Golf Players

Collin Morikawa Talks Adidas Tour360 24 & Canada Trivia | Golf Town

We spoke to Collin Morikawa about the new adidas TOUR360 24 golf shoes and put him to the test with some Canadian Trivia!

[Music] Hugh and I’m just uh hanging out in Maui with two-time major Champion Colin moral Colin how you doing I’m doing great thanks for having me thanks for spending a little bit of time with us today we are talking about the new Adidas tour 360 I want to get your first impressions of it it’s a great shoot I mean what’s not to love about this new tour 360 it’s almost a classic reimagined right I mean I think when you think back about Adidas golf shoes you know you think back of the old tour 360s and to have this new model with obviously the new technology in it um it’s everything I could ask for it’s a shoe that looks really good with every outfit but has that comfort and stability that you ask for in a in a you know quality Peak Performance type golf shoe we talk about getting a driver fitting we talk about getting fit for irons we talk about getting fit for ball even how important is the proper fit for a shoe when it comes to playing golf it’s huge and to be honest uh I didn’t really think about it that much until I turned professional and the team at Adidas had reached out and said you know what do you look for in a shoe I had no answer when I first turned Pro cuz I didn’t really know but after you think about every aspect you know of a shoe um there’s so many things that go into it it really is kind of that 15th club that you asked for um and a big part of this new t or 360 is this toe Spike for me no one else is going to think about it except me um because you know I I like to slip a lot my right foot likes to slide on the down swing and to have that last little toe Spike that last traction piece um is massive on my end safe to say that Adidas would talk to someone like yourself and ask for their input and what they’d want 100% I mean this has been an ongoing process years and years of just kind of every little piece I give him you know stability around the ankles Comfort around the foot um does it sit high does it sit low is the foot elevated is it um or actually is it is your foot declining like a lot of shoes is it a little flatter all these pieces kind of came in putting this entire shoe together and that I think that’s why this is the really the Ultimate Shoe of this tour 360 all right Colin we come to the game show portion of our interview uh your wife Katherine’s Canadian so I’m going to give you a little Canadian trivia test here okay okay are you ready uh not really okay good we’re ready to go uh Colin what’s the capital of Canada it rhymes with Vancouver doesn’t rhyme with Vancouver it’s not Vancouver think a little East Ottawa Ottawa yeah Ottawa Wow Let’s goome I would have never got there for that you get a Canadian luggage tag want to visit Ottawa there you go you’re covered oh my goodness all right second question not red white and blue but I want to put that in that pocket second question we don’t have a president we have a prime minister yes two for two so far wow I’m glad I got that World Knowledge looking B Canadian keychain it’s it’s a moose a beaver and a polar bear can it doesn’t get much more Canadian I like this one I like I might throw this okay two for two all right how many provinces in Canada is it 9 10 or 11 well before you gave me those options I was going to say eight so I’m going to say nine 10 yes ah there we go a guess you’re unbelievable at this game so good there’s a Canadian deck of cards cards there you go some Perfect Look at that get me through my plane fights it’s Ottawa true or false Canada produces the most maple syrup of any country got be yeah it’s absolutely true for that you get some genuine Canadian maple there you go stuff’s expensive by the way just let you know make sure I check this in I’m going to get I don’t want I don’t want TSA to take it from me Perfect final question and you’ve aced them all so far final question name three of Canada’s seven hockey teams just have to name three uh the maple Lea yep uh Kut yes the uh not even a hockey guy go nights no that’s Vegas that’s Vegas uh I know I live there that’s why I’m saying no no no I’m not going the Montreal Canadians the Canadians yes the Canadians of course for Canada and for that hockey par for this I don’t know how much you’re going to use that it’s game use previously enjoyed I’ve never that’s never been given to me this is is one of the nicest gifts I’ve ever had thank you thank you you’re so nice thanks col appreciate it thank you almost to my Canadian citizenship you’re an honorary Canadian thank you

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