Top 100 Course in The World!? Harmony Bends F9

Harmony Bends, and the city of Columbia, will always hold a special place in my heart! Being the current course record holder both at Harmony Golds and at Albert Oakland (previous layout) I feel like I cant ever miss out on this tournament regardless of its standing on the DGPT schedule or not! Harmony is one of my favorite courses I’ve ever played and if you watch this video you will find out why!

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Cheers Y’all
Connor O’Reilly

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what is up disc golf world we are back in Columbia Missouri this will be my fifth straight year being at the mid America open for those of you who don’t know I’ve had great success here in the past I actually may or may not be I heard through the grapevine the current course record holder on the long gold layout or blue layout they call it no gold I don’t know whatever they call it out here at Harmony bz we’re also playing another course uh Albert Oakland where I may or may not have held the old course record there when we played a couple years ago but now we play a totally different course there so no longer that one but Harmony has always been one of my favorite places to play disc golf it offers three to four sets of teas on a lot of holes and three or four combinations of play so you whether you’re the most advanced player in the world playing with a newbie or two newbies playing against each other intermediate versus Advance you can find a layout to play against your friends out here have an equitable match and it is one of the most beautifully wooded courses it has elevation change Creeks running throughout in the pery creek and it also has just these beautiful mature trees grassy Fairways in the woods it’s everything you can ask for in a disc golf course harm manyy bins let’s check it out whole Wonder Harmony bins obviously you just saw the t- shot and we are now crossing the creek one of multiple I think three creek crossings to get to the green one of my favorite starting holes in disc golf to tell you the truth Amazing Power five you see such numerous ways to play it such a variety of ways to play it um and you also see so many different numbers on a hole like this you can play it for Eagle you can play it for a simple birdie but there’s so many ways to do it and you can also take a a big number cuz it’s you know it’s not just the easiest hole in the world uh great starting hole here at Harmony bins you can see the green up to the right there above that Cliff side it’s only 400 ft to the cliff so I realistically only need to throw like a 425 ft shot or so powerwise with a pretty narrow line if I wanted to go for the eagle but for me the birdie is simple enough I like playing the forehand second shot unless my drive is just way up in this pocket then maybe I’d like to attack for the eagle so going to go forehand setup shot on the second here that was my warbird off the tea in Alpha plastic such a reliable distance driver and once you season it in a little bit has a little bit of stretch to its flight as well now I’m going Alpha Tombstone on the forehand low going my wide rim disc to make sure to get some skip to the right at the end all right big skip there found myself down in a pocket should have a little Hiser to the green now I might have sounded kind of confident saying that I found this little pocket but in real realistically I know I saw that shot off about as much as as I possibly can somehow still in bounds I probably got that Tombstone using Code Clover 20 to save 20% Alone star and now I’m about to try to give it a cheeky bid maybe no not cheeky we’re going to give it a smart bin yellow rose Heiser make sure to keep the nose nice and high float it left nice Pace control there got a 18 footer into the green on this beautiful opening hole maybe it might be my favorite opening hole that I’ve ever played it’s up in the list maybe I’ll compile one of my next YouTube videos my dream 18 that took me a little bit of work so maybe I need to start thinking brainstorming one more look as we approach and something about stra Park out here where Harmony BS is located is we are on this pery Creek which floods extremely fast so if you are ever out here and it starts downpouring just go to the parking lot leave now you will get trapped and it is honestly dangerous so this thing fills up in a matter of minutes I’ve thrown a a disc exactly where I just threw that drive on hole one before here when I was practicing with Ezra one time and we had a storm come through rain for a good 45 to an hour kept us off the course and then we went back and our disc are literally submerged in like 4 ft of water so you got to be careful out here keep an eye on the weather and that’s just a good rule of some and all discol hey and one with the camera stand hitting the ground that’s how you birdie hole one Harmony BS baby hole two another one of the best hlls on the course very unique par 4 forces kind of like a turn burning shot down the left or this gorgeous flip up forehand that gets a little lucky at the end second shot into the cliff green woo also if you notice this New Jersey I’m wearing these just dropped at gorilla you guys can get one yourself I’m out here in this 100 degree Columbia weather and it’s holding up nice you know we’ll see as we get into that round as that sweat starts picking up how if it’s gripping on the shoulders or whatever but so far feels great and uh loving the pattern loving the look on it go get yours there’s three different options at gorilla all the proceeds help support me on the tour so appreciate you guys for picking those up if you already have if not maybe you want to go check one out John hul loves giving you multiple options and this hole is no different pick your poison my poison is in the form of this beautifully clear Texas Ranger just going to hold that nice gentle turn for me the whole flight oh it’s like exactly what I’m looking for if I don’t have a tree in my swing I’m going to be looking at an Alleyway to the basket on this tough R4 love it this is one of those spots that man I threw such a solid drive just needed a little more movement to the right at the end would have netted me a more attackable spot for birdie we are playing two different layouts out here at Harmony we’re playing three different layouts technically for the three rounds only three different baskets out here at Harmony day one playing some shorter positions so we will play that yellow basket on the right day one but I’m just going to play the long layout out here since it’s my favorite and it’s the it’s the layout that I would prefer to play every round um I’m just going to go horny toed lay up towards that yellow basket here and try to make a long bid for three I’m in a position that trying to get birdie from here by parking it is going to probably net me more difficulty than it’s worth okay I saw that one the kingdom come but because I didn’t get too aggressive I still have a pretty simple chance at saving par and avoided a big number on a hole that can take it from you okay pinched on the tree here I’m going to lean out to the right take my D1 horny toad maybe even try to give this one a soft little bit I really just focus on having it holding some turn and getting it up to the top shell all right got it up there play it up to the safe left high side and that is going to be a par ladies and gentlemen that’s how you take your medicine walk away still one down through two where I could have pushed it maybe I’m one up through two got my jersey got my OG bag and my lar plastic all the things you need to make good decisions on the course also my chump chalk bag ready to give me this grip and the hot summer this one’s even dead and it’s still got life they keep on giving y’all whole three breaks up the kind of Power Shot flow gives you this side sloping par three you got to force a flex on something that’s going to fight back late and don’t drop off the cliff that’s right behind the basket love the touch involved on a shot like this and also love the yellow rose for a shot like this put it on a little bit of turn watch it fight out that looks perfect yeah I was waiting for the pole hit maybe well shank my first shot couldn’t accept that as my final shot before practice or before tournament starts tomorrow so ran back and I just peered this one I guess mostly peered I was really trying to go just right of these three little or these four little cluster trees that I flew left of and split this little Gap but either way it was a very solid line and there I am parked for the too long let’s go y’all that’s a give me give it to me yeah I got it hole four is another Super touchy hole 288 but throws like a buck 30 you just pitch it flat down the hill here through the Gap with something that’s just going to elevat her down the whole time like my Tour series Penny putter listen for them chains oh listen to them trees what I meant to say way left see2 bid where there’s a window there’s a way isn’t that what they say ah no that’s what I say though all right I got to block yall a little bit here pay away goby oh man should have went left foot on and just done the right foot step through I guess that tree is ready to knock your head where the last hole just played way down this big hill whole five is going to play opposite way up it probably 50 at least feet of elevation gain to the top of the hill there making this t-shot a lot longer than it’s going to read with your laser Finder right side Gap left side Gap I like the left side on turn and I just added this new howler from gorilla disc to my bag bomber distance driver really been liking it I’m just trying to get way up there push that top of the hill as much as I can so I’m going distance driver cool if I throw one boo bull crap y’all overturned it oh man it’s the first time all week I have not been up on top of the hill going to make this one a little bit tougher but I’m up for a challenge [Music] I th the filthiest scramble shot you’ve ever seen in your life thank you all right we got the birdie window BR it that would have been a sick birdie save all right not much about this hole just throw with tons of Heiser hope you get a good Skip and uh yeah hit the one Gap available I’m going Tombstone just to ensure I get the biggest skip possible I think that’s the best I’ve thrown this shot week still probably going to be Circle Edge okay if you live here and have anything to say about this course can we get these limbs that are high in the Gap trimmed here the green ones they’re going to be hard to see on camera here but anything in that Gap that’s not just a tree trunk I think we should get rid of that gap’s already tight enough and now you throw great shots and you just get check rolled down the hill to here it’s literally about as good as I’ve thrown it all week and I’m rewarded with like a 50t up hill putt I think if they gave us a little more ceiling here and make it a little bit less of a luck Factor on the ground and you can actually fly your disc to a consistent spot all right yellow rose uphill banging come on let’s go y’all been loving these yellow roses they really opened up a ton of circle two opportunities for me because I don’t have to flex them to get there they just hold the line exactly how I release it and I love that I have a putter I can manipulate to do what I want and what I want is to go in the basket so a lot of you probably realize that I’m wearing a sweatband and yes it is that hot and sweaty out here in Columbia not only do I have one on my head but here on my wrist to keep the sweat from flying off my hand and getting my hand all pruny throughout the day my guy Julian Marquez just said if I dropped some sweatbands he would train in them would you guys buy a COO logo sweatband if so let me know in the comments maybe we’ll get a little batch of those done and let me know the colors maybe green white black keep it simple get the logo on there I think they’d be fire now that it’s getting into summertime honestly I’m probably going to start wearing them more cuz why not let the hair flow I keep them sweat off the eyes okay we have this beautiful downhill par three here in hole 7 this is one of the most famous holes on the course we’ll play the short basket round one long basket round three we’re going to the long basket right now with our Wrangler got to throw a tight line and just have it hold the whole way oo out the Gap a little overt turn though that’s an easy power play definitely birdie play for the short hole but that wasn’t what I was going for so going to have to try to chip one in if I want the two touches like these massive staircases helping you Traverse what can be some extremely slippery and muddy slopes when it rains out here are just part of the things that make this course have everything you need to be one of the top 100 courses in the world according to youis definitely a little overturned and a little late out of the hand but getting through that Gap honestly every time you’ll take it wherever you end up we got a little Thro opportunity horny towed forehand maybe yeah let’s try that this little ceiling kind of makes me want to go away from the backand there so I’m gonna go horny toad get down on a knee give me some more visibility for the basket and help me have just a cleaner visual of my line we tried and uh it was a good effort parked easy three this is a hole where three is honestly going to play probably a quarter stroke on under the field average and so birdie is just a bonus here you’ve only tried the premium horny toad so far and you haven’t tried one of the Delta 1es for that extra stick on the ground I highly recommend it still has great stability it will kind of give you that little puddling over time as you hit stuff but still comfortable in the hand for me super critical on days like today where you’re just sweating non-stop to overhydrate you honestly almost can’t um obviously don’t overhydrate cuz that’s not healthy but it’s pretty hard to do that so um if you just try to hydrate as much as you can don’t forget some electrolytes I got some double liquid IV packs in here so make sure to pound this right now try to make yourself drink minimum every three holes or every hole if you’re you’re just a small sipper if you’re a big sipper like me still maybe every hole cuz I am sweating out here but we’re on hole eight and I’m not sweating this beautiful hole cuz I love throwing it 216 ft up the hill got these beautiful Rock outc crop right here with this small runoff stream at the base of the hill and then perched up there in the shade currently sometimes you hit it just right and it’s got that gleam of sunshine on them chains just Angelic choir telling you to go get it I’m going T series Penny putter if you didn’t already see my reel you know what I’m throwing here and you know why or if you don’t I’m about to show you these things are laser beams little Tailwind keep that in mind slightly overturned but it doesn’t matter cuz those blue ones have some good stability you can see it just spin back with that Pro Back Spin and we would be doing a disservice to you guys if I didn’t give this at least six Ace runs let’s be real I’m going all my Putters all my approaches in the bag we’ll go my D Two Penny putter a little more Hiser on this one oh less heer could have gone flat still up there for a birdie look yellow rose this one only need a little bit of turn oh that one had cage hit on it if it could stay on the line now three forehand let’s see if I can finesse the emis on the straight line oh finessed it on a lot heer didn’t trust myself all right D1 horny tone Oh that faded quicker Founders horny tone do it way Lord drop now oh just too high another Park drop though a whole that’s hard to not unload your bag on and another one of the reasons that the variety at Harmony bins is just so much fun as a player pick up all these Circle one looks only one with C2 the one D1 horny Tobe that caught the tree on the way up everything else pretty close also thanks to the team for putting the mulch out here definitely going to help as the rain hits this course make this treacherous green little more safe to play there’s a birdie able to snag it let’s go well if you count my rewind on whole three which you know sometimes practice days you can give yourself a rewind that’s why it’s called practice and I’m four down right now not a bad spot without that who knows maybe i’ be two down maybe be three down maybe I would have thrown a shot sent from the dis golf Gods but very unlikely so either way feeling solid finding my rhythm and I’ve been trying to make sure that during practice this week on these Hills I do some little Sprints up so that come Friday these legs is built ready but I was B ready so you know we stay ready you might look at the t- sign for Whole Nine and see par five 684 this mighta be the easiest hole I’ve ever seen and you’d be pretty fooled if you thought that because this uphill gap on the first shot definitely makes you not only have to throw with quite a bit more power per foot than you’re used to on flat ground but you also have to maintain your straight flight all the way through until you Crest that hill then you can allow the disc to fade to keep yourself in the spot couple different ways to play this you will see some players just pitch higher on the right side you’ll see a lot more players take the straight gap which I will be electing for and this one is Eagle B but another hole that has great score separation birdie still takes three good shots I’m going warbird Dragonite it’s only right oh my gosh code Clover 20 has never rung truer than that shot right there sometimes it’s better to be lucky and good right that’s what I always say all right I try to correct it with my regular stock warbird well corrected the timing and maybe another instance of code Clover 20 on that skip up we can live with it y’all we can live with it huge shout out to the ground crew clearing the broken Tree Top on this big discernible Tree on the right side here it was not only blocking the but creating a safety hazard and now our original line is restored I’m going to take chongo Heiser flip try to see if we can give you guys the eagle look here really just want to go dead straight a little bit of right at the end would be only a bonus cuz the ground will drag me right once I land oh that’s that trunk I mentioned to you guys and play played it a little bit too greedy with that heer flip either way should be able to get up and down for birdie maybe I’ll try one forehand just to see if I’m here tomorrow if I’d rather take that with the horny toe and just jam it hard oh my gosh y’all horny toe had a little bit of turn up there on the green putting I need to start trusting my forehand more y’all cuz it is feeling better and better every day cuz I’ve actually been using it and remembering that hey I have a good forehand long putts like these are why I keep a D2 Penny putter in my bag honestly watch it work and watch me work come on oh almost held faded out that was a risk I took it in tournament play I can always just go like this and slide myself up to 45 ft and hate my life this is where that horny toad ended up you guys definitely going to be the play I choose tomorrow if I end up in a similar spot off the tea just put it on a touch turn through that Gap Let It Fade gentle late of course reminding me that that wasn’t a real Eagle right there so you know I can take the band hit now let’s go try to make our real birdie after I ran it to Kingdom Come Holy goodness all right I got to punch it up through the Le leaves need to get small like a hobbit here this one’s for you froo froo discs let’s go bang that thing that was sick y’all that’s why you run everything in practice you always get to try to make harder putts coming back and sometimes those can give you confidence knowing that hey sometimes I can go all out chasing that clout that’s going to be it for the front nine out here at Harmony bins having such a blast showcasing this amazing course for you guys and yeah not a bad start to the front night of the final day of practice my game’s been trending upward every day over the last couple months and it feels good to be finally finding my stride again as I’m gearing up to head to Europe got this event this weekend de Mo next weekend and then I’m to Europe for 3 weeks first time ever ever thanks to you guys for all the support uh thanks for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and get some bug spray for playing in Columbia Missouri see you on the back nine


  1. Hornytoad is so money! Is your throwing yellow rose in Bravo? Can we expect a mid season updated in the bag coming soon? 🙂

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