I Simplified Every Shot in Golf For You – Tee, Approach, Chip, Putt, bunkers

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golf is a big ass mystery to most of us but I’m going to simplify this game down from every shot you may have on the golf course now gang banger we have one simple rule we use throughout every situation regardless of the thought process the number one rule we rely on is hit the shot you can hit nine times out of 10 in that situation now keep that nine out of 10 idea in your mind as we run through every type of shot on a golf course on the t- box you have three options the first option can we hit a golf ball to a desired approach distance from the te we’re thinking back from the hole what would we like into the green if you do not have that skill level to be able to pump a ball to whatever distance you like the next best thing you can do is hit the longest ball possible that’s not going to get you into a hazard a fairway bunker or out of bounds you need to have a second shot remaining the bunkers are the worst out of bounds you lose a ball and a water hazard you lose a ball and have to take a drop those are the big reasons you’re losing shots so then if you can’t do that hit a long ass ball The Last Resort is to hit whatever shot is most comfortable out of all three of those you pick the one you can do nine times out of 10 so I want to set up a distance into this hole of just about 140 130 yards that means I have to hit a 9wood I can hit that shot because I have the Supreme skill and I am the Kim Jong-un of golf of course I didn’t click record on the first shot and this is option one hit to a distance you want into the green that’s a Beauty if you’re feeling really bad on that day sometimes all you have to do is just get a ball in play option three one ball in play is worth two in the bush so I’m going to hit a seven IR down here sometimes it’s a seven sometimes it’s a eight sometimes it’s a fairway or hybrid that’s what’s going to get you in play just to continue the hole so I’ll hit a seven on down there just to get the ball in play and now we can continue playing the hall instead of getting tense and hitting the ball over the show losing golf balls on approach shots we take the 9 out of 10 rule we apply it again 180 yards nine times out of 10 are you going to hit this green with a beautiful hybrid with water on the right big space left no no no that’s a one out of 20 shot the rest of time we’re going to destroy ourselves here what we do on approach is find the area we can miss on a shot we’re not really confidential with so on this hole we have a big ass space on the left we call that Texas now in Texas they play football they have field goal posts we take the field goals and we move them to positions we find acceptable I’m going to place a line on the screen now to the left of the hole taking the water out of play all the way to the right side of where we can land this ball and be in an acceptable position to reduce the big numbers how do we get the ball to land inside those field goals to score the field goal we take into account our shot shape if you hit a feder you’re going to have to set it up on the left side by set it up on the left side I mean you’re going to have to find an Aiming point a straight line aiming Point as if you’re going to hit the ball well LIF and allow that fade to come back into your field goal range if you hit a draw you’re going to have to find an Aiming point right of your target to make it come into the field goal range it can be a tree it can be a house it can be a bunker it can be a sign but something that takes into account your shot shape so if you fade if you draw you’re going to have to hit the ball out right with a draw let it come in out left with a fade let it come in to a field goal range the reason we go to Texas here is because if we take the shot on from 180 if we do not have the skill level we dump it in the water and we leave ourselves big numbers approach shot is always play to Texas landed in your field goal set your field goals and see how do I get the ball to my field goal I’m going to hit 140 yard shot because nine times out of 10 I’m going to pull the shot off into my field goals to the left of the hole let’s do it and that’s perfectly within my field goal range and from there I have a pitch up the green we’re planning our way around the golf course playing to Texas the field goals Texas Rangers great football team okay needle mover now we have put the ball in a position we wanted to and we got to 128 yards here 12 128 Y is in Striking Distance when you have a position to attack you have to take advantage of the attack teack all of these concepts are the same for everybody scoring is about doing all these things the only thing that changes is your skill level the ability to H hit a shot shape you can rely on hit it out the center of the club BCE less dispersion left and right that’s why some shots we aim away from the Target and now when we have the ability and the the the comfortable shot the confidential shot we can attack slightly more it’s all very nuanced so as you get better you’ll be able to change your strategy and go for different shots over here at 128 we have a pretty much a green light shot straight at the hole here we’re going to move our goalposts here because this is a pretty straight shot for me I don’t hit too much shape on these wedges but we’re going to ER toward the left side because we have more space on the left the fatty boom boom side on the fatty boom boom side we’re going to set a goal post onto the the tree just to the right of the left Edge and we’re going to set a go post onto the pin I want to land the ball in there if I miss those go posts they’re pretty narrow not too bad so I’ve still used the goal posts I just narrow them because my skill level is a bit higher I have higher Loft which veers off the course right and left much less so we’re going to get this bad boy right near the cup how do you pick the correct club for the approach shot we have a back Edge we have the middle of the green and we have the front edge the very best strike with that club should not go past the back Edge your normal Strike should reach the middle of the green and a very poor Strike should reach the front edge of the green that’s how you pick your shot but if you have trouble short of the green you want to make sure you finish middle of the green or longer if you have trouble over the green you want to make sure you finish middle of the green or front edge if you are surrounded by water good luck this shot is 75 to 80 yards I’m going to use a pitching wedge with a 50% swing all you want is a 50% swing on every one of these distances I’m going to show you 50 Y and I’m going to show you 35 Y where we actually left the golf ball so we take a 50% swing with a pitching wedge and that 50% swing is going to go about 75 yard and if we practice this and get this this one swing right we just change the Loft as we get closer to the hole or further from the hole and we’re going to hit different distances without having to think about how long our swing is we use one swing it’s very simple and that’s about 75 to about 80 yard shot that we can rely on then we go to 55 and we increase the Loft we’re at 55 yards so we increase the Loft we’ve gone from a pitching wedge to a 52° it’s got about 7 or 8° more Loft same swing 50 Center and remember with these we still want to rotate through and get our titties to the Target titties to the Target nice halfer swing and that one’s about a 60 yard shot so you have to dial in your distances based on the the the distance you hit these half swings and then you can use them for a range of distance instead of just one specific distance nice oh nearly in the hole from 35 Ys we may use a 56° hey same swing look how nice that is so much consistency so simple now you may look at this kind of golf and think well it’s not PGA T style you know it’s very conservative and it’s not going to be attacking well if it’s boring you must hate scoring cuz this is how you score as an amateur golfer nice half shot and we put ourselves in position to make a putt remember on your pit shots and your chip shots get it on the green g iotg Italian word guot gear get it on the green it’s a very simple phrase but it stops you getting greedy and just gets you a putt which you can make you’re not going to hold a second chip not going to happen with all shots you want to know your shot shape that way you can create your field goals and how you’re going to get through the field goal with your n out of 10 shot on this hole we have very wide field goals but I want to narrow them if they’re too wide you don’t care where the ball goes and you actually hit it wider missing a 100 yard wide Fairways we have about 50 or 60 yards up there and I’m going to put my field goals between the two big ass trees there and that’s how I’m going to get the ball there and I’m expecting a baby feder but I’m going to put it straight down the center of that field goal with my mini driver my goto Club 9 out of 10 shot to make aiming simple especially on the te because there’s so much in your way that can go wrong get your mind off the mine field in front of you to align you want to find something down your target line or your starting line cuz you remember you have to take into account your shut shape so find something down your starting line far in the distance you can’t reach like 500 600 yard away even kilom away if it’s a mountain and pick a tiny spot on there to hit the ball to then on your shot when you want to align your Club face find something along that line in front of your ball a foot or two to line your Club face up to so your Club face is lined up to the thing in front of the ball and then your brain is lined up to the Target way in the distance that you can’t reach making all this nonsense in front of you leave your brain that’s the simp way to do it and the best way I found and that’s just a bit left of my field goal but because I narrowed my field goal down a bit we’re going to be absolutely money now we have the seven wood the absolute money Club 9 out of 10 shot that we’re going to pull off and you have to pick your n out of 10 shot to get that ball in play beautiful I recommend seven Woods to everybody I meet okay sugar daddies this is where the range finder really helps you this is the red tiger less than 120 bucks you won’t get better value for money on the market yet check the link in the description brilliant we’ve given ourselves about 250 yards to the hole here we are not going to reach 250 no one hits a fairway shot from 250 anywhere on or near the green maybe 2% of this golfing population so let’s not take on that shot we have water in front of us we have trees on the right we have bunkers that will leave us 50 60 70 yard bunker shots which are impossible for most of us to hit and we have water in front of us to carry that water we need to hit the ball 167 minimum can you hit a ball 170 guaranteed nine times out of 10 maybe not so we have to move our so we have to move our focus more toward the left side where we have a clearing it the best we can hit down there is 135 to 140 leaving us probably about 130 maybe 120 into the green probably looking at 140 that is going to give you a better shot at staying dry staying in the game rather than taking a drop and losing another golf ball by trying to squeeze out 20 or 30 yards at the top range of your bag you can hit your top range of your bag when it’s a comfortable shot nine times out of 10 going to put you in a good position and that’s how you play for position instead of playing for hero shots because in Amateur Golf there are no hero shots only stupid shots when we’re in a Range we can attack and we have a lot of skill we can go for these shots instead of just laying up we have we have not much in the way of danger here compared to a longer approach we’ve got 182 here and 182 for me is a beautiful little 8 or 7even iron if I were 220 yards away I’d have to weigh up nine times out of 10 if I could hit that seven wood or nine wood on the green if I see it it’s going to cause more trouble I have to take the 9 out of 10 shot and play it to a safe distance for pitching or down here for another shot and and that’s just a money shot never going to get over the green always going to reach the front good strike middle to back of the green perfect okay granny Killers now we have the Chip Shot the Chip Shot is simplest when we use tow down chipping put the club down flat move closer to the ball pick the handle up like a putt use your putting grip I use the reverse overlap and then take a putting stroke trying to hit the ball off the toe of the club this removes all the bounce removes the heel from digging in and you add a little extra Loft just clipping the ball off the toe of the club toe down chipping absolutely manisi when we miss on the fat side which I’ve told you to do you have a lot of options you can do anything you can putt you can use a hybrid a fairway wood you can freaking put a 60° there if you want to I think it’s the least reliable the simplest way is the tow down chip this is a seven iron because we can land it on the green and roll out maybe 18 yards the more green you have the more roll out you can do and you have to read it like a putt you go to the green and you practice the rule of 12 the video is linked in the description it’s going to help you to understand exactly how this works you’re going to have to adapt it for your course but here we go toe down chipping about a yard and a half onto the green just like that now that’s going to take it like a putt and start moving it just slightly LIF and I’m going to leave myself about a three and a half foter for the Pary and that’s perfect if you make that inside 3 ft the absolutely money we’re going to talk about putting in a second one more just for fun skis I just love tow down chipping it’s all I use now even as a very low handicap golfer it takes all the nonsense out of chipping look at that I put it to a foot easy game as you get Long Carry with long roll out short carry with short roll out you have to increase the Loft I don’t know if this is the correct one I’m just going to show you the same thing with a nine iron it could be a pitching wedge could be a 52° and that’s going to work about the same maybe the wrong Club just lips out but it’s gone too far past so I’ve used the wrong Club probably a 52° or a 56° tow down chip here for the scenario work that out tow down chipping is the simplest way to chip bu none absolutely money let’s simplify Fairway bunkers for you Fairway bunkers you have to take one more Club so if you normally hit an8 in from that distance you should take a seven in it produces a little bit more spin for some reason you always end up one club or two clubs shorter than normal with that in mind you want to also take into account the lip can the trajectory of your shot clear the lip in front of you if it can’t you have to go even higher Loft whatever is going to clear the lip so whether that distance to the pin is 150 yard or 100 yards if you can’t clear the lip you’re going to have to play a little bit shorter if you can clear the lip and you got the correct Club there’s a little technique I’ve always used since I was a kid after learning to hit G PS on the beach don’t dig your feet in cuz now you’re getting below the B you’re creating a situation where the ball’s above your feet we don’t want that we want it level you set up like a normal shot and just before you hit you can just lift your chin a little bit it’s going to just increase the low point of your swing so that instead of catching it a little fat and staying in the bunker you catch it thin at the worst making sure you get out the bunker so I like just hit a normal shot here’s my Aon going to clear this lip for shower and just lift my chin a little bit and that’s one of my favorite shots because this is how I learned to hit the ball crispy on the beach the big problem people want to do is they want to get as far as they can out of here without taking into account the bunker lip now this is my four iron and I may get out of here because I do like Fairway bunkers but you’ll very often find too low loft is going to get you in real trouble staying in the bunker like that and you have to be sure that the Loft on your Club is enough to just clear that lip and that’s going to save you so many shots instead of now having to hit it again closer to the lip having to hit higher Loft leaving yourself even longer shot plus one let’s simplify bunker shots there’s a misconception in Bunker shots you don’t actually contact the ball you don’t chip it you don’t touch the golf ball the golf ball comes out on a bed of sand as your Club slips underneath the turf picks up a whole bunch with a ball on top of it and plops it out you don’t touch the golf ball you don’t chip it out there’s a imaginary 1-in line behind the ball you open your Club face up this is the best way you grab the club you grab the club while the club face is open don’t twist it open with your hands you just let it rest open grab it like that you come stand behind the ball you play it off your front heel or front toe you try contact the sand an inch behind the ball with the sole of the club it’s like you’re slapping the sole of the club with your right hand on the bottom of the sand like that so it skims you can practice this in a practice bunk without a golf ball do you hear that sound that’s what you want to practice hearing then put a ball in the way the most important thing here is to make sure we get through the sand and we don’t stop cuz as soon as you get Steep and stop that’s when it doesn’t come out so we go one in behind the ball just like that now that’s an absolute money shot right there and then the big the big thing people will do is they’ll hit like one shot with a chip and it’ll get it close and then they’ll think that’s it they’ll screw up the other nine out of 10 and think well this doesn’t work chipping is better but you’ve screwed up nine out of 10 of them but the one out of 10 is what makes you convince yourself that you don’t need a proper bunker technique this here can save you so many shots and remember when you take this remember when you hit the shot most of your weight is on the left side we think in like 70% we don’t want to fall back cuz that’s when you try add Loft and you hit it way too fat like 6 in behind the ball and keep it in the sand we want to be on our left side open that club face up ball on our front toe boom what a man I think I hold it you’re not hitting the ball you’re hitting the sand wait on the left side open the club face get through the sand beautiful days don’t fall back let me just change your freaking life right now because sometimes you’re going to get shortsighted when the pin is cut close to this edge of the green and you put it over a bunker and the pin is too close to this Edge to get it close just get it on the green whenever you are in doubt G Nine time out of 10 shot G and often that can mean looking elsewhere looking to the left looking to the right wherever there’s going to be space for you to have a putt if I look to the left there we have a bit of roll out to the back of the green and if I don’t have confidentiality like in this ball sitting down I need to go somewhere where I’m sure I’m going to hit the green and not dump it in the bunker or leave it short of the green on the short side again with leaving another dival chip so even from the short side we try get it to the fat side so we get to the fatty boom boom side of this green have to be nice and assertive so over there I’ve headed to the fat side of the green and we’re on I didn’t go at the pin I didn’t take something on that I didn’t know I could do nine times out of 10 because of the LIE when the ball’s sitting up like this maybe I feel a bit better maybe you have a nice shot you like to hit you can go at the hole but understand that if you don’t have enough space to roll out you’re going to end up missing the green again so you always want to ER toward the fat side depending on skill level if your skill level improves you can do what you like and then that one’s gone closer to the hole I’m just on the front that’s the best way to do it but the number one way to avoid a difficult shot like this is to avoid the short side completely by aiming more toward the fat side where Miss would be easier to get on the green short side play back to the fat side get it on the green GE to gear make a putt bang and in putting there are two types of putts and two variables on all putts we have long putts and we have short putts inside 5 ft inside 5T is the most significant putt you can get good at because that’s where your bunker shots chip shots pit shots and first putts finish in the 5T area if you can make 80% of your 5-footers you’re absolutely money how do you do it practice 1ot putts 1ot twoot putts only that’s 100% make rate you build confidentiality by the ball hitting the bottom of the cup you hear it you get used to hitting a ball on a line so if you can hit a two-footer you can hit a 40-footer the only thing you need for a 40-footer is better distance control in a putt you have line and you have speed once you work on getting the line right by hitting a one footer and two-footer by seeing that dead straight line you go back and you hit to a t in the ground don’t hit long PCH to a hole you’re going to miss all of them and practice missing put a tea peg in the ground and Putt to the tea Peg so let’s say I was practicing please just imagine it okay there there’s no hole I’m going to put a tea there that’s what I’m going to finish the ball at so let’s imagine on the practice screen my tea was over there and and then luckily the hole is getting in the way on this hole my most important thing for that is to get distance a control a when you can control your distance a you’re going to leave yourself one foot twoot Parts either side of the hole or maybe just a little short just a little long that’s going to stop you having five Footers 8 Footers for your second putt if you get it inside that 3ft Circle you basically 100% if you practice but start with a tiny Target not the big Target a lot of people are trying to get it inside a 3-ft lid if you try get it in a 3ft lid and you miss your 3ft lid you’re now 5T from the hole try hit the teg if you miss your tpeg you’re twoot away that’s how we get distan control so you get your line you get your distance a control and then you combine it when you putt by understanding that the line you see is put together with the speed that you imagine you have to recalibrate and get them matching to part better takes a lot of practice so here I see right to left and I just look at that orange tea and I want to stop this close to that orange tea hey look at that I missed my tea by a foot a foot but my distan control was great and now I’ve got a foot 2 ft for the for the tap in birdie and we’ve been practicing those for so long that we’re just automatic with them that’s how you simplify putting the line matches the speed in your head you need to calibrate those two things by practicing getting your distance control correct and picking the correct line when you have a line you don’t aim at the hole you aim to start the ball on the line and let the brake take it to the hole when you have distance control it stops near the hole when you do short putts you’re automatic inside 3 ft meaning less three putts lower score we lower our score by removing penalty shots three putts double chips and screw-ups inside wedge range and that’s how I simplified the game for you you can send me a check or you can watch this video over here get over to waterplay purchase some fine drip oh my goodness who let the dogs up who oh before I go one more quick tip use cheap golf balls the cheaper your golf ball the less you care about losing them the less you lose the more you care about losing expensive golf balls the more you lose the fear creates the shots get the fear Away by playing cheaper golf balls you don’t need the urethane ones anyway believe me they make no difference just plan for more roll out on your chips bam


  1. Hey Matty,
    what app are you using for course planning? Looks like something which uses Apple Maps and not Google Maps anymore..

  2. I took some of Mats advise today and hit a three iron out of bounds instead of a driver 😂😂😂😅

  3. I've been watching you for so long that I know this course by the palm of my hand by now

  4. I took your advice and visited my pro last week. Finally I am able to hit the ball straight. And combined with your mental and course tips, I was able to play a 108. That was by far my best game as a beginner and I was really happy. Thank you Masta Playa! Next goal: Beating the 100!

  5. But Ii don't speak Italian, but I do speak coniferous: FIR (fringe in regulation).
    Always the best, 4th place by 2 strokes, in the money, but barely. That was our team finish.
    Also: KIIFF (keep it in fairway fool).
    I just made that up.

  6. WISDOM !!!
    You've solidified everything that I've been thinking and trying and having some success with.
    Big thanks !!

  7. Playa, really liked the video but the Texas Rangers are a pro baseball team. If you want a great football team in Texas stick with the Dallas Cowboys! They are America’s team!

  8. confidential and confidence are completely different words and have very different meanings. I love this video and all your great tips, my brain just can't get past the confidential shot one.

  9. "if you fade, if you draw"
    thats the neat part, i can do either and i never know which its gonna be

  10. Would love to see a vid with your thoughts and anything you have learned on swing mechanics

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