Preventing Shanks in Golf #Grip and stance #Swing path #Weight transfer

preventing Shanks engulf grip and stance a too strong or too weak grip can lead to Shanks your stance should be shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent swing path and outside and swing can cause the face to be too closed leading to Shanks work on an inside out swing to ensure the face is open to the ball avoid an overswing which can cause the club head to travel too far back and lead to Shanks limit your back swing to shoulder height and don’t swing fully weight transfer leaving your weight on your back foot during the swing can also lead to Shanks shift your weight to your front foot on the down swing and feel your left hip pushing forward drills te drills are great for checking your swing path and weight transfer place the ball on a te and swing honestly noting if you shake it wed shots are good for checking your face single and ball contact practice wed shots of varying distances using a sand wedge or pitching wedge

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