I Caddied In 2 USGA Qualifiers & This Is What I learned!!

This is the honest information you need to know in order to learn and play better golf. I will tell you what the elite golfers do and how it translates to your game. If you want to start playing better golf, be more like the good players in your approach to the game!

#golf #golfcoursemanagement #playbettergolf #improveyourgolfgame #usgaqualifying

well hello everybody and welcome into this video and this video is a little bit different this video is going to be talking a lot about the truth of golf this video is going to be talking about the things that you have to do in order to play good golf and a lot of you are probably going to not like this video lot of you are probably going to turn this video off and go somewhere else because I’m not giving you the secret I’m not giving you the thing that changed my golf game I’m giving you the honest truth about what you have to do in order to play I spent the best part of this past week as a caddy uh one of my students uh he’s 18 years old he is going to the University of Alabama next year Michael I caded for Michael twice caded for him in a US Junior qualifier in Lafayette Louisiana this past Monday and then caded for him Thursday up in Hattisburg Mississippi at Hattisburg Country Club for a US am qualifier and I just want to share with y’all the things that I learned the things that I know that were reemphasized okay and what it takes to become a good golfer so if you really want to become a good golfer you want to improve your game you want to do things the right way hit that subscribe button down there and follow me along in my YouTube videos because I’ve just come to the conclusion this is what I’m good at I’m not going to find that niche that thing that’s just going to make my channel explode cuz that’s not who I am I’m a golf instructor and my job is to make people better and you have to do things the right way so let me tell you about what I learned now just like every golf hole starts on the t- boox being a good player kind of starts on the t- boox too and what I mean by that is if you want to be a good player and you want to shoot good scores you’ve got to get this t-ball in play and I’m talking to every level of golfer here whether you’re trying to break a 100 whether you’re trying to break 90 80 par whatever you’re trying to do that t-ball better be in play for you people that are trying to break a 100 it doesn’t have to be very far hey hit it 150 yards down the Fairway in play find a club a swing a speed that will get your ball in play so yes I was cading for an elite junor um I said like I said going to play D1 college golf next year at the University of Alabama and at the US junior he shoot qualifier he shoots two under par great round of golf but missed by two it took four under to qualify I think four under may have gotten to a playoff but he had one hole that cost him he made a triple bogey and it all started with an errant t-shot hit one a little bit right hit hits a mound bounces down gets ourselves into trouble we made good decisions he made good decision I was helping and it just didn’t turn out quite right and a triple bogey happened so six birdies in his round of golf one triple bogey one bogey two under par you take that triple bogey you turn it into a bogey and boom he’s at four under so whatever you do in your playing off you’ve got to figure out a swing a speed a club that you can stand on the t- boox and confidently get that ball in play so continuing talking about that t-shot a lot of times in our practice round on every single hole we were figuring out the safe place to hit the ball okay we were figuring out where was the best place in the Fairway to land it where was the best place to aim and then what club did we need to hit or did he need to hit in order to put the ball in that place so like I’ll tell you right now at Hattisburg Country Club he only hit three drivers the whole round the rest of the holes were a lot of two irons and a lot of three Woods because that Golf Course was treelined had lots of dog legs lots of kind of Overhills and things like that that hey yeah he could could have bombed driver down there but it made no sense it got things got narrow it got too too treacherous there were the mistakes were going to be too bad um there was one hole in particular that man he could drive it down there probably about 40 yards short of the green it was a par 4 but when you did that you ended up on a down slope the green was slightly elevated you had a terrible shot so we opted to take a two iron off the te to leave it back up the Fairway up on a flatter part now the green was slightly below us and he had wedge in there so he still hitting a wedge and gave himself a much better chance at birdie and on on the qualifying round that was one hole that he made a birdie so you’ve got to be really good when you’re at your golf course looking at the places that you are capable of hitting a ball and where it gives you the best option now I’m here at my t-shot I ended up just in the right hand rough I’m 182 yards from the middle of the green we’ve got a red flag today which means it’s up in the front so I’ve probably got excuse me the natat are out this morning I probably got 175 yards a little uphill here um and we have to do the same thing here that you do from the tea I need to know where I want this ball to be missed okay if I don’t hit a good shot where do I want this ball to be where can I safely hit this shot I don’t want to be long I don’t want to be putting down that Hill if I come up a little short of this green it’s no big deal it’s a very easy pitch for me uh for you high handicappers I wouldn’t even be thinking about reaching this green that would be the least of my concern I would be taking something right here that would put you out there 30 yard short of the green play to SA spots that you have the capability to play to so with Michael again we’re looking at greens and there are greens is hey those of you that have never played a practice round and they they will go out there and they’ve dotted put a little dot paint dot on the green where the hole will be the next day so you’re out there in the practice round you know where the cup is going to be the next day and you’re looking at saying okay hey we can’t aim at this flag we need to aim over here there was another example um at Hattisburg Country Club and we found the pin was going to be back left and back left kind of went down a slope back left and we were like man we can’t hit it back here it’s too small if you miss the green long if you miss the green left you were done so at the back of the green there was a mound and the whole thing was our thing was hey we’re going to aim it at the middle of this mound if we get the bu in the middle of that mountain and it gets a little bit left it’s going to hit this slope and it’s going to roll down to the hole but if it does doesn’t it’s just going to stay up on top of that little Ridge and it’s a very simple putt well lo and behold he hits one hits it up there it catches that Ridge and he rolls it down there about 78 ft from the from the hole maybe 10t away unfortunate that he missed the putt but because we had a very safe play he ended up with a good shot so think on your second shots it’s not just about hey I’m 182 yards away and that’s my whatever Club and I’m going to whale away at this thing it’s about being smart and figuring out where you want to place that golf ball so I’ve got a six iron in my hand I’m not even sure I can get this all the way to the green I’m going to aim at the pin if I hit my normal draw it’s a little bit to be to the left if I come up short again no big deal little bit to the right not hit solid at all maybe in the bunker let’s go see here’s another thing that I learned while caddying and I knew this but it just all this caddying just reconfirms you know things that I know things that I teach and these good players they don’t panic um do they get upset when they h a bad shot sure we all do but they don’t panic because they know that they are still playing golf they’re still in the hole they still have a chance and it’s one thing that the average golfer needs to learn is you’ve got to control your emotions on the golf course you’ve got to control the highs and the lows you can’t get too excited you can’t play a few holes really really well and get too pumped up and too excited it’s just the same thing happens to you there is if you play a couple bad holes in the row and you get all pissed you get all pissed off and you start slinging clubs you start cussing a bunch it’s not good you got to learn to stay a steady even Keel and you’ve got to learn it is one shot at a time so I did end up in the bunker and I can be mad at that six iron back there cuz it wasn’t hit very well but hey I’ve got a shot here I still have a golf shot to hit I’ve got to get in this bunker and I’ve got to hit a good shot and get one up on the green and give myself a chance for a par I understand with me hey bogey I’m going to make Bogies I don’t play a lot of golf anymore I’m going to make Bogies but what I can’t have is I can’t have doubles so I have to get my mind right I’ve got to get myself ready to hit this golf shot so that I can get one up onto the green so let’s go see how I do it’s kind of nice nobody’s been in the bunker yet this morning we had a little rain last night I like a nice firm bunker get up a little bit all right up on the front edge of the green got a chance for a Bo for a par now for all you golfers out there take care of your golf course six ball marks rake bunkers don’t be like that guy that did a comment on my fixing a ballark video where he said that it wasn’t the golfer’s responsibility that he had paid good money and it was the golf course’s responsibility to fix ball marks it’s not it’s the golfers if you want to play good golf act like a golfer take care of your course pretty nice bunker shot that was a long bunker shot you can see how far back that bunker is so I’ve got 20 ft or so for par just off The Fringe it’s definitely a putter but let’s talk about the experience when I was caddying those guys can all putt even at the Junior at the at the US am qualifier they can all putt I saw very few three putts in two days and when I’m talking very few probably two um they are very good from that 6t to 10t range they’re making a lot of those putts probably making you know 50% to the majority of those putts and if you’re going to score you have to be good at those now let’s go back to you people that are beginners High handicappers trying to break 80 trying to break 90 I want you to get really really good from four feet and in get really good there then we’ll worry about that 6 to 10t range but you people that are trying to break 80 you people that are trying to break par trying to shoot par you’ve got to get good at that 6 8 10t range cuz you’re going to end up with them all day long and you got to make some of them so I’m going to hit this putt and I’m going to go through my routine and there’s another thing that when I watched all the players that I that I saw this week and the practice rounds and in the regular rounds everybody had a routine everybody stuck to their routine everybody’s routine moved at the same Pace okay so all of the things that you hear golf instructors talk about are true and all of the secrets that you’re searching for out there on the internet are not true golf is about getting good at doing the proper things correctly there are no secrets I know it hurts some of your feelings Mr deile my buddy that comments on all my videos I gave him a comment the other day that he didn’t like it’s about getting good at fundamentals it’s about getting good at controlling your emotions it’s about getting good at golf course management it’s about having a great pre-shot routine that allows you to per perform the absolute best and I cannot perform while I’m talking as you can see I left that putt short but I am good at just kicking those in so I made a bogey no big deal but let’s go wrap this video up now in the wrap-up here and before the wrapup I want to add one more thing that I see in these really good players um that an attribute that they have that I don’t see see in a lot of my students that I don’t see in the golfers that are trying to break 100 that are trying to break 90 and that word is one word patience you have to have patience with this game you have to trust that what you’re doing what you’ve been told to do the approach that you are going about it is correct and you have to have the patience to learn it to let yourin brain absorb it to let your body figure out the motion whatever it is if it’s a swing change if it’s a course strategy whatever the case may be you have to be patient and I was really proud of Michael this week uh with his patience that’s one thing that I think he has struggled with over the last couple years he’ll get off to a round of golf and he might be even par through the first five or six holes seven holes or something like that and you can just see him he’s getting antsy he’s like well this is ridiculous I haven’t made a birdie yet I haven’t made a birdie and then he starts pushing for things and then the next thing you know instead of making a birdie he makes a double Bogey and now instead of being even par he was overpar so funny little story this was me the caddy trying to help him keep things in perspective at that us Junior we’re in Lafayette Louisiana like I said and we’re playing a course called Farm de alley and he gets off to the perfect start he starts off his round of golf birdie birdie par birdie we’re standing on number five T and he’s three under par number five I think was one of the hardest holes on the golf course straight away and this is the one where he makes the triple bogey a unfortunate bounce an unfortunate incident off of the second shot weren’t bad decisions just some unfortunate deals makes a triple well we’re leaving the fifth green walking to the 6 T and of course he’s upset he’s mad he’s grumbling underneath of his breath and I just kind of looked at him kind of nudged him and said hey you know what the good news is and he looked at me he’s like what what’s the good news I said you’re even par through five holes now let’s go make some birdies and it brought a little smile to his face it brought a little perspective to where we were was he happy about the triple bogey no was I happy about the triple bogey no what I have much rather had a par and been standing on six t box three under par you bet you but the reality was we’re five holes into the round of golf we’re three we’re even par we know we’ve got more birdies out there so keep your patience keep your mind focused on what you’re doing and keep playing golf do not let one bad hole destroy your round and he didn’t because he came back he finished up the day two under par and I don’t care where you are who you are what you’re playing two underpar is a great round of golf well I want to thank you all so much for coming in and hanging with me here for those of you that hung through this whole video I think you’re the true golfers that are all going to try and start to learn and play Golf the correct way um for those that golfers that just jumped off of this video because there was no secret that they were going to run out to the range and try today you know I don’t care I have I’m going to be me on this YouTube channel I’m going to do videos the way that I want to do them and for those of you that watch them I’m appreciative for those that don’t I don’t care thanks so much if you like this video and you’ve never subscribed please do because like I just said this is what I’m going to do I will see y’all in the next video


  1. Great video. I've been watching your videos, and I really like how you teach the game and not just swing stuff.

  2. Early in the video you describe a hole that is almost exactly like hole 3 at my local course. Solid Tee shot with a driver puts you on the downslope of a gully to an elevated green 60 yards away. I see so many guys hit driver because they can “almost” drive the green but are left with very difficult 2nd shots.
    Lately, I’ve been hitting 5W or 4I to just beyond its 150 yard marker which is all flat and leaves a much better and easier shot to the green.
    Sometimes we have to put away ego and just play smart using good course management.
    One has to decide, what’s more important, long hits that have more risk, or smart choices that lower the score.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out at 14 minutes. I'm not against learning the fundamentals, however how I am going to explain to my wife that we have to sell her family-jewelry in retirement because my golf game never improved quickly enough to get me on the PGA tour and collect those big paychecks?

  4. Hi Bris. A detailled and interesting video. Thanks for sharing your experience and insights. I believe that real golfers who are truly interested in improving their game the right way all appriciate your efforts.

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