This SIMPLE FIX Will Stop Your Slice Forever!

The slice is one of the most common, and frustrating misses in all of golf, and in this video we will break down a great drill and practice method you can implement to stop slicing the ball for good!
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if you’re slicing the ball there are a number of things that you’ve probably tried to focus on within the golf swing and all different kinds of drills but they may be unsuccessful here is one thing that is a very small tweak that you can make in your setup that can really help eliminate your slice so for the sake of this drill and this swing field we’re going to be getting our driver out be sure to have an alignment Rod handy for this and as you can see me set up to the ball what I’m trying to exaggerate and you can see it from this angle is how open my upper body is so that swing there was pretty across the ball out to in through the ball and I hit a pretty big slice what you may not have seen in that video is my left shoulder my front shoulder and the reason for that is because my shoulder line was set up very open to my Target and when that shoulder line is open up to your target you’re just going to inherently swing across the ball so you see where I’m aimed you know dead straight and that shoulder line you need to get your alignment Rod set up to the ball normally and then put that alignment Rod up right across your shoulders so uh I’m actually wearing a pretty good shirt for this because I have some some lines across the top of that shirt but try and really close down that line so here the reference point that I’m using is I want that line across my shoulders to be right around the line where my feet are because you can have a closed stance in terms of where your feet are oriented to the ball but if you’re shoulder line is totally open then you might have some pretty bad results so make sure that you’re getting that alignment rod and if you’re working on this with the first time do it on several swings slow things down get your rehearsal swings in and continuously focus on this so I really like to feel as I am a right-handed golfer that left shoulder just coming into my body and pulling out that right shoulder you really have to exaggerate this feel because if you’ve been slicing the ball for a while then that’s pretty inherent in your golf swing in your muscle memory so have that alignment Rod point it across your body and then for a right-handed golfer make sure that alignment rod goes a little bit further to the left if you have to OV exaggerate it to where you’re really really feeling that closed nature of your left shoulder continue to do it I’m doing some knee bends with that left knee the more that left knee bends in the more shut my face is the more shut that shoulder line is so there are a bunch of different ways to tweak it but be sure that you’re really using either a golf club or an alignment Rod to have a perfect visualization of where that club is and if there is any semblance of that club being a little bit open then shut it down every single time you step up to the ball I’m putting down the club getting that alignment rod with two hands put it across and shut it down just think of it as that line that’s going across your chest point it to the left until it’s almost uncomfortable that’s just going to to get that exaggerated feel put it down onto the ground and when it’s down continue to reference it because you could put it down and get right back to that you know open nature of that upper body uh be sure to continue to put it down reference it once more before the golf swing and then take off into the ball so as we’re working on keeping that upper body closed we also continue to need to focus on keeping that lower body closed the good thing about the lower body is you can just plant your feet down in a little bit of a closed nature and then they’re not moving unless you’re shuffling around a bunch so put your feet down get a nice neutral or slightly closed stance that’s going to help you work away from that slice and once your feet are down get that upper body aligned now you have to be very focused on that upper body alignment because as I said your feet aren’t moving once they’re on the ground until you go go through your actual golf motion your upper body can absolutely open up a little bit inherently after you do this so just be sure that throughout your pre-shot routine throughout standing over the ball you’re continuing to focus on where that alignment is and if your stance in the lower body is closed and if that upper body shoulder line is closed down it’s going to be very difficult to swing across the ball and hit a slice as long as your Club face isn’t wide open you should be just fine so if you have any questions or comments on what I’m talking about in terms of getting rid of that slice please leave them in the comment section down below as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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