Golf Tips

Any tips would be helpful! I’m aware that I’m going over the top. Any advice on how to fix that or use it to my advantage? Thanks!

Any tips would be helpful! I’m aware that I’m going over the top. Any advice on how to fix that or use it to my advantage? Thanks!

Any tips would be helpful! I’m aware that I’m going over the top. Any advice on how to fix that or use it to my advantage? Thanks!
byu/Careless-Let4160 ingolftips

by Careless-Let4160


  1. Joshthenosh77

    It’s simple start the down swing with a feel of casting it behind your right ear

  2. juneska

    Backswing overall is great but you just need to turn your upper body a fraction more to give you space to swing from the inside.

    You’ll most likely need to feel staying closed with your upper body also in the downswing if coming over the top has been engrained. Fight the urge to rip that chest open before you’re half way down

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