Golf Players

June 25, 2024 – Auburn Doubledays @ Batavia Muckdogs

The Muckdogs are back in action following a victory against the Niagara Falls Americans. They take on the Auburn Doubledays here at Dwyer Stadium

West (AUB) v.s. Chandler (BAT)


e e good evening and welcome to dwire Stadium as we get ready for this evening’s match up between the Auburn Double Days and the bavia muck dogs flipping around to the booth Austin men’s joined tonight by L andon wasburn here at beautiful DWI Stadium both teams lining up on their respective foul lines as we get ready for things to get underway but first off Landon what are some keys to the game well keys to the game for bavia jump on Lucas West early bavia wasn’t happy with the out last outcome in their last time against the Auburn double days they tied on June 16th in that game bavia was held to just three hits and for Auburn LLC Austin let Lucas cook Lucas West back on the BS for the double West gave the mck dog haters fit his last time out he was the best player on the field for the two ball clubs in his Stell performance on the he held the mg off hits as he struck out 11 B in so the mck dogs last night they came back in the win column with a eight to three victory over the Niagara Falls Americans Benedict started on the mound we’ll hear from him shortly as we have a large group of guests joining us this evening for some interviews so last night let’s talk a little bit about Benedict before he comes back up into the booth Benedict stayed consistent all year wheeling and de for the muck dogs he pitched five innings and got the win last night for bavia so with that being said we’re going to send it now down to the field as the KMS dance team is out on the field and waiting for our very own PA announcer and bavia Native Paul spata to announce the Muk dog starting lineups this evening every could he [Music] do the Jo Lope un [Music] G t l per for [Music] [Applause] flag H away [Music] for the land of the fre and the home of [Applause] the for also and we don’t normally see a perfect strike from the first p pitch as we’re back here getting ready for things to get underway at dwire Stadium Paul spata mentioned it earlier but let’s take a look at our starting lineups from both teams presented by Tomkins bank and we have a special ad read a special guest reading the ad I should say you’ll see an about now my name is tuer beving I’m a pitcher here for the muck dogs and this is your starting lineup presented by by Tom K so the reason I said that is because a few days ago and I don’t know if Mr beving is watching I mentioned how Tucker was camera shy and he wanted to put that aside and do the ad read tonight I think Tucker did a great job on that ad read by Tomkins bank so Tucker if you end up watching this after the game here’s your shout out for that so looking at tonight’s starting lineup first off is Lucas Lopez playing shortstop with Jake Butler at third base Cooper roic behind the dish and James Bolton his fellow catcher right behind him in the cleanup spot as the designated hitter Jacob vesco the right fielder with James Mason in left field Trevor Duo the first baseman with Yanke El Gonzalez at second Anthony Greco the extra hitter and Travis Hammond the center fielder and as you see on the screen right there Gavin Chandler the starting pitcher this evening for the bavia mckd dogs can you tell me a little bit about Chandler so far this season absolutely awesome Gavin Chandler the left-handed pitcher from Alabaster Alabama is a sophomore from Marian Military Institute this season 14 Innings pitched he’s allowed 12 hits as a 3.21 erra has given up six walks while striking out 13 he’s holding his opponents to a batting average of 231 a 1.29 whip a 1 . 495 straight percentage and you see his K’s and walks per nine on the screen as well Gavin chanandler has been an absolute weapon for Joey skit Martinez this season getting underway Chandler’s first pitch that one in there for the first strike of the afternoon Chandler getting ready that next one that one lined for the first knock of the day into center field and that was Gavin ruso leading off for the Auburn Double Days Frankie assaro now up for the Double Days Chandler setting and getting ready for the next offering to James assaro rather that one fouled off down the first base line assaro a junior from Mercy University from East willingston New York Chandler throws that one over the mck dogs wearing their sharp black uniforms today with the red muck dogs across the chest assaro still looking for his first hit of the season for the Auburn Double Days next pitch from Chandler that one grounded over to Butler on the Hop he’ll throw over the first and get the first out of the evening that Runner moves over to second base Fernando espanol coming up for the Double Days Chandler getting ready next pitch up coming that one grounded over to Butler again he picks it up looking back the runner at second throws it to First and it’s another out so you already see Jake Butler getting some action for the Muk dogs in the top of the first inning Butler’s been a excellent defensive performer for the mck dog so far this season really holding down the for over there at third base James S coming up to the plate with two outs here Gonzalez holding the runner over there at second base James S a pitcher for the Double Days leads the team in appearances out of the bullpen he’s also got seven at bats on the season first pitch the Espanol that one in their first strike so we see James S going to be in the Batters box batting clean up today for the double days instead of on the mound actually we might see him later on as he is the extra hitter for today Chandler looking back over at Gonzalez who’s trying to hold the runner next one outside for ball One gusu on Second Base does have excellent speed he leads the team in stolen bases with 13 so far on the summer Chandler getting ready now the next pitch upcoming to sill that one inside James Sills two for seven on the a so far hoping to improve his batting average today as he gets the opportunity in the Batters box Chandler getting set the 2-1 offering upcoming he looks back nobody waiting there kuso really giving Chandler some looks over there at second base making him look back over his shoulder being a threat on the bases that one out to right field it’ll land for a single getting past vesco now the first run will score for Auburn so they take a one-run lead and James still making the most out of his opportunities early on in the game already getting a his third hit of the season this first at bat today Gabe Sanders up to the plate Chandler getting ready now the pitch that one fouled off Gabe Sanders the Junior from Mercy University his hometown Duan Florida Chandler getting ready for the 01 offering lifts his leg in that delivery that one outside for a ball time was called over there by sill at second base Chandler the one- one offering that one down the middle for another strike Gavin Chandler really pounding the strike zone for the mck dogs the double day is just putting the ball in play and you see with that that’s what that’s what can happen is to can put runs on the board Chandler’s delivery that one swung on and missed and Chandler gets the strike out one run on two hits for the Double Days and we will be back in a few short moments for the mck dog’s turn here at dwire stadium in the bottom half of the first [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to DWI stadium and we’re here joined with last night’s starting pitcher and the winning pitcher from last night Michael Benedict the lights in the Press Box a little bright so can’t see the top of his head he is wearing a white hat y white hat today guys so bar bearing with us right now so uh Benedict joining us in the booth he pitched five innings yesterday five strong Innings of baseball where did you find some success yesterday definitely in my fast ball and my uh slider I was able to locate them really good like I rewatched the broadcast yesterday and on the way on the bus I was definitely trying to focus on the outside corner like you were saying and found some success going in and a way to a lot of these hitters for Niagara so Lucas Lopez is up to the plate leading things off he’s the short stop the everyday short stop for the muck dogs and one of your teammates talk about Lopez in the locker room and him as a teammate man he’s yeah there you go right down the line right there from luk Lopez Lopez still going your run in second three baby get on three get down get down diving in and Lopez in there with a triple yeah man as you were saying luky Lopez he’s he’s a great guy in the in the locker room knows how to joke around knows how to get locked in when it’s time to get locked in and I mean he’s killing it for us in in the box man and especially on defense making plays like crazy plays helping us out on defense like crazy but he’s right now him and him and Cooper him and Cooper are very hot right now in in the box and it’s helping out us a lot so now that brings up Jake Butler rather quickly if if Lopez finds out that you were in the uh in the Press Box on the broadcast this evening he might want you up here more hey man I I’m willing to be up here a lot man I I love doing this you know this is very fun so yesterday the Americans scored three runs but but I believe one or two of them was only an earn run one of them was an earn run on you the other one was unearned how do you feel like you can cut down on that in the future I mean one earn run is still yeah it’s still it’s still good sneeze um but uh definitely getting ahead of counts and not getting so deep into counts cuz when I fall behind I feel like that’s when I let it end up walking a batter or letting up a hit and I feel like if I just could locate and stay consistently in the zone and get ahead of these batters and put them away very quickly would definitely help me out a lot so yesterday on the broadcast we had Josh living good and cro Jimenez on the broadcast two fellow pitchers with you one thing we talked about a little bit was the catchers we have Cooper roic up at the plate for the mck dogs right now yesterday James Bolton was your catcher just talk about RC Bolton and ceciliano behind the dish and kind of how you connect with those catchers well uh Bolton when I first started my first start as a mug dog he caught me behind the plate he he’s a brick wall back there it’s you’re thrown to a really big Target you know Bolton’s huge knows knows how to work the Zone how to get me on back in time and and like still hitting my spots and I got to throw to Cooper my last two starts before yesterday and Cooper’s just just a dog back there man he knows how to direct the game he knows what he’s doing he’s a leader behind the plate actually all of all of our catches are leaders man they they definitely know how to how to run run the game back there and you know I got a lot of respect for them being able to take balls getting picked on or hit on them it’s it’s crazy I wouldn’t be behind the plate if I had to choose so you mentioned James Bolton for those of you that don’t know he stands at 6’2 Bolton he caught your first game of the season in Elmyra got a little shaken up in that game had a break behind the plate and then came back to catch for you again last night just expand a little bit more on your relationship with Bolton you know we we talked in the locker room especially like on games where he knows that he’s catching me and like we’ll sit and talk about like our whole entire plan for that whole entire game like what I want to throw like what pitches are working for me he knows how to call the pitches that that I’m on with that night but he’s he’s a great teammate great person in the locker room he knows how a joke around to everybody knows how to joke around in this locker room we you know being like that we’re just meeting everybody like this summer it feels like we’re already Brothers it feels like we already knew each other going on years and so now so it’s it’s awesome I love the energy that we have in this locker room and on the field I mean it shows we able to scrap together hits and everything and always pick each other up speaking of James Bolan he’s up at the plate right now that first pitch inside to him and here comes Lopez to the plate baby out it baby off the wild pitch rock moves over to second base and the muck dogs get their first run of the game off of the wild pitch from Lucas West what was your biggest challenge coming here to bavia uh honestly I I feel like I didn’t really have that big of a challenge coming to bavia you know I know I’m in a good spot being over here with Coach skip Martinez as the head coach and the rest of the staff you know but mainly being far away from home you know I was born and raised in Long Island New York then I ended up moving to Florida so kind of like I guess the distance from being from my family is probably the hardest thing coming here you mentioned you’re from Florida what is what do you wish to improve upon or takeway from the summer up here in New York before moving back down to Florida uh definitely just improving being consistently in the zone and and and just getting better as a pitcher and and a ball player with my knowledge like I learned a lot from skip sitting down talking with him and just I like picking the staff’s brain about little things about baseball even from a hitter standpoint with with Coach lid I talk to coach lid like about things what hitters are doing just so I could use that as a pitcher cuz I feel like being a pitcher you got to know like what hitters weaknesses are and everything and just how to attack Hitters from a hitter’s perspective and a pitcher’s perspective and you talk talking to about consistency you’ve been arguably the most consistent pitcher on the mount for the mck dog starting wise obviously you got roughed up a little little bit and Iger Falls yeah since then you’ve pitched 11 Innings one earned run and five strikeouts talk about how you can be so consistent and bouncing back from outing where you didn’t exactly go as planned to outings where you’re lightting lighted up on the Cs and nowhere in runs it it all goes down to the work that you put in in the bullpen uh definitely with niagar I feel like where I struggled with was being able to stay in the strike zone getting like I said getting behind en counts cuz when you’re behind en counts as a hitter it’s it’s easier to know what pitches are coming and you know you sit on one pitch and you get that pitch and it’s easy to hit but I feel like just being able to get ahead in the counts and everything like I took I watched everything re reevaluated everything and I was like you know what I got to get back to being in the strike zone getting my pitches working and tunnel in each pitch and another question I have I know you’re in the bull a lot but obviously you’re a starter from the M who one do you play hacky sack in the bullpen with them and my second part is who is the best hacki sack player in your opinion oh that’s that’s I’mma have to give I’mma have to give hacky to luky low luky Lopez he’s he’s a beast but you know I don’t really play hacky sack a lot because I am not a good hacky sack player I I’ll play games here and there but I’m going have to either give it to luky Lopez or I’ll give it to Michael P Mikey Pedraza you know them two are always going at it all the time and Sack and then I’ve also been told that Ruth is a tryhard oh Ruth is a big tryhard I remember my first time playing hacky sack with with Ruth and we both want to slap the sack and jam my finger with Ruth and I learned my lesson not to stand next to Ruth and hacky sack excellent and my last question for you is what has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far here in the summer and your best memory so far here uh my biggest lesson that I think I’ve learned personally is to go out there and have fun you know baseball is not a game that’s going to last forever you know youve got your short amount of time to play and just I think having fun is the biggest lesson possible cuz when you’re out there trying to press and try to do the right thing perfectly all the time you end up messing up more but when you go out there and have fun and treat it like you’re the same kid playing in the backyard whiffle ball you get a lot of success but my favorite memory of the summer right now it’s kind of hard hard to say cuz you know we’re still like still early on in the summer but that I I would say winning our first game of the season cuz you know that set the tone and when we went on that whole nine game win streak that just set the tone for us as ball players and everything and the energy is just really great and we talked about earlier here in the inning Lucas Lopez and kooper roic strike three is called there who is your favorite player to watch when you’re not pitching my favorite player to watch when I’m not pitching I it’s hard to pick cuz I I love all I love watching all these guys play but um if I could pick I I’ll go luky Lopez again cuz it’s it’s really it it’s really fun seeing being able to hit the baseball as well as he does being able to go to opposite field always and he’s super smooth in the infield like there I’ve seen them make plays that that some big Leaguers make and you you really don’t see that out of a lot of college kids you know and it’s fun watching them play it’s it’s ecstatic all right last scenario before you have to head back down you got a minute talking with a professional Scout one thing that we’ve seen from Michael Benedict he loves being in the community he loves helping everybody out you’ll see him everywhere for all the events you’re talking to scout say I’m the Scout why should I pick you over another pitcher I think my mentality and just my energy that I bring to the game cuz even when I’m having my off days I’m still going to put in 100% to get this game done and get through without I’m I’m going to be able to get you five six seven Innings out of me if I’m if I’m I’m struggling but all in all also I’m I’m a really good person on and off the field you know I dedicated I’m dedicated to baseball I’ve been wanting to play baseball professionally since I was five six years old and that’s always been a dream of mine and I just would love to make that thing come true we can back him up Landon and I both have seen everything Mike does thank you for joining us on the booth this apprciate you guys having me love to come back here again always a fun time having somebody up in the booth with us we have a another guest up here Mrs Fischer the uh wife of the head of security for the pavian mck dogs just stopped in got landed cookies look at that and it’s so warm the chocolate chips are slightly melted it’s like just out of the oven that one outside a one-1 count now Zack Bale up it’s Chandler going back to work for his second inning of work that one outside again two balls and one strike if you guys don’t hear me talking it’s just me eating the cookie Chandler Gets Ready next pitch upcoming that one finds its way on the outside part of the pl and Chandler guy we’ve talked about quite a bit so far in this one is that one is outside Chandler guy able to find the strike zone and he’s been able to do it tonight his strike percentage is a 1. 1495 coming into the game as he walks this batter but that strike percentage he finds the strike zone up there on the team in strikeout Chandler on the season has 13 strikeouts so he’s leading the team up there in the top five in strikeouts is that one in there for a strike how do you feel Chandler can improve on anything I mean he’s one of the better pitchers on this team as I mentioned every coach just wants somebody that can throw strikes absolutely Chandler you said him you said it yourself earlier his case per nine his strike percentage it’s all in the upper Enon for the mck dogs up top of the league in the pgcbl I’d say one thing that he could work on is he as he throw p as he throws a pickoff move there is go a little bit longer into ball games furthest he’s gone so far this season is four Innings he’s faced 22 BS in that outing that’s the longest he he’s gone but when he’s on the mound he’s always pounding the strikes on and he’s been very consistent for the MD dogs this year Chandler right there throws a ball but I guess the only way he could really improve on that is to limit his balls he doesn’t throw many balls as I as we just alluded to is that one grounded up the middle grabbed by Lopez tagging second and it’s a double play and that’s how he’s going to get through more Innings what a play by Lopez a soft ground ball back up the Lopez does it himself scooping it up touching second throwing a rocket to Dutra the 63 double play and Chandler that’s the other thing we talked about Chandler does not mess around when he’s locked in on the mound he is locked in you see him he’s always waiting on the batter that one grounded up the middle again stopped by Gonzalez he throws it on his back foot and Dutra not able to get it barely beat beting it by a step that’s a tough play Mike Christian that’s a tough play by Gonzalez there second base going across his body throwing off his back foot from almost The Outfield grass to Dutra at first base and the double days just able to leg that one out for an infield single that brings up Bradley stto Diaz to the plate with one runner on wearing a tied ball game here in the top of the second Chandler getting ready SL sidestep pitch that one in there for the first strike stto Diaz for the Double Days making his fourth appearance on the season has a 500 batting average through his first 10 out bats of the Year Chandler looking over next pitch that one a little low one thing about Chandler you mentioned him being locked in Chandler I tried talking to him earlier in the clubhouse as that one finds its way in the strike zone again I tried talking to Chandler in the clubhouse it was a man a few words which which typically he’s not I mean the other day on his off day he got into a playful wrestling match with Dewey he’s a social butterfly if you will Chandler gets that strike out of fired up that’s what I was alluding to he just brings the energy on and off the field when it’s his day on the mound and Chandler just getting the strike out there he’s fired up he’s getting his team fired up as the muck dogs get their chance here in the bottom half of the inning we’ll be back in a few short moments after these messages [Music] what do we got here today what do you guys can I help you what what do you recommend I we just got a fresh batch of Eli fish’s Muk dog ale Muk dog ale go dogs give me some of those mg coming right up M do go dogs [Music] baby Je this guy stinks go to the bull Fen ready me hot dogs jerseys what you can buy now I’m still fresh and still clean and correction for Gavin Chandler I do apologize he went five and two through in his last inning or sorry his last outing he gave up one earned run and faced 22 batters against Niger falls on June 19th five and two3 my apologies for that Trevor Dutra up to the plate that one a ball in the dirt number umpire wiping off the plate one thing I’ve noticed today that we haven’t seen too much well we have seen it a lot this season but not on this scale is just the intensity that the muck dogs are playing with today I mean you just saw Chandler coming off the mound pumping his fist after that strikeout and then the double play he’s out there all fired up going off the mound to congratulate not congratulate thank Lopez for the double play and I think that’s something to do with skip martinz the manager for the mck dogs last time they played Auburn resulted in a z00 tie I know the the muck dogs were not too happy about that they felt like they should have won that ball game and they’re leaving it all on on the field out there today early in this one and it’s starting out with Gavin Chandler I mean he’s out there he’s fired up he’s getting his teammates fired up he’s being a leader not only through his play style but also vocally I mean he’s leading by example and able to let me put it this way he’s vocally being a leader out on the field getting his team fired up and he’s backing it up with his performance on the mound so far in this one as that check swing by Dutra and they’ll say he goes down on strikes and not only is it Chandler in the Outfield it’s in the Batters box too for the muck dogs lead off triple from Lucas Lopez and they’re able to capitalize and tie the ball game in the first inning hoping to take the lead here in the bottom of the second that brings up Yankee GES to the plate and Gonzalez he’s back in the lineup tonight at second base getting ready for that one that one sent out to left field a drive by Gonzalez gets caught in the wind out there and the breeze leaves it sitting down as Gabe Sanders is able to get underneath it but quick contact by Gonzalez and if there was no win that one could still be carrying Gonzalez got to hold almost all of that one seemed to be under it just a bit but y a windy night here in dwire if there was no wind that ball could still be carrying deep into the wall speaking of balls carrying into the wall we have Anthony greo up to the plate and Greco he’s the only muck dog on the team so far with a home run he sent one over the right field wall a few days ago the Buffalo native absolutely cranked one pulled a high and in fast ball over the right field wall and that was a no doubter next pitch up coming that one grounded foul and last time Lucas West pitched against the Muk dogs in that z00 tie Lucas West was the best player on the field he threw eight and one third inning striking out 11 mck dog hitters and he made the mck dogs look silly next pitch to Greco that one swung on and missed I say that and it seems like today he can’t really find a rhythm I mean bavia only one hit but it resulted in a run and they’re kind of make they’re making Lucas West work already thrown 30 already has thrown 32 pitches in just five outs for the Double Days pitcher Lefty Lefty West the two two that one high to Greco and we’ve seen a lot of these 3-2 counts these MOG hitters making Lucas West work and the first time these two teams face that was not the case next one Greco gets L contact on that one but that one was still carrying just proves that if he can just make good contact with one he can send it a far away greo six RB on the year one of those being the solo shot as you mentioned that one popped up by Greco going out to right field getting underneath it is Grande for the second out actually the third out of the inning no runs on no hits no errors remain tied at one here at DWI Stadium heading into the top of the third all right so the green looking about 300 y straight out maybe a little bit dog leg right uh we’ll see what we got here with this jaw here hopefully I don’t slice this one no golfing at wire where should we golf at what do you mean att’s 10th hole in ATT New York 95 bundel Street all right we should go there for it we should go there we’ll take your we for it yo what’s happening my knee my knee all right we’ll get you in here come on come on come on good yep go you look okay okay get this not sure his KNE KN my knee take a look nothing I can do let s down iner Regional Health the best medicine services in Western New York welcome back here to the top of the third Adam Sullivan up to the plate the 10th hitter in the lineup Gavin kler efficient so far in this one 28 pitches entering the inning first one up coming to Sullivan that one inside for ball one Sullivan the sophomore from Le Mo College from Syracuse New York that one grounded up the middle snagged by Lopez thrown over to First and Dua stretches for the first out of the inning and Lucas Lopez continues to be an absolute centerpiece in the Muk dog defense at that short stop position tracks that one behind the bag at second base takes a side shuffle delivers a nice little side iron ball to Dutra first base to get the first out of the inning and that brings up Gavin grauso the lead off hitter for the Double Days Chandler getting ready that one in there for strike one Chandler going back from the wind up that one outside for a ball so Chandler is he got a quick out here 1-1 that one a strike on the outside part of the plate Ro doing everything he can back there to help his pitcher out when it comes to framan pitches and Chandler a little Vis visually upset there he wants to get going one two that one swung on a missed they’ll say it was a drop third strike swinging but Chandler gets the strike out nonetheless so now assaro coming up to the plate with two outs here at dwire that one outside for ball one assaro 0 for one on the evening with the ground out to Jake buler at third base that one inside for another strike one ball and one strike Chandler working through these batters quickly starting his wind up and the delivery that one fouled off the mask of Roi one ball and two strikes Chandler gets this pitch from roic who lines up on the inside part of the plate now time is called from aaro Chandler starting his wind up early no this pitched that one a little high so when Chandler does throw a ball it doesn’t miss by much as he gets the strike out there Chandler just mowing down these Double Days batters it’s a quick turnaround for the muck dogs hitters who are coming up in the bottom of the Third [Music] right back up to the booth Austin Mendy’s alongside Landon wasburn and now we have Keegan fiser behind us Keegan fiser he is the son of the head of security Dave Fischer here and he’s been around the M mckd dogs for the past few seasons so Keegan what’s different about this season as opposed to the Past Seasons this year um I think our our guys are better than in past years and they’re I think they’re going to win it all this year so Keegan he normally hangs around in the Dugout at DWI stadium for anybody that comes around and comes out to dwire Stadium what’s it like having your dad working for the mck dogs oh I don’t I I mean it’s kind of cool I don’t really like it’s cool I guess Keegan you’re always in The Dugout who is your you you get a front row view every single game what has been the best game of the season so far that you’ve got to witness down there um probably like the most like eventful games I’d say one of them is the home opener where we walked it off in the ninth inning and also I mean you get a front row spot you’re down in The Dugout in your opinion who is the funniest on the team easy um oh Izzy is all right Keegan well uh we won’t keep you waiting up here is that one’s inside to Hammond for another ball thank you for joining us thanks Keegan heading back down to the field west that pitch to H and that one fouled off Hammond stepping back into the box two balls and one strike to Hammond West gets ready for the next pitch that one grounded down over to Third Base picked up by the third baseman Sullivan thrown across the diamond of first and Bale will snag it for the out so one out Hammond goes down on a 53 put out now back to the top of the lineup in Lucas Lopez and Lopez with Benedict sitting right right behind us got things started quickly lead off triple for Lopez down the right field line took a weird hop off the bullpen fence over there and Lucas Lopez made the most out of it Lopez fouls that one off and we learned today that Lopez one of the better hacky sack players on the team this pitch from West inside to Lopez he checks swings and they’ll say he went and personally Austin I didn’t really think Lucas Lopez would be one of the top players on the team at hacki sack but just because he’s always playing in the game and right right now you see him in the bullpen they’re playing right now as the game goes on so while Lucas Lopez is at the bat hitting triples for the muck dogs you got like Josh living good and and Ruth in there practicing next pitch from Lopez that one grounded over to the second baseman assaro he picks it up and throws it over to first for the out so now two quick outs for the mck dogs that brings up Jake Butler to the plate Jake Butler the Baltimore Maryland native starting to find his rhythm so far in the season struggled a little bit to start the year now sits at a 237 batting average with nine RBI and leads the team in walks strong with 12 that one fouled off from Butler Butler at the start of the Season we saw him hanging around towards that bottom part of the lineup between the sixth and nine spots in the lineup now he’s bumped all the way up to the second he’s been hot the last few games and has built some trust being the second hitter in the lineup right before they get to the heart with rck and Roi and Bolton yeah I think that all goes for the confidence that skip Martinez has in a player like Jake Butler obviously his defensive PR presence in the field is one of the best in the League at third base next pitch from West that one bounces in the dirt it’s tough to keep a player like that out of the lineup like you said he was kind of towards the back half lineup six through nine and The Confidence from skip to move him to second base and since then he’s just kind of exploded out of nowhere that one on the outside part of the plate for the second strike to Butler June 21st versus Geneva right here at dwire stadium he went two for three with two doubles two runs and four RBI the two- two offering from West that one grounded over to the third baseman Sullivan who picks it up and gets the one two3 inning for Weston company no runs on no hits for the mck dogs now we’re heading to the top of the fourth things are flying by already here at DWI Stadium [Music] jeez this guy stinks go the bull Fen ready [Music] [Applause] me ow thanks to these mock Dog Jerseys which you can buy now I’m still fresh and still clean [Music] welcome back to DWI Stadium here for the top half of the fourth inning Gavin Chandler still efficient so far in this one he’s only had 39 pitches through three Innings Gavin Chandler like you said he efficient and buzzing down these Double Days hitters so far three Innings pitched 39 pitches as you mentioned he’s had one earned run three hits and four strikeouts through the first three frames and there he goes right back where he left off throwing strikes that one outside for ball one now a one-1 count outside again two balls and one strike so one thing about Gavin Chandler he’s from Alabama Alabaster Alabama his teammates call him Bama two balls and one strikes that one grounded down to Third Base backhand grabbed by Butler thrown across the diamond and that’s an out and we talked about Butler’s defense a little bit last inning you saw it right there a backhand down the Third Base Line throws across the diamonds to Dutra that’ll retire espanol now s coming up to the plate S one for one on the day with a double into right field that one outside for ball one there’s a strike from Chandler now a 1-1 count and James S like we said often on the mount for the Auburn Double Days today he’s going to get the start batting cleanup next one fouled off now a two2 count he’s trying to make the most out of his opportunities here in the early slate of the summer this is his ninth B bat of the Season that one barely missing Chandler getting a full count now swung on and missed and it’s another strikeout for Gavin Chandler Chandler goes with the high fast ball and gets James S swinging now recording his fifth strikeout on the evening that brings up Gabe Sanders to the plate Chandler five strikeouts through three and 2/3 being efficient he’s throwing strikes bumping up that strike percentage and just getting the job done right now next one a little low and outside Chandler he’s not wasting any time starts his wind up in the next pitch that one fouled off and now a quick one to count and Chandler doesn’t have to worry about if there was a pitch clock I was just about to mention you know the pitch clock they made it was not made for Gavin Chandler he wants a hitter clock that one grounded over to Lopez he picks it up throwing across the diamond looks like he didn’t get enough power on that throw so it will be an in field single for Sanders yeah that’s a tough play for Lopez rolling to his throwing side picking it up on the Run has to throw across his body across the diamonds a little bit off line to and that’ll be an infield hit for Sanders Chandler Lefty going up against Bale that one bouncing away from roic going back to the back stop that’ll be the first ball to Bale Zack Bale on the season a 264 batting average with 13 RB one ball and no strikes to baale Chandler’s next pck that one grounded up the middle off the mound Gonzalez would have had it Hammond has bail going around to the plate throw Roman gets the tag down he’s out at the plate with a throw from Travis Hammond and that one fired up Gavin [Music] Chandler no runs on two hits and Hammond’s throw saves a run for the bavia mck dogs what a throw from him we’ll be back in just a second as we have another special guest joining us in the booth right back up to the booth we have another special guest if you come out to dwire stadium and you follow the mckd dogs on Facebook and on their Facebook fan page you might recognize this guy we have Russ sway up here in the booth with us joining us here in the middle of the fourth at dwire Stadium how are you doing today good Austin how you doing I’m doing well well so you’ve been around the mck dogs for a few years what’s been your favorite memory here at dwire Stadium oh that that would be easy when we won the championship back in 2008 won the New York Pen League Championship we all jumped the fence there was no security we’re out in the middle of the field celebrating with the team so for those of you that don’t know or not a part of the Facebook fan page a few days ago one of the other fans posted a picture with Russ or maybe it was you about a no hitter here at DWI Stadium just talk about that game and a few other memories you have coming out to dwire Stadium absolutely so uh that was in 2015 about you know nine years ago yesterday actually my buddy Earl Delon sent me the picture to remind me that we you know we were 9 years after the you know the no hitter it was a combined three pitchers for the Marlin at the time and uh it was it was it was awesome so roic the first batter facing off against West that one lined out into the outfield for roic one pitch and already on base with James boltan coming up so talking about this year’s bavia mck dogs Cooper roic He’s been at the top of the pgcbl in batting average yes and just helping himself there with that base hit what’s been your favorite part about being with the mck dogs this year and following the mck dogs oh this year has been great uh skips off to a great start with a with a team um he I I swear he had them uh in midseason form just one or two games into the season and they’ve been playing well and you know you can’t win every game uh but these guys have been playing great there’s a lot of times where you might fall behind in a game but they’ve they’ve come from behind so many times with walk-offs so you never know what you might see here no we got uh one of our comments Dwight Chandler the dad of Gavin Chandler saying looking good Russ thanks twight up here in the booth little shout out to uh of course some family members of the bavia muck dogs roic leading off of first the one-1 pitch up coming to Bolton that one outside but finding its way in the strike zone outside part of the plate for a one two count so since can USA and Robbie Nichols bought the team I believe four years ago yes it’s been large crowds coming here to DWI stadium and the introduction of an in-game host we have Bubba dog this year but just talk about a little bit of your favorite moments coming to dwire stadium that hasn’t been what happens on the field oh that’s there’s a double play double play sorry about that so uh yeah first off Robbie and Nelly uh and and Mark I’ve been working with them from day one since they came in and uh they’ve been great wonderful people to work with and and definitely shown a difference uh on the in the on the field and in the in the stands U their way of presenting uh the the new bavia mck dogs so uh that’s been wonderful to see all that and uh just the interaction with the fans and uh you know you got the diamond KMS diamond dance team always um up there dancing in between Innings um and and Bubba’s been doing a great job uh on the field doing the promotions so it’s it’s been it’s been a wonderful year um weatherwise too has been great you know we we’ve locked out pretty much we could use a little rain but not during the game we had a little bit of a drizzle here and there before the game and a few days ago in the amyra game Landon and I actually had to over the field the mound and plate you guys you guys wear a lot of hats I’m sure yeah so the you’ve been a fan of the mck dogs for a while and before joining the pgcbl they were a minor league team a part of the New York Penn league right having stars like Chase Utley coming here another one that came through the ranks of the mck dogs uh not much of a well-known name here but around the MLB I should say and Lance Lynn oh yes Lance stayed at my house one night and actually uh yeah he was looking after he got here uh with the team he was a little late late getting in there that that season uh I think that was 2008 uh he was only here for about a month and uh him and a couple buddies rolled up in front of my house I I live right down the street so I I’m I’ve been a host family uh since 2003 having players Stay With Me and uh they they were looking for a place to stay and uh so I I helped them out that night I already had two or three players staying with me and um I he stayed with me the one night then I got my buddy um to pitch in and help out and uh he uh he stayed with him and then my buddy Jay he’s he’s been hosting monk do players forever too so uh Daniel dascalo was probably the biggest one I hosted he was a third third baseman here at the time that was like 2007 when we’re affiliated with the Cardinals and uh he ended up winning a World Series losing a World Series with the Cardinals and playing with a few other teams and he’s actually the bench coach for the St Louis Cardinals right now and you know he’s started his pro career right here on this field so just goingon to add a little bit another fan says Russ was an Airbnb before it was cool this my buddy Jimmy Jam so um with the mck being a affiliate of an MLB team before who’s been your favorite MLB player that’s come through bavia well being a host F you know host family they were always my kids out on the field so I had 25 30 of them that are my favorites but you know watching other players M big Matt Adams was at first base he had a pretty good career run in uh Major League Baseball um she and and I’m terrible with names I know uh one of the Chicago Cubs now was our third baseman um probably their third baseman to this time so uh you know Ryan Howard Chase hutley Matt Carpenter Lance Lynn I mean we I helped out with the hall of fame or Wall of Fame uh sign we have down there uh with the JY County baseball club um I’ve been involved with the team since like 2003 and um so you got a lot of names on that wall if you go down there and check it out there’s a lot of famous players that stayed here John Elway hit his first two home runs in this at this park yeah absolutely and we talked about the past of the pav MD dos and your favorite players what about the present what are some names on the field oh now you’re going to yeah that you enjoy seeing the most oh like you said Cooper I mean he’s been he’s been on fire this year uh uh Chandler uh got to give it a shout out to I know his dad’s watching um but you know this this team there there’s so many of them that are doing well and and they’ve been interchangeable um and and again uh skip uh Joey Martinez has got him in mid-season form right off the bat which has been wonderful uh you know this is our fourth season I think in the um perfect game collegiate baseball league and definitely off to our best start and and I have to say that’s got to do a lot with the with the coaching I mean you know they they got them as a team right away which sometimes takes a while and sometimes it doesn’t even happen so last question for you this evening these guys they spend a lot of time in the community helping out the local community of bavia if you were to give a reference to anybody asking about any one of these guys what would you say about the players here on the 2024 Muk dogs well you know they’re just happy to they’re happy to be here they want to you know they they’ve had this dream since they’ve been playing uh t-shirt baseball to to play at a competition level and they’ve always been the best player in high school and you know now in college so now they come out here and they’re playing against each other and and uh now they’re they kind of seeing how oh okay now I’m kind of at the same level as all these guys and uh these guys have been great supporting the community and and going out there uh I know they got the the game coming up um um can’t think of the name of it right now but there there’s a game where they help out with the youngsters with uh dis abilities um that will be happening pretty soon and that’s always that’s pretty much a highlight of the year because it’s the biggest thing for these kids that you know to come here and see the the players interacting with them coaching them and just having fun with them so they’re they’re all great I call them kids I’m 55 so they are kids to me but uh they’re all great players and and great great role models I can’t say the same thing cuz I just found out today that I’m uh just a couple years older than IC and there’s a few guys on the team that are oh yeah older than me so thank you for joining us in the booth this evening Russ as that one grounded over to Lopez he cuts it off from going into the Outfield so there’s the first base runner on the infield single oh thanks for having me you guys been doing awesome with this uh YouTube uh feed I’ve been watching it uh some of the nights I might go home late in the game just because I got to be up at 5 o’ in the morning but I watch uh when I’m not here and you guys have been doing an awesome job and very professional so keep doing what you’re doing and then we’ll be watching you guys on ESPN and just remember us okay all right thank you for joining us in the booth all right thank you ladies and gentlemen that was Russ salaway if you have a chance to come out to DWI Stadium be sure to say hi to him he has his own spot down the third Baseline right behind the bavia mck dogs Dugout then he’s always on the Facebook page for the muckdog Chandler bounces that one in the dirt going over the head of roic looks like he lost his grip on that one a little too late and now a 1-1 count upcoming with the runner moving over to second base Soo Diaz now in scoring position for the Double Days Chandler gets ready to deal his 70th pitch of the game Chandler the one one offering that one down the middle call the strike still no movement in the Muk dog Bullpen skip Martinez going to stick with the Lefty out there on the mount one ball and two strikes for Chandler that one a little high now two balls and two strikes so that was cool having Russ Salway up here in the booth with us got to learn a little bit about the history of the muck dogs even before they were bought by can USA learning about them in the New York Pen league and one thing I found interesting is that one diving grabbed out there in left field by James Mason What A Catch by Mason that ball slicing Mason looked to get a kind of a weird read on that that ball kind of just died towards the left field line and Mason made a great diving catch to save a run Chandler we’ve seen multiple plays this evening by the mck dogs in order to prevent a run from being scored we’re heading to the bottom of the fifth here at DWI Stadium but going back to what I’m saying wow what a play um so we learned a little bit about the history of the muck dogs here at dwire Stadium I didn’t know that the players out here had host families when they were part of the New York Pen league and imagine having a guy like Lance Lynn staying at your house yeah I know that’s crazy to think now they stay at GCC and to think that well I don’t want to say a short time ago that was 15 years ago but players were staying at your house and you were able to host them and now they’re big Superstars I wonder if Lance Lynn is maybe giving him a check here and there he R you know well we’ll be back in about a few short moments as we get ready for the bottom of the fifth year at dwire Stadium yo Eric and Jason where did youall get this car at pigino where’s that at uh bavia the best auto dealership in Western New York all right [Music] welcome back to dwire Stadium we’re here at the bottom of the fifth inning it’s a 1-1 ball game with James Mason coming up at the plate and I know some of the players watch this after the game but they’re not able to see the live chat so Dwight uh not Dwight Chandler Gavin Chandler if you’re watching your favorite aunt is watching the game apologies if I say your name wrong Andy daffron watching the game so a little shout out there as that one swung on and missed by the savior of the top of the fifth James Mason and Gavin we aren’t assuming she’s your favorite aunt she said that she is your favorite a oh one upcoming swung on and missed from Mason Mason 0 for one on the day with a strikeout West going back to work the O2 offering that one grounded by Mason going foul down the third basine this one’s flying by we’re only an hour and a half into our broadcast we started it a few minutes before the start of the game so probably about an hour and 15 minutes I’d say into the game we’re already in the bottom of the fifth that one swung on and missed by Mason as he goes down on strikes but that’s just credit to both of the pitchers for the Auburn Double Days Lucas West the Lefty it’s a lefty Lefty battle which normally we don’t even see two southpaws going at it but tonight Lucas West on the day in 63 pitches in four and a third he’s only allowed two hits gave up one earn run and walk two batteries he struck out five that one fouled off from Dutra switch it back over to Chandler yeah Chandler having a fantastic outing once again for the mck dogs through five innings he’s at 72 total pitches with one earned run five strikeouts and one walk he’ll be coming out for the 62 as we alluded to earlier they’re playing hacky sack down there in the bullpen yeah I see Trey bacon laying on the ground do not get injured Trey I want to stress that one ball and one strike that one down the middle for strike two Trey bacon leads the mck dogs and saves this season with three and that’s kind of a that’s I mean obviously you want nobody to be injured for the mck dogs but that’s somebody you can’t lose for the season going forward one ball two strikes that one fouled off down the Third Base Line and just talking about somebody that you can’t lose going forward it’s hard to find a closer I mean we see so many MLB teams that’s of course just a higher level of baseball all around but a lot of MLB teams they struggle with blown saves when they lose their closers I mean me being a Red Sox fan we see that a lot with uh our closer going down one ball two strikes that one in the dirt we just can’t stress that enough just the importance of having a closer on your roster and being able to just come in the game in the ninth shut down the opposing team as that one driven into deep right center but cut off by the right fielder Grundy for the out that ball hit well like you said into right center field and if that ball gets down it’s going to be at least a single for Trevor Dutra but that ball just stays in the air hanging and that’s going to be caught for the second out of the inning correction here from earlier Glenda is your favorite aunt Gavin and being said right here in the live chat that one from Gonzalez he gets his base hit this time on the first pitch so Gonzalez has only seen two pitches so far in this game one he sent out to deep left field and that next one took a little power off of that one just to bloop it over the left side of the infield for the base knock yeah Gonzalez finding Barrel to ball today that’s going to go into left field for a base hit and little two out rally here he hopes to start for the mck dogs Greco up to the plate a lefty Lefty matchup but the Southpaw on the mound and West wins that first pitch it’s an 01 count we’ll see if skipy to put Gonzalez trying to put him in scoring position with two outs here that one bounces in the dirt and there go goes Gonzalez speaking about putting him in scoring position he’ll do it himself on the wild pitch one for one on the season with stolen bases is what I was about to say and he sees an opportunity with the ball bouncing off Grove’s glove still staying in the dirt pretty close to Groves but Gonzalez heads for second and he’s going to get in safely so now Gonzalez in scoring position for the power hitter in Anthony Greco and we mentioned earlier greo gets a hold of one he s one no matter where it’s going on the field he certainly hits the ball with power whether on the ground or in the air it’s coming at you hard just taking a look at his spray chart and I know you guys can’t see that one as he pops that one up getting underneath it is the concrete so going back to the spray chart for Greco I mean we’ll figure out a way going in the future to show these spray charts on the broadcast but Lon look at how many balls were hit to the Outfield just deep part of the Outfield you guys can’t see the chart but there’s six balls in the Deep Center Fields one ball in the Deep Right Center Fields I mean he’s crushing the ball all over the map this season for the Muk dogs one ball and two strikes up coming from West next one UPC coming that one down the right field line and hooking foul so we’re just going to flip it around real quick sending it back to the booth it’s a little bright but that’s the spray chart for Greco that we were talking about and another thing with Greco is he loves inside pitches he loves to pull the ball into right field Lucas West the last two pitches the one he just crushed on the right field line was an inside fast ball let’s see if he eles to go elsewhere this pitch next one that one again fouled off by Greco and we got Tony Romo up in the booth predicting pitches here I mean that’s an inside ball that Lucas West I don’t know if he wants to put it there right now I mean greo seen the ball well just a bit early that’s why they’re following it down the right field line if Greco gets a hold one and it lands in the Outfield Gonzalez can score from a second he’s got speed so now Gonzalez bouncing around that second base next pitch the Greco that one little outside west goes the outside fast ball Greco does not bite two two count that one popped up from Greco getting underneath it is the catcher grov for the final out of the inning no runs on one hit for the bavia mck dogs as we H now are heading to the top of the sixth here at DWI Stadium What’s happen my KNE my knee all right we’ll get you in here come on come on come on all right you good yep all right let’s go okay okay kneee take a look nothing I can do I send down in rer Regional Health the best medicine services in Western New York hey how we doing good can I get one Federal admission ticket please all right so that’s going to be $9 having a great season man first place first place there you go thank you sir if you would like tickets call our number at 58552 42260 go dogs grauso coming up for the Auburn double days here in the top of the six Gavin Chandler still on the mount he’s only at 72 pitches there is someone loosening in the bullpen though chaer jams up C kuso there for the first strike that’s Abdel Ventura warming up in the mck dog’s Bullpen that one a little high for a ball no one loosening in the Double Days Bullpen one ball and one strike that one hit out to Gonzalez who picks it up and throws it over to first for the first out so now Frankie assaro up to the plate chanler starting his delivery that one a curve ball falling into the strike zone for the first strike next pitch from Chandler that one similar spot and he gets a similar call no balls and two strikes for assaro that one called strike three it’s a three- pitch strikeout for Chandler and man is he feeling it on the bump today that brings up espanol to the plate Chandler right back up in his set position waiting for espanol to get ready Chandler going right back to work first pitch that one going out to right field vesco getting in on it sliding and he grabs it out there in right field and Jacob vesco doing the work for his pitcher Chandler it’s a quick one two three inning for the Double Days as we head to the bottom of the sixth hey guys this is Austin the play-by-play broadcaster for the bavia muck dogs and I’m here with Dewey at ata’s 10th hole in attaka New York at 96 bunnel street dey’s here ready to sink a par go ahead Dewey come out to attas to play some nine-hole golf nice job Dey [Music] welcome back to DWI Stadium it’s the bottom of the six with Travis Hammond leading things off for bavia and Hammond had a great play out there on center field to gun down a Double Days Runner trying to take the lead and that’s just one of the Stellar plays that we’ve seen from the Muk dog so far defensively that one called the strike and Hammond quickly down 01 in the count West still out on the mound for his sixth inning of work that one fouled off from Hammond with Lucas Lopez On Deck it’ll be the third time for the lineup for Lucas West West has pitch that one out to right field getting underneath it is Grundy diving that one falls down him and with some speed and that one actually bounces out of place it’ll be a ground roll double and that’s a break for the Auburn double days if that ball stays in play that’s at least for Travis Hammond and if that ball got to kick off the wall like we saw earlier it might have been inside the Parker for ham he has excellent speed the fastest on the mck dogs by far and with Lucas Lopez now coming to the Batters box it’s the third time around and you know what they say for the pitchers it’s the hardest third time around Lucas West so far 78 pitches through five innings one earned run five strikeouts and two walks West getting ready to go to work against the left-handed hitting Lopez that one outside for a ball two battles so far in the day between Lucas Lopez Lucas West Lopez won the first one with the triple West won the second one with the ground out that one fouled off so no outs Hammond in scoring position over there at second base Sun starting to set the lights are on here at dwire stadium and this is when the stars come out one ball one strike West looking back over at Hammond getting ready to go to work that pitch that one going out to right center but in the shift and stto Diaz who dies for it him and tags goes over to third so now 90 feet away with Jake Butler coming up to the plate yeah great play out there in center field from stto Diaz making a diving catch out there in right center and they’re going to appeal Travis Hammond see if he left early at second base he did not so Hammond in there safely at third base but Soto Diaz with a diving catch out there and right center but either way Hammond still tags up in advances 90 ft like you said this game flying by so far and a reason to this right now is the defensive output put as there goes Hammond to the plate and the mck dogs take the lead off the bun single and we talked about Hammond speed earlier in the inning skip Martinez Alex for Jake BL to do a suicide squeeze Lucas West Alex to go home to try to tag Hammond but Hammond just too fast no play at the plate and it’ll be Hamond to score and take the lead for the m and Jake Butler at first base only one out here in the bottom of the sixth inning so what I was saying is the defensive Showcase from both teams so far we’ve seen phenomenal plays by the outfielders on the muck dogs Hammond with the throw out at home vesco with the sliding grab James Mason with the diving grab Soo Diaz out there in right center making another diving grab Ryan Grundy going back making an over the shoulder grab that one the first strike in there for Cooper Roi but it’s just it’s just been phenomenal defensive play across the board for both teams which is keeping it a one-run lead for the mck dogs as they just took that lead right there yeah you got to think that if it wasn’t for those defensive plays we could be seeing a lot more scoring in this game so now with Butler leading off of first West going back to work against roic with the 1-1 he goes for a pickoff attempt on Butler but in there safely there is movement in the Double Days Bullpen as West now throwing his 85th pitch of the outing there goes Butler going to Second the throw from The Catcher And he beats it Groves beats Butler to second base what a great throw by Groves gun down Butler trying to advance 90 feet and that gamble did not pay off for the mck dogs but Butler still an RBI in this at bat big swing there from roic did not mean to clear the count on the live stream now two outs roic up at the plate trying to start a two out rally James Bolton On Deck roic one for one on the day Wes taking his time Roi calling time R walked in his first at bat that had a single to left Fields West his next pitch that one outside to RI now Full Count Full Count offering from West upcoming lifts his leg and the delivery that one popped up from RI going out into the Outfield stto Diaz gets underneath it in dead center for the final out here one run two hits one run on two hits for the mck dogs now heading to the top of the seventh [Music] oh [Music] and it’ll be once again Gavin Chandler on the mound for the buck dogs this is now his longest outing of the Season he’s off to a hot start six strikeouts and one earned run through the first six Innings sitting at now 79 pitches that one grounded up the middle cut off by Gonzalez picked up thrown over and he gets the out at first base what a play by Gonzalez sliding gets into his backand and delivers a strike to Dutra to retire the Double Days hitter and you got to think that’s a play that Gonzalez needed to see not only for skip the manager for the muck dogs but for himself out there he’s been struggling struggling a little bit in the Outfield but not today so far what a play by Gonzalez at second base quick out and Chandler just has to tip his hat to his defense this afternoon he’s getting it done on the mound and his defense getting it done behind him as that one lined out to vesco out in right field two quick outs on two pitches and that’s exactly what Gavin Chandler wanted he wants to go in this game he wants to stay in this game some movement in the bullpen skip electing to keep Chandler out there and he’s ready to wheel reel and deal right now two pitches two outs for the Muk dogs that’s Nate Ruth warming up that one inside for a ball and that brings up Zack Bale who’s one for one on the day with the single that one high again for the second ball Chandler going back to work the two that one outside three straight balls from Chandler Zack Bale the Florida native next one down the middle hitters count three balls in one strike here’s the delivery from Chandler that one going out to center field it’ll land for a base hit that’s just a great at bat by Zack Bale getting ahead in the count 3 0 looks at strike one and this makes decent contact back up the middle for a single coach Martinez going out to have a word with Chandler he makes a motion to the bullpen after that single and that’ll be it for Chandler on the day and I can’t stress this enough what an outing from Chandler today we talked about him not going as deep into games as he would like only going five and two-thirds as his max so far this season today he goes six and 2/3 extending that a little bit and his final stat line he he’s going to be pretty happy with of course he doesn’t want to be taken out of the game right now but this mck dog’s crowd giving him an ovation for his outing today so it’ll be a Cedro Jimenez coming into the game in a third of an inning pitch this year he allowed two hits his erra is a little skewed just because of that with his ra being 108 on the season he’s allowing opponents to hit 667 on him with a six whip on the season but excuse me it’s actually Abdel Ventura out on the mound thought it was Jimenez but Ventura changing things up he’s pitched three and a third he has a 10 record on the year he has not allowed a hit so far he’s had eight walks and three strikeouts Ventura having a little bit of trouble so far this summer trying to find his command of his fast ball losing control a little bit but vure has all the right stuff to be an absolute weapon for this muuk dog’s Bullpen this season he’s got a great fast ball and a great slider loses control a little bit here and there hoping to change that today so I was speaking to Ventura prior to the game and we’re just talking about his stats a little bit he’s allowed zero hits this year and he said that his goal is just to cut down on the walks as I mentioned earlier eight walks on the season for Ventura and he said in order to just cut down on the walks he just needs to refocus gets into his own head a little bit if he just refocuses on the next pitch and instead of worrying about the bigger picture if you will that’s what he said is is key to throwing more strikes and producing a more efficient outing and I’ve seen his Bullpen session Bullpen sessions the last few days he’s done just that he’s settled down following throwing a ball in the session and then has gone right back at it to throw consecutive strikes we’ll see if his own mental work comes into into play here with two outs in the inning that brings up Dalton Groves to the plate there’s a ball high in the zone and we talked about Ventura’s eight walks so far in the season five of them were in the first game of the season versus Elmyra since then free walks in his second appearance of the season but in his last appearance against nager Falls he went one two three with a strike out gave up no walks had great command that’s the kind of Stu that he can bring to this Muk dog’s Bullpen when he is on his game Ventura two balls and no strikes that next pitch inside called a strike so there’s what I was talking about I don’t know if the camera picked it up but Ventura following those two consecutive balls took a deep breath recollected himself went back to work threw a strike now 2-1 another ball high for a 3-1 count Ventura on the season goes about one inning he did have an extend outing in the exhibition game against the Buffalo Allstars where you saw he had one really good inning showcasing his stuff that one down there again and threw a ball through a strike It’s a Full Count now in that extended outing against the Buffalo Allstars he had one really good inning went one two three and next inning he strug out a little bit there goes the runner that one one bounces away from Ric for ball four Ventura needs to relax he looks over at his Dugout at his teammates telling the same story I’m about to say just relax take a deep breath control your emotions baseball is a very emotional game as we all know and he’s a weapon he is a ball player he deserves to be here and that’s all you can really safe for him so now ventur going back to work against Ryan Grundy lifts his leg in that pitch that one little outside barely missing the zone so Ric will go have a word with him and that’s great leadership from Ric there going to go talk to his pitcher trying to get on the same page calm him down a little bit trying to work out of this Jam Ventura the tneck New Jersey native just finished his freshman year from fissan University stands in at 6’4 235 pounds one ball and no strikes now two outs in the inning with two Runners on Ventura looking to just shut the door here in the top of the seventh looking back at second and now the delivery to the plate that one low to Grundy just trying to work that fast ball show command a little bit his fast ball his two SE fast ball moves a lot just trying to get that under control here two up coming Ventura inside this time three ball and no strikes for Ventura gets his signed and now this pitch that one bounces in the dirt away from Rock it’ll be Ball Four just overthrowing that fast ball a little bit as he spikes that into the dirt that’ll bring up stto Diaz with the bases loaded Ventura just needs one out coach Martinez giving Ventura short leash and that’ll be it for him on the day this is Nate Ruth coming into the game for bavia so that’s the day for Ventura so now flipping the script Nate Ruth on the season the left-handed pitcher in five and two3 innings pitched he’s only allowed two hits as a 158 erra four walks and six strikeouts with opponents hitting 105 as a 1 Point a little under a 1.4 strike percentage Landon Nate Ruth the try hard and hacky sack in the bullpen over there also from Fen University ventur his teammate from Union Beach New Jersey just finished his freshman year the Lefty stands in at 5’1 215 lbs and for the double days it is stto Diaz who’ll be stepping in the Batters box so far just his fourth game of the season but it’s 5 for 10 off to a hot start this summer for Auburn so Ruth coming in in a Bases Loaded Jam he limits the hits what does he need to do do here in order more from a mental side to keep his composure with the bases being loaded I think for Ruth obviously he’s got such a great High attitude when he’s off the field that when he’s on the field he need to have the exact same approach don’t let things get to his head here sure the bases may be loaded but for him just stay calm stay cool stay collected throw strikes and make the Auburn Double Days hitters earn this he’s had a great defense behind him all day today and just keep trusting him Soto Diaz he’s one for two on the day with a strikeout and an infield ground ground ball for a hit so that brings up stto Diaz to the plate with the bases loaded and two down coach Cox trying to move the Outfield vesco will move in so Ruth Lefty in against SoDo Diaz gets his sign from Ric now the first pitch lifts his leg and the delivery that one outside for ball one one ball and no strikes Ruth going back to work the one pitch that one down the middle for the first strike and even though stto Diaz is a right-handed batter normally you see the center fielder playing the left side of second base when you’re looking at the field like you guys are now today khid Cox having a play on the right side next pitch from Ruth that one low for ball two so the runner on third is responsible for Chandler and second and first is Ventura 2-1 that one in there for a strike and now Ruth just one more Cooper roic helping out Nate Ruth behind the dish there with a great job of framing that fast ball Ruth trying to get out of the jam takes a deep breath the two two lifts his leg and the delivery that one outside barely missing Ruth thought it was a strike that’s the exact same pitch goes two different ways two different stories for Nate Ruth and it’s now a Full Count with the bases loaded the runners will be in motion Ruth taking a deep breath lifts his leg in the delivery there goes the runners that one swung on a miss and Nate Ruth gets out of it and the expression from Ruth is the exact same expression from a Dugout from us in the booth the strike out the base is loaded gets The Bu dogs out of the jam it’s just been a fiery day for the mck dogs across the board starting with Gavin Chandler and Ruth doing the job there to fire up his teammates hey guys this is Austin the play byplay broadcaster for the bavia mck dogs and I’m here with Dewey at atta’s 10th hole in ATA New York at 96 bunnel Street Dewey’s here ready to sink a par go ahead Dey come out to attas to play some nine-hole golf nice job Dey all right so the green looking about 300 yard straight out maybe a little bit dog leg right uh we’ll see what we got here with this STW here hopefully I don’t slice this one no golfing at wire and where should we go what do you mean is 10 hole in ATT New York 95 bundle Street all right should go for it should go there we’ll take your word for it now pitching for the Auburn Double Days number five Ethan Fulton he’s a sophomore from St John Fisher University standing at 6 foot 185 lbs from Trumansburg New York fton so far on the season he has pitched in four games pitched eight in one third Innings has 11 strikeouts and seven hits it’ll be James Bolton leading things off for the mckd dogs and fton in his last two outings both recorded the win for the Auburn Double Days and his last two Adams combined seven and one third Innings only gave up four hits and nine strikeouts in those last two games he’s also he hasn’t given up a earned run all season so far the Muk dogs hoping to add some insurance runs here in the bottom of the seventh inning it’s a 2-1 game we’re set up for an exciting finish here at DWI Stadium fton getting ready to go to work that one inside to Bolton the one pitch that one grounded by Bolton going over picked up by Sullivan thrown across the diamond for the out so that’ll bring up number 10 Jacob vesco he’s 0 for two on the day with a pop out and a strikeout Jacob vesco few the interns here call him mini Aaron judge yeah guy’s an absolute tank standing in at 6’4 20 15 PBS I brought that up to him about how we call him mini Aaron judge and he loves it Aaron judge is his favorite baseball player that one grounded over to grolo thrown across the diamond for the second out but I was say as I was saying his favorite baseball player being Aaron judge and he said like a a little Superstition a little pregame ritual for him he has a fat head of Aaron judge doing like a fist pump a fist pump uh motion that’s the word I was looking for before every game when he’s at home he just goes up and gives Aaron judge a fist bump as that is another diving play by the second baseman assaro for the out it’s a quick inning as we now head to the top of the eighth the Double Days two more chances [Music] what do we got here today what do you guys got how can I help you what do what do you recommend I we just got a fresh batch of Eli fish’s Muk dog ale Muk dog ale go dogs give me some of those do coming right up no girl go dogs baby [Music] [Music] pinch hitting for the Auburn Double Days number three Trevor Murray just finished his freshman SE season from Hillsboro Community College his hometown Oka Florida Nate Ruth still on the mound for the pavian mck dogs and I got to say these Florida guys coming up here to New York for the summer I want to think why because I want to live in Florida Ruth getting ready for his first pitch to Murray that one grounded foul like I want to ask Benedict who’s from Florida how he you know he loves here and he spent most of his life up here in New York City as he mentions but you know he he gets a little glimpse of Florida goes to college in Florida and then spends New York Spends His summer in New York Ruth getting ready for the 01 here’s the delivery that one outside for a ball now one ball and one strike that one outside for another ball that one outside again finding the outside part of the plate for the strike and now two balls and two strikes Ruth starts his wind up and the delivery down low Full Count that one barely missing and he walks him Ruth not happy with that call from the Umpire but it’ll be a leadoff walk for the Double Days and that brings up Gavin grauso the leadoff man who’s one for three on the day kuso on the season with a 273 batting average with nine RBI he’s also drawn 10 walks Lefty Lefty matchup slide step from Ruth that one down down the middle some more movement in the Muk dog Bullpen Nate Ruth’s longest outing so far the season is two innings if he were to finish this inning he would pitch one and oneir so a little bit more left in the tank but skip looking to have a clean ending here and perhaps go to his Bullpen going back to work Jake Butler now on the infield grasp perhaps playing bunt defense quick pickoff attempt over there at first Ruth looking over at Murray takes a deep breath slide step there he goes hit and run into effect there goes Murray to third he’s in there Butler throws it across they’re throwing the ball around now as a run will score Murray scores and now we’re tied wow and just like that Auburn is back in this game they tie it now with the runner on third and no outs the hit and run like you said Austin into effect worked perfectly for Auburn and Nate Ruth can’t do anything but shake his head he has no idea what just happened there thought he was in good shape gives up just a infield single or it could have been even a double play ball but Lucas Lopez going to cover the bag as Runner was in motion and one run goes across and run around third and that’ll be the day for Nate Ruth so Ruth done for the day with now a runner on third with no outs here in the top of the eighth so that’s a new pitcher as Landon mentioned for the mck dogs it’s Reed Markham out there on the mound for bavia and Markham on the season and six and two3 innings pitched that’s given up seven hits as an 8.1 erra with eight walks and 11 strikeouts in a 269 opponent batting average Markham his hometown London Kentucky stands in at 6’4 240 lb The Freshman from Lindsay Wilson College looking to stop the damage here for the mck dogs and hold it to just one run across the frame here in the top of the eighth inning and as Markham warms up with the runner 90 feet away from taking the lead for Auburn we’ll take a break jeez this guy stinks go to the bull Fen ready me [Music] [Applause] ow thanks to these M do jerseys what you can buy now I’m still fresh and still [Music] clean yo what’s happening my knee my knee all right we’ll get you in here come on come on come on good y okay okay got to get this welcome back to dwire Stadium as the intensity continues assaro stepping in for the Double Days the mck dog infield is in trying to cut off Gavin guso at third base he has excellent speed leads the team in stolen bases first pitch that one a ball high from Markham you got to think that if aaro reaches the hits the ball in the Outfield kuso could score from third whether it be a catch or if it lands that one swung on and missed for the first strike so a lot being asked here from Reed Markham with a run around third and no out still in the b in the top of the eighth inning one- one up coming from Markham that one high and outside assaro still has no hits on the year for the Double Days and what a big first hit of the Season it would be top of the eighth 2-1 count upcoming that one fouled off Markham tasked with the hard job of getting three straight outs with a runner 90 ft away infield is in and they will remain in for the next batter that one high towards the head of assaro now a full count Markham his pitch that one high again and he walks him so now with Runners at the corners Trey bacon is warming up for bavia that brings up espanol to the dish and espanol leads the team in batting average this season with a 571 through eight games he also has a team High 13 RBI on the season and the only home run I’m sorry he leads the team he’s tied for leading the team in home runs for the year Markham looking over at first base first pitch up coming to Espanol lifts his leg and the delivery that one down the middle so the corners are in trying to cut off Gus at home middle infields Gonzalez and Lopez playing double play depth as they will trade the two outs for the one run Markham getting ready lifts his leg in the pitch that one a ball high now a one-1 count aaro at at first base has not attempted a stolen base on the season Markham gets his pitch getting ready for the next one there goes the runner that one grounded up the middle stopped by Gonzalez he throws it over to first he gets one out but the run will score for Auburn and with the Soro in motion there was no play at second base for Gonzalez he’ll feel field the ball cleanly and throw it over to Dutra for the first out of the inning grauso does go across the score and take the lead for the Double Days and aaro now stands at second base James sill coming up that one in there for strike one 01 for Markham looks back over at second next one breaking ball too far inside for the first ball and we saw James Sil kind of be their closer for the Auburn double days he pitched in the first time these two teams played it’ll be interesting to see if he does step on the mount here as the Auburn now has the lead one-1 pitch from Markham that one swung on and missed James sill one for three on the day started his night off with a double since then a strikeout and a ground out one ball and two strikes Markham Gets Ready lifts his leg in the pitch that one a curveball dropping in there strike three what a pitch by marup gets James S for his second strike out of the day and Markham helping himself out now two outs away in the top of the eighth inning here we go the pitch that one in there for strike one Gabe Sanders now up for the Double Days he’s one for three on the day looking to put one in play and add some more Insurance runs for this double day offense 01 markham’s pitch that one grounded foul that one tiptoeing down the line there goes the runner that one high roix throw to third there’s the tag so the mck dogs now heading to the bottom half of the inning after the throw from roic [Music] oh [Music] what do we got here today what do you guys got I can I help you what what do you recommend I we just got a fresh batch of heli fish’s Muk dog ale Muk dog ale no dogs give me some of those coming right up M Dog Trevor duer leading off for the mck dogs here in the bottom of the eighth inning he’s 0 for two on the evening with a strikeout and a fly out to the right fielder that one outside for a ball one ball no strikes to Dutra that one low duer ahead 20 in the count now he’s looking to have a a productive at bat anyway way on here for the mck dogs only six outs of life left 20 that one low again the three 0 pitch Dutra walks so there is the tying run and that’s exactly what the mck dogs needed a lead off walk start the bottom of the eighth inning skip Martinez looks towards his bench and it’ll be a pinch runner for Trevor Dutra as TJ Morris now jogs onto the field to replace Dutra at first Morris has excellent speed he’s four for four on Stolen bag attempts so far this summer he represents the tying run here on the bottom of the eighth inning coach Martinez having a word with Yankee El Gonzalez who’s coming up to the plate what do you think they’re talking about personally Yankee El Gonzalez I feel could be he could be saying two things right now the first thing he could be saying is Yankee don’t do too much right here put the ball in play make them make them make a play in the Outfield and the second thing I think he is saying lay down the best bunt of your life Yankee a bunt could move Morris in a scoring position for the muck dogs first pitch that one high you know I am ton Romo today I would say Yankee shows bunt pulls it back last second it’ll be a ball he’s now ahead one in the count one ball and no strikes Morris over there at first Gonzalez tries to drop that one down pulls it back but it’s in the zone anyways and I can also tell it’s going to be a bunt a little bit here Morris has a very subtle lead off first I feel like if he was hitting he’d get more of a Lead 1 Gonzalez Pops that one up going foul now with two strikes on Gonzalez skip giving Gonzalez some signs we’ll see if he swings away or El to try to drop down another bunt there is a pitcher warming up in Auburn’s Bullpen as well the onew offering upcoming that one fouled off by Gonzalez and if you can see TJ Morris his lead at first base a little bit more aggressive over there now that Yankee is going to swing away can’t quite see the number past the netting over there in the right field Bullpen I’d love to see the mck dogs make Groves do something behind the plate send Morris in motion make Groves make a play next pitch that one low Gonzalez did not go Gonzalez thought about going held up now even to count at two balls and two strikes Gonzalez he hits it all over the field all of his pieces of contact this year has gone towards the Outfield so he has power from the plate two2 up coming that one bounces away and there goes Morris going over to second base Groves no throw and and just like that Morris and fan is in the scoring position Gonzalez does not have to drop a bunt Morris moves in the second base on the wild pitch and this has been a very productive at bat from Gonzalez as we saw his first two at bats two pitches two swings two balls in play now facing a Full Count here from fton tying Runner 180 feet away Gonzalez swings and misses and that is the first out of the inning bringing up Anthony Greco Greco on the evening 0 for two but as we’ve said all night he has the power to make something happen for bavia here in the bottom of the eighth these two teams in their two meetings this year they battle back and forth these two ball clubs bavia first in the west division Auburn sitting at third just behind Elmyra these twoam teams I feel like we’ll be battling out all season long has the first outing resulted in a 00 tie and today another Thriller 01 up coming from fton here’s the delivery that one grinded over to the shortstop gulo he looks back Morris and gets the second out so Travis Hammond coming up Muk dogs have four outs left four outs left in this ball game but Travis Hammond the base hit could score Morris as he does of excellent speed at second base Hammond one for two on the evening with a ground out and a double that pitch down the middle on Hammond Hammond had that ball that sliced just fair down the right field line it bounced into the Auburn Double Days Bullpen next pitch similar spot similar result 02 on Hammond Hammond quickly down 02 looking to put one in play and make something happen for bavia pitch likely coming on the outside part of the plate there goes Morris Hammond grounds that one up the middle pick over there at first from the first baseman Bale gets the final out of the inning no runs on no hits for the mck dogs we head to the top of the ninth and it will be Markham test with the ninth inning we’re set up for an exciting finish here at dwire stadium in this one-run ball game first it’ll go to the top of the ninth with Reed Markham on the mound for bavia coming out for his second inning of work [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are the top of the ninth coach Martinez taking a gamble on Reed Markham and speaking about Taking Chances how about you go test your luck at bavia Downs gaming and hotel it’s a casino hotel resort and a half mile horse track with live horse racing from July to December checkout 8315 Park Road in bavia New York as there is the first strike from Markham two things I want to say Austin that slider from Markham perect dropping it right on the inside corner for strike one second thing you got to find a new way to introduce Pavia [Laughter] Downs the1 that one swung on and missed again you didn’t like that one re Markham now up 02 02 for Markham lifts his leg and the pitch that one fouled off Markham the O2 to Sanders that one a ball High markam now in his 21st pitch of his outing bacon still warming up in the bavia bullpen the one-w from Markham taking a long time here for this pitch to come in and Sanders will call time Markham in his seventh appearance on the season so far for the Muk dogs that one fouled off again with this with appearance this has been the deepest he’s gone into a game his Max has been one inning he’s at one inning right now Markham starts it the onew ball high advancing to a two2 count in favor of both parties involved mark gets his pitch starts his wind up the two- two that one out to center field Hammond doesn’t have to move at all first out here in the top of the ninth that brings up Bale to the plate and we saw Trey bacon the mck dog’s everyday closer warming up in the bullpen perhaps if this does get to the 10th Frame he will pitch and be in position for the win first pitch that one down the middle for a strike one ball actually no balls one strike one out I should have said 01 that one grounded up the middle for a single almost taking off the head of Markham as that one bounced right next to second base yeah those are scary those comebackers for pitchers just glad he was able to get out of the way and stay in this ball game and that brings up Dalton Groves who’s 0 for two on the day with the walk Markham gets his pitch the first one to grow but he looks back over Eric Smith is in at first base we forgot to mention that earlier he goes to first like you said Eric Smith now hold holding Bale on that one swung on and missed from Groves Bale has not attempted a stolen bag so far this season Markham looks over Bale a big lead that one down the middle again 02 roic doing a great job behind the plate I only did a throw Runner out tonight he’s also doing a great job of framing Markham the O2 trying to find the top part of the strike zone it barely misses that one looked good from up here but the Umpire didn’t think so and now sits at for a one-w count for Reed Markham next pitch that one away 22 next one called strike three and now two outs here in the top of the ninth Reed Markham gets his second out I’m sorry his second strike out of his outing now ready to deal his 31st pitch of the day first pitch in there for a strike and that slider has been moving perfectly for Mar from sorry for Markham all night he’s done a great onew punch between his fast ball and the slider confusing hitters All Night Big lead over there at first by Bale markham’s next pitch that one in there again and now one strike away from giving the mck dogs one more opportunity at the plate Ryan Grundy at the dish for Auburn he’s one for two on the evening Markham the o02 a little high although B hasn’t attempted stolen a bag this season maybe alurn puts him in motion here trying to add some insurance runs Markham looks back over at Bale lifts his leg the one two that one little little outside roic did his best to frame it two balls and two strikes next pitch swung on a missed we’re heading to the bottom of the ninth here at DWI Stadium Markham gets the job done the mck dogs have an opportunity to to tie it down by one run with the top of their lineup up at the plate in Lucas Lopez and we’ll see if Auburn Double Days manager Dan Schwan Al to go to the bullpen here as Ethan fton has been dealing so far for them it looks like there will be a new pitcher number 20 number 20 Derek bolander he’s normally a starter for them and I gotta say this guy’s stuff is nasty he’s a senior at Ohio Dominican University stands at 6’2 165 PB righty bander on the season like we said normally a starter for them his short outing has been four Innings so far this season he’s 1 and0 through four games he’s thrown 23 Innings has 32 strikeouts and 10 walks he sits in at a 2.73 erra so bolander normal starter for Auburn he did Pitch in their last outing sorry their last game against Jamestown back on June 21st but he’s going to get the opportunity to close today and like you said Lucas Lopez and the top lineup up for this bavia Muk dogs but it’ll be tough to get uh to get some offense going against bolander here like I said we’re set up for an exciting finish now these two teams last time they faced off went two Extra Innings don’t know how the ninth is going to turn out here but if extras is needed the rules in extra innings for the pgcbl are a little different for the rest of baseball what are they so in the pgcbl there’s only one inning of Extra Inning so they will only play a 10th Frame and there is a runner the last out starts on second base so to start the inning there’ll be zero outs and a run around second base if it were to go to that 10th Frame but to get there the bavia M have to score at least one run Lucas Lopez hoping to get on base for that Lucas Lopez starting things off Lopez one for three on the evening had the lead off triple to start the game so far has had a ground out and a fly out to Center and they’re actually leaving a wide open alley in right center first pitch from bander is high and out outside for a ball just before that pitch was dealt from bander stto Diaz sprinting over to the left side of second base and like you said there’s a big gap out there in right center 10 oh fouled down the left field line Lopez on the season his spree chart has been all over the yard pulling balls in the right slicing them in the left 1- he swings and misses Lopez went to go for a little check swing action there unable to hold and he now faces a one-w count Lopez on the season a 351 batting average and 10 walks one two from bander that one grounded over to the right side of the infield aaro picks it up for the first out now Jake Butler coming up Jake Butler one for three on the evening with a strike out a ground out and then the bunch single still a wide open alley over there in right center Jake Butler once again spraying putting the ball all over the yard here in left field center field and right field about equal everywhere that one outside for a ball Soo Diaz out there on center field for the Auburn double days now moving to the other side of the right I’m sorry the other side of the second base bag one ball and no strikes now left Center has a big gap out there 20 and one thing interesting about the two batters that banders faed so far that alignment from Soo Diaz out in center field he’s gone the opposite way of the pull 20 up coming that one fouled off and interesting from Auburn to put Soto Diaz on the other side of the bag of second base almost playing like Butler’s going to have a little slice to his action kind of like Austin’s drive in golf ah you’re so funny but Butler been pulling the ball as of late starting to find a rhythm here for the muck dogs two- one up coming from bolander ball high and now a 3-1 hitters count so if it’s perfect Butler has the green light roic on Deck with Butler uh Bolton rather following 3-1 looks like it clipped him and it did so Butler on base now with one out in the bottom of the ninth inning Butler does have pretty good speed he’s three for three on the season with stolen bag attempts and Skip Martina is going to keep him on out there at first base and that brings up the mck dogs captain and one of the best hitters in the lineup Cooper roic if it does come down to it there will be a pinch hitter for James Bolton it’s Shawn pop on Deck now first pitch the romic that one top part of the strike zone for the first strike Butler over there on first romic up to the plate romic one for two on the evening with the walk the 01 up coming from bolander that one another strike and just like that Cooper roic behind in the count 02 looking to put one in play and make something happen here for matavia mck dos and Ric has another open alley in left Center and that’s kind of his go-to spot this season so far and as well down the left field line the O2 from bolander strike three roic goes down swinging and now Shawn Pope will come up to the plate Shawn Pope GNA pinch hit for Bolton and what a tough spot here for Pope in the bottom of the ninth inning tying run on first base with two outs going against bowlander who is by the double day’s best pitcher so far this season Pope so far on the year a 194 batting average with 10 walks Groves MO move stto Diaz to the left side of the second base that one fouled off and so far Pope on the season has been a pull hitter for bavia only got two hits on the year but both of them two right Fields next pitch inside on Pope one ball and one strike that’s interesting that Soo Diaz is now on the left side of the back even though Pope is more of a full hitter if this ball gets down in the right center field Gap Butler could be scoring one-1 up coming to Pope that one fouled off again now the mck dogs down to their final strike bander gets set he gets the pitch going from the stretch lifts his leg the pitch strike three called strike three in the Auburn Double Days will win the ball game and that’s how this one ends in bavia Auburn wins by one run here and a close one down to the final strike the mck dogs on the season will drop to 13 and4 and Auburn jumps up to 10 and six that’s it for us here at DWI Stadium the mckd dogs will be back in Action tomorrow as they take on the Newark pilots who currently sit in last place in the west division in the pgcbl but as for this one at dwire Stadium Austin Mendy’s alongside with Landon Washburn wishing you a good night from dwire Stadium thank you for tuning in tonight and we hope to see you tomorrow as the muck dogs take on the Auburn double

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