Golf Players

Shane Lowry WON Here but This Golf Course BROKE ME

►County Louth Golf Club / Baltray will be Hosting Open Championship Qualifying, it is one of the best courses in Ireland, It epitomises perfection from the 1st tee to the 18th green.

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Not many golf coaches on YouTube even coach golf anymore! I am an active golf coach taking inspiration from live lessons to deliver relatable golf coaching content. Having worked under Pete Cowen for 3 years the information I provide really is from the top table!

The content you will find on this YouTube channel will be informative golf tips that will help you improve not only your golf swing but your golf game in the sole purpose of lowering your scores and enjoying golf more & more.
Other content will include golf club reviews and golf accessories which can help you improve your understanding of what to buy as the market is constantly changing and being saturated by brands.
A lot of the content you will find on the channel is of Andy Carter being out on the golf course showcasing real-life scenarios and shot that all golfers will encounter on the course. If you can improve these areas of your game then for sure scores will lower.
Popular content throughout the years has been golf course vlogs,with Andy either playing against the golf course in his Carter vs Golf series, or playing against fellow PGA professionals, Tour professionals and even amateurs. This content is not only a great watch but also a great learning experience for viewers.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳

[Music] guys welcome down to my channel Andy car I am PJ professional I’m about to take on County loud golf cup here 20 about 203 miles north of Dublin in Ireland this is where Shane Lowry Irish open champion won his very first event but he was an amateur and to be fair the weather that day was horrendous we are lucky today we’ve got Clear Blue Sky not a breath of wind I’m going to try and break par I will break par nine holes wish me luck let’s see how we get on also I’m going to be testing out a brand new golf balll today I’ve got the seed sd02 I’ve used this yesterday in a in a round so I wanted to kind of give it a good 18 hes to test if it actually is any good and based on my first round of golf it is very good very durable and this is basically the Pro V1 equivalent half the price and I think the one thing with golf balls that are trying to sell themselves at half the price of a prov1 is durability that was the very first thing I thought of and then from there really I was kind of looking at spin does it react well when chipping does it react well on the greens now we’re playing linked golf so the fairways the greens and sorry are pretty firm so they’re not going to spin back but I want to see some soft Landing let’s see if this ball is any good well let let’s see if you think this ball is any good if you’ve used one of these golf balls before drop in the comment section below leave your review for them let me know what you think as well I’m looking forward to seeing your feedback from how I get on hopefully I can do it just this and play some decent golf right so lead us away yeah I’ll take that for a start right lovely t-shot a little bit unlucky there this this little grass here would have been lovely this is a little bit more tricky but nothing too crazy 100 yards to the front 115 to the flag I’ve got G I’ve got a sand wedge these link courses if I can land this anywhere in the front edge it should roll five or 10 yards should especially out this roof as well sometimes though you can leave it woful short because of the strikes with this from this roof so it’s a little bit of pot look if you miss the Fairway keep it left that bunker it’s going in straight out the bunk oh it’s just left of it go get up there it needed another couple of yards just to clear the bunker but it’s going to be on the green it’s going to have a bit of a distance put to it but you know what now that I’m an a point it I’ll probably hold it go on then go on then go right second hole PA five 467 so it’s not the longest little dog leg right to left left it’s a narrow looking Fairway though that presume it’s cleared a it yeah oh take that yes 150 front 187 flag little bit of hurt little six ah land favorably that’s a bit towy right up and over well that landed nice and soft thank you this is a par five back to back par fives blind second yeah so the the pole that we can see in the distance is behind the green okay another narrowish looking Fairway may be 520 to the middle of the green remember being a narrow green as well 220 to the front edge absolutely going for it uh 260 to run out of green 4 IR she this is a stupidly tight approach just as well so this does need to be straight oh it’s a bit left it’s not no it’s not too bad I’ve got a thumbs up it’s always a good sign so the group in front just said so was like my ball was like really really close and he just hit this run off I’ll show you the runoff in a minute but now I’m faced with that so the runoff you can probably see all up there the runoff is just to the side of the hole literally that flag is hanging on the edge of the slope my ball was hanging on and then decided not to bother we got this left I mean yeah to be fair this could come back to the feet that flag is literally on the edge it can’t you can’t be sure it has to go you want to go six 6 10 foot past fingers crossed oh ther oh you I was actually excited about that shot as well Al Al was next to me and I was just fatted it oh we’ve had a shocker there Al two horrendous shots this is borderline harder than the previous shot oh oh we’ve had a nightmare for those that have not watched our’s video yet go and watch it just for this whole even he’s uh he’s still he’s still down there I think that one is kind of wanted to come back what’s up for you six bloody six might be a bit overcooked right manag to find it it’s never a good sign when you got to put your glove down after you found it 80 to the front ball above the feet out the roof into wind bit of a hit and hope really anywhere on the middle of the Dance Floor would be lovely it’s going chip a 50 as opposed to trying to hit a harder 54 completely got my arrows wrong there hope it bounced right I felt like I was a bit right there so it’s all kind of breaking down from that side so I’ve got a little bit lucky distance long distance really short par4 these are the ones you’ve got to be trying to make the take advantage of really just kind of doing a bit of P fast a point today go for a [Music] two bit of break come on give me a bit of break a it’s good speed boring happy with that all right I’ve got 160 a eight for me wedge for Alex wind off the left don’t get too silly with it don’t get too silly with it and there it goes that ain’t coming back we need a hurricane to bring that one back lovely strike right a bit of redemption for that last shot where I thinned it come on land soft nearly Struck it perfectly just a little bit heavy tiny bit heavy released as a result not bad not bad right I need this really May pushed that a bit I think oh yeah bogey P bogey one over six hole power five 520 t- shot is key stay there it’s not blocky yeah it’s bouncing it’s definitely a three shotter now right we got the ball it’s a lovely Li to be fair I love this kind of real wispy links grass but you get some Fair lies as well 260 to the front edge downwind running fast I’ve got a forine almost to kind of lay up but if it gets there obviously it’s quite narrow so I got to try and keep it keep it relatively straight or very straight which I have done it’s online it’s not going to be enough I don’t think un let get some really favorable bounces but I’ll take that Links Golf in these conditions does not happen Clear Blue Sky hardly a breath of Wind Golf Course Perfect manicure to Perfection wow special place not ideal 30 yards to the front 50 to the middle downwind needs to come in high and land soft somehow in a perfect world keep this well away from the flag I think to keep it down the left side it’s a very narrow green so even being left of the flag is not going to be a Million Miles Away gone super high it’s on the green it’s a bit further away than I would have liked but it’s on the green those shots you literally just want Club on board get it on the green I know I’m talking about trying to get it relatively close to the pin but I think at the same time you’ve just got to have a birdie pop from there you just got to have a PP otherwise you could be making double easily scared myself into it all right bit cting a bit two minds here 140 pin 130 covers that front bunker it’s probably slightly downwind but but also slightly uphill I’ve got wedge yeah think I need all of it though go it was nine thinking nine ah it was on the edge it was right on the cusp of a Edge of Glory a wedge or a nine oh right I’ve been joined in the bunker by Alex hi bunker friends I’d much rather yours not learn anything from yours did I no he took the same club and end it with the same place I’d much rather yours shot though downhill lie up I mean a bog is this is a bog is almost a good score it’s going to come out from right to left up there I’ll tell it’s yeah that’s going to run on 20 yards but I’ll take that all day off that lie bre break go on I think it’s a see the bunker in the distance on the right yeah well there’s one short of it so just left and the Cent literally the center stripe of the Fairway you could probably into that wind you could probably hit 3w to be fair 250 into wind find out if it’s a ridiculous decision in a minute oh it’s a bit cuty into the wind H you know I’ve just run all way up to the top of that hill and back still hav got a clue where I’m going such a bad t- shot those shots where you’re in two minds I was more worried about running out Fairway or hitting that bunker with the three-wood and I end up hitting a worst shot and you know that’s going to happen when you second guest sh you’re going to hit a worst shot but you still put you still allow yourself to go negative if IID have ripped one and I’d have gone into that bunker at least I could have gone you know what I absolutely ripped it it was a bad decision but in now it’s a bad decision plus it was a bad shot golf is madness right I think I’m over there somewhere I’m just going to absolutely pulverize it as hard as I can 150 to the front slightly into wind slightly blind 180 to the back so I can’t hit 7 in Long here let’s see what happens shall we wish me luck folks that looks really good actually right I should have definitely stuck with the a time cuz that 7’s gone massive right oh God just not getting it right today long grass is coming back into me right to left as it lands it’s not going to make it oh we’re on another bogey I’m already I think I’m already two over not breaking part are we one hole to go go on then it’s downtown go watch Alex’s video It’s better he’s playing good he’s playing better golf I’m just out here miss misreading green about to go three over sloppy right come on one drive let’s have a good drive to finish oh way off it today sit sit sit sit sit sit right I need it up and down for a two over you can do it it’s not been the best that’s a bit left pulled it could be in the bunker sorry folks might been my best today has it chipping for a two over up and down for a three over bogey for a four over I’ve tinned it again you know what guys that sums the day up I’m taking a two put from there I’m taking the boy I’m going four over I’ve had an absolute shocker come on Al come on Al deserved it he’s deserved it thanks mate guys going to check out Al’s video go see what he shot thanks for watching thanks for persevering see you next time


  1. Great video Andy, It must be an absolute laugh a minute playing with Alex Etches 😂🤣⛳️⛳️🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️🙏🙏👊🏼👊🏼

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