No, We Don’t Slide in The Golf Swing

Hopefully this clarifies the point

okay hopefully I’m in shock cuz I haven’t got my glasses on it’s early in the morning here in Norway a cup of coffee got an unon shirt on because I don’t don’t want to wake people up um that are sleeping downstairs but I read a couple of comments this morning I thought I’ve got to get out there and do a video I’ve replied to the comments so hopefully that will get my point across um but one of the comments was about um I posted a Bryson dampo Grant horvit clip well for me the reason I’ve posted it is because it’s great information for everyone and especially for my subscribers and you may not have watched the video and I think within golf if we can share as much information as possible with it with each other um it’s it’s just beneficial so that’s why I’m going to do it and I’m going to continue to do it every time I hear some great advice or see some great advice I’m going to pass it on so hopefully that clears that bit up um the second was from a lady about she said my video from yesterday looks as though I’m blocking sliding and blocking I think she said um what I say to that is the go swing is a split second so I’m over overexaggerating the moves just it’s almost like slow motion if I was to do that move yesterday not in full speed but fast you would get absolutely nothing from it so the move yesterday was weight shift and turning the corner plus we come parallel for a split second right knee goes to left toe from this angle right knee to left toe weight shifts over and I turn the corner and within there there is a slight point where you come parallel but it’s not very much but you do need that to be able to shift the weight over if we just rotate and rotate then it’s more than likely we’re going to come over the top and many other things so hopefully that clarifies that point what the lady was referring to is blocking which is something totally different so if on the down swing big bugs around here on the downswing if we just move the hips across without moving the right knee towards the left toe there’s no rotation you’re just sliding and blocking so it’s absolutely right on that point that there is a slide and a block if you look at it from this side if I slide there’s no rotation I’m just sliding and blocking my video from yesterday was right knee left toe and you’ll see the difference my weight shifting across and I’m turning the corner so hopefully that clarifies her point and thank you very much for for taking the time to message me the other thing I’d like to say is to all my subscribers thank you very much for subscribing it means a lot I really appreciate it and the comments are great I mean there’s going to be some obviously some lovers and some haters but we all get those don’t we um and I’ll try to reply to as many of them as I can uh with as much clarity as I can so thank you for watching


  1. I really like your videos and the right knee to left toe has been a game changer for me . Working on keeping hands behind the right knee on downswing with mixed success . Any clarification would be appreciated. Thanks

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