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Kate Tracey, Louis Steward, Sir AP McCoy and Nick Luck rank the Top 5 greatest flat jockeys of all time on the latest episode of Inside Track: The Debate!

00:00 Coming up
01:33 Top 5s revealed
02:14 How Frankie Dettori inspired Louis
04:10 Ryan Moore is flawless!
06:39 Why is Lester Piggott the ultimate?
09:45 Is Frankie Dettori under appreciated?
13:08 What was Kieren Fallon’s unique talent?
16:07 Kate’s funny Lester Piggott anecdote!

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he he brings the fancy to horse racing like he brings the crowds he brings the atmosphere like it’s not just his riding that that makes Frankie so special I was in the stools drawn next to rore and like I was obviously petrified thinking what am I going to do here I said Tim what are you doing Ryan he said don’t worry about what I’m doing just follow me and you’ll be all right when racing began to be beamed into into living rooms in the in the 50 6070s Lester pigot was the king you could probably argue that Lester pigot had a exerted a Bigg force over over a wider public than any other jockey in history I’ve got four S one B never been life and I want to be jocky CU yeah hello and welcome to inside track the debate brought to you by William Hill and on this episode we’re going to be ranking our top five flat jockeys of all time joining me Kate Tracy is Louis Stewart s AP McCoy and Nick Lux so a Stella cast for this lad you’ve got your whiteboards now the fin jockeys I want you to rank are Lester pigot s Gordon Richards Ryan Moore Frankie Dori and Kieran Fallon so not an easy list to compile by any means but you’ve got your whiteboard take it away now before we reveal our answers a reminder to like And subscribe to the channel so you never miss an episode plenty more content on inside track the debate coming your way very soon right Lads white boards at the ready reveal in 3 two one FR okay Lester Lester Lester Frankie dor right Lou you’re the odd one out here so it feels right you should take this away maybe cuz I’m the youngest pretty much oh well I don’t know now how not even pretty much not even pretty much okay let’s not get in that bit I was say every time every time Frankie for me was uh everyone’s Idol growing up in the era that I started horse racing that can’t be taken away from me obviously I I know the likes of of everyone else but Frankie dictated the way for for everyone and what they should look up to but what not only Frankie brings like his natural ability in the saddle is is unbelievable when he when he would come upside you it looked effortless like he wasn’t even pushing and you’re there throwing the kitchen sink at one and it’s just so smooth and and that natural style he had that’s gifted to him and and the way he rides and I think the most important thing is is he he brings the fancy to horse racing like he brings the crowds he brings the atmosphere like it’s not just his riding that that makes Frankie so special it’s everyone involved is to get behind what Frankie brings so much so like say a transcending of the sport that he does and to be fair we say about you having Frankie you’ve actually rid against Frankie Dori so fair enough then that you should have him you have literally unique Insight that uh that we don’t have but Frankie Dori AP is third on your list so we talk about the uh I mean he’s still riding now obviously say so but the Legacy that he’s left at least on British racing and what he bought of a sport it’s pretty Untouchable you could put any of these Lads at the top there’s there’s people not even on the list you know like Fred Archer um Pat edre genius Steve coron Steve gave them a little Carson I often say to this day I think mck Canan was the most mechanically correct jock jockey I’ve ever seen in my life and if I was to say to someone a kid riding flat or jumps whatever the platform of the body everything the weight was all over the weather properly everything was on the correct level all the time and I do not think mechanically you can make a jockey more perfect than M Canan was and that’s always been my opinion ped was a genius I wouldn’t teach anyone to write like him Frankie to you couldn’t teach anyone to WR like him Lester P it you couldn’t teach any to ride like him I didn’t realize I didn’t ever watch The Garden Richard actually saw little bits of him um and kieren Fallon was just a a George best or a Diego maradon or whatever he had everything so he had and was a genius but as I said I think and I do think that Ryan Mur is the closest thing in that he has no flaws yeah and I’m not saying the others had flaws but they had flaws and and are we looking at someone that is going to go to Every J and time is we forget things really quickly when I was a kid growing up I think Steve C and I remember being in Jim buers and it was like even myself and Paul Carby and Ted dorin and Willie Supple and shimmy heern and all of us aen O’Brien right with your to there look like a jockey you may never be a jockey but at least try and look like a jockey and that was his thing it was always and that be that came from Steve cotton you know so in terms of the impact of things but if you’re asking me I do think that Rymer if I was teaching a kid to be like a jockey in every sense of the word professionalism he can go to any J and time changes because Lester didn’t have the travel that and Sir Gord Richard didn’t have the travel Ryan Mir can go to any jurisdiction in the world and whether it’s the yida family in Hong Kong whether it’s Japan or Japan dur sori if it’s Australia he’s won a Melbourne Cup on a German trained horse he’s won the Cox’s plate he’s won the Golden Slipper he’s won all the Breeders most of the Breeders Cup races France and I ask not to say that Kieran Fallon or Frankie dor and Frankie and they have won a lot that’s why I have him there Frankie won seven races at no one ever do before he is a front page job no one ever you know talks about him kieren Fallon loved riding him I think actually was more like a me as a you know I think he had a good ethic and a good work ethic and you know wanted to win jockey championships and that was his thing and G Rich won 26 Jo Championship I didn’t know why he’s in second because I just didn’t know enough about people people raise their eyebrows at that you comparing your own kind of approach to the game to Kieran Fallon now obviously he’s had a more colorful kind of side to his I think he was good at getting average horses to win as well as well as being good they used to run for him didn’t they and then he didn’t mind he’d be happy running it better cont and c and he loved going racing and I do think he had brilliant of I think he had an unbelievable tan get inside the mind of a horse and making them run for him convincing them R everyone think oh was really strong and he was you know he was um aggressive and now he was brilliant at getting inside the line of a horse and that’s the thing but as I said who who knows I don’t even know where so so like say oh I mean this is like he’s the only one that I thought Lester it’s Lester he he he feels like he’s the ultimate that he just for all that AP was just saying there Nick that this is The Impossible list to try and rank these but ler it just feels right there four there’s four boards up here and three of them got ler why does it feel right that ler should be um because I think the way we’re ranking this I mean none of us is remotely old enough to even have any idea of the impact that Gordon s Gordon Richards had and our parents probably aren’t even old enough to have um an idea of the impacts that Gordon Richards had so with that in mind it’s really really hard but because he was 26 times Champion jockey and did everything and had the game and popular culture by the you know what he has to be very high up the list but we are just about old enough well you and I can remember Lester pigot and his riding very clearly and he’s within your kind of Consciousness and um one thing we know is in terms of the television age of racing so when when racing began to be beamed into into living rooms in the in the 50s 60s 7s Lester pigot was the king you could probably argue that Lester pigot had a exerted a bigger force over over a wider public than any other jockey in history for that reason and of course he was doing it while he was winning everything and also inside the game inside the bubble while he was dominating and moving all the these massive Global bloodstock operations around the chess board like porns I mean the guy was a a complete icon I can’t like AP can or or Louie can analyze the N technical niceties or or differences between these Riders they’re all absolutely you know Sublime I’ve got four sister and one brother never been a horse in life and I wanted to be Joy cuz of ler pick yeah really no no one will control the game how he ever did like again is impossible it’s it’s every it popular culture Housewives favorite it’s nine it’s relationship with Vincent O’Brien it’s you know the founding of the modern thoroughbread and his part in that it’s everything not that it matters but they reckon he was the highest paid sports person in Britain in you would imagine a jocky being like that for for sport like say nowadays when we can try that anyway extraordinary but even last about Fred AR Fred Archer how big jockies were like the aristocracy and the Lords and the ladies and the Kings and the Queens all you know Fred Archer was a bigger Sports person than probably anyone in the 1800 1800s I I know I shouldn’t know it was St like got but I’ve got a picture of Fred Archer in my house which is very strange it’s such a hard feat now to do what they done back in the day like the the travel the like everything is so much harder to do it like Ryan Moore could control the game if he wanted to he could easily but it’s a different game it’s it’s a lower profile game as well that’s the other thing exactly it’s it’s not the same stat as what ever was and leester dominated it better than else but it’s just so hard to try and replicate what leester done in this era I I still think I don’t know if you guys agree I still think Frankie dori’s contribution to the sport and people go what all you do is talk about Frankie Dori I still think it’s a bit underappreciated why not is massively like more group or grade one winners than any other jockey in any country of all time now Ryan might get close to him or pass him but Frankie still going so he going to take a bit of doing from 86 to 2024 and it’s not been the smoothest Journeys for him either like there’s been hiccups along the road and and still to have them numbers to your name is just that’s what makes him great don’t it that little bit of a human Element no that little bit of I think every genius is flawed like Mike Tyson Tiger Woods the whole lot of them and he’s one of them like you know what I mean think from Ryan Mo yeah I was just say so we look down the list Ryan MO is like a Roger feder you know I mean he’s like a he’s just Ryan MO is a bit I I the reason why I think he’s emotionalist there’s no up or down do you think he’s emotionalist I I think I think it’s so level in I don’t think in the weing room he’s good he’s good fun no I like him I’m he was a kid like but but I’m saying is he never but he knows where he knows when to give and take though there was a there was a level of up and down with Frankie in terms of you know I don’t think Ryan gets to you know nothing no is that true I remember my my first my my second ride at New Market I was in the stools draw next to rymore and like I was obviously petrified thinking what am I going to do here I said to what are you doing Ryan he said don’t worry about what I’m doing just follow me and you’ll be all right and I followed him and obviously I was on a 50 to1 but like he he does have that you know he he knows what’s going on just cuz you’re an apprentice having your first R his attention to detail is and that presence as well then yeah yeah he gives that off because of you know it’s not just what he’s achieved it’s it’s his Persona you know how he reacts to every situation and if you were in any doubt the city of Troy was going to win the Derby just watch Ryan Mo at the start yeah I mean he just looked a man totally at peace with the world like not he never grins broadly or rarely grins broadly but he had just a kind of composed smile on his face there wasn’t the scowl or the Grimace or whatever it was just like yeah yeah yeah he knows I’m totally on top everything we’re all totally on top of this we got this and he does doesn’t he and just to go into that a little bit because obviously we’re talking about them as athletes and that is most Paramount of all then for their achievements but we talk about the flaw figures then that we’ve got on this list leer pigot certainly had his flaws uh Gordon Richards wasn’t he was pretty saintly like from from obviously what I’m aware of but Frankie Dori he’s obviously had the issues then Ryan Moore not so much Kieran Fallon though as well and I feel that that’s why a lot of people were drawn to him Kieran Antics off the tracker uh different I think he’s a different person when he gets on a horse’s back he turns into this Horseman and he’s he’s just at peace in life I think and many times at the start he’s always making a fuss of the horses and like when you hear that whistle like gives me goosebumps now you hear him and like I don’t know if everyone knows about when he whistles in the Finish like normally you get screaming and shouting and then there’s just like this faint whistle come by your ear and it’s it’s quite eerie but like everything looked looked so smooth and and rhythmic with him it was amazing to watch him yeah yeah unbelievable but he was like say I love that I love the whole thing of the was he was never in the wrong place at the wrong time then either but I mean we’ve got him as like where do you have him on your list actually l k and Valen so you’ve got him second from Buton but AP I mean again you’ve touched upon him and how strong he was in the finish and the nicest man in the world kind man doing him for you complete change I used to love watching him riding I used to think and I what my thing about kieren Val was I used to I looked at him and thought he had the he had the ability to get inside the mind of a horse like no one else he convinced them that it was good it was good to go yeah he used to watch him and how he used to get them mentally ready I just think and and I remember speaking to Richie heugh was in different Lads riding said he was the worst person in the world to ride against cuz you never know what was going in terms of you never know what you never know what what horse going to find when he was riding you didn’t know you’d go to him and you think you had him and the next thing he’d like just keep finding a little bit more and he said he’d make a fool out you all the time and he would like you say been giving obvious aids to I I feel embarrassed had at last but to do I mean there’s so many brilliant jockies on this list I tell you what you think riding against him’s hard play golf against him yeah he’s not whistling there he yeah no he whistle then he doesn’t make sure he doesn’t whistle that well the fact you’ve got an an added extra and also eligible list there as well I only had time only only got As far as Archer cor and can could I could have got swinburn was a big personal favorite of mine I mean there’s loads and load Willie Carson the longevity the tenacity that his competitive Spirit just yeah load loads of people you can put on there so Nick I I want to go back to you though in terms of Legacy overall then for the sport and again probably tapping back into that personality trait thing who of those I I don’t think Lester will ever be beaten in terms of in terms of because of the television because of well in terms of his sort of his place in the world I suppose yeah for good for good and and less good reasons you so I would probably argue but again it’s probably for the IR thing that Frankie Dori would be the one for me for all that I’ve got Le Lester at the top because of those reasons because he feels like he is the old ultimate and the stories that followed him in the fact that he had that speech impediment then earlier on in his life he was death in one ear which is probably why he was so monoy Avic then with his replies and his interviews and things he used ADV he made sure he he made sure he used it for all it was worth I wonder did it suit him it suited him a little bit having that I I did an interview with him not not that long I mean I say not that long ago probably maybe 10 12 years ago and we were sitting in a box at Epsom and somebody had the genius idea to do it while there was a you know a tanoy blaring out over the balcony and it was pretty much impossible to hear normally and yeah he he didn’t have too many whether it was through lit reading or just the way he’d been he’d become used to adjusting his hearing he had zero problem iting and understanding what I you know he was chatting away 19 to the Dozen when anyone tries to talk about they always try and mimic his voice don’t they yes everyone tries to copy how he used to sound I I’m not going to do it now but like I was going to say that’s what I thought they was seeing up for did you hear the story though about the um the valet who was down on his luck asking him for a Fiverr you heard this story a valet came up to him and asked him in in one ear and said oh ler could you lend me a Fiverr he said oh I can’t hear in that ear try the other one went to the other one Lester could you lend me a tenner try the F ear again was his reply which I just I missed those characters that we almost had then in in those days maybe they are here maybe we don’t celebrate them enough then nowadays in the media but Lester though I’m pretty sure from three against one we’re gonna Crown then as our ultimate flat jockey but the rest of them it really is an absolute medley but again they are aress so let us know if we’ve got it right or wrong in the comments section below and who are your top five alltime flat jockies well thank you so much for watching inside track the debate brought to you by William Hill if you’d like to look back at any of our previous episodes click the link in screen thank you so much again 18 plus please remember to gamble responsibly


  1. Piggott, Eddery, Cauthen, Dettori, Kinane.
    Lots of great jockeys, Different qualities, I think Eddery way underrated. He was certainly imo the strongest in a finish, best hands rarely horses pull. Example 83 arlington million, 86 japan cup, 88 haydock sprint cup. In those 3 races no other jockey would have won on them. McCarron, Starkey and Swinburn were 2nd all should have won

  2. There will never be another Lester Piggott he was a one off and no one will beat his Royal Ascot total.
    I don't no why you have this debate.
    Ask all the jockeys and they will tell Lester

  3. Lester & Frankie were both bigger than racing and were part of popular culture. Frankie in his heyday was also a good looking boy. Mums wanted to mother him and their daughters wanted to, let's say marry him, possibly on a short-term basis.

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