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The NFL’s Worst Day in Court

The NFL’s Worst Day in Court. The NFL is found guilty in the Sunday Ticket Trial. Use code THATSGOOD120 to get $120 off across your first 4 boxes of Good Chop at
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The NFL along with DirectTV, FOX & CBS lost a massive antitrust lawsuit for Sunday Ticket pricing. How we watch Josh Allen, Patrick Mahomes, Aaron Rodgers, Bo Nix, Russell Wilson & Dak Prescott could change in the future.
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the jury has reached a verdict in the class action lawsuit against NFL the jury was asking for a calculator judge you but I think I see a lot of law Breakers up in this house the NFL just took the biggest l in its history they’re going to have to write the biggest check they’ve ever had to write appeals pending and football fans might even get a check and a new way to watch their favorite team on Sundays what are they going to do with that check if they get one from the NFL they’re going to spend it on the NFL no way on Earth any of us are saving it investing it or using that extra cash for anything other than football entertainment now in a landmark decision that could reshape the financial landscape of professional sports a Los Angeles jury delivered a fairly shocking verdict against the NFL on Thursday in the high stake Sunday Ticket trial something only me and Mike Florio have been covering although he refuses to knowled the fact that I exist and am covering it as well but this Monumental ruling handed down in the US District Court for the central district of California is going to cost the league billions like the show with Paul Giamatti you didn’t win today I’ll talk about how much uh the league actually owes right now and what that means for our viewing Pleasures moving forward in this crazy case of l order Sports where I I’m the judge jury and executioner and the job I like most is executioner Today’s Show is sponsored by yeah yeah yeah good job yeah good job and my code that’s good 120 that code will get you $120 off your first four boxes what’s good chop it’s an incredible box filled with meat that you customize and select and then is delivered right to your door I had a fresh tank of propane and I got so excited for my good chop USDA Choice ribe eyes I forgot to record when I grilled them and no joke it was probably my best grill job in years luckily we were planning a family dinner and my wife Jess used good chops freerange organic chicken to make her chicken parm it’s honestly her best meal and I helped by stirring the gravy now I love good chop because the meat I receive is better than what I see at the store and the quality cuts are more than fairly priced with good chops price per meal starting at $332 all of the meat meat in your box comes with no antibiotics or added hormones ever and it’s summertime AKA grilling season aka the best time to give good chop a try so go to youout and use my code that’s good 120 or click the link in in the description to get $120 off across your first four boxes that’s an amazing deal topped with good chops 100% money back guarantee if you don’t absolutely love it now the NFL has been ordered to pay $96 million to bars that claim they were overcharged for the the Sunday ticket package as well as 4.7 billion to fans who sub subscribe to the streaming service under Federal antitrust law these damages are tripled escalating that total to over 14 billion why do they triple I have no idea but they do I guess the worst crime is to not be prot trust cuz I got the Sunday Ticket you lose good day sir get the [ __ ] out of here now in response the NFL immediately vowed to appeal the decision dismissing the suit as baseless and without Merit and hinting at a potential Journey all the way to the US Supreme Court which I’m sure has nothing better to rule on oh and by the way Clarence Thomas has a Cowboy Super Bowl ring that was gifted to him by Jared Jones I wonder if that uh is going to factor into all of this as it stands the 2.4 million individuals in the class action lawsuit are owed roughly $1,958 each with 48,000 business owners set to receive 2,000 a piece that gets you to the total of 4.79 billion that’s from front office Sports and then take those numbers and triple them if that seems unnecessarily confusing you’re right it’s like the NFL catch rule was or like the lions running a two-point play with an eligible tackle I don’t want to talk about it right now depending on appeals and whatever other crap they can do to stall these things it could be years before there’s any resolution it shouldn’t change how we watch any games this season or on Sunday ticket but in the future how the NFL sells its media rights could change which means yes if we get big enough here on that’s good sports I could buy the Broncos streaming rights now my gut tells me that the NFL will not pay this full fine and I’ll will honestly be surprised if they ever pay any of it but the fact that a jury heard the trial and ruled against the league is big I believe that has Merit and that will hold some sort of shape or form after the legal system beats the hell out of it now the origins origins of this legal battle go back 2015 when a San Francisco sports bar the muy duck filed the lawsuit alleging that the NFL’s practice of bundling all out of Market games into a single package violated antitrust laws again nobody knows what the [ __ ] antitrust laws really are now the suit claimed that this strategy prevented consumers from purchasing packages for individual teams although it was initially dismissed in 2017 the case was revived like Christ himself in 2019 and evolved into a class action lawsuit representing millions of bars restaurants and subscribers affected from June 17th 2011 to February 7th 2023 now the major Crux of the lawsuit was the accusation that the NFL artificially inflated the price of the NFL Sunday Ticket package currently priced at $349 per year on YouTube TV although it’s always on sale probably in the future here with the promo code but it was revealed during the trial that the NFL had rejected an ESPN proposal to offer the package for $70 including single team options so if you’ve ever wanted to pay for just your team’s games the NFL rejected that idea additionally documents surfaced showing that in 2017 the league had consider uh considered scrapping the Sunday Ticket all together in favor of of Distributing games across multiple cable channels now the NFL maintained that the Sunday Ticket was a premium product not meant for Mass distribution the reason the NFL Sunday Ticket prices were so high is because after signing multi-billion dollar deals with Fox and CBS the NFL agreed to keep the Sunday ticket prices high so those networks wouldn’t see drops and ratings affecting their revenue and their local strangle hold on the games I covered all of that in my last Sunday Ticket video from a few weeks ago if you want to know more about that situation more in depthly watch it but despite the NFL’s arguments the jury concluded that these practices breached the federal antitrust laws US District Judge Philip Gutierrez who presided over the case expressed frustration with the complexity of the plaintiff’s arguments but still allowed the jury’s decision to stand however he retains authority to overturn the verdict in favor of the NFL which you can bet on at I just you probably but I would bet that uh he does that in a statement the NFL expressed disappointment with the jury’s decision defending its media distribution strategy as the most fan-friendly model in sports and entertainment I’m not going to comment the league highlighted its diverse broadcasting options which include free overthe a games and local markets National broadcasts of popular games and additional services like Red Zone Sunday Ticket and NFL plus oh yeah and by the way if you don’t subscribe to Amazon peacock ESPN plus and Netflix you can’t watch every game this year anyway if you live in say New York or La you have two time slots allocated to the teams in those markets so your free choices become more limited because they’re filled with those local agreements ultimately we’re not going to know the full repercussions of this decision for a while because with damages this large the NFL is going to do everything in its power to appeal and keep appealing this decision but I don’t think fans are going to be satisfied by the NFL simply cutting a check for 4 billion and paying damages up to 12 billion unless all of us are going to get a million dollars and I don’t think that’s how the math checks out I’m not a lawyer but I’m qualified to tell you what fans want from all of this they want to watch their team on Sundays for the lowest cost and Twins and those twins twins yeah remember those commercials and I love them speaking of commercials if the NFL offered a $10,000 a year package and you got all of your team’s games commercial free I’d pay for that come get that from me NFL back to back Super Bowl wins what fans don’t want is to pay exorbitant prices to have access to every single game generally speaking because we all have Red Zone and it’s redundant when we’ve got as many as eight games going on at once every Sunday fans especially the ones uh out of Market of their favorite team have always wanted the option to buy a single team package something that was never offered and as we just learned something that was directly taken off the table now if you’re living in California and you want to watch say the Denver Broncos play in the afternoon uh but you can’t because the 49ers are on the local affiliate it’s not as simple as buying every Broncos game right now right you’re paying for a bunch games we know that most of which you’ll never even watch because you’ve got Scott Hansen cutting between all the action while he holds his piss for seven straight hours uh and not making that an option or not lowering the price because you want it to remain a premium product is a weak defense in fact the NFL wasn’t just being extra exclusive with their product they were price fixing according to this jury consumers have long suspected that the NFL Direct TV were involved in a price fixing scheme and in the recent Sunday Ticket trial they pressed these arguments with compelling evidence Central to their case was a 2012 email from Robert sto former director of sports strategy for Direct TV who wrote to an NFL executive quote let’s make a decision in the room indicating that the league 100% has agreed on pricing every year in a meeting just like yesterday this correspondence according to Amanda Bond the consumer’s lawyer revealed that the NFL received advanced notice of Direct TV’s prices for Sunday Ticket each year that is called price fixing that is illegal she said during the opening statements adding waight to the accusation was another email from Alex Kaplan Direct TV’s director of Revenue and product management to an AT&T executive during merger discussions Kaplan expressed frustration about the NFL’s control over pricing writing I have wanted to drop the price a Sunday ticket but the NFL rejected this idea insisting their product was a premium offering the league feared that lowering the price would signal that their product needed help I think everyone in the world knows that the NFL is not just the most profitable Sports league in the country but one of the most successful Mega corporations on Earth no one has ever accused the league of falling on hard times and I don’t think a more reasonable price for Sunday Ticket would have indicated that now I’m not one to side with big business but this also seems like an odd case for the NFL to be found guilty of and unlike Mike Florio who keeps pushing that the NFL needs to be punished for high Sunday ticket prices if I end up dead this is why I’m not 100% on board with the league having to pay 12 billion or whatever the bars and businesses that paid out the ass for the ticket if they’re still around pay them injecting that money back into those small businesses I think is good for everyone but if the NFL were forced to pay all of this money who’s going to suffer you and me that bill is coming back to us you know that I know that something we don’t suspect right now will inflate in price if this full uh penalty is enforced I like the Sunday Ticket living on YouTube what we all want to see come from this is pretty simple more options for for us signing up for Sunday Ticket is a choice I’m not saying how the NFL and the networks arrived at the price was right Bob Barker but at the end of the day it’s odd to me that the NFL would be punished for offering viewers this option I think most football fans made peace with the 300 bucks they spent on Sunday Ticket in 2015 or whatever [ __ ] year let’s focus on how this gets better for us as a viewer moving forward because that’s all we can really control I agree that being able to watch every game is indeed a premium offering but it was the only offering and not every single person wants that offering then again I also believe watching football is my god-given right and instead of dreaming at night when I close my eyes I want to be able to watch every NFL game when I sleep which introducing to you now NFL dream games when you sleep games when you sleep NFL copyright trademark Brandon per 2024 I’m going to get in your brains pleas subscribe here on YouTube for more constant football action you want football you got it you don’t want football [ __ ] you you got more of it


  1. Sunday ticket's price just drives savvy consumers to illegal streams. $free.99 is better, and it has the Thursday, Sunday, and Monday night games.

  2. Its crazy what charge bars/restaurants. Basically it's a "What're you gonna do; not pay? Enjoy I significant dip in your customer base, dumbass!" F'ing mob shit

  3. There's a reason why they announce the location of the SB's 5 years in advance…So the rich folks can all make plans to be there!!! I'm sorry actual fans of the teams participating in said SB can't afford to go, (Ticket/Flight/Hotel/Food)…Screw the Pro Bowl deciding who the home team is in the SB!!! The SB Home Team will be based on the Win-Loss Records (Reg+Post Games) of the Two Reaining Teams, and the SB will be played in their Home Stadium!!!

  4. I hope the appeal gets laughed out of court and they have to pay every dime. It’s clear as day the NFL is guilty of price gouging to benefit cable networks at the expense of viewers. They’re so anti-consumer it’s sad. And their dumb strategy isn’t gonna last for long, especially in this economy. They need to offer single team packages or more and more people are going to sail the seven seas.

  5. Perfect. Now, Jon Gruden can sweep the HQ of the NFL with Roger and take millions more from them.

  6. Me: I'd like to watch the Steelers, please
    NFL: Move to Pittsburgh then, idiot.

  7. Ummm fan friendly??? Pfffft. PWHL is probably the closest to fan friendly (in terms of watching games live) as a professional sport in the US/Canada can get. All games live streamed free on Youtube and if you get notifications and add the stream to watch later list you can wait until you are ready. How long this lasts is anyones guess of course.

  8. Youtube. GIVE US TEAM PACKAGES! FFS I only watch mah Chiefs (sorry Brandon but just know we share the same name and this Brandon roots for the proper team) OH and I signed up for Underdog Fantasy and put in my 10 bucks. I WANT THAT I LOVE MAHOMES Tattoo on Brandon's arm. So much so that I had to drive to the next state to do so (my state doesn't allow online betting).

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