Golf Iron Lesson For Longer & Straighter Shots (simple guide)

Watch PGA Professional Golf Coach Georgia Ball give you a full step-by-step lesson on how to hit your golf irons for longer, straighter and better shots.

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Hey I’m Georgia Ball, welcome to my channel! I’ve created my YouTube channel to help you get better at golf, but most of all enjoy the journey and have fun on the course with videos uploaded weekly.

I am a PGA professional who has played golf for almost two decades and on this channel you will see me play on some of the best courses in the world, equipment reviews, going head to head with other golfers and plenty of tips to improve your game.

One of my main goals on this channel is to make you play better golf by uploading plenty of videos on a range of coaching topics such as golf lessons, how to drive the golf ball longer, golf tips, golf drills, how to hit your irons better, how to fix your slice, how to fix your hook and how to hit your irons closer to the hole. Not to mention all the help you need to hole more putts.

hey everyone welcome back to the channel today I’m going to do a video all about these things the irons how you can hit them straighter be more consistent and all around improve them within your golf game it’s something that I get asked a lot so I’m going to break it down into Basics so it’s nice and easy for you but before we get started hit that subscribe button it takes 2 seconds to do and it helps me out so much so thank you if you haven’t already seen my driver video you can go over and watch that I’m going to make this very simple I’m not going to blab a load of technical words to you I’m going to make it nice and basic for you to take out onto the golf course or even the practice grounds to get you hitting your irons the best so the irons there’s going to be four main parts of this video today first one being all about setup and ball position so ball position to me is one of the most important things when it comes to our iron and it’s what gives us that consistency so here I’m using a mid which I had class as a 7 so where would I place the ball for my seven I would like to be just ever so slightly left of center the best way to gauge that is pop our toes together take one and 1 half steps forward and two steps back so as I say it’s just ever so slightly left of center if you can do that consistently every time with your 79 then that’s going to give you a better chance than if you were to just set up to it and not think about it however if I was using a long iron I would want that ball position more forward in our stance and if I was using a short iron maybe like a 99 pitching wedge I would go further back in our stand so when we take our ball position we want our feet to be just shoulder with the PA so we don’t want them to be any wider and we don’t want them to be any smaller so just shoulder width the part is going to give us that lovely stability and enough room to turn the next part of our setup is the distance away from the ball we’ve got our ball position we’ve got our feet the right width but now how do we know how far to stand away from the ball and it’s one of the most common questions that I get asked a lot of people say they feel too close and they don’t know how to to judge that so the best way of doing this you may have seen me do this before because I trust it so much is stand with your toes together so you can see here how the ball is straight in front of the Gap in my toes we don’t start it like this we don’t start it like this bring the club straight out in front of you after you’ve taken your grip and then from there you just want to bend and drop the club down with your hips like so so where that club head lays flat on the ground is where the ball needs to be so you can see I just need to shuffle forward here again you can do that from here Bend from your hips perfect so I’m at the correct distance away all I need to do is take my stance as we’ve just spoken about and now you can see how my hands are hanging freely we’re not stood too close and we’ve not got this huge separation we’ve got our hands dropping nice and freely the weight is in the balls of our feet our knees are naturally bent and we’ve got this lovely position with our back next up now we’ve spoken about the setup we we want to talk about body alignment and how do we know that we’re aligning perfectly to our Target because there’s no point in going through all that setup if you’re going to a in the wrong direction so the first thing I want you to do is pick your Target in the distance and then pick an immediate Target in front of you why is that is that it makes it easier to align your body to a distance that’s far away you can see here I’m aiming to the flag okay but it’s a lot easier picking a Target just in front to align my body parallel to then it is to that flag in the distance so I’ve got my flag I’m going to draw a line back to my ball to somewhere about here now when this little this little grain of grass also Lins me up to my end Target so walking into the ball placing my club down so it’s online with my immediate Target and then from there all I need to do is set my feet shoulders body parallel to the ball which is also parallel to the flag in the distance the best way to gauge this is pop your Club along your toe line along your shoulder line the club head and the distance should run parallel to the flag so these two points should never meet if they meet then we’re going wrong somewhere the body’s even far too too much to the right and again if it something like this if it’s pointing away from the flag then you’re you’re aiming too far to the left so we just want almost that train track line in between the ball and our body which sets us perfect to our Target before we move on to the next point if you’ve taken a lot of value from this video and want to see more like this and help support me keep doing what I’m doing you can check out my patreon which I’m going to add the link below it does help so much and thank you so much to everyone who’s already part of my patreon family the Link’s in the description if you want to check it out and now we’ve spoken about the setup and posture body alignments now we’re going to talk about the technique and how are the irons different to our driver like we’ve just spoken in our previous video and to all the other clubs in our back so where you will have seen in the driver video we want to hit up on the ball to get the maximum distance and the maximum height whereas now with our irons we want to do the opposite we want to hit down on the ball taking a divot and hitting the ground a lot of golf as I speak to say how they’re terrified of making any contact with the grass and they feel like they shouldn’t do it but that’s what it’s there for you’ve got to be hitting the ground to get that solid contact like the pros the best way of thinking of it is hitting the ball first and then the ground that’s the contact that we want so an ideal divot would work like this so you’d hit the ball and then the be the divot afterwards whereas we a lot of golfers I see their divot behind the ball because the fall and back they’re trying to lift the ball in the air almost like you would with the driver where again we want that ball to ground contact so our divits are working behind the ball so again really thinking about brushing the ground keeping the club nice and low to the ground taking that divot after the ball my two favorite drills for this is the rotation drill which very simple pop the club on your chest like this get your yourself into setup position and really feel that we’re working Our Fair shoulders as well our lead shoulder down towards the ground and our Trail shoulder down towards the ground so just see how that’s making my whole body rotate and that’s where I’m going to get most power and distance out of my shot and then the second drill is the te drill so you may have seen me do this quite a lot because I trust it so much with irons Woods even wedges it just works so good so pop a tea down in front of the ball it could be a ball width away it could be anywhere up to about a club with the way and the aim of this drill is to make contact with the ball and then take the tea so as we’ve just mentioned we want that divot to be behind the ball so if you’re someone that’s trying to guide the ball up in the air trying to help it you’re going to miss the te all together so take some practice swings imagine we’ve got that te here and we’re really hitting the ball and then hitting the tip so putting those two drills together really feeling about our body rotating and then we want to hit the ball and then the tee so it should look a little something like this that felt good and finally we want to think about pre-shot routine so many golfers ice P2 don’t have a pre-shot routine and it’s something that I try and teach everyone to do so pre-shot routine just really helps you visualize your shot prepare yourself before you set up to the ball and it just gives you that few seconds to get ready putting all those three things together so setup technique body alignment this is where we put it all together within our pre-shot routine how my pre-shot routine works is I scope out the whole F so I look for my target so the flag in the distance and then picking my immediate Target but in doing that I’m really conscious of how I want the ball to fly how I’m visualizing the shot that I want to hit where I want the ball to land and then stepping in and setting up to the ball I like to do this all within 30 seconds so it’s not over complicated I don’t overthink the process and it doesn’t give me enough time to doubt myself so picking my target picking my immediate Target and then take a practice swing again step behind the ball set myself up to the ball so set my club head down first to my immediate Target take my grip take my stance visualize how I want the ball to fly to the flag and then I hit the shot okay so recapping those four sections and making it nice and simple for you first thing we spoke about was ball position setup and posture so with our ball position going off our mid iron we’re going just left of center again the best way to gauge this is Pop our toes together one and 1 half steps forward two steps back we want our feet to be just shoulder width apart we want the nice distance away from the ball so again Club straight out in front Bend from the hips from here straight away I’ve got the weight and the balls of my feet my arms are hanging freely and I’ve got that nice Bend of my knees I’m not still too far away I’m not stood too close and then thinking about our body alignment we picked our Target in the distance we picked our immediate Target just in front we’re setting up our club head for the immediate Target and then we’re checking that by making sure our ball and our body is parallel to the Target next we spoke about technique like we mentioned in the driver video we want the whole body to work as one however now we want to be hitting down on the ball so just like we’ve mentioned with that divot we already want to be making that ball to ground contact with a nice little bit of shling here which is then going to allow us to take our divot and hit it like the pros and finally the most important for me is the pre-shot routine so how do you approach the ball ready without overthinking it’s a hard game you don’t want to make it any harder so again thinking about our end Target or a mediate Target taking a practice swing standing me hand ball visualizing where you want the ball to go setting up putting our club down first taking our stance nice and parallel to our Target and then we just need to fire away and that is the IR am Basics I could have stood here all a day and spoken lot more technical terms and gone into a lot more detail but I want to keep it nice and basic for you to understand take it onto the golf course and really keep it in your mind when you’re over the ball like I said before if you want to see more videos like this the link for my patreon and social media are down below and remember hit the Subscribe button if you want to see more thank you so much for your support and I’ll see you in the next one


  1. You help us out with all these clips so I have returned the favour and hit that subscribe button 💪🥰 some top tips again Georgia 🏌️‍♀️you’re amazing 🫶❤️ 👏👏

  2. Just getting back into Golf since a couple of years before Covid. Your video is great because it keeps it basic and simple and not to much to analyse and put yourself off by over-thinking . Thanks Georgia

  3. I always find that when I'm not brushing the grass, I start to swing with my left hand controlling things. It helps me feel like I pull the club towards the ground with my left hand, without my wrists taking over. Those days when you catch everything thin aren't fun, especially in winter! 🙂

  4. I love all of your content. I was watching too much golfing vids and it was affecting my golf. Your now the only one I follow ❤

  5. Great content.
    I have recently subscribed to your channel and very much appreciate your approach to golf.
    This vlog is clear and very informative.
    A vlog that you can return to many times for reminders.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  6. I’ve been golfing since age 7 (45 years) and revisited my iron basics after watching your video yesterday. I played yesterday afternoon and actually hit my first hole-in-one!!

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