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SONIC Men’s Skateboard Park: Top 3 Runs | X Games Ventura 2024

Watch the top 3 runs of SONIC Men’s Skateboard Park from X Games Ventura 2024!

How medal event is judged:
1 heat of 8 athletes participating in 3 :45 second runs each. Best run counts, scored 1 – 100. Judges will rank competitors throughout the contest.

#XGames #XGamesVentura #Skateboarding #XGamesVentura2024

Pedro Barros
Keegan Palmer
Alex Sorgente


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order to drop in fresh off a silver medal in this event last summer and a gold that he earned in Japan last year as well Keegan Palmer let’s get straight into it now Keegan front side 50/50 right around the corner this love seat is long right there that Smith grind it looks easy he’s going fast that’s a great distance oh ind5 I mean that’s that’s a glorified mini ram if you ask me oh Al Indie Landing low but doesn’t care still picking up speed again backside lip slide Gathering some speed here what’s he got on the Sonic nice 5050 hucking it back in it’s a solid run so far oh nice in 180 little deck check but that’s okay that’s solid first run perfectly timed proper run one for Keegan I mean that’s that’s the type of run that you want to get underneath your bell going to say first run and watch where he takes it from now in two and three he’s got a lot more a lot more tricks in up his sleeve it’s interesting just showed that Indie five on the smaller quarter pip and then the Indie alyo and it he’s in the same exact position he can eye like he’s eyeing his Landing the same way but totally different tricks and 81 1.33 Keegan Palmer taking over first place definitely setting the standard [Music] there so we move now sword just did a gnarly run like he does his crook on the ledge in the bark that’s so gnarly and they scored him right and he deserves it dude that’s now we got to bring it bring it on to the next runs two more runs more to come exactly we got Pedro coming in next here this crazy so Pedro baros owner of nine X gamees medals six of them gold he was our top ranked qualifier Keegan talking about Pedro there he spent a lot of time in foropoulos Brazil skating under Pedro and kind of growing up that’s where you see that power come from Keegan too he’s growing a lot and he gets a lot of inspiration from Pedro what you’ll see from Pedro here that you don’t see for anyone else is that he actually slows down he has to Cal him sometimes he has to tone it down a little bit otherwise he’s going to fly off the course let’s he got look at the speed that’s a lot see he’s flying off the course Manuel straight up to the this is what he does did he not he aired in yeah he didn’t he didn’t clear the whole thing are you kidding actually in X Games mode are the people not happy stand up people unbelievable this is what he lives for Pedro baros just lit a match on the course and skated away wow heavy special meter was full take another look straight that was I mean right out the gate Smith grind right there he has the whole Brazilian contingency with him too it looked like Ito Ferrero was back there that that was amazing yes co-signed Decap wave the manual it in it is I wonder if that was planned I feel like he’s he hadn’t tried it during prelims how dare he right there too I mean I I don’t think he meant to grind I think he wanted to stall and it turned into a front side 50/50 and it’s like let’s go with it it looks like somebody got a brave HW are you not entertaining it was GL whatever 90 for Pedro a massive score putting him up into the gold medal spot wow one run officially in the books here on the Sonic Park course more from X Games Ventura run here in park but everyone’s killing it so you sked PG yesterday then you took out the gold in the vert I can barely stand up for that long let skate for that long how the legs how is that buddy feeling uh it feels all right I got some good sleep last night and uh yeah everyone’s firing it up so I’m kind of getting some energy B shout out to the fake happy birthday last night too yeah thank you I’ll take it Tom shower every one more to come so Alex serente just did a tail stall on the roof Cay in 180 just to mix things up love that front side blunt to front there a tail over the hip come on sword just clinical on this Sonic course wow Wall-E out front side blunt this is going to wind it down he’s going to oh nice Tails side reever that’s going to be a better score than last time every trick was just a little bit higher [Applause] difficulty that could put him in third in the in the BMX coming up is that is Ryan is Ryan Williams going to be in that yes Co that that


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