Golf Babe

TV hosts react as Biden crashes and burns in trainwreck Presidential debate

Sky News Australia hosts Rita Panahi and Paul Murray have reacted to Joe Biden’s trainwreck performance in the opening presidential debate against Donald Trump.

good day I’m Paul Murray this is the beautiful reita panah welcome to the man cave and welcome to game day Dar we’ve been waiting for this one the great debate and uh I don’t know about you but I’ve Got a Feeling Biden might surprise us he may remain Lucid whatever cocktail of drugs they’ve given him are going to get him through this look if there’s one person who knows how to stay up all night it’s Hunter Biden and Hunter’s helping that out tonight finally Hunter is actually useful but I got say my sense of this is that this is a game Cher but only for Biden so Jake Tapper how do you think he’s going to play Jake taba he’s often held out as the CNN host who’s the most impartial he’s the good one but this is a man who almost cried tears of joy when Biden was declared a winner I even said this is the end of America’s nightmare o here it is here it is here it is the debate this looks all official oh official presidential photos oh that airbrush that that Biden shot when’s that from 40 years ago oh we’re live from Georgia a key Battleground state in the race for the White House in just moments the current US president do you think they’ll hands the former us presid as their one of them Nomes of first in American history this is the CNN presidential debate this debate is being produced by CNN and is coming to you live live on we get CNN how many times can we say CNN in a 10c intro it’ll help for one night joid now please welcome the 46th president of the United States Joe Biden oh look at him look at that robotic there’s no one there mate there’s no audience who’s he pointing to what’s this what is oh no Al is going to be any handri what’s he surely they have to come together welcome the 45th president of the United States 47 well look at that strong come on no stupid that’s like how he walks out of the UFC that is true look at this not looking at each other no no handshake handshake no handshake you want to impose a 10% tariff on all Goods coming into the US how will you ensure that that doesn’t drive prices even higher not going to drive them higher it’s just going to cause countries that have been ripping us off for years like China and China China just force them to pay us miss the way he says China give us a lot of power for other things but he would sometimes I just think about how he says China I have no doubt also gave you the largest regulation cut in history that’s why we had all the jobs and the jobs regulation that’s a good thing talk about hang on computer loading thought computer loading thought inflation are the Doctors close by cuz I am worried about he looks like took the camera off he looked Mercy Mercy Mercy for B oh here we go let’s have a long shot of him no let’s have the camera back on him keep it hard on him like to have it hard on Trump whil Biden talks with power he got out it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country’s life president Trump over the last eight years record and according to a new nonpartisan analis look at him some of those drugs are drugging and they are they’re just interacting they’re interacting with each other and so former president next year you want tot in the headlights that’s something else that’s like a raccoon in the headlights making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the uh with with with the oh no oh no break down looking at him going I’ve won I’ve won what if we finally heic to death and he’s destroying Medicare because all of these people Trump Biden this is Trump the b and a little bit of Biden destroy Social Security these millions and millions of coming inre trying to put them on he will wipe out Medicare so he will is brutal he looks like he’s about to collapse is there a nurse nearby I’m genuinely worried for him this is elder abuse the hair looks real though doesn’t whated to the United he’s got the com over happening but what’s what Don’s head the front I don’t like way too flat it’s like he’s beening get on top of that it’s like he was wearing a top hat on the way in we’re doing for other countries and they do nothing for us the Supreme Court over the white temporarily allowing emergency abortions to continue in Idaho look at they all making their own decisions right now and right now the states contrer and and silly and confused person that believes and frankly he listening right okay so that’s his listening face but on television in this format that’s look at that but you know what again CNN are every time he looks particularly bad they go to the long sh and they go yeah has to do with other things you got to get elected we in six weeks you don’t even know whether you’re pregnant or not but you cannot see a doctor have your and have him decide on what your C have him decide I’m sorry what the lady doctors oh not in Joe Biden’s world what about the they doctors including the one he’s got in the surgeon general’s office Trump said that trust me there would be aund columns written about it tomorrow no today in an hour they would have already been written pres do you support any legal limits on how Ro v Wade which had three trimesters the first time is between the woman and the doctor second time is between the doctor and an extreme situation the third time is between the doctor I mean be between the the woman in the state the idea what did he just say the three trimesters are not what he just said like I’m a dude and I know that’s not three trimesters so it’s between a woman and a state no she just said in seven Democrat States you can get abortion third trimester and he’s just come up with some other nonsense he’s not make the hour is he well if it’s a boxing fight I’m not going to throw a tow yet but he hasn’t scored many points unless the cocktail starts sort of working better as the hour progresses think he’s just going to get a bit looser in the second and just go okay let’s go okay Lucy goosey Lucy goosey total ban on the the the total initiative relative to what we’re can do with more border patrol and more Asylum officers president Trump I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence I don’t think he knows what he said either we the safest in the history of country he decided to open what he said people that are from mental institutions in sanar terrorists we’re the largest number of terrorist country okay this is not the world let’s go Brandon from let’s go pouring in and this guy just left it open and he told me he said I don’t want to go in there because they’re bunch of losers and suckers my son was not the LI the suckers Li Los president that’s first of all that was a madeup quote suckers and losers he went full CL with get off off my La many of these magazines he made that up exactly that is an absolute lie created by an anti-trump who would say I’m at a cemetery or I’m talking cuz nobody’s taken better care I’m so glad this came up and he brought it he brought up another line there’s nobody that’s taken better care of our soldiers than I have to think that I would in front of generals and others say suckers and losers we have 19 people that said it was never said by me exactly it was made up by him just like Russia Russia Russia was made up just like the1 intelligence agents are made up just like the economists are talking it’s the same thing 51 intelligence agents said that the laptop was russan disformation it wasn’t that came from his b said it was Russian dis Russian disinformation he made up the suckers and losers so he should apologize to me right now it’s only half an hour in we’re third in we’ve literally have not touched on crime and our time spent on illegal immigration have record numbers every year under the bid Administration Millions coming in illegally they spend minimal time on that nothing but get the economy out of the way get immigration out of the way so they can do lookme 30 minutes on January 6 30 minutes on on Ukraine and on abortion Israel is the one that wants to go he said the only one that wants to keep going is Hamas actually Israel is the one and you should let him go and let him finish a job he doesn’t want to do it he’s become like a Palestinian but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian he’s a weak one bloody SL yet January January supporters that day actually You’ be pretty thirsty it’s a first men because they know it doesn’t have the impact anymore people people know what a nonsense this is protect and you are still charged with and think of all the Civil P oh sorry sorry innocent to proven guilty we’re going to start talking for for molesting a woman in public for doing a whole range of things molesting a woman sex with a porn star on the night while your wife was preg sex with the POR not illegal in the United States good times good times I didn’t have sex with the porn star number one number two that was a case that was started and moved they moved a high-ranking official a doj into the Manhattan DA office to start that case that case is going to be appealed in one we had a very a terrible judge manufactured charges Dem da Democrat Jud in a jurisdiction that voted yeah 90% Plus for Biden give me a break when you’re the president who has sought retribution in power against your political opponents including Trump that whole argument doesn’t carry that much weight and you know Trump should point that out you know what if Jake Tapper or Dana had any bloody journalistic chops they may point that out say trust in the justice system in this country is at historic lows because people feel that the justice system has been weaponized to take on your political opponents why are we not hearing that question from them every question is framed in a way to suit Biden what American president would ever say Nazis coming out of fields carrying torches singing the same antisemitic bile carrying swastikas we’re fine people told say that lie now if if Jake or Dana have any Integrity they will come back and correct that Jake both of you know that story has been totally wiped out deun debunked it’s a nonsense story he knows that and he didn’t run because of Charlottesville he used that as an excuse to run president B and debunk it happened yeah it has been debunk at the time he said there are very fine people on both sides except for the neonazis he was talking about people who were saying these statues shouldn’t come down and those people guess what they were on the right side of History they were right because it didn’t stop with those statues now they want to take down Lincoln and Jefferson and they have in some places we saw with our own eyes saw what happened on January 6th we saw oh we’re going back to January 6th oh he is bloody clutching at straws wow firstly are there any topics left um Chris Ziza who is the political director of CNN right hosting the debate and obviously wants Biden to win his review it’s hard to imagine this debate starting worse for Biden well they have tried to help him out as much as they can this is three versus one well let’s go for round two for example I provided for the idea that any black family Joe looks paler in the second section do you think there’s a chance he died in the ad I reckon whatever concoction he’s on is going to see him not sleep for the next three days he’ll be fine I’m the one that got the insulin down for the seniors I took care of the seniors again I don’t think they told Jo that it looks genuinely confused they want everybody I I have the biggest heart on the stage I guarantee you that and I want to take care of people but we’re destroy gone from be toing just to that silly smile Medicare and Medicaid I call it the Jack napia from the 1989 Batman film it is a big the idea is that everybody making under $7,000 he’s had a wake off he’s had a wake off and he’s come back SI but he this is a man who has been in politics for years he was part of eight years of the Obama Biden Administration he’s been president now for almost four years if he wants to tax the rich why hasn’t that happened already I me how can you trust anything he says now about what he’s going to do and this is why on on his politics play around abortion the first two years of his presidency he had the house the Senate and the presidency he could have passed some national law if he wanted to the same as the first two years of the Obama Administration instead it’s always dangled as the reason to vote so Rita this is how bad it’s going for Joe Biden okay The Drudge Report which in 16 was way in on Trump lost its brain went way against in 2020 has pushed against him all the way the Drudge Report headline operation replaced by dim Scramble with 130 days to go debate catastrophe game over byebye Biden and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way and I do it he doesn’t do it he can’t hit a ball 50 yards he challenged me to a golf match he can’t hit a ball 50 yards uh I think talking I feel that I’m as in good a shape as I was 25 30 years ago actually I’m probably a little bit lighter but I’m in as good a shape as I was uh years ago I feel very good I feel the same but I took I was willing to take a cognitive test and you know what if I didn’t do well I aced him Dr Ronnie Jackson who’s great guy you know what and he should say I’m willing to have a drug test right here right now do it on Bloody C Jake Jake bring me a glass because I bet you b w do that 6’5 and only 223 PB or 2035 PB this is all well anyway that’s you anyway just take a look look at what he says he is and take a look at what he is look I’d be happy F shaming Trump now he is f sham Trump on the behalf of the rund fell down to a six I mean way Trump makes a good point because you talk golf this is ridiculous like bring Kim Jong-un into this a six- handicap of all I was an eight handicap all stopped enough but I have you know how many I’ve seen you swing I know you swing president Trump we going to let’s not act like children I wish he was a great president I would rather have that I wouldn’t be here I don’t mind being here the only reason I’m here is he’s so bad as a president from I’ve never seen someone murder a courts but that’s happening right now in my T seriously failing Nation all right third period last shot here’s the deal Biden won the coin toss which meant he got to decide which side of the screen he was on that means Trump gets to speak last meaning the final word the final push is Trump’s I call it the cherry on top stand by but isn’t that ridiculous that he won the toss the coin toss and he chose not to be the last word he chose to be on the right hand side of the TV didn’t that help today yeah he could look bewildered this way as opposed to looking that way now wants to tax you what I did when for example he wants to get away with get rid of the ability of Medicare to for the US to let’s just let’s just stop there and finish Jill where are you Jill it’s done be $35 get the men in white codes and let’s just step in and stop this because this is not kind what they how much prescription that that reduced the federal de debt by over 10 years because the government and enough wrap it up Janice wrap it up Janice it’s actually painful to witness it really is and you know what everybody in America he want this the bit that he has we have memorized and practiced and this was a week this he would have done so many every word would have been carefully scripted and we’re still getting this we’re going to continue to fight to bring down inflation and give people a break thank you President Biden president Trump you now have two minutes for your closing statement we’re at a failing Nation but it’s not going to be failing anymore we’re going to make it great again thank you great again yep yep stay with us because we have full analysis of this debate here’s your full analysis yeah yeah you two were bloody horrid and I’m surprised byebye Joe it’s hard to see how anybody outside the immediate Biden family would see that as anything other than Biden being embarrassed on a stage where he could not afford to be embarrassed cuz he’s trailing in the poles he’s trailing in those crucial swing States there’s this movement now to replace him they have a countdown happening and he needed to put in a solid performance and that wasn’t solid the reason Joe Biden lost this debate in terms of the Optics and the feel and the TV talk is the split screen right when Trump’s talking this sort of looking and angry and vacant and all of that but more importantly Trump had to show America he learned his lesson from four years ago he showed that tonight right no carrying on you know basically barely sort of Hit the bumpers in terms of interruptions times all the rest of it however Biden’s even when he was speaking this the the long pauses the faulty this that and the other he reinforced the central fear about his candidacy so my prediction here is lefties go absolutely nuts about the format they’ll go crazy that there wasn’t the format was formulated to help Biden I don’t know what they can go nuts about watch them go on oh there wasn’t enough talk about January 6 or there wasn’t enough talk about crial trial all the but here’s my big prediction there won’t be another debate there won’t be another debate because Trump is in front already and I’ll tell you why they didn’t ask more questions about those criminal convictions because they know it helps Trump Rita an absolute pleasure to hang with you today what a joy to watch a man die before our eyes politically politically so the only thing left would be a glass of Lefty tears see you in November there a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider um taking a different course now and it’s personally painful for a lot of people it’s not just Panic it’s pain of what we saw tonight the um Universal reaction was somewhere approaching Panic really pains me to say this they’re three years apart they seemed about 30 years apart tonight the entire room was just completely silent and in shock and that this member’s own reaction was that he wanted to jump off of a bridge I think there will be stories of a lot of concern about the performance tonight and I think what when you say conversation’s happening what do you mean I think people are talk I think the conversations ranged from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him it’s kind of a de con one moment


  1. why did they let him do this i have no time for the politicail bull shit of wots going on in the world i wish the westen goverments would come togeter and start talking common sense they should start with nature and looking after the planet not start with money and militery witch will get nothing done

  2. Two parasitic immature ignorant bogans that think they are right wing. Both Biden and Trump run nothing. 9/11 , 3 buildings were demolished by explosives. And we are all doomed as long as this lie continues. Rita and Paul curl my guts licking Murdock's Ass. Hope they get their karma from some lone nut.

  3. We're all laughing now, but this debate was done to allow Michelle Obama to be parachuted in as presidential candidate…

  4. Biden is a joke & an embarrassment to this great country and anyone who voted for him or back's him now should be ashamed.
    Especially after seeing so many different Countries wanting Trump back in power, and they want him back because not only does he makes America Great he makes the whole world Great.

  5. You guys missed a lot of moments you would have loved because you were busy shouting and talking to each other.

  6. Thanks for speaking endlessly while showing a clip of a candidate’s comments.

  7. Rita and Paul are a wild pair , they are funny together very entertaining love Rita’s laugh paul funny as well. Love the show.

  8. Some people in the democratic team must stop this suicidal behaviour by Biden. It was extremely embarrassing and painful to see this. Extremely sad that the democratic party didn’t see this from the beginning, that they let this happen is sad and bad. 😢

  9. How can his wife allow him to be so humiliated,she obviously loves power more than she loves her husband.Really shocking.

  10. Surprisingly Trump was allowed to say what he wanted, not nearly enough, without having his mic shut off!

  11. This is so so sad. You pair are disgusting. There is NOTHING funny about this..absolutely nothing and nobody will be held accountable. Madam Rita, what if this was your father or grandfather?? You have no heart, none.

  12. I am an American. Don't laugh at Joe Biden or feel sorry for him! The Democrats WILL run him again & stick him in the White House for another miserable 4 years! Just watch & see!!!

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