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Best of The Lombardi Line! – 06-22-24

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on VN the sports betting Network we’re cruising on a Thursday hour one in the books hour two ahead as we welcome you back to the Lombardi line presented as always by DraftKings alongside Michael Lombardi stormy Bond and Tony with you in about 30 minutes we’ll have former NFL offensive lineman turned analyst Jeff Schwarz joined the program we’ll get into a little college football little NFL action especially since he’s really good on the betting side of things too his reaction to the news of the comeback Player of the Year Market actually having a little bit of criteria to it where we didn’t know in years past what it was really for um also at the end of the show think if we have time we might actually get into some week one lines that have taken some of the most bets but where I want to start Michael is a topic that we broached a little bit in hour one but didn’t really get to fully dive into and I do want your opinion on the Broncos ultimately bringing in David Shaw former Stanford head coach as a senior Personnel executive first and foremost what exactly is that role what can we expect from Shaw and is that a good move for Shawn pton bringing him into Denver well obviously David has always loved the draft he’s been involved with it he’s worked at NFL Network on draft coverage as when he was the head coach at Stanford plus he’s you know knows the coaching he’s an offensive guy he’s been schooled in the West Coast offense starting with Jim Harbaugh when they both were together at San Diego was in Philadelphia when I was there with John guden and of course Shawn pyton too so he knows that offense he knows the running game so he gives Shawn I think what he gives Shawn as a truth teller because if you know David like I know David David’s not one to hold his tongue or to to wait and see what someone else thinks DAV it’s an opinionated person which is a good thing with a with with strong convictions and you’re not going to back them down and I think often times in organizations especially when you have somebody like Shawn who’s running everything and has all the power and has all the clout and all the money that people are scared to tell them the truth because it doesn’t do their career very much good so you need a truth teller in your building and I think David provides that for Shawn it also provides a way to where he can understand players and plays right often times we get into a situation where we get I have to I forgot to turn my ringer off stormy I apologize uh where we get into a situation where we’re we’re just trying to tell the boss what he wants to hear and just get through the meeting when that doesn’t really do you much good and I know George Payton’s there and he still has a title of general manager but George within the building can’t have much clout considering the fact that he recommended the trade for Russell Wilson he picked Nathaniel Hackett and then he signed the contract I mean he’s 0 for three on three things you can’t be over three on and still keep a job right I mean one of those can get you fired he’s still employed I don’t know maybe because he still has a contract but look I think the relationship between the two guys will work and I think David will will tell Shawn what he needs to hear and what I think is most interesting about that too is that Shawn Payton because of the place that he’s at at his career where he is established he’s done this for a long time he doesn’t need a yes man he wants somebody that will be that as you term it a truth teller that will be honest in the room in those situations I think it’s very valuable and I think somebody like him will be great for just another voice in the ears of a Young quarterback in BO Nicks who’s trying to figure it out at the NFL level um Sha I know ended his tenure at Stanford on a low note but still the winningest coach in Stanford history the only coach ever to win four Coach of the Year honors in the Pack 12 rip which again we’ll talk about a little former Pack 12 now Big 10 a little bit later on in the show but very interesting the Dem Broncos by the way their season one win total this year just five and a half they’re an 18 to1 shot in the AFC West 7even to1 the price for them to make the postseason speaking of young quarterbacks Michael did you see this video of JJ McCarthy yes or no just yes or no no I did not see it no I did not lucky you you’re gonna see it live because it is just a bit outside throw it up there Elliot all right this is JJ McCarthy throwing out a first pitch Michael is it oh my that’s for somebody who for a living throws a ball this is this is is this this is not a good sign no it’s horrendous I mean and you know he went to go get the runner but I mean look at the whole he looks like he’s pitched before he’s got the whole thing how did he not practice for this this is what I want to know how did he not practice I don’t know I don’t know how did he not set himself up I I saw D didn’t Dallas Turner throw the ball out the same game he was way over to the right I know it’s hard look I mean it looks easier than it is when you get up on that mound and you think about you know trying to get the ball over the plate and you haven’t thrown a base in 10 years or something like that but You’ think you’d practice a little bit before you went and did it you know you think you would do some of that I I I think look you know the other thing I want to make going back to David Shaw I think one of the unsung heroes for the Celtics and we transition into this is Joe missoula’s willingness to left Jeff Van Gundy in the building right how many young head coaches who were getting a lot of criticisms about what was going on you know about how he handled situations and all that and all of a sudden Here Comes Van Gundy into your building and you think oh this guy’s going to take my job well I think he did a really good job of not letting him take his job but also listening to him I think what we all need is we all no matter how old we get we need mentors uh and speaking about you know the the Celtics and Missoula Brad Stevens and the job that he’s done to put together that team I know we talked about a lot earlier this week with the Celtics winning the NBA Finals but for what’s on Michael’s mind which we do each and every day here at the Lombardi line I know it surrounds uh it has to do with with team building and specifically Brad Stevens so what do you got today well well I think look we we often want to know what’s the magic formula how’d you lose 20 pounds in two hours you know what do you need to do and and I thought Brad when he transitioned from being the head coach up into the front office and replacing Danny a who was a lot of part of this team but it took a lot of really smart decisions once a left the building for example he trades Kimo Walker for Al Horford gets Al Horford back 76ers paid him but gets him back he doesn’t trade Jaylen Brown in 2021 when most people want him to he trades Langford for Derek white with with papovich and RJ uh down in San Antonio he gets him to come in who was a huge player for their team right traded Marcus spart for porzingis and gets two number one picks to go along with it then he resigns Brown he re he trades Brogden and Williams for Holiday right gives up the big man in side and then he signs porzingis and holiday to extensions and then he brings Van Gundy in to help his coach who needed help I mean those are those moves made a huge difference and I think what he also talks about is which I think is really important is we talk about it on the show but I thought he summed it up really good is he wants people who he wants players that are self-critical that will be self will analyze themsel they’re not trying to have all the answers they’re they’re not self-absorbed but they’re willing to listen you know and I think that’s really important and he’s done a great job of bringing players in like that and I think when you look at it I think it really comes down to you know you people say what’s the secret sauce in in Boston self-awareness simply that they’re the players are aware of who they are their strengths their weaknesses they all play a same style we were sitting here on the show trying to figure out who the MVP was is it this guy is it that guy it could have been one of four right it could have been one of four because they all play the same game they’re self-aware there was nobody trying to take over the game they were just playing within the confines of the game and I think too of the many things you listed out there that Brad Stevens did to put this team together the way that he has the moving on from Marcus Smart who every a lot of people thought that was a really bad idea because of the like veteran leadership presence that he provides Defensive Player of the Year all these things um but to get Kristof porzingis who yes I know wasn’t available the majority of the postseason but he like single-handedly took over that game one and set the tone for that game for Boston in the finals and then also pairing that with another thing that so many people said maybe you should separate Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum this thing isn’t going to work with the two of them together and ignoring that noise and sticking with his gut and what he believed was going to work for this team like two moves that people really thought were not going to pan out well for this team that are ultimately why in my mind they won in NBA finals and why they have that title in their belt right now so it’s it’s significant for sure and the and the fact he’s a former coach so he understands Player Development he understands what it takes you know they they trade for Jared Springer the kid from the 76ers who the Sixers drafted in the first round he still relatively would be one of the youngest players in this draft that’s how young he was he went to Tennessee he played one year at Tennessee and the 76ers draft him so he’s 17 at Tennessee he’s going to be 19 I I was told by somebody in the Celtic organization he was the youngest player still the youngest player they had in even when they were bringing players in for the draft to study it so they take him he’s a really good defensive player he’s hungry he’s won the I think he’s won the MVP of the G league for the 76ers he doesn’t shoot the ball particularly well but he doesn’t try to play outside his comfort zone so they’re going to take a chance with them gave up nothing for them and now they’re going to see if they can if the kid will take to coaching and fit into their system that’s what’s called Player Development will it work we don’t know but they have a plan for it whereas some teams don’t let’s just sign Paul George or let’s just sign this player and then two years from now we’re still on the same cycle we can’t get off of it and we’re wondering why can’t we get off of it the 76ers are are the perfect Uncle junor line about the Celtics they’re so far behind the race they actually think they’re in the lead I mean they actually think they could have beaten Boston this year that’s how bad they are and they’re going to resign some of their guys they’re never going to get any closer to them because Boston has plans 76ers just go through the process Michael because you talk about teams not having a plan how odd is it to see the NBA draft coming up next week and we have three teams that still don’t even have a head coach right now yeah I mean that’s right we don’t now Detroit says they’re going to try to hire a coach and hopefully they’ll hire some that I know and I think that’ll be a good move for them if they do that but you know I think a lot of this just tells you you know that that the front office is going to try to pick a player and there’s no marriage between the player that they pick and what they really are as an identity of the offense or the defense that’s the critical part you know and obviously everybody’s going to wonder where Bron’s going to go when he didn’t make all Conference in high school and he barely played for USC oh yeah how much of the coverage do you think is going to surround around bronnie James is he going to the Lakers be yep it’ll be all over the place we got no way and no doubt coming up next day with us here on the Lombardi [Music] line if you didn’t catch the handle here’s what you missed I think this is good news here for the Jaguars to get him under the extension now there look quarterback salaries like wide receiver salaries they’re just going north they’re it’s not going to get any cheaper to sign Trevor Lawrence in a year or two you’ve got multiple quarterbacks who are up for extensions they’re going to get this level of money as well and let’s be honest you’re not moving off Trevor Lawrence in a year or two years he is going to be your quarterback of the future because it’s so hard to replace guys like this and maybe he doesn’t turn into the guy but that being said this contract still at the end of it is going to look cheap if he is a top 10 quarterback in the NFL because you’re just going to see these prices go up and go up and go up we saw the cap go up here I don’t mind this deal I I think it’s appropriately priced because of what it’s going to be if you tried to make this deal with Trevor Lawrence in a year or in 2 years it’s going to be exponentially more the handle with Matt Brown and Mike Sage weekends at noon Eastern 9:00 a.m. Pacific on vison the sports betting Network summer months are here which means you’re going to have to bet on baseball this is Von MLB analyst Adam Burke and my daily article is here to help you navigate betting baseball each and every day I break down pitching matchups study analytics look at weather reports and more to help find Best Bets on the MLB card every day my article is only available to Vin Pro subscribers to become a subscriber and get help betting baseball this summer as well as everything else vson has to offer head to slpro Once to level up your sports betting game then you need to become a vison Pro subscriber for limited time get a vison Pro subscription at a special price of just $199 and you’ll get an extra month absolutely free that’s 13 months of Von for the price of 10 V Pros get access to daily Best Bets sent to your inbox every morning unlimited Pro articles betting splits and more go to subscribe and use promo code football to become a vison Pro today for just $199 and join the sports betting Network elevate your sports betting game with Von’s exclusive betting splits stay ahead with realtime market trends and track bet percentages on any matchup then uncover the Edge by comparing them to the amount of bets placed to find out where the sharp money is headed UPG to Von Pro to access betting splits live odds line moves power ratings and in-depth game analysis go to proo to join Vin the sports betting Network at Von we’ve got you covered before during and after every game jumpstart your game day with Tim Murray and Jonathan vonel on Von prime time at 6 Eastern they’ll get you ready before the first tip puck drop and Pitch ensuring you’re ahead of the game then stay in the loop during all the action with the Greg Peterson experience at 9: and as the night wraps up join Matt umans and West Reynolds on V tonight at 11:00 giving you the first look at tomorrow’s lines to get an edge on the next day’s bets all this and more only on Vis the sports betting [Music] Network this is the Lombardi line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi now here is your host stormmy batony on VN the sports betting Network next week we’re releasing our vison NFL betting guide your ultimate resource for the football season jam-packed with detailed team Division and Conference analysis of course Best Bets for the year to get the Guide though you must be a vison Pro subscriber right now you can sign up for Von Pro annual subscription for just $199 that’s down from our regular price of $240 plus we’re throwing in an extra month absolutely free when you use our promo code Lombardi with a vent Pro subscription you’ll get exclusive access to premium anal is expert picks and advanced betting tools that’ll give you an upper hand throughout the year don’t miss out though this is a limited time deal sign up and save ahead of the NFL season by visiting subscribe now and use that promo code Lombardi to claim your discount and bonus month that’s subscribe code Lombardi do you disagree with these takes no way uhuh no way or do you approve oh no doubt no doubt no doubt my mind no diggity no it’s time to ask Michael Lombardi no way or no doubt all right let’s get into it starting in Dallas whenever Dak Prescott gets a deal done Michael whether it be this off season or if he hits the free agent Market next year no way or no doubt he will be the first $60 million a year player what do we think well that’s a hard one uh yeah no way no way I mean if Jerry gives him 60 million you know Jerry knows he upsets the whole K and Kaboodle around him and I I can’t see it I I I think the I think it’s just not going to happen so I’m going to say no way no way they’re a stronger one storming for you no way no way do you think though follow up that he gets a deal done um this this year or is it a case where he’s not going to answer the phone and he’s going to bet on himself this year to hit the free agent Market next year I think he’s going to bet on himself hit the free agent market and I don’t think Jerry’s scared of it either I think look if you’re the starting quarterback of the Cowboys do you want to become the starting quarterback of some other team you know if right I mean think about it if you’re the starting quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys do you want to go then become the starting quarterback and let’s pick a play Seattle that might need a quarterback I’m not saying Seattle would do that or do you want to go become the starting quarterback in uh you know another city I don’t know I mean I think to me the Cowboys is still a brand name you know do you want to go to Jacksonville I know they don’t need a quarterback or Tampa you know less pressure Bry only want to Tampa because I was yeah well no not if you get the money there’s no pressure just ask just ask Trevor Lawrence about the pressure he’s already feeling it they’re already asking him about it so look I I I think it’s a challenge for him he’s got to do what’s right for for Dak I don’t begrudge him at all but at some point you can’t eat all the rigatoni as they told Sony soprano all right uh Dak tied for eighth on the DraftKings odds board to win League MVP this year at 16 to1 how about this sticking with contracts no way or no doubt the two MVP favorites Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen should restructure their contracts to be at the top of the market well you know they’ve always restructured their deals so they lower their cap number I don’t think they’re concerned about being at the top of the market I think they’re concerned about winning a title I think that’s the way momes is is and he’ll stay that way now look he doesn’t want to be the the 50th paid player and he doesn’t want you know Baker Mayfield to make him more money than him however that being said I do think he wants to uh you know win the same thing with Josh Allen and once they do win it it becomes a whole different element so you know what do they care if it’s just let’s hypothetically say it’s 4 million uh 4 million say they’re a million short of the that highest rated guy over five years that’s $5 million they make five million doing something else I don’t think they’re worried about it if it’s 50 million now you got a problem you got to fix that is I mean is that not hilarious though to an extent that the players that actually do have the most impact on winning care slightly less about being the highest paid in their contract and then the guys that have actually shown no evidence of being able to do that are the ones that like I need to be the highest paid I need to be next I’m going to be next the market is the market hey is what it is I’m just going to get paid so well find that fascinating I mean I think at the end of the day I think everybody is just always saying to themselves look get as much as you can while you can and which kind show I don’t either but it just also it do show you exactly what we’re talking about here is what’s the most important thing what is winning most important or is getting as much as you can yeah but I’m I’m also like I I agree with you on that other point that if I’m Trevor Lawrence and somebody’s offering me $55 million yeah I’m going to take it turn it I’m not turn it you know so yeah I understand it from that standpoint um well this is apparently just all contracts in no way or no doubt let’s go out to Sam Francisco where big talking point has been what is going to happen with star wide receiver Brandon iuk who’s coming off of a career season no way or no doubt iuk will attend the start of training camp in July I think no doubt he will because here’s what I think which really gets misconstrued in offseason because we have such much so much time to report on things the reality of it is is when he says the ners don’t want him it’s completely wrong they want him they just don’t want him at the number he’s proposing it’s called a contract negotiation right so they don’t want him at a certain number they want him at whatever they’re trying to negotiate with him just because they don’t want your number doesn’t mean they don’t want you there were six quarterbacks that were drafted in the top 12 this year Caleb Williams Jen Daniels Drake May Michael penck Jr JJ McCarthy and B Knicks no way or no doubt Michael more than half of these early first round quarterbacks will be their team’s week one starter so four of those six no ear no doubt uh four of the I think three of the six I mean penx isn’t going to do it right we know that and we know unless an injury occurs we know Drake May won’t be doing it so now it comes down to and we think no I’m going to say no way I think because darnold’s going to be the starter I don’t think JJ McCarthy and his wild uncontrollable faceball throw is going to be the starter oh and Kevin oconnell did tell reporters that Sam darnold is qb1 headed into Camp um but JJ McCarthy I’m sure is trying to put his best foot forward get an opportunity there have been some people that have thrown money on him to be the week one starter I always just come back to based on what we pay backup quarterbacks like I don’t think that you’re paying Sam darnold $10 million with most of that guaranteed to come in and sit like you’re going to give your Young quarterback the opportunity to develop um and people do believe that Sam darnold I don’t know if it’s true or not but people believe that Sam darnold while he was in San Francisco might have had some Witchcraft and Wizardry changed him a little bit so we’ll see um how about let’s we as we go out to New Orleans Saints running back Alvin Kamara his status is a little bit unknown after skipping the final practice of mini camp last week and his agent did tell NFL Network this was contract related he set to make 10.2 million in base salary this season but just 1 million of it guaranteed no way or no doubt Kamar deserves a new deal well I here’s there’s no doubt he deserves to have the money guaranteed I think there’s a this there’s a definite Trend here that we need to understand everybody on the New Orleans Saints in their salary hierarchy has had their paragraph 5 guaranteed except for Comm and why is that well because Camaro they don’t want to put any more salary cap debt onto their already high salary cat debt going into next year remember the Saints are the credit card team of the NFL they’ve been doing this for 10 years and they’ve gotten away with it because the cap keeps going up so they just keep signing guys they go in they guarantee paragraph five they lower their base and they just keep moving along just keep moving along but this year they decided not to move along with Camaro which is surprising I don’t know why that is I do they feel like they don’t want to put more money into a back I think it’s the same thing going on with the Rams and Matthew Stafford they don’t want to have to put more money into a guy who may have a bad elbow they may not want to put guys more money into Camaro he may have an injury that we don’t know about that the club feels like well he’s not going to be around here very long turns 29 next month as well his rushing yards Pro for this season set at 625 a half Rush rushing touchdowns number 4 and a half and the Saints as I referenced earlier plus 340 in the NFC South let’s hit one more here quickly no way or no doubt Michael the Lakers should consider should consider hiring Monty Williams who’s just let go from the Pistons for their vacant head coach position yeah uh no I should don’t think so I mean look you got to come in you you got to come in with some CL clout right you got to come in with some credibility and Monty one coach there I get all that it you know I I could see the Lakers saying look we don’t have to pay him very much you know I mean it depending on his contract we don’t have to pay him but I I would say no because you just don’t have you just won’t have that that same credibility in the locker room that you need to have Michael scale of 1 to 10 what’s the attractiveness level of the Lakers head coaching job where it sits in 2024 well if you listen to the media it’s a 10 if you listen to people around the league it’s about a three or four think about that I you’re dealing with a lot of problems you can’t control it says a lot about the state of the franchise that is you know one of the more historic and greatest legacies in the sport so interesting for sure we will see ultimately who ends up getting the head coaching job JJ reic of course the name that has been thrown around the most since the whole Dan Hurley debacle has been set to bed [Music] [Music] Draft Kings giving a bonus bet back if I lose so I don’t have to sweat my bet NBA Hall of Fame of Patrick Newan now you know all about sweating break it down force a no sweat b it’s kind of like an offensive rebound you miss your first shot you get another chance to schore you supposed to shower after the game Patrick new customers get your first bet back as a bonus bet up to $1,500 if it doesn’t hit the crown is yours want to level up your sports betting game then you need to become a vison Pro subscriber for limited time get a Von Pro subscription at a special price of just $199 and you’ll get an extra month absolutely free that’s 13 months of e for the price of 10 V Pros get access to daily Best Bets sent to your inbox every morning unlimited Pro articles betting splits and more go to subscribe and use promo code football to become a vison Pro today for just $199 and join the sports betting Network looking for the Ultimate sports betting podcast vison has got you covered with a wide range of podcasts covering every major sport we’re here to help you make smarter bets every season hardwood handicappers offers daily NBA analysis and picks from vent’s Top host and experts and check out long shots where we deep dive into the World of Golf betting providing you with expert insights to help you bet every tournament find all of these podcasts and more at podcasts or your favorite podcast platform if you didn’t catch vison Prime Time here’s what you missed you do think that the Mets are worth a look to make the postseason and the schedule that you alluded to with Adam bur well that’s the okay so schedule for the Mets you wrap up the first first half so going into the All-Star break Tim with the Nationals the Pirates the Nationals again and the Rockies so that’s 11 games combined against the Nationals and the Pirates and then a three- game set with the Rockies going into the All-Star break you come out of the allstar break with a four game set against the Marlins then you got to play six against the Yankees and the Braves pretty tough then coin flip series at home against the Twins then you’re right back to it with the angels the one game against the Cardinals and then three against the Rockies like it’s a schedule that sets up pretty nicely for the Mets to have some sustained success heading into the end of the first week of August V Prime Time with Tim Murray and Jonathan Von toel weekdays at 6 p.m. Eastern 3 p.m. Pacific on vison the sports betting Network at Vis we’ve got you covered before during and after every game jumpstart your game day with Tim Murray and Jonathan vonel on Von prime time at 6 Eastern they’ll get you ready before the first tip puck drop and Pitch ensuring you’re ahead of the game then stay in the loop during all the action with the Greg Peterson experience at 9: and as the night wraps up join Matt humans and West Reynolds on Von tonight at 11:00 giving you the first look at tomorrow’s lines to get an edge on the next day’s bets all this and more only on Vis the sports betting Network elevate your sports betting game with Von’s exclusive betting splits stay ahead with real-time market trends and track bet percentages on any matchup then uncover the Edge by comparing them to the amount of bets placed to find out where the sharp money is headed upgrade to Vin Pro to access betting splits live odds line moves power ratings and in-depth game analysis go to proo to join Vin the sports betting Network the summer months are here which means you’re going to have to bet on baseball this is Von MLB analyst Adam Burke and my daily article is here to help you navigate betting baseball each and every day I break down pitching matchups study analytics look get weather reports and more to help find Best Bets on the MLB card every day my article is only available to Vin Pro subscribers to become a subscriber and get help betting baseball this summer as well as everything else Von has to offer head to [Music] slpro this is the Lombardi line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi now here is your host stormmy baton on VN the sports betting network if you’re watching and listening to VN don’t forget about all the great betting tools and content we’ve got Best Bets from host and guests betting splits Pro tips Trends and of course best practices right now on the homepage will the Florida Panthers secure their first title in franchise history our resident NHL expert Johnny Lazarus has a full game five breakdown for tonight’s Stanley Cup Final thoughts on the side and total and approach to the prop Market all up now at so welcome you back to Vin the sports betting Network alongside Michael ardy stormy Bond and Tony with you get back into a little NFL talk the Houston Texans went from worst to first in the AFC South this past season and with success comes expectations so to help us break it all down we welcome in Texans writer John McLean on the Progressive guest line been covering the NFL in Houston 48 years knows Houston sports inside and out welcome in John how are we doing today stormy I’m doing great are you I’m great thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to join us we appreciate it and I’m curious your thoughts on how this Houston team can continue to take positive steps off what was a remarkable rookie season for CJ stad last year it’s going to be really difficult because last year they played a fourth place schedule their crossover game was Arizona here of which they won and this year they play a first place schedule five division champions 11 games against teams that had winning records and the quarterbacks they play Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson Aaron roders Jordan love Josh Allen to the tongue of aloa Trevor Lawrence Caleb Williams and they might get Jaden Daniels and Drake May so they play a murderous role of quarterbacks and after they stomped Cleveland in the Wild Card round they were tied with Baltimore at halftime the divisional round and then they crush the Texans running the ball so they know they have to improve against run even though last year they went from 32nd to six against the Run that’s one reason they signed 14 defensive pre agents drafted five defensive players and resigned four of their defensive pre agents they have been very active John there’s no question and I think you hit the nail on the head so as we look at this team moving forward who do you think think will Mak make the guys that they’ve signed who will make the most impact well most people would say Stefon Diggs I say denil hunter because right now they signed denil Hunter who had 16 half sacks Who had who led the NFL and tackles for loss playing opposite of Will Anderson Jr the Defensive Rookie of the Year and then they signed Deno Audrey since Audrey turned 30 he’s had nine sacks in each of those Four Seasons last year he set his career high with 11 so with Hunter playing next to Ay with Anderson on the other side I don’t think denil Hunter is GNA face a lot of double teams I don’t think now Stephen Diggs is either as long as Nico Collins and tank Dell stay healthy but I would say hunter first and Diggs second thing about Diggs he might have the most catches I’d be shocked if he extends his 100 Catch season to five Eco Colin have the most yards in tank Del have the highest average per catch but uh they’ve got high expectations for Diggs whom they traded for and Hunter who they signed for two years 49 million and the more you keep saying those names the more stacked it reminds us that that wide receiver room is for Houston this year and a great quarterback that’s throwing them the ball as well in CJ strad were you did you expect to any extent what we ultimately got from stoud last year with I mean just offensive Rookie of the Year and every step of the way was breaking records stormy if anybody tells you they expected that they’re lying through their teeth nobody expected a rookie quarterback CJ stad to do that we didn’t see anything in offseason program OTAs didn’t see it in preseason didn’t see it Camp toigo Ryan didn’t name him starter even though we all said he was going to be in the media uh until the week before the season starts I compare that right now the way Caleb Williams is being promoted for the Bears and really the first game they got beat at Baltimore and I didn’t think much second game they got beat at home and even though he threw for 180 yards in the fourth quarter a lot of that was mop up yards based on the coverage but when they went to Jacksonville 0 and two and one by 20 and came back home and beat Pittsburgh worse than any Houston team as the Steelers since the rers in 1991 I started to think he’s got a chance to be special but no way did anybody see the accuracy the down thefield accuracy the the cool calmness under pressure and the way he brought that team from behind they won like seven games in the last 36 seconds and overtime yeah they were remarkable and he did a great job John so you’re around the team all the time you’re around Nick who do they think is the main competitor in the South to them which team well I think they would say Indianapolis they had to beat Indianapolis last year to get in the playoffs Cole’s came so close to winning that last game and they would have been in now the way people are talking about the Texans this year they were talking about the Jaguars last year Jaguars had beaten Chargers in the playoffs with that great comeback back Trevor Lawrence was going to be a generational quarterback I know I lost a $100 bet on the area when I had a choice of taking the Jaguars of the field and I took the Jaguars without hesitation and if somebody that said well one of the odds of Texans are going to finish first I would have said whatever they are I’ll take them that they’re not so you know how that is Mike it happens every year we have worst to First that means it’d be the Titans r goon’s made a lot of changes he had a lot of money to spend every retired Bill Callahan to help his son Brian and his first Year’s a head coach and could they go from worst to First it depends on will Levis and the Texans couldn’t have done it without St and he knows and offensive coordinator play caller Bobby slowick know that every defensive coordinator has been watching the tape seeing what he did well and what can we do differently this season stoud and slow it have to evolve accordingly that’s a great Point John mlan Houston Texans writer joining us here on the Progressive guest line and so you you talked about the perception of CJ strad starting to shift from last offseason as the season started to go on now there’s another shift where he’s being talked about as one of the shortest shots to win MVP and he too is talking a lot about himself and about other quarterbacks MVP type players in the National Football League what have you made about some of st’s um social media and YouTube appearances the interviews that he has done do you like the confidence or do you wish maybe he’d just take a step back and continue to watch and learn well the Texans Domo Ryan and Nick cerio probably wish that he would take a step back watch and learn but it is the sign of the times with young young athletes today young people in general now he and Michael Parsons become best friends they went to China they played celebrity basketball celebrity baseball you talk about trash talkers those two are best trash talking best friends can’t wait till they play uh in Arlington and but U zier Franklin took a couple of shots at him and then he brought up Aaron Rogers out of nowhere saying that Matthew Stafford would have won multiple Super Bowls if he’d been with a Packers and I’m like I wish he’s that good when he’s talking to us maybe we’re asking the wrong questions but I’ve been surprised at how outward he’s been but I don’t think anybody holds it against him because he’s such a good kid he we voted him here the the good guy award locally the Pro Football Riders of America and any wanted nationally and I’ve never seen a rookie do that I’ve voted for Brandon Graham a 15year veteran but he is he is very cooperative and he tries hard to be informative and analytical but we never heard a peep controversial about him as a rookie it’s amaz John real quick we’re going to have to go here but running back situation does Mixon look like he’s the real deal and what the hell ever happened with Damen Pierce Damen Pierce does not fit the Zone scheme that Bobby slowick put in he’s a straigh ahead run over him he’s got to learn to be discipline maybe he will Nixon one of the interesting things he’s only missed three games last four years and he hasn’t fumbled since 2021 he had 1,400 yards last year and one reason they like him they can’t score inside five running the football last year and he’s averaged 12.3 touchdowns over the last four years John keep up the excellent work thank you so much you are amazing thank you guys very much for having me that’s John mlan follow him onx mcore onore John great stuff there from him on all things Houston and and the division perspective as well I I am not of the belief that will Levis can lead the Titans to worse from worst to first but crazier things have happened Michael Yes crazier things have happened I’m not with you on that one either you’re not getting me down there you’re not even getting pizza money on that one for me I’m going to have to be proven to me during the season I’m not wasting good pizza money no chance that was great stuff and I can totally relate too that I guess we’re not asking the right questions at some of these media availabilities because I’ve been there I ask a question I’m like why’d you give that guy guys such a great answer I thought that I crafted that question beautifully all right uh we’re going to hit the break wrapping things up on the other [Music] side this is Von the sports betting Network we are a network of sports betting analysts writers hosts and handicappers here to make you a more confident better we broadcast live from Las Vegas the sports betting capital of the world every day to provide you with sports betting insight and Analysis you can’t find anywhere else our shows can be heard live on streaming platforms and radio stations all across the country has the latest in sports betting news betting splits analysis and picks we have over a dozen daily and weekly podcasts to help you as a sports better if you become a visin pro subscriber you’ll have access to our 20 247 video stream betting guides ahead of every season and major event picks sent to your inbox every morning and so much more to learn more head to and see all that vson has to offer that’s want to level up your sports betting game then you need to become a vison Pro subscriber for limited time get a vison Pro subscription at a special price of just $199 and you’ll get an extra month absolutely free that’s 13 months of V for the the price of 10 Von Pros get access to daily Best Bets sent to your inbox every morning unlimited Pro articles betting splits and more go to subsscribe and use promo code football to become a vison Pro today for just $199 and join the sports betting network if you didn’t catch follow the money here’s what you missed there is no way Charles barklay is retirement zero says he’s done after next year I watch the entire video no way here’s the thing I mean someone’s gonna throw an obscene amount of money at him he’s in the moment it’s been a long year he’s feeling for his colleagues at TNT they’re going be it’s all over after next year he’s just he’s caught up in a moment it’s going to be his 25th anniversary next year I didn’t realize that yeah time flies my do so I can understand being in the moment saying this and he was adamant on TV saying don’t even call me I’m not doing any interviews I’m not talking about it this is me telling you I’m done I’m going to go out on a high note well what happens when Amazon offers $100 million no kidding or whatever Network it is to offer probably that much money if not more follow the money with Mitch moss and paully Howard weekdays at 7:00 a.m. eastern 4: a.m. Pacific on vison the sports betting Network at vison we’ve got you covered before during and after every game jumpstart your game day with Tim Murray and Jonathan vonel on decent prime time at 6 Eastern they’ll get you ready before the first tip puck drop and Pitch ensuring you’re ahead of the game then stay in the loop during all the action with the Greg Peterson experience at 9: and as the night wraps up join Matt humans and West Reynolds on vent tonight at 11:00 giving you the first look at tomorrow’s lines to get an edge on the next day’s bets all this and more only on Vis the sports betting Network elevate your sports betting game with Von’s exclusive betting splits stay ahead with realtime market trends and track bet percentages on any matchup then uncover the Edge by comparing them to the amount of bets placed to find out where the sharp money is headed upgrade to Vin Pro to access betting splits live odds line moves power ratings and in-depth game analysis go to proo to join Vin the sports betting Network looking for the Ultimate sports betting podcast vison has got you covered with a wide range of podcasts covering every major sport we’re here to help you make smarter bets every season hardwood handicappers offers daily NBA analysis and picks from Von’s top hosts and experts and check out long shots where we Deep dive into the World of Golf betting providing you with expert insights to help you bet every tournament find all of these podcasts and more at SLP podcasts or your favorite podcast [Music] platform this is the Lombardi line with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi now here is your host stormmy baton on vent the sports betting Network we are wrapping up this Thursday edition of the Lombardi line presented by DraftKings alongside Michael Lombardi stormy Bond and Tony with you and like we always do the last segment of the day it is time for our Pro tip of the show every single show here at vison does these each and every day you can find them at searchable by show and by sport but today Michael we have Jeff Schwarz who came on in the last segment who F fully unbeknownst to him endorsed a storm warning that I had from earlier in the show which we thought would just make for a good Pro tip today if we want to throw that up there during the dog days of summer let’s avoid betting just to bet okay if you are not somebody who is handicapping baseball or soccer you’re grinding it out through the season let’s be cautious placing a full unit wager just because it’s something to bet just because a sport is there Michael does not mean we have to throw money on it believe it or not I know that’s crazy but we don’t have to do it no we’re not all will Hills we don’t have to bet everything he’s good at you’re not so accept it move on I agree you know and look let’s face it I think this is the perfect time we have the betting guy coming out next week yes you need to really buy that use the promo code Lombardi to sign up for that you need you need to take two weeks sit on the beach read the guide you know go through the teams make sure that you’re not wasting money even if it’s pizza money don’t waste it right it’s a good pizza why would you give up a good pizza for just a ridiculous bet think about it you know and and do your study because look like what Jeff Schwarz said about Oregon my son coaches there like I know Oregon you know I know some other programs but you gotta really know the programs in college football to understand who can be it and I thought his one of his best lines was that that there’s a small amount of teams that are truly competing for the title look if Michael Pennock didn’t take anybody by storm last year it wasn’t a surprise he was good the year before Washington look at all the guys that got drafted we knew Washington was going to be good we just didn’t know could beat Oregon twice let’s be clear we didn’t think that could happen so you’re dealing with a small group of teams that you know and with this transfer portal and the changes in coaches it could take a little bit of time for some of these teams that we think as you mentioned in the storm War are going to be able to compete at a high level they’re going to need some time to get situated this is the most like transformational change that I can think of in the sport in my lifetime when you think of the conference realignment and how much shifting there is the Big 12 the last two years with the teams that they have had come in and out of the league uh you have the head coaching turnover that we’ve talked about a lot over the last two days and then to your point the transfer portal and how much player it’s free agency in college football how much players are just able to leave on a whim essentially because they’re available to and it’s just something that in my mind if you are somebody who is a college football better or you are an NFL better and you’re not a baseball better and you’re not a Euro soccer better I did not expect starting our segment with Jeff plus is heart love him to death saying that he’s sweating Albania right like that was not the thought that I had when we came into that segment um but this is such a good golden opportunity time of year to get your prep in and to research those rosters and who knows you might be going through a schedule and see a look ahead spot or you know different things on a schedule you weren’t anticipating then you can go in your calendar and Mark a date out hey be aware of this as we’re approaching this week and the schedule this is the time that you can do those things so again vent Pro tips available let’s close out the show today looking ahead a little bit ourselves to the NFL we’ve had week one lines up for a little over a month now and with that we have seen which teams are getting bet so a few of these I’m curious if any of these surprise you or not where we’re sitting right now and again these are lower limits to this point than what we’re going to see as we get closer to game time things are going to change inevitably between now in training camp preseason week one but a couple of these that we’ll throw up on one graphic here first we got 98% of bets on the Chargers laying three against the Raiders 95% of the bets coming in on the Seattle Seahawks minus 4 and a half at home against Denver 95% on the Lions laying three and a half against the Rams in a rematch of that postseason game this past year and 93% laying a point with the New York Giants against Minnesota any of these surprise you fade or follow some of the high percentage bets here well I think let’s let’s so we know there’s bet limits at this time of the year okay because of the uncertainty with teams and injuries and all that so most of this money is coming from people who handicap for a living this doesn’t make them smarter than us they just do this for a living and they want to jump on a number they could care less about the team what shocks me is this charger line I think this line could go I think what US have to do is a betting Network and giving out advice is what line is going to move I think even though 95% of the money is coming in on the lions at 3 and A2 I think the Rams are going to get action that line could go down to three I think it’s awfully attractive at three and a half in a game that was decided by one point where both teams we know will be healthy in the opener because of the way they practice in the preseason I would look at lines that potentially could move I see that Seahawk line at four and a half I think it’s going to depend a lot on what Bo Knicks looks like in the pre-season right does he look better is he playing well this giant line could move too because if the Giants offense looks like they did in mini camp based on what we were talked about you got some issues here so I think for us where can you predict the line movement to go what could happen like the Cardinals there’s 85% of the money on the Cardinals getting seven against Buffalo I think that’s perception of the Cardinals they played everybody tough they’re healthy this year not that they’re going to be better the uncertainty at wide receiver for Buffalo seems to dominate the airwaves there’s all circumstances that go into it and remember this stormmy opening day you’ve got to look at the coaching and the preparation more than the actual matchup that’s a great one though that you mentioned there with the Cardinals getting seven in Buffalo because there is this perception right now that the Cardinals to your point last year they were Scrappy they were in a lot of games Kyler Murray is goingon to be healthy from day one of this year versus having to come in midseason last year um and then with Buffalo hey this is a team that can they really do it you know they lost a lot of pieces last year this is going to be such a crunch time type of a season for Shawn mcder maybe they’re not as good as we think we are maybe that window is closing for Buffalo and it’s it’s very very interesting some other ones that are in like the 88 um the 80 to 88% range here the Ravens getting three at Kansas City in the opener rematch of the AFC Championship game a lot of people liking Baltimore with the additions that they have made the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 88% % of the bets coming in on the bucks laying three and a half against Washington as they introduce their new Young quarterback Jaden Daniels and one more there’re 80% on the Philadelphia Eagles minus one against the Packers that game on a Friday in Brazil Eagles taking a lot of money there yeah it’s not not surprising I mean I don’t know how to handicap that one I don’t know enough I you got to do some digging here on want to see the Packers in preseason the whole environment you know they’ve eliminated the Green from the uniform because they were afraid because of all the turf battles and the and some of the things that go on down in then in Brazil that I think they’re worried about that for some reason so I I I think it’s an interesting game the altitude’s not going to be a problem it’s something that the teams can handle but for me I look at that Rams Lions game I I think that’s the great one it’s Sunday night I’m shocked they’re giving you the hook in this game I don’t think it’s going to you know I don’t think it’s going to last very long because I think at the end of the day these games come down to a field goal and I think with Matthew Stafford being healthy they offensive line you know when the Rams are healthy they’re good they’re good they can go and the lions are good too but I think when you give Shawn McVey enough time to prepare and as the Lions work through some of their secondary things that they have to work through you know it could open up a hole very very interesting a few of these are and I I also look at that Ravens plus three Kansas City just because we’ve talked a lot about how Kansas City can I mean maybe there’s a little bit of that hangover period they’ve had a lot of offseason issues maybe they come out a little bit slower I feel like especially based on the last couple of years they’ve been slower starting and they close with Incredible closing speed and winning games when they have to win them so maybe early on in the season is a time you’re willing to take some underdogs a little bit more um okay so we’re wrapping up the show here Michael what’s on the agenda tonight you got the next couple of days off are we hitting karaoke again in the backyard with Bill what’s the word no we’re going to all go out we’re going to have a legit we’re going to have a birthday celebration dinner just the four of us so we’ll enjoy that that’ll be great and then I’m going to travel I’ve got a I’m going to travel to the West Coast and spend a little time with my son on on uh Friday I’m G to travel tomorrow and see him and then I’ll be back on the show on Sunday from his house and then I’m going to have a speech in Los I have a a book presentation in San Diego for the next two days so I’ll see you Wednesday next Wednesday when I get back you’re going to enjoy the weekend you you got it made you got it finally got some weekends you can rest on the couch you can live a life I enjoy that you know what’s funny Michael so last week obviously was my first weekend off this week two in a row who am I next week I’m going to Disneyland with my little sister so I’ve only been I’ve only had two weeks off and then I’m going to be back on a plane again anyways it’s like I can’t I can’t get enough of it apparently I just I must love travel no not so much but I will bring joy to a 10-year-old child that is what I will do there you AG great that’s right that’s all that matters and there’s nothing look that it’s the happiest place on Earth why wouldn’t you want to go yes exactly um awesome stuff appreciate you my friend I’m glad that you had a good happy birthday happy birthday as well to Mike somit who joined us on the show um that’s it for us but stick around here on Von Patrick Maher and the sharp Money crew are up next and if you’re watching on DraftKings Network get ready for Pablo Tor finds out have a great day [Music] want to see who at vison is on a hot streak go to slpi to see all the sele

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