Golf Players

Florida Gators in OMAHA! + Gators Football Committments + MORE!

The Florida Gators baseball team is in Omaha with Nick de la Torre reporting live. We further discuss the updates the Florida Gators’ football team including a commitment from a 2026 recruit – Jaelen Waters and 2025 Punter Hayden Craig.

Plus we break down everything that was said in the Phil Steele and Lindy Pre-Season Magazines!

Stadium and Gale is your number one source for all things Florida Gators!

build the best football team in the SEC Conference we’re going to build the best football program in the you have now arrived at stadium in the kick it’s been Lo again it’s the block again going to heat one deep down the field it’s going to be to the goal line it’s going to be it’s a t the up again tyel I can’t believe what I just saw dropping back to throw pumps and fires the ball over the middle got a touchdown D’s got a touchdown oh man D’s got a touchdown a black and his final game as a gator takes it all the way home and sends Urban out the winner you have now arrived at stadium and jail [Music] boys and girls ladies and gents welcome to another episode of Stadium Miguel it’s Corey it’s Dan and delor same Corner same time fresh out of Father’s Day weekend how was yall Happy Father’s Day appreciate that brother how was your weekend as the only father today this is the last time on this show we can talk about it as the only I got father of a born child or two um I got I got a new grill for Father’s day so it’s only down from here like a like a Trager or like a Paul Wall girl no no no just just some gold fronts Dan that’s all G what you get Rick what girl did you get it’s just uh just a nice little Weber grill just to go outside make my chicken make mistakes it’s a good start it’s a good start she’s starting off on a good note man got bought me something to help feed her yeah me and my boy me and my boy was talking about that this morning he got some black stone Grill stuff I said in the grand scheme of it all the man’s gift is still like benefits the whole family right there’s no Mana pedicures there’s no massages you know no shoes hey cook this up for me S how was your uh your Father’s Day solid man I had a solid weekend they definitely listening to the show I got some gifts nice gifts this year man some bad birdie uh gear got some Essentials Crocs you know it up a little bit man so good good Father’s Day fish all weekend my son is a fiend he’s a fiend bro like we pass canel he like Dad you think it’s peacocks in there I’m like bro I don’t know he got apps we passed by canel he’s like hey Dad this the app says it’s like a lot of peacocks in there man so like bro so just exhausted from the sun summer is definitely summering out there it’s the Heat’s crazy but yeah awesome weekend for the most part man it’s awesome Nick you’re in Omaha uh I know you got stuck in a major rain delay on Saturday night but how’s how’s Omaha treating you uh the just continue uh donating money I wish uh that Harrow was a 501c so these gambling losses were tax deductible I don’t believe that they are I thought she was going back for Revenge what happened to that yeah it’s it’s the revenge chor is on hold currently the casinos don’t lose baby they don’t build palaces in the deserts of Iowa for for being bad at Blackjack God the dealers here are some of the best bad blackjack players I’m telling you what yeah the dealers here are some of the best blackjack ever seen yeah I mean the LeBron of blackjack dealers just the creative ways that they will show you a six and take the scenic route to a 21 it’s not see it’s impressive impressive I was telling Nick I was up in Montreal for work last week and on Friday night I went to the casino there and uh I thought I lost more money than I actually did because I forgot about the exchange rate uh so I lost 40% less than I thought but uh I was telling Nick about I I got I lost on a 20 on a sixc card 21 from the dealer uh just some absolutely egregious losses um I don’t know where they’re training these folks up I don’t know the the Blackjack develop program around the world is just at Elite levels right now just pumping out great talent uh all across North America from beautiful Council Blu Iowa to Montreal Canada uh just absolutely Bonkers boys getting that work man in the gym I’ll tell you what though this was this was no home run hitters country home runs we’re gonna talk a little baseball here in a second give your weekend no want to uh if you’ve not been to Montreal really really cool town uh had a fantastic time but I had some time to kill Friday night and I was like I’m just going to go to the casino expecting a small you know just kind of you know one floor buddy if I don’t tell you this casino is six stories tall uh just absolutely nuts just filled with thousands of slot machines all types of table games anywhere from I’ll give them a quick shout out too because they have $10 tables 25 all the way up to your your high roller tables I know in in Vegas it can sometimes be hard to find anything under you know 25 or um um you know 50 at at times but Montreal is a beautiful town if you guys are looking for a a unique kind of European experience beautiful weather uh while I was up there but uh but shout out to all of you uh my boy tmac gave me a bunch of recommendations uh of places to go and things to do so uh thank you for for him but uh but yeah so that that’s uh that’s my weekend I was hoping to I was hoping to watch the baseball game on the way back but obviously uh the life had other other plans shout out to one um the fans who came back there were still like 20 25,000 people at the game after a four delay um and we had a ton of people interacting both on Twitter and on our message Bo for the game um that ended I think 3:30 Eastern Time 3:15 eastern time that’s what’s up man I mean the people in Omaha I get it unless you losing money at the casino you might as well come to the game you know a whole lot to do Stakes bro the stakes hit out there yeah if they know what to do out here it’s baseball and steaks baseball and steaks had a beautiful dinner at the drover uh how Bloody how Bloody you like the steak man so I I order if I’m at a nice steakhouse I I order rare plus which essentially just me telling them hey I like my steak medium rare you can error on the side of more rare um we’re we’re teetering on not even a warm Center yeah I se SE my steak if if it ain’t mooing we ain’t chewing yeah yeah yeah yeah Nick said just hold it near a flame for about 10 seconds yeah hey if you could just have the cook stand near the grill with the steak in his hand that’s cool throw it on a plate turn the microwave on for 10 seconds from the outside C some pepper on it and send it on over they want 100% man I don’t eat meat anymore but I was the same way bro just not living right bring it here yeah and then bring it that that’s enough sir yeah I’m a medium rare guy my uh my grandfather was like a purple rare guy from from what I from what I heard from him growing up can I have the AI Fila please yeah I love it man um shout out to all the fathers I thanks for all of you guys that listen I hope you guys had a great Father’s Day I want to give a quick uh shout out to Colby Newton we had him on the show a couple weeks ago his book SEC football how a regional League became a national sensation well I bought it yeah yeah yeah I can give you a discount code I think I got like 20% off I found it somewhere but uh really fascinating book probably a third of the way through uh right now it gives you the history of the SEC so if you guys are are looking for something to do uh this summer it is a a good book I think it’s $30 pre-orders went out uh last week so uh just a really really interesting book so uh if you didn’t listen to the Colby Newton interview it’s just a fascinating uh breakdown of the SEC and and where uh it got to be where it is today and I’ll share some more tidbits uh next week as I get through it uh want to give a quick shout out to our sponsor HomeField apparel give them a look HomeField promo code stadium and Gail at checkout we’ll get you 15% off of your order anything from old retro logos to a baseball pull over to uh the n or to the starter looking jacket that uh that HomeField created go check them out best vintage logos on the market HomeField promo code Stadium andil at checkout we’ll get you 15% off of your order I know that we are all big fans of their product so again HomeField all right Nick uh lots of comments already myak Gator said we have to beat NC State today Chandler register said beat NC State um and then he my OA Gator back umpires at the College World Series been egregious and then cie with the the big shout out uh we have no home run hitters so fla is fla is uh fifth in the country in home runs so there are 24 teams worse at hitting home runs than Florida a team with no home run hitters that’s crazy you gota get your stats right man like you can’t you can’t outly Nick yeah not not not not in this not in this subject not in this subject uh Nick Gators uh do lose uh the first game uh 3-2 uh you know just uh gave up a couple runs early on uh we had some hecklers uh maybe even some hecklers that uh maybe interrupted Florida’s ability to get a review on a on a third base play that allowed them to score a couple runs after that but give us the old um breakdown from the game on on Saturday SLS Sunday morning yeah it uh it’s like the fourth inning and they put up Happy Father’s Day uh on the Jumbo Tron out there and we looked down and we’re like oh yeah it’s the fourth inning and it’s midnight which means it was 1: a.m. for people back on the East Coast um Liam peeterson had a good first inning um kind of kind of lost it there in the second A&M scores two uh he gave up a third run in the third inning um but then shout out to fiser Jameson and Brandon Neely they threw five five and two third scoreless after that kept Florida in the game Florida didn’t really have anything going um until until late um Tex ZM went with a pitcher Justin lamin who had struggled a little bit um but he he was really good one time through the lineup and then they went to Chris Cortez who throws 100 miles an hour with an 88 M hour slider so everyone’s telling me tell them to stop swinging the balls in the dirt when the ball comes in at 100 and the slider and the slider also comes at that same spot and then ends up 14 inches in a different place than the slide than the fast ball that’s 100 you’re going to make some people look silly and Chris Cortez has had trouble his first two years throwing strikes but he’s been one of Texas A&M’s best pitchers this year uh and then they go to their closer Evan Ashen back late and Florida actually got to Ashen back um was putting some good swings on it the game kind of reminded me of last year’s colle series final um last year’s first game colle R series final you’re in Extra Innings and Wyatt Lanford hits the ball uh LSU’s Outfield was positioned perfectly barely gets a glove on it uh would have been a go-ahead hit for Florida you miss it by an inch and and really if you mess with baseball uh if Wyatt langford’s bats a millimeter tilted differently that Ball’s 14 rows deep um Saturday kurlin who’s not a guy that pimps home runs hits a ball that the entire Press Box thought was out Florida’s Dugout thought was out Jim SCH angle who’s Texas A&M’s manager said Homer thought that was gone um Jay Lavalette who’s going to be a first round pick next year happens to be six foot six uh and was playing right field gets his whole elbow above the wall brings it back would have been a two-run homer that put Florida up in the top of the ninth it’s a game of inches and uh I it just that that catch brought me back to last year in the College World Series final and remembering why Langford so fl’s been here their backs been against the wall uh for their own doing uh by their own doing for six weeks now they’ve kind of been playing playoff baseball just to even try to get into the tournament so we’ll play NC State today kind of a team like Kentucky they’ve got okay pitching uh they play good defense they’re going to bunt they’re going to steal they’re going to hit and run um so so you got to figure out uh your star your starter Jack you need a really quality start from Jack kagle on today uh and then you need the bats to get hot but uh Florida is capable of scoring five six seven eight nine we’ve seen him score 12 runs in ending this year so when when the score was three nothing against Texas A&M uh in the entire fan base was chick and little the sky falling I was like that’s a a walk a bloop and a blast and the game’s tied so yeah Florida has all the capability I think Florida is talented enough to beat any team here U but we’ve also seen them uh lose to teams they shouldn’t lose to so I’ve got no feel as to how how long they’ll play but for uh a lot of people asking Florida now has to win four straight games to get to the College World Series so it’s a double elimination tournament think of the College World Series as two separate 14 double elimination tournaments uh so Florida side of the brackets Florida NC State Kentucky te A&M um today at two is an elimination game the winner of Florida NC State will play the loser of Kentucky Texas A&M and then you have to beat the team that’s two and 0 you have to beat them twice so you have to win four in a row you have to win six of seven to win the College World Series uh they did they did go into the College World Series winning five in a row right yes so it was their second five game winning streak of okay all right so I think Nick has better odd down there in Omaha the blackjack table to be honest with you yeah yeah what was the drama with uh oh boy the the fans trolling I know I know like behind the scenes what’s going on but what was that um drama um it looked it looked like it was getting aggressive um Dr Farmer who’s the surgeon looked like he was ready to either climb up or or drag them was that is that who climbed up on you know I I thought the reaction the security guard with the hat the security guard with the gator hat is just a local um they gave him a couple hats oh okay a couple years back and he wears them whenever whenever Florida plays um cool I talked i s I’ve seen him couple times he’s yeah ask him took a little longer buddy was it a coffee break um yeah I don’t want to get into like what they were yelling but um it it’s just pretty uncalled for in a game I think it ended up distracting I didn’t know that the play was that close live it didn’t look that close the play at third Florida had already used one of their two challenges they end up using a challenge later in the game and getting it correct um but yeah that that run ends up scoring I think yeah think we need to send Dan out there to to to match their Heckler with ours I think I think if you get kicked out of a game in the College World Series you can no longer go into the stadium so that that’s a it was a very expensive Heckle yeah their their heckling was uh very different in the type of heckling that we were doing we were just having some good oldfashioned rightfield fun uh they were doing some some personal attacks uh on Dan’s telling the right fielder his shoes are untied there’s a I was telling him that he was having a bad game I was just reminding him letting him know hey you know you just gotta play yeah like it John Ruiz wasn’t spending that kind of money on Miami baseball program for that guy to be slouching off on a Friday night game you know what I mean just it’s a good reminder um got a transfer from Miami too as well what yeah Blake sir yeah we talked about that uh it happened live on the show last week okay everything’s above yeah it was live in Clemson yeah uh so Florida does go one for 11 uh with guys in scoring position that that one pitcher that they had was thrown some some pretty nasty um sliders during that game um umpiring is going to be umpiring I think that we’re just paying attention to it a little bit more uh now uh there’s obviously some drama around it not every Call’s going to be perfect uh but State Tennessee fans complaining as well yeah yeah uh well not Tennessee fans they got caught on a check swing as well last night yeah yesterday they were complaining well they won pretty handly yesterday so you’re two and0 being 2-0 in Omaha feels really good um I’ve covered teams two and0 know lot of teams that were 0 and one is tough I think only four teams since in this current format um have won the World Series after starting 01 it’s just really tough you need a lot of pitching um to come out of the losers bracket but Tennessee looks really good Florida State uh handled Virginia Virginia my goodness they got handled by Florida last year got handled this year it’s tough to get out here but it’s it’s really really hard to get to the College World Series uh but Virginia has not had a good time the last two years out here yeah so well Nick you uh you head to the diamond later today the boys are going to be playing at assuming no rain delays at two o’clock Eastern time uh on ESPN any other baseball talk before we move on to football how do we feel about NC State they oh yeah pitching is legit yeah they I don’t even see they’ve announced their starter I’ve been looking for that this morning haven’t seen it I asked one of their writers um I have a story up um from one of NC State’s writers answering some questions um I really really like NC State’s catcher uh Jacob kosart he’s like a top 50 MLB Prospect really good behind the plate um he’s having a really good offensive year um they’ve got a nice closer I think they’ve got an okay Bullpen um it’ll be interesting to see who starts but they’re kind of like Kentucky um they’re going to bunt the ball the game the Florida vers or Kentucky versus NY State in the opener my good I think I saw more sack bunts or or push bunts bunts for a hit in that game that I saw watching Florida for the last four months like they they are Tom a manky fundamental baseball uh from the boys in from the boys in red um it should be a good game you need like I said you need a good game from Jack and um you need the offense to show up I I’d like to see Florida get a lead early uh I see them dig holes early and then come back from it late um but getting getting a lead early and and letting your your Bullpen kind of rest not if you if you can get out out of this game with with a win and not having to throw fiser Jameson or throw Brandon Neely that can set you up because like I said Florida doesn’t have a ton of arms that they trust to throw in big games and when you lose game one you’re going to have to win four games so being able to get out of a game with a win and not have to use your guys would be big for Florida okay so we just need to get up early and just beat the piss out of them is what you’re saying I mean that’s that’s honestly that’s a great recipe for any sport noted baseball Enthusiast Dan Thompson with the analysis I would say expert not not a baseball expert yeah I watched a lot of the Tom M manky um commercial during Nickelodeon when I was growing up probably on Double Dare or Legends of the Hidden Temple you know him and Fred mcgrier out there just backto backto back AA national champions the the crime the crime dog was a spokesperson for Tom manky yeah I remember those got guys thrown into trash cans from The Outfield 100% 100% oh we’re starting Jack today oh Tom manky still alive 26 years old um shout out yeah it’s been a while since we’ve shouted out Tom manky on this program all right um Nick any more baseball talk before we get to your favorite subject of all time punters basketball oh punting okay women’s basketball no uh Tune In Tune in check out uh updates on Twitter sign up for Gator online let him know that uh you enjoy baseball Perfect all right let’s get into to the subject that Nick has been waiting for actually before we do that let’s give a quick uh shout out to our new friends old sponsor back again our friends over at home or at uh um game time Sidekicks sent us allwes some care packages yeah I got one national champions of golf I need that one that one’s fly right there I Ain look at that swinging Gator I sawc one silk swinging FSU I didn’t get no swinging F oh no that’s swinging gator funy I got that one that one’s fire my son my son ran to that one and grabbed that real quick the whole house was mad on Father’s Day week all places you know what I mean yeah he opened the box bro I came in the house I was like where all these cups come from so that I opened it had your name on it I was like d that could have been the explosives man I got I got haters you got to be careful I got haters I just be opening my my gifts man but uh I didn’t like the beige and barbecue sauce but I get that to my brother he’s the uh black sheep of the family uh but he he sent me plenty of those joints I need I need that one I need that uh that golfing one that you got 100 this save my weekend too man out there fishing in the heat it kept my it kept my bourbon cold you know and then on Sunday morning it kept my my my coffee hot you know it’s it’s a it’s quite the thermal a great product uh cheaper than uh some of their competitors but just as good quality uh anything that you could want uh they have a lot of different uh schools that they’re that they’re representing and have products for uh but go check out HomeField or gez go check out game time Sidekicks gez Lise go check out game time sidek you can use promo code Stadium at 15 it’ll get you 15% off of your order again we have used these cups for years uh still in the same condition I got them in um two or three years ago and then obviously a lot of new stuff that’s out there so anything that you could want for cups to keep your drinks cold or keep your drinks hot uh we are big fans of them not just because they support the program but because they are very very quality stuff so again game time Sid Stadium 15 a check out get you a golf I don’t know where fly right there I like that man it’s got like a I’m telling you what man yeah yeah yeah Nick where’s your cup you got your cup I I did not pack my cups I did get a bunch of them I actually have two of those uh the black Gator ones the uh the guys at game time psychic sent me one last year right before the black jerseys so I helped promote those nice might have to do a giveaway with one of the two yeah I got some I got some give away with the Miami and the Florida state one but I’m I’m Gonna Keep the other ones Bean barbecue sauce fantastic I like that you can’t give you can’t give me to to the your co-host over at FL yeah I give I guess I give one to a mon I want to put it in trash but I respect game time Sidekicks enough to like you know give it yeah give it give it away to somebody that would use it bro Goodwill would not take it n no not the barbecue sauce I went on the website and they got like they got everything on there every program in school is on there kicking it man I just thought when game time side kids first came out we was dealing with it was just a gator thing but n man them boys is vibing with absolutely everybody so you one of those weird Gator fans that like gator in Duke you know in basketball season like they got you too bro you can um you can find them at uh if you’re not going to get our discount but you can find them they’re at the bookstore uh and it’s exporting Goods um don’t go there order it use that discount yeah yeah get your 50% off and then if you sign up you can get free shipping yeah get free shipping uh if you sign up on their website 15% off Stadium 15 um again game time Sidekicks decom that might be our longest ad read ever but uh great product uh Nick the Gators grabbed a commitment from a punter 2025 Hayden Craig from Maine what are your thoughts Game Changer um honestly you should probably move up seven to 15 spots um in the recruiting rankings whenever uh you’re lucky enough to grab a commitment from a punter yep Florida dropped in the recruiting rankings actually egregious yeah Gator uh right now 56th uh in the class of 2024 um 58th I’m sorry um so right now 15th in the SEC class score is 84.9 obviously there’s still a lot uh to do there’s a lot of people that are waiting to see uh but Kohl’s uh who ranks kickers and punters Nick I was surprised to learn this so he’s a five-star from Kohl’s and punting four and a half stars and kicking um if you know the answer don’t say do you know how many five-star punters Kohl’s gives out dozens yeah 28 five star punters uh you have to get down to the point thought they get below a four star yeah they do give out six none this year though um so he’s a five star on three has him as the number three punter uh in the country uh but the number one Prospect in Maine so the same way we were talking about the number one player in the entire country of two different countries uh last year uh Germany and the UK uh the Florida grabbed the number one player in the entire state of Maine from Bridgeton Academy and North Bridgeton Maine so yeah that we that means that the the ponter kicker is the number one player in the state of May I don’t know ECT this be in main for nothing else that’s it just wrap it up Gator grab Hayden Craig the punter of this class the gator also grabbed over the weekend uh Jaylen Waters cornerback six foot2 180 pounds the number 153 overall player a cornerback from Armwood High School in sefner Florida uh grabbed him he had previously been committed to Florida State uh he is the second member of the 2026 class along with quarterback will Griffin uh have you guys been able to do a little bit of research on him or know much about him I know that we’re we’re two years away from him uh getting on a campus I know his dad so I’ve been like watching this kid since like Middle School a little bit on Twitter and whatnot but uh awesome get 6’2 rangy kid you know great work ethic um he’s going to be one of those guys uh 26 is a far ways away but um it was wild to see him commit to Florida State knowing that he grew up a Gator fan and also his dad’s a big Gator fan but he he’s how they building him these days six2 um k k you know he could he can route match you know he can play off ball on ball press however you want to play I think he um did very well last year for some reason I thought he was a 25 recruit the way he carried himself on the field but physically it look like he’s a college kid right now like physically he’s not like coming in like Kon McAn that needed to put on a lot of weight um but that that’s how you building Corners good G we just got to hold on for two years that’s all long time long time Gator also uh hosted a number of players um this weekend uh including uh Hayden stub or Hilton stubs pardon me he’s a USC commit I know at one point when Florida uh was recruiting him heavily uh back in the springtime him committing to uh USC was a bit of a surprise uh he’s from Mandarin High School in Jacksonville Florida he’s the number 56 overall player uh in the country the visit he said blew him away uh again going from Jacksonville to Southern California there’s certainly some uh probably Intrigue but that definitely is a a long way away uh he did mention that he is looking uh at Florida’s progress which I was actually uh talking on the phone with Keith neber on Wednesday uh and that’s what what he’s hearing too is a lot of folks are not necessarily looking at what are the wins and losses of Florida this season they know it’s a tough schedule but about the progress that that players are making and uh Hilton stubs mentioned that uh as well he said that there’s not much of a gap between Florida and USC right now go ahead when they say when they say that like it’s not about wins and losses like what progress are we about to see if it’s not wins and losses after several losing back to back like what progress could we possibly see that could make a kid a highly recruited kids seriously just say hey I’m not going to USC I’m not going to like the the big dogs and I’m G stay home and go to Florida like I wantan sounds like sounds like you’re looking to see what kind of progress the uh fundraising arm of the university Athletic Association has made uh when when you’re talking about like honestly couldn’t care less if they win games what how many commas how many are in the offer what you pay me to lose possibly I think there’s a little bit of that I think that Florida has a relatively young team obviously they they filled it up a little bit in the transer portter with some some older uh talented some older athletes so obviously he’s been around the Florida you know football market for a long time probably had some friends on the team I would imagine that some of it is probably watching their progression and and what do they look like uh are they getting especially as a defensive back or they do they look like they’re being put in a position I to be successful probably looking to see what kind of the stats they they they look like and everything or what the stats look like and everything else I would imagine it’s a matter of hey if I’m GNA go there what are the guys that I’m going to be playing with look like right in their opportunity and are these guys getting beat and burned all the time where these guys not playing uh what am I joining uh not that USC’s defense is anything that uh has been noteworthy of of ever but uh that’s that’s probably what I’m I’m guessing he’s he’s looking at wins and losses probably want to see what will Harris does differently than than Cory Raymond if that the guys develop in that in that aspect but just as a recruiting and as a college football fan I just know how much winning and losing does matter um and also like stubs is one of those guys I think he’s going to be special talent going to play early to whatever school he goes to um and you just might well just relax with most of these guys until like Signing Day when it gets closer because we got a lot to do this far don’t get caught up in the rankings and where we at now uh this staff can’t can recruit they’re going to get guys but the little hesitation and you know the lack of momentum right now with like you know cat of putting towards the top 10 top five of the recruiting class is the progress and and what we’ve been at the last few years but if the wins happen you know I do like they they keep talking about the schedule but I’m not mad at the schedule if the young guys that we’ve been having on campus develop and get to that next level you know what I’m saying um some young guys got to take that leap but we do have a veteran quarterback and players that the position to go do some things man no excuses this fall in my opinion I don’t want to hear the the schedule any of that this is the SEC with the University of Florida there’s no such thing as a tough schedule everybody in the SEC got a tough schedule bro like I I don’t feel sorry for no schedule that the University of Florida has since I’ve been following this man the schedule’s been tough every year I never seen the easy schedule right it’s the schedule the original in Texas it’s some new it’s some new Vibes in there but it’s just the schedule dog I think the original 2020 schedule before Corona um was going to be or we make the playoffs easy easier yeah but yeah it’s still the SEC but I am fat checking you uh I am pulling up Georgia’s schedule just to make sure never mind Georgia starts with Dabo uh and they get at Alabama this year shocking okay you have to go play people bro like you can’t duck Texas George George is getting the smoke this year what Georgia schedule is going to look like they’re not going to be complaining about the schedule or worry about the schedule because they’ve been recruiting the programs in a different spot like everybody in SEC got a tough schedule bro that’s just what it is that’s the thing like if Florida had been flaing 90s early early 2010s Florida we’re not talking about this being a difficult schedule it’s difficult because of you know what the last few years for real correct there just no excuses because like like I said we could have had veteran help we had the portal we had other things we we’re several years into this this whole regime so this fall like people okay with the six seven wins I’m just not feeling that you know I understand what they’re saying you know it’s been a rebuild but bro this is several years in and then this Market of being able to pull in Portal guys and all of that man I don’t want to get into a deep tangent I know we handling recruiting right now but I just don’t think there’s any excuses this fall not to be you know eight- win team or better you got to go get wins you got to be able to coach these guys up recruiting have been on point last year the excuse was young guys this year those guys can’t be you can’t use young guys as an excuse when you could go get veterans out of the portal that’s my opinion absolutely let’s see speaking of the schedule I’m G to pull that up right now they we did get uh some some times announced for the SEC schedule which I which I will say is nice to have early uh for those especially that are uh looking to uh make a trip uh to Gainesville sorry one second yeah from a fan perspective uh from a fan perspective do you like that so like you still don’t have a concrete time but you’ve got a slot like you know hey even five months out like hey if I’m trying to go to that Kentucky game I know it’s not going to be at noon it’s going to be at 6 or it’s going to be at 8 and I can make you know my travel plans accordingly so I do like that um the FSU game is controlled by the ACC because it’s there this year so I don’t know when um just back on a Saturday you know what I mean yeah Tuesday morning thank you ACC Network right after cartoons we’ll play Florida Florida State so let’s let’s run through the schedule right now like I said I I like that you’re you’re able to plan especially those that are maybe making dat trips and and need to coordinate with babysitters or dog sitters or whatever it might be so uh Florida is playing Miami August 31st at 3:30 September 7th against Samford at 7 pm September 14th Texas A&M all three of those games are in gains about 3:30 uh Mississippi State in Starkville at noon so that’ll kick off at 11:00 a.m. local time there uh don’t love that uh then the week after that is a by week uh week after that they’re back in Gainesville for UCF that’ll be a night game uh sometime between 6:00 and 8:00 P.M is going to be kickoff October 12th in Knoxville against Tennessee that’ll be a flex game between 3:30 and 800m uh the weekend after is Kentucky back in Gainesville again a flex game between 3:30 and 8 they have another bye leading into Georgia which is always at 3:30 uh on ABC uh Texas November 9th uh that is in Austin Texas that too is a noon kickoff eastern time so 11: a.m. local yeah LSU in Gainesville Flex 3:30 8m Old Miss uh in Gainesville at noon and then Florida state is TBD so those are all of your times so plan accordingly wish the first game was a night game just for like a long tailgate but I understand us wanting to get Miami fans out of town as quickly as possible so I’m not mad at it but I wish it was a night game 3:30 not a whole lot of hotels in Gainesville so if you if you trying to get out of Dodge and not spend 500 a night on hotels then you got that option as well with the 330 game but would prefer ton night but 3:30 in Gainesville in August is just gonna be swamp likee you know the fans will be drunk the weather will be steamy it’ll likely rain at some point either before during or after that game uh it’s just going to be um Sky out thighs out though Sky out thighs out yeah great great time for five inch inseam shorts all right Seas word the Nick man Su is in cowboy C girl boots not cowboy boots cir boots all right let’s see we got a couple of preseason magazines out both Lindy’s and Phil steel Phil steel is going to be on the show in the next couple weeks so we’re going to talk to a little bit more uh eight eight players were selected to Phil Steel’s 2024 preseason all team um Montell Johnson rb1 in the SEC according to Phil steel what are you guys thoughts about that I like it I like it U might be a career achievement he’s gonna go over or should go over 3,000 career rushing yards like he’s been an 800 yard running back every year he’s been in college he’s going into his fourth year uh I know fans like to dump on him but I think the the difference between him and Trevor was just a little bit of burst um and when your offensive line can’t block that little more quickness Trevor Has is him breaking a tackle at the line of scrimmage to gain a yard versus Montell breaking that tackle two yards behind the line of scrimmage to lose a yard I like mt Mont him and Trevor ET sorry yeah Trevor right Trevor or Travis both those are your Jaguars yeah but uh I I like I liked his game and him able being able to make the first guy Miss but Montell is no slack he’s no slouch bro like he he he’s a strong Runner uh has good Vision uh last year wasn’t our best like offensive line the first year he looked a lot better because the offensive line performed a lot better and and also Anthony Richardson helped open some holes up in the Run game with some of the stuff that he could pull the ball and run with um but montro is no slouch bro um I think he clogged in at the fastest time as at our running back 451 which which is solid time we’ll see how it all plays out but I think the offensive line should be solid to good this year so it should be an improved Mont Johnson in my opinion I like that F Phi still where do they have uh etn at uh fourth fourth team nice nice I like that for him sorry just uh caught cough there um let’s see on Jeremy croshaw was also listed um as a first team uh punter or yeah for all SEC first team Phil steel second team included Shamar James Jason Marshall Jr not gonna lie was a little surprised uh there uh and Long Snapper Rocco Underwood uh were listed uh yeah I’m a little shocked by Jason Mar just waiting on your thoughts yeah yeah just just uh a little shocked by Jason Marshall as well but we’ll see if he improves this year uh then two special Team guys Shamar deserves all the flops I think Shamar is going to be uh could play like late first second round draft pick in my opinion he just got to stay healthy he’s going to test well at the combine uh he’s going to have a great year long as he stay injury free sideline to sideline there was a big drop off when he got injured last year so I’m I’m with the Shamar James smoke uh Jason Marshall got a lot to show me this fall he got a lot to live up to um that paletto 5 kind of kind of stunk it up a little bit when they got to college we fought and argued over them on the recruiting Trail but when they got the campuses between here Miami and everywhere else it was just not worth the recruiting arguments um and then two special Team guys I’m let Nick get in his bag um yeah it’s funny it’s uh they gave us a bunch of information um about how good Florida special teams was and I think I put some of that out I didn’t really who said that argue Florida Florida gave a bunch of the writers like uh if you looked at a bunch of like the stats that football coaches would look at in terms of special teams flid to her Nick I’m telling you what nobody cares right like yeah I get get you know I I I I basically copy and pasted the information and I said listen listen I will pass I will I will hand out your Flyers but I’m not going to be begging people to come to your concert but I will hand out the concert flyers for you uh that’s legit man be because it because when when you consistently have glaring issues that people can see they don’t see the you know the hidden yards they don’t see the hidden stats it’s like Jim maaan used to say your action speak so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying um so like get 11 on the field bar that is a bar that’s a life bar that’s that’s listen Jim mcque had great life advice he just just a little self- sabotage towards the end there yeah we we had some great like positive things with two of our special Team guys making it feel steel this and somehow Nick turned it into this man I think Underwood was a six-star Long Snapper if I member member of the towns and family so of course great lineage of special teers oh I know member of the towns in family he is uh cousins to Tommy and Johnny as you can see with different last names um tough to make that connection but glad you did that’s that’s why you tune in to stadium and Gale for family trees yeah some Dandy facts from Nick Dandy facts from Nick I’m really taking over Dan segment I’ve been coming with only PS lowkey I I don’t I don’t think so I don’t think High key taking over Dan’s d p segment of the week I just I just don’t High key uh let’s see Lindy’s Sports um let’s see mentioned that Billy Napier is on his scorching hot seat right now uh second in the SEC just behind Arkansas coach Sam Pitman uh he said boosters need way more bang for their Gator bucks than the last two seasons Mr Lindy said um not a bar not a bar not a bar uh Napier got his butt this is a direct quote from him said ner got his butt handed to him in recruiting this year got poached at the end I think Billy is smart and a good coach but I think he’s too nice for that place I don’t think he has control of the players I I don’t know you need a Nick Saven enema at Florida Billy is not a huge disciplinarian that’s what happened with Will mus champ and Jim M and Mullen Florida’s been mismanaged by every head coach they’ve had since Urban Meyer I’m I I don’t agree necessarily with that statement at all right I I think that Florida did get their butt handed to them a little bit at the end of the season recruiting wise they lost a number of players they were able to get deantre Robinson and Jamar Grimley after the fact which is good uh they did get poached right um I don’t agree with the statement that he doesn’t have control of his players um in that he’s not a huge disciplinarian I don’t I I think that the one thing that Florida’s got I mean I think disciplinarian when it comes to uh some onfield stuff maybe um so I don’t know if that statement’s taken out of context uh but I think as a as a coach and a guy that a coach players seem to play for I don’t know if that totally drives up what are your guys thoughts on that statement uh I’m with you um I I do the recruiting I don’t think is like bad at all I thought I thought for what we especially what we finished um and then what we end up poaching after Sig the day and flipping back over you still getting like I think the seventh class or something like that like recruiting isn’t isn’t a issue I think with Billy Napier especially if they start winning I think winning is the problem that’s it in-game coaching you know uh the the the incompetence that’s come from the sidelines time the lack of urgency the play calling us not getting a official offensive coordinator and play caller in that aspect I think there’s some Flags there and still some uh question marks from uh the fan side media side that’s going to continue until this fall until this get corrected but I think he has great control of the locker room I haven’t had any off the- field Shenanigans man and as a Gator fan we know what off season have looked like there’s been a controversy every offseason with players arrested you know whatever it may be and we just haven’t had any controversies like that so I think he has good locker room energy and chemistry uh but like that the some of the functioning parts around it is definitely got his seat hot I think the um athletic train I’m sorry scrim and conditioning coach that whole situation this off season was a little bit of a mess and then like we kind of settled on the guy but didn’t really go get our guy and we all been questioning the scripting condition of the team so there’s some red flags in that department but I think overall like team morale uh these guys being like a family they’re very close-knit not a whole lot’s getting out of out to the media as far as what’s going on recruiting wise or with the team so I think they’re close-knit family Vibes at the end of the day winning matters and bil ain’t winning like you can have all that stuff in order I don’t care if you getting run zook recruited well but he wasn’t winning games like the fans wanted him too so they got him up out of here that’s just what it is so Billy got to win games he’ll win games bro they going to get his ass up out here yeah no and I I think you’re 100% right I think that wins and and what you said earlier when we were talking about Hilton stubs and what he was looking for at the end of the day Florida needs to win uh Florida is not a 500 program or they should not be a 500 program so that’s what you need um I just don’t know if I love just that commentary as a whole um but you know Nick do you have any thoughts the the other one yeah I think you’re not including that what Florida was able to do in the transfer portal into you know getting your butt handed to you um but there’s also some luck that goes into that like if they don’t cancel the Dodge Charger and Nick realizes like oh my God what am I supposed to do now and doesn’t retire um Jamir grimley’s probably still there um Texas doesn’t lose their they lost their defensive coat defensive line coach deantre Robinson is probably still there so like you’re not always going to be able ble to uh be Dennis Robin and be in a perfect position for a rebound uh you need to win these recruiting battles probably before uh and sign these kids out of high school but I I think they the job they’ve done over three recruiting Cycles both Portland and high school has given you the best roster you’ve had since you’ve been there yeah um I’ve talked to some people at Florida who certainly would not say this on the record but like were shocked at the roster when they got there coming from UL thinking a certain type of way of what you’re going to be inheriting because you’re getting an SEC program you’re stepping up a level um and then went through a month of practice and a month of lifting and we’re like What who was running this show right um so no I don’t agree with that Lindy’s also said had the anonymous coaching which I love I love that stuff yeah we’re gonna get to that in here in a second yeah well go ahead then I won yeah no no you’re but yeah I I think it is Billy’s Best roster so I don’t agree with that yeah I think that um I’m not a billy Stan I think you guys will remember that from back in February um some people even unsubscribe from the show because of some of the things that I said but uh I think some of that is just not correct but you know again it’s his projection um he predicts the Gators are going to finish 12th in the SEC ahead of South Carolina Arkansas Mississippi State and Vanderbilt uh he ranks number 37 overall in the country the nation’s toughest schedule bad portal losses and he said are they circling the drain um good news is that Florida can looks like they can build a f a program on five-star quarterback uh DJ lagway the bad news is Trevor ATN and Edge rusher Prince and Milan uh left for other SEC programs um Lindy’s call Facing the Nate nation’s toughest schedule a fourth straight losing season for the Gator uh is probably imminent his all sec picks for Montell Johnson first team Eugene Wilson second team which Phil steel didn’t have so I want to talk to him about that when we get him on in a couple weeks and then Jeremy croshaw a second team he has Montell Johnson is the number 14 running back uh Eugene Wilson as number 16 wide receiver and Jimmy croshaw as the number three uh punter and then let’s get down to let me find that Anonymous um coaching thing here in a second um his most valuable player was Graham Merz emerging Stars Eugene Wilson and top newcomer uh is pup Howard Florida will play the number one three 5 10 13 15 17 and 19 uh teams according to uh Lindy’s top 20 so yeah preseason rankings don’t really like move college football fan um like I look into like more the roster returning quarterbacks like which teams have what like returning players returning starters in general and I just like what we sit in that aspect we’re returning a lot of snaps um and should be a lot of experience uh I forgot who had to comment on somebody had a comment about sellling on the uh on the scrim conditioning coach and that the players advocated for Tyler to be the scrim conditioning coach why would you say they settled on Tyler when that’s who the players advocated uh for I mean players advocate for Savage as well right right um and clearly we didn’t go with Savage while the players may have wanted him because of like you know who they know on the staff continuity uh being been you know with him but obviously when I Strength the conditioning coach left we hired a guy then he left again then we went inhouse um just watching football over the years when you start selling for in-house it it just never turns out well you know what I’m saying I’m hoping Tyler is the greatest you know what I’m saying it’s just my opinion from us promoting in-house over the years me falling college football it has never panned out well for us am I wrong yeah I no no I I I see your point I like Tyler and and I would argue one I think you made the mistake of not retaining Nick Savage I think Nick Savage should have been I think Savage should have been retained um I think you got you’re I think you got a really good coach in Craig Fitzgerald obviously then he goes to follow uh follow his head coach and I I like the the processes that after being inside and watching it I like the processes everything is data driven it’s funny because Tyler um Miles said you know he’s just a redneck from Kansas um but smart guy everything they do is data driven I like that he is young enough to go through the workout he’s doing their workout a week before you can Tinker it based on how you feel um certainly Mike Ken was not able to do that when he was leading the gator strength and conditioning program don’t think that was one of his regular practices that’s how we knew that’s how we knew it should have been over you know no no no when when when I was working out at games with health and fitness at 10 p.m. and eight eight football players were in there and and at 10 pm. you’re not like chasing girls like girls aren’t at the gym at 10 pm. you’re in there sweating and getting at getting in a great workout I’m like this is odd that the football team’s also working out with me at a at a public gym yeah playing Fitness and [ __ ] on the stair Master with Nick no Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Health and Fitness is very nice it’s way better than playing Fitness no I’m just kidding but we’ll find out what a scrim condition is like this fall I think we got to see last year we I thought we got pushed around a lot and then our guys just didn’t look like big SEC guys so I mean when we rolled them out this fall we’ll get to see them versus the texases and the Georgia and we’ll see how we looks conditioning wise and if we made the right decision yeah um I misappropriated a quote to Lindy that was actually the anonymous coach that said uh that Billy Neer got his butt handed to him and the rest of the stuff uh after that um so Florida apparently needs a Nick Sav enema um so that’s doesn’t sound very comfortable uh but uh but yeah I think and here’s my overall synopsis of what what where like the team is at and where Billy’s at like this year um I think he’s why to see this hot I think he’s going to be safe I think everybody’s going to want to see what what is DJ lagway and he’s supposedly the Savior not trying to put any pressure on his back but that’s the position that he’s in and everybody want to see how that plays out you know that class what we’ invested in him he’s one of those generational guys that could probably Elevate the play around people around him so um and that could save Billy’s career you know James Winston made Jimbo Fisher career he never did anything without jamus one guy come in and can elevate a coach and that could be the thing for Billy um it could make the Playbook look different you know the style of the offense could change with a guy like that so I’m that me as a fan I’m I’m being patient and waiting for that but I’m not sellling for like five and six over under like wins and [ __ ] this fall like we got to go win some games bro yeah uh army sniper big fan of the program here said how many of the comments are aive na here has proven to be a subpar SEC coach talking about God and his dad are irrelevant to his wins and losses um army sniper you’re sniping you’re sniping yeah I’ll take the first part of that how many of the comments are a lie well none of them are a lie right um the anonymous coaches we don’t know who it is right um I think that there’s a lot to I think that there’s a lot to that right that was Kirby man you know I I think um Florida finished all right in recing despite you know that Florida had a few things fall in their favor that that’s how life goes right um you know and that’s going to happen for a lot of programs where you’re going to get players because a situation happened or you’re going to lose players because a situation happened um I think right now we’re all in the same boat right Florida needs to win we can applaud some successes recruiting seems to be getting better they don’t seem to have an a lot of off the- field issues I know that they’ve had a a couple but um I think that you’ve you were dealt a pretty bad hand and I don’t think that you’ve played that bad hand exceptionally um I don’t know if you put a different coach in there what is different what’s not right it’s tough to uh speak and conjecture that way uh but I don’t think that anybody on this show uh especially Corey and I Nick coming from a reporting perspective uh but from our perspective are happy with Florida being in the situation that they’re in uh I think that we can say hey there’s there’s some glimmers of Hope and there’s also a pretty big mountain that you have to climb as well so you have to climb Mount Everest the right way you can’t just say hey I’m gonna go climb Mount Everest you have got to go do it the right way and are they doing all those things the right way we’ll find out um but that’s been their approach though Dan like their approach has been the long rebuild like they didn’t go quick and try to flush this thing like Dion at Colorado and bring in 20 30 guys in the portal so in year three like your process and your your uh evaluation on how to rebuild this thing is got to start showing itself in year three because you you’ve been betting on your your uh evaluating from the high school level and slowly implementing guys in from the from the portal but in year three this is your roster now you know like year four that’s all your roster so you just run it’s running it’s time where you’re running out of excuses you know um he did inherit a mess from Dan Mullen like what we recruited when you look back back on those classes he brought in how they panned out it was an absolute mess and we were digging oursel a hole the longer we kept him around but at this point you’re three you’re four it’s all on you and notama guy yeah yeah so obviously a a bad situation um you know now you have the opportunity to prove that you deserve that money or Florida will find themselves in a position where they are likely looking for a new head coach and there was question about who would for to look at who knows you know I I don’t so I don’t think the quotes are lies I think in an when you are given anonymity you’re probably going to one be more honest than you would if they’re attaching the quotes your name or use that as a chance to like hey if I give them something that I want out there and that’s going to sound good for their magazine too throw that in there and as a journalist you’re like well [ __ ] shoot that’s a great that’s a great quote from a coach who I know who it is that makes sense no wonder who it was bro tell you I’m thinking it’s a Missouri drink wits drink wits seems like that kind of guy you know what I mean it wasn’t it wasn’t corny enough he would have use some sort different terminology than enema um yeah probably enema is but also I don’t um I I’ve told this to a couple people like Billy is not acting uh I have been here for four coaches now which is crazy um Billy’s the fourth coach I’ve covered I have seen what coaches act like and look like when the walls are caving in I was in a room with Dan Mullen shortly after losing to Georgia Southern I was in the room with Dan Mullen not Dan Mullen sorry um I was in the room at going into Georgia D or GE jeez will mus Champs last year thinking all right this is the game he’s walking into his funeral they beat Georgia he walks in he pulls a you know a fake monkey off his back to say he finally beat Georgia I think they go to Missouri the next week lose and he gets fired um so just just pushed off the firing a week um I I saw Dan completely crack after covid um he was a different coach that Co year and the next years I I when the walls are closing in I seen that I know what that looks like Billy Napier is not acting like a coach who believes he is on even a warm seat I don’t think the oven’s on in the room in that Billy Napier is sitting in in his mind should be on you know me I’m saying I’m saying in his mind I’m letting I’m letting Florida know that that we should at least be in the preheat cycle you know what I mean it’s preheated on 350 like everybody does like Dan pulling on his OJ gloves uh he’s got his schi Mas on he is sneaking into the Napier home to preheat the oven here’s the thing right yeah I hope so you’re saying you’re saying that he’s like I’m I’m saying I’m saying the way he’s talking the way he’s moving I I do not get the sense that Billy Napier believes his seat is hot whether we do or we don’t we could be down 10 with two minutes left and it’s the same urgency right like we see the house on fire during the game like bro we down 10 we got to like go no huddle so the lack of urgency and the lack of reading the room is I rocks with Billy you know I want him to see him special but the lack of urgency and the lack of reading the room that would just be part for the course if he feels comfortable that’s just his demeanor not no no shots at him his demeanor is real cool calm and collected I’m not about to panic even if we’re down 10 with two minutes left on the clock yeah he’s going to take his time he’s going to Vibe out you know what I’m saying um and then talk 10 guys on the field he’s like you know it’s all good we don’t need this play we got 10 we’ll get 11 next time what what could happen right so um yeah I mean I think that there’s you know we we’ve talked about this a lot on the show I didn’t know this is where today would go uh we’ve talked a lot about on the show I think that there’s some improvements that you can say are uh valid uh there’s areas of opportunity and there’s areas of concern uh going into next year right obviously Florida does have a tough schedule you know I I I always say that with like like on paper it’s a tough schedule we don’t know right like there’s a lot of change over in quarterbacks I think seven or the eight programs that Florida’s playing have new quarterbacks there’s going to be injuries along the way on both sides there’s a lot that can happen I think that we want to see some in-game improvements overall um by the University of Florida football team um Florida complained a lot about the defensive line and about defensive backs last year you’ve made two changes there uh you brought in Ron Roberts hopefully to to add some um additional uh to add an adult to the room if you will not saying that in a demeaning way uh you’ve hopefully made some changes along the way that the Napier Administration believes they’re going to put the posi the football team in a better position I think we still all want to see the feel for the game and the onfield uh coaching and tactical things get much improved right like we want to see less procedural penalties less penalties coming out of a timeout 11 players on the field not two number threes on the field at one time right so like those are areas where there’s still an opportunity for improvement I don’t think it’s washed completely yet right um but I still think that the the oven should at least be on you know what I mean Billy if you’re listening to this show let me give you some advice I don’t know what they telling you in the administrative office they telling you to be comfortable and your your seats not high I’m going to tell you something about this fan base bro like you better go win some games bro like I know you seen the capital on January six it can get ugly bro like we got we got Viking hats bro like you better go win some games bro like seriously like it’s urgent I’m being real like it’s urgent I don’t like nobody should be comfortable right now like at all like go win some games Nobody seen Dan mull getting fired at year he got fired bro like no I did not foresee that like the whole season playing out like that I’ll tell you why that happened about as quickly as I’ve seen a firing yeah yeah throughout the season bro like I’ve went back and like listen to us that fall at first we was just like no he’s safe he’s going to be all right like it’s all good and as game by game went by like the energy Chang and it shift quick with him the fan base the media everybody you went from possibly been in the playoffs a year before trash and the hman r like The Vibes was great first round picks all of that uh he started dibbling and dabbling with trying to get the NFL job but still it wasn’t Dan Mullin I won’t out of here and as that season went on as we started to lose games the pressure started to build you know the fans and the players started beefing that’s how it always is like the players turn inward and it’s US versus the fans and then it turns ugly quick bro you cannot underestimate the power of this fan base like don’t go into this season comfortable just straight up yeah go win some games fragrance Journey yeah smash that like button while you’re here um Kevin Valdez I sat next to Ron English on a flight this past week a great conversation with candid Steven gaale Al Ron English don’t know if English would come back onto the program after that interiew now that I’m thinking about it block what bro what’ you do to River Ron Ron you know I be Ron yeah there was Ron English yeah not Ron Roberts Ron English um I think we just had some questions you know what I mean like about plays and why certain people weren’t playing it was early on a mod was on I think that there was just overall I think the vibe just wasn’t quite like’s calling out the safety play R didn’t like it we just weren’t we just weren’t vibing the way that we normally do with a guest on that one you know listen they had Ron Ron won me over when it was him and hve in a drop in in a donk with with some 24inch spokes Ron got his Fedor on hoves leaning up against the back of the caddy I was like you know what you your safety’s give up 48 yard bombs no problem no no no fire out that picture think fire out that picture hey his his defense have played well since leaving for for sure for sure yeah no they played well before he rotated a million DBS bro I don’t know what Ron was doing the project he tried here he’s not trying wherever he’s at now I tell you that bro he he had us looking crazy and I don’t care that he blocked me Antonio Brown blocked me this weekend too I that he must not like fatherhood every once in a while I will you’ll say he father stuff all weekend I didn’t do nothing I just being a dad and he was like no what is he doing being a dad let me block this guy every once in a while you’ll you’ll tweet about somebody blocking you and then I’ll go look and then I’ll send it to you you’ll be like oh yeah yeah that makes sense looked up Antonio Brown saw nothing you know nothing nothing I I looked myself I like I haven’t said anything to this guy man he just didn’t like fatherhood yeah must be a part of CTN uh let’s see PFF uh analyst Max Chadwick released his rankings uh of the top 10 offensive lines in the country uh Florida’s number 10 um number six in the SEC but number 10 overall uh what do you guys what do you guys think a barber Jake Slaughter obviously the bigger names uh you have uh two new transfers uh coming in as well but what are you guys thoughts number 10 surprised pleasantly surprised I like the running back room I like the receiver room with the additions we’ve made I like uh all this bordon helmet tight end we got some guys there like Graham Merz this offense is going to go as well as the offensive line go period if we got a good offensive line then we go get eight games like that’s what I think we got some like we talked about the the changes the coaches got to make but from a talent perspective I think all my question marks right now for the offense or right at the offensive line getting the right five continuity Health death all all of that so if they got us at 10 that makes me feel a little bit better but they got to go put a product on the field for sure yeah I think I talked to Hayden Hansen um and he was in the workout group I was able to watch I think he’s going to make my uh Jonathan Odin comparison seem silly um we we can address that when he does we can address that when he does I’m fine more than fine to let you guys know when I’m wrong but feeling like that’s going to be a bad take um he’s getting he just look he just looks fantastic um okay just looks great cheat check you did a cheat check I I didn’t do an up close cheat check no that’s crazy that you’re still attributing that to me that is Stadium male Al Urban Meyer I was quoting Urban Meyer soon soon to be in my opinion uh Florida Ring of Honor Urban Meyer eventually Kevin Valdez said uh Ron English passing the blame not his fault great L head shot Kevin that’s what I would do that is great great photo nice guy who did your head shot for your photo man like tap me in with them people you think him and Harrison know each other they seem like photographer same photographer Harrison’s not here Harrison’s is AI Kevin Harrison’s back up yo would that be not burner this is burner maybe maybe that’s why Harrison’s never given us a super chat you know what I mean yeah that’s it yeah Rogers normally disagrees with me but I agree with I agree with his his thing right there Kirby Smart didn’t win in his first three years the stronger his rosters became the better he looked as a coach I always say this Kevin O Sullivan told me early on covering baseball he said great players make you look like a much smarter coach than you might be um it takes time it takes patience there has not been a lot of patience over the last decade I I don’t I don’t know I mean Kirby Smart went eight and five 13-2 11 and three first and first in the East first I I was trying to offer a an olive branch to Nathaniel and no app Snap that Branch over his no no no no I don’t I I don’t like that you know what I mean like I don’t want to snap branches you know what I mean but I think that what Pro I think what you’ve proven on this show Nick is as the producer in real time I have to do some fact checks on you you know what I mean like you’ve said some egregious lies to a point where to yeah yeah you definitely said some egregious lies on this show I us to get dm’ your lies like after the show like bro why y’all let Nick say that that’s not true I’m like d I’m like you got to text me right away bro yeah because I’m not gonna google his stats I think as fans too like Kirby took over a better situation too I 100% 100% that’s that’s absolutely true uh but Kirby also like he strikes the core in the in SEC guy in all of us whether you’re a Gator fan B fan Georgia fan like Kirby the way he motivates his team the way he talk to him the way he gets fired up it’s a different type of energy than than Billy Napier and sometimes us as fans we want to see that energy and that urgency right and I think when Kirby got that job being a a former Georgia guy he had a little bit more urgency to get that thing to Greatness than than what we have right now so that’s the difference um but yeah it does take time and we he had a different situation to Billy um and we just got to win football games recruit better all of that and it wasn’t just Kirby it was the entire program and regime that helped Kirby get that to where it’s at now it wasn’t just the coaching it was the infrastructure the boosters everybody involved the administration it’s not just on the football field games are won in in the totality of the entire football program not just a coach yeah no absolutely um speaking of this season uh circus Sports announced some early lines for the Gators Gator Gator Sixpoint favorites over UCF uh ninepoint underdogs against Tennessee 19 against Georgia 18 underdogs against Texas Six against LSU and 11 against FSU I’ll take Florida 11 if you can get that BET right now against FSU um and I’ll take Florida plus n against Tennessee the other ones I don’t I don’t know that does there picks with Dan we need a gambling sponsor but yeah gambling sponsors is the future uh Tennessee they could they could watch that on out of window like preseason spreads on that game never matter on any of these games never matter but um I don’t feel great about the Texas game just knowing how they’re loaded you know that that Rost is absolutely nuts so I’m going respect that spread as of now um Georgia spread is going to be you know it’s going to be something to deal with until we get our our stuff together a little bit um the over unders it’s just not Gator like I don’t care if you believe Vegas don’t believe Vegas this is just different territory for us as fans altogether to go into a season with these type of lines and spreads yeah um only those games were announced in Florida’s just a favorite in one of them against UCF uh which goes against what Nick thought just a few weeks ago um picking UCF to beat uh Florida Nick UCF a lot Mone I didn’t say I did not pick I have made no picks for the year outside of Georgia and Texas um I just said that’s an interesting game that I don’t think people are paying attention to just think you’re starting to lean PO is picking said I could talk myself into I might be talking myself into it the voice in my head who knows what they what you like about UC what you like about ucf’s roster that that leans you towards that I like the that they have a quarterback who’s already won in Gainesville that looks like the quarterback Gus mean would create an NCAA football to run his offense until I can see until I see that Florida has learned to tackle and has players in the secondary willing to tackle a 20 45 pound quarterback who probably will run 25 times in Gus mazon’s offense against Florida I have questions yeah um got a couple games to figure out yeah we’ve got what five games four games before that four games before that I have a baby here maybe I’ll skip the show I’ll be on paternity leave and won’t have to make my pick coward Mel doesn’t offer paternity Le I just gotta check gotta check HR we have Kevin or Harrison fill in for you oh I like that lies will fly that’s what we’re here for we’re here for the viewership um any other final thoughts before we get on out of here and Nick before you head to Charles Schwab Stadium the Chuck the Chuck the Chuck that’s what the Stree call it uh the locals here just call it Charles Schwab uh Florida’s Florida’s uh creative team has been calling it The Chuck I think truck’s cool I like it yeah I mean it kind of fits with like the meat theme of Omaha you know what I mean like ground Stakes here early Stakes here early there’s not much to do inside the city of Omaha outside of the zoo the baseball it’s great baseball it’s been fantastic baseball first four games there were three walk-offs all four were one-run games um it’s great baseball great food um spent a lot of money on food and and wine um have donated money to the uh pumped money into the economy of Council Bluffs Iowa would like to make a c a cash withdrawal at some point uh we’ll see how long you they’ll let you do a cash withd draw at any point I I I meant like leave with more chips Oh you mean go to the purchas yes go to the pay window I got you make a cash withdrawal from the cashier not the ATM understood understood well we will we have an exciting couple weeks coming up we are working on getting Mike Holloway onto the show back to back to back National Champion track coach uh Phil steel will be joining the program here pretty soon uh we’re halfway through June uh which means in the next couple of weeks we’re going to start doing some previews of some of the Gator’s opponents uh maybe start to bring on some some national riders that can help break down Florida schedule a little bit more uh but we are through nearly through the doldrums of the summer we’ve got spring or summer practice getting started in uh a few weeks as well so we will have a lot more updates and everything else uh let’s give one final shout out to our friends over at Alumni Hall go visit alumni or go visit them on Archer Road in beautiful Gainesville Florida anything that you need from uh t-shirts to polos uh for any person in your life whether it’s a friend family member son daughter uh anybody uh that you would want uh to own some Florida Gator uh apparels or apparel or accessories go check out Alumni Hall the best selection of all Florida Gator uh Goods in the world so again alumni or Alumni Hall on Arro let them know that stadium and Gale sent you silk I think you have song of the week very nice your shant is coming next week very nice I got I so I found a shanty which led me to an entire album of shanties so we might be shaning our way into the football season Daniel to the Caribbean soundtrack I listen to an entire album of shanties while on the plane to Omaha wow that’s nuts to admit time we spent time we spent happy upbeat music um if you’re uh if you’re still watching on YouTube please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button share with a friend uh do all of that stuff helps us grow the show helps us uh reach more people uh which is what we want to do here so silk you got a song yeah let me go with a little MC Miller man go some macadelic and playing a lot of Mac last couple of weeks man so I’m going to go let me just go hurt feelings MC Millie rest in peace and MC Abel same Corner same time same Corner same time we’ll see you guys next week thanks for watching and we will see you soon Nick enjoy Omaha brother m


  1. Asa Turner is still the most crucial pickup imho. He needs to anchor the back end and force teams to score on 12+ play drives

  2. I think wins and losses matter but if we are competitive and not adopting ourselves in the foot, I think that's what alot of these recruits are looking for

  3. The strength of the schedule does matter as to your wins and losses. Very naive and dismissive to say otherwise. While everyone in the SEC has a tough schedule some are significantly more difficult than others.

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