maybe pelan are the one to throw the bag at Isaiah if that were be could be the running but yeah you know if they if they free up that money from bi they’ll be able to be in a running for one of these bigs bit more open-minded to that that’s fair if they were to be aggressive $62 million yeah no Brandon Ingram’s contract is not going to fix that that you get 35 off book still 35 I’m back to my very Firm Stance I need a big kind I would need to trade um not Dante CJ bi and CJ but even still now you’re you have like a million dollars in cap space if I’m if I’m the Pelicans I want to hold on to CJ he was a great three that c space is always weird because it doesn’t take to account your own free that you could renounce yes exactly it’s true because they did just bring into Jon because Jonas is probably included in that book who knows how much would be off his books it’s a hefty process but you know freeing up 37 million will be good we talked about a lot of free agents what do you want um Tobias Harris is is one that we haven’t mentioned yet I think bleach report on the stream they did they’ve done a wonderful job of putting the free agents on a screen for us and we’ve mentioned almost everybody Tobias Harris was one of those names where do you think he ends I’m going he’s a piston I don’t I don’t know another world where he goes to he’s a Detroit Piston Tobias Tobias doesn’t really have I me I don’t know what his Market is I don’t think it’s a huge market for Tobias Harris Detroit’s been rumored for for years kind of ever since Tobias is you know kind of fallen off but most recently this last playoff performance what Tobias showed you is he just can’t be on a contending team with all due respect at least he can’t be someone that is relied upon if he’s like your sixth seventh eth man Off the Bench and he comes in gives you 10 15 minutes that’s fine and the numbers look decent 166 48% shooting I think he’s a Detroit Piston or at least one of these you know bottom is teams that are kind of rebuilding that have cap space that need to spend the cap space more than anything because we saw last season with Houston they had a ton of money that they had to spend they went and gave Fred 40 a year Tobi us in a similar situation where Detroit has an insane amount of money that there’s a minimum amount you have to spend in the NBA bu is one of those dudes that you could sign for $20 million a year if you’re Detroit even if it’s for one or two years get him under your books and he could be a vet he could give you some production because similar how we were just talking about um uh who’s going who we just talking about going to Detroit potentially and and Demar de R rozen we’re talking about tomorrow going to Detroit does he have the perfect fit with a lot of teams no but he’s someone that at least gives you Talent he can shoot the three a little bit for Detroit too that’s where I think he would go does the Spurs Intrigue you at all you go and you bring it bring a little bit extra Wing depth you get some veterans ship next to Victor wanyama to me it makes a little bit more sense too they need some three-point shooting he does provide that you don’t John if you’re going into it with the idea that that I it’s Kellin gonna count show Vel is not a wing he’s a two Vel is probably going to be on ball one or the two and then you have Stefan Castle there to me if you bring in another vet in in a Tobi his harrris you can stretch out the floor a little bit he can give you some offense but mostly you can go and help clean up that defense too because that seems to be the direction that the Spurs are trying to to go towards I think that it also does make sense they do have cap that and with the money that Tobias is probably going to ask for I hope it doesn’t exceed more than 25 like that’s the absolute most that I’d be willing to give Tobias I I feel like that Avenue does make sense where he can go to a team help out a young developing team but that at least has potential not fully tank your the rest of your career by going to Detroit to me that’s where it becomes difficult if I’m a free agent I’m staying far away from Detroit unless all I care about is securing a back there are players where it does make sense where hey I just need my money you know I they can offer me a lot and and I can play my my years here and and just stack on my bread but if I want to go and make an impact I’d rather go to any other team than Detroit that’s valid I guess with Tobias Harris markets kind of dry after this last playoff run he was someone that was kind of played off the floor almost for Philadelphia he is a good teammate he’s someone that a lot of his teammates like and I think in the locker room he’s someone that could be valuable for a younger team that’s trying to find a veteran Mentor yeah um so maybe San Antonio is a team that would be interested I always looked at Tobias as a guy who’s kind of like a he’s an empy stats guy like a kind of an Innings leater after he was traded to Philadelphia following his career year or his career half of a season with the Clippers really I don’t think he’s a very valuable archetype of a player but I think one opport opportunity like Detroit where he can come off the bench and just be that not table setter but that shot creator that gives you a little bit more juice that would be where his really best fit and honestly that’s not like a 25 to 31 team he really does not serve a purpose to me on a playoff team today I was gonna say the because we were just talking about it earlier I’m trying to pull up uh where I have the teams that have mle um like any of these potential contending teams OKC I don’t really see Dallas I don’t really see Orlando probably not ha that but he does bring some shooting potentially Off the Bench as a guy Pacers probably not they have so many they just have so much depth the Kings kind of need some talent and he he could be a decent fit there so before we talk about TBA Harris a little bit more we got a breaking news Paul George tweet that just came out what do we got they’re gonna put it on the screen Drew can you read that oh Lord the 76ers have explored the possibility of adding Paul George and kyp free agency this is what I’m talking about that’s the best case SC erio for them this is a home run off season if that’s the case Boston what are we look he I’m not going I’m not saying that actually I’m saying what is the Tyrese Maxi contract looking like is he still gonna get the 50 mil yeah tyres Tyrese Maxi is not taking anything tyres Maxi wouldn’t take away anything from the cap space that they have right now really no he wouldn’t he’s still under contract for next season true so his wouldn’t hit it till the previous the next 206 season I guess that’s a fact but if they do this I mean you got Maxi kcp Paul George you got your two Defenders you got to EMB you need to find a starting for but they could do that I mean porzingis will get cooked by if they’re beating the Celtics that means they wash the Knicks okay if you ready to I’ll take that said anyway anyway the Celtics lose low key can play the four honestly he can play the four but you still either way you still have like a hole in the starting line yeah I’m not going to disagree with that whatever starting spot cuz then you put K yeah that that three you do need to solidify and honestly na Marshall n’s not a bad one a low very sign a a very Team friendly contract and come back Tobias or uh Nick patum I’d rather Nick patum you love pum he there he was just there but the thing is with this is that awesome in that playoff was pretty good in order for the no shots are always G to get kcp and Paul George Paul George would have to take a pay cut you think I don’t know they have $60 million in caps they much 60 mil 58 yeah number one number one most cap kcp I’m thinking he’s getting at least 20 mil I agree so that means Paul George he’s getting 38 mil might get more just deine 47 he he’s definitely vying for 40 to 45 milon open because the Clippers weren’t giving him that fourth year then he gave to Ka so I think maybe PG takes a tiny bit less money but if they give him the full four years he would be I think out of 47 million is insane yeah but if you have kcp and Paul George I mean Paul George and Tatum they’re right there neck and neck so Paul George and him they cancel out you got kcp who was a great defender then you got Joel and B MVP listen Tyrese Maxi Rising Star just made the allstar game oh that would be a great series I’m gonna be transparent with you man don’t put Paul George and Tatum in the same sense sorry thank too much way too much was that too much Who’s the champion oh no ring no Larry it always kill me no Larry damn but it works listen it works you get you get Paul George for $40 million you get kyp you still have the full mle because they’re not gonna be over the first apron or anything like they’re still gonna have that to sign they could go out and they’re gonna re they’re gonna change their entire roster I think that’s really the only question about Philadelphia going into next season assuming they get Paul George and Casey P the roster than it was this previous season I think without a doubt adding those two guys no question about it it’s just you got to go and do it into action with teams that have continuity like the Boston Celtics even the the the Knicks who are adding Mel Bridges but they just showed last year that they’re a team that has ECF potential so that’s really the only question is once you add these huge pieces to the roster do they fit as seamlessly as as we’re expecting and honestly I wouldn’t I mean I don’t know what Kelly ub’s Market is right now but if you can bring back Kelly UB they don’t have his bird rights though because I believe he signed a minimum last year true so they don’t have his bird rights I mean Kelly UB played exceptional for them last season so I’m not sure how much money he’s going to want in the open market don’t they have buddy heels bird rights uh yes they do if I had to choose between a buddy hee and a Kelly UB maybe it’s a hot one I’m going with Kelly for them would we have a Derek Jones Junior tweet to show I’m hoping it’s not that he’s leaving the Dallas Mavericks dude apparently it’s multiple people within the Dallas Mavericks organization believe Derrick Jones Jr is a done deal to return bang that’s great I don’t want to call out our producers lovely producers at BR but there there was a more there was conflicted report yes that there’s a world where uh or at least athletic is reporting that it’s not done it’s not a done shout out to our dog mffl Nation shout out to MFL Nation shout out he’s a Legend um he’s very optimistic when it comes to the Dallas Maverick the negative stuff no correct why would you uh respectful dude very my apologies that that is the most recent report Ste line this is also from Marsa but there’s also a steinline report saying there’s optimism within the Mavericks organization that even if the maps do a sign and trade for Klay Thompson that changes things because now you’re not using them as an mle this is a sign and trade you the mle potentially for drik Jones J well that’s the thing with the Dallas marcks is that in order to sign clay in free agency Gary Jones Jr got to go but if they sign Derek Jones Jr and they could trade to the Warriors maybe Maxi kba and somebody else then you can make the money work Golden State essentially is about to lose Klay Thompson for nothing so I think at least if you could bring in like a maxi CBA into the organization just to get something back for clay at work I was going to say I did see a report saying that the Golden State Warriors would help aid wherever Klay Thompson does want to go to so at least they’re trying to show him that level of respect uh but at the same time now it really becomes intriguing you get to keep DK Jones we have we have another tweet here I wouldn’t say all that now Klay Thompson’s not moving no needle like that for me we have another tweet that I just sent to our producer they want to throw it up on the screen uh this is from Monte P who covers the Golden State Warriors uh the Mavericks are chasing Klay Thompson extremely hard which makes sense whatever that means they’re chasing him extremely hard trying to pair him up with Luka Don Kyrie I’m going to be honest it does but kcp I think that he makes more sense to me but kcp I don’t think he’ll take the money they trying to that’s true he’s just a better Defender at this point in time not a better shooter no way I will never disrespect Klay Thompson in that regard but maybe make takes smarter shots but that’s the thing I feel like if you’re the Dallas Mavericks what held you back in the NBA Finals was that your players couldn’t hit open shots kcp he is a good shooter but he did go cold for the Denver nuggets this past season we know Klay Thompson has his moments where he’s W coding playoffs too but between kyp and Klay Thompson when we talk about shooting I’m trusting one guy a whole lot more than I’m trusting the other 100% with you that’s what they need you know Kay Thompson he’s not the same Defender but I think he’s still a good positional Defender and when we talk about the Dallas Maverick scheme with Luca and cyy being a part of a successful defense a lot of it was funneling players into the rim and I think Klay Thompson at least in this stage of his career can still funnel players into where you want offenses to go into your defense and I think it’s a great fit if they get Klay Thompson that’s a great move because being the third option next to Kyrie and Luca shooting 40% from three he will get into a rhythm pretty easily let me both them let me ask you guys a question too because we’ve talked a lot about Dallas and Clay is it possible that Klay goes to Denver that’s been a possibility but we have we haven’t had any reports of it would have to be a signing trade yeah doesn’t have any money really even though they’re letting kcp walk yeah I don’t think they wouldn’t have the like they would have a12 million ml they might have like a $5 million ml or something because I I remember reading saying seeing that kcp can still return to the Nuggets but the nuggets are not going to overextend themselves to go out there and and top any offer that kcp gets if kcp gets a deal that he likes and wants they’ll happily let him walk the Nuggets don’t even have the TP and the league but they already used that recently or they were with who I think it would have been Bruce brown two years ago uh interesting also summers ago the nuggets have said that they want sustained success you know they’re not trying to win like we need to win 2024 it has to be the championship year they’ve said that we want to win multiple Rings over like a fiveyear period so if you if you have all this money example why Bruce Brown left last season example why they haven’t come to agreement agreement with kcp seems unlikely he’s going to return to Denver is that that second apron really limits you so Denver is kind of taking that approach saying like listen we have a great roster we know that you know joic mpj although he was in trade rumors as well and Jamal Murray is our core We’re not gonna go and spend $20 million on Bruce Brown and kcp we’re gonna draft guys we’re gonna develop them guys like Payton Watson um Christian Brown and hope they could step up and fill those shoes the Nuggets uses the remly last year and Reggie Jackson so that get off his contract you’re right but you get it every other year interesting the this new player bargaining really has me all over the place however the nuggets are a very interesting team I say that with the idea that they have been more than okay with losing players because they do have the best player in the world and Nicole yic they have one of the best twos in Jamal Murray they just gave him an over $200 million contract mpj is one of the better 3 andd Guys in the league Aaron Gordon is one of the better role players in the game the starting lineup is great it’s the depth that I do have my my concerns with and as more and more players do walk in free agency first Bruce Brown now a big piece in kcp I want to respect Nicole yic and Jamaal Murray but I’m having genuine worries about the depth of the nuggets and if it’s going to allow them to have sustained success like they seem to want all this signals to me is that Calin boo is not the same level of GM as Tim Connelly Calin Booth I think has made some errors as an xgm and I understand that mindset you want to win for a sustained period of time this is jokic’s prime this is Jamal Murray’s Prime you don’t take a year off you can’t you every year you got to try to win a championship when you have this level of talent They just won once maybe they’re kind of laidback and kicking their feet a little bit but we just saw Tim Connelly in Minnesota trade up and go get rob dillam a top prospect in the NBA draft because he’s being aggressive because when you have a win or to win that’s what you are and Denver losing Bruce Brown last year and now about to lose CP you know those are two detrimental moves Calvin bu’s been patient because last year he turned down the opportunity to sign veterans I believe one of them was Tory Craig who they could have brought in but he chose to instead ride with his current core of Payton Watson going to his deao rookie season and Christian Brown so that’s a fair points I’ll also say this apologize then we’ll wrap up quick uh you look at the Nuggets you understand you do have joic and Murray in their primes you mentioned Minnesota being aggressive that’s what happens when you’re desperate to win a championship the Nuggets aren’t desperate to win anymore for the idea they already did it they’ve already accomplished what they’ve been chasing for a while but you have a team like Minnesota who’s been trying to get to the mountain top and has failed to do so you got to make power moves when you’re in that position nuggets you have a luxury that teams wish they had you have to take advantage of that and as going to do it for our time on BR we’re going to toss it over to the Deep three shout out to them four to six thank you guys for watching thanks all shout out to pick aide we are here man you already talk about some free agency let’s get it into it man one of the most popping times of the year Madness happens the good teams turn into poop teams the poop teams turn into poop team sometimes still but you know I’m ready this is what I’m ready for listen us as NBA fans have been trained to view free agency like the second finals listen we love some transactions and we are no different I also love some transactions and this isn’t the biggest year of free agency names but it’s bigger than what we had as of late like you know last year who was the priz of the ball fed vanet yeah we got Paul George now we got not even not even Thompson Dylan Brooks listen people thought people were saying Dylan Brooks was about to go to China you know he popped out with $80 million and we’re like oh that’s crazy we have we have a lot of interesting names that could potentially be on the Move we got Paul George Klay Thompson demard Rosen maybe James Harden I don’t know it might be a crazy couple of days so what we’re going to do today is we have five or six main names I want to talk about and before we started I put aside my picks for these teams and where not these teams for these players I have a team that I want to see them go to I want you you guys are reac and let me know if you agree if you have a different team in mind and so on all right let’s do it we’re going to start with the fan favorite Tobias Harris Mr Insomnia Cookies crumble cookies my bad my bad you’re right you’re right oh first off before we get started though I’ve been told we have a Paul George tweet to react to so something’s going on oh no that is foring some early news going on we’ll see what this is what’s happening with Paul George V our sources there’s growing optimism that the Philadelphia 76ers will l georan free agency wow you know what’s funny about this about a week ago Adrian rowski reported that they had cooled their interest on Paul George and coincidentally that came a day after he was on his podcast talking about what he doesn’t like with the Clippers and everything next day W is like I think the Sixers might not be that interested once again W is wrong potentially how are you guys feeling M my biggest thing is what happened to the meetings right we were supposed to get two meetings unless they were just like five five minute calls telling the magic yeah I’m not coming there 5 minute phone calls with the with the Clippers yeah I’m not coming there then I would I would like to see that but obviously stuff like this always happens yeah this is going to be very interesting I think the Sixers if they right if everything is true and Paul George Signs they catapult themselves up and I even catapult really resolidify themselves as one of the top teams in the East I think it’s clearly Boston has one and then you can have your choice between New York you know between the Knicks and the six as who’s the the second leading team in the East so shout out Paul George on top of this Mark Stein reported that they’re exploring the idea which who knows that actually means of trying to get Paul George and kav’s callwell pope all right relax relax the Philadelphia 76 the Philadelphia 76 if they get both and start Maxi Pope PG power forward Joel embiid your Knicks might be in trouble I’m we’re not we’re not we’re not and I this because this is my biggest concern concern with the Sixers is that one and B’s health is always a question right we don’t we don’t know if we’re ever going to get a healthy playoff run from Joel embiid but that’s why you go out and get a Paul George so that if he does go down you don’t have to rely on Tyrese Maxi and even though that he bowled out whenever Joel wasn’t there they weren’t a good basketball team because it was just Tyrese Maxi and Tobias Harris trying to carry the team if you replace Tobias Harris with Paul George that that instantly gives you a floor to where if memb does have to take two three weeks off you may not see a slide like like what happened last year where you end up in the playing tournament and then now you have to fight your way out so it’s good on that front but the injuries on for Joel embiid and the inconsistencies can playoff time that we’ve seen from Paul George those two things make me really nervous yeah I mean anytime you deal with Paul George in that capacity naturally have to feel nervous because the things that you’ve seen throughout his resume his playoff resume but nonetheless they’ve been in this terrible position to where like like you said earlier once Joel and beid is not there they turn into a non-playoff team a playin team but with having kcp there potentially and Paul jores there of course like you said that gives him another ceiling and it’s I like to think of Paul jores almost as a I don’t want to say Insurance because he’s not that for Jo embiid but you’re not going to see a massive dip in having another option alongside Tyrese Maxi who we know isn’t probably built to be a 1A can release some stress from him from time I don’t know I kind of view the other way that tyes Max is only getting better coming off of an All-Star season where before Joel and B went down we were talking about this guy like wow is he like in tre young conversations like he was averaging like an efficient 26 and a half points per game like he was looking to be everything that you want from a sidekick next to dwell embiid so that kind of excites me if you’re rooting for Paul George and you want to see him hit another stage of his career where he really is productive and isn’t miscast any way he can be a third option that on some nights as a second some nights as a first option but there’s very little pressure on him oh yeah and you know there really isn’t either with kawhai and James Harden but you know James Harden doesn’t exactly have the scoring punch that he once did to put it politely and Tyrese Maxi does so there could be so many nights where Paul George just cool 17 points focus on defense again which you know he’s getting a little older I don’t know if he really can really strap down the boots like that like he used to but he’ll have the opportunity to put more energy there and it it’s just super exciting as somebody who’s going to be 34 soon I think or if he’s not already he might actually be 34 at the moment not getting any younger you can see him having like a solid threeyear run where he’s still very good cuz he’s not asked to do too much but does he want to do that though cuz on podcast be he was like yo soon as we lost guys like Robert Covington World changer Nick Batum Difference Maker for sure but he was like soon as we lost those guys I had to go ahead and do the Dirty Work be a spot up shooter which is wow I guess he’s opposed to that even though it’s one of the most valuable assets and skills that any player could have um I don’t know if he’d how he’d feel about that on that front but in theory everything that they’re saying is 110% right but he wouldn’t have to do dirty work I think that dirty work was a bigger issue there than the spot up he’s going to be playing spot he’s playing as sell and be you’re G to spot your ass up like that is what it is like you’re not avoiding that but the Dirty Work part listen they might bring back Kelly o could bring Kaka Lowry so and so veterans like they still have especially if they don’t get kcp and they just bring Paul George they’re still going to have money to shape out that roster and while the free agency class doesn’t have a ton of stars they’re going to sign out right like he’s the only one that’s probably going to be like that there’s free agents here that could really do something yeah and role player wise yeah and I and I think like for Paul it makes sense right like regardless of what he said on the podcast if you have an opportunity to play with Tyrese and Joel you look at that and you’re like we can win a championship right like we we can do that and even for like all the playoff stuff with Joel and beid in the regular season he’s hooping right he’s there and he’s going to have something that he hasn’t necessarily had for his entire Clippers tenure which is consistency in the regular season from your other star and so I think that’s gonna make his job easier but there is there is going to be a certain level of dirty work that he’s going to have to do just because he is the third star you know whatti I remembered you referencing that conversation where Paul George was talking about we lost Nicholas patum we lost so and so we lost the Dirty Work guys do you do you know where Nicholas patum was currently playing Sixers but he a he’s a free agent they can bring him back like he can just get everything he wanted which it sounds like what he wanted was play with nichas Batum I’ve never seen Nichol patum have this type of pull oh my goodness like wow we can get dirty work and we can get Paul George in the right role it’s good but it’s not so listen Chris haes is reporting that I don’t think it reports that at this time hour and a half before free agency Begins for no reason but it’s probably not a done deal for sure let’s talk about the other teams he’s interested in the Orlando Magic how do you feel about the idea of the magic are you first of all what does it tell you that the magic are even in these conversations right they the Orlando Magic are getting free agency star meeting what does that tell you they’re here um what they’ve been brewing over the last two three years really over the last five years because they’ve been you know the orl magic not a very good team but this long lengthy Wing stuff just super big guys at every single position is starting to finally pay off because now they have their star future Superstar on Pao benero um and alongside him France Vagner and then the Dirty Work guys and jayen Suggs and Jonathan Isaac has been there throughout the last few years as well well like they’re here they’ve arrived and they have potential to do something in the playoffs obviously they’re still young and the biggest issue that we all know is that they have shooting bowls every single night um and having some there like some there like Paul George can alleviate alleviate Paulo beno’s presence on the court and just Elevate every single player on the Court’s like game because of Paul Georgia’s efficiency and it’s clearly like it’s clearly a step forward for the magic that they’re here and that in these conversations and people are like you’re looking at what they’re doing you’re like okay I see at the bare minimum I see the vision I see what you guys are are cooking up and but at the same time like I wanted Paul George to go to the magic just because I like what they’re doing I think that they do need another step up but I’m also been hating on the Sixers because I know that it’s just a perfect fit for Paul George to play with Tyrese and Joel em be and you slide him right there in at the three and everything else that they’ve needed when you whether you talk about more catch and shoot options some more in between games like Paul George can do all of that and bring you a little bit of defense and if he went to Orlando the fit’s still a little bit clunky you think so just just a little bit because I think that I think that they need a little bit more creation and at and at this point in Paul George’s career I wouldn’t want him being like one one one b in terms of of creation and so I you you either need like a very specific three in D guy or you would have to bring in like some some more some more he’s kind of both though you could you know like I guess I see what you’re but not but not for that price is is what I’m yeah I I see your point that I would like them to really change the way their offense works by having a true point guard and not having poo be like essentially the point guard offensively I would like a complete change in that way bring in an aony Simons or whoever may be whoever’s available Chris Paul is available I don’t know maybe maybe him but whoever it is I would like to see that change but if they don’t agree with that and they want to see the same style of play and pal will be the guy is main Creator and continue to develop there you replace Gary Harris with Paul George next to jayen Suggs hopefully he takes a playmaking leap but have Paul George essentially do the same role spotting up but actually been a to create when the ball is swung to him it’s building on what their current strengths are I think and like complimenting the way they want to play right now yeah and I just think I think just watching them I want them to change a little bit more because the ceiling that they’re at right now with poo being like you’re asking a lot from poo B Carol maybe you can do it though he’s so young he is but then you’re putting him in that Jason Tatum role where you are like he is best suited as just this bucket getter who can get down him and do all this stuff and sometimes like not everybody needs to be this point forward who has who has the ball in his hands a million times a game MH just you know have somebody else set up set up the offense and if you have Paul George there you know it it there there’s just a little bit of like of overlap and I want to see just a little bit more like traditional point guard play I’m not even worried about poo my biggest like concern for the orando magic is like what would that mean for France because obviously he’s been more limited due to his shot regression over the past 12 months and with Paul jores there and Paulo B Carol that kind of puts fron in a weird like tertiary role which I’m not sure if like I don’t know how I don’t know his feeling I don’t know if I view him as an All-Star caliber player or just borderline that maybe it’s somewhere between that but I don’t know how many ways fron can find success being the Lottery level player that he was you know a couple years ago yeah yeah that’s interesting I mean it all comes down to his three-point shot obviously yeah two years ago it was very promising and you saw these two Wings together that can both space the floor both ball handle theoretically if that’s the case you had a third guy who fits all those descriptions then we’re smooth but if he’s going to be a 32% three-point shooter then it gets tricky not much you can do about you’re not going to bench France vogner you have to trade him at that point no you don’t France Vagner you’re not GNA trade France Vagner I mean me personally I wouldn’t but it would be very hard to see Paul Paulo and PG-13 humming on all levels meanwhile you’re still waiting on France to you know kick things up another gear well sure there’s you’re right there’s always deals available so like every year stars to come available so I guess it would doubt push you in a situation where France isn’t like a th% Untouchable that could be that but also it you know try to find a stretch five which is always easier said than done but it would put you in a position where you have to figure something out but end of the day even even if nothing changes Paul George replacing and Gary Harris they can France’s can operate the same exact way he did last year you know like nothing really changes in that way what are you trying to say about Gary Harris he is not Paul George that’s what I’m trying to say about Gary Harris you look at him you see a fine NBA player you don’t see Paul George you don’t see even close to Paul George yeah man but yeah I mentioned that know the main topic of the stream is we have Landing spots for every team right I went through and I listed my favorite Landing spots for Paul George Well since we know we’re starting with him via news story breaking my perfect landing spot was a 76ers that’s who I had written down do you guys age with that or do you have a magic pick or is there a stealth team that you think would be a better fit no if we’re if we’re just talking a strictly basketball fit it would be it would be the Sixers it just makes just makes so much sense for everything that we’ve already said and you already you you’ve seen the the chemistry right between him and Joel embiid on TV and you seen them you know hanging out and doing all that stuff so it should work um but the only the only questions that have about them is like health and like fourth quarter production but at this point in the season I’m not going to I’m not going to sit here and harp on on all that stuff the idea of all three of them playing together is very scary and it’s very intriguing and yeah they probably are like tied with the Knicks for the second best team in the East so let’s say I I agree with that 110% but let’s say that something happens between Paul George or in the Philadelphia 76ers James Harden gets in his ears like yo I told you darl Mory is a liar do not trust him if there was a stealth team to come out of no nowhere and those plans were foiled we were talking about it actually like a day or two ago the San Antonio Spurs dude I would love it I don’t think it’s reality I don’t think the Spurs are interested I think they should be I think they should be because it you’re doing nothing but building good habits and you’re letting wmy what the future would look like you know and will look like for the foreseeable for the next three four years of his career and let him know like we’re going to put continuous to put guys like this around your corner so you’re not going to have to fight for your life with exactly Stefon castle and jemy so being your spacers Paul George is a star doesn’t have a championship to his name these guys care about the Legacy even if they pretend they don’t he probably wants to win a chip right and if he does spurs aren’t the way to go but if I was him but if I was him yeah I would like listen I see Victor woman Yama I see the next NBA top 10 player of all time I want to be a part of that story go further say top go go I would like to be a part of that story and I see a team that has Castle has vasel has Sohan that’s four players you put Paul George in that lineup they can be competitive right now immediately he can immediately be in history as the guy that helped guide the next his next you know level of Spurs basketball show these guys how to win which they may not say that Paul George isn’t exactly you know we know Season Champion but you know can help them facilitate the next era the Spurs can compete and be confident they have the Hawks pick next year so they don’t need to be like a top five pick of the RO W’s probably too good for that anyways they’re not gonna be a t like that because W is gonna be a star in year two you can still compete I don’t think Paul George steps on the toes of any their young guys development at all really so I think they could kind of play the middle ground there and play both ways while they continue to nurture the young guys prioritize them Paul George understands this is wy’s team we need to make castle the next guy Bell the next guy I can do my thing in the short term but be the mentor of these guys again I don’t think it’ll happen but it would be really cool I I think both teams should be interested in that yeah I 110% agree the storyline between him being the guy to go ahead and help Wy Ascend to the next level in just like NBA playoff status or whatever while also being a Savvy vet that Devon vasel needs to become you know the defensive player that a lot of people thought he was going to be coming into the NBA and then helping Stefan Castle they’re all like similarish players in terms that they’re known for their defense first or they were supposed to be known for the defense first and foros and storyline wise beautiful scenario but it won’t happen because it sound so but there is one more team we need to talk about as being potential Paul George suters and that’s the Clippers you know he said that he’s goingon to meet with the magic the Sixers and the Clippers and to me well listen Chris ha’s report that things are heating up with the Sixers changes things but an hour ago it felt to me like he probably wants to be with the clippers but obviously they’ve refused to give him the four-year Max that he feels like he deserves if I’m reading the he leaves it sounds to me like I’m going to say I’ll talk to these teams that have their cast space to sign me out right and you might get nothing so apply pressure give me the four-year deal do you think this you view the Clippers as a team that has it in them can stomach the fact that if they don’t offer that fourth year he’s walking for nothing I think I think they can um just because and we we’ll talk about this with the guy with James Harden later but Sportland I think James Harden is going to be a Clipper next year yeah and with him and Kawai there and the new building and everything I think that that’s good enough for for them I know Steve Balmer is incredibly competitive you see him whing out on the on the sidelines of of all these games and he would like to have um Paul George back but if they’ve had a year to get this done right you’ve had you’ve had a year to talk to Paul George to talk to to his agents and say we’re not going to give you this deal and nothing has really changed over over the last 12 months and now in the last you know 12 hours every everything is is going to change I think that they’ve made up their mind that they’re not giving him the fouryear max because even I think it would be harder for them to justify giving both Kawai and Paul George Max’s when you have not gotten any of the results that you thought you were going to get in uh in in 2019 none none of that happened and now we’re going to run this back and pay both of you top dollar I don’t I don’t know if I don’t know if I can stomach that I hear you I understand you any of the the day if you’re sad as Balmer that this this Duo hasn’t reached expectations so you don’t reward them with the money that’s fine what’s even worse is losing one of those guys because that means those expectations will never be met you’re eliminating the chance of them hitting their ceiling that you hope they can be because one guy’s gone and they have no way to replenish that depth yeah at all like they’re they’re dead in the water if P leaves as a contender I agree I I why would you want that why I get it giving him a fourth year could age horrendously he’ll be 38 years old making $50 million a year terrible but what know what also was terrible is going into a new arena with 45 games a year of Kawhi Leonard and old man James Harden getting the eighth seed that doesn’t sound too fun to me and guess what you right now are thinking in a very logical way right we are talking about billionaires who act on on impulse and who will do anything to win and treat this like it’s 2K and Steve Balmer is like he is you know not Matt isby a level of of crazy but he’s a wild boy you know he he moves kind of crazy and I just think that for for him to look at this entire era of Clippers basketball and really have it be defined by the disappointments of not ever being able to have the opportunity to reach it to reach your your potential right forget about getting to multiple Conference Finals or do all this you haven’t had a chance to put yourself in that position and now I’m going to look at everybody and say yeah this is what we’re going to do for for the next four years and we’re going to have eight years of Kawai and Paul George I can’t I can’t live like that and that’s what I tell you guys all the time if I’m them I just can’t live like that but what happens to podcast P the studio is in La if he Lo if he moves to Philadelphia is he going to commute once a week are they going to move the studio is the podcast going to die I’m concerned as a consumer see B don’t care about that he does not care does Paul George care about that he get out bro if I’m Paul George I’m sitting down and I’m taking all what you said which makes 100% sense like in complete I’m I’m feeling so disrespected fan because the only reason why the Clippers have been a float is quite literally because of Paul George he’s been the most consistent player on the court and off the court in terms of just like him being healthy and whatnot and all their roles and disappointments does not stem from him obviously it starts at the head of the team which is Kawai not being healthy at all and the fact that you’re willing to go ahead and give Kawai this I understand I would do the same thing cuz he’s Kawai but you have hesitancy on giving Paul dor that four-year deal I get it longterm but still like you have nothing to look forward to have zero of your own picks because of the massive trade that you did back in 2018 2019 you know so at this point in time you have nothing to lose and if they let him walk then the Oklahoma City Thunder fans are going to be rejoicing you know PS these these Clippers they’re they they’re going to represent nothing and they’re going to be in a mud tough all right well let’s move on to the other half of the Clippers equation you mentioned it James Harden can be a free agent and we’ll quickly rattle him off you know I have this list of players talking about their Landing spots James Harden is going to be a Clipper right yes there’s been reports that rich Paul is trying to pressure the Lakers to sign somebody with their mid-level exception that LeBron will take less money to open up a $13 million window Rich Paul named James Harden as a person that could be one of those targets I don’t really see James Harden taking $13 million a year to play for the Lakers unless the Clippers just like completely fall apart and kaai request a trade or something so I feel like especially if they lose Paul George which it seems likely to they’re gonna give him the back they’re gonna reward James Harden who has honestly for the past like four years of his career been leaving money on the table to help his teams win I think he’ll do that again he’ll take 30 million instead of 45 or whatever he could potentially get and I think they reward him for that that’s fair um yeah I he’s going he’s going to stay with with the Clippers I think that like I was shocked when the Clippers ultimately made the deal for James Harder just because you had to give up a lot of flexibility for a guy that didn’t really have a market like when you go back and and look at the way people were perceiving James Harden before that trade his reputation was absolutely in the mud still is exactly and you really had the James Harden experience this past year where he played well in in stretches they um they had their entire you know meltdown towards the end of the season he had an amazing amazing game in in the uh in the series against the against the Mavs had multiple amazing games to a amazing game yeah ex the falling right and now and then you have the moments where you look at him in a playoff series and it’s like what is he doing right so James Harden is who he is’s he’s going to be who he’s going to be and for the rest of of the league how you know how much do you want that on your squad I don’t I don’t really know so he got traded to the Clippers he wanted to go there I think he understood that the position that they were in moving to to a new Arena you have two stars don’t really know which one of them you’re going to pick he can slide right in there and get his bag and that’s exactly what’s going to happen you can’t go in the arena with just Kawai Kawai and the pow show like you’re not you’re not doing that nor Norman Powell nice he Aver a cool 17 18 last year and he can replace Paul George can’t replace Paul George and James Harden that that’s a terrible route to go down yeah so earlier I believe you said you wanted to see the magic potentially go for more creation and you know if the ATL magic strike out on Paul George and if James Harden wasn’t getting the number that he wanted I think the Orlando Magic would be a great option for Paul for James Harden simply because the creation and he could easily slide in there with alongside jayen Suggs that could work yeah only problem is so there’s no character concerns people I think people respect James Harden especially you know a lot of stars had to make a adjustment when they’re P their Prime I think he’s done that I think he’s buying into his role so I think he would fit the locker room there just fine but they’re Pride themselves on defense and being you know just punching the mouth basketball Paul George can fit that that doesn’t strike me as a super good on court fit with James Harden though you’re right he brings the passing that they God knows they need and he’s large he’s not a horrible Defender he has size at the position but I don’t know it it feels like they would slow them down and just add like a finesse that they’re not really looking for it’ll definitely switch up their identity just a little bit but I think the levels in which it’ll rise their offense it’ll be tremendously worth it you know and they have the money and if he’s not that expensive either and if like they can continue to do other things and he doesn’t like hamstring them you’re not giving up asset so maybe like you don’t really lose much yeah exactly the magic fun fact like over the last like 10 years never had a good offense bro they just never have a good one of the most like they have consistently one of the most subpar to like trash offense in the NBA lottery level type of offense you’re right since since Dwight Howard I’m saw the stat since Dwight Howard’s left I think they’ve been bottom 10 every single season just doing nothing but throwing up breaks bro so it’s like that’s impressive that’s like hard it’s hard to be that level of mid like you have to try to actively be bad at offense which you do when you every year you draft some variation of Jonathan Isaac where you’re like who’s the longest guy that can’t shoot Magic exactly bro so I think adding James Harden to that helps you finally defeat those longlasting RS that they’ve had while also if they’re able to like you know fall back in any category of the Court just let it be defensive you don’t necessarily need to have the number one number two defense they weren’t even that over the over this past season so I think that’ll be a picture perfect fit and also I think it allows P Paulo to choose his spots in more different in a myriad of different ways especially when it comes to like attacking the pay more better yeah I I I agree with you but only if we were playing 2K I think 2K yeah like if you put James hard on the Magic in 2K you’re cooking like the simulation would go great yeah but where James Harden is at in his career and what we’ve seen from him over the last you know two two three stops is like when things start to go bad with James Harden or if things start to like get a little bit shaky if he decides like no I’m out of here he he has that that like trait in him where you can blow up the situation like that you just say he’ll quiet quit and he’ll quiet quit loudly thank you he he will he’ll just quit he’ll just quit and the the one thing that you said that makes me a little bit nervous about that equation is like you know okay we could bring James Harden into this situation and if we’re going to you know if we’re going to draw back on on anything it’s going to be our defense I would be very very hesitant to do that because we’ve seen teams who try and do that right on a on a massive scale we saw the Milwaukee Bucks do that where they said okay we’re going to bring in Dame instead of Drew holiday and obviously it didn’t work for a lot of reasons but part of that reason is because you built your entire team around your defensive identity and then now that’s gone and things start to get shaky after that I think the same thing happens if you bring James Harden in there where you you are you know P I’mma punch you in the mouth Smash Mouth basketball we bring James hard in and now we’re in the process of trying to develop these young guys and these young stars and we have James Harden kind of messing up our defensive identity which which was going to be the foundation of everything that we did for the next seven years and now I’m looking at that and it makes me just a little bit nervous all right well that’s enough James Harden talk he’s going to the Clippers bar the lead there he’s staying yeah how do you guys feel about Klay Thompson you know he’s been the probably the biggest name very very heavily talked about player cuz there’s some heavily about teams linked to him obviously he’s leaving the dynasty Dynasty that he was probably the second or third most important person in creating right weird moments and it gets weirder because he is linked to the Los Angeles Lakers how do you feel you’ve talked yourself into loving this move I talk myself into anything they losing that just F my pick for where Clay Thompson should go is the Los Angeles Lakers yeah and listen I watched Clay Thompson last year the same way y’all did didn’t like what I saw I mostly didn’t like it because he was making $43 million per year in that instance I do not want him sniffing my team but $20 million a year God forbid the mid-level exception $13 million a year I think I’d like them a lot especially playing as LeBron and Anthony Davis and listen for the duration of their time together they have never had more than one more like more than 0. five Elite spacers that really have gravity Danny Green had a moments kcp had a moments but they weren’t like heavy heavy gravity Shooters you bring in JJ reic who knows how you shoot is better than anybody probably in NBA history cuz he is that guy for this modern NBA you give him Dalton connect and Klay Thompson that could be a level of spacing that we’ve never seen around LeBron and AD so even if Klay Thompson is 40% of what he was pre-injury all we need him to do is run off screens create gravity hit catch and shoot jumpers which he can still do at a high level it’s everything else that’s a problem and playing with the Warriors they need him to do that everything else with their style of play you can’t keep a same system and tell a guy to turn into a role player he’s going to want to play the he has forever entering a new system all bets are off he can stand in the corner put those hands up and just be a perfect LeBron teammate I agree with you because and I’ve tried to talk myself into Clay on the Mavericks but the more I think about it especially seeing where klay’s defense is at this point having Anthony Davis behind you and having LeBron also on the floor that infrastructure is so much better than a lineup of Luca Kyrie and Klay Thompson like people are getting blown by if you run that out there they’re getting absolutely cooked and so if you can have Klay Thompson on the Lakers and he plays what SE you know 17 to 24 minutes a night anywhere around there that is a much more you know ideal situation for Klay Thompson at this point in his career so yeah put him on the Lakers let let him go home we’ve been talk we’ve been talking about this possibility for like eight years every time Klay Thompson has a contract situation it’s like he wants to go to the Lakers he wants to go to to the Lakers we’re here now let him let him do it and it’ll be fine okay I I’ve been told real quick before you get into it I’ve been told we have a Lakers Rel a tweet to pull up that’s Rel to this topic so let’s let’s see what the breaking news is regarding this ah the Lakers are interested in trading for Brook Lopez so if that’s going to be a thing does that impact how you view a potential Klay Thompson fit um so it’s interesting because my thought process was aligned with one of these teams involved in this um if the Milwaukee Bucks were to go ahead and make a move obviously like they could they’d have to like we talked about it a couple podcasts ago or a podcast ago actually uh Brook Lopez may need to be sacrificed in some way shape or form and if he’s not he is or if he’s not then I think Klay Thompson hopping over there alongside Dame and Yannis will be a tremendous fit obviously because they have nothing else there and having another just consistent reliable shooter who will 100% guaranteed knock something down other than compared to like Pat conington who shot like 32% last year or Patrick Beverly who’s you know doesn’t necessarily have the greatest gravity in the world think he gives him another ceiling but other than that I think the Lakers would be a tremendous fit it’s the perfect like get back story oh so you were saying you want the buck to get him yeah I think I want the Bucks to get him for sure that’s food that is food if if what kind of food barbecue chicken obviously if if clay if clay was on the buck that the defense that is already struggling and is probably going to have a couple more problems with d get getting older going into next season that’s going to be that’s going to be an issue and if you get rid of Brook Lopez and bringing in Klay Thompson that’s that’s Drew for Dame part two like the entire defense is or not not not not that specific no you’re right you’re right it is essentially a second move to prioritize offense yeah I don’t know but you agree on the Lakers Lakers are cool okay what about the Mavs because that’s reportedly the other team in the mix he’s seemingly going to choose between those two teams the Mavs can either way it might have to be a signing trade if they’re going to get to the money that he wants both teams could seemingly offer him like a mid-level exception type of deal without doing a trade but if he wants to get his 20 mil for 4 years or whatever it is you’d have to send out a DLo or send out a kba plus whoever whatever may be but the Mavs really want him and they’re going to chase him hard like you see on this tweet right here how does that move you in comparison to the Lakers for the team and for clay I like the bucks first and foremost more than the Mavs because we got to stop talking about the Bucks we got to get off this bucks idea if it happens you’re going to be sick to sick to your stomach but I mean I like it too the mads are a great great fit because of their overall play style you’re not going to ask L to do too much obviously in the corner and do what you’ve been doing for the last 11 12 years of your career and I just I just really have like massive concerns about the defense so even more concerns than the Milwaukee Buck for sure yeah yeah that’s replacing Tim Hardway Jr and that’s and that’s fine and I think that with with Clay’s even at even like at this point Clay’s movement is still like insane and pairing him with Luca who can close his eyes go to the tunnel and still make a a you know on target pass that that’s the part that interests me so highly about him going to Dallas because if you if you have Luca in an action and he’s able to find clay on whatever on whatever you know movement he’s at that’s going to be that’s going to be key for them so in that sense I think that there’s offensive Heights that uh that Dallas Can can reach and we saw especially during the finals like you need guys to to be able to knock down shots like how how long do you want to rely on Josh green and Maxi cber to to knock down to knock down shots PJ Washington great amazing Series against OKC the rest of the playoffs subpar from three he had a nice little r haimura run there where one series he can’t missed then he’s back to being his career averages exactly you need legitimate Shooters I think Klay Thompson while a little bit inconsistent I still trust him when when his shot goes up there is still a level of of confidence and belief that that’s going in more than I have on basically every other role player for the Mavs so they they need that and so I would I would trust that and I would like it I would if it happened I would like to see it I think the biggest thing I think one of you I think it was you said we put him there have him next to Luka have him do what he’s done for the past 10 years when did you said that I think it’s the opposite what he’s done for the last 10 years is run off the screens in motion create get to the mid-range keep the ball moving and do a lot with the ball in his hands cuz everybody in Golden state is asked to be able to do all of that you have to to play in that system right you can’t be a guy that doesn’t know how to move off ball doesn’t know how to make good cuts that type of things playing next to Luka donic requires a lot of this and you just stay here for like 30 seconds yeah offensive rebound happens you just keep going don’t move in the corner stationary that’s different so it’s not entirely the same play style he normally does but the biggest problem in Golden state was he’s not good with that other stuff anymore he’s quite bad at it so as somebody who has to transition into their Miami Heat Ray Allen days and find that next way to maintain value for teams he needs to go to a team I think that has a lot of this that has him stand there and do this for a while so he might not like that element he might have some friction with Jason kid because he feels he can do more but I think that would be really good for him long term to play that more off ball role with far less usage he’s not going to like anything we’ve seen we’ve seen him o over the last two years the transition post injury into what we all know Klay Thompson needs to become it’s been a very very Rocky transition and he’s talked super openly super candidly about how hard that transition has has been and how hard it’s been for him to go from a guy who used to average you know 20 20 points a game who used to be you know the second best shooter in the league can score 60 points in a game with 11 dribbles all that into hey we need you to just stand over here we need you to really just just catch and shoot and so where whoever he plays with whether if it’s with Luca or if it’s with LeBron you’re going to be asked to be to do the same things that golden state was asking you to do now maybe a change of scenery makes it easier maybe you just couldn’t reach that in Golden State because of all the history but that’s going to be a switch in his mind that eventually he’s going to have to flip and so that’s more of like a personal thing rather than a fit on whatever team he goes to yeah it’s interesting because so if you’re clay which which of these sounds more enticing to you Lakers or Mavs I mean I’d stay in California I just go I I’ll go with the Lakers also because I’m I have the insurance like I said you have the insurance of better defense or or better you know I guess like individual defenders in in LA but also the Mavs are the better team right now and listen they were in the finals it’s hard to make it back toback years in the west but they’ll be in the mix and it seems to me from everything thing we’re reading that he has quite the resentment for the Golden State Warriors organization from how they’ve handled all this I feel like he wants to get it back in blood he wants to go somewhere he can win a chip and be like haha you guys are in the goddamn Lottery you got probably got a better chance to doing that with the Mavericks uh yeah I mean I can agree with that cuz obviously Luca is like it doesn’t matter what you want to call him the first second or third best player in the world just know that he’s like one of those dudes and just naturally have a better chance to achieve higher with that but I don’t know playing playing alongside LeBron and AD is like would be a career defining moment in my mind uh as well yeah shout out to Russell Westbrook good God but um but yeah I think that would be more productive for him because I feel like he would have more he would be seen more as a real piece compared to just like a plug-in plugin in place guy like he would be in Dallas yeah also I just Che right now Lakers with three games behind the Mavs in the standings like the West is so it’s so open and it’s so competitive that you know you can you can be anywhere from two from 2 to 9 and it’s going to be like a one we two we stretch to to that determines what your seating is going to be so you can go you can go to La and even though like even though that that the Lakers were in the playin part of it is because they’re they’re the Lakers and we talk about them every day but there was a serious path for them to be like hey is there a way that they can get back to the Conference Finals you end up playing Denver in the first round which sucks let’s see what happens if Dallas would have played Denver in the first round things could have went went a lot differently the the Western Conference playoffs is all about matchup so you can still go to La and with Austin Reeves with connect with a new coach that situation can be completely different than what it was last year and you might see them back in the Western Conference Finals man Clay is Klay Thomson the answer to the Lakers is he gonna them to the promised land I mean he could if I’m CL I’m going to Milwaukee God you in this Milwaukee agenda it’s great man you got to actually consider it I don’t think you do I think you have to not consider it actively I I I agree I I hate to say this I think that that’s an actively bad situation Chris Middleton Giannis that’s exting ter how is it terrible on court is not defense who’s who’s guarding you ask clay to do a little bit less and you know have Yannis in the back you’ll be fine you won’t be he will be okay I you unequivocally not be fine okay we move to the next guy go it go it is this guy relates back to the Clipper situation a little bit demard D rozan you know star for the Chicago Bulls seems like they’re going to let him walk or they should maybe a signing trade depending on the destination but he’s a really difficult player to find a place for so I it’s it’s hard to have a landing spot but I think the might landing spot for him might just be the Clippers if they lose Paul George they’re gonna need a guy they’re gonna need another score just a guy if the Bulls let him go very difficult to find a team that fits with him and Clippers might be the one who has match of need resources to get him archetype fit I don’t I don’t love it but I don’t know what situation you would love demard Rosen is like the exact type of player that a team will want that just have no idea what to do next he’s like and the Clippers if they lose Paul George will not know what to do next yeah he’s not a playing a b or c or even D type of guy he’s just like all right hands in the air who can we get that can just at bare minimum put the ball in the basket and he’s a ceiling Razer I mean a floor Razer yeah exactly exctly I agree he’s he’s a good placeholder in general until you figure out what the next plan or move is and for the Los Angeles Clippers and the specific position that they could potentially be in and losing Paul George he’s great you’re not going to miss out in the playoffs completely or totally uh Once You Usher into the next phase he’ll be all right there I like that fit I think I have a interesting one in my head but what do you think the Clippers are a professional a team from from Southern California and if you are from the area you have first dibs at any roster spot over there Demar de R rozan would fit there he would fit all of that and so I I don’t hate that I yeah I don’t I don’t hate that because I’m surprised because you love to hate some clippers I listen I I do but when I was talking before free agency started and I was like okay well if the Sixers don’t end up getting Paul George who can they go get Demar de rozan was a name that I thought that the Sixers could consider if they missed out on Paul George and we can just you know go to the opposite side of the coast and if you lose Paul George put demard Roose right in there so it’s fine I like yeah I don’t I don’t hate that who’s your interesting team you’re thinking about team that just are just like in the not in the mud but they’re just like we don’t really know what we’re doing here you’ve been hinting towards this over the last few days the Utah Jazz have an owner who’s just hell bent on winning put Demar Rose in there see what happens y if they want to shop L that’s disgusting that’s that’s just like they’re not meant to be productive they’re not meant to be trash they’re just there that’s nasty and this is that’s the type of basketball that Utah has been playing genuinely they’re being consistent consistently there well you said you had an interesting team sure that if that’s nothing if not interesting I’m interested in the thought of that and I’m interested in throwing the thought of that into the trash can I don’t like it it’s just not productive basketball but it’s a legit for I don’t know if it should exist I don’t know if it’s fun but it’s there I would like the Utah Jaz to prosper now listen it’s the first time I’ve ever said those words in my life I’ve never been like Hey I’m for the Jazz freaking go but after the draft they had I want to see Cody Williams Thrive I want to see Isaiah ker Thrive I like Lowry marinin I’ve seen some of the Walker Kester movies they’re good I don’t want to add Demar Rose into that conversation at all I don’t think we we don’t we don’t have to do that we have to do that your your picks I’m not going to lie your picks are very very 2 Kish where we’re just doing stuff just out of the box right now man we got to shake things up a little bit all the same teams over and over again let’s think outside the Happ in free AG I respect it because demard Rosen is so difficult cuz the Bulls don’t want him let’s say the C let’s say the Clippers keep Paul George who else is going to want him like it’s no no Paul George I mean Demar is a very good player just a very specific player that’s hard to fit around unless he’s like taking a lot of usage and there’s not a lot of teams that need a guy that you must usage so you’re honestly you’re probably closer along the right lines realistically than we are because he’s going to have a strange Market yeah and it’s like before I look at a guy like DeMar rosen obviously Paul George is an option even before Paul George not even before after not before Paul George but after Paul George I’m looking at someone like Brandon Ingram and I’m trying to make a move like that happened before I look at someone like Demar Ren so it’s like most in the air teams have to be an option for the Kings they do Firepower on the wings they do they do and yeah I don’t know it’s so hard to visualize Demar is a lot of teams because he plays his own specific style Demar in we be able to get dear Funk to Brooklyn and just have him and cam Thomas go crazy can we yes should we I don’t think so DeMar going to produce a little bit too many wins I think for sure he’s going to he’s going to hit a couple gamewinners for sure okay Atlanta no hands are too full okay I’m I’m just fire off teams Atlanta no Miami nah yes I actually I actually W will go with Miami um I think I think the Heat have been begging for any type of free agency signing and like if Terry Ro is the big acquisition over the last you know two three years that they eventually pair with Jimmy Butler I think that that’s weird we’ve we already know that there’s static between Jimmy and and Pat Riley and the extension doesn’t seem like it’s like it’s going to happen if Miami next year eventually is like you know what Jimmy Thanks for the Memories right you’ve been talking a little crazy you are not you know playoff Jimmy all the time we we don’t really want to deal with that Demar de rozan would still be in in a position to keep the heat right at that 40 to 42 wins that they love to be at you know that they don’t love to tank and so it would be a nice little Insurance piece if Jimmy Butler ends up leaving next year so should he go back to the Raptors the Raptors are kind of trying to play a little middle ground like the retooled got some young players in but they’re still trying to be competitive you know the goty yakoto quickly RJ Scotty dear if RJ wasn’t there then I would be more open to that idea they’re going to lose Gary Tren Jr in free agency probably just slide into Mar Rosen into that spot yeah I think that completely cooks for spacing of course it’s not very ideal hey RJ you better now we did see we did see that’s not what you want from RJ that’s not what you want what do I want from RJ I don’t I don’t know but he but he played listen RJ played well at the end of of last season he played well once he got to Toronto and for a deal right like after you trade OG and you get you get quickly you get some young guys you want to prioritize some of their development especially with Scotty Barnes being so young so bringing dear in there I it feels weird saying yeah we’re gonna RJ Barrett like your development is is number one on the list get but like you still you know if you’re in that weird Zone let me see what you can do yeah okay I honestly they’re not signing him I’m just throwing St out there but you know you know who’s in hell right now the Golden State Warriors try to get Paul George whiffed apparently looking at Zack LaVine and Ingram I saw some reports of that I feel like they might whiff Demar d r rozen’s available they need something that is nasty but also it works because you if it’s going to work with any team it has to work with a team that has Steph Curry on them or some type of elite level shooter and having the greatest shooter of all time helps you oversee all the woses and the limitations that Demar has in his game so I actually kind of like it yeah I I don’t love it but it’s an option as a fourth option for the Golden State Warriors in their search for a wing star could be worse yeah it wouldn’t be bad at all they can’t go home with the same team or a team without clay yeah all let’s talk about one more player who is the most enticing player in all the free agency he’s the guy we all need to look for that team Lev will shift the tides of the NBA Championship race Tobias Harris okay okay my landing spot for Tobias Harris is the Detroit Pistons we’re lock step we’re lock step I I completely agree they have no shooters right they have they have no well actually no no no they got Tim Hardway Jr oh they do have Tim Hardway J and I think that Tobias Harris going back to Detroit that’s exactly where he needs to be at I don’t think Tobias Harris needs to be on any team that has aspirations of winning a championship um I think he needs to go and just do what Tobias Harris has done for his entire career get a bag and average 16 points per game and be solid and he can do that in Detroit he can provide some spacing some veteran leadership and everything will be okay he is to the Detroit Pistons what Dylan Brooks is to the Houston Rockets they need to bring in veterans and find competency because for the last couple years honestly it’s exactly the same you had Steven Silas who was money laundering for a couple years ruining the development of his young players Monty Williams hit a lck they’re both gone new coaches come in that are known as cultur culture centers right JB biera helped bring the Cavs out of the mud to be relevant you send him to the Detroit Pistons trying to do the same thing you need veterans to do that to some extent how expensive those veterans are what role they have who knows you need some adults in the room to teach the young guys Tobias you know he started there they have the money he doesn’t have a robust Market by any means it makes so total sense for everybody yeah I 100% agree with that he was one to Detroit pitton just a couple years ago and they didn’t really get too much accompass still not looking to do the same but I think it’s very important to get in a guy some to what we said about Wy earlier just get a guy in there alongside Kade Cunningham and let this be promising to Kade that like y we’re going to get guys around you who can play this style of basketball eventually in the future while you give the Ron Holland of the world Jaden iy of the world if he’s still there and the Thompson thear Thompson of the world to just time to you know catch up and develop meanwhile you can play serious basketball a little bit with Tobias Harris yeah he doesn’t listen Tobias Harris isn’t so good that you’re going to win games and like not be able to tank if that’s what your aspirations are if you want a Cooper flag Tobias ha will not stand in the way of that Tobias Harris is not getting you into a playing race I 11% agree yeah he let you do exactly what you wanted to do before but with a little bit more oil on the Pistons yeah I think that’s fine I like that another option that I have for Tobias Harris again team that just has absolutely nothing really going on here a couple steps ahead of the Troy Pistons the entire NBA is actually not how I say that so it doesn’t mean anything but the Charlotte Hornets they have nothing going on just picked top six pick in uh T Johnson line and they’re not really looking to make too much noise now do you think Grant Williams is going to be in the way Tobias Harris I’m not having those conversations I’m not having those arguments yeah sure let’s let’s put Tobi put him over there put another adult in the building he’s a great citizen Tobias Harris you’re a hornet there we go exactly he doesn’t have a speeding ticket on his resume at all he don’t he’s not a got type of guy to go ahead and get any fines by the NBA great model Sol yeah but um listen we’re talking about going back to an old Tobi Harris team again the Clippers lose Paul ders they need somebody You’ seen Tobias Harris have quite good years of the Clippers does that move you move me no but do I understand it yes everybody needs Plan B plan C sometimes the number one thing that you want to that you want to do doesn’t always work out so you have to Pivot not everybody can win exactly so you might have to say but everybody can have to buy SS we can get every listen for the block I I promise promise you he’s yeah he’s just like on that level of being productive enough and the Philly thing had run its course the fans hated him that won’t be a problem with the Clippers they have no fans so it’s G it’s going to be okay and he’ll fit in he’ll fit in with their you can’t be hated when you’re ignored it’s fine it’s impossible F that wall that wall will be quiet there won’t be anything it’s fine wow was not expecting that oh man I can understand that for sure I can understand it for sure that will be pretty nasty but at the same time like you said they just need someone there a presence a body and I guess you’d rather have Tobias Harris there rather than another role play random role player over there so it’s fine I’ve also seen reports of him linked to the Jazz for kind of the reasons you were talking about with dear Rosen I guess just there yeah and it’s not a horrible fit he can play with L Markin yeah that’s banishing him like like going going to play in like Toronto and Utah those are just two places where it’s like all right go over there like you’re in trouble be busy like especially going off of like I want to say a cool City like Philadelphia but it’s not exactly LA but never mind keep going I I keep see the vision there he can play you don’t love Rocky I’ve been I’ve been up the steps before it’s okay like it’s very cool Museum but yeah he can be productive there in some like he can make certain guys life easier in Keon George and all that is it a fit that’s going to move mountains no you don’t necessarily need to move anything in Utah they’re still going to achieve what they’re going to achieve which is a high lottery pick next year but they are but like okay to defend Utah though I they are building what because they I thought that they had a very good draft and they are they are building something you can at least like see see the vision with what with what they’re going I think that with their with the young players like Lowry is Low’s also young but he’s also kind of like starting to Teeter into that that veteran presence I just for them let the young guys play a majority of the time and if we are going to bring somebody in on a veteran presence I don’t want them to be um somebody that we kind of like have to feature I get for for lack of a better term like let’s have somebody who can be a little bit more in the in the background cuz I think that they have a lot of really good young pieces and I want to see them you know have as much opportunity as possible tobi’s hair strike you as a heat culture member that’s that’s interesting he’s going to show up and work for sure he’s going to do his job the right way though he will I don’t know honestly the biggest problem with him on the Sixers Tobias Harr is not a scrub Philadelphia fans treat him like a scrub he needs to do significantly less than what they’re asking of him right he is a good role player that was thrusted into being one of the the big the best Wing scorer on the team after Ben Simmons and Paul George departure so he’s never lived up to that cuz you have a certain amount of expectations that come with being the second highest paid player on the team he shouldn’t be that but he can play he can serve a role he can be a stretch four that can do a little bit of isolation scoring he can play next to Tyler hero Jimmy Butler all them like it wouldn’t be the worst fit and you know that Miami Heat love them some free agent acquisitions I think I have another team in mind again a team that does somehow the stupidest thing imaginable on a consistent basis whatever they do doesn’t make sense the Chicago Bulls if they lose the mar Rosen they’re going to want someone to go ahead and fill in those buckets now they just resigned Patrick Williams to a four-year contract I believe and they believe him to a certain capacity but also they just got Josh giddy they have Lonzo ball still room plenty full of guards and they need some spacers in theory Tobias Harris should be that if I was a Chicago Bulls fan and our offseason is losing to Mar Rosen trading for Josh Giddy and signing Tobias Harris I’d stop being a fan you I’m I’m walking out I can’t take I can’t take any more of this that’s too much torture I think the only like reasonable recourse is violent action they’re still showing up they’re still selling out single night weing you can break those clipboards jerseys I don’t know who’s cuz there’s nobody left but jerse are being burnt the Marshon Madison we’re we’re taking it down Mar Madison I can’t I can’t do that all right to quickly recap we listen we had the five stars we’re talking about in free agency my bad loose Stars five players we talked about quickly recap all of the landing spots we gave you guys Paul George 76ers we’re on agreement that is the best spot he needs to go to about to happen James Harden staying with the Clippers you know you can’t lose both of them you got to pay the guy he’s shown to be a guy who will buy in to his new role sacrifice a little bit of money so they can get a mid-level exception that seems very reasonable Klay Thompson l Akers over Mavs I I I think he should pick the Lakers but I won’t be surprised if it actually ends with the Mavs in reality DeMar rosen listen we need a Paul George replacement send him to the Clippers and Tobi Harris to the Pistons to guide the tank yeah I mean this looks pretty this looks looks pretty good to me Tobias Harris outstanding spot for him Demar exactly I like where this list is said it is there any we have about two minutes left before we toss it off is there any one more player left you want to give a spot for any prediction you have where’s kyp going to play kyp matter of fact who’s going to win the yonas funa sweep Stakes e is that sweep Stakes it is now that’s terrible that’s terrible I have I have no idea because I’m trying to figure out like maybe maybe OKC goes after goes after um yonas that’d be hilarious after that one game really one quarter where yonas was abusing check everyone’s like oh my God check can’t play center the stupidest takes if yon just comes and backs them up it’s the new version of like Alor for Sig with the Sixers you don’t got to deal with them yeah but but if the if the Thunders strike out on Isaiah hartenstein you go out you right you spend a little Bread on jonis Valen Tunes just get another big body in there I I could see that okay that’s fair I guess another team that just like doesn’t really matter for real because of the stage that they’re in the Y valun could theoretically fit in as a Washington Wizards get another adult in the building sure why not you’re playing you’re not playing everybody makes s in Washington yeah exactly for his caliber like why not there’s minutes to be had exactly and someone has to play what about kcp we got we got one minute left kcp is he staying with the Nuggets or is he a Philadelphia 76er or third team I think he’s getting his bag from who Philly I think he’s a Philly he’s getting a bag it won’t be from Denver don’t know from who yet but he will not be on the Nuggets next year Christian Brown season yes un unfortunately for the Nuggets title hopes kcp will not be there Christian Brun I hope he elevates or else it’s going to be very TR be in that lifetime gym every day two sessions for honestly I I’m kind of excited for it like I’d love it if kcp stayed and they maintained the most cohesive fiveman unit in basketball but inevitably these teams are going to lose people Cal boo said it contenders can replace their fifth starter over time I’m excited to see if Christian Brown can be that guy if he’s capable of hitting threes I hope so I don’t know though we’ll see I don’t know TBD we’ll see what’s up with that that’s the most slept on free agency signing of the year I think we’ll see that’s big ramifications in the west kcp year Orlando Magic let’s let’s get that could be fun let’s get kcp to Orlando I like that I like that but our time here is done we’re going to toss you guys over to some guys a lot smarter than us aren’t going to talk about as much nonsense we’ll send you over to the dunker spot for the next hour we’ll see yall later did do are we good yeah and we are live finally uh welcome in to the NBA free agency live stream I’m n Duncan join by my gu Steve Jones Jr Steve how are you uh happy to be here excited to be here um hope you’re ready to go for the Bonanza free agency here today as things are really about to start kicking off uh about an hour or so yeah news trickling in already and to bring us some more news we have Chris Haynes joining us uh has some words has some thoughts has some reporting on Paul George in the Philadelphia 76ers excited to hear what he’s heard and what else he may have for you Chris how are you gentlemen how you doing thanks for having me of course of course doing well doing well uh what is the latest you have on Paul George and the Philadelphia 76ers well obviously we we know that he declined his player option yesterday making him an unrestricted free agent he is expected to meet with the Los Angeles Clippers the Orlando Magic and the Philadelphia 76ers but I i’ I’ve been hearing that there’s growing optimism that the Philadelphia 76ers have a legitimate shot and a great shot to land Paul George during this free agency period and you have to remember how we got here this is a situation where a contract negotiations didn’t go anywhere for months you know ever since kawhai L agreed to his three-year $153 million extension in January I believe the Clippers were hoping that Paul George would get his contract under the same kind of construction as Kawai but the the situation has been that the Paul Paul George and them want a fourth year they w a fourth year on that um on the contract and the Clippers up to this point have been unwilling to uh to issue that fourth year but Philadelphia 76ers from what I’m told they are prepared to offer a four-year Max to um to Paul George the Orlando Magic I know they’re they’re I know they are willing to offer a Max I don’t know the the length of a such of a contract but Paul George it’s it’s looking like it’s going to take a hell marry for the Clippers to keep him but there’s still time we got an hour before free agency officially starts so there’s there’s plenty of time for the Clippers to try to make some more Headway remember the Clippers as of right now they are they’re the only team that can talk to Paul George right now this is the first year where the rules have changed where teams can talk to their own free agents so the Clippers have that going for them got you I guess just to bounce off of that is there a guarantee that Paul George takes all these meetings or is this a situation where Philly throws the four years out there and he’s just ready to sign on the dot line right then and there yeah I’ve been through numerous covering numerous free agents over the course of my 14 years in this league and you know there’s always initially a plan to meet with such a such amount of teams and um sometimes they take the meetings sometimes they cancel the meetings at the you know at the start and they go with that one team that they selected so I don’t know how this is going to play out as of right now but I do expect a decision to be made at some point today got you all right well thank you Chris we excited to hear a little bit more from you a little bit later in the show thanks for rocking with us for a little bit sure I’ll be back hey thank you Chris Hayes looks like we got some news trickl in through the pipeline on the Laker front from Adrian Walsh norowski restricted free agent Matt Christie intas to sign a four-year $32 million deal to stay with the Lakers the deal including a player option uh Steve any immediate thoughts on Matt Christie well I think he’s obviously been a young Cornerstone for the Lakers the Lakers during this time period have talked about the importance of Player Development and wanted to make sure they have guys that can contribute for this era with LeBron and Anthony Davis and moving forward Max Christie obviously he’s identified in one of those so now that you know the payment has come we’ll see if he can continue to develop in that system if he can show off that perimeter defense if the perimeter shot improves but they want to make sure they have their guys taken care of their pieces for the future so it totally makes sense to see Max Christie get this type of deal um and and get this kind of commitment that’s going to that’s going to make sure both sides feel a little bit more comfortable and he knows he’s a piece of the future yeah nice for them to go ahead and lock that in like we’ve seen the flashes on both ends of the floor from Matt Christie someone that can knock down shots from the perimeter someone that can attack close outs and get to the rim a little bit you already mentioned the defensive ability there was a nice stretch uh you know second half of last year to where he’s just guarding allar after Allstar after Allstar and so them giving him that kind of commitment him showcasing those flashes obviously led to a lot of trust for the Lakers so excited to see what this looks like what he’s going to look like um under a new staff new schemes on both ends I would imagine so it’s going to be an interesting thing to see with the Los Angeles Lakers um flipping back to the LA side and flipping back to Paul dor in particular um just heard from Chris Haynes on Paul George looks like at the very least he may not be back in La if it is Philadelphia how do you feel about to fit I mean if we’re going Paul George and Philadelphia I think that fit makes a ton of sense based on what they have they’re looking to add to Joel andb they’re looking to add to Tyrese Maxi he fills those kind of gaps we saw the growth from Tyrese Maxi last year we know what Joel EMB can do as an MVP type candidate the type of season he had cut short due to injury the burgy two- win game between them is fantastic now you add Paul George you fill in the gaps you can use him on ball you can use him off ball uh he can go ahead and be using staggers and handoffs you can run action with Maxine embiid second side go to Paul George it just kind of fits into the flow of what they’re looking for and we saw in that playoff run when Philadelphia had those guys going they were missing maybe a third maybe a third guy we can go get a basket on their own maybe a third guy who can defend certain types of matchups and I think that’s where Paul George really shine in this important summer for the Sixers to try and use this opportunity where they have this space in this Eastern Conference where we saw what Boston did we’ve seen what New York’s been trying to do and put together so now we need to find a way to keep ourselves in that territory Milwaukee’s still coming there’s a lot of moving pieces in the East it’s wide open so I think if Paul George were at Philadelphia were they able to get Paul George make a ton of sense yeah I love the fit I think the biggest question I would have with Paul George and Philadelphia as you mentioned can be on ball can be off ball can be used in a multitude of ways I just wonder what those early conversations with Nick nurse will be like in terms of what he sees for Paul George’s usage which role does he slide into the most obviously I think the benefit of having Paul George is his versatility he can do a little bit of everything but what does Paul George see for himself because with the Clippers during that run like we’ve seen massive on ball uses for Paul George we’ve seen him scale down a little bit obviously the injuries around him certainly play a role into the role that he had but I am interested to see just what he slots into initially and what that kind of guess just what the jelling process would be like with Philly CU I think on paper he can play well off of Tyrese Maxi I think he can obviously play off of Joel embiid if he’s seeing a bunch of double teams so I think the fit is there just kind of see like what does it look like early if brother all you got to do is listen to the podcast he’ll tell you exactly what he needs uh obviously I think one of the things that we’re looking at and Paul George is one of the names were talking about because once he declined that option he became one of the biggest names available but there’s a lot of people out there as you can see in the chat P want toone talks about well claying up in Dallas well Isaiah hardenstein be a good fit with OKC and I don’t know if we can pop that up there but this list of talent that’s going to be available as things start to really ramp up here in the next hour you can kind of see who’s going to be out there who could fall in different places and it’s like a domino effect to a degree um if Paul George Goes to Philadelphia what does that change as far as the Clippers playings as far as the Thunder plans the Magic’s plans so I think that’s kind of been the most fun part to kind of navigate the second apron era but also navigate okay who’s going to be the first one to fall so I don’t know if we have that graphic we can throw up there but who’s probably the most intriguing free agent to you besides Paul George um outside of Paul George for me it’s probably going to be Klay Thompson as it feels like that bridge with golden state has been burned um it looks like he is going to be somewhere else as just recent reporting from Anthony Slater some guys at the Athletics saying there was no official offer put on the table for Klay Thompson felt like the plan was for them let’s see if we can land someone let’s see if we can make a big splash with the Chris Paul money um see if they could get into the Paul George race before he ultimately decided to opt out let’s make a big splash and then Circle back to Clay and let’s figure things out and from Klay Thompson side again just kind of reading things it’s like well I would like to be a priority what’s going on here um so if it’s not going to be Klay Thompson Golden State he’s been linked to Philadelphia a little bit of linkage to Orlando he’s been linked to the Los Angeles Lakers like I I am really curious to see what that looks like we know what kind of shooter he’s been what kind of shooter he is still very efficient shooter high volume you see him can come off screens can get it off the bounce for himself there’s a nice shot there he’s been one of the best Shooters of all time so I think that skill set fits anywhere I’m just curious to see what he prioritizes the fact that the Lakers and the Mavericks have come up so much in particular is interesting within the lens of going to another Wester conference power or expected power but with the Lakers you’re receiving passes from LeBron James and helping boost the three-point efficiency and the three-point volume for the Lakers if it’s Dallas we know Luca Don is an offense onto himself Kyrie Irving can score in a multitude of ways and take pressure off things adding that kind of movement element to that offense I think could be very valuable you see the graphic up there 18 points 41% from three with clay and that’s what him having a slow start last year and so he still can accentuate any offense can accentuate any Star and gravity that they have I’m really curious to see where Klay Thompson lands well I think with Clay the Fresh Start element I think is is getting lost in this as far as being able to how whatever Cloud was around Golden State okay that’s over with whatever disrespect I may or may not felt that that’s over with so now where does he now take his talents to best suit him if you’re talking about a team like Dallas makes a ton of sense since they mentioned it in the chat if you think about Dallas what they have with Luca donic and the kind of shots that he can create and the importance for Dallas to have people who can space and make shots and drive close outs Klay Thompson can do all that but you add the layer of him being able to be a person you can run sets for you can add more movement for Klay Thompson we’ve seen them use Kyrie Irving a movement so now you add a different element to your team uh that builds on the versatility you’ve shown on this finals run that’d be a plus with the Los Angeles Lakers I think you fit in like a glove if you look at what they’ve added coaching wise shooting is going to help having people who can add to their movement is going to help and then having that size to kind of build everything out it’s going to be a plus so I think those are probably the top two in my mind Philadelphia Philadelphia is like the like the big Domino you know what I mean it feels like we just need Philadelphia to get out the way but if you look at the Lakers roster if Klay Thompson were to fit into there they got a lot L of size they got a lot of length M and so if you look at that that would be huge for them for Philadelphia obviously depending on what pieces you get if you can add clay plus another Wing now you have size you have spacing around and beat him Maxi that might be the vision there so I think his ability and I know the people are going to talk about the defense slipping but I do think the competitive Spirit of Klay Thompson is still there and depending on what the scheme is going to look like if it’s Dallas we know what they ask you to do defensively be active we have help behind you the Lakers if you’re going to have Anthony Davis behind you that may help out so it may just be a different setting different vibe different juice and we see clay continue to contribute at a high level got you I think I’m glad you brought up the defense in particular like we as you mentioned like Clay is coming off of injuries getting later in his career so it’s natural that there may be a little bit decline there I guess just in terms of the style of defenses as the Lakers and Dallas are a little bit different from each other what do you think is the best defensive fit for Klay Thompson the best defensive fit yeah team wise yeah I probably go Dallas okay I think Dallas they have a they have a built-in successful scheme that they already know it’s going to count on that’s no disrespect to any other team I didn’t mention but we literally have just seen them do it where uh we have multiple people who can do it we know what we’re trying to get to and we can kind of execute and you’ll fit within what we need to do we don’t need necessarily need to have you guard you know one a one B you can fit in what we do scheme wise but here here you go there’s the list there’s the list of free AG beautiful list I was the beautiful list of uned free agents so we talked about clay Thompson dealer’s Choice who do you want to talk about next Nas actually can we go to we’ll do the nikayas thing can we start with Isaiah hardenstein unbelievable of course we’re going with Isaiah hard like I one of the more versatile bigs in this year’s class okay uh the New York Knicks naturally just made a big move getting Mel Bridges in there they’ve resigned oan anobi or are expected to agree to a deal with oan anobi not getting anyone in trouble but I’m really curious to see where Isaiah hardenstein lands like I think really good passer active Defender I think if he was eligible for all defensive votes like he would at least be in consideration for folks with his activity and pick and rooll this ability to create deflections this ability to protect the rim you see the offensive rebound there active on the glass again can be used as a passing Hub so if you do want to expand your offense a little bit doesn’t have to be strict pick and roll something like that you can toss to Isaiah hardenstein on the low post toss to him at the elbow flowing the different actions unlock your Cutters you see the nice block there against Rudy gobear again the rim protection also can Popp in spurts though I do think just his overall activity at the level of screens is probably where you’re going to see the most value at Isaiah hardenstein I think he’s a guy that can help a lot of folks and when Mitchell Robinson went down he stepped right into the starting lineup for the New York Knicks and held down to forth on both ends of the floor we’ve seen him as a high impact starter we have seen him again accentuate bench units with New York with the Clippers so I think depending on where he goes if the Knicks are able to figure out the money to bring him back if another team he’s been linked to the Oklahoma City Thunder I would love that fit I think he would be one of the more impactful free agen on this year’s class I maybe I shouldn’t have gone dealer’s choice but I expected this to be one of the things that you would do so I was prepared no worries I appreciate oh I think Isaiah hartstein did a lot during that stretch where Mitchell Robinson went down for New York defensively as you mentioned he was very impactful and that’s not an easy place to make sure you do that defensively every single night drop defense contesting at The Rim over and over and over so he establish yourself on that end to where okay even when Mitchell Robinson’s healthy Isaiah hartstein might be our guy right I’m sure in a perfect world they would love to keep Isaiah hartstein but unfortunately you know apron apron apron apron apron apron apron there’s only so much you can do when it comes to hartenstein I think his offensive ability to be kind of a handoff hub we saw the pick and roll usage where you’re in drop against him I’m getting right to my spot I’m shooting that floater it’s going in that’s something where I’m thinking about Orlando how much does that help them to have a connector like that with power with frond with the guards that they have can that help them now you using the second unit just a little continuity Oklahoma City interests me I just wonder the spacing element OKC what would that look like for them do they want to keep five out and get to drive and kick not that it couldn’t work I think it’d be a big boost but that’s probably my only hesitation i’ probably lean Orlando for me personally okay I like the Orlando mention I think there’s been some Rumblings about teams looking at window Carter J if they’re not able to land Isaiah hardenstein kind of test out the trade market there so that’ be interesting but even if they are able to keep Wendell if Orlando wants to use their space on Isaiah hardenstein I’m here for it I do wonder what that would mean for the free agency of Mo Vagner I think he declined his option uh but the two sides want to work out a new deal so do they pivot there if they get Isaiah hardenstein I think that would be a talent upgrade but I could also understand where Mo did really good things for us off the bench last year really effective score really brought a much needed punch Orlando’s bench was really productive particularly during the regular season really just jumped on teams when that SI unit came out there so I get the Orlando fit I would imagine they are going to look for more shooting first again they were team that were linked early on to Klay Thompson I don’t know how much they factor in there uh as Chris Haynes mentioned a little bit earlier Paul George expecting to have a meeting with Orlando and so like he would certainly fit the through line of we want size on the wings but also here’s some added shooting to relieve some stress or just open up some passing driving Lanes excuse me for France botner for poo bener for jayen sugs that he’s gotten more comfortable as a score as the second half of the year went on so I I’ve been trieved Isaiah hardenstein again I think will help and impact anyone um going on the board actually a lot of talk about Philly so far where do we think Tobias Harris is going it’s a very good question like I like the end of the Philadelphia run wasn’t ideal for him and I think just based on the contract that he signed when he first joined theity like I believe that put a damper on what people were expecting of him expecting from him excuse me and I think they kind of sour some of the conversations around him like I do think if you zoom out from what his contract figure was this is a 6869 guy that can knock down shots that can win in one-on-one situations as an isolation score or post score defensively took on more responsibility than I thought he would have when he joined the team and going back through some of their playoff runs like him having to defend the Pascal seak him having to take on these number one defensive assignments like I don’t think that was the ideal usage for him but based on what the roster was he kind of had to take that on I think he took on that challenge and held up reasonably well like I am curious to see like what Tobias Harris’s next step is going to be because it feels like the Sixers naturally a star hunting right now another team may be able to get Tobias and if Tobias is now on mid-level exception or 20 mil versus where he was last year our people now able to appreciate more of what he brings to the table Tobias Harris huh all right well I think the thing for the bias is it’s going to be the domino effect and now where does he want to go who has the availability for him and what’s going to be the best fit for him so I think we’ve SE seen what he can do offensively defensively he can impact the team being in a different scenario that’s not Philadelphia and not having to carry those expectations where we need you to be able to guard X Y and Z we need you to be able to score being in a scenario where he’s not in the push and pull of I need to be aggressive I need to post up I need to just space like you got to think about the wave that he’s went through in Philly with the different iterations of that lineup so it’ll be fun to see where it lands but I think it’s going to take a second so you talked about Isaiah hartenstein and you talked about Tobias Harris and I told you I had a backup plan so we’re going to play a game okay I’m intrigued Kelsey we can get the can we get the can we get the the game on screen I’m excited to see what this is gonna be you want to talk about Orlando Magic right so we’re going to play a little tinderoni bud is this basketball Tinder yes I okay for the magic Dario sarich is it a match is it love or no I’m going to I like that we’re starting with Dario because I think his skill set fits Orlando if you want a front Court partner that can shoot the ball someone that can act as a passing hub for you and very sneakily not going to call him an elite defender or anything like that but can serve within a scheme and you think about all the length that Orlando has they’ve been an elite defensive team it is a match I just feel like there are like six or seven different front court options Orlando may look to add first okay or again they could stick with what they have brain m B the back Etc so I’m going to say no but I do see I see where you’re coming from okay so not responding all right let’s we can get that one out of there swipe you know poor thing James wisman is James wisman a match for the Orlando Magic ma uh I’m gonna say it’s a no on the James wisman front like I quick swipe bud I’m gonna say a quick swipe I just think the skill set itself like someone that runs in in can help the transition attack as someone that was complaining about Orlando and how often they would get out in transition I do see where he could boost that aspect of it could help on the glass A little bit uh give you a pick and roll partner they just need so much more spacing and he’s not the best screener and so like I wonder what the slips would look like in Orlando considering they’re still looking to add spacing they’re still looking to either develop or find like a pick and roll partner that droy can draw to to maybe unlock some of the slips from James wisman so I think he can make an impact on different thing I don’t know if Orlando’s the fit for him n you turned a quick swipe into 17 minutes of content swipe James wisman left it’s they don’t know Caleb Martin specifically for you big dog Caleb Martin in the Orlando Magic is that is that a match uh as the uh I’m going to say no just because I don’t know how real the shooting is with Caleb Martin we have seen in Easter Conference finals against Boston when he lights it up he can light it up but team still larly don’t defend him as a shooter I think Orlando needs shooting it’s going to be a no for me with Caleb Martin okay so I guess we’re swiping left again I don’t know if we’re going to find any love Patrick Beverly is Patrick Beverly a match for the Orlando Magic uh I’m GNA GNA swipe left on Patrick Beverly I you’re you’re very picky I hey man I feel like Orlando has a lot of money to spend I don’t think they should just spend it just because they have it you know what I mean I again I can see where the pat Bell fit would make sense I do kind of like the group of guards that they have right now and again I think there’s to aim a little bit higher in terms of either volume shooting or if they want to add a little bit more size with their defense Pat Bev still really good to point of attack but I I’m going to say this a no for p it’s a no okay so I think we have two more left for the Orlando Magic chat let’s see if Nik is going to fall in love with one of them Paul George you know what I think I think we kind of swipe right on PA I think he would fit I think he would give them another productive scoring piece someone that can knock down shots someone that get downhill which he got downhill a little bit more but does add some scoring add some shooting add some defense adds a vet to the room think they can help take Orlando to The Next Step hash pmac I think it’s going to be a swipe right for Paul George okay we’re gonna swipe R but very quickly before we get to that next person you said Pac Pac yeah what is we’ll get back to that we’re gonna get back to that Isaiah hardenstein is isaah hardenstein match I can I can see it I can see it Talent upgrade from Mo vogner again depending on what the price point is I think he slide in nicely it’s going to be a swi right for me I think Isa hardstein fits okay so we got two matches here okay it’s a match and match do we have a bonus one oh we got another one how about can we get three in a row you said the Orlando Magic needs shooting they need spacing they do checks all the boxes has a job buddy healed you know what I I will swipe right with Buddy hill we we’ll we’ll let Buddy Hill join the team add some shooting add some movement sets that he can help the second unit in particular I do have some questions about the playoff viability uh but Orlando with the Defenders that they have maybe it feels a little bit more feasible to have buddy in in the playoff role so we’ll swipe right on buddy Hill think think make that fantastic all right I’m I’m I’m proud of you you find you finally found some love for the Atlanta magic that’s fantastic a little shaky start I was a little scared at first but it’s okay uh looking at the chat real quick and I’m kind of going off that list we had up earlier one of the names that was up there I know you talked about the B dear d rozan uh if the Bulls lose demard de rozan this is a question from the chat who is his replacement how damaging is that what would be dear’s next move if they lose dear I think it’s a boring answer but I think it depends on where he goes because if we look at Demar Ro if it’s like a get a new deal but he’s then trade it to the Clippers and they lose Paul George are they able to bring back like a Norman Powell or someone in that deal as they try to recoup some of that stuff so I think for me it depends on like where he’s going if he just flat out signs with Philadelphia or insert cap space team here like I don’t think they’re going to be in the clay hunt for like the mid level SE or anything like that I would imagine they just kind of look within like okay well dear’s gone maybe our signing or maybe our addition is just healthy Zack Laine if they don’t trade him or if they can’t find the price point that they like to move them maybe their addition is Zack LaVine welcome back you get a little bit more usage But ultimately I think in terms of the on ball usage they’re just turning things over into the hands of Kobe white who had a tremendous year last year they just traded for Josh giddy he’s obviously going to have the on his hands a bunch I think it’s more just going to be all right well those touches are gone y’all have them versus them looking for someone specific to feel the Demar void 24 four and five for Demar last year he’s been an Allstar Cali talent I think what’s kind of gone underated with Demar de Rosen is just how often he’s kind of evolved or just made his game over like going back to the San Antonio St to where he went from Pure score to hey actually I can run some point for you or at the very least career high and pick and roll usage I can make these passes in addition to some all the pullets I can make here is to highlight real with Chicago one of the best passes I’ve ever seen when he hit Kobe white in the corner there but can still get to the rack obviously one of the most clutch scores in the NBA at least in the regular season if it’s a close game and he has you on an island it doesn’t matter how tightly you guard him he’ll hit you with three pump fakes you don’t fall for him he’s shooting over the top anyway but the blend of playmaking inside the art scoring can still get to the free throw line obviously could help any team’s offense um so if Chicago isn’t the place I guess I’ll flip the question to you did if he does leave Chicago where would you like to see him well I was gonna bounce off what you said but I’d probably say well Demar D rozen’s Talent his ability to score self-create we see what he does in fourth quarters of games that’s going to have value no matter what and I think sometimes it gets forgotten based on you know maybe where Chicago was at times but think about some of his clutch statistics last year knowing where every defense was like Demar is getting the ball and it didn’t matter he’s going to go ahead and find and get to his spot still plays at a very high level so I’m thinking Demar d r rozan are you a Los Angeles clippard is that moved the needle to where now hey we have another person that you have to defend at a certain level uh I’m looking probably with dear to more of an established place already yeah more than working to lift a team up so I would probably say Clippers is the first team that comes to mind for me um that probably that I might be the that might be the one because I I don’t see it in Orlando I don’t see it in OKC that’s no disrespect I don’t know if the Lakers could get them that’d be ideal but I don’t know if they could do it there was a time that they thought they were getting us Etc so so it’s another one where he’s kind of in limbo but I think I’m with you if Chicago is making a decision to move into a different direction that’s going to be the move hey we’re moving with the youth like something you’ve asked for for the last how many years sir yeah basically get well soon Lonzo but as soon as Lonzo went down and things kind of went haywi from there I was like hey it might be time to Pivot again it’s unfortunate it’s not your fault but it may be time to Pivot to the you point um and as you mentioned the clutch scoring for DeMar rosen uh second in the NBA last season with 182 clutch points during the regular season uh just under 49% from the field overall 7 to 15 on threes a plus 94 in 192 clutch minutes so uh when it was winning time it was the mar roosen time 24 and 16 in clutch games for the Bulls that Demar played in so he’s going to be a boost like I think it’s La for him if he does leave or it’s the Clippers as you mentioned like that probably be the top list for me but again as the Lakers are kind of hunting around can we add some extra creation can we take some of this on ball Burton off LeBron James and we’ve seen them do that before uh in the LeBron era when they tried to make the Russell Westbrook trade or made the Russell Westbrook trade like here’s a guy that can take some pressure off LeBron that trade didn’t particularly work out for them but I could see them kind of running it back with tomorrow like hey you’re from the area so it’s a homecoming for you to a degree but also we trust you to make good decisions with the ball late in games obviously LeBron can Crush you if ad hasn’t going he can Crush you or get to the free throw line and now we have dear on top of that if he’s just cooking LeBron can screen for him unlock some stuff there or just in general hey tomorrow you just go cook we’re good and we’ll protect you on the other end so I I think that would be a nice fit for him if he ends up going there they makes sense it makes sense I’m with you there what a lovely list of names that we have um but the guys what’s up we may have a surprise for the folks oh ah how about that how about that we got Vince Carter calling Vince how are you all right I’m over here scratching and itching and ready to get going I hear y talking over there man oh we’ll go we’ll go deal this Choice what’s PO for you so far with these rumors is it Paul George is a clay no I I mean I we’ll just stick with the Demar thing so I I have a lot of respect for dear what he’s he’s done where what he’s accomplished and where he is as a professional right now uh he doesn’t have to to to have the ball he doesn’t have to be a goalto score but he’s a guy that can get you a bucket he’s a guy that can get your team into the penalty and and I’m leading into that to say this I think he’s a great fit for someone like the 76ers because imagine having a guard of Tyrese maxia Joel embiid when they’re in the penalty and we saw when they were struggling struggling you have a guy he’s not a three-point shooter so I understand how they’re going to guard but like you said you said earlier he can get to the free throw line he can create his own shot and he opens things up for them yeah I I mean he’s not a guy that a spacer So you you’re gonna sag off to him but he’s a guy when he gets the ball in his hands you still have to respect and get out to him and score because like he has he has that clutch Gene he’s a he’s he’s a big- time player and I I I I think he’s a guy that under will understand his role with the 76ers he’s a veteran he’s a voice that I think every one real respect and I think at times I I I think you guys will agree at times in playoffs we we tend to lose Joel or or for me I think sometimes he settles he settles and and lets players off the hook while settling for the jump shot or the fadeaway I think Demar D Roan is a guy that can get in his ear and will push and get the best out of uh Joel andb as well as Tyrese Maxon I like the Demar fit in Philadelphia as you bring it up and I’m thinking about just the growth that we’ve saw from TY Maxi and Joel and beid together something that Steve and I talked about just their growth and pick and rooll Tyrese wants to go go go Joel kind of wants to play a little bit slower get into the pocket and play out of there I think just the pick and roll chemistry with him and Jo andem be I think makes a lot of sense you get some lower angle pick we got to add to this now we gotta add to this it all obviously it’s all contingent on what happens with Tobias I I think Tobias needs a fresh start Tobias wanted to be that guy that go-to guy obviously he flourished when embiid was out when he had opportunity to get more touches I just think it’s it’s that time there there’s a couple of other fits but when we talk about Demar D Roan I think he could fit into that role extremely well because he can be a facilitator a guy who can make plays for others because he can get into the paint he can he can get into your defense and and and command attention draw fouls but also get Guys open because he’s a willing passer like you saw in some of those highlights actually I’m glad that we have you here for a multitude of reasons but as we’re talking about dear reefin talked about how he’s kind of remade his game as he’s gotten later in his career and you were someone that did a tremendous job kind of remaking who you were and being able to slide into different teams I guess what goes into that and how difficult is it to do that mentality and your willingness to do it I mean it’s it’s honestly pretty simple when you when you start to get older it’s it’s pretty simple it’s like your willingness to to stick around uh but I I’ve always felt dear had the ability to score in the mid-range he was never known for a three-point shooter he he can hit three-point shots at times and sometimes you’re just like oh my goodness but he’s not afraid to take the shot regardless uh so I think his mentality has always been the same we just you don’t see the athleticism all the time but at the same time he’ll dunk on your head when he needs to so he gets to the basket at at will but and but he’s a veteran now that understands how to play the game and I think understands the dynamic around him and I I thought at first it was kind of sweet music with with he and Zack LaVine and he he he began to have some success Zack LaVine started to get hurt you you mentioned Zack and you said possibly start to go to to for the Bulls to move left and go younger but my question is you do that now you’re you had you had the luxury of having Demar de rozan Kobe white while Zack LaVine was out particularly with Zack out and uh zo out now you move off with dear you just have Kobe white and you’re hoping LaVine stays healthy so there’s a there’s a lot of factors that go into all of this in in free agency that I don’t wish to be in that position but those are my thoughts okay we got you um any other free agency U popping for you I mean there’s a lot of them I think Isaiah hartenstein is another guy that he see it seems like oh minimal but his his he’s not a guy that you have to run offense through but he understands his role he’s going to get your your best Guys open uh um his mid-range floater is Elite is crazy saying that but he’s a guy that plays hard and you you know what you’re gonna get night in and night out I think the Knicks would be silly losing him because he’s a great piece but he he’ll fit a lot of places I think you can Isaiah hartenstein can fit uh can fit a lot of places and I think with the Lakers he’s a guy when when ad wants to play the four here’s a guy you who plays hard he could guard a few positions he’s going to rebound he’s going to run he’s going to give you everything you need and he can kind of stay stay out of your way when you want to play ad at the four um I mean he’s a plug inpl guy in my opinion at a lot of places because of his mentality and the way he goes about things yeah I think just having a big like that that you can just put in a a lot of different spots can run pick and roll with him can put him on the low block if you want to as you mentioned with the LA fit if you have Anthony Davis at the four being able to have him B to break to act there like a secondary Hub I think also just fits there so I like the LA fit there I like Isaiah hard I am curious of course elor in the room I know go ahead Klay Thompson yeah well Kay Klay Thompson also a free agent um if he isn’t back in Gold to State it’s not looking like it’s going to be there uh where would you like to see Klay Thompson he’s also a plug-and-play guy for a couple of teams I mean I I like clay with the 76s I like clay with the Lakers I I you know there’s those are teams that has dominant players that you want to create as much space as possible uh I I still feel buddy Hill is that kind of guy he just needs I play with buddy so I know how buddy is he he likes to shoot that thing he likes to have the ball in his hands and it’s an adjustment period when you go from being uh a guy who’s who’s getting some a lot of touches and it started to drop off obviously in Indiana just because they were moving a different direction but he’s a guy that when he understands his role he can open the floor Klay Thompson is that guy and you you mentioned a two-way player Klay is still a two-way player and when once he buys into his new role because it’s going to be that adjustment period clay was is used to what he’s used to now it’s gonna everywhere he goes is not going to be Golden State nobody plays this this the brand of basketball that Golden State plays so I think that’s the adjustment period I I think it’s about his happiness I I I I think La is probably the best fit in someplace that will make him happy as well happy being when you you leave somewhere that you’re used to for a long time you want to go somewhere where you’re happy obviously a fresh start anywhere looks great feels great but when you have pieces like that and he he will have an essential role an important role with the uh the Lakers and I think he’ll have an important role honestly in my opinion with the 76ers because when you have a Joel embid there again here’s a guy who has a voice that I think embiid will respect obviously Maxi will will respect you put the ball in his hands uh as far as making the right play he’s not that go get me a bucket all the time anymore but playing him off of or in pick and rolls with imagine pick and rolls Maxi and B with Klay Thompson on the strong side imagine a a three-man situation with him uh uh with LA with LA with LeBron and Anthony Davis with Clay coming off or in the backside like I mean it’s just he has he’s a guy that has it and he demands respect regardless of his percentage or how you feel he’s playing I like that Philly was a high double drag team last year so you can easily see how he slots into something like that so that’ be I’m putting him strong and weak side off of double drags there it is doesn’t matter even he’s going to be on the strong side or he’s gonna be on the weak side and that’s my guy that’s always filling up and single side like that’s that’s a nightmare having to be the guy to tag Joel diving down and having to get back to Klay Thompson stop that yeah you’re not going to have a good time you’re not g to have a good time we talked about some pretty big names so far Klay Thompson Demar de Rosen let’s get to we talked we tried to bring up a list of some of the biggest free agency moves that we’ve seen in our time watching basketball so can we pull the list up do do any of these moves pass the Vince Carter test is there any of these that will get the Vince Carter thumbs up as one of the biggest free agency moves in NBA history I mean obviously Shaq to the Lakers we we we know what happened once he got there you you know what happened LeBron and Bosch got there they they won championships KD to the Warriors was not fair I’m gonna say that that was not fair it wasn’t fair uh because it was just a tough guard but I think it it made them even tougher once KD understood how they play and we’ll still get you that ISO ball and you can still be the guy that you are but you still have to move the ball and just let it come to you once he started to figure that out you could see Golden State being Untouchable um obvious L Nash the Phoenix was that at that time that was amazing um I mean all of them oh Moses Malone to the Sixers to get them a championship Dennis robman to the I mean I I mean you’re I mean you look at this list this list you can’t go wrong anywhere because I think all of these picks outside of Brunson and the Knicks right now not winning a championship but it was a huge pickup for them to shift the the culture in the belief of New York fans that a championship is possible and continuing to get into the Eastern Conference Final is near and you’re seeing teams now trying to find I mean they’re they’re already loaded but it’s now a phone call from the Knicks it’s it’s it’s an easy phone call to get guys that want to come there as Oppo as it was I mean as opposed to a couple years ago so you look at what Dennis robman did to the Bulls it was like he’s like hear me out he’s like a hardenstein where you don’t have to run plays for him but this dude’s gonna play hard he’s going to rebound he’s going to set screens going to get under the skin of guys and you know and you haven’t won run one play for him and he’s averaging eight and eight and making a difference Chanty billis what he did they had a facilitator a go-to guy a leader to win championships so I mean it’s hard to pick a favorite obviously what the Sha did with the Lakers LeBron and Bosch did with the heat I mean they all brought them Championship so that’s hard to kind of pick one over the other well hey I’m proud I’m proud the Moses Malone to the Sixers I’m glad glad I got that reaction so that’s a win for me thank you thank you very much appreciate I needed that win today um what I will say is one thing you’ve mentioned and even going over this list even with the free agents we talked about the element of needing a fresh start and how much that can impact you as a player how key is that especially if you look at like the Klay Thompson Paul George the moves they’re trying to make I mean it’s it’s extremely huge for the the for the player um whatever the situation is for clay I think it’s it it’s it’ll be tough for I think clay in the beginning just getting used to Life as a whatever that may be whatever that’s whatever team that may be that’s that’s I think that’s tough for him uh you know Fresh Start for someone like PG he’s he’s done it before Clay’s never done that before so it’s it’s new and I I think when when you’re in a new situation and you walk into that locker room you walk into that practice and you see guys and you have the respect and you feel like hey we can make some noise here that Fresh Start that new life smells a little better feels different and you’re willing to you know you can find you you just re re-energize and you find something so I think for clay we we started to see he worked like hell to get back to help them win a championship and then we start to see like his shoulders drop a lot you can just see frustration I mean he’s there he’s trying to be a motivator a vet but you can just see just just wasn’t the same Klay Thompson so I think we’ll start to see that Klay Thompson that threw threw them shoulders back and he had the B the Klay Thompson Bop in the field I think we’ll see that again I mean in today’s world when you see the unfollowing on social media it it means something it’s it’s I mean obviously it’s different for old for older guy like me but at the same time that is kind of starting the Fresh Start path for for a player all right it’s t I know the end is near everybody sees it but when I can start to remove that I start to now demagnetize myself from there to be willing and open to other things but you kind of have to kind of get off of that first all right oh my good got some some live news for you to react we got some news here firstan shiria of the athletic golden state is waving Chris Paul Paul had a $30 million guarantee date today he now becomes a free agent so off the cuff where would you like to see Chris Paul whoa okay um Chris Paul I I mean obviously the first it’s well he’s a free agent so obviously a a Lakers who looking for a veteran point guard facilitator I think somebody that LeBron will respect uh and feel comfortable putting the ball in his hands I don’t know how you use him I I mean it’s going to be a team like that that’s in need of a point guard I don’t like him in in Philly I don’t I’m not taking the ball out of Maxi’s hands it’s it’s his show it’s his keys at that position um we can easily say the magic uh but I I think for for for some I mean and they’re right there on in the in the East uh I’m not saying they’re gonna Outlast or or better than a Nicks or or Boston or even Milwaukee Milwaukee it’s a possibility that’s a possib ility but I I I think it’s going to have to be established for Chris Paul of his role understand I don’t know if he’s a starter everywhere he’s possibly a starter in LA to get things going uh you can still bring him off the bench but if he’s willing I think at this point if he wants to win he’s willing to go to a team that is right there because Chris Paul on the floor whenever that is is helping your team got you you mentioned the Lakers already how do you feel about the other La team would you like a return there it uh it’s possible I I okay I we know Chris Paul being Str stronge headed okay and it just depends on who’s there because that that has to fit also Chris Paul James Harden Chris Paul Russ Westbrook I I don’t know Chris Paul kawhai I think kawhai gets along with anybody can get along with any one um I just think I don’t know that’s that’s that’s a tough one there for me I mean a lot of people may who’s watching this show may feel oh no that’s a no-brainer you guys may feel that I don’t know I don’t know about that one well I guess sticking with the stubborn theme what about Phoenix return to Phoenix that’s putting pride aside there yes that hey that that wound is still fresh I feel like it’s still a little fresh right they’re like uh so I mean but but I that is a great piece I I think he fits there that’s that point guard that’s another team that’s a great call that what he brings to the table makes plays makes the games easier because I want to see Devon Booker be a scorer yes I love the fact that his willingness to play the point guard and get guys but I need Devon Booker getting buckets now when teams are double teaming and putting them in their position now that point guard mentality that’s when it comes out you’re making plays for each other but I I thought he was he Devin Booker was slightly handcuffed having to play the point guard because it’s a different it’s different playing the point guard because yes I can get my my shot when I want because I have the ball in my hand but I’m also responsible for getting KD getting my rooll guys going because you need them late in the game to open things up for you so that that it’s a tough position but he had a Chris Paul there where he got to see how that position is played but I still want Devon Booker as my one of my scores okay I say very quickly uh you you mentioned kind of you need the personality fit for Chris Paul as well Chris Paul of Miami I knew you were going to do it uh I feel like that would be an interesting one they could use some direction in the half court you finally give bam someone that can consistently toss him laws maybe unlock that portion of his game a little bit more as a roller U obviously again I think him and Jimmy Butler in the same locker room uh it would be fun in one way or another but uh I think that’ I think they’re gonna have their back and forth I’m okay with that I’m okay with that one thing I’ll say as we kind of Bounce Around destinations it you mentioned Chris Paul having to find the right spot in the right role does a year where you did come off the bench help you look for that in the next spot once you kind of accept the role does that help it depends on where you are dep where it depends on where you are as a as a player because okay you accepted that because of Steph Curry and their situation but when you leave there you look at other players like I’m a starter in this league still you know so it just kind of depends on where you are up here uh for me uh when I I was moving into the reserve role I kind of understood it yes I I I still was looking for opportunities to play if I can start start but at the same time I want to be a guy that’s considered or felt as a closer and and and is important with my closing roster uh I want to be on the floor when it matters that more so than oh I’m a starter now you guys can say Chris Paul Vince Carter the starter more so than you say he’s not starting but I look at him like mono janob I look at him like Jason Terry well I we we at the end of the game we put this guy on the floor so I I think at the end of the day and I felt like that for clay Klay was starting to kind of navigate him his his his way through to accepting that understanding I I regardless of if I’m not starting Kay Klay Thompson at the end of the game is extremely important and I think that kind of affected his shooting because of the mental game you kind of looking at I’m coming off the bench I got to figure out Chris Paul kind of mentioned that I even mentioned talked about it and had to figure out how to shift your mind of still being the version of yourself coming off the bench be a superstar be the a starter in your new role and it takes time and it takes times sometimes takes longer than others I watched video on guys and their approach and how they how they how they like Jamal Crawford like Vinnie Vinnie Johnson um um job I watched how the guys were once they got in coach understood let’s get this guy in in involved into the game so with Chris Paul as a point guard he’s probably not a guy that you’re going to get him involved uh as a score immediately but I’m still putting the ball in his hands to understand the dynamic of the game because he gets the opportunity to kind of sit there and watch it makes sense I’ll toss one more destination out for you how would you feel about Chris Paul in San Antonio not mad at that either not mad at that either are are they where they want to be as winning no because I know Chris Paul wants to win the championship he wants to have the opportunity to win the championship um me as as you know if I was if I were in the G in the GM role uh if you’re gonna get a Chris Paul like that you want to try to uh with that team you want to land him early yes that Chris Paul wimy Dynamic looks fantastic I get it but if you’re G if you’re gonna possibly do that you want to get him on your roster early now to lure other free agent pieces in there because that’s what’s important now here’s Chris Paul he’s one of those guys that you’re going to have to have a roster that looks good for him also but I mean his assist his assist numbers in in the history of the game will go up playing in San Antonio with that with that with with that crew with that even their draft picks and they have a lot of young scores um but I it just depends on where Chris Paul is I mean it sounds good to us it’s like him him as a player what is he looking for I’m sure he wants to win so I mean I think papovich would give him the keys to kind of be the role model facilitator control the offense like he may want but you know are they are they in contention in the west with all that’s out there I don’t think so yeah not yet not yet all right well thank you Vince for rocking with us we got Chris Haynes coming in as I’m sure he has some more reporting coming in for us so Vince thank you for spending some time but it’s really appreciated hey man thanks for having me anytime good time thank you and now we are bringing in Chris Haynes talk a little bit more about thist how we doing Mr H yeah I just got doing all right so just got off the phone with someone close to Chris Paul and the Warriors excuse Mike dun leevy the general manager of the Warriors um informed Chris Paul uh shortly ago that they are releasing him H he will be an unrestricted free agent um the warriors were trying to manufacture a trade to try to get something back in return there were some preliminary talks with the Chicago Bulls Zack LaVine uh a Zach aine potential package that uh from what I was told the Warriors didn’t they didn’t see any any value u in the proposed deals back and forth so uh just a moment here I’m about say look at the clock it’s about that time about 10 minutes it is about that time y’all it is about that time uh so um yeah so they didn’t see any they they they didn’t get a deal done and I was told the warriors were also we justo okay so I was told the warriors uh also was trying to get Chris Paul well they asked I would say that they asked if he would push back his guaranteed date again remember his guaranteed date of 30 million was um the deadline was Friday uh Chris Paul agreed to push it back to today which will get a Warriors a little bit more time to give them a couple more days to try to um seek a trade um they did not um Chris Paul in this Camp they did not want to push it back again so um no trade manufactured and which led to and deal with over there uh and so uh yeah he’s he’s wave Now for Chris Paul stick stick with Chris Paul real quick uh you know obviously there’ll be some suitors there’s should be some contendant teams that’s out there trying to get them you know I I would be surprised if the Lakers or or Clippers did not um give him a call to try to see if he would entertain coming back to LA also you have to throw the San Antonio Spurs in the mix that is a team that has been warning Chris Paul for the last couple of years and so they’re going to be of interest as well and so as this you know this is fresh new news right now so uh you expect a lot more teams to come calling see who is this to come calling and okay to come calling and seeing what uh seeing what’s feasible with Chris Paul but yeah he’s an unrestricted free agent hitting the market so good times and now free agency start in about seven minutes there we go I gotta get back to work guys soon as I get something else I I’ll jump right back on Sir all right we preciate appreciate you okay so there we go that was Chris Haynes get some live reporting for course I’m sure we’re going to have him back within the next 10 minutes or so but Chris Paul being waved one question I’ll toss it to Chris whenever he comes back I was curious as we’ve seen a lot of Team X and player X have you know team option decline but they’re working to come to an agreement to a new deal I was wondering if there was any mutual interest in Chris Paul coming back at a lower salary with golden state or if that’s just a flat out Chris Paul is gone so I guess we’ll find out more on that front uh we’ve got some news strickling ask Chris H on screen uh James Harden and the Los Angeles Clippers looks like they will continue their dance a two-year $70 million contract to return to the clippers for James Harden that coming via the athletic I’m a little surprised not surprised that James Harden is back or that James Harden got a bag but as you know Kawhi Leonard got the three-year deal Paul George woned four years but the Clippers trying to line that with three years kind of interesting that James Harden got two years though that is a lot of money within those two years of just any early thoughts on James Harden I mean that’s the that’s the big part right there James Harden High Talent High leverage you already know what he’s done the Clippers continue to build on what they’ve done trying to get over what happened last year it’s going to be in that time range right now it’s going to be in the scenario where he can still have an impact you’re going to be able to have some that high dollar amount and maybe the time’s a little bit shorter but I think that’s something we haven’t that we’ve seen before you look at the Bruce Brown deal where we’re kind of giving you this but it’s for this amount of time and if it goes here we’re good if it doesn’t we’re not but I think James had a really good year last year I think with another year of comfort in this system I think it’ll be good so I I totally make sense I think Vince Carter is mad at me oh no well let’s find out if Vince Carter is actually mad at you let’s bring Vince back on screen as again we’ve had some news trickle in on the James Harden front and the Chris Paul front bro you just tried to tell me you tried to trade me I know it’s free agents no I’m kid I was interested I was still here man I was just interested in hearing what Chris Hayes had to say uh I know he mentioned that Clippers situation possibly the return with Chris Paul but that I mean that changes things I I I just can’t imagine the Chris Paul James Harden thing so I I think the Clippers is out out of the window because of their history okay the Clippers the Lakers so I guess it Lakers feel like the best fit for you it’s interesting to hear Chris bring up San Antonio as well so I guess he’s more open to that’s the other one guess he’s more open to that than anticipated I guess I wonder if Chris chooses San again we don’t know yet Etc I wonder if this will be like a full year or full two years kind of like we saw in OKC or this would be hey let’s get the Spurs to the next stage trade that line let’s get me to a team that’s ready to win right now I will say this as I’m sitting here thinking about it I it’s it’s attractive because of obviously wimy I think it’s a sec second option because because I I say that because I think Chris Paul wants to win first so he’s going to see if the Laker things Works work works out see what else is there before you I mean obviously you know what’s there you know the talent you know the future is there but are they going to win right now within the window of Chris Paul’s career we don’t know that but he can make a team better and he probably gets those starter minutes or he’s gonna play Big minutes uh and like I said be kind of the guy that in control of their offense so I I think I know that’s there but I’m going to initially see what is out there for contending teams and there’s contending teams call let’s just see what that looks like because you know obviously San like Chris hay said San Antonio has been wanting him for a couple years so see what other options are there and then you go for from there there we go there we go uh we also got the James Haren news in twoyear $70 million to return to the Los Angeles Clippers uh any immediate thoughts on the deal itself I mean it’s it’s interesting I mean regardless of I guess they see the potential in what James is brought to the table uh can score when you need when you need him to uh I think this this pickup and how you use him can be glaring if there’s no PG there because if if PG leaves now what well first of all who will F that spot and now how do you use James Harden you still use him as your facilitator or now you do you use him as a score uh you know the Westbrook thing it sounds like he’s probably not coming back so I don’t know that’s that’s that’s interesting I think just to quickly bounce off of that front like we’ve seen I think the beauty of having James Harden is he can take the step back and facilitate just kind of set the table but we’ve also seen he can ramp it up he can still get to his three ball whenever he wants to we’ve seen the improved or the increased usage of him getting to that mid-range jumper getting to the floater so he may not be Houston Harden anymore but can still ramp it up so to your point I am also curious to see just what his role is going to look like if Paul George isn’t back correct the Evolution’s been there now we see there’s Chris Paul can I throw out a wild Suitor for both you sure Mr Vince Carter what about Denver what about him would you like Chris Paul in Denver I’m not I’m not mad at that but there again that now for sure that would have to be it it his role I initially thinking I’d have to really sit and think about but his role would kind of look like what it did in Golden State you know is he won’t play the big minutes and I like I say I I’m we’re talking here we’re not sure what Chris Paul wants does he even want to play Big minutes does you know I’m sure he still wants to start that’s not happening there uh big minutes he may play some significant minutes throughout the season just to keep Jamal Murray fresh mhm um but it can work it’s it’s it’s all about what Chris Paul will accept because again initially thinking about that it kind of go falls into that role of what he had in in Golden State playing behind Steph I I’m glad you brought up Denver because that is an interesting one like I think just in a vacuum I do believe you know all due respect I do think that would be an upgrade over Reggie Jackson I do think there’s a level of table setting that he can bring there um even to bounce off a u Vin’s point like I don’t know if Chris Paul starts but like I believe him and Jamaal Murray can play together for sure and if you’re in a situation to where kin saav is called with a pope who rumored to be getting a bag from Orlando or somewhere else if he isn’t retained who do you feel better about in the closing lineup do you feel better about Chris Paul do you feel better about Christian Brown let me ask you this do you want to you want to take the ball out of Jamal Murray’s hands uh I think you can unlock some more of the offb stuff for Jamal like I don’t think Chris Paul should be handling it more than Jamal in a vacuum but you at least have more reason to do that or you have more room so that if you’re playing them together so you’re okay with now having Chris Paul as that guy that’s off the ball so I mean I’m looking at it both ways so I mean I’m just thinking overall how team’s gonna play not that Chris Paul can’t catch and shoot knock down shots because he makes timely shots he he he’s still capable of making big shots but you know it’s all about the mind frame and where you are as a player I think like I said Chris Paul is is for sure a Hall of Famer uh he’s a guy that you would love to have on the floor because he’s a facilitator but I don’t I mean I don’t know it’s a lot of questions for me as a player uh thinking how I would use them if you’re having them on the floor late and maybe it’s not something you use all the time but I don’t know that’s that’s it’s interesting well there’s no there’s no question free agency has begun there we go so I don’t know if y’all are ready for the madness to start to begin but it’s time it is time Happ we expected this right we expected this we expected this right here there we go mean as as much as we didn’t want want to say it and I think it’s one of those we we felt like it was the inevitable was around the corner you don’t you didn’t want to be the person to actually say it till you kind of see this right here here we go from sham Shania after 13 iconic Seasons together sources Klay Thompson is The Parting the Warriors and the sides will begin to work through sign and trade options so that’s the I feel like they’ll do right by him yeah I feel like after 13 years all of the Championships um I I feel like they’ll do right by him with what they can you know obviously they want to get something back out of it particularly if you’re talking about sign and trade um but they’re going to make sure he can land in the destination that he wants to he wants to go to uh it is funny we’re talking about clay and in his years I’m not mad at those numbers right now in an up and down year for Klay Thompson you saw him in the starting lineup you saw call the bench 18 points 41% 41% from three and that’s the up and down year for Klay Thompson so he still can just know so then that’s why I feel like he’ll do right by him I mean it’s just it’s what we’re used to it’s what we were used to seeing with play and it it’s what he was used to and when you’re talking about the transition of of the guard and new guys just like that’s smart I Ain’t Mad At You Luke I ain’t mad at you from Adrian wowski Senator Luke cornette has agreed to a one-year deal to return to the Celtics uh quality dealt piece for the Boston Celtics operating the drop block some shots he’ll take threes can finish on the road so makes sense when a that’s familiar with the offense you won’t have KP for a little while so he’s not a dynamic player he’s not a differen maker but I feel like he is because he understands his role he’s a rebounder he creates extra shots and he’s a spacer he can knock down some threes I mean he’s not flashy and fancy to to most basketball fans but this guy understands the role of that team because he’s already been there here we go speaking of spacing bigs free agent forward Senator Kevin Love is finalizing a 2-year 8 million plus deal Dollar Deal to return to the Miami Heat how how have you felt about the Kevin Love fit in Miami it’s it okay I mean it’s just I mean he he’s like I said he’s proven uh he’s a winner he’s a champion he’s a vet locker room guy that plays hard can you know he’s another spacer he’s a guy that you when you put him on the floor you understand you’re G to get some stuff out of him you’re going to get what you get from from this veteran so that’s rebounding High basketball IQ knocks down threes um so he he’s trusted in a locker room and I think as a coach when you you might not play him big minutes but you know while he’s sitting there he’s going to help your younger your younger guys that’s playing in front of him and when I put him in the game he’s not gonna hurt us he’s gonna help us because he can still make shots he’s gonna hit rebounds he’s a willing passer he makes great plays I mean I I’m okay with coming off the bench uh almost nine points in six rebounds I’m I’m okay with that with with him because he’s a champion and he knows how to win and he’s going to do what what’s asked of of me on and off the floor he gave Miami some really important minutes off the bench last year as you mentioned just knows how to play spacing was important the passing was important they found coverages for him defensively so that didn’t hurt him as much uh they heat nearly a plus seven net rating with Kevin Love on the floor last year about neutral when he was off the floor so you felt the impact you also saw how the skill set just kind of matched with everyone they had on the floor so Kudos the car and a veteran that fits into you know a coach in a culture like like the Miami Heat with the players that you have so that it’s all respect because they know how to play and he he they understood and and Coach SPO knew how to put him in uh protected defenses to to make it work on that end and for coverages to to where he’s not exposed or whatnot as far as having to guard quicker players and then you see his value on the other end great screens pop pick and pop guy were could kind of flourish in the midrange or the post we started to see bam getting more post UPS more touches because of a spacer like that and Kevin Love you go uh just a quick update from Adrian WS rowski on the Klay Thompson front Klay Thompson plans to have discussions with the Mavericks the Lakers the Clippers and the 76ers in the opening hours of free agency so I’ll toss you a quick rank them Vince in terms of the fit which one do you like the most how would you rank these four teams where would you like to see clay so I’m GNA say I talked about Lakers and 76ers uh Clippers and I’mma put Mavs at the bottom believe it or not I and and I know people are like what the heck because that that is a different Dynamic with than playing with Steph Curry and playing in the the uh Warriors offense yes Luca makes plays for everyone but this is Klay Thompson who’s used to movement offense now not saying that he can’t buy into it but when we watched clay play and he was kind of sitting in the corner you didn’t get the best version of but we talked about New Life Fresh Start well maybe he buys into his new role but it’s gonna take getting used to when 13 years you’re used to playing one way and I’m not saying he can’t do it I think the Lakers are more uh that they play a little faster they get moving uh they get up the floor when they rebound LeBron gets can get off the ball Kay runs the floor gets open threes 76 is playing with maxi when Maxi gets the ball man you got to run with that guy and if I’m running with that guy he he’s he doesn’t get the layup klay’s run to one corner oh it’s not not there I pull it out well guess who’s running down the middle next joeel andb so um I think those two immediately kind of to me make more sense I think Dallas yeah of course they would love to have him he makes he makes a lot of sense playing there um because he will make thing he will make Luca and Kyrie lethal but I I I think I like Lakers 76ers and then I’m gonna say MAV Clippers I’ll I’ll flip around I’m gonna put them last I think okay there we go g say Dallas style of play style of play Dallas was my favorite we were watching the video clips I was thinking does the year of playing off Chris Paul even though those limited minutes does that help him where okay it’s a fresh start I’m in the corner I can do more catch and shoot I can play off pick and roll a little bit I can now be the person who adds movement to y’all as opposed let me ask a question I’m gonna add to that so what last year Luke uh clay was at his best win answer that you could argue when he was coming off the bench okay but when he’s in on okay when he’s on the floor he was at his best win what like you get the rebound you could kind of throw the ball ahead to him quick early offense type thing all right and Dallas is not really moving team I know if I know J kid he’ll he’ll find something but it’s regardless of that it’s Luca Luca passed the ball ahead every so often to who okay so you said Kyrie okay now there again we’re talking about how they played last year not having Klay Thompson now you understand how important because if I throw the ball ahead to Klay Thompson we’re sprinting back we’re sprinting back to get not allowing him to shoot and then guess what when Luca gets the ball in a lot of dribble it makes him tough again but there again you still have Klay Thompson sitting in into in the corner so I I don’t know I mean I I still think those top three picks those top three teams Lakers Sixers Mavs are probably the the def fit in my opinion okay got you I got you uh from s sandari Haynes just reported Bulls proposed Wiggins and Paul for LaVine and Golden State said no and wave CP3 so that was a quick phone call yeah okay you want to yeah it’s like yeah did no okay all right uh it it it seems like how it sound that’s that’s what it looked like so let me see Wiggins all for LaVine that’s a lot yeah did they just look at the uh they just look at the contract numbers so wait how many more years left on this LaVine deal so you don’t love it I don’t love I mean who’s your who’s your Defender now that Wiggins if that happens wig and Klay Thompson’s gone yeah kaminga is your one Defender who’s your other Defender LaVine Zack LaVine Z is gonna have to be I was about to say you hope that you see Moses Moody kind of build off with some of the flashes he’ve shown in the past couple of years but again he certainly isn’t Moody big minutes yeah that again that that gets tough that get tough so like I said the G that’s that’s tough man it’s a it’s a tough situation obviously they felt like that would work maybe if they do that deal they C keep Klay Thompson with LaVine you would be he has more value of of his defensive prowess obviously he can shoot the ball that’s always there but you know he’s not the you know he’s not the obviously the the clay that we we’ve known him to be locked down but he’s still pretty darn good and you rely on him more so I I don’t know that’ be that’s interesting that yeah that’s that’s I feel like there’s room for both teams to say no to that honestly that’s well it said reported the Bulls proposed so they they were up for I think Chicago I think I mean from the salary yeah you’re just trying to get you get the one year of Chris Paul or if you try to move him again then find Andrew Wiggins younger asset Etc I guess just thinking like the basketball film it’s like huh what exactly is that going to look like and are you trying to bring on I don’t know I guess it goes to yeah guess it goes to a general direction question for me which Chicago like if you’re able to do that will the Bulls keep Chris Paul so he he could be possibly in the same position anyway not trying to work a b not want to be in Chicago yeah because I don’t think he’s you you have Lonzo you’re gonna see what’s that that’s like so you’re not gonna not play zo and you have if zo’s not there yeah now Chris Paul’s value is huge but he’s gonna I think he’ll have a early reserved role because I want to see what what what zo looks like so and then I think at the end of the day they his team now working on him trying to be waved just because you know this is not it just yeah just let me pick my own spot at this point yeah let’s let’s not have any of that ever again I don’t want to hear any of that don’t thank you he said absolutely no now well now my mind is thinking which of these teams like if you’re the Sixers do you want the Paul George or do you want two wings Paul George or two Wings would you want Paul George you want clay and Casey or do you or do you get said or do you go get like Paul George and then you just find a value player that a great role player because I think Joe I mean Joel sorry I think PG this is just my opinion and it’s not not you okay let me go here Paul George with the magic I’m just I’m a little nervous about that because it it just depends on the magic what you want to do because Paulo is Paulo you got to put the ball in his hands you got a lot out of frons but when you bring a PG over what do what happens then where’s that that that that where does fron fall then as far as touches and and you’re building on your young talent that that’s that’s my concern uh with PG to the to the magic as opposed to now you put PG in 76ers yeah Joel is your guy yes uh Max is your guy but now I I I put the ball in his hands his meaning PG it can go get me a bucket like I felt demard de rozan could flourish in that position in with the 76ers because they’re gonna still need a guy in the playoffs that can get a bucket get fouled or just make a big shot outside of them they needed another guy so there you have it okay makes sense this makes sense all right we’re going to bring Chris Haynes in Vince we are not trading you we’re not trading you we’re not Trading you VIN you just stay right there Chris I don’t know if Chris hands want to even see me right now but anyway go ahead all what up Chris how you doing brother you good okay cool I’m doing all I’m doing all right V Vince still mad that I’m I’m 42 I can dump too ah okay we found it we found it that’s all that is anyway good hey what you got for us Chris I’m not I’m not about to listen to this I’m not we’re not doing this today oh guys so um yeah so they caught they caught me on NBA TV talking about I was giving background details to Chris Paul they just I reported they they wave Chris Paul not guaranteeing his 30 million salary for next season so Chris Paul is an unrestrict the free agent but prior to that the the Warriors are trying to seek a trade that’s why they got Chris Paul to push back his guaranteed date on his salary and um what was being was being talked behind the scenes were Chicago Bulls were trying to propose Zack LaVine to the Golden State Warriors for a package sending around it’s Chris Paul and Andrew Wiggins the warriors were not that was something that they didn’t feel was feasible and so talks really didn’t get off the ground much but that was something that was uh that was a talk prior um to the Golden State Warriors making the decision to away wave um two wve Chris Paul and they one one more thing the Warriors are actually trying to get well I would say trying they asked Chris Paul if he would be willing to push his guaranteed date back even further to give them more time to seek a trade and um I was told Chris Paul and his Representatives they didn’t they didn’t agree to that and so that’s that’s what led to this decision right now combination of things huh makes sense makes sense I guess quickly on these quickly on the Zack LaVine front uh is there any traction with Chicago to move LaVine at all as this one was declined are they talking to any other teams in the LaVine deal yeah I believe there are some other teams out there but Chicago you know they they don’t want to get fleeced on the deal even though you know there are some teams that believe that Zack LaVine is not the player that he was that it’s probably a bad contract and so you know I just think it’s uh it’s going to get to a point I I believe Chicago will move Zack LaVine I think it will be this off season I think it might be relatively soon but they’re trying to get the right deal to where they can still have something to work with work with on the back end um so I I think I think Zack LaVine will be moved uh the one thing about this situation with Zack LaVine is kind of holding up what the Bulls are going to do or plan to do with Demar D rozan they the Bulls are not making any other drastic moves you know before before they get rid of Zack LaVine or if they can’t get or if they can’t move Zack LaVine I think that’s that’s going to lead to Demar D Roan leaving and I think as of right now that’s what it’s looking like okay okay hey Chris real quick can I ask you what what does it seem what what does it seem like they’re leaning towards they meaning Chicago leaning towards are they leaning towards we really want to move Zack first and see what Demar D rozan what what’s there for Demar after to the fact or is it kind of we we’re putting them both out there and see what happens first and then we won’t be drastic and say both of these guys go yeah what I can tell you is this Vince so obviously you know this is the first year for first off season where a team can actually negotiate with its own free agents before free agency officially starts so the Bulls had a long a Long window to talk to dear I was told they did not talk with dear this entire time because they wanted to get Zack LaVine uh contract move and so that has been their priority and I know that they resigned Patrick will Patrick Williams to in in extension but you know dear they were not getting to Dear until they um unload Zack LaVine and so that I I hope that answers your question but that that seems like that’s going to be the stance even for the for the offseason but the problem is now is that it dear it’s on dear’s timing now it’s not just on the Bull’s timing now so you know that’s what we’ll see what happens gotcha all right thank you Chris and thank you Vince we will give you both time to kind of Duke out do things out if you need to and all seriously we really appreciate the both of you for hopping on with us very much so yeah my pleasure thank for having right well that was Chris Haynes and Vince Carter joining in I guess the Chris Paul thing just has me in a headlock why I I just I just was why we’re at the start of free agency we have movement going there’s a tweet on the screen we just talked to Vince Carter and Chris Haynes and you are stuck on Chris Paul you know what that that’s fair let’s just move to the tweet on screen sources confirmed Sacramento Kings are pursuing a trade for Brandon Ingram I’m told Kings have had discussions with the Pelicans and it’s worth noting Ingram was an emerging star under coach Alvin Gentry who works in the king’s front office connections connections connections now now one thing I will say chat I seen the question after the Kings get a big maybe the Kings will get a wing what do you think about Bron ingrams fit in Sacramento in in this hypothetical I’m trying to wrap my head around it because I do think he gives them an off the dribble score that they need or could use to kind of compliment dearen Fox take some of that pressure off of him um we saw Keegan Murray grow with the ball in his hands last year but he’s not ready for like number two or number one offensive scoring usage yet uh in that variety so I think Brandon in would certainly help I’m curious to see what the package would look like uh I would imagine that includes like a Kevin herder and a Harrison Barnes um I I don’t think you put Keegan Murray into a deal like that um so I I like it it allows them to do different things offensively So It Isn’t So Damonte sabona Centric or you’re not putting all of your eggs into the dearen fox pick and roll basket letting BR Ingram work I think would help if dearen Fox go off the floor being able to have like Malik monk come in you still have Brandon Ingram there to hold the offense up like I think that’ be helpful so I can see it it’s not a perfect fit like I do think you want the three-point volume to rise for Brandon Ingram you want to see just the offall movement in general uh pop for Brandon Ingram I wonder if this is a situation to where it’s a new context he just does it more or if this is something that he isn’t like quote unquote willing to do like I think we’ll get an answer to that question relatively quickly but if he is able to tap into more of the off ball bag for him both in terms of the shot profile and just in terms of The Cutting playing off D mon saas I can see where it would help well I think we’ve seen some of that growth in New Orleans I think people forget that Brandon Ingram has you know as they played off Jonas found chunis as Zion did some more handoffs we saw Brandon Ingram involved more movement yeah he just kind of had a a big task as the play Ender and I know the taste of the playoff series in a lot of people’s mouth but in Sacramento as someone who could just mix in and do that so now I can get pay do with sabonis I could play two- minut game with dearon Fox I can play pick and roll there we’ve seen the growth of Malik monk so now if you’re telling me I have dearon Fox I have Malik monk I have Brandon Ingram as our scores damont sabonis can be our Hub we’ve seen the emergence of Keon Ellis and knowing the pieces they need that might be a move you know so I’m intrigued by it because I think Brandon Ingram really fits you know if you’re New Orleans it’s going to be interesting you’re interesting the last year trying to find a center potentially just had a Deonte Murray you know a lot of moving pieces but Brandon inran in Sacramento intrigues me it’ll be fun and I think if you’re New Orleans if you do move off of a Brandon if it is going to Sacramento you mentioned de Jon Mary being brought in like that on ball you just going to soak up you’re also in the wing room opening up more room for Trey Murphy I third who New Orleans is very excited about I personally I’m very excited about that kind of three-point shooter that kind of closeout attacker Etc me too so you as you as well you know I didn’t want to speak for you I me but I think that’s a way to do that as they’re not too far off from having a contract decision on Trey Murphy the Third so makes sense if you are going to cash in the Brandon Ingram chip as he is extens eligible right now to do so get some rooll pieces in that may slot around what Deon can do what Zion can do you know what CJ can do and you open up room for your own wings so I can see where that will make sense I’m curious to see if things actually progress on that front uh very quickly from Adrian wowski the Jazz are playing the way Center omir Yan uh so another benched up piece there I think with the Kings earlier Alex Lynn coming back on a one your deal so you know as a Miami guy like I’m curious to see where you’re lands it’s like a third big somewhere we ain’t going to hang there too long ye that’s nasty work that is nasty work but I guess we’re waiting on Paul George waiting on Klay Thompson did you have Kevin Love thoughts I think we went to Vince on that front but oh no Vince nailed it and so I think if you’re Miami and I think it’s a trend we’re kind of seeing where guys are kind of opting out opting back in returning to their team getting the money right that works for him for Kevin Love he fits with what Miami does uh he is going to go ahead and we’re going to see the sequences of outlet outlet passes and shooting and he just does what they do he’s a heat culture guy he’s going to help them you can count him throughout the regular season and the playoffs defenses there uh speaking of there uh would you like to read that tweet Nikas CU buddy uh sure uh no more fourth quarter questions uh Nick Batum will not return to the 76ers per Kelly e of the athletic if I am a contender I am on the phone with whoever Nick batum’s agent is right now yeah absolutely you you do that immediately no I mean you saw that Nick series with the defense he played against Jaylen Brunson individually there’s still some juice in the tank so I mean if if I’m if I’m a team and I’m looking for someone to add um you know the bayan’s going to be there you know the effort’s going to be there space the Flor gives you lineup versatility uh Nick Batum would definitely definitely help out um do you think this is a big loss for the Philadelphia 76ers or is this just waiting for the Domino to fall this feels like it’s GNA sound more dramatic than I intended but like if you’re not bringing Nick withon back you better hope that you are landing Paul George because to your point about just the defense from Baton and the the different types of players that he can defend you don’t want to be doing the Paul George waiting game or to a lesser extent the Klay Thompson waiting game and now you’re missing out on a very important dep piece who accentuates everything you want to do on both ends of the floor so again not saying nickon like current day as a superstar or anything like that but if you are losing that level of defensive versatility and that kind of play connecting offensively you hope that you’re getting the plus plus plus version of that to kind of supplement what you may be losing with need to okay so you’re hoping Ian they might have some wings in there also can you do me a favor you pass me a water for that hot take you just Dro thank you thank you unbelievable that’s good stuff that’s good stuff for your for but no like I nickon is a guy that fits literally anywhere so if he isn’t going to be Philly shoot if I’m Boston I just won but like hey how much does it cost I’m I’m at least picking up the phone to see what you can do if I’m the Nicks and we now have to we don’t have a lot of money to work with here we don’t add some de hey what does it cost what are you looking for I if I’m again if I’m a contender I’m making Nick Bon his agency tell me no if it’s hey we can only offer the minimum we like no we look for something bigger than that then cool we did our due diligence but again that’s just the kind of Veteran that kind of Versatility on both ends that you you want to add to your room he’s still good no who needs to call Phoenix they sure do they sure do well speaking of the 76ers mhm would you like to play another addition are we bringing back Tinder tenders back but this time with Philly Nas let’s see if you have stronger love and uh commitment and attachment with the Sixers and the magic that was a little shaky big dog not okay Caleb Martin is it a match for the Sixers they need a wing he can space the floor what do you think uh I like this fit a little bit more than I like the Orlando fit so I I will swipe right on Caleb Martin in Philadelphia price depending if he’s asked for 20 mil you probably say no but I do think just the blend of driving and cutting and the overall athleticism that he brings I think he’s a fun match alongside Tyrese Maxi in particular and so if you are able to you know he takes on some of the tougher defensive assignments we saw that a lot in Miami we had to guard up and down the positional Spectrum he’s someone that can slide in and fill a lot of the gaps that Nick plon did in terms of the defensive versatility and again him just being able to attack and transition that fits with a Tyrese Maxi so if you’re if he starts or if he’s coming off the bench you got some staggered units with Tyrese leading I think that makes sense so I I will say that’s a match all right so we’re swiping right on Caleb Barton I think it’s interesting to see you know there a lot of Superstar talk but there is we have space we can build a team around whoever we add and Joel and being and Ty ma Marquel folz a return you popped up on the phone hadn’t talked in a while ah yeah what do you think I am going to swipe left on the Marquel folz thing all due respect I do think Philly can use like an upgraded backup point guard I think Kyle Lowry brought you know played really good minutes for them and we saw him perk up in the postseason as well so I’m I’m curious to see what happens with the Kyle L free agency in general he is home so does he return there he’s been linked to the Clippers as well as they kind of look at the point guard market so I’m curious to see what happens there I’m want to say no to Marquel like I don’t want someone that I could just duck under against in a playoff setting and we did see during the postseason run with Orlando last season minute started to drop with the way that he was being defended so I’m G to swipe left on Marquel folz all right so we’re getting Marquel folz out of there uh no no no double backs demard de Rosen huh this conversation feels a little bit familiar I say it’s a match I think he’s a nice midpoint between Tyrese Maxi speedy speedy speedy Joel embiid I can post you up can do a little bit of everything obviously but getting someone like Demar that can operate in the middle of the floor as well have someone that can take some of the own ball responsibility away from tyres Maxi not that he doesn’t deserve it but you don’t want tyres to have a 40 usage rate in the postseason series or something like that so having someone that can take some of that pressure off when games get tight demaro is going to be a reliable score get to the free throw line for you again taking some of that burden off of Tyrese maxi in the perimeter and off of Joel embid if you’re zooming out more team wide I I can see it they’re obviously going for Paul George first but I I’ll swipe right swipe we’ll do it swipe shout out to you m Carter y had some great points on Tomar Andre Drummond what is it the bigs we’re playing backup center roulette with Philadelphia for like the last five or six years it feels like this feels like a match for me okay I think Philadelphia has not been an elite rebounding team for much of the Joel andv era I think adding Andre Drummond very obviously helps you on that front so when Joel goes off the floor you at least get some extra possessions with the offensive rebounding you can ramp up the activity defensively with Andre Drummond can have him a deeper drop if you want not going to call him an elite Defender but there’s a level of scheme versatility with Andre Drummond I I’ll swipe right I like it I don’t think he’ll break the bank you address a clear area of need well done iy all right we’re swiping right I’m finding that bball Paul tweet by the way don’t worry about it right I love bball Paul the rebounding maybe not so much you know left field Lonzo ball H well if he declines to play her option or if this turns into a buyout situation it’s worth the flyer like I very much think because of the health stuff I don’t think it would break the bank de Brin Lonzo in it’ll very much be a proven situation and someone that can Grease the wheels as a passer someone that has improved as a shooter especially last time we saw him uh we will see where the defense is when he comes back with when we last saw him fully healthy the defense was at an all Defense level or or tier below size on the wing I I would like that from Shia Sania with cap space teams Orlando focused on Wing a wing free agents and Utah focused on current roster decisions and nicks working towards working to hard working to get under the hard cap source of say the OKC Thunder are in Eugene Oregon set to meet with Isaiah hartstein good Lord can I speak you good yes good okay I got you I got you I got you now what’s interesting here one salute to Eugene Oregon and the state of Oregon as an entire concept that’s what I’m talking about number two the phrasing of this is very interesting cuz you know know we thought uh Thunder magic those are the top two FS are hard time he can help they have space it works Orlando’s focusing on wings wink wink nudge nudge right Utah we have some decisions to make in the Nicks we’ve done a lot of things so OKC just flew on out right to track Town said hey we talking to you we will meet with you you’re are a priority so inside not you know what’s fun bringing back free agency meetings yeah restoring the feeling I feel like that’s a very fun bit but I think the more I think about Haren Stein in OKC I do think there is a match I had concerns about what it would do to the spacing but if you’re going to now have another element maybe you play double bigs maybe your bench unit can now have a different flavor with more drive and kick more handoffs more Pace he can have more versatility defensively as far as having positionality as far as two bigs that you could play you know I don’t know I don’t know if you would bring in my head I’m thinking do you bring cruso and hartenstein into both like one to come off the bench do they both start that’s where my mind would probably get caught but we don’t have time for my coach brain to work so I mean it cuz one thing it felt like OKC is like to do is have their bigs be smaller like hey can you do big stuff yeah Jaylen Williams Ken Richard times hey we’ll just kind of have this versatility can we now have more of a mix and match while still maintaining that and still building so I think that’s kind of been the the most interesting part for OKC is yeah we know what we are we know what we need let’s go out and get it and we need to just go ahead and keep in this I don’t want to say wi now window but we need to capitalize now mhm I think even just to the spacing point like I think OKC can still maintain some of their five out principles if they’re going you know going delay action or something with Isaiah hardenstein they can have him hire on the floor uh they’re not afraid to space their being bigs on the opposite Wing naturally Chad more of a shooter but even with Jaylen Williams they’ve done it with him and even to the two big Point jayen Williams and Chad hongren including the playoffs played 105 minutes together last season smaller sample but that’s not nothing A Plus 6.5 net rating in those minutes so they’re not afraid to size up on that front in general and I think with respect to Jaylen Williams like Isaiah hartstein would be an upgrade to what he brings on both ends of the floor so if you have proof of concept there obviously you can go single big spread it out do what OKC did last year and do a really good job of it but being able to go two bigs with Isaiah hartstein or even if he’s just your lone big on the floor when CH at rest you now have another Avenue to run your offense with one of the fun things about OKC is that anyone can be a ball handler anyone can be a screener you can slide Isaiah hardenstein into that ethos so I like the fit again for me it’s just going to Bo down to what exactly is the cost like we saw the report I think yesterday that Isaiah Joe and Aaron Wiggins had their team options declined OKC going to try to work out deals with them as well so their caph holds I think are low enough to where you can do the Big Splash and then come back later but I do think moving forward Shay gonna be making big money the other Jaylen Williams eventually G to be making big money Chad will Chad hren gonna be making big money they have some they have to think Long View on top of this so I am curious to see what the Isaiah hardenstein price tag looks like but in terms of the basketball fit I like it girl I like it all right feel better now doing good two thumbs up a little bit a little bit you know had to recover from trying to read you know say only only a basic human skill you know what I mean but you know we did all right we did all right um any free agents any free agent under the radar for you we talked a lot about talked a lot about big names so far during the stream anyone under the radar you think could really change the title of a team under the ra that could change the tie of a team there’s a lot of names that I could think of like even some of them are up here if you think about Derek Jones Jr we saw what he did um it’s interesting in this day and age when it comes to free agency with the apron and the space and you see more guys going on those oneyear minimum deals and kind of betting on themselves and seeing where it takes them and we’ve seen the positive of it hence Dar Jones Jr up here know Kelly UB had a good year we’ve seen where it kind of falls back somehow so it’s just more like trying to figure out what these teams are going to look like and what they’re going to on top of that because with how everything is lining up and you know the order of when you have to do things before a certain date I feel like once the first Domino Falls Now We’re Off to the Races yeah and that’s where that’s where the little names start to become more interesting because I think teams have to tie guys together yeah so that’s that’s probably where my brain goes okay no that makes sense I’m glad you brought up dared Jones Jr uh the Mavericks they want to bring DJJ back though they are linked to Klay Thompson so I don’t know you know finan actually if it’s viable that they’re able to bring in clay with a sign and trade and also bring back Dar Jones Jr I think that’d be a home run for them if they are able to bring back both but DJJ should have a pretty interesting Market you saw the defense offensive rebounding some of the drives from him really popped in the postseason when the shot is falling for him he’s just a valuable three and D piece um so I’m curious to see what that looks like tus Jones is an interesting name as we talked about Chris Paul and just the point guard Market overall tyus Jones has turned himself into one heck of a shooter particularly inside the yard but the three-point shooter shooting pop last year as well has always taken care of the ball um defensively some question marks so I think in terms of fit you want to look for a team that has a strong defensive infrastructure to really uh again accentuate what he does but if he’s not back in Washington if I’m a good team I’m calling even if it’s just a hey we only have the mid the full mid level about 13 mil we only have that let’s go one plus one so you can maybe get a Payday next year but we feel like you can help us so like I think that would be interesting 12 points seven assists for tyus Jones last year as you see on graphic led the NBA in assist a turnover ratio he has led the NBA in assist turnover ratio five times already led the Wizards in assist last year so very very comfortable very confident pick and role Creator so I think tyus could help a team for sure okay Who you calling first tyus or Chris Paul um I probably call I I probably call Chris first just because I think in terms of the price point it’ be easier I think the pool is probably going to be smaller for Chris Paul but I think in terms of the price point it’ be a little easier to navigate there and he also just has the pedigree that tus doesn’t um I don’t think it’s a hot take to say like Tai is maybe better than Chris right now just in terms of where they in their stages of the career but I probably I think Chris probably gets the call First good very good uh why run the guard room not on the board but we’re going friend free agent that could pop somewhere I go to Brooklyn and I see both Lonnie Walker and Dennis Smith junor like do they pop in a different environment does Den Smith Jr add some defense for a team and Spruce up the point of attack there and with Lonnie Walker his ability to shoot his ability to create off the bounce does he give a contending team or playoff team and important surge Off the Bench in terms of the scoring so like those are two names that pop to the top of my head you know it’s perfect timing uh salute for the graphic change because we definitely got the Nikas list as you float into Lonnie Walker talk who which again he’s looking to make an impact but of these names up here is anyone these are the type of players that you don’t think about first you don’t think about second but you end up watching be like boy it really helped him yeah um I mentioned Kelly orioner earlier but tan Prince Malik Beasley uh guys who can have size can play and defend I think when it comes to these players right here it’s all about finding the right fit for them and like I point to Gordon Hayward seemed like a really solid match right OKC we play drive and kick we have room you can score you can shoot oh yeah we have to integrate you into this halfway through the season and everyone else is here and now okay you’re driving but the driving kick that helps but we also need the shooting Port so it’s like how tough is that because you want to join a good team you want to put yourself in position to maybe come back in free agency but you also want to have an impact yeah so when you look at these guys I think there’s a lot of teams that help it’s just going to be what do they need yeah and just looking at the list like we talked about Buddy Hill a little bit earlier Malik Beasley also would slide in as just volume shooter I will help I will be a shot in the arm that you need to get your three-point volume up bend your defense stretch things out for your stars Etc DeAnthony Melton intrigues me DeAnthony Melton has always been treated me as a basketball player but not the healthiest campaign last year is he a guy that we look back in three months and be like wow I understand why he went for what he went for but how do we let team X get the Anthony Melton he’s back to knocking down threes he’s attacking out the bounds the defense is back to if not an all Defense level but you know a tier below that is he another guy you know similar to the Dennis Smith Jr point I made there can he just Eng you know improve your point of attack and help a team a strong defensive team get even better does he take a middling team to a top 10 top 12 level like I’m really curious to see what DeAnthony De Anthony Melton looks like there um torian Prince on the list guy can play either Wing Spot can knock down shots sometimes take some shots you don’t want them to but ultimately a guy that will definitely get your volume up if he’s not back in La do you do you have a place in mind for Tor or any of these guys here do you any early fits pop for you I mean it just depends on what they’re going to who the who they’re going to be playing with these are guys could work anywhere so if you’re telling like toian Prince could you see him as a sun could you see him as a buck could you see him as a heat those guys can play Anywhere yeah just depends on what they want to do and what they’re asked to do and who they’re playing with so it’s a little bit hard to project right now because these don’t have full rosters you know what I mean you look at a guy like Marquel folz I think you help a lot of teams a lot of teams added guards already and they believe in their starting point point guard so what scenarios be best for him um that’s where it can get kind of tricky but if you’re looking at a team like Philadelphia how many of those do you want to bring back buddy heal shooting he can help a lot of teams but what does he want deal wise so that’s kind of the minutia for me that makes sense going to the chat very quickly couple of heat comments from km sels 2 any Heat rumors from octo photographer uh Thomas Bryant destinations that’s a good one I do not have a Thomas Bryant destination nor do have any specific heat rumors um again we talked about Kevin Love a little bit earlier he is back we got the news what a week or so ago that Jimmy Butler isn’t signing an extension this year so I don’t think he’s going anywhere but I guess that’s it on the Heat news front talked about Dennis Smith Jr like I don’t I I wouldn’t mind Dennis Smith Jr in Miami adding to that guard room G to go there well oh let’s have some fun from Jake fiser of Yahoo the Clippers are working to try and find a trade for Russell Westbrook so he opted you know opted into his player option I think a little over $4 million if I remember correctly but does not mean that he staying a Clipper um just off top of your head any Russell Westbrook spots that Intrigue you that gets tricky because you get back to the aspect of is he going to want to like he bought into this role for the Clippers he bought into playing with energy and helping Shi the game his defensive effort was there uh pick and role play the drives were there like he gave a lot of energy to this team being used as a screener and a roller helped where does he go where he’s going to be into that my first PR my first thought is always Miami always Miami I feel like that would help um then also see this is the problem all this apron I’m trying to think who can even trade for I don’t I don’t know would you believe in like a because I mean would you believe in the impact he could have on say like in Orlando do you think he has to go Contender a bus or would you want him on a younger team um I it feels it feels like Contender or I need to be able to start for you and so like I don’t think like I don’t think Russ goes to Charlotte to start alongside Lonzo ball and Brandon Miller and make that the one through three like that but like I feel like it’d be give me to a contender if I’m doing the bench thing I better be on a team that’s going to finish top three in either type so as I’m trying to think of some teams you know early thought that I had like what does Indiana look like not a contender like would you like him with their second unit they have TJ McConnell they do it’s like here’s another guard that can go fast and get downhill and kind of fits into our ethos offensively can I make you can I make you mad real quick sure about Denver Denver I think would make it’ be funny but like I I can see the fit think upgrade over Reggie Jackson who they just traded and try to remove some money you you ready for the Russell Westbrook scenting for Nicole yic is Russell Westbrook ready to screen for Nicole yic yeah M’s a dunk all right do we have the Extended Cut of the Nas’s uh best available free agents uh who on this list pops the most to you friend who pops the most for me I guess the first name that jumps at me is Isaac aoro I just wonder like is this a this is just off top of my head wa is he restricted and we just don’t know if a team’s gonna come up with a big offer did he not get a qualifying offer and I just missed that so that’s my early thought with Isaac aoro but we have seen the growth of him as a shooter we know he’s gotten more comfortable as a driver he is one of the best own ball defenders in the sport and so like I think he can certainly help A team’s Wing room on that front so that’s probably the first name that pops among this list um outside of that we talked about Dario sarage uh with Orlando Tinder we talked about Andre Drummond we talked about Patrick Beverly also a Tinder candidate uh Luke Canard is interesting I think the um his option was decline but I think him and Memphis are working something out so I don’t know how real his free agency is unless something breaks apart there uh I guess I’ll ask you uh if Luke Canard and Memphis isn’t able to agree to a deal for whatever reason uh is there a team or a group of teams that pop for you well one I want to go back to as a Coro oh my fault what about what about Detroit moving too quick what about Detroit no it’s fine you’re good Luke Gard shooting but where does he want to go and who can give him what he wants he can fit everywhere but T money wants yeah and so it’s this a scenario where and again we see a lot of times where teams are going to keep their talent to the best of their abilities to stay under the first apron to avoid the Tex and then move forward from there so I mean his best bet might be trying to get the best of both worlds from Memphis um yeah where where would you want to see Luke Canard uh I trying to think like if he’s going to get M uh I would need to see what Atlanta’s salary situation is like I believe they have put themselves in a position where I mean they didn’t do the qualifying offer for Sadiq Bay yeah mer so they uh may have the mid level or they uh may not want to do all that yeah good call on the sadique bay front as he’s not getting a qualifying offer from Atlanta so I think they’re still trying to shed a little bit of money so I guess we we really just turn our eyes to see what is the clock will Trey young like at this point um so again that’s more just general transaction than free agency so I guess we’ll see on that front but like Atlanta popped for me early as a team that you know just want to take more threes especially under Quinn Snyder they need more three-point Shooters they just traded AJ Griffin um but yeah I just forgot about the sque bay thing so thank you for that um outside of that like Miami is interesting for Luke Canard especially if they are going to move either hero or Duncan Robinson in something else and that becomes to let’s make the Splash and now let’s add this guy to help replace some of the shooting we just lost okay so that would be interesting for me again I’m looking at teams that I think you’re going to need a strong defensive infrastructure for Luke to pop in the regular season and the postseason um So within net L again Miami pops for me um Minnesota depending on what their money situation is like I mean that’s it’s just tight there so I don’t think lukee takes that kind of a haircut to go to Minnesota but he that would be the type of signing I would like for Minnesota to add a volume so maybe you go you know cheaper Sho maybe see if you get buddy heill instead or somewhere see if you can get Malik Beasley on another provid deal bring him back to add three-point shooting but I think that’s probably where I go there um can I can I L you a question real quick sure see I’m not sure if we went back to this the James Harden two-ear deal the second year is a player option reportedly does that change how you feel about it a little bit that explains why I think that explains why you got two it’s like okay if I’m not getting the full three I at least want some autonomy to cash right back in and I can play again and maybe free agency looks a little bit different in terms of how many teams can get to room next year I haven’t looked at what the 25 or the 26 projections are like with cap room teams but maybe that’s the bet for James Harden or just in general if Paul George is now going hey let me just do this one plus one just to see what this year about to be like because if this turns into we don’t replace Paul George we are a good team in the west but we’re not a contender or kawhai is hurt again next season hey can I go somewhere else can I can I find so giving James hard a little bit of optionality there that’s it does make me feel a little bit differently about the deal I can see where that comes in Monty morrris is another name that’s pop for me while we have the list up it just feels like his stock is down for some reason and still think he’s a quality guard we talked about tyus Jones a little bit earlier as a guy that can run ball screens for you can knock down shots when spaced won’t turn the ball over at all Monte Morris certainly fits that bold even if he isn’t as good as tius like I feel like a contending team could certainly use a Monte Morris to add some just to add a level of calm to the second unit okay let’s go back to Russell Westbrook real quick okay I don’t know why my mind went there but hey this is what you’re working with over here so we mentioned Denver as a landing spot right mhm how do you feel about San Antonio for Russell Westbrook I probably like that one a little less at least on court I think it’s funny we get the like the Russell Westbrook reports and stuff like that but like by all accounts like every team he goes to his teammates tend to just love him and so I think in terms of aiding the culture and also just setting a tone of we are playing at 110% capacity all of the time not that effort was ever an issue for San Antonio last year I think that was just more we are young we’re trying to figure it out but I do think having that kind of vet in the room to act as an extension of pop in terms of establishing what our you know just what our level is this is what we’re going to do in and out every night this is the level that we’re playing with this level the energy we playing with every night I could see that and then just in terms of the basketball fit he is going to push the pace for that Spurs team he is going to drive the basketball he’s going to jump start some driveing kick opportunities we saw the Spurs experiment with wimy as a pick and roll ball handle last year and if Russ is continuing to set screens and they go more inverted stuff like Russ could fit there so like I see it um I don’t again I don’t love it but I can’t see how it work well you mentioned driving the basketball we can see obviously the impact of the athleticism what do you think about Russell Westbrook to the Oklahoma City Thunder the return of Russ that would be a very fun story and I think as you touched on you know Gordon Hayward and the proceed Fit versus what we actually got I don’t think it would take long for Russ to acclimate himself to the style that OKC plays in he just wants to get downhill all the time anyway and again everyone can screen in Oklahoma City if Russ continues to be willing to do that he certainly could slide in there and you know again zooming out this would just be a fun story in the return I know he still very much love there I can see I I still still in the I don’t love it bag on that front but I I can see where it were okay respect that how about Russell Westbrook as a phoenix son so that would be Russell Westbrook being the answer for the Clippers need a point guard and Russell Westbrook also being the answer for the Suns need a point guard is that what you’re telling me pretty much I think that would be fun I I I think my mind goes to okay do Westbrook Beal Booker KD how much fun is that lineup does is just lean into more KD at the five for Phoenix M I could see it I think that’s the thing for Russ I think he’s got a lot of different Landing spots and I think Phoenix is a team that is going have to find a way to get Talent now I think the fact that it’s a trade makes that a little difficult if I recall correctly because they there’s a whole lot of things that specific team can’t do yeah I don’t know all the things about the second an run but I know there’s a whole lot of things they can’t do that other teams can’t so no makes that makes sense actually why would have Phoenix up on the board like one thing that trickled in I think yesterday Royce O’Neal agreeing to a fouryear $44 million deal to come back to Phoenix do you like the deal and how did you feel about Royce’s fit in Phoenix when he joined the team last year loved it I thought he did all the little things for that team and I think they only have so many opportunities to kind of add a talent in that slot so I think Royce O’Neal’s ability to space the floor his cutting the defense being able to guard multiple positions for this specific team really helps and so I think being able to keep him kind of gives you that element where you’re able to elevate now boy would you look at that the nuggets are showing interest in Russell Westbrook go ahead and Source my bad from Jake fiser of Yahoo one’s in the chat for Steve thank you if you are watching the chat along with us hey that’s good stuff that’s a good call so aing the second unit a big year for a Denver’s second unit for sure uh we may see again if kav’s call Pope goes elsewhere we may see the promotion of Christian Brown into the starting lineup which means hey of y’all younger guys Julian staler if you’re healthier will we be able to make shots this year and so I I hey man hey for that second unit that gets interesting hey it’s going to be interesting it’s going to be interesting a fun start to free agency I know that much from us it’s a little bit of a different feel you know you’re you’re waiting for the fireworks and I don’t know if you ever as a kid did like the sparkler and then you didn’t light it really well and it just kind of went out yeah but you still had fun when it was you know what I’m saying so it’s interesting to watch and kind of see how teams navigate and when that first Domino is going to fall but I think you know talking about what we saw with Klay Thompson the expected list the Paul George talking points which one of those is going to fall first who’s going to move where me did you think we would get Russell Westbrook Plus Denver I did not 55 minutes in yeah I also love just the tag team there Jay Fisher hey nuggets are interested Tony Jones of the athletic Russ is also interested so I mean hey that if one plus one is the equation it might equal two maybe we get Russell Westbrook you are a Denver Nugget if they able to work out some I’m going to trade so I guess we’re going to keep an eye on that front um but I guess just circling back to the top that we waiting what these Paul George media going to look like we will see if the Clippers commit you know complete the hell Mary and bring them back do the Sixers press that button do we get pmac in Orlando that’s going to be fun we see what happens with Klay Thompson I also want to Circle back to the Dallas discussion because I do think the fit is a little bit cleaner there like Dallas did play faster last year we’ve seen some of the movement sets they involved Tim Hardway Jr in I think clay can slide into those hey and you know you know what could help us out right now who the great Chris Haynes ah back on screen with us is Chris Haynes Chris welcome back dealing with some audio issues right now with Chris Haynes but on screen with us bringing Chris back to talk about what’s happened or what hasn’t happened uh so far in free agency as we’ve gotten some Paul George news with who he’s meeting with we got the Chris Paul report uh been waved by the Golden State Warriors He’s been linked to two or three teams already so we’ll see what happens on that front the uh proposed trade from the Chicago Bulls M uh can we get Zack lav out of here can we bring in Chris Paul Andrew Wiggins that was a quick no so it’s we’ve certainly gotten some nuggets on some of the big names we haven’t gotten the fireworks in terms of the big names yet in terms of actual movement yet so we going to see what happens on that front moving forward again it’s only the first hour that things have been live so there’s still plenty of time it’s it’s a different era too as Chris H mentioned earlier being able to talk to your own players a little bit earlier and how that can impact negotiations a whole lot of different questions we can ask all righty uh Chris haes back on screen s Chris how you doing all right I’m doing all right guys what’s up there we go there we go uh just want to Circle back with what we’ve gotten so far in free agency Paul George nuggets Klay Thompson nuggets I guess just in general why do you think free agency hasn’t been as active within the first hours we’ve seen it yeah it’s a pretty good explanation um the league didn’t like those reports getting out of of agreements being reached amended into free agency so uh you know there’s there’s stiff penalties for for such violations so um yeah that that’s definitely one of the major reasons why we haven’t had any reported agreements to this point okay it makes sense uh I guess on the Russell Westbrook front as he’s been now linked to the Denver Nuggets how do you feel about that fit if that were to come together yeah that would be interesting um yeah that would be I don’t know how that would work but yeah so I can say that the Los Angeles Clippers are working with Russell Westbrook to try to find him a trade partner that fits with both sides so when Russell Westbrook opted into his $4 million player option um the belief was that he he would most likely never play a game again for the Clippers so that is the goal right now for the Clippers obviously Paul George they’re still trying to see if they can get him back I’m told that hope is dwindling on that front but as far as rbook goes um the plan is to try to trade him and if not down the road you can see a scenario where the Clippers will probably wave him before the season starts so they’re trying to get that taken care of oh wow that’s well that’s a lot lot Clippers it’s a lot of Clippers right now yeah a lot of movement we got James hard in his back but now we’re just W need to see what happens with Paul George what happens with Russell Westbrook at this point that’s going to be dominoes the Domino’s rolling guys Dominos are rolling indeed well Chris thank you for rocking with us thank you for hopping back on thank you not anytime guys thank you and thank you all for joining us for this bleach report free agency stream thank you for joining us we’ve got three more hours of free agency coverage for you uh Dan and Grant take it away what is up everyone I am Dan fali coming at you with Grant Hughes we are Bleacher Report NBA staff writers as well as co-host of the hardwood Knox podcast and let’s get into some free agency stuff Grant we’re off and we’re not really running it’s been more of a crawl than anything of a Sprint how are you feeling one hour into 2024 NBA free agency I’m feeling like what’s happening this year is what happens a lot of times where there’s a guy or in this case I think there’s three that were really kind of waiting to see what happens with them and then you know the waterfall of subsequent transactions starts so obviously Paul George is the is the guy it was Kevin Durant last year I think if I remember correctly that was a trade situation though so we got to see what happens with Paul George we got to see what happens with Klay Thompson we got to see what happens with cavius Caldwell Pope and my sense of it is once those dominoes fall then things kind of start to come into order is is that your take on it we’re just kind of waiting for the big big things to to to happen and then we then we then we really get going I ly agree and you could probably throw Isaiah hartstein in there since OKC apparently is rumored to be visiting him already but I think the one of the things that are factoring in here is since you were able to negotiate with your own players we’ve seen a bunch of deals happen already so like we still have these rumors about okay where’s clay gonna go where’s Paul George GNA go but the fact that ogan and noi’s off the board Pascal siakam’s off the board James Harden’s already off the board um but I think we want to start with like let’s start with the rumors I think like you mentioned the two free agents who are top of mine probably right now Paul George first and foremost if there’s any one holding everything up it’s absolutely Paul George uh he’s rumored to be taking meetings with the Sixers the magic and then a return to the Clippers still kind of looms what do you make of this whole Paul George situation and who would you Bild as your favorite right now like where’s Paul George playing next season as of right now 701 eastern time yeah I almost want to talk about the magic fit because I think once he eventually signs with the Sixers we can we won’t be able to kind of imagine how much fun that would be with him in Orlando so I do think it is the Sixers it just going back to that that what was it a halftime broadcast with Jo lmb during the finals where he made eyes at Paul George and you know sometimes that’s nothing this time it feels like it was something uh it just it’s been there’s been so much smoke right for for so long that you know the Sixers would have this mountain of cap space George fits into it nobody else really makes sense to spend that much on uh so it just feels like Philly to me and but I mean the Orlando fit is so ex just so intriguing right just it’s a younger team him fitting right there next to Jaylen Suggs in that back court just a super sized group there that could really defend a potential Rising power in the East but it does feel like Philly to me I agree with Philly Orlando would be so much fun though but we have a report from Keith pompy of the Philadelphia Inquirer Source Tobias Harris receiving free agency interest from the Pistons Jazz Spurs and Mavericks notably absent from that is his incumbent team the Sixers who who uh that did not end well but he’s basically gone do any of those teams stand the Pistons have been linked to Tobias Harris for months do any of these teams don’t stand out as good fits or even one that maybe the fits not great but oh they would just pay him I mean the it’s not so much fit for me with Tobias Harris it’s just what’s the what’s the number it’s it’s a price question right he’s one of the guys that maybe he’s the guy who’s kind of the poster boy in the league for you’re not evaluated necessarily for what you can do it’s it’s you’re evaluated for what you can do relative to what you’re being paid and he was you know everybody knows that he was overpaid on that last contract so you could talk me into the Jazz you could talk me in just about anybody if you’re talking well maybe that’s what we should get to is this mid-level money we’re thinking is it is it less than that it’s hard to imagine it gets up towards you know the 20 million a year figure but you know look look at the numbers 17 and six shot 48% from the field it’s just he he’s been consistent over the years seven years and averaging over 17 points a game like this guy’s a a rotation player at minimum a decent starter at worst uh it just and kind of a universal fit if you don’t need him to be like your second or third best player right yeah the concept of Tobias Harris still has a ton of value and Caitlyn Cooper of basketball she wrote calls it assault tax where a situation gets so toxic you just play so poorly I wonder if that’s what happened in Philly but all these teams that are mentioned with the exception of Dallas those are cap space teams and so it makes me wonder is he looking for the one or two-year balloon offer and when you’re considering fit I’m going to be honest apologies to any Detroit Pistons fans watching I want anyone who’s looking to do well to stay out of Detroit right now so can we get to bias to like the Spurs or even Dallas those are two teams that I think need that could be good if they get someone else who in theory could break down defenses and force them in to rotation aside from their top level options that are there and so I love those two fits I don’t know that I understand Utah’s interest if you have Larry Markin in John Collins is still there you’ve Hendrick that you got to clear some minutes for so I just don’t the the Utah interest puzzles me unless is this a precursor to Danny a kind of shaking up the roster no I’m glad you mentioned the name to me there I can’t remember now because it’s been kind of a whirlwind of a day but there was all there was already somebody else of consequence who was linked to Utah it was kind of like the Tobias thing where you’re like what why and to me it just feels like this is Danny a doing the Danny a thing where it’s like we were in on this guy well we just you know just got to be in on everything so you’re going to hear the Jazz come up maybe you know more often than I maybe I’m not going to project I keep hearing the Jazz come up more often than I think they should related to targets that I would be surprised if they really had interest in uh Harris being kind of one of those guys but I I just uh I think I think it’s all just specifically to get back to Harris it’s just got to be about the the dollar figure um Mike teasy in the chat says Tobias is a good pick for the Lakers if clay goes elsewhere yeah I mean I think you know the Lakers pretty clearly have eyes on you know to me Thompson that that fit is really makes sense Thompson being an LA guy again Harris would be fine there right as long as you’re not banking on him to be more than he’s capable of being or has been lately well Tobias Harris is probably gonna switch teams you know who has already switched teams Grant Andre Drummond two-year $10 million plus deal per Michael Scotto of of Hoops hype with the Sixers # the return they needed a backup big if we’re assuming Paul even if Paul Reed doesn’t or if Paul Reed does come back um but Joel embiid every other season feels like he’s missing 40 games and so to just have someone who’s capable won’t replace anywhere near what embiid does on offense but he’ll clean up the offensive glass he’s big um in theory if you kind of have him and maybe some more simplistic defensive approaches he could help you there in the half court uh do you like this fit for for Philly reuniting with Drummond who the last time he was in Philly he was he was doing okay I mean Drummond has been you know he’s not what he was when he was leading the league in rebounding what was it four out of five seasons back in the the mid- teens uh during his you know couple All-Star games in Detroit but last year it’s you know maybe people weren’t paying attention but he kind of took Nicole lich’s job right he was outplaying him at center for the Bulls for decent stretches of that year Uh I that may say more about Vu than it does about Drummond but he’s still gonna get a ton of rebounds he got nine a game last year and he’s only playing 17 minutes so I mean if you’re just looking for a high-end you know backup for what is it it’s going to be 5 million bucks a year that that’s solid and you know we’ve been Laing the Sixers cap space all summer that $61 million estimated figure uh is dropping down to just a nice little 56 there so not gonna not going to do too much damage to that Paul George Pursuit getting Drummond in there yeah and I mean who if whoever they’re big signing is my structure are they using cap space is this part of the room exception I don’t know I’m very fascinated to see what their books end up looking like uh anything else been going on I mean we have the we talked about Paul George a little bit this is just like this is one of those moves that I don’t think it signals anything about Paul George it’s a move they always would have needed to have made and so we were talking before some of these news breaks came in that we both think PG is probably going to go to the Sixers we mentioned that we love the fit in Orlando just as kind of being fun do you see any scenario in which he actually returns to the Clippers is it only just he kind of comes back with his tail between his legs and signs the three-year deal that’s basically been on the table all along I think it’s certainly possible and and if it did happen wouldn’t wouldn’t it can’t you imagine kind of going like from George’s perspective he it comes out that you know he really didn’t want to leave California that was reported he wanted to be on the west coast and it was just like a business player right let’s hey I Clippers I got the Sixers out there willing to offer the full boat for four years over $200 million can you guys please do better than that three for 153 that’s just been on the table like probably for like what six months now uh and you know if if if ultimately that extra year and being a Max guy uh wind up not being worth as much to him as staying home sticking with Kawhi Leonard and James Harden who we should talk about also resigned there for two years or one plus one I guess I should say I could see it I don’t think it’d be tail between the legs though I does seem like most of the reporting is very much that the the Clippers are not upset at Paul George he’s not upset at them it’s just kind of you know there’s another team out there that might be able to give him more money and and he’s checking it out and maybe it’s a leverage play and that’ll be what it is I ult if I had to guess it’s not a leverage play He Is Gonna Leave but if he came back I wouldn’t you know well let me put it to you do you think that there would be any awkwardness or any ill will or would they just would both parties kind of get like this is just the business wait could we just agree that this team is cooked even if he comes back because well that’s a separate question no but I mean like even when you look at their Dynamics you have the reports from Brian wior of ESPN that Paul George had no idea kawhai was signing an extension and so that’s like akin to me leaving the hardwood Knox podcast without telling you or like doing signing a sponsor without telling you and so that’s what it would be like exact for the same amount of money too but it’s just it’s it’s super awkward and it seems like he might be frustrated that Kawai cost him leverage because if you are the Clippers why wouldn’t you say to Paul George like why are we going to give you a longer commitment then not only Kawai at this point but James Harden and this is a good segue into him they’ve made it the Clippers have made it very clear how much they actually care about the money aspect of it all is one thing but Lawrence Frank says Steve bomber doesn’t care it’s about the logistics of how limited are you are to build out a roster that they’re kind of operating on this two or threeyear window they got James Harden to fit in to that window and that almost cost Paul George some leverage the fact that James Harden also didn’t have a market so the two couldn’t like Leverage the Clippers together to getting like different like James Harden could have definitely got more money or if Paul George wants that fourth year something just seems kind of off here which I guess is why I think that Paul George is ultimately going to leave but what did you think of James Harden two years 70 million the second year is a player option just more evidence that the Clippers are basically operating I know they have Kawai under contract but it feels like year by year at this point right and and sort of in a disappointing way I think kind of status quo we’re going to be about as will be fairly similar to to the team we were last season which by turns was phenomenal for that that what was it 30 and three or something ridiculous like that I I like to blow up that that number from their hot stretch a little bit all the time just see if anybody catches me on and then they then they fell apart so we disagreed last time we talked about what Harden was going to get I ex went way low ball and said like I think it’s 25 a year and part of my thinking was like well who else is out there that’s going to beat that like what’s the market for James Harden and and I mean he got so he gets an average of 35 a year he gets a one plus one so a player option on that second like I it’s still my question is still who was going to come over the top of 35 million a year for James Harden like it wasn’t going to be the Sixers for a million reasons not the least of which being they’re going to spend it on one of his teammates probably but I just don’t see the reason to go that high on him unless there was something in place beforehand some understanding when he came over from the Sixers uh so but you were you were always of the mind that he was going to get more than I thought uh it what do what does this number do for you the two for 70 on Harden I’m actually a little bit surprised it’s not just a touch higher really I look James Harden James Harden is still good they about someone who average had his scoring was down in LA but shoots 38.1% from three on almost seven attempts per game um he had 8.5 assists he’s the driver of their offense and if they’re going to get rid of Russell Westbrook now like it seems like they’re trying to move him or they’ll ultimately wave him you need more Playmakers because like Kawai and even if Paul George comes back those are those are not floor generals those are secondary playmaker who they’re fantastic so I I like the deal for the clippers because I didn’t I wouldn’t have wanted to get into James Harden for too much money but I would have thought if it was shorter term we were looking at like 280 and at that point we’re kind of quibbling over5 million or so we do have fam bam05 in the chat saying Paul George is tired of playing um playing with Diva kawh Leonard wants to play with someone who actually wants to play look if that’s let’s just say that’s actually true if you go to Philly you can’t guarantee that Joel beid wants to play is Joel embiid going to play so it’s just like they changing in that’s why I always liked the the Warriors threat we’ve actually had some mentions in the chat about can the Warriors still get Paul George and since they wave CP3 and Paul George opt it out it’s just not going to happen but if if you’re Paul George I think that has to factor into that at least has to be why Orlando is semi appealing I feel like they’re more of a stalking horse but you look at these guys it’s they’re young everyone’s gonna play he’s gonna what will he be their third or fourth most important Defender at this point like so I I really want him to go to Orlando I’m I’m trying to manifest it right now Grant it’s just it’s oh yeah yeah same on on the Kawai kind of you know because it’s so easy to draw parallels between kawhai and embiid because we have similar conversations about them it seems like every year now where when they’re healthy we just we we you know we all look around and and look at each other and say like oh yeah that’s a top five guy could be the best player on a championship team I that was even true of Leonard for a stretch last year where when he was right looked great embiid that’s a no-brainer it was an MVP not that long ago when he’s right the Sixers are are you know dominant title threat type team both of them have massive durability issues that you know whether Paul George chooses one or the other you’re just going to have to face those and so it was always to me kind of like well how much more certain of a situation are the Sixers really but then at the same time it’s like isn’t that the plight that every player who’s not the best player on his team kind of signs up for so because like if you don’t have your best guy you’re not doing anything so from Paul georg’s perspective whether it’s kawh whether it’s Joel embiid whether it’s anybody if you know he’s signing up and he’s assuming risk it’s just the risk is kind of comparable with himbi and kawhai and that’s why it’s such an interesting decision from his perspective that’s a great Point uh let’s move into some of the other free agents that are floating out there we have danan Ley in the chat saying clay and CP3 to the Lakers we actually have Eric pinkis coming on shortly to talk about the Lakers but a larger discussion about Klay and CP3 is now a free agent General Klay is up there I mean he’s not the same Klay Thompson that he was but he just shot the lights out from three can still put up a bunch of points and I’ll phrase it this way there are worst Defenders on the wing in the NBA in the NBA than Klay Thompson so it seems like he’s leaving the Warriors based on reporting from our very own Chris Haynes where as a as a resident dubs fan Grant where do you sort of like fall on all this and what do you think is the teams we’ve seen are the Lakers the Clippers have been mentioned a little bit the Mavericks I think we’ve seen the Sixers it was funny Orlando was mentioned at one point they’re not really mentioned anymore is there a I I guess what does this mean for the Warriors because you’ve gotten rid of Chris Paul’s contract without doing anything with it and now you might lose clay so what does that say about their Direction and then what do you think is the best fit or biggest threat to actually come in and get clay yeah it doesn’t feel like I might lose him it feels like we’re you know getting pretty close to you know a dead set certainty at this point I just think the Lakers are a fine fit I think the fact that we’re talking potentially with Clay about a mid-level exception type of deal which now with the the new cap estimates we got to refer to as a 122.8 million starting salary as opposed to 12.9 that just opens up a ton of possibilities so for sure Orlando makes a ton of sense for a lot of the same reasons that Paul George did just within you know maybe even a higher premium on the shooting Lakers Mavs just imagine the clean looks Klay Thompson gets with Lucas setting him up in the corners like just to just to think back to the last postseason you know a lot of Dallas’s success hinged on our Derrick Jones Jr also a free agent by the way and PJ Washington going to make open Corner threes because they’re going to be allowed to be open to shoot those if Klay Thompson’s in one of those spots that completely changes how teams have to defend Dallas and just realistically he’s going to open things up for them in a way that some of these other guys just can’t so he would be set up to succeed there and really just only be asked to do the things that he’s really good at a little over taxed I think with the Warriors who were short on on on playmaking on shot creation took a lot of bad shots so just emotionally yeah it you know I get it he wants to prove himself somewhere else the Warriors want to want to go a different direction open up their own mid-level exception see what they can do with that uh have a couple minimums they can sign get that maybe used to buy annual there’s just you know it’s just it’s run its course and and Thompson has real options especially again if we’re not talking about he needs 20 to 25 million a year is there is there of the spots that have kind of been rumored Dallas La Orlando you know pick your poison which of those do you prefer for him which of those make sense most for the team just what’s Your Gut on any of that I like the Lakers the most because i’ prefer someone with more on b ball skills for Dallas but we have a free agency lert here Grant I officially have no idea what the Clippers are doing but they have signed Kevin Porter Jr um to a looks like a two-year deal so I don’t I guess there’s a talent flyer there we know why he is out of the the league be this this past season because of his domestic violence issues I I don’t really know what this telegraphs for them I guess if you’re looking at this from a strictly Talent play with nothing to do off the court um I guess I kind of understand it but they going to have the runway to kind of develop it and why did he have the leverage to get a player option here P Shams had that reporting uh I don’t again I guess you can understand it from it’s kind of like on the court again what they did with bones Highland where well why not just take a stab at this guy I have I just have no idea what the Clippers are doing or what they’re preparing for do you think this telegraphs anything about the rest of there it does feel like what we can certainly guarantee is that Russell Westbrook is definitely gone there’s just no way that they’re not Trading or waving him that’s my first thought is it makes a lot of sense in in the context of we’ve already seen reports that there were from Jake fiser that the the Clippers are looking to trade Russ after he picked up a $4 million player option it is a talent play 100% for the Clippers when you know we’ll put all the other stuff aside when Porter was last in the league 2223 it was his age 22 season played 59 games started them all this is a a terrible Houston team so drop that giant like Boulder of salt uh into this analysis uh but 19.2 points 5.7 assists 5.3 boards shot 36% from three you know decisionmaking on the floor rough like very raw still but like the production’s been there he’s been a double digit scorer all four years of his career it’s just the off court stuff the maturity stuff and maybe two year a year plus away you know mitigates some of that but yeah I mean as far as Fallout goes like yeah Russ is going to be gone I don’t I don’t know that I would say it it portends anything else you know really consequential for the clippers but um yeah I I I’m surprised to see that name frankly I didn’t I didn’t know that we were going to hear from Kevin Porter Jr again it was not on my Bleacher Report live stream bingo card tonight I’m not gonna lie and to get a player option what are we doing here like what is why why does he get a player option so back to Klay Thompson though when you’ve seen the reporting about and this has been it’s from the athletic I think You’ SE seen multiple reports just about like how he could sign for the mid-level exception how bad are does it say more about how bad the state of things are between him and golden state that the mid-levels in play or do you think it says more about the market to actually get him because it does seem like there would be at least twoyear balloon payments out there for Klay Thompson and now he’s being linked to like the Lakers in the Mavs unless I get it could be a sign and trade with the MAV that does make some sense where they could figure out how to bring back DK Jones Jr maybe give clay like between 15 and 18 a year but the fact that he’s being mentioned to these teams that don’t have cap space it’s just like to me doesn’t that kind of say things about the state of his relationship or the way that negotiations or non-negotiation went with golden state yeah I think when you start to reverse engineer all this now that we know what the outcome’s likely to be the the fact that last off seon he was offered a two-year deal worth $48 million reportedly and didn’t take it while Andrew Wiggins got a four-year deal Draymond Green got a longer deal I think in hindsight now from his perspective that was a slight um and it and it it just you know you can understand why some some as prideful as him and who’s been as productive and important to you know the dynasty that that may be ending now in Golden State you know as big a role as he played in all that you could understand why he would look at that and say like what hold on like why am I getting a two-year offer and from the Warriors perspective the reason there’s a two-year offer is because you’re on the decline you’ve had two massive injuries like your defense has slipped substantially since coming back from from the ACL and the Achilles which like yeah of course it did um I just think as we look back on it it kind of you can sort of understand his perspective so I think to answer your question a lot a fair amount of it is he feels like he’s not being valued properly by a team that you know I think from his perspective he believes like owes it to him to to Value him really highly Val at least value him as much as someone like Wiggins who yeah was integral in one Championship but wasn’t there for the other three uh so I think maybe that’s that’s kind of a lot of it and and look the fact that the mid-level is possibly an option for him that’s just you know that that’s just the market doing what it’s doing because like you just go around the cap space teams and there’s not that many right there’s not that many that that can give him this balloon payment you’re talking about that that it would make sense for Detroit sure but like who’s going to Detroit for that he’s not going to do that and even the market for signing trades like Dallas is gonna have to hustle to fit all that into their capure he did over the Lakers everyone’s talking about again we’ll ask Eric pink about this we’re talking like LeBron Tak massive pay cuts which is just something he has historically not done um from the Warriors perspective of this though what do you make of I guess you call it the start of their offseason and does it what does this infer about their direction if is it just specifically okay we’ve officially entered the cost cutting portion of this dynastic era and they’re not going to make any T whether it’s with the mid level or just are they going to stand P like what are they this team is on paper it could still be intriguing I mean it’s up on the screen look there’s a ton of talent there and maybe you could in theory still bring back Chris Paul doesn’t sound like that’s going to be a possibility but what do you make of the decision to one let Clay Thompson leave until we hear otherwise let Klay Thompson leave and then two you didn’t use Chris Paul’s contract to do anything on the trademark you did try and get Paul George there was reporting from Chris Haynes on that but you ultimately did not do anything yeah I think certainly like viewed alongside what seemed like a pretty real pursuit of Paul George that would have included a four-year max if they’d been able to to work a deal via an optin in trade which you know would have just spiked the salary back up and you’re not out of the tax almost certainly again like it’s kind of wild to me that now they are out of the tax they are able to use the midlevel they are kind of just going forward with what are going to feel like moves on the margins I mean in some ways I guess it’s laudable if you want to give the Warriors credit that they were ready to be opportunistic if someone like Paul George was there and were willing to spend for that and now that he’s not you got to Pivot to just a more realistic Outlook which like sucks because you’re going to have Steph Curry in the last stages of his prime without you know premium help next to him odds are so I I guess if you’re being charitable to the Warriors it’s what they’re doing now which does feel conservative is just kind of the best of bad options you know well let me ask you this because it was kind of like we’re gonna either keep clay and lose Paul or lose clay and use Chris Paul with mess with his guarant number to get somebody back did you see a realistic way if in fact clay was gone it start starting to seem like that was done uh we got a big breaking news here but we’ll get to it real quick they were never going to get anything useful for Paul right because who wants $30 million for Chris Paul on an expiring deal like that just wasn’t going to be a valuable trade chip I don’t think no I mean it wasn’t going to be but I would assume they were going to be able to attach it with picks and they have some younger guys and just because it’s so short term and maybe you buy them out and save some off the top um that would have been something I I’m not surprised they went this route but I do think it’s you still have Steph Curry who despite everything is just I think he could still be the best player on a title team and the fact that you have that you have that window to not be more aggressive I understand the financial real and not that they weren’t aggressive with Paul George but it was okay was Paul George or bust like it doesn’t seem like they were necessarily working the trade market um Larry marke ISS available and they have not been linked to him uh at all so good um we’re going to Pivot from that uh free agen because uh there’s not a Second Source confirming it um will be huge news though if it is if it is true it’s a nice little teaser uh when you’re looking at some of the free agents that are on the board aside from unless you have anything left on the the dubs right now or Klay Thompson um who intrigues you the most looking at this list that’s on the screen right now we have demard d r Roan Isaiah hartenstein miles Bridges we already talked about Tobias Harris but Derek Jones Jr tyus Jones Jonas funis that any of those names just really kind of stand out to you I kind of want to tee you up for Isaiah hardenstein and just test if you if you can get your slide rule out and explain all the minations involved in the Knicks keeping him or losing him because it’s a it’s it’s complicated right so you get bridges on that big deal you get o OK uh you get ogan and Obi on on another massive deal it’s like oh my God they’re gonna be hard capped at the first apron or are they so like there’s there’s a lot of ways to go with this it’s let me ask let’s start with this do you think Isaiah hardenstein is gone from the Knicks my guess would be yes he is gone just because we haven’t heard any even Rumblings of them expanding the Mel Bridges trade to give themselves more flexibility to resign him and if you’re not going to expand that trade and hard cap yourself to the second apron um you’re going to have to figure out how to do it beneath the first apron and that’s going to involve either a Mitchell Robinson plus others salary dump or you’re breaking up Julius Randall into smaller salaries and we haven’t heard anything about that scenario either the only we did hear that Mitchell Robinson was available a couple weeks back I believe but I just the fact that we haven’t heard anything on that front it makes me think he’s gone at the same time there’s only one team to me that feels like it makes sense to come over the top to where it’s not worth the Knicks to explore and that’s OKC he’s meeting with them now uh and so if they want to offer him you know three years and 60 or something like they have the ability to do that but the other teams that have been mentioned Orlando Detroit like those teams don’t actually make sense for him and I assume wants to be in a good situation and play and so if it’s not OKC then that’s when I’m like well the Knicks need to will probably pounce on expanding this trade or figuring out the rest of their books to bring him back so while I think he leaves I’m also just kind of saying well to Oklahoma City then because it does feel like it would be OKC or New York would you agree like is there just another team with cap space not cap space that even wants to come in and they can’t even broke or a sign in trade just because the Knicks can’t um the Knicks can’t facilitate that one if they’re not going to you know resign him anyway but we do have break we do have breaking news cavius calwell Pope is headed to Orlando on a threeyear $66 million deal which I mean so he’s leaving Denver there’s the implication one there for Grant and it’s also Orlando’s out there now they’re spending money if you’re going to give kcp 20 plus million you’ve basically removed yourself from the Paul George sweep Stakes you can still get there but there’s going to be some other collateral damage to it since I think they were going to be maxed out at like 60 million in space and so now they’ve essentially taken themselves to me out of the Paul Jor sweep Stakes let’s start with the magic they’re the team that signed him age 31 kcp an all defense type of guy three and D guy won two titles how do you like this fit I love it and I don’t know how many teams kcp could have gone to that I would have said something different but this is this is a particularly good fit because Orlando phenomenal defensively last year 22nd in offense uh not enough shooting to space the floor Jaylen Suggs made huge strides forward offensively to the point where now his his defense you got to keep it on the floor for just the maximum amount of game time you can and now you’re not paying the price for that on the other end adding kcp who’s a just a terrific you know both backourt position Defender even at 31 in his own right has Championship experience twice over don’t forget that Lakers title in addition to the Nuggets one can defend can make open shots low maintenance low usage just like a a really really strong fit there uh but again I I I I don’t know where he could have gone that I would have said oh I hate it right like but Orlando just this this this is right this is this is the correct move for really a pretty good number too for kcp isn’t it like I I kind of thought maybe he’d get more annually I’m I guess I’m not surprised the number but this is shameful stuff from the Denver Nuggets can we agree on that because now if you care about saving billionaires money they have a pathway to ducking the tax because they’re like inside 3 million of the tax I think after losing kcp so but you could also look at well maybe they’ll spend their midlevel to try and replace him I understand that you have these guys sort of waiting in the wings with Payton Watson Calvin Calvin Boo by the way telegraphed this right when he basically talked about Christian Brown all the Yan off stats love him um that’s fine but you’ve now lost two key and they they couldn’t keep Bruce Brown I recognize that there was the rules in place they were not able to keep him um and by the way kyp has a third-year player option on that deal so I love that deal for him even more uh and so if he wants to get back in free agency I think he’ll be at age 33 at that point he might still be a a pretty hot commodity but if you’re Denver like you already had depth issues you’re not any deeper like you’re just are you counting on Hunter Tyson and Julian strawther to actually make commitments now and so you lose someone who’s so integral and for the magic since they’re up on the board here to add that shooting to add just someone else now on defense you have Suggs you have kcp Jonathan Isaac is still on this roster Anthony black is a monster I don’t know how much he’s going to play when you look at this roster as it is currently constructed they can still do other things and I think the other thing they need is a floor General and preferably it will come with someone who can also shoot and will be an upgrade over those Markel fultz minutes even over Cole Anthony and of course Anthony Black’s type of shooting um I’m wondering if this do you one do you agree like are they that type of player I’m not even saying a star but like if they acquired Anthony Simons right now or if they assigned tius Jones do they just become this monster threat in the East for you with an addition of of that caliber yeah I kind of think so it’s not like they were that far off last year and you can B you can Bank on organic growth from you know several of their young guys right you got banero you got fron Vagner Suggs could get better even Wendell Carter is not it’s not like Wendell Carter’s you know beyond the the stage of his career where he could continue to get better um so yeah Orlando looks really strong and I agree has the room still to go you know kick the tires on tus Jones or see or see see what other kind of you know other backward help they can get uh that’s going to do it for Orlando at the moment we do have Eric pinkis here ready to come on and educate us on the Lakers cap minations LeBron James uh everything else that’s going on in free agency Eric thanks for joining us uh how have you enjoyed this uh free agency period so far everybody’s complaining it’s too quiet I think we’re ramping up though uh well I mean it’s going to naturally be quiet because they changed the rules and we’ve had deals coming out for the last what week or two so of course it’s like usually we find out all these resigns right now we found out about them already like Pascal seum was how long ago it seems like seems like a month ago right like so years I I think yeah I I think it’s it’s feels quiet but it’s only because it’s been more entertaining for the last couple weeks right so since the finals ended we’ve had nothing but non-stop craziness so I love this time of year this is really what I live for we have many questions about the Lakers for you Eric and there’s so many things happening here but I think what I’m most curious about is just based on the reporting about what LeBron might be willing to do with his next contract are you able to want well one I want to know do you find that as like valid that he is actually willing to take a substantial pay cut to increase the roster building resources at their disposal and then I let’s throw it to you there is that like is that something you can actually see him doing so when I do my job of projection I can’t assume LeBron will do that right so all year I penciled him in at two numbers one he Ops in and extends or two he Ops out takes the max which was actually a little bit less if he’s willing to take a pay cut great good on him if the Lakers can get that to happen sure at a minimum take like a couple million less so that Brony could get the most he can get on that second round pick exception maybe takes a million or two less because it goes to bronnie I could see that uh but if it’s Klay Thompson sure but I think Klay Thompson’s going to get off offers that are above the mid level we’ll have to find out we don’t know the The Final Answer here but the mid level’s just well we’ll call it 13 it’s a little bit less than 13 million I think the Lakers yeah of course they could sign him stay below the first apron stay below the second apron whatever apron they need to get under they can do it they don’t have any roster space right they’re at 15 players right now based on at least you know the assumption that LeBron resigns and that they signed bronny that they sign Dalton connect and that the max Christie deal goes through so they don’t even have a roster spot so there’s a trade to be made somewhere whether even if it’s just dumping minimum guys like a Christian wood or a cam reddish or whatever just to make room and then it’s hard to say well LeBron needs to take X less well did they trade D’Angelo or do they trade like Max Maxwell Lewis Maxwell Lewis makes like 1.9 DLo makes basically functionally 19 and a half based on you know incentives and whatnot so I don’t have an answer for what it will be but I know that that flexibility exists and just to throw at you like maybe they trade D’Angelo to open up money or maybe they flat out trade D’Angelo to get Klay Thompson via sign and trade I think that’s a a feasible pathway now I’m not saying that the Warriors take on D’Angelo because you know as as if you read my stuff you know I’m like the you know the king of making up multi-team trades that’s like my domain so you could easily find somebody who’s taking the expiring contract of D’Angelo Russell and getting compensated maybe they’re getting uh Jaylen Hood chafino from the Lakers and Maxwell Lewis maybe they’re getting somebody somewhere else where it makes sense somehow maybe the Warriors are getting somebody that helps them right now that isn’t as expensive that fits so uh I think teams right now are you feeling out the numbers feeling out the opportunities and we know Chris Paul was waved so I’ll just you know throw at you pencil in a minimum for Chris Paul with the Lakers unless someone’s willing to pay him more might happen might be the Spurs might be someone else but if he’s going for the minimum I could see him going maybe clippers but I could see him playing with LeBron and La uh with the Lakers Eric you mentioned a couple names I wanted to get get your opinion on because both of them I think have surprised fans so one is D’Angelo Russell picked up his player option um where you know I don’t feel like to me that wasn’t a foregone clusion that was going to happen I think he had a chance to be one of the more sought after point guards on a fairly thin market and then the max Christie contract just you can never judge anything too uh too completely by Twitter reactions but I think there were some fans that were surprised he got four years and 32 uh What do e take either of those however you’d like which of them is more surprising to you and what do you think specifically we can take from Russell’s decision to to opt in I mean I don’t I don’t know that it’s surprising I was told that it was at least going to cost 5 million a year or not a year starting for Christie the projection I have is about between 71 72 is about where he’ll start so it’s a little higher the the Lakers have a history of not using their tools to sign second round picks to three-year deals they’ve since changed the rules that now enable you to do that by default with the second round pick exception didn’t used to exist but the Lakers have a history paying hell Jordan Clarkson too early paying ton Horton Tucker too early paying Austin Reeves too early so is it surprising that they’re paying Max Christie too early no he should be a minimum guy right now if they had followed like what 90% of the rest of the NBA was doing they didn’t this is the ramification you’re paying him early is it crazy I mean look he’s seven million right he’s they’re getting maybe he turns out to be a starting caliber player and they have him for four years at a discount I like Max I’ve seen him play I’ve been around him with the Lakers no no problem with the deal they should have done it two years ago a little differently but you can change that on the D’Angelo front like the reality the real truth is that and I I can’t speak for what I guess Aaron minz who’s his agent did but the common thing for an agent to do is to reach out to every team illegally and for other teams to communicate illegally whoa whoa this is just the way it’s done right all of these deals that are coming out people are like oh yeah it’s a rule change yeah it’s a rule change that we can announce it but this is how it’s always this is how it’s always been right so in theory and again I I’m not alleging anything for Aaron minz no one should be doing an investigation my thought is is that an agent who is worth their salt is going to reach out to who has cap room you talk to San Antonio do you want D’Angelo Orlando do you want him Philadelphia um Charlotte Detroit you talk to anybody who has cap room and you negotiate and you come up with an idea of a deal and the reality is that wasn’t there for them now it’s possible their Boy Scouts didn’t break the rules whatsoever and just thought this was best but in my opinion they didn’t find the traction and that’s just the reality like D’Angelo is polarizing some people like him a lot some people dislike them a lot not a lot of people are lukewarm on D’Angelo Russell it’s kind of like one or the other and if those particular teams that haven’t have money which is very few don’t love you and or don’t need you right because he’s a point guard who can shoot maybe some team already has someone at that position then he’s got to come back to the Lakers now from here he’s at1 189 million they can trade him he doesn’t have a say where he ends up uh but hopefully for him and and for his agent they get to a place that is willing to maybe give him a new contract look into him long term and maybe finds a long-term home I personally don’t think it’s the Lakers I think he’s the guy that they’re looking to move most they would move some of the other players the one guy I don’t think they move uh is Austin outside of you know ad um I would say almost anyone else obviously Lewis is uh not Lewis um Christie’s returning no no expectation they trade bronnie or or the rights to bronnie or the rights to Dalton neck or uh connect rather um but I think anybody else on that roster is movable uh except ad LeBron uh and Austin and you know we could debate like hey if someone offered you Luca for for for uh Austin of course you know there’s always somebody you would make a a change for but in the real world of like what is feasible I don’t see the Lakers doing anything with those few and so then it’s just well you know what’s the market for these young guys you know hood chafino is there someone who will take ruy that would give them that flexibility to get maybe clay and maybe get Robin Lopez who they or not Rob Brook Lopez wrong twin uh the Brook Lopez who they had by the way years ago and just chose to let go before like LeBron got there and they could have just paid he he took the buy annual at the time which was like under three million or around three million to go to Milwaukee Lakers could have had Lopez all this time just saying uh if they go get him now it’s like Well why’d you let him go in the first place you could had him all these years he’s a championship level Center proven got a ring you guys have been struggling Lakers at the center position yeah you had the one year with Dwight and javil and that worked but other the rest of the time it it really hasn’t worked so and you’ve been struggling and you also trade away zubot so all right let’s let’s enough ranting what else you got for me well we do have I don’t know if you saw that Anthony Irwin earlier today said that the Lakers were having um he said I’m told the Lakers and Trailblazers have been in consistent talks on a deal for Jeremy Grant I wouldn’t call it particularly imminent but the sides have definitely for most of today um what do you make of something like that and I think even just aside from just Jeremy Grant the Lakers ability to pull off a trade whether it’s a whether you want to call it a consolidation trade or a trade for someone who is making like a a pretty sizable salary we know that the salary Cap’s going up but for someone who’s making 30 plus million dollars a year sure um I you know I can’t there are details in that that I can’t agree not I can’t verify like I wouldn’t call it I don’t know if they’ve been active most of the today that part I can’t speak to but what I can speak to is is that over the last five four well since he left Denver and went to Detroit there have been leanings towards maybe a Jeremy Grant deal be it trade or even going after him before he left Denver or whatever and um obviously he went to Detroit and then he moved to to Portland and so he has been someone the Lakers have toyed with as a possible get for a long time then they got ruie uh and that sort of you know no interest at that point now they’re rethinking things and you know the problem with Grant is his age he’s 30ish I don’t know his exact age but I believe he’s over 30 or in that range and then he’s also paid forever like he’s got a long deal it’s a lot of money now when someone’s making say I’m not looking at but let’s say he’s 20 I could pull it up but he’s like 28 or so million that number in over time will become less painful because the cap is going to go up from here approximately 10% a year so he’s about 30 right now in terms of money then he goes up to 32 he goes to 34 36 the cap is going to outpace that so he’s technically a smaller percentage of the cap so his contract isn’t as bad but you know you’re paying him deeper into his 30s in terms of age and that’s the only reason if you’re the Lakers why you would have the opportunity to get a player who could start for you who is probably an NBA starter uh still even at his age in his prime when he was on a good team he was a good Defender I don’t know that he’s needed to defend on the Pistons and I don’t know that he’s needed to defend on the Blazers so you hope those aren’t bad habit those that he hasn’t built up bad habits that he’s forgotten how um on this team if he was acquired he would become a Defender and complimentary scorer instead of a main scorer uh but you can’t get a guy like that if you’re the Lakers unless there’s a reason and the reason would be is you know Blazers are going into different direction uh they getting off a massive contract that probably very few touch I think Zack lavine’s contract is probably the most toxic in terms of health and and length uh I would turn say otherwise like grants up there in terms of not friendly contracts uh but he’s a productive player on the Lakers he would be pretty valuable so again I don’t know where they are in the immediate are they actively you know I I Anthony irn reporting I’m not touching on that that’s that’s his reporting but I can say that yes they’ve had a look at Jeremy Grant for for a long period of time we’re talking over years worth of looking at him and he could fit in some combination even with Clay but now you’re getting rid of D’Angelo you’re probably getting rid of ruie you they would have to fit under the first apron because you’re doing a sign in trade for clay or you’re using mid-level the full midlevel which is again a first apron hard cap so you’re limited in what you can spend so then it’s a question of number one how much are they getting rid of in salary how much are they trading away Vincent Vanderbilt Hood chafino um shoot I ruy DLo if I already did I mean I don’t know seven six seven players they can get rid of uh and then it’s a question of how much you’re bringing back and then the variable amount is how much does LeBron need or any does he need to take less to make it all fit together you know Lopez Grant and uh and Clay I me know Laker fans are like okay take all three and it’s like well you know how much are we reducing LeBron to I mean I could run the math um I don’t think it’s a no I don’t think it’s especially if you’re trading out like all if the Lakers trade away everybody you know everybody on that list and you find homes for shoot what is it seven guys I say yeah I got them right here DLo ruy Gabe Vincent Jared Vanderbilt Jaylen Hino Christian Wood cam reddish 67 million in outgoing salary they bring back 43 is or they could bring back a little more than I’ve run the math it’s not impossible just depends on LeBron and how generous he is so one of the things I think maybe we’ll call this like the PSA section of of our conversation where you know we’re we’re talking about the Lakers bundling up you know how you know throw three or four of those names you mentioned together for a bigger name I think everybody is still working their way through understanding the new first and second apron rules dealing with Sal aggregation you get up to a certain point you can Dan and I have gone over at ad nauseum but for people watching and listening can you give like pretend we don’t know anything about what the old CBA was or anything like that and using the Lakers as an example not saying they’re going to get up to the second apron and run into these restrictions but could you walk us through just the general idea of like if you get up to the first apron here’s what you can’t do if you get up to the second here’s what you can’t do just specifically because we’re talking about aggregating salaries and what that would mean right so like the players split the money with the league that’s kind of the rules like the big picture is that if 10 billion comes in 5 billion goes to the players five billion goes to the league that’s not exact but that’s like the basic idea of that and how do how do you magically make that happen that’s really the question so you need to slow spending and one of the tools you they’ve used in the past was this luxury tax right luxury tax this year is at 17.8 we’ll call it 171 okay so all that does is cost the ownership moneyy potentially maybe the team earns enough that it doesn’t come out of the owner’s pocket but maybe they’re making less of a profit so if the Lakers are profitable they’re less profitable if they’re paying tax and they’re a repeater repeat offender so their tax is a little higher than your average average team but it’s just money doesn’t take away your flexibility now as we get higher now we go up another so we said about 171 now we’re at 178 okay just 7even million over a give or take now you lose your access to your midlevel exception your full mid-level your bigger one which is about 13 a little bit under 13 million you don’t have that you do not have the ability to acquire Klay Thompson via sign and trade because you can’t acquire a player if you’re over that line so if you’re getting Klay Thompson the Lakers are committed to 178 million as their Max payroll right that’s either paying 13ish million via the midlevel or requiring him via sign and trade now you go up higher right now in both cases if you trade for somebody and you takeen more than you than you sent out now you have a first apron hard cap so if you trade out D’Angelo at let’s call him 19 and you take back 20 for D’Angelo doesn’t work well it it works but you have a first apron hard cap okay but let’s say you’re taking less or you’re combining guys now you’re combining DLo and ruy and you’re taking back somebody no problem well you combine guys to do it right you get grants let’s say it’s Grant you get Grant from DLo ruy just making up stuff right not saying that’s what’s going to happen don’t want to see it aggregated on Twitter as me as the source this is just us running through stuff right you can put those two guys together to get a guy making more money let’s say he makes 30 now you have a second Aon heart cap which is about 189 just under now having talked to Rob pinka talked to the Lakers they’re pretty open about their reluctance to go over that line the second apron line that’s just they’re going to treat it like a hard cap and that’s more or less what the NBA wants and to be honest like the Celtics should probably be the only team really above that and they are and they probably will be because it’s worth it for them to get a championship and to be in this kind of maybe they freeze a pick maybe you know you have super limited flexibility all you have is minimum contracts Etc so for the Lakers I don’t Envision this being anything other than this is their spending limit no matter what any combination of moves they’re not going to go over 189 so as they sit right now let’s say that they pay LeBron the Max and we have the number for Max Christie they’re and they don’t make any trades they are actually above their budget so with their active team of 15 players right so we’re talking LeBron ad DLo oh you got a WRA in front of right then you add in Max Christie back haven’t traded anybody I have them at 19052 which is just over by $ 1.2 million so something has to give and that’s paying bronny the least you can pay him uh that’s Max Christie at 7.15 which was my estimate might be a slightly different number but that’s the ballpark so something’s got to give I expect the Lakers to do something trade related even if it’s open up a roster spot for Chris Paul where they trade Christian Wood to the Pistons or Charlotte and give them cash or second round pick or maybe they trade you know Jaylen Hood chafino with wood and and reddish in these kind of salary dump is kind of moves but I do think they’re looking a little little higher how do we improve they can’t just return the same team because it was wasn’t good enough to beat the Nuggets but you know as you guys brought me on we we know the nuggets are a little bit weaker now we don’t know how they pivot so maybe the Lakers are like okay we we got the Nuggets now we don’t have to make many changes maybe just JJ reck uh Dalton connect and bronnie are the reason why this team is now an NBA championship uh Contender I don’t know I I find that uh you know you said PSA Public Service Announcement Lakers aren’t good enough yet they have the potential to be good enough if LeBron and AD are healthy if JJ is a good coach which you know he’s never coached before so I I respect his ability to communicate and talk about basketball he makes a lot of sense when he talks right I I I he’s good at what he does yeah does he coach well I don’t know do you think all the circumstances that you just kind of outlaid and one of them LeBron and AD being healthy it’s it’s not necessarily a given and those two played together a bunch this year I think it was over 2,200 possessions so you’re banking on that you have a first-time head coach you just went through all the limitations you could face but more importantly all the minations they have to go through to make some type of these moves do you think that increases the likelihood that you know LeBron’s not going to take a pay cut he’s on the max they find a way to trim some salary and they’re basically running back like maybe they sign Chris Paul and that’s just the big change they’ve made or do you think this organization is at the point where it’s no they’re going to do you’ve laid out a bunch of different scenarios there’s probably others on the table as well do you think that this is an offseason in which they are going to operate with more urgency then bookkeeping plus Chris Paul basically as we sort of look at like okay if we assume that Paul George Goes to say the Sixers do the Sixers use do they have any money left for clay if the magic are paying kcp do they need a clay anymore you start going down the list like San Antonio like they don’t have that much but they have some money but is is Clay the guy they get does that make sense very quickly like the opportunities for clay dry up and now he’s looking at relying on the Warriors to sign and trade him which is he’s subject to the Warriors they can simply say no and now he’s looking at midlevel and if he’s looking at midlevel now you’re the Lakers and it’s like yeah we can we as the Lakers can get to mid-level if LeBron takes less maybe we trade one guy which they can certainly find a way to do I do think instead of that they’re probably trying to trade D’Angelo now like probably calling up anybody who has the means to take him and you maybe the Warriors they had him before I don’t know that they need him I don’t know he was a great fit but at the same time you know strange things have happened D’Angelo was traded by the Lakers and now he’s back on the Lakers so can I say for certainty that he won’t be back on the Warriors he was when he left the Lakers it was not pretty you they they were magic was saying nasty things it was not like a pleasant exit right so um and and he’s a great shooter he really is um I don’t know the answer there but let’s say that they’re trading D’Angelo somewhere and they’re bringing back uh clay they do have a a first apron hard cap so now you’re saying okay we did assign and trade if you’re the Lakers and we have to get under $78.19 million for for DLo right off the bat but let’s say you replace that exact number he gets exactly what Klay gets exactly what D was getting now you’re over by about oh 18 or so million so I’ll plug in Lebron at 35 million let’s just a eyeball number what does that which is almost which is almost 15 million dollars below his max that’s quite a pay cut if that’s what he ends up taking yeah but they’re three million under so let’s you know let’s give bronnie a you know a raise right let’s give bronnie some of that so LeBron’s no I’m not even joking like if I look I’m a I’m a father that’s what I would do if I was a dad and I could get my kid more money shoot yeah like let’s say they pay him 20 they’re paying Le bronnie the most you can pay him on a second round pick exception which is 2087 or 2088 so now the Lakers are paying braon 35 the extra money went to bronnie now they’re at 2 million under the first apron with 15 players players D in or DLo out clay in like that’s a that’s a path I’m not saying it happens now you’re like well they still have the mid-level because they they didn’t use the mid-level on on clay maybe they’re trading ruie you could probably trade him somewhere with almost nothing back and or maybe you could just yeah maybe they don’t need the midlevel maybe they are then saying okay now we have ruie what’s the best we can get back from or maybe there’s a Vanderbilt trade or a Vincent trade some other trade that we can reduce salary and bring in a grant or Brook Lopez or somebody I would argue they definitely need more size right they they’re undiz with ad is a five in this league and we’ll play most of the minutes at five the fact that he can that they don’t have a real five to play Big which is how they won when they when they won it was with like the you know Dwight and javil that they don’t have that option is problematic and hurts them against uh Denver and Philadelphia and any team that has real hell Isaiah hartenstein killed that like LeBron trying to guard him was a mess right like they had some stretches um versus the Knicks so and that that might be the guy that OKC gets not saying it happens but it’s certainly one of the possible paths so yeah they need the ability to go double big and I love the energy Jackson Hayes plays with but he’s light in the in in the body uh he’s not like a a 260 you know if they can get valent chunis or Brook Lopez and those guys are in a role maybe they start maybe they come off the bench maybe you start big and five minutes in you go smaller and most of the game you’re smaller with ad at five that’s what they did with JaVale they used to start JaVale and play him three minutes and it wasn’t a good matchup yank him sometimes he wouldn’t come back until start of the second half he’d play six minutes in a game it’s like The AC Green of the the the year the sh and Kobe Wan their first year AC Green was the starter at the very end of his career um you know I wasn’t covering the league just yet but I know that to be true so uh anyway I’m just sort of uh spitballing some ideas they need size uh they need defense in the back court personally clay adds shooting but they have that shooting with D’Angelo and Clay doesn’t give you does he give you better defense than D’Angelo sure but like Clay’s best stays as a defender in his prime pre-injury he was he was a terror but no he’s not that guy anymore so are you better defensively no connect adds more shooting are you better defensively no I mean I don’t trust a rookie to be a good Defender uh just you know based on I I actually trust bronnie to be a good Defender to be honest I think he’ll actually defend well but he is a little short and he can’t score yet at at the NBA level I need to see that he can score so I don’t know that he’s a a guy you can play in the playoffs so where how have they gotten better defensively is is my question which to me is the main issue and so that’s where Grant you know I remember him playing defense a few years ago he he was a very good hard fighting Defender who fell in love with scoring on bad teams I’m sure he could remember how to defend if if he was in the right situation Eric this was great thank you so much for giving us so much your time helping helping make sense of what is a very complicated salary cap landscape right now for for the Lakers so um thank you so much for for hopping on with us we really appreciate it anytime guys happy to do it thanks Eric all right we go now to uh guest number two of our marathon broadcast here Andy Bailey be our writer been there forever along with Dan and I uh coming on to talk to us about some more uh free agency speculation rumors moves still to come uh lot lots to get through uh Andy do we have you can you hear us I can hear you guys how’s it going you know just a normal uh two hours what is I can’t even remember time anymore two hours into free agency uh just spoke to Eric pinkis we’ve been educated on the second apron I’m sure that’s something you’ve uh spent plenty of time thinking about uh so what what are your first impressions before we get into it of of this free agency period maybe relative to to others past I complained that uh it felt a little slow and Eric corrected me and and I think rightly that that’s Cu uh teams could negotiate with their own guys after the finals and that uh that spped up a lot of the a lot of the fun from this uh opening couple hours yeah I heard that part of the interview and I thought duh why didn’t I think of that because I had the exact same reaction as you I mean within the first 30 minutes I was like what’s going on where’s where’s all the news I’m used to like being hit with the Whirlwind when these um when these free agency periods start up so it makes sense um um that a lot of the news and a lot of the deals already got done leading up to this I still just like the fan in me wants a little more action um but we’ve we’ve gotten some interesting news I mean I was floored by the Kevin Porter thing I did not see that coming um kavia Caldwell Pope uh was less surprising but I do think that’s a big deal like I think that helps Orlando a lot um it kind of seems like we I think this is something that maybe you mentioned early on too Grant uh it seems like maybe we’re just kind of waiting on that Paul George Domino and once that falls everything else will kind of fall into place so it’s been it’s been a little bit of a test of patience but uh after hearing Eric’s take I thought yeah that makes sense yeah that checks out he kind of knows what he’s talking about I guess yeah I was also thinking while he was talking about all the cap stuff I’m I’m like wiona writer in that gif where she’s on stage looking at all the numbers going by um Eric obviously understand the the cap stuff at a very high level he’s he’s an awesome resource for us um now we get to get down in the mud and just have fun with me there you go you look Andy you already mentioned Paul George which is the move that everyone seems to be waiting on and so there’s there’s moves that are still to come I’m assuming that’s the name that you have circled the most and does it get is his situation more or less interesting for you now that we can basically remove they always felt like a stalking horse but like Orlando is just out of the now if they’re going to pay kcp I would believe anyway the minations they would have to go through to get him would be not complicated but they never felt like a threat so what are you kind of thinking about when it comes to Paul George right do you view it as Sixers or Clippers is it like just what are your thoughts on this entire situation at the moment that’s probably holding up a few other transactions at least I think you nailed it um I think this basically puts it down to the Sixers um even within the last couple of days it’s felt like immed with the Clippers might just be a courtesy between both sides um from some of reporting that we’ve heard it seems like that option is pretty much off the table and I thought this is this isn’t a real hot take um for weeks now Paul George to the Sixers is such a like hand and glove fit I mean it is just perfect um they already have one of the most dynamic onews in the league at Point guarden Center and naturally you want wings in between those two guys uh he’s the best Wing that was going to be getable this summer and and he’s not just super talented I have like for years I thought Paul George is one of our most malleable Superstars right um he he is a superstar level talent but he doesn’t you know take up a bunch of oxygen take up a bunch of usage in an offense I think he’ll slide in perfectly in between embiid and Maxi and then whatever they have left to go after you know role players minimums whatever the case may be they’re going to have a really really strong top three which is going to depend a lot on health of course that’s like the caveat you always have to throw out with embiid and to an extent with George to uh but if they’re healthy I I absolutely love that Trio I think those pieces fit together so well yeah I think I think I generally agree although Dan and I were both kind of just we really wanted to talk about the just how exciting George on the magic would be just because it’s a younger roster and and he really could you know the it’s like saying though so yeah oh he’s a great fit well where isn’t Paul George is a great fit basically everywhere he’s not a top option right like that’s just the type of player that he is um do you think though that you know one of the if there is a a drawback to the Sixers using this mountain of cap space that we’ve been talking about for months and months all basic not all of it but pretty darn close to all of it on George would you do you think it’s valid to have any concern that like oh my God they well they got three guys now now assuming they get Maxi on the on the Max rookie extension is there a scenario where you could be talked into well not Paul George but like two or three of these other guys for the Sixers or or do you think maybe because it’s Daryl Mur we’re talking about he’s got all these like bargain guys teed up once he gets George on the big number yeah I guess to answer the question simply it’s absolutely valid to think of other approaches here especially with I know the cap is going to change a lot when we get the new TV deal but there’s still a part of me that’s kind of terrified of the new CBA and the second apron and all of the penalties that come I mean even the first apron the more I learn about this new cbaa I’m like man the first apron is rough too um and if you have a a significant portion of your cap and some teams are going to have like basically all their cap taken up by three players it makes building out the rest of the roster a lot more difficult when you look at a team like the Knicks or the Celtics uh that money is spread out a lot better across multiple different players and there’s um there’s different reasons both of those teams were able to get to those kind of contracts like they they both had unique paths to The rosters that they have now um but I think there’s going to be a lot of valuable value to teams that do like the two stars and depth model or uh to the extent it’s possible something of like a New York or Boston model um big threes are going to be hard to build the roster around but I still um I think the way that you laid it out there Grant makes sense I I think that Daryl Mor’s probably got some some stuff up his sleeve potentially if he does land Paul George and they’ll be able to put together I think a decent enough um supporting Cas I mean we already saw him sign Andre Drummond who I think is going to be a solid backup five for them um so if it’s me I’m I’m I’m probably going to go for Paul George but there is certainly an argument to go another Direction another move we have here from you Andy Klay Thompson to the Mavericks are you able to uh just explain to us why you like that one so much or what you think that fit would be next to Kyrie Luca Derek Livy’s there of course PJ Washington the whole nine yeah I mean this is partly what I like and partly me just trying to look smart and be prooved right in a couple hours um because it does sound like this might be where Clay is headed um Grant being a Bay Area guy I’m sure is not thrilled to be losing Klay Thompson I told Dan already I told Dan already in the I’ve moved already to Acceptance in the five stages of grief so i’ I you can’t it can’t hurt me anymore okay good so where is it on the scale of like hakee and a Raptor’s Jersey to Patrick Ying in a magic Jersey well that the sixth stage of grief is trying to figure out what Jersey will look weirder so I haven’t given that a ton of thought but it is on that level uh it it is up there for sure it’s going to be weird um I don’t so I’m just trying to be funny I don’t think it’s gonna be that bad like I think Quay Thompson is still pretty good um there was so much talk last season about him being moved to the bench and you know trying to figure out this new role with the Golden State Warriors he still shot a ton of Threes And he still made almost 40% of them and that’s really valuable um he’s not going to lock down point guards the way that he did in the past or or even a lot of two guards anymore but on a team like the Mavericks where you have Luca donic creating open threes on basically every possession he’s on the floor he could be really really dangerous we just we just saw the playoffs particularly in the finals it kind of dried up for guys like uh Derek Jones and PJ Washington from behind the three-point line and that probably wasn’t surprising to a lot of people like they got hot at certain points in the season and certain points in the playoffs but I I think it’d just be a lot more it’d be a lot easier to rely on someone like Klay Thompson to hit those shots uh you may take a slight step back if you’re playing him over Derek Jones at this point defensively but it’s a massive step forward offensively I I think he’s an awesome fit as just a you know high volume catch and shoot guy on the Mavericks and if they can get him for it sounds like he’s going to be somewhere around the midlevel exception even better like there’s there’s a different discussion to be had like Klay Thompson is a 30 million player versus Klay Thompson is like a 12 to 13 million player like it’s just a much different capulus yeah I need to know what went wrong in Golden state if he leaves for the midlevel of all things I need to know I need to know the backstory of that there as always there will be like the postmortem when when a player finally leaves a situation somebody’s GNA empty the clip in terms of like rumors and tension and all that stuff shamz probably already has it written right that’s how these things work now yeah that’s true yeah somebody’s got it keyed up it’s going to be the day Brandon psky got to wear the the first team jersey in practice was the was the last day of Klay Thompson’s Warriors career basically um I love your I ask you this really quickly sorry Grant when you’re looking at the Mavericks offense Clay’s shooting it’s absolutely an upgrade do you think it does enough for them when you watch the playoffs and saw that they also could have used another guy that put defenses in rotation with the ball whereas like clay like he’s definitely not going to do that anymore and that was never his strength or do you just kind of trust PJ Washington or Jaden Hardy maybe even Josh green or just somebody else to kind of emerge and it’s we have Kyrie and Luca like to focus on something like that is just too nitpicky I I think I would lean towards the last point that I I would probably be okay with the amount of shot creation those two guys have I also um Dan you may remember this about me from years and years ago I love Dante exom and so I was kind of confused about why he suddenly disappeared from the rotation because I I felt like he was pretty decent for them this year and he had moments in the finals um but he just kind of played some games and didn’t in others um so I I think they can maybe find somebody who’s a reasonable shot creator for like five to 10 minutes a game um it’s it’s obviously not g to be clay but I I just think the upgrade that you have in floor spacing there is is going to be significant it’s going to be so much harder to key in on drives from Luca and Kyrie if you’ve got Clay on the wing or in the corner like that’s that’s just asking to get drilled with threes if you leave him well and and I think to your point Andy it just fundamentally changes the way the teams will have to defend them because you you we W you just said we watched the playoffs and like you know it was a problem when PJ Washington cooled off and Derrick Jones Jr cooled off because they were being left alone Klay Thompson could be 0 for 10 he’s not going to be treated that way like he will never ever have someone off of him in the strong side corner in a million like he could be 40 and still and he’s still G to get guarded out there so I think that fit makes a ton of sense to me um your next one I I love because we’re all trying to figure out what to do with Ben Simmons and I think this is the only place he can go so what give me your give me your Ben Simmons uh Fe free agent move your offseason move I guess yeah this I mean I I probably don’t deserve a ton of credit for this one too because I I agree with you I think this is about the only spot he can go if Brooklyn does find anyone to take him um and this is obviously a situation in which Brooklyn’s going to have to attach something to Ben Simmons to get the Pistons to take on that money but for Detroit it’s really not some big burden uh they’re not going to be good next year anyway uh Ben Simmons is going to be on an expiring contract uh if he plays 10 to 15 games again like he you know seems to be his yearly thing now they’ve got tons of young guys that need to be playing anyway um they this is something that a lot of young teams should do and a lot of teams have done in recent years is when you’re at the outset of a rebuild which is kind of a weird thing to say about the Pistons because maybe they’ve been at the outside of a rebuild for like 10 years now um but when you got a lot of young guys and you’re not going to be good anyway it makes sense to take on bad contracts and just keep adding to that asset stash so if if Brooklyn will attach something to him I I say go for it if you’re Detroit and if he’s healthy great you know maybe he plays well for two or three months and you flip him for something else in February and keep adding to that asset stash uh there’s not a lot of downside to it to me um if you look at it through that lens you know take on bad contracts when you’re bad yeah and Brooklyn too is back in control of its fate to some extent getting those picks back in the bridges deal uh so now I guess you know I don’t know which way that cuts if you’re talking about getting moving off of Ben Simmons because he might help you tank and not having him there you can still tank but but it does just to your point like there’s no scenario where it really hurts you to to move him it just you’re G to clean your books up and maybe you you know the Pistons it’s really more of a Pistons Centric take right because they’re just saying what do you what do you got with him what can we have for you know for taking him on yeah I think you’re right it is definitely more a piston Centric idea because the Nets probably can just justify saying we’ll suffer through one more year of this and maybe they make the same calculation maybe they say okay he’s gonna be healthy and uh you know in January February maybe we can get some second rounders for him instead of having to attach assets to get rid of him um so I I could see Brooklyn talking themselves into we’ll just we’ll just play out this last year of the deal there there’s value in having the expiring for both of these teams I think I will say the bricks laid by assar Thompson Ben Simmons Ron Holland and Jaden Ivy build skyscrapers that would be interesting to see we do have we’ll call it semi- breaking news from W so Paul George and his agent they’ve talked to the Clippers they’ve basically agreed upon an exit and now the Sixers per W are strong Front Runners to sign Paul George so Andy already one of your moves just out here coming to fruition do you you’ve kind of already talked about the fit for the Sixers do you care to elaborate on what this kind of means to the clippers because it seems very that they drew a line in the sand where you’re not getting this fourth year Paul George is tried to leverage them into giving him the fourth year and they’ve just now decided unless this thing expands to a sign and trade in which case they’re only going to get a traded player exception and picks because the the 76ers have no players to move in the deal what do you like what is the Fallout from this for the clip we know they’re bringing back James Harden they have Kevin Porter Jr for some reason and Russell Westbrook is probably going to be mov or waved what are like knowing that Paul Paul George is basically gone now how do you feel about the Clippers moving forward uh I don’t know what they’re doing frankly um and I I became infinitely more confused at the Kevin Porter news um not that he’s a bad player like Grant said and and even if we set aside the uh the legal issues that he’s been through and continues to go through he was suspended when he played at USC he he was basically jettisoned from Cleveland he left a game with the Houston Rockets at halftime after arguing with an assistant coach um maybe the Clippers got some good Intel from his team in Greece that he’s he’s been a model upright citizen over there and and I’m I’m all for Second Chances and cool stories and if if he’s on the straight and narrow now great um but they’ve got a ton of money tied up in Kawhi Leonard and James Harden two guys who are past their primes two guys or at least one guy in Kawai who’s hurt all the time uh I think he’s failed to finish like the last three postseasons or something like that um he looked ridiculous when he was healthy last year and there was a long stretch during the regular season when it seemed like he’s put all the health stuff behind him uh but then he missed the end of the playoffs again so they are in a very strange situation I almost thought when it was a two-year deal for James Harden and I’m writing about it for our little tracker on Bleacher Report are they already kind of planning for the end of this um two years isn’t that long after this coming season James Harden will be on an expiring contract kawai’s contract only goes a year longer than that maybe they’re thinking Kawai will have trade value at some point in the next couple Seasons um they they obviously expended a great amount of talent and assets and money to get the Paul George and Kawai Leonard era started ever that was four or five years ago um and it hasn’t it obviously hasn’t panned out with a championship so maybe they’re you know for the first time really thinking we can see the offramp here and and let’s you know start pumping the brakes a little bit and heading that direction I don’t know I’m with you I don’t know either I think it’s a bad decision by them uh and we have in the chat and this been bouncing around for a while the real precise say d Ro into the Clippers a lot more feasible if he’s willing to take some version of the mid level now that you don’t have Paul George’s you know $ 49.2 million if he was going to resign for the Max on the books how do you feel about that as sort of like the fit and then just the pivot is like right we don’t have Paul George we’re gonna go out and get Demar de rzan who’s still good but just I don’t know the fit with James Harden specifically just feels incredibly wonky would be the kindest way that I could put it because this is a family show before you answer Andy Clippers to stop can we get the Clippers to stop targeting guys that just are from Southern California want to be there because this has not been a successful strategy to this point yeah that seems like the mo and uh we we talked earlier about how malleable um Paul George is demaro R rozan I think has has had an awesome career transformation basically since he went to uh I want to say the Spurs was the first team Post Raptors um and he he’s become a pretty solid passer I think an underrated playmaker but the amount of mid-range shots between him and Kawai I think is going to muck up the offense to a pretty serious degree uh the amount of touches required by both James Harden and him which which Dan just alluded to I think is would be a problem um if you get him for the mid-level exception I mean it’s certainly better than losing Paul George and having to replace him with like a minimum guy or something I mean they we just put his numbers up on the board and they’re they look great um he was great year year after year yeah I mean he’s he is a good player and I I’m gonna offend a lot of D rozan fans and Bs fans I I think that he for years has probably been better suited to be like a super six man who runs your second unit and just dominates reserves um he’s what people don’t really realize about those raw numbers is he’s year in and year out typically a below average effective field goal percentage guy U most years his team’s net ratings are worse with him on the floor but he’s a he’s a bucket getter I mean we’re watching highlights of him now he was incredibly clutch uh basically throughout the time he was with the bulls like I said earlier he’s an improved playmaker uh if they get D rozan for something like the midlevel I I think you probably got to do it but there are there are massive fit concerns like Dan said and I and I will amend that by saying I think you got to do it assuming it’s not like a super long deal he’s got to match up with the rest of that offramp I just talked about and it I think the other element here too is that what if he’s not will a sign for the mid- level and all of a sudden it’s okay we have to trade Norman Powell and something to meet his salary demands and like okay you have PJ Tucker that salary is the throwaway but Norman Powell is important to this team for his Rim pressure and shooting and so now you’re losing one of your best Shooters in Paul George you’re trading one of your other best Shooters in Norm Powell for D rozan who’s a good self-c Creator good passer but doesn’t stretch the floor for you I just if I’m a Clippers fan I just I would be incredibly discouraged about the direction that this team is traveling down if if it comes to that I’d walk away I I I think um yeah given who’s already on the roster I think Norman Powell would be more important if even if he’s not a more talented player in the vacuum he just fits better with James Harden and Ka Leonard so we gota we got a bust in here but fortunately it’s topical because we have Shams uh reporting now that a future uh Ben Simmons teammate with the Detroit K Cunningham has got a 5year $226 million rookie extension that’s the max folks uh I did not see the language that was attached to Scotty Barnes that bumps it up to 270 by implying that he’s going to hit the criteria to get there uh what do we think about 5226 for Kade I’ll answer my my own question first kind of felt like a foregone conclusion right like was there any doubt that he was gonna get that not for me this this is just kind of the way business is done in the NBA at this point I I have wondered for a couple of years now and I think I will continue to wonder if if that will ever change like if if the penalties and all the new cap stuff eventually gets teams to start thinking well maybe maybe we can’t max out every single player when he becomes eligible for a Max or every single like decent first round pick when he becomes available for a Max but the problem with that is you’re not going to get 30 owners to agree on that and if if Detroit had let Kate Cunningham free hit free agency somebody else probably would have maxed him um so to keep to keep your first round pick under team control beyond the rookie contract this is something you almost have to do uh I I know there’s a lot of scary numbers with Cade Cunningham uh not the least of which is their winning percentage since he’s been there uh he hasn’t been a terribly effective shooter which is kind of one of his selling points coming out of Oklahoma State but I’m always a sucker for a combination of size and playmaking and and I think he’s got those things and I think with the right supporting cast which we could be waiting for that forever I do think he can be a really effective playmaker and if his shot ever returns you know to the way it was at Oklahoma State I think he shot 40% from three there uh he’s a really good player that like again this is just sort of the way business is done for these guys uh but I I I also don’t think this is like a bad deal for Detroit or anything I I think he can he can live up to this I think too and Eric pinkis would probably insist that we frame this way that final year of that deal projects to be 18.5% of the salary cap which for Kade Cunningham is absolutely fine and to Andy’s point I do think when you saw him in lineups where it’s like when Simone fonio was there and you saw some Marcus Sasser minutes and the floor was a little bit more open the passing shine and also to Andy’s point about his shooting he shot like doing this off the cuff but it was like 39% or something on step back threes last year not an absurd volume but so it’s there so I don’t think they had any other choice I just tend to be higher on Kate Cunningham than the ensus and I think if Detroit ever gets its act together in terms of the offensive environment they’re surrounding him with um I think that this deal will end up aging absolutely um absolutely fine if not better than that I’m glad you added that uh and that’s that’s going to be an important way to think about all these contracts going forward because I’m I’m one of the people who still sees the total and and like sticker shocked every time same but the cap is going up and and it’s better to look at it in the form of percentages so that’s that’s a good thing to do that here let’s can we get back to Andy’s list because I know Grant is dying to hear this next I know a lot of people are down here but Grant has been I’ve been in the bag for it but Grant I feel like might be being paid by Sam prey or something to advocate for it at this point point you have Larry Markin into Oklahoma City and I think it’s good to say to lead this with there was the report from W that the Jazz want to listen to offers for Larry Markin I don’t know if Danny a you know bit up the male Bridges package that he could turn around and say well look at what this guy got now you got to give up this much from Market him but it does seem like he’s a more realistic trade candidate now um can you get us into just the what you’re thinking about that move why it’s there maybe even whether you think that Utah even ultimately pulls the trigger and moves Market in this offseason I wouldn’t put it past Danny AG to operate that way um he he seems to be pretty well in touch with everybody um it’s such a tricky position that Utah is in because the reality of the NBA and this isn’t necessarily true of our other major American Sports when you are in a small or a midm market it’s just really hard to attract talent and free agents um to places like Utah and Denver and some of our other teams and Lori marinan is a fringe all-nba level guy like he has been absurd since he came to Utah the C the um the lack of usage he does not hold the ball at all he either gets up a good three-pointer or he dunks it I mean that’s it um he he can fit with anybody offensively so I would totally understand if Utah said we’re not going to get anybody as good as him back let’s just keep him let’s listen to offers but let’s keep him having said that um I don’t think he’s like a primary on a title Contender as good as he is I think he’s better suited to be a number two or a three and and possibly one of the best number two or three guys in the league if he’s slotted into that kind of a position which is what he would be with OKC who has one of the top five players in the world in Shake GIS Alexander and somebody who I think would just fit brilliantly with Lori Markin and SGA is a guy who does so much damage inside the three-point line and so if you have another big like you already have Chad hren who can shoot pull bigs away from the rim if you have Chad hren and Lori Markin in the front Court the the middle of the pl the floor is going to be so wide open for S um I I don’t I don’t think the fit requires much explanation on the okay site like he he would supercharge an already phenomenal team and then the reason it makes sense like logistically is Marin’s on a pretty small contract like his salary for this coming season is $18 million which is right around where lug against Dort is um and OKC has some cap space too so it’s very easy to fit Market in onto the roster under the CBA and then you open up that Treasure Trove of OKC picks which is one of the deep in the league they they could probably justify giving up like five or six picks to the Jazz and a lot of them probably don’t figure to be much higher than the 20s uh but just the raw number of picks is is big and one more Point uh it’s going to be a lot easier to tank if Lorie marinan is not on your team and uh the Jazz have sort of like dipped their toe into the tanking Waters each of the last two seasons and a lot of their fans are kind of mad about that um they were too good for the first two or three months of the season they committed to being bad for the last two or three months and then they wind up with a pick towards the end of the lottery if they and and that kind of cost them Victor wanyama obviously it’s up to the pingpong balls ultimately but they didn’t have as good a shot at him as they could have it didn’t matter as much with this draft because you know everybody was talking about how bad this draft is but 2025 has a chance to be another strong one um and so they’ve been kind of patient since the goar and Mitchell deals if if they’re going to pick a year to really be bad this might be the one and maybe they emerge from it with with a true like Corner storm level Talent like Ace Bailey or Cooper flag or somebody like that uh real quick here Andy uh we we’ve got one here well actually let’s go to we’ve got some one more new breaking news here before we get to your last uh we’ve got an alert Eric Gordon going to the Sixers uh we don’t have terms yet D what did I say yeah he’s got we we agree he had him teed up didn’t think this would be the order of operations but that’s got to be a minimum deal right I would think that’s a minimum but I I said Daryl Mory because he was the one who gave Eric Gordon his last like eyebrow raising contract at least to me um he just can’t quit Eric Gordon uh but he’s he’s you know he’s solid for the Suns last season and I think he’ll be solid in like an ancillary role for the Sixers they’re not gonna ask him much besides stand 30 feet from the hoop and shoot it when you touch it um I mean that that deal makes plenty of sense to me especially with I I assume like you that it’s probably a minimum I I think he’s gonna help them yeah how bad were things in Phoenix that he’s just willing accept the minimum to move across the country again and how bad were they that it’s a from Phoenix’s perspective that it’s a huge loss that when he when he left like that’s not a situation want to be in where Eric Gordon is like oh my God how do we recover from this well I don’t know if you guys heard this but 29 other teams would die to be in Phoenix’s situation according to owner Matt ishia so I think they’re doing fine apparently that well they’re doing phenomenal yeah that was my favorite maybe my favorite uh I don’t know what you call it twe not a tweet but like sound bite of of the last several months that was fantastic um yeah so Eric Gordon I I mean we’ve I who had Drummond and Eric Gordon being Philly’s first two moves of free agency uh with all the starry names that were being thrown out there um Andy we should get back to your last guy here what’s what’s your your final of the five moves that are still to come in this free agency period okay this is another one that’s that’s out there already a lot of reporting uh Harrison win from dnvr has talked about it Tony Jones from the athletic um and then I was terrified because Jake Shapiro from M har Sports said uh we’ve already seen a recent Champion pivot from kcp to Westbrook and it went disastrously uh that was obviously the Lakers a few years ago um and that that gives me some pause uh but Russell Westbrook to the Nuggets I’m just like fascinated by from a basketball uh junky sicko level like it’s it’s been like the oil and water combination with Westbrook at so many stops in recent years although I do think he he accepted a bench roll of a ably and humbly with the Clippers and did pretty well last year um but it would just be really interesting to see how he fits with Nicole yic I mean the optimized version of it is Westbrook is still more athletic than most of the point guards in the league uh even in his mid-30s and if if he’s willing to be like a hardcore cutter off of Nicole jokic’s High post touches and stuff like that he could he could have a lot of success there um and and as Denver’s bench has been awful for like two or three years now when joic is off the floor and a big part of that is nobody really runs the offense they’ve tried to stagger Jamal Murray into that unit and it just doesn’t work so maybe maybe another selling point here is that Westbrook can just come in and cause like 10 to 15 minutes of chaos uh per game when yic is off the floor which is somehow an upgrade over what’s been there to this point um but if he’s on the team I have to imagine are going to be some minutes penciled in each game where he’ll play with joic and that’s just really fascinating to me I I’m just very curious to see how those two players will work because joic leads the league in touches every single year uh in his prime I would guess Russell Westbrook probably led the league in time of possession um so it would just be very very interesting to see how those two guys could coexist and I I think they can I think I think joic is smart enough to figure out how it would work uh but it’s just just real fascinating to me it’s it’s an interesting way to go after losing kcp but I’m I’m interested also fascinating we have breaking news Chris Paul is going to the San Antonio Spurs Andy and Grant oh I love that uh that’s per Bleacher Reports own Chris Haynes what do we let’s let’s go through some let’s chop it up this way let’s go through through some winner and losers of this deal Andy so it’s just like I think that we can all agree and I’ll throw it to any is just a massive dub for for San Antonio here I I love this deal um one of my favorite numbers coming out of this season I I’ve probably put it on Twitter 10 times I’ve put it in articles 10 more times um when wenyama was on the floor with Trey Jones and Devon vasel yes so to recap a real point guard and One Wing um the Spurs were like plus 10 points per 100 possessions very very very good and it wasn’t some minuscule sample so it’s incredible to me the Spurs were as bad as they were when they had a trio that was as good as those two guys um so it’s no secret that wi Bama plays really really well when he’s got a real point guard uh and I mean is there anybody who exemplifies real point guard more than Chris Paul at this point I mean he’s pushing 40 now um but I the Spurs are legendary for the way that they preserved guys careers at the end with manager no and Tim Parker or Tim Parker um manager job and Tim Duncan um and I think they’ll they’ll be cautious with Chris Paul he’ll probably play like 20 to 25 minutes a night there but when he and wanyama are together uh I I can’t wait to watch this like it’s G to be so much easier for wanyama than it was this past season and he was already absurdly good like so much better than I expected him to be I love this move it’s great for the Spurs clearly Andy I think the the number I keep seeing I probably stole it from Dan is just Trey Jones wmy were like plus 5.3 so you even need Vel Vel in there turns them into like a Celtics level net rating team but but just that just like a I don’t even I don’t even know if you’d call Trey Jones like a competent starter probably not but so the Spurs are winners is Chris Paul a huge winner here too like because I I gotta believe they said you’re starting right and I don’t know if that was on the table for Paul in a lot of other potential Landing spots yeah I would definitely classify him as a winner what a what a cool way to um I don’t know if he’ll end his his career here but he’s certainly nearing the end and to be um sort of the mentor or the steward of the beginning of the next potential alltime great career is is fantastic um and I don’t I think he’s at a point too where he has also accepted that he’s slowed down and he’s he’s a different kind of player than he was five years ago I think I think he did a great job of kind of deferring to the other guys in Golden State last year and he was healthy I think he was better than people realized for the Warriors and so I think he’s going to be pretty deferential to wanyama too I I think maximizing him um wemi is is means giving him opportunities to be on the ball and create a little bit and I don’t think Chris Paul’s gonna take that away from him um yeah I think both sides of this are are big Winners I I guess if we had to pick a loser here it’s like everybody’s just jumping from the Warriors at this point not that they were going to keep Chris Paul anyway but um I mean the Lakers progress yeah if the Lakers had said well one of these minimums we’re gonna have available once we LeBron takes the pay cut and we get clay at the mid level CP3 is gonna come in not anymore and like I I got to believe several teams you know had at least some some you know vision of of you well even like Orlando you know we’ve been talking about well kcp yeah but maybe they need a floor General you you know what are there 15 20 teams that could have used Chris Paul I guess but the Lakers clearly were the ones that it seemed like May weren’t counting on it but you know had some realistic expectations perhaps that that Paul was going to be an answer to some of their questions especially if you’re gon to go ahead and try and trade D’Angelo Russell whether it’s just for the relief to go sign somebody or in a Klay Thompson signning trade like you do need to replace not just his shooting but his playmaking and Chris Paul would have been a way to have done some of that and so now if you move D’Angelo Russell for extra flexibility um in terms of spending or just as part of a sign in trade for someone else or Flatout trade you almost need to make sure that that’s someone who can do some things on ball because I would argue that was the Lakers were at a deficit of those players they are at a deficit of those players to begin with yeah but they’re just gonna pave the way for Brony right right get him in there get him on the ball let’s see what he can do uh I would say Greg papovich a winner because most of the rest of the Spurs roster is still not of legal drinking age and Chris Paul is a wine guy I think so those they can Bond over that it’s hard to think of other losers though right like I got a loser I got a big one give me one tyus Jones who who is he leveraging for like an offer now I guess Orlando is still out there with cap space yeah yeah know that’s just like he was we kind of penil him in for San Antonio Andy when Grant and I were talking previously and so for him um I mean there’s still I think even Detroit could technically talk themselves like yeah we’d pay Tai shones for a little bit but he might be stuck in Washington or stuck for signing for like not even midlevel money at this point it feels like yeah it’s it’s funny to hear that sequence of sentences he’s a loser he’s stuck in Washington um difficult stretch for tus Jones I mean I I told the producer of this show beforehand too that that was a potential guy to throw on that list that we keep looking at was tyus Jones to the Spurs I mean that that seemed like another obvious fit I think he’s better Than People realize but this is something that happens every year in free agency um at least the last few years like there’s not a lot of spending power League wide when free agency starts and I don’t think a lot of people realize that and when deals start rolling in that spending power shrinks pretty quickly um and so a lot of guys are left you know a week from now thinking oh my gosh you know why didn’t I just opt into where I was or resign where I was um so there there could be some guys on the outside looking in within a few days and I you know I think tyus Jones is a lot better than people realize but there’s oh yeah he’s potentially one of those guys that gets squeezed out so we do have an update here on on Chris Paul from from Chris Haynes just kind of explaining what we’re maybe kind of poking around here we could just read it great talk with Greg papovich sold on the culture opportunity to elevate Victor wiama um wants to show he’s an elite guard in this league I think that speaks to you’re you’re going to get some starts and G to get some minutes you get the opportunity to prove that I think it’s look I don’t know about you guys but I felt like the the luster had worn off the Spurs a little bit you know there were a lot of people take like how good is Greg papovich anymore the D rozan and Gasol years were very you know you’re never going to keep you know the culture at just the apex of the league forever but maybe this is I don’t know maybe we could just say the culture of the Spurs as a winner if if Paul is still you know lured by that and obviously wanyama is the real draw there but I think that’s a big a big thing for San Antonio that it’s a place that a veteran that cares about professionalism and all the right things and stuff wants to be that’s that’s not nothing when you’re trying to kind of get this thing back to where it was W reports by the way it’s a oneye 11 million deal for CP3 oh wow so are we getting that’s more than I would have guessed this is a different version of Chris Paul obviously but could this be similar to remember the impact he had when he went to that OKC team I think that was 2019 2020 that team was fun and good and maybe the Spurs Chris Paul I assume will be less Central even if he’s starting but maybe that’s kind of just what we’re getting here like Andy with like could you see something I don’t want to call the Spurs or suddenly a threat in the west like OKC became That season where they almost beat the Rockets ironically the team that traded Chris Paul in the playoffs but is this now A Team like the numbers you laid out when Victor wama gets to play with an actual floor General if Trey Jones and Chris Paul combined are just super healthy is this a team now that we have to take seriously in the Western Conference really quickly I think at least to be in like the playin mix and and maybe we can use this as like a jumping off point to just talk about how absurd it is to be in the Western Conference these days um it’s so hard to find like a walkover uh Houston is going to be better Memphis is going to be better with John Morant coming back San Antonio like they could have put they could have pushed the let’s compete button halfway through last season and been better um they basically ruined the Nuggets chances of being the number one seed when they beat him at the end of the playoffs that’s right um they they showed moments last season where they were competitive and they can at least finish in that like playing mix if they want to now they’re another team that’s really interesting in terms of the 2025 draft because if you canare one of those guys or if you can pair with one of those guys with wmi um that’s absurd but he I think he’s just already too good to to tank again and I think signing Chris Paul signals that the Spurs think that too um I I absolutely think they’re going to be a nightmare to play but that’s that’s probably true of what 13 or 14 teams in the west right now uh everybody Portland right yeah Portland is that’s the only one I can think it up off the top of my head and maybe if I was looking at all 15 teams on a screen I I could maybe find one more um but you could talk yourselves you could talk yourself into any of those teams being solid including the Spurs um on your culture Point Grant I mean it helps when you have Tim Duncan for 20 years and it helps when you when when you hit the lottery when Victor wanyama is available um but I do think this is pro I think you can count this as a win uh for the Spurs culture because even when they were bad like they typically played the right way I talked earlier about how demard Rosen kind of transformed when he was on the Spurs um and so yeah I think this could absolutely be considered a culture win for the for the San Antonio Spurs more breaking news per wge Andy yonas found Tunis to the Wizards for three years and3 million very quickly because we’ve taken up so much of your time before we let you go uh what do you make of of this move is it as random as it feels that that is the correct reaction Andy that was mine H uh I don’t get this um he he was the guy I had pegged as a potential Lakers Target I I think that I’m always gonna like lean towards small ball and I’ve you know for as long as Anthony Davis has been there I’ve thought he he should play the five and LeBron should be the nominal four um but there is something to them being bigger when they won the title in 2020 so I thought oh maybe maybe they can maybe jannis valent Tunis is the guy that LeBron will take a discount for I don’t know sorry sorry sorry Wizards wizards not Lakers which makes oh I know I’m I’m yeah I’m I’m saying that I thought he could have gone to the Lakers I I don’t get it at all on the Wizards front um and then you you add this to the fact what did you guys think about that Denny AIA trade that happened a few days ago too like I don’t I don’t really know what the Wizards are doing here especially they just drafted Alexander SAR like is is he gonna be backing up Jonas F and chunis now I don’t I don’t understand any of this or is it or is it an admission that we don’t want SAR to play center which is like then we’re just going down Anthony Davis is wants to play with the big guy road which I think I’m with you I just don’t like it it doesn’t make sense the best version of SAR is as a five you know and so Valen chunis is there like what I I I just you know I don’t understand that one that’s maybe maybe there’s a thinking that he’s going to be flippable for Value I I I just don’t know that that’s a weird one to me weird to me too we at least we got some genuine surprises here in the last half hour we started this segment talking about how boring this was now we’ve got Chris Paul going to the Spurs and Valen Tunis going to the Wizards for who knows why that’s the best way to frame it uh and you gave us way more time than you were supposed to we really appreciate it this was this was great thank you so much for jumping on with with Grant and I absolutely love talking ball with you guys you’re you’re some of the smartest in the business so I appreciate it I got you thanks Andy Grant I mean you found tun look the deal isn’t and Andy look he made me feel really upset again because i’ kind of forgotten about the Denny AIA trade and now I’m just remembering it all over again uh I don’t I guess the value for him in theory was fine I just I would have kept him if that was the offer if I were the Wizards and now I think the money’s fine if you view him as a backup big for right balance Unis the three years in 30 I just don’t I’m going to give the front office the benefit of the doubt because I like the mov that they’ve made in the fact that they’re rebuilding for sure but that is I think is that the most like aside from Kevin Porter Jr just being back in the NBA at this point and on the Clippers that’s like the most random deal we’ve had so far right barnone yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s way up there uh we we’ve got another guest coming on we’ve got Mo duel who’s going to go over uh a few of the over and underpays I don’t know if we need to make a last minute uh adjustment with this valent Tunis deal that just broke but Mo thanks for thanks for joining us how’s free agency going for you so far uh free agency is going great the guy I used to work with Chris Paul is going to one of my former places San Antonio where I used to work like it’s kind of the the the mobile sort of situation happening in San Antonio right now excellent so so just maybe while we have you the take your take on Chris Paul to San Antonio surprising I mean it’s 11 million for a year is it just he wants to be there with wmy what what what was your first reaction to that it’s actually not surprising for me because I literally wrote in an article for Bleacher Report four vets who might take a pay cut and number one was Chris Paul that was who I thought might just take a pay cut go play there play with Wy I thought it would work perfectly for them and so you know we can we can argue whether I called it or not but uh that’s kind of what uh happened I think it’s a good fit let him be a mentor especially to the young guards that they have and and you know it’d be nice to finally have somebody be able to throw an entry pass to W from time to time can we so we need to frame this like we need to boil this down for everyone who’s watching um make it a little bit more binary $1 million for one year for Chris Paul as a San Antonio Spurs is that an overpay or an underpay in your mind that’s an underpay I mean I think it’s I actually think it’s a fair pay it’s about right in the situation that they’re at I I don’t I would even know I think he could have gotten more at another place not how much more I don’t know he would would have got nearly what he was getting off his previous contract but I think the situation is kind of the perfect s fit for them I think this all works out for them for the Spurs for the uh uh Chris Paul himself I think this is just a good fit and I think there’s always been kind of Rumblings like Chris Paul to the Spurs have always kind of been at like that would be a good match I heard you guys talking with Andy uh you know and pop and Chris gonna you know they’re going to sit back and have a glass of wine so where like and hang out and things like that like I think it’s kind of just a perfect fit what what do you think Mo about this other most I guess the latest breaking signing the yonas Valen Chun is three years 30 million in Washington um talk talk about the fit talk about just in general but again to to split it down the middle over overpay or underpay at three for 30 on on valent chunis it’s getting boring because it’s kind of like about right the only thing that’s weird about it is Washington like it’s you’re you’re just kind of like you know when you go like oh Jonas valun signed you know three years for 30 million like oh that’s great and then you hear Washington and you’re like what you know that’s the one part of like what do you got like I don’t quite Vision what the plan is so much there uh with yonus and and I think he could have helped a lot of teams you know that the Lakers could have used another Center I thought that was you know we know he was on their radar there I think there were other spots where he could have kind of gone somewhere and been like competitive but going to Washington you’re kind of looking at it going like I don’t know how competitive this team wants to be like this is a team that should be tanking you know and it’s it should be what they’re going for and and trying to find their best chance to get Cooper flag I I I don’t know if I really like that for them the money’s fine three year I mean it’s a 10 million a year for a starting center level guy or even a backup center like that’s fine did did we just I I think you may have just coined the tagline for for free agency at just 2020 for NBA free agency colon Washington question mark I think that might be it until until Paul George officially signs I think that’s what we’ll go with couple he signs in Washington it stays it works perfectly if he signs in Washington then we can continue it we have red we have red moonstars in the chat saying yonas took less to go to the worst team LOL uh yeah I mean that it just do sense does does it maybe not speak to though what the market would have been for Val Tunis in which case it’s kind of a fast from the money you’re making in New Orleans to oh maybe LeBron James will take a pay cut to facilitate your arrival in LA to oh I’m just goingon to sign with the wizard The Wizards for less than the the non-t taxpayer mid level it’s amazing because it always happens in free agency is the money dries up at one position quicker than others and it’s you don’t know what position until free agency begins and there’ll be a run on uh Wing players and all of a suddenly all the teams that were interested in Wing players have spent all their money and there’s like one guy out they’re going like hello I’m still here um and everybody’s like you got to take the vetman um and I think that’s kind of the the calculous yonas and his his agent made like let’s just be honest the agent wants to make money so it’s not a matter of like they probably took the deal that was best in that situation for him and we got to be clear about one thing too that’s a very movable contract during the season right like that’s a that’s a move that if you’re wa you’re Washington like that’s the one thing I can think of is like hey we can flip him for something later you know and again the money’s not wild somebody’s going to need big man depth at one point um we can flip him and get a first round pick out of that you know maybe that’s their calculus with that it’s for valent chunis it just might be a weird situation where they just looked around and were like we got to take this deal now before it you know before they go sign somebody else and then we’re completely out of money and I think that’s the situation that they were probably looking at I think we’re this question’s about to get a little bit more difficult Mo overpay or underpay for ogan anobi at five years 212.5 million it does not look like there’s no player option at the end if people care about that stuff though so if people tend to because which just means we get to harp on if he’s gonna be a free it allows us to do the more is he gonna be a free agent or not what’s he going to do with all of that um Pro again these what sucks is these are about right it’s sticker shock though when you hear that he’s making 40 something million but I think we all just have to get used to the fact guys that’s going to be the cost of a starting level player the stars in the in and you know when the cap goes up and everything when the TV deal kicks in are GNA be making 70 million 80 million a year and we’re going to be looking at these guys going like oh she’s only at 45 like it’s gonna sound like a hell of a discount uh in in in a few years I will say though it’s probably a tad bit of an overpay when you look at his injury history and you got to be a little bit afraid of like can he stay healthy if he’s fully healthy I think it’s worth it but if he’s not and we’ve been a bit problematic for him to stay healthy and you know it’s not like he’s playing you know for a coach that’s just going to be like ah just 30 minutes um you know I think there’s risk there that you got to be a little bit worried about so I think that’s the the situation there if he’s healthy I think it’s perfectly fine if he ends up missing a chunks of games 20 games 30 games you know for an entire you know parts of the Season you’re in trouble and that’s going to be a under overpay at that point to correct myself there is a player option on that final deal so I apologize so it is an over now they gave him control they don’t even just have them if it work over God well and the thing the thing with anobi too I agree it is it is I just you know friends of mine that aren’t that don’t follow the league as closely as we all do see OG anobi have heard the name probably and are like this guy is getting $40 million what you know but it’s just I agree the days of a quality starter making 15 million are just you know that’s a decade ago that’s where we are now for anobi do Moe do you think to part of that number has got to do with like he’s just plug and play everywhere any team with the ability to sign him to the max or close to it was going to at least be interested that’s driving up offers right it’s not like you know the valent chunis example is Extreme but someone else we can talk about is James Harden I’m not trying to lead you down any over or underpay path here I’m not convinced the market for Harden was H nearly as robust as it would have been for anobi uh so what are your thoughts on that two for 70 for James Harden to go back to the Clippers I think it’s fine and that has it player option at the end of the year so it’s really feels like a one-year $35 million deal more than anything else and I feel like for the Clippers like they knew they were losing Paul George at that point you know and they knew they they couldn’t lose James Harden as well and I think for them it was kind of a a save face kind of situation look I he did what he always does right couple good playoff games couple of Duds it kills you and I think that’s the situation that you’re in with the clippers but I don’t think they had much choice they couldn’t lose Paul George and James Harden and figure out how they were GNA kind of turn things around all of a suddenly so I think for them it’s a Fair Deal two for 70 I think that’s about right for Harden right now you know we can argue about like his level of uh efficiency and everything and can he continue to be that guy the next two years I don’t think they had a choice their options were very slim you know and I think for them they had to make that move are do you I guess when you’re looking at the Clipper specifically the money seems like it’s fine in the terms they clearly want to operate in the short term but now that Paul George is just officially gone like the Clippers announced that which is so weird by the way we haven’t had the official Philly announcement but the Clippers have announced that Paul George is leaving that that was weird I found that weird um like what do you make of this Clippers Direction now though and the name that’s being floated is could they maybe would Demar D rozan sign for a mid-level or more likely in a in a sign in trade what like do you kind of feel like the Clippers are almost let’s go into the Inuit Dome with these two big names on our roster maybe three with the row and then like we’re just we might hit the the reset button immediately after because I’m starting to get those like inklings from this team at the moment just given how again this is a OnePlus One he might be a free agent next year but like uh when you look at it too it’s like how do they reset who are they getting in a like how you’re who the market for Kawai in the trade market like I I’d be very curious considering his just right not around like this was the the healthiest he’s been all season and couldn’t finish the playoffs like there’s a lot of questions with that the rosen’s market wouldn’t be that high in the trade market to one plus one like we said for Harden Market’s going to be very low in terms of anybody trying to trade for him like it’s not like they got a bunch of other guys that are trade assets so I think they’re in a tough spot in what they do so yeah like they are going to run it back with old dudes and if they can bring Dem Mar Rosen and bring him home because the last homecoming they had was Paul George and that worked out great like they’re going to bring him home and and see how that works maybe and I’m not sold on that pairing with him and kawhai at least with Paul George you had more movement PG was able to come off screens would work a little more off ball I don’t know if that’s something you’re going to get from dear I think would be very interesting to see where they go I just don’t know where the pivot is from them you know and for me if you were so dead set on we’re only doing these threeyear contracts like I don’t know what was the point you knew Paul George was gonna want the fourth year you knew you had to have him you’re gonna you’ve basically announced that you you’ve lost him and the funny thing about that statement which is is a little bit of a Sidetrack but the little dig there of like we traded a lot for him and we got five years of contention but fell short like yeah I don’t know man like what like sometimes I just wonder what you’re doing in that is just with the Clippers I don’t I don’t know how they pivot I think they just gotta kind of bite the bullet here and and hope they get saved somehow one way or the other you know I think that Mo that’s an important point to make because I I got caught up framing the Harden signing in terms of like well who else was offering that but what you’re what you’re raising is is the flip side of that is the Clippers perspective of like what do we do if we lose him right it’s so it’s not just like what are the market forces saying Harden is worth it’s like what’s he worth to you and what are your Alternatives if he’s gone so this kind of takes us to the kcp situation where Denver obviously he’s worth a ton to them he declines his $15 million player option they could have messed around and maybe tried to bump up the number you know they could or gone over the tax and paid a bunch of money to keep him he ends up in Orlando three years 66 million Orlando needs him kcp gets more money feels like a great fit how does that number years and dollars wise strike you for Caldwell Pope I just don’t understand why Denver didn’t try like that does that seems perfectly fine if you’re Denver I understand tax apron all that stuff there but I just don’t understand like it wasn’t like Bruce Brown was was it like two years 40 million or you’re like that’s kind of a lot for Bruce brown right and it also hurt them this year but like it was one of those things you thought there with what kcp brings to that team like it’s kind of wild to me that they they’ve quibbled over it’s a difference of like what 7 million a year right he was getting around 15 and and you know I just kind of Wonder like you couldn’t find that I mean I live in LA the Sofi Arena goes goes off for the Rams like they they charge a ton of money at the concessions you couldn’t find the million like I don’t I don’t know if I understand so much what they’re doing because again this is another team they don’t have a replacement available to them I mean as much as they want to talk about Christian Brown who’s who’s been great they don’t really have a guy that’s going to do what kcp can do I don’t understand their whole thing and I think uh one of you guys was saying it earlier uh the the history of one kcp gets traded from a contender is not good or leaves so it’s like I just I wonder I’d be curious to see how mad joic is right now I would really want to check that temperature right now I honestly think that it’s and I don’t say this like this is shameful stuff from the nuggets and I think Mo framed it perfectly it was the extra in raw salary $7 million basically and he is more Irreplaceable than Bruce Brown and not only because you you literally couldn’t keep Bruce Brown because of the salary cap rules right but you don’t have even if you think Christian Brown or pton Watson or Michael Porter Jr is GNA take a step forward there is no one on this roster that you sit in Denver look at and say they’re going to combine what kcp does which I think its most fundamental level is guard his behind off and hit threes and stretch the floor for you you can’t I guess Christian Brown is you’re gonna count on him he would come closest to checking those boxes if he makes the jump but like I’m not sure I’m I’m honestly not sure Denver understands how important he was to their defense when you look at them just letting him walk and the final thing I’ll say is I know this is why the second apron isn’t play it’s not just about the money it’s about teams worrying about the logistical limitations of how do we flush out the roster moving forward this is a deal that you could have absolutely moved at the trade deadline you could have moved it at the end of next season and then figured it out from there and so to let him walk now I I honestly think it’s shameful and we could look back and think well they just kind of punted on a year of Nicole jokic’s Prime I mean it’s funny to me because like I think the other thing too is depth like we just saw what happened with Boston in how deep their roster were you need Wing depth across the league in in the west are you kidding me like you need to be able to defend multiple guys on the perimeter at this point and it’s just silly to me the move they make and then like what are they going to do like we all hear the stuff with Russell Westbrook like really that’s the guy we’re gonna talk about Westbrook like he’s gonna change you know I heard Andy before I popped on talking about like yeah you know maybe you hope Westbrook would cut man I’ve been hoping Westbrook would cut more often I mean like when are we gonna stop when are we GNA stop pretending with Westbrook at this point that like he’s going to change who he is this is who he is as a basketball player if he’s going to fit your roster great that’s who you go get but if you’re G to get him and think after what 13 years in the NBA all of a suddenly we’re gonna make him a spacer and he’s gonna cut and he’s gonna work the dunker spot like that’s not happening we got to stop with this whole like facade of this thing of like oh he’s gonna be this guy like come on man like I’m disappointed with Denver because I think this is really one of those things you touched on it it seems like they’re punting on a year of jic like they better hope they develop these dudes like the pressure on Christian Brown on uh Payton Watson all of those guys they better hope they come through because like it’s it’s all on them now because I as much as joic loves Denver like would he looks around going like we’re not winning I’d rather be with my horses like I’m out like it’s not like you know what are we doing here like it’s it’s along those things like they really are playing with fire and I just think like I understood it last year and it didn’t work out this year we we we know how it kind of played out but I just don’t understand this one like you really couldn’t find the money anywhere else like really well and and we got a comment I’m better than you 67 says nuggets aren’t winning again for a while I mean that’s that’s now in play right because look from from my perspective you’ve got Denver we’ve talked a lot Dan and I have I’m sure Mo you’ve given this some thought written and talked about like Denver’s got all these you know under 25 guards and wings that they’ve kind of stockpiled you know as like maybe it’s a contingency plan for something like this right kcp maybe leaves we decide we don’t want to pay what it costs we’ve got all these guys here to me it makes no sense to to avoid to to not take the alternate path which is let’s pay what it cost to keep kcp and if one of these guys gets good enough to take his job or make it like justifiable to move on then great we have a good problem we can trade kcp we can do whatever we need to do it’s just like jumping the gun and like you’re saying Mo now those guys have to produce like somebody or some combination of them have to be way better than they’ve been or Denver loses you know something from its top level so like of I guess the question is of brown of pton Watson if you want to go deeper down the roster have at it do you see any of those guys replicating what kcp was able to do you know winning a championship and even last year like where is that going to come from from that group it’s not they’re not going to be able to to to replace him in that sense like and it’s and those guys might be good they might have good years like Christian Brown in his third season Payton Watson in his third season I believe like you’re not really like I can’t trust that they’re gonna come in and do what uh kcp did you know Julian strawther another guy that they they like and you know if he could stay healthy and whatnot shoots the ball well for them get another guy that can kind of replace they’re banking on development and hoping it comes through and it’s like you said like why not just hold three years 66 million again very movable deal in a in in a league that needs wings and three and D Guys somebody would have bit if you put him on the Block and if you just match that I just don’t understand it I do like it for Orlando I think that’s a great fit for them I think that’s a nice piece for them with everything that they have but when I look at it for Denver I’m just like you guys like it’s what what are we doing here you know it feels so much like the Dallas Mavericks when they won the championship and then dismantle the team around Dirk and we never really got Dirk fully In Contention again and I’m just very worried now about the Nuggets of like what’s the plan and don’t tell me just development because you need to have multi-layers in your plan you need to have the understanding of it are you doing this because there’s a free agent next year that you want to make sure you have some sort you have moves and ways to make sure you have money to go get free agent and that’s gonna launch you in a new run of contention you know like I I’d be very curious there and I yic aside I’d also love to see what Michael Malone thinks right now the the other thing here too I know they’ve been linked to Westbrook but I think we were all kind of agreement that’s not to me it’s not even worth the dice roll as of right now the only other point guard under roster uh under contract aside from Jamal Murray is jayen picket who just didn’t really play at all this year and so when we were going through the list of young names none of us even identified him at first that’s a very weird situation to be in and we have Sosa LNF in the chat Westbrook and Demar to Denver uh all due respect soosa please no uh that would be that would just be awful for Denver I think we could agree there um Denver well you mentioned about another free agent though um they do have Aaron Gordon is extension now he could be a free agent next year Jamal Murray’s gonna be on a new deal and I think maybe this is some logic that could have went into that but I keep coming back to and now you have said this too Mo that is future Denver problem where you could have just moved the kcp deal if you needed to shave money then and I think I’m with everything both of you said we haven’t really had enough time I feel like to tackle this from Orlando’s perspective though Mo do you think well I mean if if we this follows history The Magic win the championship next year right I think that’s how this works is is what they’re do for but next year the year after but before we do the magic just real quick the Aaron Gordon Point too like that dude has almost said he’s never leaving jokic’s side he’s probably taking a pay cut to play with joic he’s having so much fun so like I I future problems worry about them then like kills me um with the magic though what do you still want to see them do is this I think kcp makes a difference especially for their halfcourt flooor balance but when you kind of look at the The Playmakers they have in place right now you have Pao they did more stuff with jayen Suggs in that role or they kind of got him away from it but he can do that they are probably going to lose Markel folz you have Cole Anthony you have Anthony black France Vagner can do a little bit of playmaking do you think that this team should still up like it seems like they’re operating with some semblance of urgency because they paid kcp would you like to see them operate with the same level of urgency to go out and maybe get a like a passing upgrade for their team yeah no they need somebody else and Pao has done a great job as a a playmaker for them but I want him to move more into the secondary playmaker role because I want him also to focus on scoring and and not feel like he’s responsible to make sure fron goes off you know some nights or make sure Suggs is getting enough looks or whatnot I I’d like them to go find another guard I just don’t know if there is a guard out there right now that makes sense what I don’t want them to do is go waste a whole bunch of assets to trade for a guard that doesn’t fit and I’m talking about Trey young and we is probably unlikely to be moved with the Murray trade but I don’t want them to go get somebody that’s kind of a almost a me first guard and I think even if they can pass really well I don’t want that I I I offense has got to run through Paulo but I want him to be more of the secondary playmaker whereas I want them to find somebody that could he would have been a great Chris Paul would have been a great fit there too obviously that would have been a fun spot but like if you can find a guy and maybe that’s where tus Jones ends up and that wouldn’t be a bad bad situation there um you know it’s like what level of playmaker you need is is probably different and I don’t think also one thing like they don’t have to contend next year they just have to be better than they were last year so they don’t have to go out and make the massive massive splashes and whatnot so I just think find a guy tyus Jones is a guy I’d like see if he can get get their help them get their offense going with him with kcp shooting a little more threes and and helping them get more threes up kind of like where the magic were going if they can get him do you think someone like an Anthony Simons does enough as passer to fit that roller would you still like to see them get more of a because you mentioned Pao is just running things through him does that give them the flexibility to Target someone like Simons who’s more of a I don’t know like a B level passer was it still like oh if we can get a game manager like tus Jones in here or even someone like a Monte MO is taking a flyer on that just as someone with the basketball background that you have what route would you prefer to see this team go i’ I’d rather see tyus Jones I’m not a huge Simons guy um but I think also like he’s he’s he’s it’s exactly what I don’t want on that team because he’s going to look to score more than that and I’m not saying he can’t pass or whatnot but that is more what he’s uh he’s looking to score and he’s capable of scoring a ton more they need to find somebody that can just get them in a set get them organized and run some offense I think is an important thing for what they have so tyus Jones would be the guy at Target Simons probably not the best fit there avda one hasn’t attack Dennis shuder to the magic what do you think about that that’s killing me no he actually he actually to be honest though he actually would probably be all right he does just enough probably I I wanted to jump back to the Nuggets a little bit too here just to get your thoughts on you know if if we agree I think Russell Westbrook is like what what kind of what’s the thinking behind that potential move like is there is there a point guard that you know from the the class of guys we’ve got available you know Kyle Lowry’s out there although I assume everyone believes he’s going back to Philly uh what does dlon Wright do for you if we’re looking for another a r a Russ alternative in Denver like are there any free agents out there that kind of you know look if you have yic on the team you’re never going to be the primary Creator and Jamal Murray does great when it’s just him out there too but if you’re looking to kind of fill that Niche and you don’t think any of the young guys coming up can handle that do you have your eye on anybody that makes sense as a Russ alternative I mean it’s I think Delana Wright’s a good one tus Jones that’s another like tus Jones is perfect a lot of places I’ll stop saying his name now but like he he he you could throw him into a lot of places that need some playmaking um not that he’s so amazing but he does just enough for you and again with joic with Murray it’s just nice to have another ball handler Delon Wright’s a good good name there for them I think that would fit go to the the the Jones package now but the I think he does a lot for them it’ll be interesting I’m fascinated to see where tyus Jones ends up right good one hard market now for the guards like that might be the position that dried up real quick and there might not be a lot of sourc a lot of options out there for team to go find a guy and I think that’s a big one uh that might be the position we’re looking for see what Simons might not be bad there again because the level of playmaking you need on the Nuggets Simons actually might be a good fit there give him a little pop off the bench scoring another guy who could handle the ball thought that was a problem for Denver in the Minnesota series I thought you know they kind of ran out of ball handlers he’d be a good fit for them as well uh do we have any other deals that are overpay underpay Grant anything that comes to mind that we want to throw at Mo here uh Mo well I think I don’t know if we pinned you because you have to give an answer uh whether it’s an overpay or underpay for Harden I don’t know if we if we got that on the record so we can keep it permanent I’m not a big Harden fan so I’ll say overpay but I think it’s still about right I I I think Grant’s question is Salient is who was going to give Harden else who else was going to give Harden that money we always say that and I’ll just be honest with you it takes one GM to have struck out multiple places to just be like oh gosh the owner’s on me I gotta make a move let me call James’s agent you know Mike Silverman because I’m reading it off the Tweet not that I knew that off the top of my head and just Mike three years 90 let’s go or what whatever is that was actually less money than what they would be get but anything along those lines you know three years hundred let’s go let’s make it happen um I think that’s a uh situation there and we we do criticize team sometimes what are you negotiating with but it’s also the value the value for Harden is more with the Clippers than anywhere else and I think that’s kind of the situation and they had to secure them they can’t lose both of those guys uh it’s just I mean optically terrible but I just think the situation it just puts them in such a bad spot you lose both of those guys and now it’s Kawai and Trey man or Terrence man like what are we doing here you know like you’re in a tough position you know that running that with iisa zubach like okay like that’s going into the new into Dome at least you know hardens a face another La local like it it helps along those lines but I mean they they put themselves in an impossible situation with with some of these things I think I probably would have caved and given the four years to PG and just you know yeah Mo moved on from there like if I were the Clippers and and would have tried to massage kawai’s feelings um about all of that but it just wasn’t there for them and I I I just don’t think they were in a position so like we understand like yeah they were negotiating against themselves but they were also in the weakest position at the negotiation table are there as we have all these free agents up on the board Mo are there any Who Remain unsigned that we haven’t talked about that just stand out to you that you’re fascinated to see either what they get where they land just that appeal to you in some way who is the biggest one or two names that stand out to you right now I got two big names and I’m going to start with Klay Thompson I’m fascinated to see where he ends up I think it’s either Dallas or La uh with the Lakers I should be more more careful about that but I think he ends up in one of those two places I mean that’s another team that was basically like I guess we’re resigning him we’re not bring they didn’t put out a statement yet as far as I know um but it sounds like you know he’s on the move and I’m really interested to see where Isaiah hartenstein goes that’s where I I actually would love to see him end up in OKC they needed help they need another big I I know everybody’s the whole five out this is their whole Focus or whatnot that dude is such a good passer at the top like I think he opens up a lot for you on offense and you know getting rebounds is kind of important I hope Oklahoma City learned that in the playoffs that that’s something that you kind of have to do to really get very far in the playoffs I think that’s an important guy for them I think if I were them I’m going all for going all in and trying to sign him we might come back later and talk about how that’s an overpay but that’s a guy I think they got a Target right there I think he gives them a big jump in the west we had a tweet up on screen did we I didn’t see it um come through but it says that it looks like Oklahoma City might be set to sign Isaiah hardenstein do you like if that is something that comes uh to fruition is that a fit you like to meet yes I think that’s a slam dunk to but they’re gonna meet with him but I think that’s to me I think that’s a slam dunk for them that’s that’s the guy they need to get he can play with chat he can play you could play him as a five1 Chet needs to rest like there’s a whole bunch of different things you can do there I love his toughness I love his passing and again rebounding matters so much in the playoffs even more than the regular season and I think he proved he can do a whole bunch of that with the for the Knicks this past year the Knicks will miss him and I think that’s a a great place for him to end up if he does indeed end there I want to throw you one more name Mo from this list uh or was on the previous list that we we haven’t mentioned I don’t think once in almost two and a half hours here and that’s miles Bridges a guy that a couple years ago was like a foregone conclusion he’s getting the max right it was probably going to be from Charlotte and if not there there were going to be offers near that out there then he has a bunch of offc Court trouble like domestic violence stuff so he’s but he’s back on the market now what’s your sense of of well maybe maybe just tell us like what kind of player is he now what kind of team is in need of what he is he’s not going to be a Max guy like that that ship has sailed but is he someone that is potentially gonna command more than the midlevel and what where where might he fit and what might he bring to that landing spot I think he’s G to be right in at the mid level I don’t know if teams are going to go that like honestly if I’m a team I’m and I’m looking at him and I’m very afraid of his off the court stuff like personally I wouldn’t want him on my team but if that’s the guy I’m looking at like I’m looking at like a two two maybe a team option for the third year maybe mid level and see where we’re at with that situation with him listen on the court flat out he could play there’s a reason why he was up for the possible Max before uh the domestic violence uh situation that that he put himself into I think is very uh uh talented I think he was great for ball and all the stuff that he does can score can rebound can shoot it like you you love all the stuff that he can do you just got to be a little bit worried about that the the domestic violence stuff you gota be also think about your fans and you know do they really want to be supporting him it would with that instance I would be very wary of it I’ll be surprised if he gets more than the mid level yeah look you mentioned it Mo before cap space it’ll dry up and it is if we assume we can’t pencil it in but if we assume Paul George is going to the Sixers Orlando’s used a bunch of cap space and he doesn’t really make sense there so you have Detroit and then his own team in Charlotte could definitely have some cap space um or just resign him with the intention of trading him later he doesn’t have unless it’s going to be a sign in trade it doesn’t feel like there’s a team out there that’s just going to come in and try to actually give him like money like flat out it’s going to have to be more complicated if he’s if he’s going to leave Charlotte yeah and it’s that’s going to be the situation that they got to figure out with his agent you know I I actually probably didn’t really think about it but yeah I could see Charlotte resigning him and just saying hey we’ll find you at home at the deadline and that’ll be your best chance but I I would expect him to get a short-term deal two maximum three years but I I would expect him to get a short-term deal yeah you do wonder I mean you said it Dan some you know we still got like OKC is still got its money Orlando’s got a chunk of it Utah’s got a chunk of it nobody has any idea what Utah’s going to do they’re involved with everybody but a lot of those names we had on the list there that are still out there your you know your D rozan and everybody else Bridges like hartenstein I guess we should throw in like it’s getting down to like is it bargain time already to where we’re talk you know I think it might surprise a lot of people that were saying oh you know Klay Thompson Bridges these guys are mid-level guys that that’s is it is it now the situation where like so Charlotte goes that route with Bridges get uses some of its money on him then then that’s another team we could check off the list and you know more and more of these higher-end guys are looking at at Mid levels is that is that maybe happening sooner than we expected it’s it’s kind of the way it goes every year right like the big names get taken off the board uh again we we kind of have a feeling where Paul George is going to end up but I think you’re you’re in a weird situation where like okay the cap space teams have made the moves the big guys have made their moves now the big free agents and now we need to figure out where we’ve where we’ve settled and now can we move from there I don’t know for a lot of these guys like dear is waiting for to see where PG goes and then he’ll see where the dust settles okay cool that means less money you need to make the deals quickly if you’re G to get the big money because as as it time goes on teams make deals whatever this guy gets a small amount here they signed three guys already and this and that the money’s gone for you here like it it becomes a very quick situation where like it’s I imagine the agents are all in the war room making their phone calls trying to figure out where the where the Well’s still going and and it’s it dries up very quickly happens every free agency the only time it doesn’t happen is like when the Kevin Durant’s holding it up and and holding auditions with for teams in in the Hamptons or something right and for like eight days you’re waiting you know and and and just to see where he ends up and stuff but like it sounds like everybody’s moving quickly with all of this we know he’s we know Paul George situation not going to the Clippers Orlando just signed kcp he’s not going to Orlando his options are slow are limited where he can get the most money is Philly most likely gonna end up there I think there’s then everybody else sort of falls into place once that gets decided then you have the guys like on this board the all you know buddy heeld will have to figure out where he’s going to go and where he fits after that same for Kelly UB Melton for the Sixers a whole bunch of their free agents probably change situations Malik Beasley Hayward all these guys like now they start to find their STS but it’s all G to be for less money than they probably thought coming into this I have two quick questions for you Mo one F Morales 15 says in the chat miles Bridges to the Clippers assuming let’s just say like a Terren man PJ Tucker framework with something attached can get a sign and trade done from a basketball perspective especially with Paul George not there would that make any sense for the Clippers it it does it’s first off it’s a guy again who can score can shoot pretty much at every level I think the you know little more athleticism a little younger for them this is a team that’s actually pretty old for the most part you know and it’s it’s it’s I think they need to focus on trying to get younger and I think that’s a guy that kind of makes sense for them in that regards again it’ll just come down to price you know he’s a guy also that would make sense for the Lakers you know at the mid level and I think that’s somebody that they might try to go after like it’s it’s you know if they strike out on their guys if Klay Thompson goes to Dallas and it’s then it’s where do they pivot next you know and it might be smart for Bridges to wait a minute let’s see because he his Domino is Clay where does clay go where does Paul George and where does Klay go once those two guys go somewhere he’s probably going some where one of those teams missed out on that guy and I think that’s going to be the his situation for the most part before we let you go and you’ve been super generous with your time Grant and I both really appreciate it is there anything else about day one of free agency any takes you need to to fire off before before we let you out of here you don’t have enough time for me to fire off all of my takes Dan you’ve you’ve done pods with me before so it’s just do a Timber one they love you those fans over there oh they did love me for the most uh uh part um no I I just think it’s been pretty slower than I thought it would be and I guess my big tank is bring tampering back I want to get my summer going bring tampering back I want the deals right at I on the west coast right at 301 I wanted a flurry of like nine deals being announced bring tampering back I think we’ve ruined free agency if we we don’t allow them to Tamper a little bit Yeah more cheating you heard it here Mo Mo wants more cheating or at least or at least like let’s not pretend that we’re not cheating because they’re all still doing it it’s just they’re waiting to announce everything right that three hours later ah we got a deal yeah hey Mo thanks a lot really appreciate it uh we will uh I you know I hope I hope that it’s more exciting for you going forward and we hope that for all of us that have been through day one of of uh just waiting for Paul George that’s what day one is so far waiting for Paul George GNA it’s gonna happen at like midnight you know East Coast time or something like that I’m GNA be in the middle of uh you know the the new Game of Thrones show or something it I’ll be like I got to get to my laptop yeah as some on East Coast I don’t feel bad for you West coasters so suck it up yeah sorry Dan Dan I never feel bad for you thank you so much Mo this was great as always thanks Mo thank you guys for having me Grant I’m gonna be honest so we’re gonna go through our top 10 moves of the day so far um it’s gonna be a challenge Dan it’s gonna be a challenge it feels like there haven’t been 10 moves at least not 10 top moves but hey we’re gonna we’re gonna do it so uh and we’ll get to look comment in the chat with your sub moves that we can get some discussion dialogue going that way gr do you think the best way for us to do this is kind of like is kind of just like to alternate from it do you want to start us off that that’s fine yeah I mean I maybe we can make the producers and video guys work a little harder by just arguing and having to change our answer several times as we go through but if we start at 10 I don’t know that there have been 10 moves I don’t have them all laid out in front of me we got to start with like one we definitely don’t like right because there just haven’t been enough to really uh say that we’ve got 10 that we’re in love with do we just put Jonas Valen chunis at at 10 because I think at least I don’t know if don’t like it as much as like we’re very just confused by by it right yeah it’s the money is fine so it’s not the deal but I don’t like the fit for the player and I also don’t like it for Washington because I guess if you view him as a backup big to Alex saw that’s fine but if the plan is well we’re either going to limit like what alexar does at the five or does in general um or move him to the four as you kind mentioned earlier in the show please no no no no no no don’t and the fact that that could just be on the table I don’t I don’t want to see it happen again I want to give this ront office the benefit of the doubt because I like a lot of the stuff they did until this offseason specifically but I mean you just drafted Alex sawar why are you signing I would say he’s still a starting caliber big right grant in yonis val junis sure yeah he’s just not the he’s not the type of big that a lot of teams want right he’s a he’s a throwback he’s a banger he’s gonna rebound he’s he’s Limited in the types of defensive coverages you can use him with not super mobile but like you know there’s a place for guys like that it’s just you know should it be next to a number one or number two overall pick who you really want to develop and to to you know let’s just throw him in the deep in and see if he can be a center if you play if you play valent chunis Off the Bench then whatever I guess you can still explore that but you know it’s it’s not ideal if if you’re bringing someone in right away you’re kind of telegraphing like oh we we’re not you well if you want to be really glass half full maybe this means they think alexar is ultim like a combo forward or a wing and all of the on ball stuff really develops and he’s definitely not a center he’s actually something better than that but you know we’re we’re Beyond too early in the process to make any real guesses there we are getting word from our producer Ryan that we are now free to use deals that happened before today so Ryan thank you oh so much you are honestly a lifesaver I think I I want to throw in I’m going to throw in the Pascal cakam contract at number nine because the fact that you not use specifically Grant but the Pacers evaded having to include a fifth year in that so it’s four years it takes you right through the end of your Prime he was given even the limited run he had with tyres halberton I thought he was a really good fit there and again just not having to go out a fifth year so SE yakum gets his max money he’s able to win it from that standpoint you get him now locked down with Tyrese halberton and so you’re more expensive but now you just have your two players and it’s let’s continue to flesh out the roster from there now if we were doing deals we don’t like I don’t love the Obi toppin deal at 4 for 60 just because that’s someone who needs developmental reps and you now have fewer of those to go around with seak and Turner both populating your your front Court Isaiah Jackson’s still there we saw Jaylen Smith opt out but I really do like I’m you know I’m a big fan of SE yakum and I think people were always talking about oh I hate that deal he wouldn’t do enough for my team to give him the max if those are your feelings I honestly think that says more about your team than Pascal seak yeah I think that’s fair uh you know the SE yakum thing was you knew it was going to get done and I think it just ended up being right because you didn’t have to do the fifth year nobody else could offer it you could still beat the market and just go big on the four-year deal so I think that’s a fine pick there uh if we’re if we’re you know reaching back into into previous days I think we probably better go Malik monk here at number eight just the Kings getting him back at the most they could possibly pay him I don’t have it in front of me isn’t it the four for 78 essentially kind of the same roughly in the neighborhood of what Isaiah hartenstein now probably won’t get from the Knicks because he’s gonna get more than that uh so I’d go monk there you know you might say he’s a little duplicative uh because oh you know they what the Kings really need is Wing defense and more size and monk is really kind of a one two his his facilitation on drives made him super valuable great closer super clutch this past season um he’s just someone that I don’t know that I don’t I do know the Kings weren’t going to get somebody you know without trading away other pieces that could replicate what monk did for them last season so that’s a retention just like SE yakum was but I think you know it for where they are where they would have been without him because then you’re just like well Kevin herder and and now we’ve got Devin Carter in this backourt mix I think you just lose too much scoring too much shot creation if you don’t get Monk back at that you know really pretty reasonable number right it’s it’s not that far off from what kcp got I think you could make an argument that he probably belongs higher on this list so yeah for sure um I think my next pick might surprise some people getting a manual quickly for five years and 175 million look the sticker shock is there and I get it by the end of that deal he is going to be less than 20% of the salary cap that is fine for it’s it’s better than fine when you look at what Emanuel quickly can do he defends his butt off he can play off the ball so you can get another ball dominant player aside from Scotty Barnes in there if you really want to he can defend up through like ones and twos but he can also create his own shot he hits very difficult jumpers um from Beyond The Arc off the dribble we can see him get to his floater and I think what we also saw in Toronto which mind you still didn’t have pitcher perfect spacing after he was traded there I thought he made some strides as a live dribble playmaker and if that continues to come along to where you just say we have Scotty we have Emanuel quickly and those are the engines of our offense as both scorers and passers the Raptors are just set and so now you get this deal that’s below the max it’s going to be worth less than 20% of the cap by the end of the term which by the way that’ll be his age 29 Seasons That’s right into the meat and potatoes of his prime he fits basically with anyone and there’s no player option on it so you just have him under this control I think we need to and look I want to be clear i’ I still do get sticker shock I saw 175 at first I was like whoa and I got there with OG who spoiler alert that probably won’t be making my top 10 perhaps you have it in your top six it’s not my top six um but I loved this deal for Toronto and we did say that we’d get a little uncomfortable with anything under over 30 for Emanuel quickly but kind of looking at when we saw Nick Claxton get 25 million a year which again is a good deal but if you’re gonna pay a less Dynamic big that much money why not pay Emanuel quickly this and so the more I thought about it the more I fell in love with the Raptors structuring it this way and getting him at this P Price Point yeah I got no problem with with it I I think too maybe it was a little higher than I thought I do think in this case the fifth year is probably more of a feature than a bug I just given his Youth and given the fact that maybe it allowed you to keep the annual value average annual value a little lower you know fine with that I’m gonna go another point guard much uh much less uh in terms of a total investment here I think Chris Paul to the Spurs at one for 11 to low it’s just like it’s well I just can’t leave it I I got to put it on there you had me thinking about point guards don’t I mean we talked about it with Andy we talked about it with Mo a little bit you know first of all it’s good for him because I don’t know where else he was going to get more than the minimum so Chris Paul wins we we just listed a bunch of winners when we talked about this the Spurs win Victor wanyama wins uh shouts out and apologies to tyus Jones who probably isn’t gonna get that Spurs money now but as a as a guy who’s gonna just come in be professional I totally forgot they have Stefan Castle they drafted a guy who we thought maybe was going to be their point guard of the future now you to learn under Chris Paul or maybe play next to him I don’t know figure it out they it’s just it’s a win across the board I love the commitment to just a year you’re not tied down and and Paul’s just GNA bring a ton of what they need which which by as we discussed like they don’t need a lot because if you had T Trey Jones out there the Spurs were awesome as Andy said Trey Jones and Devon Vel they’re like a plus 10 per 100 Chris Paul presumably will outplay Trey Jones uh and just who knows who knows how good the Spurs are going to be now assuming he’s stays healthy assuming we don’t have a massive age related decline uh and he just kind of gradually slows down just a huge a huge win there for San Antonio him mentoring Castle could be huge so shout out to Todd B in the chat for for pointing that out and then as Dante Keller 225 said wemi and CP3 going to be fire I mean yeah that is just I would guess I’m going to set the over under on their net rating together at like seven and I’ll take I’ll smash the over on it like wemy just might be one of the 10 best players in the league by next year I am mad you put him at six though that felt too low and it forces me to go with I can’t believe I’m going to do this Patrick Williams at five years and 90 million again let’s frame it percentage of the salary Pap less than 10% Grant by the end of this contract and I I framed it this way this contract there’s a chance it could look awful it could look like one of the steals of the decade and I’m a firm believer that there will be no in between and so I like making that bet as a team in the Bulls where I don’t necessarily understand where they’re going but you couldn’t just let him leave for nothing in restricted free agency that was never an option so make the bet on someone who has shown defensive promise he has shot the ball from three on low to modest volume relatively well so there’s a plug-and-play aspect on offense we’ve seen him be able to get to the mid-range off the dribble on offense I honestly think this is the classic case of a player where you know if we’re ranking these deals what if we just said like he doesn’t finish this in Chicago that’s going to make you like this deal even more isn’t it Grant I could tell it by your face right now so there’s a chance they going to end up moving him if you get to a team that could develop him within better spacing I think we look back on this and it’s even if he doesn’t become some type of on ball weapon offensively the way you can move him around defensively and then just having if he can up that three-point shot I really like the gamble here and again I recognize there’s some bust potential but like this is the archetype that teams want is can you hit threes and defend relatively well and Patrick health problems in mind he does those things and he’s young enough to where it’s okay next year’s his age 23 season he could get better and maybe it needs to be outside Chicago but I if I had to pick one right now and I guess I am by putting him here if we fast forward like two or three years we’re going to look back on this moment as like either the Bulls did something Incredible or they did something stupid by trading him to the team that developed him properly yeah it’s one of those I I love you’re embracing the risk here because the downside risk is is enormous and like maybe that’s not fair to Williams because it just has been injuries in a lot of you know basically I don’t know he’s played four years and two of them have been kind of just wrecked by by different injuries I think I think the upside is massive it’s just there’s the potential that he becomes the type of guy that we may talk about here in a minute because I’m going to nominate him if you’re if if you aren’t not comparing him but like a really good multi-position defensive combo forward that if you can just get enough Corner threes to go uh he’s I I mean what player type is more valuable than that other than like a number one you know Creator on offense that’s just it’s it’s what the league wants so to get him for you know 90 million over four risky I but the upside upside and downside huge huge variance so I’m I’m into it uh from your perspective if you’re not gonna nominate him no I’m gonna leave him on the board I’m gonna go Nick Clon here four four for 100 um before I nominate the person you’ve already said you’re not going to um Claxton is you know we’ve Ted dogged on valent junis for being like a throwback in kind of the bad ways at the center position um Nick Claxton doesn’t have the stretch but he has the you know the the shop loocking brim protection he’s super mobile um was in the conversation you know fringes of it for Defensive Player of the Year couple years ago down year last season as was the case for basically everybody in Brooklyn um I again sticker shock is is very much there when you see a ninef figure deal for for Nick Claxton coming off you know not having done a whole lot this past season for a bad team but this is just I think this is probably under the going rate and you know we’ve we’ve been wrong in the past about Jared Allen we apologize to him on every edition of our podcast for thinking he got overpaid this kind of feels like a chance for us to make amends and just embrace the fact that you know your your stretchy mobile uh centers that can go up and catch lobs and defend uh this is what it costs he’s you know inflation is what it is claxon’s getting an average of 25 uh Allen got 20 it just it feels it feels right to me and again we should probably bring this up with any contract sign that we think is good he’s tradable at that number right I think that’s that’s maybe like you know trying to insulate yourself from this being a bad take uh but I do think that you would have plenty of teams that look at Claxton at that at that pay rate that length the contract given his age and say like yeah that’s we will give up assets to to get that so a as an insurance policy thinking about it that way I think is helpful too right and there’s I think there’s more to his offense as well I think he probably needs a little bit more but we’ve seen some like driving stuff from him on the ball I don’t want that to be the Crux of his game but that so I definitely agree with you there I’m gonna put him here even though it’s uncomfortable number and I know you were going to just nominate we have to go with OG just by virtue of like when you’re thinking top moves you have to think of the most impactful contract signed right now and like we can’t include Paul George so is who’s the other signing that could be as impactful as this to their team other than OG at 5 years and 212.5 there’s maybe James Harden maybe Pascal se yakum but that’s kind of it that’s I mean if you want to throw kyp in Orlando which I have a feeling is gonna probably appear at the tippy top of this list but the money is it’s a lot for someone who is not Dynamic on the ball who has his health issues but when you look at the team that we just saw win the title what were they stockpiled with Grant just all these hyper versatile like either bigger guards or just Wing players OG anobi is one of the very few players in the league who can capably defend any position and like we might get to a point when you kind of look at let’s look at the Knicks roster and think about it the value this way the money’s the money we know it’ll be a lower percentage of the cap than it is right now the sticker shock is still there but he might either Force Tom Tibido especially if isaah hardstein leaves to play an anobi at the five because just look at all the smaller players on that team or we finally see Julius play more five and so and you know why that can work now because you have M Bridges and O noi and also I think you know what made this deal a little bit bigger of a win for the Knicks you made the Mel Bridges trade you went all in five first round picks and a pick swap plus b bonovich you needed to get o like he had all the leverage there to still get him for less than the max overall and at a number where if you want to you can still if you have to stay under the first apron you’re still like one salary dumper cut away from being able to offer hartenstein his his quote unquote early bird Max I think that was better business than not overall for the Knicks even again if the number is just you look at him what he does offensively and his availability it is a little spotty but I think just the defensive value he provides and knowing what you’re gonna need from him on offense anyway which worst case scenario he’s your fourth option like he might even just be your I mean the center probably be below him so your fourth option I I like the deal even if the number you probably would like it to be a little bit lower but five years at submax for one of the best most versatile defenders in basketball when you had no leverage you already you couldn’t replace him just with cap space you already gave up Emanuel quickly RJ Barrett to get him you gave up all those picks to get Mel Bridges I think that also needs to factor into why he’s appearing so high here I think too what distinguishes him from a lot of these other pick selections we have on here I guess SE yakum would fall into this bucket a little bit too but with anobi and the Knicks you have you have Pro of concept because when he was healthy on that team they were phenomenal right in the regular season they went an incredible run it felt like he couldn’t miss a three Jaylen Brunson was cooking like it just all worked right OG gave them exactly what they thought and then some and so then like you SE to some extent that’s true SE yakum too right like it’s just the Pacers saw what he added say what you want about their path through the playoffs but they Advanced way farther than I think anybody realistically expected seak had a huge hand in that so that’s and with OG it’s you know he ended up getting hurt in the playoffs but we saw enough to where it’s like okay this is a guy and a fit that we can justify what ultimately ended up being a sticker shocky kind of number because we know how good we are with him and to your point like you said we know that we don’t have the means to there’s not a like an 85% of OG anobi out there to sign that that like makes it okay to let him walk like that just that wasn’t going to be feasible at all for this next team so I think I need to before I make another pick we need to have really quick what’s we have lmbb I just want to respond because they’re not wrong lmb underscore 4ore OG getting 200 million is wild and I want I again the stick the number I’m sure that even got you grant but let’s frame it in percentages by the end of this deal it’s going to be about 23% of the salary cap that’s a that’s the equivalent of just paying Chris Middleton next season and like that’s to me if you’re going to view it in those terms I think that’s perfectly fine and given all he does I really do think that this deal I don’t know if we look back at it as a bargain but one relative to the field of what we have to choose from in general but two just in terms of the impact he could bring to a team that is you I you made this you laid it out perfectly how good the Knicks were with him before you had male Bridges and while Julius Randall was injured that’s like you can’t just throw that away well and like just think about we got the cap figures for this year and the estimates going forward 10% we’re going up 10% next year so then automatically you just price in the the value of ogan anobi at that number because it just gets better right because the like you’re saying the percentage of the cap just continues to decline because it’s gonna that his his deal doesn’t go up the cap will so unless you’re signing like scaled Maxes you know based on percentages of the cap it’s just it’s going to look better and better and like I admit yeah I I can totally I’m not going to like disagree with anyone that says over just the 200 million plus figure is it’s hard to like to process just because you know compare it to this LeBron James has the opportunity to sign a deal for like one three for 160 something and that would be the largest contract of his career now partly that’s because he’s not signing you know four and fiveyear Deals ever but that’s just indicative of like guys just make more money now that’s just we have to wrap our heads around it everyone we’ve talked to today is like we’re all kind of trying to get there together uh you know 40 million a year for OG is just what it costs if you want to have OG and an Obi that’s and believe me there were I mean plenty of other teams out there who knows what the Sixers would have done right maybe they get in there and mess it up maybe you know there’s always going to be a team that’s willing to go nuts there uh so before we we got two spots left are we allowed Dan do you think to include extensions because if we are then we have two guys that need to Fit Plus a certain play that signed for a lot less than that and then we we need to bump somebody out if we’re going to do extensions because we got two rookie scales that we need to acknowledge uh Ryan says yes you could include extensions so go ahead and and include them I’m assuming at the expense of yonas units yeah sorry yonas I never wanted you there anyway and sorry to everybody whoever’s got to reorder this board so I’m gonna throw well here’s the question you know the two rookie scale extensions I’m talking about maybe we should just hash this out of Scotty Barnes and Kade cunning which do you like which do you think should rank lower maybe that’s the way to go should rank lower it’s probably just Cades because he’s proven less I know as of now we don’t know whether he has the language that could make it a $270 million deal or whatever it is Scotty Barnes does but here’s the thing about when that happens if they make an all NBA team or win MVP you’re totally okay with paying them the extra money so I just I’ve told you this before Scotty Barnes was my most improved player pick before he didn’t meet the games criteria we saw more from him as a jump shooter better passer I thought Darko rakovic put him in better positions to succeed defensively by by defending more like-sized players um so I think he needs to R rank higher where would you put do you agree with one that and then where do you want to where do we stick these deals these max deals for Max extensions for like is Cade you know do you like his deal better than he’s probably nine or 10 right Kade is wait is K what nine or 10 for Cade I’m thinking R is he better go ahead sorry no I was gonna say it’s kind of apples and oranges to compare these rookie scale extensions to these other free agent deals right it’s just like a different although we got quick on there I guess Al he’s kind of different um why wouldn’t we just put Cade at what would be three if we take valent chunis out of 10 and then Barnes above him at two all right I’m fine with that we have look and I think uh the legend 3276 in in the chat K Cunningham is still an unknown uh quantity injuries plus he’s on um he’s on a lousy team and mediocre players uh can’t can look great on a lousy team I think I think it’s the opposite because you would look at hints and see oh he has no hope if he’s putting up these numbers and they’re just so inefficient he shot 43% on step back threes last year he got the turnovers under control by the end of the season when they did open the floor for him which was rare in certain lineups you saw what he could really do and I just you make the bet on someone who Andy had phrased it this way he’s just big and has incredible vision and can handle the ball so I don’t like yeah he’s an unknown to an extent but again you’re looking at the way his deal ages like this isn’t going to be even 20% of the salary cap by the end of it yeah right so I don’t know we can yeah there we go kad’s at three look at that that’s production in action uh so then would you like to just speak on number two since I kind of com commandeered both of the rookie scales guys a case for number one I mean I kind of feel like we we’ve we’ve we know who number one was gonna be before we started thinking about extensions I you know it’s up to you it’s your pick Dan I mean I’m open to to if you have pointed questions I can help guide you but I like our would be number one so much and I want to hear you talk about it so I’m going to stick with Scotty Barnes at number two I just think you can just get someone who is legitimately your tent pole Cornerstone for the future you now have him under contract that gives you your direction and again the clarity of having him with uh of having him with Emanuel quickley and now you know that’s kind of your core and you build it there are other players under contract arj Barrett yako purle the whole nine but you have those two guys and I think there’s just having that Clarity and just again he was in the most improved player discussion even if he wasn’t going to be your your pick before he got injured this year and and here’s a way we can sort of retroactively justify putting Barnes and Cunningham above the likes of anobi or even SE yakum who feels too now that I’m looking at it but that is a lot of money for a guy moving into his 30s with both Barnes and Cunningham you can say look this in a way that you don’t necessarily get with like your claxton’s your your Williams your Chris Paul’s certainly your quickley it’s like you’re establishing what the core of this team is gonna be you’re locking that in now look anybody can get traded but it’s like that is a valuable thing to have especially as a young team like say Detroit it’s like there’s no more there’s no more doubt it’s not like well for a minute there it’s like what if it’s going to be Ivy’s team or what you know who know like it’s not we’re just solidifying we’re we’re we’re laying out what the future sort of path is for this team so Kate Cunningham’s it Scotty Barnes is it how do we build around those guys what what signings do we need to make what trades we who do we draft to fit you know it just it’s an organizing force that you’re not really getting in the same way with anobi so I know we’re we’re reverse engineering it but I think at least to some extent that justifies having these guys up this High even though they’re nominated comment from STC 115 the number one move is the Sixers not bringing Tobias Harris back I found that funny but I would point out there’s still time for that to change yeah hey they just I look they’ve been messing around with guy unexpected players Eric Gordon Andre Drummond don’t don’t tempt them they might they might just have to do it if the money’s right is there’s no mystery for number one I feel like everyone we’ve spoken to and in addition to yourself and me have has loved this signing from the team and the play well I guess from the player perspective but mostly from the team perspective and just the value and what he brings to them it’s cavius calwell Pope in Orlando three years 66 million uh shame on the Nuggets you said it h you can’t find a little more money to keep a starter from a championship team that didn’t go for the max like he didn’t walk away for a hundred million do uh maybe we should leave the Nuggets alone because generally speaking we really like them no where where are the Nuggets fans at in the chat we need are you guys okay if you’re there justify this I guess are there nug fans that would say yeah shame on them uh but for Orlando just the piece they need it’s that it’s that simple right now they Orlando can’t be done here with this like because the more we’ve talked about it they do need an organizer a floor General an upgrade over Marquel folz you’re making a face what do you got Dan do we have breaking news it’s not breaking news but shout out to Jay lee7 in the chat do you like the kyp signing more knowing the magic own Denver’s pick next year so you just duel you stole their player and you increase the value of that’s only top five protected by the way that is an incredible comment incredible comment can we talk him for half hour my mind no that I mean that validates number one right you’re it’s it’s a double win for Orlando that’s just like kcp is going to shoot it he’s going to defend he’s not going to need the ball he’s going to help jayen Suggs form I don’t know we we we’re not doing backcourt defense rankings but we got to talk about Suggs and kcp uh at the top of that list if we are um just a great fit a veteran who’s ready to help a team that really wants to get to that next level and kcp has been there he’s done all the things that help teams get there so for you know what are we talking 22 million a year average annual value that’s like that’s that’s just it’s it’s a heist it’s it’s it’s a steal and Denver let it happen and that’s a bummer but good on you Orlando so let’s let’s wrap this up by going through our top 10 really quickly so we have top 10 moves so far we included extensions and emphasis on so far we have Pascal seum getting a four-year Max coming in at number 10 we have Malik monks fouryear $78 million deal coming in at number nine Emanuel cley’s fiveyear $175 million deal coming in at number eight number seven is Chris Paul assigning that oneyear 11 million contract with the San Antonio Spurs number six is Pat William Patrick Williams resigning with the bulls five years $90 million we both kind of like the gamble on the upside there Grant do you want to take us through the final five sure we got Nick Claxton at number five got four years and 100 million uh you know not not the greatest selling point but it is one that that’s a tradeable number and Claxton look it might just be a it may end up being like a buy low because he could have a great season be like a top five Defensive Player of the Year guy uh for a bad Brooklyn team that’s a tall order but not out of the question and not Superstar money oh GI anobi that five for 212 comes in at number four we talked about it just Nicks couldn’t let him go he’s too valuable he is exactly the type of piece you need to have if you want to mess around with Boston at all um and to team with male Bridges that’s that’s just a brutally good defensive pair of forwards there Kade Cunningham at three Scotty Barnes at two just a couple rookie Max extensions uh again the value there is just you’re setting your team up you’re you’re clarifying your direction that’s always important for young teams so good on the the Pistons and the Raptors there last and last and most definitely not least cavius Caldwell Pope number one three for 66 to Orlando everybody’s favorite deal of the first day of free agency yours mine everybody’s who wins more games next season the Nuggets or the magic I mean let’s not get ridiculous right it’s still it’s still isn’t it right well look we do have we do have I’ll deemphasize breaking but Mason plumbley has signed with the Phoenix Suns what do you make of that it’s gonna be they only have minimums to offer so it’s a minimum contract yeah no right we don’t ever have to ask uh what what the year well maybe the years but what the dollars were uh you know when you lose Drew Eubanks man you got to replace him with another uh Veteran Center that’s not that exciting right uh oh he got a plumly package I guarantee you he reverse dunks oh man no you know good passer once upon a time is going to go up and get lobs uh I I knew it D you see that reverse dunk so look he’s probably going to play right because you got used of nkit who we’ve talked about as a trade candidate if we’re trying to diversify in Phoenix a little bit uh and we’ spent plenty of time on you know nurk is injury history and sort of the issues he presents as a defender in space Plum’s not going to fix all those things but he is probably going to have a rotation role and that’s what Phoenix needs with with what little asset it has to spend on anybody is someone that can actually play a few minutes and I think plumy can probably do that uh can he play a few minutes defensively the answer is probably no though probably not yeah B good resigning Rim protecting bub Grant I think unless unless unless you have anything else um do you want to take us out of here maybe we’ll get as you’re doing the outro of breaking news of Paul George is going to you know Shanghai or something who knows well he’s got to you know apply some more leverage all that didn’t work I guess the leverage play didn’t didn’t didn’t work out for PG uh thanks everybody for watching for listening for uh for hanging out with us thanks to all our guests Eric pinkis Andy Bailey Mo tequil thanks for all that input hey day one for us of free agencies in the books Paul George still not moving but kcp in Orlando on the rise I think maybe that’s the takeaway thanks to you Dan thanks to everybody all the producers a lot of fun we’ll see you guys later a


  1. What are the best strategies to protect my portfolio? I've heard that a downturn will devastate the financial market, so I'm concerned about my $200k stock portfolio.

  2. You rather walk away because you felt disrespected but willing to take 12m. On top of that they’ll never have the love we have for you in the bay. You had support the whole time of your career and you willing to leave because you felt disrespected. Maybe you should go then Klay and me personally I genuinely wish you the best

  3. Wit the PG situation I think the best spots for him is Mavs and 76ers and I think the sleeper spots for him his Spurs and Heat or going bakk home to where it all started wit the Pacers

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