Golf Players

PGA leadership change, Scottie season “asterisks,” and Vanity Handicap advice | The Shotgun Start

Brendan and Andy close out the month of June with this Friday episode ramble on Seth Waugh’s sudden departure leading the PGA, some on-the-ground intel about deliberate backboarding setups on multiple tours, and discourse around Scottie Scheffler’s season getting into nitpick territory. They attempt to “flip it” to a new area of scrutiny with the world No. 1, namely a self-correcting driver. There is cutthroat corner for one player in Detroit who somehow snuck in the field despite not being a competitive player for the past few years. They close it out with robust SGS Golf Advice on how to deal with a vanity handicap and what constitutes actually “playing golf” when in negotiations with your significant other.

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greetings and welcome to a Friday edition of the shotgun start it is June 28th Andy how we doing Brendon I’m doing great you know I’m just uh riding the golf is hotwave after last night what does that mean golf golf make its way everywhere you got sauce Gardener you got uh you got the presidential debate the SAU Garder thing like look I know the NFL is Kane but like if a a moderately good to Great cornerback who’s like St like I don’t know the 75th most famous player in the league golf just every single person golf just immediately sinking their hooks this is not this is not like Pat momes like what Bryson thirsty boy Bryson who’s the US Open champ but we love him he loves the people the people love him now he’s he’s trying to Crowbar his way into the sauce Gardener discourse he’s trying to Crowbar his way into the handicap discourse of the presidential debate uh he’s being a little thirsty I feel like he might overplay his hand and get burned in one of these but but yes golf is having a moment a lot of people loved the handicap discourse in the debate I I I think that was about all they loved it reminded me I was thinking about it this morning and without getting political I don’t think I’m getting political in this I’m making I’m bringing it into our our golf world it reminded me the debate reminded me of Tom Watson in 2014 Ryder Cup captain trying to figure out coherently articulate why he sat read and spe there’s a great will will gray tweet out from live in the moment as he like meanders his way to trying to articulate why Reed and spe were not playing in the afternoon session at Glenn it it was just like whoa he’s he a little too old to F to be in the heat of the battle here doesn’t know why he did what he did and Zack Johnson last year uh trying to articulate away past indiscretions just completely lying through his teeth making stuff up on the Fly that’s my comp for what we saw last night trying to figure it out 2014 Tom Watson and 2023 zch Johnson but handicaps made it into the discourse so that was a good moment for golf my favorite tweet I saw was okay if you don’t live in the US please turn the debate off this is our private family humiliation and we’d all prefer you not stare that was good my wife was laughing about that she brought that to me this morning she doesn’t get on social media but she enjoyed that one um all right so golf’s having a moment uh not having a moment or out piecing out of golf on this uh Friday as we record is Seth W uh some news of moderate uh I don’t know moderate sign significance or great significance depending on what you think uh setha is leaving his role the PGA pretty soon I mean effective almost immediately June 30th a curious curious uh roll out and timing I I would consider it abrupt and sudden and unexpected you know if this were in the plans I think we would have heard about it you know Valhalla we would there would have been like sort of this longer transition moment and no he’s out you know essentially a week uh which signals to me there is an unexpected tinge to this maybe this wasn’t necess some some things people weren’t all on the same page whatever it is but he is out do you have any hot takes reaction or thoughts about this um I just yeah I don’t I don’t have a ton I wonder what’s uh what happened um you know I I hope I I hope it’s for like what’s next maybe maybe there’s another opportunity he’s the head of the PJ tour Enterprises or PJ tour yeah something significant I I I prefer that versus you know it being you know a reason otherwise that you’d step down abruptly so I’m just hoping that I think Seth was is one of the best uh people in golf and uh I think he’s done pretty good job with PGA and uh one of the more levelheaded uh guys in golf so hoping uh hoping that is the case it would be I think slam dunk high for the tour yeah I I I was thinking about this a little bit like golf one of golf strengths and then one of its great weaknesses and why it’s been disrupted is uh there is no like strong central like body or person right like in and it was Glory Days there with tiger and all the five families sort of balanced each other out and you know leadership the leaderships of those families is you know up and down some are you know stronger than others um and then obviously it was a weakness it it like made it vulnerable to like someone with some muscle and money to come flying in and disrupt it quite significantly as we’ve seen in the last three to four years uh with the with the I guess Liv call for the the piff wedging their way in and like in this moment it feels like having stronger voices leaderships bodies is pretty desirable and Seth wall I think was one of those people right who whose voice kind of ran out with a little bit of respect uh was thought to be a pretty sound thinker like a golf person but also a business person and so I think it was uh not critical but it was a benefit to have him in place during this moment of disruption who knows how it would have gone differently but yeah it’s just interesting the way golf is constructed right there’s no strong central body to push back against Liv uh you know but sometimes it’s it’s a benefit right in different eras it’s a benefit to have checks and balances and sort of different bodies having their own uh majors in their own areas of of governance or whatever it is but he’s certainly been a strong leader you think it would have gone different than how Jay handled it I don’t know I I think that’s a that’s hypothetical yes it would have gone different I don’t know different good bad or or the same but I think it would have been different um um you know you know what I mean same same outcome in a different way um hey you know what I forgot to ask you yeah do you think Russ Cochran could get into that presidential match I mean I think he might be too fit and young fit as a fiddle throw throw Russ in there we have a Cutthroat Corner coming today I have some questions about someone uh playing at at Detroit Golf Club but uh look at you I was wondering what you were doing he’s gonna jump into that match give him to as side that match is not happening there’s no Lawn Drive there’s Lawn Drive contest chatter who hits it farther off the te what are we doing wins legitimately who do you think would win in the long drive Donald Trump like can out drive him right no there’s there’s no way I see no conceivable fashion in which does that matter to anything I don’t know maybe it does to you I don’t think it should necessarily but yeah Don Trump’s like come on let’s not Parry our head in the sand about the way the world is in front of us um anyways on all matters anyways um let’s go to uh we got Seth La I we’re good on that we talked about Seth La significant change we’ll see how it shakes out after this uh we have some it’s backboard Friday backboarding Friday I have some disturbing Intel first of all we’ve got transcontinental backboarding going on oh hold on hold on what did you see that um a a very impressive challenge was completed today the 411 What’s the 411 the 411 not the 313 but we got a 411 not Frank Benzel senior but Frank Benzel Jr goes back to back aces in Newport that’s pretty I mean you first of all you got to have a setup of course with part 3es consecutive part threes or I suppose a short four you really want to get crazy here um he makes two aces in a row the US Senior Open is this the wor the the worst part is he h hits the bogey train right after oh did gives gives all four shots he picked up right back four straight bogeys really well that’s the way golf off and works for most of us and did for old Frank on a Friday morning Newport do you think if you’re a junior playing in the Senior Open you should have to go by junior senior no what that’s incoherent what no he’s playing in senior I got it I got that part he’s Jor J in your no no you could be could be could be muttering up there on stage he’s still a junior doesn’t matter if he’s 95 he’s still Junior um uh yeah Newport a little easy some 63s like should the USGA set the Senior Open like just abuse like they do the US Open really just try to pop them I mean I think it often is challenging but some low scores backtack Aces Fest this is not the US Senior Open that I that I’ve come to know and love I’m the game that the game that I love what happened to it I’m kidding I’m kidding I don’t care Westy’s in the mix of course he is he’s working out every day he’s a little different I mean it it’s yeah he should be he should be in the mix um what does this say about Liv that he was a bottom feeder just a bottom feeder and then the chance that that the US Senior Open came comes around and four all of a sudden do you think he’s peing for the the Senior Open do you think he had the date circled no no no what do you mean he’s like competing now and he doesn’t care about Liv is that what you’re insinuating there no no I think he’s just you know maybe it says lives deeper than the senior open field maybe that’s what it says it’s harder to perform on live than it is against uh the senior circuit who knows um you know getting some Intel on do you know what Omar’s nickname is uh someone I think I someone sent it to me what what is it hos oh yes yes that’s hos your his Nick oh we have PJ wanting to chime in here i’ I’ve done some some cursory research on on the hos nickname it turns out that that was was is SL his brother’s nickname name I don’t know how we’re attributing it to him now but his brother used to caddy for him on the PGA tour and he was the one named H so I don’t know how we’re getting that to Omar now hosy well we’re gonna still call him slomar because that’s too good not to use every time we can what about om man no sowar for puttering along in feature groups at Canadian open jamming everything up slow bar we have a we have a transcontinental backboarding Scandal this week uh the Italian Open put their grand stands not Grand like glass Paine fancy Little Sweets Italian Open uh two paces off the back of the green like I mean we’re talking Fringe then boom wall and it’s right on top of the green I had a source on the on the European tour me back right pin on Friday three from the back Edge five from the backboard seven to some bloke in a linen suit and $1,000 sunglasses an Italian it is right on top of you then so that’s what we got it’s a they set it up as a short maybe drivable four there just glass everywhere balls going to be flying into this Glass Broken panes everywhere do you think it’s shatterproof no I don’t think they probably went that far ahead quite honestly it’s a it’s a Golf Grant I don’t think so I don’t think that’s the kind of precaution they’re taking over there uh then I get inside information from the comms the Comm system maybe the earpiece Fell’s riding around at Detroit Golf Club this morning Friday morning is straight from the radio to our podcast apparently the 313 area was set up with just uh all way back pins uh they’re like essentially someone said over the radio so and so rules official is a fan of back stopping eh 15 16 and 17 are all practically in the front row of the grand stance the pins are in the front row they’re GNA be that’s for today shipping balls this is Friday he said it’s all about entertainment the 313 will be rocking today so it’s a deliberate entertainment choice to quote unquote put the pin in the front row of each grand stand at 15 16 17 so backboarding all over the world this this this week what are you gonna say uh I was going to say the the thing about the they’re probably thinking when can we draw the least amount of social media IR by putting these pens maybe they’re putting deploying them on Friday afternoon assuming that’s the least watched uh round of golf uh is it I don’t know I kind of think so what do you afternoon I don’t know not Saturday afternoon I mean get the weekend crowd shuffling in for the network TV I guess I think the least watch Friday Friday afternoon I feel like people are excited about about Thursday at work less excited about Friday I don’t know if I if I if I have if I didn’t work I would do anything else on a Saturday afternoon out and about than watch the rocket mortgage classic but maybe Friday is is why you got to hate on the rocket more the good people it’s not rocket it could be anything could be any tournament that’s not necessarily a major I I don’t I know Saturdays are good good time to go do something in late June um you know what’s actually delightful Satur the Saturday night DVR watch yeah yeah or just you know Saturday night anything else not watch not watching something you might you might have a little you might have a couple little buzz in you and you get get the golf on and you just get fast forward through it watch some uh third round action of The Travelers or the rocket mortgage whatever it is I like that all right sounds like something that’s a personal routine of yours I like that um every once in a while every once in a while well personal routine of mine is to get my ores and Alps apply that Saturday afternoon whatever I got going on the pool whatever it is sunscreen I’m up I was having a long conversation with the friend of the program Jayo at our uh member guest event on Tuesday he’s he’s he’s hit the Dilemma you know sunscreens apparently there’s all these studies bad for you right like the old school sunscreen right it’s actually like compounding the damage but then like the new sunscreen makes you look like Casper right the mineral stuff I mean it just and you gotta you got to get a razor blade to peel it off your skin to scrape it off it seems like in the shower and you’re done uh oron Alps I think has has hit the Sweet Spot threaded the needle doesn’t make you look like Casper you go to orz and Alps the spray it’s got a good scent to it like that of course the stick is a efficient for not getting your hands all junky and if you got kids and you got to do their whole face I had them for Golf Camp it felt like it’ take 30 minutes we’d be running late but I grab the stick it’s 30 minutes becomes two minutes and you just apply to their face go to ores and alps. comom shotgun start use a promo code shotgun 15 you get 15% off they’ve got products all over they got deodorant body wash all sorts of stuff but a sunscreen season around here I like highly highly recommend it this is stuff we bought with our own money we already were getting this stuff they came in it’s like one of our favorite sponsors ever can’t recommend it enough shotgun start orison shotgun start promo code is shotgun 15 um where else what do we want to go next you have any takes you have any thoughts what’ you think of the the the draft I don’t know I mean we got a 20th pick it’s a marginal I did like that one website we’ get the kid from Cal uh I forget his name from my neck of the woods jayen yeah your neck of the woods yeah I could have gone and watched him this year and uh that like one of these websites his strengths weaknesses and then his cop in the pros was Isaac aoro it’s like great all right well like okay we have Isaac it seems like he can shoot shoot more than Isa aoro I mean I was I was locko shoot one day can’t shoot the next I I don’t know maybe he’ll be debly better who knows he’s he’s the 20th pick we got a new coach who’d the Bulls take we got mates buzas oh local kid okay local he I yeah he’s from he’s from uh the Western burps oh all right I’m EXC you know what I like he’s talking [ __ ] he just he’s a [ __ ] ER oh he uh he was saying there’s an interview where he says that that the the number one guy the French guy that went number one wouldn’t play him one-on-one he didn’t want the smoke knew what would happen so they refused to to schedule any one one-on-one workouts with him yeah oh good that’s good you know what he’s 610 and he’s one95 how about that I mean a lot of these kids are it’s just the way it goes when they’re 18 I mean the first two the SAR and reace just tall drinks of water I mean my I my one and done League where you got to take two I’ve got OE and Davis Thompson they’re doing well they’re both doing well uh and I was thinking that has to be sort of the the thinnest tallest combo out there this week I’m playing you know about 40 inches combined of waist line on those two um what um I wish golf had something like the draft sure do you think tgl will have a draft no they’re just they have a press release draft where we’re just told who’s on a team you know longtime New Yorker Xander schafle is running that team like that’s it would have been so fun if they had a real draft remember the Liv draft the schery of the Liv draft in London years we got the we got the draft stuff before Oh we yeah we had the PowerPoint we had all sorts of insight on that that was amazing water un rumor reported we had some good well you know this is how it’s gonna happen um zj’s in the mix zj’s five under at the senior open 12 shot Seven shots back I can’t wait till zj’s eligible for the senior tour yeah do you think that’s what he’s doing run just just running the ball running the clock out to the senior senior no I mean I think he’s playing not horrendous golf but um I don’t know I don’t think all important FedEx Cup rankings what is he he’s 146 in the FedEx Cup oh there’s worse I’ll tell you who’s worse today this been oh Cutthroat Corner perfect tell who’s worse this week’s subject to Cutthroat corner I’m not going to get into the Gory details I just this is this is a problem Tim Wilkinson oh why do you have to go after the Kiwi Big Daddy Big Son of Big Daddy Wilkinson Tim Wilkinson um Tim Wilkinson Junior no no um what was Big Daddy Wilkinson’s name was it Tim no I think it was Dan Dan out of Ohio State was Dan Wilkinson number one pick essentially uh played for Ohio State uh Dan Wilkinson you’re right yeah I am right of course God he was a big burly boy oh yeah Tim Wilkinson I don’t know what to say he hasn’t been a competitive golfer in three years um I found some articles made his he started to make his comeback he’s had injuries he had knee like real debilitating knee issues he started to make a comeback at the New Zealand open this winner uh he’s played twice on the corn fery tour this year made a cut uh finished 72nd I believe in one and missed the cut in the other is he in on a a medical I’ll get to it this is where I I reached out to sources Este steam Council people who would know to provide Clarity it provided further PJ to confusion no no I didn’t reach out to that uh he’s not really played a season since 2021 it’s currently 2024 in 202 his best finish was a t27 at the Puerto Rico open one of your favorites a nice little t27 at the pr open um that was three years ago three years ago God his best finish he’s in the field and when points are precious in late ji late June points are precious he’s in the field so inside the field document lists him as this is players two through 30 from the prior Year’s corn fairy tour points list can’t be that prior year he was not playing golf so he’s not that top 10 from this year’s DP World Tour not that and top five and ties from PGA Tour Q School presented by Corin Ferry none of those he’s none of those things but he’s he’s lumped into that category I asked how is he in the field like what’s going on is it a major medical is it what is happening there’s just he didn’t play the corn faery tour last last year and what I got was he’s on a kft medical what well wouldn’t the kft medical bring you back to the kft not the PGA Tour and so I said what does that mean it’s not how it’s listed it says he’s you know prior year points Q school or DP that’s where he’s listed so he took a medical while he was in the reorder category so he’s in part of that category and I think the category or changes after the reorder prior to m to the Masters and they go all go into one big pool based on points that provided no Clarity to me I’m still as confused as ever he has no points what’s it based on he has no points he’s made one he’s made two starts he missed a cut at the and made and was 70th in the corn two corn Fair events this year he’s not I don’t know how he’s in the field and I don’t want to get into the details of his recent play but it’s he he’s he’s zero wins on the PGA tour is not past champ I’m I feel bad for him real health and knee issues um has a big hat a Big Bill like we like Tim Wilkinson the Kiwi um I just I it’s wild to me that he’s in this when when points are few and far between that he’s in the field that’s your cut I wonder who didn’t get in this week because he got in I’m full credit to Detroit all their sponsors exemptions were used on like Primo college players you got Ken Jackson Ken shiple uh like a bunch of studs four or five studs college players um but I just I I’m confused by that one didn’t really get that Cutthroat corny to like for real like for real that’s not being too mean like just look like he should be getting this on corn fairy Tor or something if he’s he’s coming back from a injury it’s crazy that he’s in the field um this is the time of the year where all the this is like the uh if you’re a corn fairy tour grad or a Q School grad this is the time time of year you have to make hay if you want to keep your card yeah it is like Do or Die time he shot a respectable I suppose respectable to over yeah I mean I don’t know he’s not played golf in three years essentially 74 is same as toasty it’s not the worst the worst score um one guy I got I got to change the discourse here about someone who’s struggling to make it or stay on tour to the best in the world the very best we’re seeing some Scotty shuffler discourse should there be an asterisk of what what he’s doing with you know some of the because of all the Live players some of them I’m gonna flip it on you there I’m gonna turn it and flip it well let’s do as like this is what happens when a when anyone is excellent or dominant you have first take you have shows of trying to figure out well maybe it’s not that great or maybe he’s his teammates he’s got great teammates or this this is why it’s not as great let’s just R it in a second see you’re doing the LeBron you’re doing the LeBron thing he had to go to Miami to win championships well he had the greatest NBA title the last 50 years in 2016 so that’s that just wipes out that talking point um what what’s the greatest NBA title in 16 years 3-1 3-1 coming back from 3 won against the 73 win NBA 73 win 73 win team with the unanimous MVP that’s about as good as it gets the NBA reshuffled the deck toow I mean I don’t you can stop them from scoring 41 you got player 4141 they won three games in a row uh so that Miami talk is kind of null and void from that he also won with the Lakers three different teams that bubble title is as you know as bulletproof as as it gets what do you think about bronnie are you happy that bronie bronnie is uh playing with him do you think bronnie or thanasis will have a better uh NBA career I I mean it’s just I don’t know the nasis is not a basketball player I know that the bronny thing’s a complete farce like it’s a farce and you have the people on TV should be calling it out but TV is full of nepotism like who’s going to call it out Jack Collins were like every everybody on TV’s like Dad was a producer this that or the other my dad was in the NBA like that’s like it’s it’s a farce it’s a total joke uh but you know it’s like it’s not like pick 55 nothing comes of pick 55 right that they use the pick like it’s like it’s it’s a farce but it’s not it’s like if he makes the team next hold on hold on what you’re GNA research Pick 5 I’m not saying pick 55 but second rounders like okay well that’s different throw a couple second round J green yeah you got like three of the best players in the NBA all at 55 through history there’s like never been anything you know pick 55 all right it’s still farce I’m saying that’s not okay it’s crazy it’s ridic and it’s bad for Brony and it’s awkward for LeBron next why bronnie just be a free agent sign sign is a free agent I I don’t think he’s good enough from what we’ve seen so the Lakers be on the Lakers roster or the South Bay Lakers that’s the next step that’s where it becomes like truly a sham if that’s really if they go the next step after just using kind of a pick on it we’ll see they H some good takes about how they hired his podcast co-host as a coach and then drafted his son all within like a week you got like 40-year-old LeBron essentially running the team uh but that’s been the way it’s been for 20 years of his career um how about so this asteris talk with Scotty I think it’s a little ridiculous he’s going out he’s doing great you’re gonna flip it fields are diminished how about an asteris for this throwing you a meatball here Scotty shufflers this is John Wall Jonathan Wall Equipment reporter Scotty sheffer’s driving accuracy has gone up 10% 62 to 72% in one year since he switched drivers I thought it might be an aberration but look at this Rory has gone from 53 to 68% fleetwood’s gone from 62 to 76% 14 points Mory cow has gone from 68 to 78 another 10 so Rory 15 Tommy 14 morow at 10 percentage points bump and increase uh accuracy uh that’s a 10% increase for the quartet per John wallt com denominator is they all switched to the tailor made qi1 the season this is not a free ad read this is more a pop popping of the QI 1010 instead of continually counting distance game we should focus on other areas where improvements have been made no doubt it’s dispersion the numbers check out with our robotic testing data several of the qi1 heads saw little to no distance loss on the toe misses some even saw carry increases at 95 miles an hour so carry increases on uh toe misses no accuracy loss how about that is the qi1 responsible for Scotty sheffer’s season and Rory and warawa and others is that an Asis toe misses God carry increases what this is so bad what so bad I mean change drivers and pick up like hit 10% more Fairways oh yeah I mean that’s that’s it’s part of the game it’s part of it’s part of sports is like optimizing everything you’re using um within you know limits or regulations uh it’s just I’m looking for it when Taylor Made does their their hit it anywhere on the face project like title of speed project and they do it exhaustive documentary on how we’re building drivers for tour pros and tour Pros only where if they hit it anywhere on the face it’ll it’ll land in the Fairway and go the same distance little to no distance loss on toe misses some even saw carry increases so that’s an interesting just note Jonathan wall you know uh look Scotty shuffler is the best player in the world he’s Mega Talent uh it’s incredible it’s not because of just his driver but uh we’d love to see even more exacting test and and that Talent really shine and separate um and he I think to the people that are are um separated himself put any asteris next to it stupid well like okay so if if all the live guys were in the field like let’s just say he has two less wi that I think is being like extremely generous to a b chunk to just that’s a big supposition to make but yes okay fine and you can’t and I would say like you’re not going to take away the Masters because they were there yep so like let’s just take away two it’s like oh so now he has four four wins like it’s still an insanely impressive year one of the best that we’ve ever we’ve seen in recent memory yeah oh by the way it was like that last year like that two years ago it like when a lot of those Liv guys hadn’t migrated over um he’s had pretty strong Seasons as well like when it was quote unquote less watered down so um should we do a little golf forever golf advice Here sign us off with Friday uh golf forever gol I’m sending in an email to the usj right now are you really yeah what are you sending I’m I’m asking them if they saw that Jonathan Walt tweet really yeah you you you pester them a little bit too much you might have pestered them at Pinehurst about something too you’re like hey have you guys seen this is this is this up on the up and up is this in the are we sure about this you’re all over the place playing armchair armchair equipment tester armchair rules official just trying to keep this world safe for democracy I suppose that’s right um golf forever golf advice uh look I did this on Tuesday Morning in my hotel room I brought it to New York I had it in Long Island and then I didn’t know if I was going to play we had an extra spot I jumped in let me tell you when I jumped in my rotational forces were ready to rock I started par birdie par my rot because I did my golf forever in the morning I did my twisting and turning my exercise I did a full kind of stretching routine and then a full like 20 minute Ro my first rotational forces routine I big into this Andy I’m big they send you everything they give you the equipment there’s personalized instruction I’m middle teas I’m not back teased yet apparently couldn’t do enough push-ups or something for them to say I’m the most fit to play the back teas but the program they put you on it’s all personalized you can you don’t have to be Scotty sheffler the Scotty sheffler jumped in and started using this stuff on his own recognizance uh that could be the driver driver accuracy increase the GOL forever maybe that is it you know look this is before he became you know you know very very wealthy and very very accomplished and the Primo he started using this because he knee trouble and it helped get him back on track this wasn’t just because they decided to pay him1 billion dollar to say it’s good he was using this himself but you don’t have to be Scotty sheffler you could be an 80-year-old man they personalized the C they personalize it for you whether you’re a six handicap or not uh it doesn’t matter they’ve got personalized workouts they’ve got stretching they comes with the bands you know they get you can buy various equipment and use the code egg you get extra $50 off any any training system package that’s at golf and use the code egg we had some trouble with this last week we had a few people say they couldn’t get it through but they fixed it up use the code egg you get an extra $50 off any training it’s not a small amount of money at golf using the code EG have you jumped in on this with the app yet you start going it’s pretty good stuff I did my first one yesterday I uh I got to say um I’ve been on a uh a big uh kick with yoga the last month and this is like the combination of that with some with some resistance training and some strength training I’ve noticed such a big difference with golf swing increasing my flexibility I think it’s like obvious but you know that that being more flexible helps your go swing but like I’m amazed at like how much more effortless my golf swing is um I feel like I picked up just like youth Again by being more flexible and I think this is a great system because it it does a little bit of both where you’re you’ve got the the training exercises that are going to increase your speed but also just the flexibility stuff um so it’s super easy to do and uh it doesn’t take a ton of time and I think it’s it it’s good for like a life just being a little bit more limber i’ I’ve enjoyed that and and B yeah you want to hit it 500 yards or whatever like if you’re that int like it’s both so anyways for what I like about it like you said is in this addd world it’s something like that’s guided it tells you what to do and when and that’s what I need to do this like I know I need to be more limber I know I need to stretch more but like this like tells me like I’ll open the app I get going I just do it I make a commitment and it like keeps you accountable so golf codeg um all right let’s get to golf advice here just because it’s timely vanity handicaps seem to be a pretty you know significant source of discussion last night uh I don’t think Joe Biden’s a six I don’t think Donald Trump’s a three or whatever he’s at like a lot of talk about vanity handicaps so we got several emails about this I’ll just bundle a couple together 3 three no kids only interested in fighting the protesters at The Travelers I have a buddy who I refer to as Wally who picked up the game of golf about two years ago last year Wally became a member at one of the nicer courses in my region he invites me out with him whenever I want to get out there lately my friends and I have been tracking one another in the USGA gin app and stumbled across can I ask a question what is it is it an invite does he invite you out whenever you want to get there so is it count as an invite if you say hey I want to play some golf are you inviting yourself um I think you still have to be invited into the gates like you have he has to Aquas to take you and so it’s still you are being invited to the course still counts as an inv yeah even though you might have kind of crowbarred your way in uh but it still counts I think he invites me out with whenever I want to get out there lately my friends have been tracking one another in USGA G app and stumbled across his handicap he’s been in low scores mid 80s again he started the game two years ago we all know he’s not even breaking a 100 last week we played our buddies course and he kept score knowing he was cheating we kept a score and lo and behold he claimed he shot 100 when we counted 126 so just a minor little insignificant 26 strip discrepancy he entered the 100 in the Gap and we all got a chuckle we have a 24 person buddies tournament coming up soon he’s been T talking nonstop about how he should have go ahead should be ahead of certain people in the ranking system when in reality he should be last we also have a member guest approaching his handicap is clearly going to hurt us considering he’s not a 15 he’s more of a 26 do we confront him about this or letting him or keep letting him lie what do you do with this I mean depends I think you got to let people just flounder about sometimes well if it’s starting to hurt you what’s what’s it legitimately hurting what’s it you’re playing in his member guest and it hurt some people get intense about these things you’re play you’re his guest this is part of the deal he’s shouting about the Buddy’s trip the Buddy Tri it’s comic it’s he think he should be r Tire ahead of people guess what there’s going to be a draft and he’s going to go last like that’s the way it works I don’t know that it’s a draft it seems like it’s slotted based on your number on you’re a handicap doesn’t seem like there’s a draft you’re whatever it doesn’t ma it doesn’t matter just let the guy have a have a handicap the wrong way you know I don’t understand this like he’s harming himself but I don’t know he’ll figure it out this this is the thing with people that are new to golf is like there’s this idea that they got to get their handicap down and then people that are like into golf are just trying to get it up you know they play as plus they play as plus sixes it’s ridiculous it’s it’s freaking ridiculous they play as plus sixes they’re like plus 10s yeah right it’s like there there are a lot of very accomplished mid AMS that are playing they’re winning state tournaments and and playing competing for national championships that play as like plus ones or scratches it’s like those guys will just take you to the Woodshed they’re like plus fours or fives they should be plus five yes yeah yeah and so anyways there’s this whole thing with with handicaps is once you understand the game at a high level all you’re trying to do is push your handicap the other way I think he just doesn’t understand golf yet and you just have to let him you have to the sad thing is that he’s going to learn by getting taken to the Woodshed on the Buddy strip he’s gonna go 04 and 040 and that’s what’s going to teach him then the member guests you’re going to lose every match but guess what you’re his guest at a nice club you don’t get a pick you don’t get you don’t get to have your your cake and eat it I think people like to take their L’s and then just say I’m an eight or whatever but I went know I just had a bad weekend I think people that’s the that’s the vanity mindset is like oh well you know on paper I’m this but I just had a bad weekend and lost all my matches and shot 26 Strokes worse than I normally do or I supposedly normally do here’s one more on vanity same rules apply I want to start this by saying I’m not expecting you to solve this problem uh okay I’m a member of a large Club where is a two-tier membership if you’re in the higher tier you can this is more nuanced a more nuanced dilemma here a member of a large Club has two-tier membership if you’re in the higher tier you could basically be a menace all over the t- sheet scooping up the prime times before lower tier members like myself even have a chance to reserve Real cast system within the membership for [ __ ] early in my first year membership through sheer happen dance and became friendly with an older higher member let’s call him rich rich is a great guy who also happens to be the ring leader of a regular Weekly game consisting of rotating cast of 48 members 428 members as a higher tier member Rich religiously makes the tea times and organizes who will be playing his system for doing this is extremely Antiquated and probably worthy of its own message but that’s not what brings me here today what brings me here today is rich in his vanity index I want to preface this by saying that our game another vanity yeah it’s a theme here it’s not playing for big Stakes it’s a fourball NASA you know whatever it gets to like 30 bucks maybe normally vanity index would not bother me but here’s the thing Rich has taken a shine to me and I’m always his partner doesn’t matter the group of the game without fail Rich will assign me to be his partner after several months of playing together rich and I rarely win in any bets everything came to a head when I shot a personal best 74 and we still didn’t win a single thing how could this be I was then sted to do some digging into Rich’s handicap which hovers around 8 to 10 much to my shock rich is routinely entering into gin scores that are 5 six seven and sometimes even 10 Strokes less than what he shot that day since then I’ve pushed with limited success to play with a different partner at times which rich is rarely receptive to what’s my move here I really don’t want to confront him on it as he’s the owner of the tea time and I really appreciate him included me that’s said losing 20 bucks every single time I play is pretty old uh so a vanity dilemma this guy is the key he’s the two-tiered he’s on the top tier likes you keeps bringing you along on and just I think this is the fee you pay for getting out guy shot his personal best and lost a bunch of money this best round ever 74 bad this a bad situation I don’t know what you do here I’m kind of stumped what do you think Brandon I mean I think you just you try to keep pushing for new new partners like he said with limited success I think you got to stay in Rich’s good graces it like at the end of the day it’s about playing golf getting out there I get that this comes with a cost but if he’s getting you out faster and in more preferable times I think that’s the primary uh golden goiz here what if what if you try to push for a game that’s partnerless like a Scot U like a like a not like a like a wolf or a banker like a banker where you you don’t have I don’t think you’re pushing for anything with this guy game partner otherwise it seems pretty settled in his ways about how this um I mean the other thing the other thing I don’t know I don’t I wouldn’t go I don’t think I would go this route but if you’re super desperate maybe you talk to your golf pro and say listen can you can can we Institute some like oversight auditing oversight on posting because this guy is is posting incorrect scores I don’t think you call I hate I hate the handicap police this is where you need the handicap police do you agree with me you don’t call them on it say like actually shut 10 worse today or that was worse you just leave that alone you just let him let him you don’t want to get on this guy’s bad side it seems like or you just take like you said this is the price you pay to play golf you join a nice club keep Institute a cast policy I think you’re better better off trying to overthrow the cast policy and then you can play with whoever you want get your own access to lead access to the t-shir but yeah I would try I would try throwing balls on the first te try and push for that let’s throw balls let’s mix it up y yep um doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of Headway being made on Alternate suggestions for anything I mean the other thing that I found is like you know you could Institute I played this game once where it was like you got to pick which te box you got to play at yep and I was I was playing with like this uh this older guy and it was like if we held the tea we just went all the way back because I knew we were just going to just budging them from the back tea yeah but if they it was a disaster whenever they won a hole because then they go all the way up and this like that’s a cool game I like that this this like 7-year-old who was like a 14 yeah became a [ __ ] assassin yeah like he was like he was clearly a guy that was like a two who just like didn’t hit the ball far couldn’t get it out there from yeah and all of a sudden he’s getting wedges in his hand and it’s like oh no like what what what are we doing and it they get the tea it was like a disaster trying to get it back um so baby is rich is is his biggest problem distance could you us to to the game like that and then whenever you win a hole let’s go to the front te Let’s Get Rich up there and this this flips it it flips got flip it an advantage you know to us I don’t know this is this is a hard situation it’s a tough one I’d say just play for yourself keep your own scores and pay the pay the price of these side games these partner games that you got going on yeah just it’s like when you go to church and they put put the offering around it’s just you’re your Sunday Morning Golf that’s all automated now just it’s all online they’re just taking money uh you forget your wallet to go to church there’s no excuse It’s oh yeah it’s just all automated on the internet um all right last one this is a great one this is a great email from my friend Mark cider playing golf as the wife’s tracker this is like a great classification system we’re GNA need some feedback this is just the start of the discussion here we’re going to we’re going to formulate real a real guide to this based off this email playing Twilight golf is a beautiful thing how does twilight golf get classified in the quote playing golf counter meter that the wife seems to keep in her mind or husband can you gentlemen provide some definitions to the following quote playing golf yes or no what counts as playing golf classification for the golf wife tracker my answers to the right one large bucket at the ring heck no this is called meditation all right not quote unquote playing golf I would agree with that and one large bucket at the range yeah I agree that’s it’s a work it’s a workout we agree we I suppose we should open this up to the Council of uh a significant others too to see if they agree that’s really what the heart Miss have a mes on right now we might need to get a a poll going or a focus group uh playing Twilight golf he says this is called walking the dog dogs I mean how he he’s I know he regularly brings his dog out okay I think if you’re playing more than two or three holes it’s G to probably count as playing golf at home you it’s not walking the dog I think so all right I think I think that bringing the dog lessens the blow of playing golf because cuz you’re doing something good for the dog I noticed this there’s there was a golf course in uh in Chicago that I I would bring my dog bring our dog to with me and my wife was noticeably happier when I returned from golf noticeably not like because the dog was happy yeah and if it’s a scenar sure that’s great and if it’s a scenario you have kids young kids you can get them involved then I think you’re also sort of less the quote unquote playing golf negative connotation meter so I think I think you go from nine holes like you you just you cut your golf in half it was you know like playing nine with the dog is like hitting a bucket range balls so you like you’ve cut it down to an like a 40 minute Pursuit we saw a guy in North Carolina playing golf with a stroller I if you could do that I think that’s also cutting down into the you know roll ER or kids running with you then you’re really cutting into the negative playing golf all right next one playing 18 holes of Twilight golf but unintended and at accelerated Pace the dogs are training for Iron Man or it says oh no next one’s playing more than nine holes of Twilight golf says the dog’s got great exercise doesn’t count he says it doesn’t count playing a little bit more than nine uh 18 holes says the dogs are training for an Iron Man so he didn’t plan to play 18 but just as is moving and all of a sudden it’s 18 unintended dogs still walking the dogs according to Marks get your robust workout playing n playing on a weekend but only playing nine he classifies as hunt out with the friends hunt out with buddies only nine weekend holes apparently doesn’t count as playing golf and then finally playing 18 holes for proper score he says yes I played golf how do we feel about this I mean I feel like this is aspirational and I really this is It’s aspirational I admire your creative Framing and context that you might be able to argue um I would say everything beyond the large bucket gets a little dicey and I appreciate your efforts it it’s straining to make it anything but quote unquote playing golf we’ll have to come up with a little bit few more scenarios in a whole classic I think I think the the thing notice is like playing golf like who who I play golf with matters in my household if you got a brother-in-law father-in-law you’re in the you’re in the Easy Street there you I me that’s the ultimate Easy Street yeah if you’re playing with your parents that’s like a tier below I think the the in-laws if I find if I’m playing with like my best friends that gets like cuz it doesn’t happen a lot it gets like a a very it’s like oh he’s going to play golf with his best friends that’s like that’s AOK okay you know so it’s like and then everything else Falls somewhere in a bucket below that like it’s all it’s a spectrum where are you at these days uh with playing golf for work because we play a lot of golf for work it’s literally our job and I’m starting to fight a little bit of more battles on that front because there’s that’s a big category it’s a big buck it’s like I gotta I’ve got to play for work I’m playing with a guy for work and like that’s everything the point no I’m at the point where the work doesn’t get Get a Second Glance I mean yeah I think it’s very much part of my job yeah so and well I let’s be clear here like I think like the difference is like my golf on the road well yes is exponentially higher than golf at home golf at home is yeah not a thing I was telling I was telling someone I someone this this uh this week at our event was like I have I can’t even remember the last time I thought about playing golf on the weekend yeah and that could be that it’s just you know but like I think about playing golf during the week I think like I I get encouraged to play Afternoon golf during the week like that you know is something that that my significant other knows that brings me joy um but the weekend golf with how much I travel is just not it’s not even I don’t even think about it unless it involves bringing my kid somewhere yep that’s kids getting the kids out is the point of any weekend golf at this point so all right I think that does it a good prompt we’ll have to formulate a few more what falls in as not playing quote unquote playing golf one large bucket I think is is all I see on that list but I appreciate marks creativity um all right everyone enjoy your weekends we’ll be back next next uh we’re going to be in July I think next recording I think it might be a first of July 1 I think so I think so today’s the 28th Saturday’s the 29th Sunday’s the 30th Monday must be the 1 it might be a first of the month recording I was going to miss it but I might come back you might have to dial in you might everyone enjoy your lawn weekends we will see you in July talk to you then



    edit: some of your interruptions are egregious as well, like Brendan is reading a golf advice email and he's just getting into it and here's Andy with his 20th, "Hey, can I ask you a question?" interruption. I bet Brendan hates it as well and it's really annoying to listen to.

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