Golf Players

The Preserve RECAP (2024) & MPO Mid-Season MVP | Players Meeting Ep 16

Welcome in to the Players Meeting, episode #16. The fellas take a look back at the exciting weekend that was at the Preserve including all the main storylines and some history being made on the women’s side. The boys are going to weigh in on who they think is the mid-season Player of the Year on the men’s side, plus a look back at picks from the Preserve. Survivor League 3.0 started this last week so stay tuned for the results.

0:00 Intro
2:43 What’s Poppin’
57:47 Mid-Season Player of the Year
1:11:12 Weekly PickSSS
1:17:23 Survivor League 3.0
1:24:23 19th Hole

we have to talk about those baskets because the way Robinson putts he’s such a good putter his pace is perfect he doesn’t have that same fire it in there like Ganon I want to know your thoughts Ronnie first on what you thought of these Prodigy baskets well they didn’t show themselves in a very good light over this weekend um I think I saw I mean look nobody likes to give veterans a harder time than I do um but these things made veterans look like vacuums uh this this weekend these ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome in to Episode number 16 of the players meeting a wind dummies production tonight’s show is not just going to be a good one it’s going to be a great one I’m your host Lucas deal and tonight we’re going to dive in to a pretty darn good weekend of disc golf at The Preserve we have quite a bit of story lines to cover and even some history being made on the women’s side the boys are going to weigh in on who they think is the player of the year thus far on the men’s side make sure you tune in next next week when we will unveil who they think is the player of the year on the women’s side as always we’re going to take a look at our picks from The Preserve and Survivor League 3.0 has just begun cannot wait to update you on that if you didn’t know you can search the words wind dummies anywhere you get your podcasts Spotify Apple podcast iHeart Radio Etc if you want to see this absolutely beautiful face you can of course tune in to our YouTube and watch us with the video but please make sure you subscribe all right enough of me yapping let’s bring in the real stars of the show the one time World Champ Chris Smith AKA Smitty and the stepup master Mr Ronnie unre good evening fellas how you guys doing what’s going on I’m good I’m just ready to get into this action you know I just want to talk about this tournament it was a good tournament yeah D it was exciting C to the last pole yeah so let let us just start where we always start what’s popping what’s been happening around the world of disc golf all right so this weekend we had The Preserve and on the ladyes side Missy Ganon was on the very first group out and she lit the course up from the start shooting a bogey free 1037 rated 10 under Holland Hanley rode the momentum of her first real win and shot an eight down and that was 1022 rated own Scoggin who found a way to squeeze in a whole world title on her way from Oregon also kept a clean scorecard and snagged a spot on the lead card with a six down and look at that Maria Oliva decided to bring her bag to Minnesota and she tied own at six under and rounds out the lead card going into round two so these ladies truly shot phenomenally they win a combined 55 of 62 from Circle one that’s 89% Maria carded the only two bogeys of the four of these ladies when she threw out of bounds on both 14 and 18 so awesome performance from all of them but I have a question we got to see on that lead card or the feature card I should say a Katrina Allen sighting a very pregnant Katrina Allen sighting and it was crazy to see her out there I mean she was looking like that baby could could pop out at any moment Smitty what did you think of her shaking things up while being that pregnant man I can’t even imagine doing that I uh I can hardly play after eating a cheeseburger from McDonald’s I couldn’t imagine having a a baby you know what she’s eight months pregnant so she’s getting really really really close yeah she played well she beat some people she uh spoiler alert she beat Paige Pierce by a stroke so yeah dude I don’t I don’t know how she did I mean she should be glad she wasn’t in Kansas where it was 127 million degrees outside yeah so yeah that’s crazy yeah I uh I saw where she said uh she’s she’s maybe planning on going to Minnesota Majestic Mo after no ma she’s talking about playing The Majestic between now and when the baby happens oh wow yeah which is probably next weekend right that’s wild that’s wild yeah super crazy on the men’s side the entire men’s field put on a show shooting thousand rated disc golf found you in a tie for 72nd Place so if you shot th000 year in 72nd leading all of the men was a trio of 1079 rated rounds these were 14 under the way they reached the top was a little different Callaway kept it clean off the te avoiding OB and hitting 18 of 18 Fairways he was great on and around the green also making 12 of 13 c1x and two of three Circle two including a 67f footer on whole 12 Callaway also carded an eagle on the 942 ft 18th now ralin played this a little bit different cuz he sprayed it off the tea finding OB twice but relied on the strength of a hot putter going perfect in c1x on 14 attempts Kyle kleene K2 as we like to call him here at the wind Dy only had nine putts from c1x making two of them but K2 used C2 putting to find himself at the top he was able to go three of five with a long bomb from 55 ft to grab a share of the lead and making the lead card at the bottom there was Isaac Robinson who put 14 drives in C1 in regulation and converted all of those attempts Isaac did suffer an OB stroke on 13 that kept him from sharing the lead after round one but they were shredding what I want to talk about though is who was not shredding finding himself all the way back in 92nd place with a 971 rated one over round was MC Beast Paul McBeth all the way back there Ronnie tell me your thoughts about mcbeast falling all the way back there as he is your world’s goto guy uh you know he didn’t take advantage of the of the conditions they had for that opening round I mean those good the majority of the field just went out there and shredded um as you can see on the scorecard Paul just I mean too many but what you can’t do do at uh at The Preserve is is make Bogies there there’s really not very many holes on that course where bogie is not just gonna drop you like a rock down the leaderboard and you can see Paul had five or six of them um so yeah I mean pretty easy to see see see what happened with I don’t know what’s going on with that dude man but I hope he gets it figured out I we we saw glimpses of of good Disc Golf out of in the last few weeks but even his second round where he shot nine down he only had three pars because he either birdied or bogey everything so I don’t know if he’s just playing Super aggressive or what he’s got going on but man hope he can get it figured out there’s definitely been a lot of that most of that’s happened in final rounds where he’s really try and just a little too much want um has kind of cost him at at some of these recent events but um yeah just some uncharacteristically uneven play uh from from Paul just too far too many Bogies um but you can see it like you said you see it in glimpses you see it in in 10 12 14 whole stretches and then all of a sudden some something weird happens you’re just having a real hard time getting it from T1 to basket 18 without without having something silly Habit to it just can’t put a round together for some reason yeah and I also want to mention KJ USA brand new sponsor Ina now he started playing really really well really he did he hasn’t played much better than this all Year Ronnie tell me what you think about KJ now with Ina and should we see a different KJ well let’s just look at the folks who have uh I mean I’m not here to disparage anyone Rand or another right but let’s just look at the folks who have moved away from Prodigy um it’s been a pretty good move for their careers if if if we’re if we’re uh looking at it without any bias I mean Canon Burr was obviously a great player as a prodigy player as well but now he’s you know in my opinion clearly the best player in our sport um day in and day out and Gavin Babcock’s having a great season you know if you you just look it up and down the lineup I mean there’s there’s folks that are really but then then again you look at the Robinson boys the Robinson boys are at Prodigy and their in their two of the best players on the planet so um personally I think this is a good move for Kevin um and and like I’ve said before I think I think disc golf is better when Kevin Jones is good and and I hope that he’s gonna Trend back upward to be one of the top players in the game yeah I’m just wondering if maybe it wasn’t uh maybe Kevin Jones wasn’t spent as much time in the practice field as he should have been previously now he’s got this whole new bag of tricks so he’s got to figure out what they do so he maybe to playing a little bit more than he was I don’t know I mean that’s just my speculation I have no Insight Kevin Jones and I aren’t Facebook buddies or anything so well let us look at round number two with the ladies we saw the ladies racing to the Finish because there was threat of lightning delays that could halt around lucky for all competitors the storm dodged the course and play continued throughout the day no delays Hanley started out hot catching and passing Missy on the front half of the course Missy gathered herself at the turn grabbing Birds on 10 11 and 12 before paing to the house to end the day two ahead of Holland Hanley neither lady was great around the basket in round two Missy went 6 for n for 67% while Hanley went nine of 12 for 75% like a lucky laurenson however didn’t see a putt that she did not like she hit 15 of 15 from Circle one to race up the leader board and find herself three back of the leaders going into Championship Sunday on the strength of the only 1,00 rated round in the field so good shooting by her also on that lead card own she had a very tough round carting a double bogey with the help of an OB stroke on 10 and some very uncharacteristic putting as she only was 10 of 14 71% from Circle one so I don’t know if people were r because of the storms or or what have you but that’s how round two played out now I do have a question though Smitty this is for you I don’t know if you tuned in to that DG and pro and the walk with the players and how the camera was on them and the mic was on them more as they walked what did you think about that yeah I don’t know if that’s a new thing or if I just haven’t watched it on Pro or what but yeah I didn’t I don’t know if I cared for it I’d rather them if they can shoot over to another card and show me some action I feel like there was a couple of times where something could be said that could get him in trouble could ruffle some feathers hurt some feelings [Music] um Holland actually did drop a couple of the bombs so I don’t know man I mean they’re people right just like us we’re going to talk like that on the course probably but theirs is being broadcasted out maybe they got to realize that and and go with it maybe that’s just part of sports but yeah and I don’t care what they ate who likes sauce on their steak that was one of the things I heard there talking about steak sauce and I don’t care one bit I just want to watch some disco all right that’s fair Ronnie any anything to add on that did you get a chance to see it I I didn’t get a chance to see it actually but I I’ve seen it happen in multiple other sports I mean there’s a novel for the first couple of minutes of it you know maybe a little peek behind the curtain but those conversations like like Smitty’s just talking about usually devolve into something that honestly you really don’t care much about and I would probably rather I’m like Smitty I’d probably rather be watching um somebody putt on the on the group in front or whoever is hot on the golf course rather than uh rather than listen to uh listen to them talk about whether they like Hind 57 or or or or A1 on their steak you know so that’s I’m kind of with Smitty on that one yeah now that they have that uh feature hole you know generally there’s going to be somebody on there to be putting or driving or something so they you know maybe eventually they’ll get a little more uh um better at cutting to the action but yeah I don’t want to see him I don’t want to see him uh talk Lucas let’s hear about the dudes let’s move in to the dudes here we go so the men I will tell you they absolutely shredded The Preserve seven dudes going 10 down or more the hottest of all was Mr Matty o throwing for first downs early on his way to an outstanding 12 down 1073 rated that vaulted him up the leaderboard when the dust settled we found K2 at the top after shooting an 11 down down 1067 rated Round And as Kyle often does you know it’s nothing flashy just solid disc golf a single Bogey and his longest made putt of only 25 fet Kyle would love to shoot another boring 11 down on Sunday Isaac Robinson showed True Grit he threw the disc amazingly finding himself in circle one in regulation 14 of 18 holes and C2 in regulation on all but three holes Robinson went 11 of 13 from in inside the circle with the only two misses a couple of the worst spits of the Year both putts had perfect pace and were dead in the heart we’ll get into that in just a second old Raptor legs Ricky Waki and the Iceman Ganon Burr will round out the leaderboard on Sunday setting up what is going to be another exciting finish to a dgpt event Rick showed once again why he is considered to be one of the best scramblers of all time as he went 100% in two attempts he ALS o was a crazy six of six from c1x as bullseyes don’t contribute to C1 putting stats Ganon also had a low number of c1x opportunities going seven of seven biggest difference is Burr wasn’t parking them he was just banging them from downtown as he was able to go five of 10 from C2 his longest from 59 and all the others were from 39 we have to talk about those baskets because the way Robinson putts he’s such a good putter his pace is perfect he doesn’t have that same fire it in there like Ganon I want to know your thoughts Ronnie first on what you thought of these Prodigy baskets well they didn’t show themselves in a very good light over this weekend um I think I saw I mean look nobody likes to give veterans a harder time than I do um but these things made veterans look like vacuums uh the this weekend these these things were uh were terrible um you’re you’re right you were talking about Isaac Isaac in my opinion you know might be the best pure putter in the world um between just the the lines he takes and the speed he puts them in with that guy shouldn’t be spitting anything and he had two of the dirtiest ones I’ve seen all season on putts that had no business coming back at him and and he wasn’t the only one we saw it multiple times uh on feature card cut this weekend and those things I tell you what I hope they don’t put those in at my home course I’ve never played on them I don’t know what they’re really like I don’t know maybe I mean this is one week where Ganon didn’t have a lot of spits anything that he missed was outside of the pole so maybe these ones are more accepting of uh fired putts but come on man those I if I could putt every putt like those two that spit for Isaac Robinson I would be one happy disc golfer those things were perfect perfect and yeah it’s a I don’t I don’t know if you saw the joez short where uh Julie and a big germ were talking but I guess Julie didn’t know what was going on on whole four and iaac had a terrible spit there last year I mean it was a bad one it just slow motion just like this one and you’s like I wonder if this dude is like having PTSD from last year and he puted and of course JZ is uh filming them doing the commentary and that thing spit through and Julie about fell out of his chair crawled up on big germ those dudes were just busting the gut man it was hilarious but yeah that was a those things are bad have you played on him before Ronnie I’ve never played on him man I gota be honest I’m not to do so yeah Lucas have you messed with him no I’ve never seen him either so let’s keep him keep him there and nowhere else keep them in the South baby and in Minnesota yeah I didn’t love it but I do want to ask about a a few other things that happened second round we have to talk about Mio’s performance because uh hot round 12 down he got into sixth place after that round and just outside he’s gonna be on Chase Card going into final round Sunday Smitty what do you think of mat ‘s performance there first down that dude is so awesome such a unique individual such a unique Game Fan Favorite just hilarious and once again man if you haven’t watched JZ watch JZ uh round three because with mattio on the Chase card all of the uh you know how they this year they’re they’re featuring other players every hole You you get to see mattio third round even though he’s not on the lead card and my God I was busting the gut at Julie and and big germ again just because they could not hold a straight face man they were dying it was a it was the best thing I have seen in a long time it was so fun to watch but yeah I love that dude second round was great great great great I didn’t see I mean we didn’t see much of it little bit on the on the coverage but I think he was he didn’t shoot great the first round so I think he was out pretty dang early when we did our uh our our super golfer or whatever it was a couple episodes ago I mean mattio was my uh he was my pick for the swag I mean that dude is just he’s he’s he’s the only mattio in in a in a sport where so many of them you know even and we’ve even made fun of this how many of them look the same act the same play the same saying um you see mattio play and you you can be three Fairways over and and know who you’re watching right and and the energy and the and the Charisma and and the uniqueness that he brings to the sport man makes him like he’s the people’s champ man who doesn’t love Mato yeah Uli had an awesome comment about him he said could you imagine if you walked out to your your local league for the first time ever and you flipped up and got mtio and see this dude doing all these Antics after every throw and you’re like what the heck is going on here man sunglass is flying off the face yeah not anymore dude he’s got a strap I don’t think he did did he have the strap this week because I saw him oh yeah well they’re gonna come down to here yeah they don’t go all the way off anymore still he got that catch TR that love I love that dude Ronnie let’s talk about Ben Callaway I have multiple reasons to talk to you about Ben Callaway but after the first round he’s in the lead he shoots even round two and kind of just takes himself out of it what did you think about his play on a feature card this weekend yeah it was certainly disappointing and and and hard and hard to see man because it kind of started going sideways on him and he and he just couldn’t figure out a way to turn it around and unfortunately you know Ben’s one of those guys that I really pull for uh because he’s been out there doing it for so long and uh he’s never quite got that uh got that horse to the Finish Line uh you know then the Heartbreak that happened to Jonesboro this year for him and you know I I just fear now that the pressure is really since that jonesb I think the pressure is Moun on him and you could you could sense it on on that second round when he he popped off for that crazy one uh on opening Friday and then just didn’t have it you know just didn’t have it on Saturday you just wonder if if he’s if he’s trying you know he’s got a little too much try a little too much want and and it’s starting to holding back yeah I think we’ve all played enough disc golf to know that when things are going well like they were for Ben Calloway the first round things are going to go well you’re gonna throw bad shots and they’re going to stay safe you’re gonna have puts that shouldn’t stick that do you’re just going to get all the breaks and then we’ve had the opposite round the same one that he had on uh Saturday that you’re just a little bit off and you get punished and it’s it’s real easy on that first round to ignore those things that are going good and not accept them just be like oh yeah yeah but when it’s going the other way and things are going bad and then it just starts snowballing and then you lose confidence and you could see that dude that dude was shook and broken towards the end of that second round for sure yeah which is too bad because I’m like you Ronnie I want to see him do well and just because he’s been at for so dang long and yeah he’s an Oldtimer Ben at it I see what you did not on purpose but I’ll take it yeah that’s a that’s a good call out it’s it’s it’s it’s good when it’s going good man but uh when it’s turn sideways on you just you know all of the little stuff that happens to you you you magnify it in your own mind and you start becoming your own enemy and yeah I agree with you dude those last five holes there was no place in the world that dude would have rather been anywhere in the world than than than on that Golf Course those last five holes it just he looked like someone that that that had lost their puppy dude that dude would he looked down as down as I’ve ever seen a guy on a league card all right well let’s let’s talk about final round women’s side once again Hanley was hot on the front nine taking a one-stroke lead at the turn and looking like she was in control coming down the stretch she found trouble on 14 then again on 15 Missy gave her a chance to possibly snag two on 17 but yet another errant Drive sealed the deal and allowed Ganon to cruise to an easy Victory I do want to mention Rebecca Cox she had the hot round final round and moved up three places to grab herself a Podium finish so there’s a couple things on the lady’s side that I want to talk about here fellas the first one being Holland Handley all right we talked last week about how clutched she was she made those incredible incredible putts and we talked about Hey would this win help Domino into the next event and from everything I saw it looks like Holland threw this one away in the back nine Smitty tell me if I’m wrong no you nailed it I mean it’s the same thing we just talked about with Ben it was a it was going south and it was snowballing on her and I really thought I thought we were gonna lose her dude I thought she was gonna sit down and cry she looked very vulnerable and yeah I mean you’re there’s no other way to explain it but she blew it um even on uh 17 when and Missy was going to for sure take a four and Holland could have snagged Two Strokes she let it go early and was in a bad spot and then she left her putt at the edge of circle and at this point she knew it was over so she didn’t really care and she drained that sucker but very I mean dude it was it was not fun to watch it was it wasn’t pretty it was a it’s kind of like watching Survivor to see who could make it to the end without dying honest I don’t think it was pretty on either side I think Missy had I mean just to go OB left on whole 17 what the heck happened more than more than what we know yeah Ronnie what did you think of the play coming down the stretch by both of the ladies man and and kind of allude to it you know we we thought that that Holland had kind of turned this corner a little bit and and maybe she still has who knows right I guess we can’t let a small sample size like this weekend kind of detourist but you know she was anything but clutch coming down the stretch and uh and both the second and third round like the front for the front nine she looked like she was a world beater like she she might just run away and hide both times and both times she came back to Missy and let Missy pass her and then you know just some some real not good mistakes coming down the stretch so while Missy didn’t do a ton to go win it either um late I think we found that you know even on a course like that where there’s a lot of birdies to be had and we’ll talk about it again here at the mens you can birdie everything on that back nine but there’s some there’s some stuff to trip you out too so yeah Holland was another one kind of like bid you know those last few holes she she she looked like she could just run away and and and cry somewhere so that was kind of hard to watch I think that when uh European ladies come back over these chicks don’t I don’t know if they have a chance man so I tell you what I’m kind of ready for it to be honest with you man um give me give me a little Kristen and hen and neina and and maybe we can see some some some better golf you know and obviously Silva Arin what she’s doing uh over there on the European tour right now um this kind of golf ain’t gonna beat her I don’t think so um yeah I’m ready to see the European I’m ready to see the tours uh join up again yeah for sure I want to talk about Paige Pierce this week we all jumped on that bandwagon like oh yeah Paige is back and you know she didn’t finish too hot she finished in 21st place she still made cash she did become the first woman to surpass four 100,000 career earnings so kudos to her for that but you know she didn’t want to do it on a 21st Place finish after you know just winning is Paige back was that a fluke what’s going on well apparently she’s not all the way back uh I can’t say it’s a fluke she’s a she’s a tremendous talent and the greatest female player I’ve ever seen to this point I mean Kristen’s knocking on that door for sure so I’m not going to call it a fluke um but Dad G it man we were all rooting for excited to see her we’re ready to see her just dominate I don’t know what happened we didn’t see any of it she was on lead card the first round but I don’t know man I think we just have to realize that whether it’s the women’s side or the men’s side say for what Ganon Burr is doing right now which he’s a freak talent I think we could all you know say that there’s not going to be any Paul MC Beth or Kim clo type runs going that’s not gonna happen anymore so I I think Paige is back but I think she’s also someone who it didn’t go great for uh early on in the week and she you know she was a professional she finished she finished the week she made sure she got the money but I mean even even for as much we’re talking about Holland and and and Missy maybe not looking great going down the stretch I me there were still 20 under par I mean they still played you know they they still killed it for the week and you can’t do that anymore on you can’t Paige isn’t going to fake her way to winning anymore she’s not going to be able to have off weeks and even compete anymore and but I think that goes for everybody out there I think the days of of having a player really dominate the tour are going to be you know a thing of the past you know with the exception of some of these briak generation generational type talents like like a again and Burr or something like that th% well let’s jump into the man’s side and talk a little bit about that final round which was a darn good one these dudes gave us exactly what we hoped for Rick K2 Ganon Isaac Robinson all trading blows starting on hole one and now while the lead card battle was going on Mato was on a heater himself on The Chase car stringing together eight birds in a row whole 13 was a pivotal point in the round Ganon and Robinson both carded fives this put Isaac in a tough spot and all but ended ganon’s chances to win but then Isaac kicked it in the high gear he birdied 14 through 16 to find himself right back in the mix the show on the green was Sensational Rick was 100% in circle one and also made putts of 67 57 50 feet dude was incredible Matty o also had an incredible putting performance going 100% in circle one on eight attempts making four of six from C2 was an awesome battle and honestly on 18 Kyle had to throw in a shot to potentially make Ricky have to make his Putt and he almost put that sucker in for what would that have been a uh Albatross Albatross yeah so just a a really super duper fun round we have to talk about Ricky let’s talk Ricky what is it about Ricky that gets it done in those clutch moments is is it his experience is it that he’s just a clutch player and it’s ingrained in him to rise to those occasions or is it something else Ronnie what do you think tell me about Rick I think the short answer is yes to everything you just said all of the above I mean like like I’ve said before I think he’s the in my opinion he’s the third greatest player in the history of our sport behind the two you know the two that that far outweigh everyone else um Ricky is a he’s one of those generational talents and he’s he’s a dog man don’t give him a sniff because he kind of got buried a little bit and we had some some people on our on our show started talking about people are out of it and and and this person’s done and that person’s done man that’s one dude you better absolutely nail in the coffin bury him in six feet of dirt and and and start laying s over the top because if you don’t he’s gonna do what he did man he he he caught a little he caught a little whiff and the shark was the shark was ready to to to to get him and that’s what he did man he’s and the energy and I think a lot of what you’re talking about is just the energy that he brings he gets the whole crowd behind him and and it makes it P pulls him right along man he’s he’s unbelievable I love watching Ricky fight yeah now Smitty before you go into your next your thoughts on this I do want to just bring in another side of this do you think that these courses where they have these like viewing places like they do at The Preserve and Rick hits a big shot on that do you think that just energizes Rick even more to do what he does oh dude Rick says it in every press conference it’s always momentum momentum momentum that dude is the master at creating his own momentum you know he he’s kind of like tager Woods in a way that when he makes one he is not afraid to let everybody around know yeah and he man he had a couple of fist pumps that if I’d been on that card I probably would have put my tail between my legs and ran off dude I mean that guy that guy was he was incredible and he has won an NT Pro Tour dis Golf Pro Tour event whatever the whatever the biggest tour is 14 years in a row he has won an event at one of those for 14 years think about that wild that wild that is that is a long time he was tied with Paul going in Paul’s done it 13 years in a row so Rick’s the current leader but man that’s a long time to be be that dominant that awesome but you know he’s different than mtio they’re both and Simon those three are probably three of the the biggest fan favorites just because of what they do I mean they’re phenomenal disc offers but what they do outside of the shop making is awesome too you know everybody loves Simon because he just seems like he’s just one of us he’s just out there goofing around having fun everybody uh loves mtio because he’s hilarious the things that he does have nothing to do with this golf but God dang it they are funny absolutely funny and then Rick is just intensity boy and yeah it’s so much fun to watch so much fun and yeah I can’t here we’re gonna his name’s gonna come up here in a little bit I’m pretty sure yep it could it could he’s got a lot of that Tiger Woods effect right just people people come out to watch him and he utilizes his skills to get them going and then the momentum that they give to him it just pushes him even further yeah he’s he’s unbelievable he’s uh you know we get on Doss because every once in a while dos will say something about he needs to like tone it back tone it down a little bit or something like that nuh give me more yeah give me more I want to see it and and and Rick plays better when Rick is that guy yeah and kind of like Smitty said if he’s not doing that I mean he does he does get that motivation to himself like he does that stuff to get him himself going it’s just like a jump start like a you know a cardiac arrest you’re shocking him up to life so I love that stuff too I think I think it’s really fun for the game dos just needs to settle down let’s talk about someone Smitty that you just mentioned I’m gonna give you this question Smitty but mtio was 21st after the first round round he clawed back the next two days and shot hot rounds to get into a Podium finish which is AB absolutely disgusting but correct me if I’m wrong but does this seem like that kind of is the Mato formula he’s always close to winning but he doesn’t win I looked back over the last five years minus a silver Series win at Stratford open he hasn’t won on the disc golf pro tour is that just the difference in the gear between the two he he won Maple Hill last year yeah he W play was that the DGP playoffs yeah it must have been it was it was late in the year yeah he won won so that was the DGP playoffs I did see that but I didn’t think it was a real thing damn it okay well that just ruins everything but no it doesn’t ruin anything that dude is that dude’s a dog man but he uh yeah he’s known to dig himself a little hole and then he just fight back out of it and you know he was he’s one slip on a teapad away from possibly winning this thing he uh he slipped coming off on the par five and hit the tree and still saved a par which he had no business saving that Seer but yeah and you know Ronnie says it all the time winnings hard and mattio kind of plays an abbreviated tour he’s not playing all these stops and agree you know law of averages would say that the more you play the the better your chance at finally putting it all together one event getting the win is gonna go up if you play more events Ronnie what do you think about mattio yeah I think that that has something to do with it right he doesn’t play you know the full schedule every year so you know his his opportunities to win are are are limited to begin with and it’s hard to win on the disc golf pro tour I mean winning winning in the field with the fields that they have now is you know excruciatingly hard and look at you talk about looking at back at the last five years Lucas I mean there’s been a lot of pretty unbelievable players over the last five years and that talent pool only gets larger and it only gets even even more difficult to win I mean you look look at how well Rick’s played to this point in the season and this was the first time Ricky had won all year you know Ricky hadn’t won since this time almost last year uh and you’re talking about a guy that’s a top five a staple in the top five and and hadn’t got across the finish line so there’s only so many events every year to have winners and and it’s uh but to like you said I mean there is times when you feel like Matty had an event won and for some reason he doesn’t win it whether it’s you know a little bit of shooting himself in the foot or or maybe he done too too big of a hole going in you know going into the final round or something like that but he’s one of them guys in my opinion it’s only a matter of time he’ll get he’ll get another Pro Tour win and who knows it may even happen next week all right that’s fair but on the women’s side I want to shout out a few performances this week I could talk about Maria Oliva and her fourth place finish tying her best for the season but I want to talk about Kona Montgomery making her first top 10 since August of 2022 she’s averaging 35th place in tournaments this year she started very very slow to say the least I know she had some surgery in the offseason do you think the women’s side is better when con is playing Ronnie I think this is also a perfect golf course for her to be able to compete on she’s anite Elite thrower and kale designed this golf course with minimal out of bounds in play uh so you know she’s been known to take the big number uh that’s kind of one of hero and uh you know that’s really not out there for the most part on this golf course which kind of allows her to to free up and play a little bit more Wide Open Wide Open golf so if she can do that just make a few putts she’s she’s she’s gonna figure out a way to have a good finish in an event like this um I’m glad she did well she uh she’s been through some crap dude she has you know battling thyroid cancer and whatever else and the fact that she’s been so terrible after signing this big contract has to weigh pretty hard on her and pretty heavy you know uh I can’t imagine the things that get posted on all of our social medias and that’s that’s a big thing to her social media I mean she’s that that’s it that’s her life that’s that’s pretty much what signed her this big contract I would say that two two good shots but the the three of us know people are well they’re dicks and I’m sure that she gets puts up with a lot of crap that what is she 22 23 24 maybe she’s just she’s just a kid that any any nobody wants to deal with let alone a kid that that’s their life they’ve been in front of everything and yeah so yeah kudos to her for finally doing it right and I think Ronnie nailed it the the golf course suited her well she could throw it far and then live with the results and it’s it wasn’t really a Putter’s course probably for the ladies as much as it was for the men who doesn’t a comeback story right and I think we’re all rooting for I mean that’s the one good thing about this sport there’s very few uh there’s very few people to root against and there’s and there’s not very much of it like like there is in team sports individual sports kind of don’t really lend themselves to that as much yeah and especially when we have a situation like this where you have someone who’s battled what she’s went through you’re you’re just you’re hoping for the best for it and it’d be great to see her get back to to to what got her that big contract y I agree yeah I’m I’m super happy she played well speaking of playing well one other performance I want to talk about is Rebecca Cox she averaged 25th place last year and she’s average in E this year that’s such a drastic turnaround I know she’s gone through several form changes and what have you but what do you think of Rebecca Cox’s performance thus far this year and the way she’s kind of turned things around Smitty she’s a good thrower of the disc she’s kind of the same mold as Kona this uh this last round here at The Preserve she was making some putts that were incredible she ran one on the one death putt coming down the stretch that she probably I felt like she should have laid up because it was going to turn into a couple bonus strokes but she nailed it once again I don’t think any of it’s going to matter once the Euros come back so it’s going to be the euros and probably Missy on their t and probably Holland trying to mix it up with them but she’s great throwing the disc she’s really good off the tea y yeah her putt is very very hard and not always consistent though so I I know how that goes Ronnie what are your thought yeah I mean it’s a it’s a fantastic Improvement I mean that’s a that’s a drastic improvement from uh from one year to the next why is it who knows um I know she has she has gone through a a lot of uh within her within her form and that kind of thing um but ultimately here’s the thing I don’t think Rebecca Cox can win on the discol pro tour I I I just don’t think she’s quite gifted enough uh on the putting green to get it done and I don’t think she’s as gifted as someone like uh hna from the te where one of these days hna’s going to throw it so well H’s going to blow the field away because she pared 12 baskets a day yeah I don’t I don’t know that Rebecca Cox is that great of a thrower to to overcome something like that I I think the putting holds her back but but I tell you what man uh a 17 spot Improvement on your average finish that’s that’s remarkable I mean that’s going from being a cash line fighter on for the for the women to to make him some real money yeah yeah but those are those are really good points and to be fair she did get place but Missy was six Strokes ahead of her so I think to your point you you made a really valid point there all right well let’s talk last thing on the men’s side is let’s talk MC Beast so a couple different stats I want to talk about with MC Beast he’s someone we’re always rooting for because he is dis golf to all of us but this is his fourth missed cash this year that is more total events missing cash not counting dnfs than the last 13 years combined that’s crazy Ronnie here I don’t know which is a which is a Wilder stat yeah that he’s only missed the cash four times in the last 13 years or that he’s missed the cash four times this year um I I mean I here’s the thing do we think if Paul was only playing to make The Cash Line that he would have a problem doing so I just don’t feel like that’s at this point in his career that’s what Paul’s looking to do right if he put if he finds himself in a place where maybe he’s battling for the Cash Land or something like that he’s just G to be going 100 miles an hour at everything you know trying trying to work himself back up the leaderboard or whatever I just I don’t know I just don’t know that it’s all that important to me I think it was uh he had Mis catched twice in those 13 years I think I saw the same thing somewhere stat Mando or something and then for this year incredible regardless regardless that’s incredible but Paul MC Beth’s not trying to make it into the cash he I mean he’s gonna he’s gonna be able to play all the tour events if he never cashes again yeah some of these some of these dudes need to cash so they can get to the Tour event so one more McBeth stat here so you’re beating my you’re beating my guy up boy you just really you really do not want to see paulce dud I love Paul I’ve already said I wanted I want to see him succeed and this is actually complimenting him at the same time as telling you he’s missed cash but he missed cash and Ricky earned $10,000 for the win in this one all right these two are the top in career earnings okay MC Beth is $748,000 yaki is7 43,000 do you think one of them reaches 1 million do you think the first to ever reach 1 million will be one of these two or do you think someone else is gonna come in and swoop up a million first that’s a fun one right that is a fun one yeah that’s that’s some nice research uh Ricky is definitely getting to a million dollars in career ears no question in my mind um will Paul’s body allow him to do it I don’t know um will his Drive allow him to do it I don’t know but the money is is only getting exponentially greater I mean all it takes is winning a I mean how far are we away from a disc golf pro CH Pro Tour Championship being a $100,000 purse you know I mean we that may happen for this year for all I know right the World Championships I think paid 20 or 30 or $40,000 to win last year so I mean just those couple of events are you know have astronomical prize funds and and those two guys I whether whether you think Paul’s back or not those two guys are among the favorites to win those every year and and I think uh I think they’re C Ricky is certainly gonna gonna get to that number what do you think SMY yeah I think Rick for sure will get there um you know what dude I think if uh Paul continues along this current path that he’s on this might be it for him I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to you know tread tread water but yeah and like you said like the uh the pro tour finale I think that Nathan Queen dude won 40,000 or something 30,000 big there I mean that yeah there’s there’s a few purses out there that these guys can put a dent in that if they win it so so that’s the question does Ricky hit the million Mark before one of these Young Guns who’s getting all this crazy money you think he hits it before they do oh he’s got he’s he’s got a pretty big head start he does and even if not yeah even if he doesn’t win he’s going to get second third fourth and that that’s not jump change nowadays either unless unless ganen burger goes and wins everything for a couple of Seasons um which I guess at this point we have to consider at least possibility highly probable man that kid is something else I think he I think he’ll get there Lucas I think Ricky is certainly going to get to a million dollars in career earnings um on the dis on the from the PDGA yeah which is pretty pretty sick that you know we’re we’re getting to that point because I don’t think many people would have guessed that earlier in your guys’s probably career with how much you guys were getting for wins well did Bruce like Bruce led the state in cash one year with like what it was like something stupid like $80 or something something like that’s crazy we had that as one of our one of our games on our other show and yeah yeah I think I yeah was like 160 bucks God not even an in now yeah now that now that won’t even get me to an a tier before we move into y’all’s midseason player of the years on the men’s side I do want to talk to you about this new proposed rule change all right and this was the excessive time allow timeouts it’s 802.3 and essentially what the change is saying that you can have two timeouts up to two timeouts per round and when they are taken the timeout period expires once the player indicates the card that they are ready to throw or when the group notes that 60 seconds has expired and notifies the player so they basically can have a timeout for 60 seconds made at any time twice per round um who wants to take this one because Smithy yeah I can tell you are ready go ahead I think it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard so dumb man I mean I don’t even think we need this stupid 30 second rule we just need to play disc golf some shots take more than 30 seconds and if some dude’s crawling in a bush Okay prime example coming down the stretch Rick Shank one and ended up inside of a tree I don’t know if you guys saw that but it was an octopus tree and Rick was way over 30 seconds trying to figure out how the heck he was gonna take a legal lie right so he wanted to be pissed that he’s in this tree already trying to figure out hey guys time out here I need dude let’s just play Death Golf and let’s let’s do it like Ball Golf if you’re not keeping up then put the clock on put a put the card on a clock and let’s get him going we don’t need this other stupid stuff man and ah give me a break Ronnie what do you think fix fixing the wrong problem right fixing the wrong problem um yeah I mean God I I never thought when we started this show we would talk so much about the 30 second or now out 60c I mean the amount of times we’ve had to discuss this has been absurd uh well I mean what what if nobody saw me call timeout is this time out or is this timeout yeah 30 second or full you know yeah I I just I’m with you just good grief I hope I never have to talk about this rule again yeah but yeah but I said that I said that the last six times we we talked about it so yeah I’ll find a way to get it in there okay how about this though man you know what R we haven’t talked about like four events you’ll jinx it we have we haven’t talked about it in four EV you know I mean you know why because they enforced it oh no no no they enforced it people weren’t showing up they got dinged and that was a big deal yeah they’re like okay they’re they’re serious about this what’s a situation where they fix the right problem there there’s the big call the rule fix the rule play this golf don’t don’t do this stupid thing with your damn Robin back 85 times you don’t need to do that just figure out and go I do like when he does that though so I can see the wind I do love it actually I if I really want to do it but I don’t really want to copy him either but like it’s cool so I’m still doing my grass thing but still I do want to do with it sometimes I’m not I’m not gonna say I I like seeing do it I’ve been doing that I’ve been doing it for 20 years I just kick the ground I just look see which way the dirt go oh okay okay that’s nice now when I when I get done with the round I’m the dirtiest son of a gun out there but I know way the winds blowing yeah in some unsanctioned um tournaments sometimes there’s smoke that will tell you which way it’s going it’s really helpful well great discussion boys let’s jump into a new segment just for this episode midseason player of the year so on the men’s side on the no side we are going to have you both state your case for who you think is the mid-season Player of the Year more than likely you’re probably going to choose the same one I don’t know U but we’ll find out here so let’s talk about first who the big three are who do we think is or maybe five how many do you think are in the running for player of the year so far this year here I think that we probably have five I mean we’ll we’ll throw candidates out there obviously you got the IC man gburg um he’s he’s definitely in the mix and Rick Ricky Captain consistency um and he got a win this week um I think you have to look at AB ab’s got three wins um kind of dominated the first what six weeks or so of the tour Calvin gotta go Vinnie Calvin’s gotta be right up there he’s got two wins yeah um and a bunch of uh a bunch of near misses too I’m gonna throw in h K2 to line I mean yeah he’s consistent too yeah like Lucas said I mean it doesn’t necessarily always look flashy but he’s often right there I think he’s got I think I read his stat today he’s got seven top 10 already this year or eight top 10 this year so he’s sneaky with it like I just never see his name it’s weird like he’s always there but he’s just like how is he so he’s very very sneaky you know how is he that sneaky I don’t know impressive though R out so are we five yeah I think agreement with those five okay I’ll accept that yeah I like those I like those so well I’m GNA start with gur some reasons why I think gur should get Ser serious consideration for a player of the year at this point in the year now this is going to change a lot by the end and he’s probably going to end up winning it because he’s gonna win everything from here on out but this dude has 12 starts he’s played all the events he’s got three wins 11 top 10s never finished outside of the top 20 that’s good disc golf man that’s stupid disc golf that’s incredible yeah so yeah that’s that’s some Ganon bur stats and I have I actually have stats for all five of these so you’re saying 92% of the time he’s finishing in the top 10 that’s wild um but Rick can’t be too far behind him in that kind of stat statistic and and and and it’s not like Bella is all that far behind with three wins as well I think ab’s got eight or nine top 10 this year as well um um so with with three wins you know with with three victories um so I think currently I think right now gonur is probably leading in the player of the year race we still have half a year to go um I’m not going to count out uh I’m not going to count Anthony Bella out just yet we’re getting ready to go back to Europe where we know one kind of got away from him last year um so if if AB were to stick his nose up there with four wins and one of them is a major that could change that could change a lot of stuff in my opinion let me uh let me throw you some more stats here I did a little work on this this afternoon okay so let’s look at Anthony Bella Anthony brella has also played every event 12 starts like you said three wins he’s got eight top 10 which is incredible but along with those eight top tens he also has two finishes outside of the top 30 something that the iceman does had okay so now let’s look at Rick a little bit Rick’s got 11 starts remember he skipped the open at the open at Austin to pack up to go to Texas States or whatever he just got his first win yesterday nine top 10 and 11 starts that’s that’s nuts man yeah 82% and he hasn’t finished outside of the top 20 you want me to interject you want to want to keep going I’ll say this on the ones where where ab’s missed and even the one where where Rick’s missed the top do we care if what how they finish if they don’t finish in the top five no not necessarily because well just use you know a couple of you know just an example like we were talking about earlier you know does does it really matter if they finish 14th or 41st they’re inside the cash mine and it’s I mean I’m not going to say if it’s if you’re not first your last kind of mentality but there’s a lot of those guys with that mentality out there especially the guys that we’re talking about at the top of the food chain those guys are out there to do one thing and that’s to hoist that trophy at the end of the week and anything short of that they don’t care when they finish I don’t think no I’m with you once once they’re out of it they’re they’re give a crap probably is turned off and they’re probably trying to do pull off the hero shot a lot yeah too much hero too much hero ball instead of where they could maybe just lay up and you know finish 13th in a week instead of 21st or something like that or 25th yeah but those stats but the stats you’re talking about with Rick and and Ganon bur ridiculous to just absolutely live inside the top 10 in the current state of the disc Pro Tour is absolutely ridiculous well ab’s got eight eight top 10 that’s out of out of 12 eight out of 12 yeah yeah I mean he’s he’s right there too 67% so I mean it’s it’s pretty incredible man to be inside the top 10 like that is just crazy so and you know how I feel about Gan and he pisses me off most of the time but uh man that’s cool he can be frustrating as hell right I mean he really can be but his talent is on deniable and a lot of his you know even when he’s got three wins but he’s in it every week dude he’s not just he’s just not finishing the top 10 that dude is in it with nine holes to go he’s in it almost every week eight top fives eight top fives yeah see this dude is a lock in Survivor like if you ever want to win one week pick Ganon you know what I mean it’s been that way it’s crazy so if the season ended boom The Preserve was it okay I’m saying gur player of the year I’m saying he wins in pretty dominating fashion no doubt about it my mind but then I’m going Rick then dog then AB cow clim in that order I think I think what’s going to hurt Anthony if he doesn’t win again is the fact that he won so early you know it’s like play college football y got you gota gotta win late recency bias sure um that very well could hurt him uh I think there’s a good chance that all those guys we just mentioned figure out a way to win another one before this year is over um and depending on depending on which one of the which tournament that they win that could really change our perspective on any of those guys if any of these guys are a world champion I mean maybe that’s that’s enough to put all any of them over the top uh so you’re right okay we still have the bulk of our biggest events left this year let’s say Isaac Robinson doesn’t win an event but he comes and he pops out and he wins worlds again repeats then he goes and he wins usdgc so he has two wins and the rest of the time he just kind of plays where he’s at right now players of year yeah why not right no question yeah it’s czy that’s that’s what’s great about our sport though is is all of our biggest events are backloaded they’re from the middle of the summer on right which will lead you to that recency bias you’re talking about uh that’s why look at look at how much we raved over Isaac the last year because what he did from about right now to the end of the season he was absolutely unbeatable from Idol wild all the way till the end of the year he couldn’t beat that guy and he he won the biggest event and won two or three other times the rest of our season is is still to be written uh but obviously I’m with you if if it ended today I don’t know how you couldn’t give it to gber and that is not going anywhere I’m tell you that right now yeah I’m a little here here if I gave you if I gave you all three Majors let to go this season and gonur or the field right so your odds so the bet is gonur has to win one of the three Majors against me and I get everybody else right I get everybody else the rest oh I’m taking him I think how don’t you I don’t know how you don’t oh dude I I it would stun me if he doesn’t win one of the three Majors left to go this that nerd might win them all yeah he is a little dweeb Ronnie do do your top five of those people we just mentioned who would you give it to right now vers who would be you know in in the order I I would also have Ganon one I think I would probably have Vinnie two um I’d have Barella three Yaki 4 and and Kyle Klein the I mean unfortunately Kyle’s bringing it up at the bottom there but that’s a pretty good uh I guess that’s a pretty good list to be even included in so yeah you’re only the fifth best disc golfer in the world it’s nothing you know nothing he’s done to to find himself that low on that list but I mean he’s kind of fighting against uh the biggest dogs in the world there so I mine would be a little bit different from from Smitty’s but I I still I agree with you I think it would began and bir by by a pretty fair margin actually yeah yeah Smitty remind me how many wins does Vinnie have this year yeah oh yeah there’s no doubt two back to back back to back see I think I put I put AB in the second just because I I like how he’s just he’s going for it right like that’s why he’s not having those same consistency finishes but three wins on the disc golf pro tour is pretty impressive um and it’s early so I go gon first AB second Vinnie Rick coine the the the only thing that would I that would really that really changes my thought process on that is and one of those let’s not forget Anthony Bella stared gon burd down at at Texas States so yeah um yeah I mean it’s all it’s all it’s you know very close Ray are thin and and the rest of the season will determine for us I mean it’s pretty close the final boss as Pho calls him is probably finally healthy right he didn’t play wakeo he shouldn’t have played he should not have played Music City he knew that was going to be terrible for him um he was obviously hurt at he wasn’t himself so yeah I mean look at like you said this is gonna be so much fun this last half I can’t wait it is man too bad I got to go back to work and can’t just sit and watch it all day on Fridays oh we feel so sorry for you you should all right boys well I think it’s time let’s move into our next segment which is of course our weekly pics pcks piics and so we didn’t have a live show or we didn’t have a show so you didn’t get to see who we picked um so let’s talk about that now so I do want to just remind everyone again I’m coming off a victory all right second time it’s happened this year it’s probably not going to happen again but you know what we can always dream so our stink Ronnie and me both said Casey white and Smitty said Andrew presell and we have been stinking on our stinks all year we two people inside the top 20 um presy got tipped and Casey got 19th no one deserved a green on that one so me and Ronnie took the yell why did we this this is obviously a little bit biased by our co-host there but why did we not get agreed top what’s his average finish who Casey 2 six all right we’ll allow it yeah all right so Smitty with the early red and me and Ronnie with the yellows let’s see how we did on the sleeper you want to say something Smitty yeah I’m trying to win that Roadhouse boys I’m I am not playing around you’re getting closer and closer doing all right Ronnie for the sleeper said Ben Callaway which is a solid pick after he feeling it too you should you should see my [Laughter] messages and then I really didn’t know who I’d picked I all the time as my sleeper is that Austin Turner that is Austin Turner and the best picture ever of Kevin keeper it’s not pixelated whatsoever I could find a good one of the dude man well let’s see how things out oh Ben Callaway finished outside of the top 20 in 38 Austin Turner 56 and Kevin kefir 48 but somehow Lucas did his research and got the green because he knew Kevin wasn’t doing great this year and did would probably do better than your guys’s choices Smitty tell me how those stats broke down well I can see Ronnie’s mattering wal with the too right now first of all first of all hold up before before we get into the statistics you do your stuff and then I’ll tell you why you got a yellow no no I don’t mind the yellow I don’t mind the yellow what I want to know is why Lucas got a green for a guy who I don’t even know who it is finished 48th Place you know who that is not by the picture I don’t I thought it was Evan Smith or Evan Evan Scott Evan scottt Scott yeah he he’s just one of those it might be that’s honest I’m not I’m not being I’m not trying to be funny that’s honestly who I thought it was yeah that’s that’s old Kevin ke for the third who finished exactly on his average finish for the year 48th Place Green my man because Ben Callaway who finished 38 has averaged 35th place that’s worse Ronnie that’s worse I’m walking out and Yeah Austin Turner got red Yeah well yeah I’ll I’m gonna take it um I do have um I do have a strange taste in my mouth Ronnie but I’m still GNA take the green um sorry about that pal you’re about to get a stoplight homie and here we go oh me and said the Ricker and Ronnie went with 2K K2 and man they went one and two we did great with our shines this week how how many uh how many times you guys get to pick Ricky every year hey that’s my first time ever I promise dude you say this about whoever I pick you’re gonna pick I I don’t know that you picked anyone other of those two guys I think he Paul Paul why would you we’re trying to pick the winner of the tournament I’ll tell you what I’ll pick somebody different and I’ll let you have Kyle Klein again on the next one is the first this is the first three yellows is this is that the first banana tree right there you got a banana yeah I don’t think anyone else is baned you should be proud ban speaking of proud of yourself hey everyone two wins in a row you know when you don’t win a lot you talk about them a lot more this uh so who finished second here Smitty because he had a win in two dnfs or me because I finished in the top three twice oh you definitely got second yeah yeah dude I’ll give you I’ll give you over the oh yeah I’ll take that I’ll let you have that as long as I beat SMY I’m I can well we’re not We’re not gonna do choices We’re not gonna do picks for the European what was it what’s coming up to Swedish open Swedish open we’re not doing that one we’re gonna save picks for the De Moine challenge but you know what we did have he did win it last year right but we do have the new survivor League that just came into play and we got to talk about it so as you all know Ronnie is a two-time runner up uh Smitty and I are people that lose fairly early we make it two weeks so none of the wind dummies have won yet so Ronnie you need to win this time because you know me and Smitty are getting out pretty soon all right so here we go Survivor League 3.0 15 people joined in well 12 others besides us three and this week boys we had quite a few people pick the same player and they were all correct with this pick but let’s take a look every one of these people I think this was 80 some almost 80% of the people chose Ricky Yaki so Smitty got him Schmidt paty Tyson Ronnie Shan sha Kyle me Daniel um Dixon and Aaron all chose Ricky you can’t choose Ricky again now but we all have advanced but there were three people who did not choose Ricky and every single one of them are deu and out so let’s see who we’re losing before we even got to say hello first of all Jason Zimmerman shows Ford and Mason finished 28 so it wasn’t the worst pick in the world but definitely not a top 15 but there was there was a bad pick and it was Troy smart who did not seem very smart with this pick Ezra aderhold who finished 93rd but there was a worse Choice than that because they Wild Bill himself Lo chose Calvin heinberg he did not play see you later we’re not we’re not paying your way in you gotta read you got to do your homework buddy I gotta be honest there’s only one of those picks there well this this I started to say it was only one of those picks there that’s not good obviously picking a guy who didn’t play is not good but and Ezra ader hold is that’s a pretty surprising that’s a good pick yeah let’s but however on week one if you didn’t pick Ricky or genon you don’t deserve to be in this game any longer anyway yeah you have to understand that the goal is to survive do not try to hedge your bets don’t try to keep someone in your pocket play that sucker or you’re going to get that’s what happened me first first time I played Chris Dickerson deed me just listen to Lucas he’s good for two weeks exactly I got two [Music] strategy all right well Jason L Troy thanks for joining thanks for your money I love it man I’m sure whoever beats me when it gets down to two people’s going to enjoy their $30 oh all right boys what a fun show really really enjoyed it any shout outs we want to give for the week oh there you go how about a little wapple shout out shout out to the uh however many people we got left in the W what we got eight people left with a chance to to win the W something like that I think we got a little more than that we but the wample the the for those that don’t know the witch area match play league is uh it’s in full swing so I’m trying I’m try I’m personally trying to do something that’s never been done before and that’s lose lose match number one and uh win eight straight in a row to to bring home the trophy so I’m halfway I’m halfway there we got junan who’s undefeated he’ll play uh Luke and Nick the winner of that match we’ve got cam Ru who’s gonna play the winner who’s gonna play you because you already beat Jacob correct we’ve got myself who’s gonna play the winner of MRE and Heckman there’s a lot of unre still alive dude do know Heckman is super injured and he’s beating everyone dude’s got a torn calf muscle it’s gonna this week he hasn’t beaten everyone beaten like three people hadn’t he yeah all that ISS this week all right oh this is interesting Andrew is the one that sent him to the losers bracket oh rematch just like Ronnie had with with Harmon yep and then we have the defending champ going up against Caleb and Wiggins played already I don’t think I don’t think they played yet I don’t think they played yet oh they played Wiggins sent Caleb into the losers bracket the the that’s the best part about the double elimination the uh the old Revenge factor that comes in so then we have we got the 10 foil but nobody that that thing still [Laughter] happening who knew well boys and everyone else I’m going to be having some baby girls that are going to be here Friday so shout out to my wife who’s uh been getting just kicked every single day not by me um but the babies are have not been kind to her they went out and so Friday we’re going to have the babies and I can’t wait congratulations to you both um thank you thank you uh enjoy it it’ll it’ll go faster than you think I promise you that yep gon to G to have as much fun as possible but boys we’re going to go into our 19th hole and you know right here we show what we think is the best shot of the tournament tell us if you agree until the next one we’ll see you then take care bye-bye now peace really pulls the drive right does he end up with a birdie just like he did last year why not oh my God he does this man can’t get away with a bad throw he just won’t get punished what a putt center on the stripe on it perfect unbelievable yep nice acknowledge of the of the crowd and


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