Golf Players

2024 Majestic | RD1 F14 | Leiviska, Koling, Orum, Hammes

2024 Majestic
Blue Ribbon Pines DGC
Bethel, Minnesota
Round 1 | Front 14

Luke Humphries and Paul Oman

Cale Leiviska
Jeremy Koling
Matt Orum
Adam Hammes

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ladies and gentlemen welcome into GK Pro coverage this is the 37th annual Minnesota Majestic where it Blue Ribbon Pines today this tournament brought to you guys by Airborne disc golf I’m your host Luke humph joined in the booth by Mr tall Paul Omen howy y’all this is one of the best private courses in the world kind of sets the standard for a lot of private courses been here for a long time man 37 years they’ve been playing this event this year we’re going 27 holes at the BRP then we’re going 18 at the hollows back to 21 holes here at BRP and today we got a killer card for you guys mattio Kisa Mr Adam ham is in big germ going to round this thing out and I think Adam hamy shot like a 17 under in leagues Thursday or something yes so on a 27 hole layout bunch of bir B holes here so we could see High Teens maybe even 20s definitely with this car got a nice little uh off weekend for the tour these guys picking up a an event here in Minnesota that is near and dear to the hearts of many folks playing golf here your final card for the day starting off Matthew [Music] a Addie o repping Westside smooth as ever coming off a was a second or third place finish a Podium finish there at uh the Pres Reserve just a week ago so he’s feeling himself playing killer golf right now and this course I mean every hole is very obtainable nice short par three at 340 here he’s going with his uh Brave I believe that is oh nice little kick out loving that next up Jeremy Coy we got big germ took down a great tournament pman Ridge on GK Pro coverage if you haven’t checked that out he was playing phenomenal there putting extremely well too looks like he’s choosing between two different Thunderbirds yeah Pimon another event with a very strong field off tour yeah GK Pro getting some of these off tour killer events I mean wow he just split the trees right there he’s rewarded with a little 18f footer Adam you know being a Wisconsin guy he’s not too far from home he’s got a lot of fans here and he’s really familiar with this course so a lot of wisconsinites moving to Minnesota see Ray Jordan in the background in that peach shirt right there that’s the man he’s the owner of BRP The Mastermind behind a lot of these holes this is the line you want to see rounding out our car for the day kale Le [Music] I believe four time champ defending champ yes he fell on a a stick pierced his hand but luckily it was his left so he’s still good to be throwing and he’s obviously go in okay yeah Hometown hero he’s got Mom in the background there watching on yeah this place was pretty packed out today 40 I believe or 150 in the field huge field nice way to get things started here yeah we had some some rough weather waking up windy rainy and it’s really calmed down here later on the afternoon nice birdies from the boys noely wer I was out I was to make a little bit we’re looking at an Allstar to get things going if mtio can drain this I think Adam’s putt is short enough it’s a great start for this card Easy Money Matt hit like a 50-footer on 18 at The Preserve picking up exactly where he left off let’s go boys making that hole look easy headed into hole two which is going to be a pretty short par 4 it’s only 450 ft I think most people try to go right about now end up in that open area this is a viable route if you can really penetrate far you know like a 450t forehand could get a park job but you go that left route you’re you’re like committed to the left route from then on it’s not really the purest I’m a fan of the left route I’m just going to go out there and say it really not trying to go right at all here oh my God he gets the skip that’s going to be perfect way out there he’s just got a chip putter Heiser now yeah you don’t like that I mean I like that that looked good it’s not the strategy I came into the hole with J very similar line Sheldon he’ll be a a little more pinched he’ll need more Heiser on his approach good thing about what Matt did was getting that ground play getting way over to the right Adam tight but birdie still totally in play he’s going to have probably two options he could go left or right with this one yep he stopped in that spot whatever he was most comfortable with kale just throws it straight to that short basket I’ve seen him play this hole and then he plays the Heiser putter from there all right that gap on the left side is pretty tight as you get close to the basket but I feel like to that left side of the Gap it’s pretty open pretty fair you can still get to the basket scramble a bit but yeah looks like that one got all the way to basket yeah I think we’re going to see some people try to overpower these par fors and almost every single time we’re going to see kale play just like the smart golf shots he’s going to break these things down they’re two shot par fors for him yeah and probably equal distant I mean as a top level Pro still and with all of his local knowledge this guy’s been to this course several times he knows how to pick up some money here touchy little mid-range turnover and High Surf for uh Mato you don’t typically see him doing stuff like that this guy definitely though going ax3 that’s the Gap let it flatten oh my goodness almost rung it up wow and a lovely tree behind it if you can scramble just like ger did there get your Annie forehand flexes down and your little patent penders you’re going to do well out here it’s a lot of scrambling shots yeah get yourself to the basket make some putts kale forced to spin on whole one and now forced to pitch there on hole two that one doesn’t end up as a birdie he’ll lose a stroke to Adam and a big germ as we watch these tapouts we can start talking about one of the best holes in disc golf coming up hole three typically plays his hole four and normal layout I believe yes but this hole is just gorgeous yeah a lot of people try and replicate it this is the OG right here it’s only 444 which means you could get all the way down there if you wanted but throwing a high-speed driver through these trees lends to Crazy kicks OB left outside of the trees something that players you know don’t want to catch but if you go left OB it means you have an open approach shot look at this he’s just flicking ax3 keeping it low take notes folks yeah don’t want to Sky this thing no kicks end up even worse slow speed disc control the height that went a little higher and just like that wow I play I played with Adam last week and he said he’s had that zone in his bag since he got on disc craft I’m pretty sure yeah that’s the one he aced with it wo I believe that’s insane I think that’s a maiden from Matt that’s how you do it yeah that’s the middle of the middle right there that’s how you control a frisbee kale he’s gotten every single score you can get on this including Eagle see what he’s going with today understable M4 of the day oh yeah right there by Matt so pretty man love how he just controls that angle out of the hand so he can torque it more it’s his natural release angle I feel like that Hiser angle and that thing just snaps up to Flat perfectly for him JM throws his mini down picks up the same aier X3 oh look at that little kiss I mean what a gameplay on this hole I love it breaks it down y oh wow Adam just pitching back to the Fairway only option available you really got right with that kick you have to be so specific with that layout too if you get too close to those trees the shots you’re able to perform are very limited so I mean even even on the putt from 30 feet you got to make sure you take it seriously at that kind of skedaddles out to circle’s Edge okay not that bad not 23 and I’m guessing no bid this is just a layup yep that’s smart work’s been done third hole of a tournament that’s going to have way more than 54 holes it’s three days but you gotta attack on what an extra 12 13 holes so that’s really one of the great Parts about this course I think is there’s 27 holes you can get beat up quick but just stick with it be patient find what you need to find in your stroke and start knocking some birdies downo slipping it over the edge yeah Kale’s got a great Eagle when he and Nico played Barry and Kenny out here in a two on two match leave kale through an M4 down there and then I guess maybe it wasn’t even a a prodigy disc at that point it could have been a buzz and a whatever their Putters are this been was Prodigy for quite a while this was like young kale though we’re talking big hair Nico young kale the video is online you can definitely see it the good old days that hole’s actually been used this hole has been used in a Vikings and in LA Rams promo video wow when the Vikings did it the Rams saw it and they’re like yeah we got to go out there too pretty sweet Blue Ribbon Pines also has a big Festival out here base Ribbon Pines happening in just a couple weeks com up looking at a par 4 it’s only 5:15 really helps to get a left to right flight off the T but it sets up a pretty scrambly second shot you’re not going to have the same shot two times in a row three times in a row it’s good combo hole this two holes combined five and six on the original course OB on the left be long o sneak straight through those trees that is perfect oh look at this J finds the teapad and an opening in front of the trees nothing in his way for that second shot you can’t place it better Matt going with that same Maiden just a neutral flying putter holds the line he puts it on slightly wide and if he wants to get aggressive there I mean crazy things can happen I’m calling that Maro lays that up he’s just too good at golf look at kale he’s just going to butter this Fairway keep it low Fairway driver interesting I think he likes the way that it flexes back out a little bit maybe keeps it low mhm controls the pace wide rim disc from Adam beats those trees on the left side oh my gosh Bob that disc looked huge in the camera that’s one of the best shots I’ve ever seen on this hole Mario indeed just chopping it down to the bottom of the hill catches a tree kicks it out though not done from there I like I like that not done from there definitely that his third the typical second shot is kale going down that sneaky right Gap he is that local knowledge here oh no oh that’s the only thing that could not happen he’s going to find himself out of bounds pays the price okay so germ wasn’t actually in the open just one tree to beat though wow love this so good little check up that’s the second time today that I’ve watched him kind of start leaning forward before he begins throwing and then throw using that momentum too kind of allows himself to get away from the trees he’s close to interesting yeah seems technical just keep your plant foot that’s all oh no no Maddie oh these Guardian trees here are seemingly you know spaced out well but once you hit them they’re so close to OB bobing and weaving there from Adam I I don’t know that was exactly what he was going for that was pretty close to one of those Guardians yeah kale leaks that one oh man he’s going to have 25 plus for that par bogey tricky I said he was trying to make his way through those Guardians be a little touchy and this came out a little early oh those trees just barely inbound so they give Mato the spot a little high on the jumper that’ll be a bogey for him or is it a double for Matt losing track of these guys good putt from kale though so Matt went lay up first right then threw out of bounds so yeah that’s going to be a double for Matt dirty just a easy birdie for germ easy birdie for Adam two of the best drives that yeah on this hole Adams was Immaculate unfortunate but happens quick at a BRP man right but like I said hole four we got 23 holes to play No Doubt great little par five right here Pawn kind of dictates how far you can go off the T it’s great for like a putter or mid-range Drive yeah mtio threw one on skins into putting range on this whole one one time they put a plaque in the middle of the Fairway to commemorate that pretty cool longest drive this is actually whole five Par Four did I mess that up you did great great job germ I like this route this is kind of the pure route if you get that forehand to move to the left of the group of trees after the initial trees it it is the purest route in my mind you said pure and I was thinking I throw a backhand and line was pretty pure Adam doing it too it just it works with the space given the best you have to hit a little bit of a gap if you’re going backhand is he just going to does he have three discs in his bag kale no Adam he just going to throw that zone everywhere get off of it oh still good position you know that’s not bad at all that’s the pro play there you missed in the middle of those trees half the time it goes through them the other half it just kicks close don’t miss right yeah just like that straight through the group perfect position for map love that Kale’s going to be up first going with a shadow fax probably about 350 ft got to stop fading oh fortunate he was going to get up there for a putt it was going to be that left side inside the circle there’s probably 40 trees on this hole if you go long left or right you end up with some uh weird looks it’s a common occurrence out here at Blue Ribbon Pines not a bad result though no exactly pin High probably 25 ft away Max just going with that putter again I’d like to note that Bob is standing nearly completely still these mosquitoes thirsty out here yeah that’s uh the cameraman have it hard this week that’s how you like to see it done we got the state bird the uh the Min mosquito out here yeah minito I like that we’re in mesquito country drags it oh nearly left of that tree kicks him short 70 feet away from the basket so I’m really loving all these forehand from Durham I know he throws a lot of forehands but I feel like I’ve just seen him throw a lot of power backhand shots and here at Blue R and Pines and also at the Hallows I’m sure he’s going to be throwing a lot of touch forehand shots which really is how he got into the game I feel like yeah he he tends to love turning any easy backhand into a tricky forehand yeah pulling it off properly most of the time absolutely those are deep putts deep circle two possibly Circle three putts from Kay and germ you’re not going to make those very often great put from Adam Circle Edge straddled Tree on his back taking his time get him to four through five it’s incredible it’s a great start unless you’re Luke Taylor and then you’re six under through four holes did you did you hear about that he went birdie eagle Eagle birdie start 6 under through four holes the kid from Michigan got so much game a lot of talent in this age here 140 plus players insane man this is like better than most silver series events can boast yeah you know the Swedish open going on across the pond right now might honestly have a similar number of thousand rated players that’s [Music] incredible headed into hole six one of the best par 3es on the course possibly in Minnesota 372 with that little leaner straight across the middle making sure that you choose either the low or high route beautifully mulched green it’s just fantastic man and this is sometimes whole eight so typically you know we can see the Kobe hole here we’ll see it later on out at BRP hole 8 and hole 24 always have the Kobe baskets yeah I like the flight that this hole produces most of the time a nice standup pushing driver most of the time I played with Hanam today Austin Hanam he threw a Aftershock it was pretty amazing but that mid-range yeah yeah throws that thing great yeah Adam taking bad kick over to the left side mtio I think that this baby Hiser flip is the play look like Adam was trying to force something out of the hand which could very well work for him just seems to open up the Gap a little bit when you Heiser flip it this here seems like you’re just trying to jam a circle piece in a square puzzle yeah he didn’t lose a bet he wanted to do this he literally chose to do that guys kale throwing that shadow fax oh look at that thing flip up is early though oh it’s a good 372 you got to hit that thing it is cuz it’s uphill 78t there at the very end yeah you got to get it to Flat mhm wow this is nasty in here not a bad effort really to even have a putt from where he was at was great yeah look like he caught some trees on the edge now germ if the forehand got you into the problem let the forehand get you out that’s about circle’s Edge now for his par we got kale 60 ft straddling the log from a knee it’s just going to rain a little Hiser in there like six holes and he’s putting from a knee from half of them he must be a BRP just keep that left hand clean bud this would be a monster par save little left that’ll be the first bogey of Adam’s round drop him back to three under does man have this Heiser just a little good shape from the it’s embarrassing when you choose to jump the 34f footer and you’re still just like a little short I I do it too it feels dumb yeah just like man I chose to add all that extra body and then just didn’t do anything with my arm I think he took his body out of it he was leaning a little for forward get so high I mean credit to him he’s been jamming of the jumpers oh absolutely unfortunate bogey for him as well so we’re going to see Zero birdies on this thing I mean which makes my part job feel nice I’ll tell you what it’s right in front of you but yeah it’s a tricky part three talking about not tricky part 3s this one is terrible to miss this isn’t even a birdie hole this is a too you better get your par there’s no way to birdie this hole I jump puted this hole today and as I’m looking to at all these trees I’m like how are there so many hard hits on on this bark like5 ft away who’s teeing up here Matt’s going with a little baby throw here he’s going to stay pretty forward not going to turn away from The Target just wrist pop that thing down there that’s plenty get the spin on the disc Kale’s going to do the same thing these guys are just they’re super touchy oh years of lid tossing indeed and playing the Majestic yeah this is what you’ll see a lot of guys in the Pro field doing it’s so 155 probably playing like 130 which is a very jumpable range these days this is tailing off but that’s the thing about the jumper you’re for sure getting through the little spectator you’re for sure getting through the is that his mom yeah Kale’s mom almost just got hit by Adam I like what jm’s doing there he lines up on the right okay he was not trying to do that oh my good I think he was trying to do that left of the first tree I don’t know but Adam he just got his nose up never committed to the turnover angle Jerm committed that’s for sure I don’t know he’s looking for the off side but we’ll just we’ll leave that one open-ended he may have he may have intended to do that nobody paid him to take that left route he’s a big guy he’s got long arms I mean it it nearly went in no kale almost getting back there by that OB chain unfortunately chains out and there’s only going to be two birdies on this hole so essentially two bogeys there’s two pars and two Bogies the way that I played this honestly he knows it too little side hand into the bucket headed into man just a crazy hole this is a wild hole it’s only 195 ft and it’s got a complete 90 ° dogor yeah what it is mindboggling it’s technically more than 90 It’s Tricky and boy does it hurt when you see a guy just peer this hole Yeah I mean you love to see it but it’s just a tricky shot dude I threw this hole my disc bounded back to me and landed by the t- signs I caught story of a fell hitting the Mando and coming back and landing in the blue trash can this is the shape push it a little long but the best thing on this whole is don’t hit early yeah if you make it past that corner you can salvage I should do this this is a great play you’re not going to do anything but get a par but why do that when you could literally jump off jump putt off the teapad if you’re playing for three you jump putt off the tead and jump putt up to the basket really yeah absolutely maybe I should do that I know that because I threw mine 80 ft up in a tree and it landed to where I could have jumped put it to so that a little frisbee toss from germ that was like a beach toss when you see it work it’s a thing of beauty but mhm took out an arrow I think for that shot okay let’s see what this guy does M4 yeah you got to get it to pan oh my goodness there are a lot of little trees in between him and the basket mhm M just have this Spike Heiser putt right here this basket is tucked in between three Pines three Pines within two feet of this basket you can be like 9 ft away and be on a knee fully straddled throwing like a horseshoe putt cursing Ray Jordan the entire time I didn’t curse him but I I did do that oh wait kidding you don’t always have to park a hole to the birdi wow back to five under goes Adam I want to see this again Kobe Kobe you gotta say it too especially with a f like that Kelby oh that looked like it was doing it too but to see two 60 Footers on this ho crazy I can’t believe he had a line a clean line that was gorgeous this is a great little line too you would take a putt like this on this hole every single time I mean they’re going to play it one underpar that’s fantastic I played so bad that my card couldn’t even you know if they did they’re best they couldn’t make up for my bad play on this one oh no fun hole though yeah honestly to have it in a in a competition it’s just rare and you take it for what it is that’s what we’re doing this week this is one of my favorite holes on the course hole nine the t- shot throw whatever you want but you don’t need much and then just get over the moat after to snag that birdie go talk to Angie about a snack that’s right short par 4 520 ft going with the discy through on four this is headed over to that net I like this play honestly you kind of you end up by the net you get your meter off and then you scramble to the basket interesting Maddie oh nice M juice in that oh staying in the middle too keeps the angle really nice see if JM can go past these guys three four hands The Big Easy oh whoa oh be on that right side there is he didn’t find it I didn’t see the graphic pop up so he’s just got a tough scramble from there this is the classic play here oh not a classic outcome no that thing kick left smacking mosquitoes away from his face trying to line this thing up uh great back in play looks to be where a good drive lands yeah what is he doing here man he is close to that OB is he trying a forand roller dude a lot of water around these parts I know if you pull it off properly oh my see there it is off something and keep that left or right movement going you saw it go down you lost view of it for a second he was on bank’s Edge definitely okay now this little dicey forehand here let’s watch this this is no fear favorite Zone over the water you don’t get it back in ew oh just short ah he’s getting that bad that one looked to be close enough where he could kale smells blood in the water no oh hot oh not what kind of local sorcery was that that’s just a good Spectrum pa3 [Laughter] boy all right mtio just looking to hit this thing High left get it to drag not too high though oh wow perfect gorgeous that’s how you play it man forehand off the te keep the keep the keep your eyes on the Gap ESS is what I’m saying yes I’m saying keep your eyes on the Gap and then just do the little baby backhand up all right they’re giving him the wall which is nice otherwise you’d have about a 42f footer yeah must have made contact it was hard to tell from our angle see a bunch of people taking in the action grabbing a snack and that’s one of the best places in disc golf Pines is a Vibe definitely like blue ribbon for sure but Like That Snack Shack well it was a little less of a Vibe today cuz Angie wasn’t out today she was holding it down at the main spot no she wasn’t allowed out there she gets a low wild out there from time to time and sanctioned events okay but we all love Angie and we wish she would have been out there today much love for Angie here we are at the paps Blue Ribbon hole it’s a nice little par three 325 it probably plays a little more than that yeah it’s a little uphill ideally it’s a a flip to Flat mid-range I love the flip to Flat mid-range I see a lot of guys throwing this Hiser on the right side trying to poke through is there as we can see that was gorgeous all the way there that’s that midi or that one looked like a mid yeah okay he’s got gatekeeper that’s that color got you that was perfectly executed oh look at this oh my Gila that was that was some wow filtering fish there germ they made the joke too yeah no surprise going with the beat up Firebird this is perfect for this hole that’ll work every time it up nicely let’s see that mid-range play oh yeah nay no he’s going right Gap with the Fairway look at this guy can’t tell you how many times I played wait inside out cap Blue Ribbon Pines with this guy and he just Pi that flip to Flat right up the gut I think he said something about when he throws really hard his left hand hurts a little more so he’s just maybe taking it a little easy toning down on some of these shots I literally threw that mid-range shot today because he always bar us his hole with it that’s what I did too like Kale’s going to be throwing the mid yeah these guys about to allar this hole this is a impressive star frame that’s a really good star frame doable like you said 325 not a long hole but those trees are right at like 110 if you hit any of them it just gives you a long putt to the high basket hard to run you see more people three putt than you see star frames I do not want to see that there it is Adam ham with a bogey is six under through 10 holes fantastic Pace germ just one back mtio one back at him headed into the the little short 11th that is nasty bro part of what makes it nasty is all goes to his drop zone so if you just barely go OB long here you’re all the way back there at 140 instant bogey Poss bringing in play double bogey if Ray Jordan had it his way you would go back to the Drop Zone every time you throw out of bounds on this hole and every other hole that has out of bounds I love course I love it honestly our game’s too easy it’s a pretty good play it’s not a parked play yeah you’re playing this thing 20 right 25 right still great yeah I haven’t seen a lot of those High forehands I see a lot of turnover backhands up there the right to left wind you can’t feel from inside this t-shot m let’s take a second now oh my settle down um so is he up again because he’s technically behind the T box or how does that everybody else te’s off all right I wasn’t sure how that worked how the OB plays you know because those poles are right there but I don’t know if there’s an actual line drawn anywhere I think it just opens up from those poles I don’t think it’s a situation that happens often Jerm I I don’t the best play is the right front corner Flex forand thank you I was thinking you might bring that up yeah now it’s a it’s actually a really easy play too you just got to beat that first one and then it’s the most open shot you can play other than just a pure backhand like kale played that was gorgeous I just little Shrubbery but look at this spot oh my gosh that t- sign oh my goodness did he just go straight through them yes sir he split those things and he’s going to save his bar now after possibly throwing zero good shots on this ho I actually had a card mate land on the Drop Zone which is in bounce it is in bounce that little area right over there on the right he was stoved o didn’t look like he loved it but it’s in that’ll be a birdie spinning the vinyl yeah medo is like even par through five or six holes so he’s come on nicely there getting himself to five under Adam get in the bar man what a bar yeah saw Mio’s disc as we were playing skins the other day as Putter and it’s got a little vinyl uh stamp on top I thought that was pretty cool it’s right there where his thumb is too gives him a little extra grip got all the swag two birds a par and a bogey there on hole 11 headed into hole 12 two ways to play it you can go forehand around the bunch or backhand straight at it if you go OB though and there’s OB very close to the screen all OB is going to the Drop Zone which is about 50 right this basket placement makes the Drop Zone like at the farthest it could be yep the furthest it could be it’s it’s kind of funky shorter hole Pao respecting that OB playing it wide just giving yourself a putt that’s pretty similar D to what the Drop Zone putt would be so he’s like 50 I should have done that why I chucked it in the OB dude throwing this little straight shot though is so sketchy you at Bob here we go are you kidding me I love that play I saw you throw it I didn’t see your result but I watched you throw it and I was thinking to myself like that’s like crazy I got that bird no way Adam going to show us that wide route whoa Super Spike he’s trying to get to the right oh my God holy moly I believe this was a bonus Ace during league on Thursday and he about rung it up wow gets through the tree no problem Blue Ribbon Pines has a wonderful bonus Ace League that they run on Thursdays usually the ace pool gets up into the thousands during the summer you could win a you could win a new4 Honda Civic on a third a brand new 2004 on the Civic I agree this week it was only $45 but a lot of folks came out to play That Snack Shack is getting busy too up there Daniel pulk watching on oh MD oh he knew it out of the [Applause] hand it’s like I don’t need to par right away o like even stutter same Paces that’s that’s still do that’s cash right germ this was a great spot to be oh yeah he’s been putting fantastic since Pimon rage man I’m serious really gives that thing some Purpose with that pop yep yep reaching for the basket follow through is looking good I like it we just star framed this hole too that’s pretty impressive there’s a lot of trouble on this hole I know it’s not long but yeah oh my thanks to maro’s big old putt got ger fired up to make his Putt and nothing no problem there all right ho 13 now this one’s tricky big old wide kind of stall Heiser for a righty backhand is the best play ju see people do all sorts of stuff here forehand I see people try to sneak it through that low left forehand I don’t think we’re going to see one of those mostly big hisers from our guys no none of these guys are trying to get sneaky they know how to fly these frisbees I see the mistake made here is just pushing it too far yes going OB long 100% you get that disc flat you know you got to put some juice on it just rides out of bounds but adio testing the the back wall right but he’s found himself maybe just outside Circle I think inside that’s a fantastic shot yeah good right to left wind today look at this the ground bro whoa did it skip off of the edge of the yes 100% huh hard to tell where it went I know where I went in the woods out of play Adam back to back just extra high hisers whoa he gets roll little 18t straight to the bucket roll about 22 left I’m going to take note stuff doesn’t dude doesn’t happen like that for no reason I feel like might be his weekend here yeah yeah he’s not not missing the trees see J got no roll okay it just stayed right there I was wrong okay it look like something just shot off that box 44 for Dr smooth Bobby with the quick feet that hit you Bob all right Bob sitting next to us he confirmed did not touch him there we go mtio runs one in German one sitting on the fun so give me one of those two he just got that lean going on he knew it out of the hand too look at this follow through powering from both tree trunks all right Matt kind of breezy out there at this moment 13 holes in we’re getting comfy there no better time to birdie than now beautiful wow look at the disc slide around like that so cool all right right Matt gets himself to seven this is a putt to get to eight under there we go through 13 holes including a bogey three birdies on this hole too that is a roasting Pace kale got a little headwind coming back takes his time saw that intensity in his eyes that’ll be a par four behind Pace started by Adam but he’s got to know he’s played plenty of Majestics what Adam’s doing if he continues doing it wins Majestics oh yeah so kale just knows hang with Adam definitely get the birdie on this 253 slightly uphill par three this one’s a pretty generous cap I’m going to consider this a musket I like it 253 it’s right in front of you Matt going with that Maiden it’s new so it’s got got that little bit of stability at the end car if yall want any they’re pretty far is Adam going to slip it through that left side just play the forehand he’s got this zone so dialed yeah he’s just that Gap looks huge to him right now it’s only about seven feet in the ball but he’s acting like these are just upshot holes like he’s already thrown a great drive and he’s just finishing them off feel like jm’s going straight at it two forehand approach shots two absolute Park jobs I love two different lines I love that point though these These are up shots honestly but that’s I mean if you can’t make a a course Championship level make good holes that yeah feel like good up shots yep yeah yeah they’re still super fun holes to play right everyone’s having a great time out here except for Gabe he’s fighting off mosquitoes back there yeah you see that yeah and this field so big that we had th20 rated guys going off at 8:30 in the in the morning yep monster field of Minnesota Wisconsin and the pro tour’s finest that is it for the front nine whoa check out this leaderboard guys Andrew marwe popping off for a 14 underpar buring over half his holes today Evan Smith right behind him with a 13 Clint Calvin Robert bur these are pro tour names that you see on leaderboards every single day out there on the pro tour man we got 12 holes coming back we actually lost a hole a hole 24 not going to be used in competition there was some discrepancy see between the tea boxes so this is the front 14 and we will be bringing you the back 12 definitely go check that out oh my gosh that was a great shot wow one of the best holes one of the best throws thank you for being with us on GK Pro for the 2024 Majestic click on that back nine we’ll see you there [Music] he


  1. Hello Gk pro! Love your commentators, coverage.. am I the only one missing course map on the presentation where they show fairway? If you added that it would be SUPERR! Love yall from Finland!

  2. courses like this are far more interesting to watch on coverage instead of boring wide open throws like Las Vegas, or crazy tight woods

  3. Boooooo for wasting a spot with jerm. Yeah won a tournament with no other real pros there. Just beating up on local players cause he can't beat the real pros. Just another Nikko.

  4. I've tried to contact them regarding sponsorship, but you may have more pull: Sawyer brand Picaradin lotion! It's great for ticks and skeeters; i lather up in the morning and i don't get bit for 14 hours. Highly recommended. Cheers.

  5. 1:57 lol, the drunk putz cheering for JErm, and his wife embarrassed like "get your belligerent beer breath out my face"
    ROFL – its the OWNER of BRP 🤣😂

  6. Imagine if you will. Rearranging the names at the bottom of the screen by lowest score. Heck or even by shot order per hole. Wouldn't that be neat?

  7. From someone who only throws forehands.. I don’t feel like I’m ever throwing a “tricky” forehand on “Obvious/easy” backhand routes.. Backhand is ALWAYS the “tricky” option.

  8. #7. Jeremy entirely meant to go left of that tree. Aim small, miss small. Such a nice flex putt. I could do the same from say… 40' out, not 140. 😛

  9. If Texas gets like 40 elite series tourneys MN should have the preserve and the majestic.

  10. BRP was the first course I played on a 4 month disc golf road trip I took in 2021…and it was the nicest course I played after 4 months and over a hundred courses (including De La Veaga, Golden Gate Park, La Mirada, etc, etc) l

  11. Fun to watch all these short, technical holes. I know they don't create as much separation as long holes w/ OB, but still entertaining.

  12. Thumbnail got Matty O looking like he could give Aderhold a run for his money in some arm wrestling lol

  13. Man I get that these companies need to make some money off these videos but there are entirely too many damn ads on this

  14. Looks like a great place for a fun round but the Pars on some of the holes seem really soft for pros. Also just some holes that makes sense me ask why? That being said looks like a great fun place to go with friends.

  15. I have never seen a tournament use more than 18 holes in a round. Didnt think that would be allowed. Pretty interesting

  16. Man, this is disc golf. Cool course with fun variety of shots. Enjoyable to watch the skills on display.

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