When To Release The Golf Club For Maximum Speed (My Experiment)

I decided to do an experiment to see how the timing of the release in the golf swing affects clubhead speed. Here’s what I learned.

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How we release the golf club is a hot topic, but not only that, it’s important to discuss when we release. I’ve long been of the belief that the release in general should feel rather passive and that it should happen as more of a byproduct, with physics ultimately taking command. It is after all nearly impossible to truly hold wrist angles forever, especially at maximum speed.

In this episode I share with you my experiment using Trackman to determine which “release” style is most effective in producing the maximum speed for me. How you interpret my findings are ultimately up to you, but for me there was one apparent winner. I hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback!

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hey everybody Milo here I’m going to do a quick experiment just to show you guys the differences and how when and where we apply torque affects the club head speed and a few other variables in our golf swing so stay tuned so what we have going on here today is I wanted to do a quick experiment just to see how the torqus I apply to the golf club how they affect speed and when I apply those torqus so we hear that we need to feel like we’re releasing the club from the top okay so actually adding this tipping out motion we also hear that we need to feel like we unload the wrists from the top so that would be more like a casting motion and that would be one side of the spectrum so early release so which would be know the swivel but having the swivel feel like I’m applying it back here and then that would be letting the angle out so I’m going into ner early then the other side of the the Spectrum would be feeling as if I’m never letting any of those angles out so I’m going to feel like I’m actually holding them back okay and then we’ll go to somewhere in the middle where I’m neither adding Force nor holding anything back and just see kind of where things shake out so let’s start with the feeling of letting the angles unwind like I’m adding this torque early the tip out torque and just see what kind of speed we produce and mind you I’m I’m giving these about all I got so 82 miles hour 105 ball speed let’s see again I’m going to get after it it’s so hard for me feels like it just stifles me that slowed me down even more I really tried to release that one hard and early get that thing moving out of the top okay you notice they’re going left so club path is to the right but the club face is to the left okay so now let’s try the feeling of casting so I am going to feel as though I am throwing the club down in this direction kind of behind me and then turning whoops didn’t mean to hit that one so here we go let’s feel like we cast it so 80 miles per hour let’s do it again really feel the get that moving back behind me that one felt pretty good o 78 miles per hour okay let’s try it again one more try okay no good now we’re going to go to the other side of the spectrum so now for the next three balls my goal is I’m going to feel as though I’m never releasing any angles but I’m going to try to hit them hard so we’re going to hit these balls as hard as I can and feel like I don’t release angles it’s not actually possible I don’t think but it’s going to feel like this okay so 92 miles hour what the ball speed do 127 H that’s a little different okay hold that back as much as I can okay 89 miles hour I really held that one off hard tried to feel like I never let it go hold on that was pretty good so 91 miles hour more or less 131 ball speed that’s actually pretty good okay now we’re going to go to the third one which is just take the tension out and let the club unwind without me adding any torque manually just letting it kind of happen on its own so let’s see what that does I Mish hit that one slightly that was 96 131 okay let’s do it again okay 97 hit a little toey give it one more got to catch one clean it hit that last one pretty good so 97 and 134 so me not applying a early Force makes me faster at least with seven iron let’s try the same hypothesis with a three-wood don’t have a t so I’m not going to be able to hit driver but I’ll hit three-wood off the ground here okay so we’ll start with feeling early release get that club tipping out early better switch track man to three-wood okay so let’s see what we get here almost swinging missed 104 let’s try it again really feel that release happening early okay 102 what if I just try to tip it out but don’t unhinge my wrist so oh then I don’t hit it in the air okay 100 now let’s try the feeling of casting so I’m going to cast it back here that makes it impossible to hit solid let’s try it again cast it out really feel getting energy there trying to turn I hit that one pretty good slow 96 miles per hour last one okay that’s hard 97 now I’m going to hit the next three feeling as though there is no release in this swing I’m trying with all I’m worth to hold arms back Club back everything back so that sped me up to 108 just holding it all back let’s do it again hold it back hold back okay 110 165 well let’s hit the last one of those holders where I really feel like trying not to let it release I’m actually trying to put a backwards torque on it the entire time make the club go back okay 109 162 so now rather than holding anything back or throwing anything out everything out we’re just going to let it swing naturally let the angles unload on their own when they want to see what that does whoops we need another one we fatted that one it was fast but not after all the weird swings hard to make my swing okay so 117 176 now we’re talking some speed so 116 and 172 okay last one okay so 117 and 173 now my hypothesis is that when I apply any outward Force early it causes my Pivot speed to slow down significantly it also begins lining the club up to me so I don’t have as much ability to get this parametric acceleration out late anytime I feel any Force Happening Here my body responds by slowing down and standing up if I can feel the force of delayed I feel like I don’t ever actually apply any but what happens is everything’s really loaded when my left side gets out of the way the club slingshots and the speed ramps way up so that’s my experiment for today hopefully it was educational thanks hey everyone thanks for watching click the link below to access my free five keys on building a rotational golf swing and learn how to swing like an athlete if you’re new to the Channel please hit the Subscribe button we’d love to welcome you aboard and be sure to comment below and leave feedback so we know how we can better serve you thanks again we appreciate all of you


  1. Since "feel isn't real" and with all your good golf analysis toys, I'd love to see actual measurements of the vector forces your hands apply to the club along with a plot of the hand and clubhead speeds and resulting ball speed. In #4, the "natural" swing, is this the feel like with a rope drill with no wrist torque, just swinging and letting the weight of the head dictate the hand forces?

  2. Net so far away, neighbors windows so close. Luckily Milo is an elite athlete. I'd be breaking glass for sure

  3. I somehow manage to not release driver and longer clubs, producing a duck hooked, topped or skyed driver due to negative loft. To hit it solid I need to feel the right arm / shoulder low in setup and right arm going under in the strike.

  4. would love to see a video with someone with restricted turn ability. 64 with back/neck issues and no way i can rotate like this. i have to have more hands/forearms action to make any speed. more like what larry rinker does. great stuff as usual…………………..

  5. As a hitter in baseball I never manually tried to hit with the trail arm, and as a pitcher I never tried to unload the wrist yet it happens every time I throw or hit. I have experimented with every golf swing idea I can find and have found for me any effort to hit with the trail arm or wrist drastically slows my swing down and causes poor contact and face control problems.

  6. First of all, great video, thanks Milo! A question, how do you ensure you don't get stuck with your arms and elbow? I see you manage to keep a very good structure, but when I try the sameI get my left arm pinned against my chest.
    I think that's why some teachers advocate for an early release, as that is putting the arms in motion and help you get unstuck.

  7. Your three wood swing at 6:32 looks like so many of my videos of my swing. 3:03 is what I am struggling with.
    I want so much to understand how to get to the feeling you describe before the 8:56 swing.

  8. I've done this experiment myself a few times. I think the feels are going to be a little different for everybody, and ultimately you never know what is correct for you until you try it yourself. My own results sometimes change day to day. Golf is hard.

  9. Nice illustration. I would imagine if the golf club was engineered in the opposite way where the weight was in the handle versus the head there would be a need to use the trail arm to generate speed. As long as people watch golf on TV and the numerous golf gurus on YouTube who continually point out characteristics, positions, etc. of swings by professional golfers by using a still frame and/or slow motion video, the more the amateur golfer (and aspiring professionals) will struggle. As you have mentioned, the swing like many other motions in other sports is dynamic and what happens along the way and at impact are a result of numerous factors, but not something manipulated during the motion. This is why you will always have job security Milo. My swing doesn't look like yours because this is your swing, but the principles of motion you teach for the golf swing I try to apply to my swing and when I get it right, it feels good and doesn't hurt my body like the past few decades of trying to achieve a look or position of another golfer. Keep up the great work.

  10. Interesting insight! I wonder how much of this depends on what type of ground force the person mostly uses. I imagine that (vertical force) and (lateral force) driven players need to feel more early release, and (torque driven/pivot driven) players need to feel like they hold the angles. 🤔

    Solid video, gave me some things to think about🤙

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