Golf Players

Rocket Mortgage Classic + Boots Travelers Recap

Adam and Matt recap their weekend at Travelers before breaking down an eclectic field at the Rocket.

All content –

00:00 Intro
04:00 Travy
12:00 Scottie
20:25 More Travy
31:00 Rocket keys
33:00 TK
33:45 Cam Young unserious golfer
37:50 Akshay vs Min Woo
41:00 Zal, Noren, Mitchell, McNealy
43:30 Mike Thor, Davey T
45:30 Guys in the 50s
48:00 Davis, Knapp
49:30 Random Euros of the Week
51:15 Svenny
52:00 Gotterup
52:20 Young guns
54:30 Pendy
56:00 Card strategy

[Music] all right Mt Canon we are back summer of golf the summer of malbin continues on I got to see it in the flesh this weekend up in beautiful New Haven and Cromwell Connecticut we hit the links a couple times we got to the links a couple times to see the Travy what an event we’ll spend some time breaking down what we saw with our boots on the ground on Saturday and Sunday we both had guys in the final group sparring against Scotty we got to see it up close I had Tom you had OE final threesome with Scotty how was it how did it feel to be there yeah I mean you can’t really have a better trip for for a group outing we have both of our I mean obviously we we want to be on the same guys we had some some of the same guys on our betting cards but uh both all four of us having a guy in the final group on Sunday neither of us hitting I mean it is what it is losing an out R bet but like just the fact that we got a sweat makes it a in-person event just that much more enjoyable because the crowds are tough like you know it’s hot you never really want to be there for that long on a weekend of a golf tournament it’s not like a hot take but uh having a guy in the mix makes it a lot more fun so it was a lot of fun yeah summer malbin we’re here I’m glad you let off with that and I feel like I feel like the summer of malbin is is is fate just cuz we were talking about it on the weekend and then I told you guys like they drop a malbin Coler drop like what our our good buddy ker was with us this weekend and they malbin drops a Coler collab like the the the golf Gods malbin gods are just here so it should be a a good week uh going forward both for the summer malbin and for golf going forward because we were just so close yet again it was it was a fun week all around glad we got to do it yeah that was my first time ever going to a tournament where I had somebody who was like firmly in the mix the whole time obviously Tom had the lead pretty much the entire tournament uh starting on Thursday and we will talk uh about Trav here in a second before we get into that as always like And subscribe on whatever uh format you’re watching it I know a lot of people like find us on YouTube and then they end up watching or listening going forward on like things like Spotify and Apple so if you’re on Spotify or apple toss a you know I guess a five star review on there is the equivalent of a like uh on YouTube so if you’re listening in that way we do really appreciate that just to get again pot out there in front of more people on a week like this rocket we got rocket this week we got the jdc next week these are the balln week’s jurs the people are going to be listening these are the ball noers so throw a like on there so that you’re fellow uh fans of the game and I will say we were out at uh Travy this weekend had a couple of Subs say what’s up there out at the course I really appreciate that it’s always fun to see uh people who are listening to the Pod or subscribe to the site in person as always we really appreciate everybody who uh engages with us especially on these weeks like this where uh golf not the the main story I don’t what is I guess the P’s tonight that’s that’s the uh how are you feeling about that um not as good as I was feeling last week but um we’re here like this the storyline was switched a week ago everyone was like how are the Oilers ever going to come close to beating them now it’s how are the Panthers ever going to come close beating them so it comes it es and flows we’re back in Sunrise Florida tonight so let’s let’s do it I’m I’m I’m excited is it uh what’s the line is it like 50/50 basically basically minus 110 yeah I think it’s it’s around that in most bels I’ll ride with the pce I think the P at home I’m down just avoid avoid power plays don’t don’t let if the if I said this on when we were’re watching the game on the other day that if the P’s get a power play they should just hold the puck for 2 minutes and then go from there cannot have any short handed goals tonight for the Oilers but on the golf front I like I said I had Tom in the mix you had o in the mix we had to battle Scotty we knew it was going to be a challenge we knew well let’s let’s actually start with we once again I feel like we know Scotty we were out on him yeah at the US Open we came on here last week and we said this makes way more sense for Scotty everybody’s going to say this is you know putting contest whatever Scotty can’t win Scotty can win these type of events it was also a jacket event Scotty picks up another jacket I don’t know what’s left for him to win on the jack Colonial he’s be can’t never talking about to the jackets he’s got to get Colonial the summer which is seems like a no-brainer within the next two years yeah and that will give him a full closet of all of the tournament jackets I don’t know if there’s any others oh I think no Valero you get like boots or something no maybe Valero Val you get boots and I think you get a car to or you might get a car Colonial yeah you got a car Colonial yeah you get the uh yeah I don’t think there’s boots at uh do we should go to Valero they should sponsor us there we go boots for the boots event let us know down there Valero will go straight from Valero over to Augusta it’ll be perfect um but Tom took the lead obviously on Thursday I was feeling pretty good about it uh because Tom to me is a guy who he doesn’t mix often but when he does mix he mix his hard he he’s got I don’t think there’s any question about Tom’s dog he had pretty much closed out every time that he gotten into the mix and when we were there watching Tom play it was like watching a robot like the ball was laser straight no shape nothing it was just like absolute laser beams on every single hole when Tom gets the swing grooved with the driver in the mid irons it’s I what I was like I guess the summary of this sake and this is true for a lot of the players like birdie Fest I know people are like out on them they’re not fun whatever being in person and watching a birdie Fest just watching these guys just stripe right because like we I usually we go to the tough events like we go to the majors we go to I mean we see guys eject all the time yeah but we see like and in the practice rounds obviously they’re not playing seriously so it’s kind of hard to tell like what’s going the just watching these guys stripe and like watching Tom literally be 200 yards out on a par three and you just know he’s hitting it to 15 fet because he couldn’t possibly Miss he hit every Fairway in the final round like yeah it was fun to watch and Tom specifically was fun to watch because he was just flushing so hard both yeah I mean obviously I was not that I was actively rooting against Tom Kim but I had Ox in the Mi mix so I wanted Okay is Tom gonna make a mistake and every single swing even Scotty like we know Scotty Sheffer always has one like wide swing he’ll miss a little right have that little left Miss I was waiting like is Tom going to put one in the rough Tom did not even blink every every t-shot every iron shot looked at it every t- shot picked up his tea quick I was like this guy is just so dialed and you I’m sure you saw the tweet that I did last night Tom Kim played nearly perfect golf he hit 95% of Fairways like 85% of greens did not led the field in birdies or second in the field in birdies made the least Bogies of anyone in the field if anyone has that stat line I’m not sure they lose the golf tournament and Tom Kim played as perfect as anyone had had better like statistics like that compared to Scotty and still didn’t win it’s just crazy what like how I mean obviously how good Scotty is but just how amazing Tom Kim played and yeah great call I liked him going into the week two I didn’t pull the trigger but uh it was uh so impressive and he has so much dog like that putt he made on four one either bad number or Miss Club going into four green just flew the green probably his worst iron shot of the week T tough tough chip put it to like 15 feet probably was one of the best outcomes there and this was to keep the lead to himself makes the putt stares back at the crowd gives a little sh like he has dog it was a great watch yeah I mean he definitely had dog if you can battle Scotty into a playoff and he on 18 like he did basically everything he could he loses because he misses those two three Footers like you can’t miss two three-footer at Travy first of all and expect to win and especially not to beat Scotty but even to miss two three-foot putts to like basically three putt twice from close range and still beat the rest of the field by two like Tom was outrageously dialed it was fun to watch in person he couldn’t miss every single shot was pretty much perfect his swing I think is one of the most underrated swings on the whole tour like from it purely when it’s dialed how could it possibly go wrong perspective these turn he he won Shriners without making a bogey like once he gets it going he kind of just it’s so robotic he just takes the club back gets it set and then he just turns through it’s hard to miss that’s why it was disappointing I think he got it up and down on four that was great but in the playoff there were a couple times and we were there I don’t know if they were talking about it on TV or not like it was a lot windier out there than I maybe it would have looked on TV like every you had to factor the win in on every shop because at the end of the day you were trying to stuff it to 10 feet on every hole so it was like it wasn’t just let’s play to the middle of the green it was like how do we throw a dart no matter where we are here and there was a couple times where like Tom was so dialed if you gave him the right Club in the right number he was going to hit it to 10 to 15 feet every single time so it’s disappointing in the playoff to miss the green and plug it in the bunker with a bad Club when it’s like guys just give Tom the right club and he’s gonna hit a good shot every single time so that was for me the disappointment of the playoff of just making a tactical mistake when the SW he couldn’t miss with the swing you know so it’s just like make the right decisions and it seemed like on the in the playoff hole once they move the pin uh to the different spot they were in between clubs uh based off with the win cuz they him and I was watching on TV they were they had the caddy mik conversation they were like yeah this is a 68 but you are you going to give me a few extra and he was like yeah I I got it and either it was a slight Mish hit or the wind held held up a little bit he just like tried to go after it and came out of it a little bit is somebody myself myself who did that repeatedly as we were golfing I know that’s the my when you try to like smack it you just come out a little bit because it yeah it had the distance to the flag but he pushed it right and then right it needed to carry even further to get over that bunker but good effort from Tom I’m completely pleased with what I can’t like I can’t complain he should have made the two three foot putts I take I take blame for the one he missed on Saturday because BK walked away before he hit the putt he missed and then on eight yesterday we were getting ready to walk away and I said no let’s wait I walk over I have a clear view of Tom’s four-footer or three and a half footer doesn’t touch the hole but he every time he battled back like he could have given up in bothar he F back he played well uh it was fun to watch him and overall I think you’d agree with this Travy for watching even a final group like I was worried we weren’t going to be able to see much because it was a Scotty Tom oxy that’s a good final group great viewing experience I feel like we got to see every shot from pretty close and some of the putts like you weren’t quite close enough to see the hole but you kind of get a sense of where it was going to go Travy for watching a final round with a guy in the mix is excellent yeah it’s a it’s great for watching but also no matter I mean no matter what tournament you go to you have to know how to watch you have to know when to get ahead when to hold back it but overall it’s one of the better reviewing experiences as I think I mean I’ve only been to a handful of them probably three or four but the TPC designs are good for watching golf tournaments they are somewhat made for it so yeah Travy is always a good time no matter what the what the field is what the tournament is I want them to De Elevate Travy I did tweet that yesterday yeah give us a full field of Travy I mean clearly everybody can mix at Travy doesn’t matter what style of player you are so the more players the more fun all right let’s talk about Scotty he’s so good that like we don’t even start talking about him even though he tournament because it’s just like oh well Scotty want let’s talk about the other guys it’s like we talked about him last week saying he plays these tournaments like a positional player even though he can also go and play harder courses obviously and play the bomber courses he hits he’s third in the field and driving accuracy he hits 84% of the fairways plays it back off the te is only 36 then just him and Tom’s stats are identical this week like per round Scotty off the T 1.04 Tom 1.02 approach Scotty 1.0 Tom 1.21 around the greens point4 for Scotty point4 for Tom 6 putting for scotty. five for Tom like Tom is a positional guy his game’s not going to work necessarily on every course it’s going to be amazing at courses like these where he can just get into an iron play contest from the Fairway with everybody Scotty’s ability to he’s just he he can play like a positional player basically even though his game is good at everything this year some of his best success winning sass winning here and winning at Harbor Town those are all positional courses where like great ta to Green players or great ball Strikers aren’t necessarily the guys who win at those courses it’s guys who kind of plot around they can’t play at every course Scotty’s ability this year to translate his game into these positional tests to me has been kind of surprising and I think that’s why he’s won the RBC in Travelers which wouldn’t necessarily be tournaments that you would like in the beginning of the year said these are Scotty events yeah this is one of the more well-rounded Scotty winning profiles I could I can remember uh just like a cross the board nothing overwhelmingly better than something else uh so yeah it was so impressive I wonder how many drivers he hit over 72 holes cuz he was definitely hitting Freewood a lot up to see he knew he knew what he had to do uh hit Fairways and hit greens I wonder with I want to go back and I want to see how my take held up of like just if you sort by total driving on the PJ tour how that compares to the final leaderboard I think there’s a a decent amount of them just looking at it whereas like Scotty tone OE wendam Cameron young maybe JT Patrick Klay just total drivers did well whether that’s either driving the ball far or clubbing down so I think that take was all right obviously Tom was in the mix he doesn’t really fit that mold but over overwhelmingly I think this might have been the most amount of total drivers in the top 10 at Travelers than that we’ve seen over the last like in traveler history and I said that was because of the the field that were we were given so um yeah and Scotty’s obviously one of them um so yeah for the first time ever at Travi as far as I can tell it was the top three players T green finished top three in the tournament so for like for being a birdie Fest and they said they made the changes to make the course harder which obviously the course didn’t play harder and I think obviously some of the rain made it play easier as well but usually the winner of Travy is like fifth to 10th Tia green because you have to make so many putts yeah no the top three all top three TD green and none of the top three gained more than 2.2 Strokes putting so like Travelers played as a reasonable T to green like the best T to Green players for the week elevated themselves on the leaderboard and I think like the scoring to me doesn’t matter as much as how the scoring like gets created and so which yeah which won’t be the case for Fest no like no one better than T5 gained the the first person who gained a [ __ ] ton putting was OE like everybody crazy everybody else just kind of did it to to Green so shout out to Travy for playing a fair test that allows like it’s a short course but if if it’s going to be a tto green battle pretty much anybody can play good at Travy and I think that’s fun and what do we make of this Scotty win I have the take that it’s bad for his career because you can’t play Bad at the PGA and we all know what happened there but either way the majors are what matters didn’t play good with PGA then he goes Memorial win US Open never in the mix almost missed the cut Travy win obviously we gave takes that we it makes sense to us like why that happened based on the course fits and things like that but was this bad for Scotty’s career because of the fact that the last couple of Majors haven’t been impressive and now he bookended a poor Major Performance with a win at the Travy what are your thoughts on if it was good or bad or neutral for his career I don’t think it’s bad for his career at all which I I’m I I will definitely give my take when a win is bad for your career as you know uh but I do not think this is bad for his career I think it’s going on as predicted as expected if those major venues were at different courses who knows we might have said they Scotty’s winning Scotty’s tfing which we both were firmly in the belief that Scotty is not going to play well this week we’re firmly in the belief that Scotty would play well at Travelers he’s playing well on the courses that we think makes sense for him if those pgaas and US opens were at different venues this year like they would at the last few years I think Scotty could have won one of those so Scotty’s going on as planned he’s trying to chase history keep winning I want Scotty I want him to play in like one of these [ __ ] events just to like get a record at this point just do it my problem is I need to see it in the majors like obviously won the Masters this year but for this to be a historic like record-breaking what a season for Scotty yeah him all these Signature Events is sick like I’m not taking anything away from Scotty I think it’s obviously impressive but I need if I need a full mix potential win at the open which I don’t think what’s your like what’s your like parameter for like what do he has to do with the open like needs second last group plus mix on the back nine plus 375 Round three leader yeah he needs to be below plus 500 entering the final round for me to be happy with his performance at the open because I just need to see it like winning every limited field signature event against the same players it’s literally the same Fields over and over again so what has Scotty done he’s beaten the same players over and over again like yes that’s sick and it proves he’s so much better than these other guys but now we’ve got Bryson winning a major we beaten him twice in three tournaments that they play like yes amazing season almost beat him three times almost was three for three yeah he up the master so yeah like I’m taking anything away from Scotty but I’m saying for me to look back on this season as like this was the unbelievable tiger level season no I need see it because tiger [ __ ] in the majors when in the years when he was winning all the events too you won Augusta you always WN Augusta Scotty give me something at the open I need to see it for me to plant my flag that this is one of the like top five you know seasons ever but yeah we got some we amazing that and and I don’t think he’s gonna play Genesis so we’ll see him also does he need the FedEx Cup to uh like because now the pressure going people are saying I don’t think he’s gonna win it you you don’t think he’s he hasn’t won he hasn’t won it before right he’s never closed the door in the FedEx Cup is that a red flag on his career lock of fed never closed to door in the FedEx Cup yeah and we know we all know how important that is to like the PJ tour policy board guys so uh yeah I don’t think he’s gonna win he’s only got that two-stroke lead I don’t love Scotty with a lead for four straight days um yeah it’s gonna be and especially if it’s like Xander and Roy are right behind him because Xander and Roy [ __ ] East Lake the East Lake merchants yeah all right so good for Scotty but we’ve got some questions that we’ll need to have answered before the end of the season we need to see at the open and we need to see it in the crucial FedEx Cup because it was beautiful when we were there at the corers they kept popping up the standings of the FedEx Cup and to see Scotty with his leading the FedEx Cup growing that lead in the flesh I mean that’s that’s why I watch golf is to see who’s oh yeah I think he’s got where were you when Xander won Travelers and got to seventh in the feds Cup in where were you when Scotty clinched the Comcast business top 10 with like weeks to go in the season because it’s been one of the most I will say take the majors out of it take the FedEx cup out of it from a Comcast business top 10 perspective this has been one of the the greatest Seasons that you could ever possibly imagine yeah as an avid a as an avid infinity and Comcast user both in Florida and in New Jersey it’s definitely huge for like my beliefs yeah that’s been great to see uh hokei we saw hogi slinging R we saw hogi on the Range Saturday morning he wasn’t really close to the lead he was pretty far back he was going after it with the driver he was picking up some swing speed some people are saying that hogi is going after some distance with what my eyes told me was this man is trying to add some distance he then played the weekend 12 under after we saw him on the rain shout out to Tom hogi it was the first time this year we’ve talked about this where it was a hogi course it made all the sense in the world for hogi the models were popping like it all sounded good but he never played good at Travy hogi finally gets it done uh with a tth through at Travy so good for hogi Su shout out to Willie uh Wily’s mint cash new Signature Events Willie is buying new cars a new house like sunj is delivering Willie the the back door top fives that he needs to fund a lavish lifestyle yeah look out uh Public public tea times in the next few few weeks because they are going to be coming in the local area where Willie Wilcox is uh I just I did want to talk about o briefly we mentioned his putting and I talked to you about this yesterday because we kind of split up cuz we had we were battling we didn’t you know want to be final g a weekend of for us it was it was we split people if for wondering we had two matches the match on Friday was BK and I versus Jers and his friend kler we had never seen ker golf so we G and it was made out to that he was a terrible golfer so we gave six shots to him we lost the match he played really good so then we reted it Sunday morning uh no strokes and uh BK and I came through in the match so split over the weekend in the matches we’ll uh we’ll see if there’s more battles the rest of the summer but want to talk about ox’s putting because I was like we go to the practice rounds we go to all these like a reasonable amount of events you see a lot of shots like you start to be able to kind of calibrate like yeah all these guys are really [ __ ] good but like how can you tell the difference in certain areas of like this guy’s really good at that thing or this guy’s really good at this thing or it sounds different when he hits it or you know whatever the way the ball rolls off of ox’s putter is amazing like yeah it doesn’t i’ never like watching the like broomstick Putters guys Putt in person it always looks so weird the ball comes out as pure of a roll off of his putter as any guy that I saw the whole weekend yeah honestly like this is a crazy thing to this is like a true inside baseball balln knower thing to say like I put put him next to Xander in lag putting like they were tremendous Pace like it was just like no matter 50 feet 30 feet 100 feet they were within tapping nearly every single time and he was obviously Puck great played great all week so yeah I’d never seen OA putt specifically in person like that and it was really good to see obviously those are really good pure surfaces um just allaround good player I’m not upset with his performance he was there a few Miss opportunities on the back nine uh not getting it he had he had a look on 12 from 13 feet after the whole group already puted out to take the solo lead just missed that and on on 13 TK and Scotty had looks for Eagle AE had a fine shot to get up and down could have they all could have birdied bunker shot run out a little bit too far didn’t get it so then I think he was pressing a little bit on 14 had that left Miss hit the trees obviously got lucky made par but then from there just just the swing wasn’t in Rhythm didn’t look good I think that thir 12 13 Circuit gas off Scotty Tom and oxy were kind of all one guy would go one shot ahead and then they tie and they behind like it was all pretty evil equal until they got to 13 and both Scotty and Tom hit dope long or Woods or irons into the greens Scott hit the better one but Tom hit it to 25 feet gave himself an easy two put and then s 14 obviously was 14 but 15 also Tom and Scotty bolov right in the middle of the green and then the down yeah those long iron wood shots on 13 and 15 to me were like the watching it in person those were the things that kind of differentiated Tom and Scott when everything else was pretty much identical between them and I think Ox was putting the best out of those and they were like literally like fractions off like A’s wood into 13 was four yards right it wasn’t it was a fine shot and then his his shot on 15 hit it landed on the green just was too far hit it too hard and I think that’s the cool thing about getting to watch the final group and like caring about it in person is like you can see how fine the lines are oh yeah there was a couple shots over 18 holes that allowed Scotty to to win like on 14 the both Tom and Scotty had flip wedges in on 14 and Scotty hit his to tap in and Tom hit his to 12 feet like you just see a course like that the L it’s such a narrow margin and that’s what makes Scotty winning actually kind of more impressive is that like even in these tournaments where the margins are so narrow he keeps finding his way through but I think like watching him the full day like you can’t see it on TV obviously watching him walk and just like patrolling around yeah he just looks like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] about the tournament like it genuinely seemed like Scotty didn’t care at all he’s just like he he couldn’t possibly have cared that I thought he was going to let Tom win honestly he might trying to let Tom win like I don’t know cuz he didn’t look like he cared Tom people I saw some Tak saying that like Tom talking to Scotty wasn’t taking it seriously I will say no one would have been quicker to like be upset with Tom’s you know mental focus than me when you have a ticket on him like you want the best Tom was like Talking Tom clearly like adores Scotty as like he clearly looks like the whole time it was Tom talking to Scotty not Scotty talking to Tom like Tom would just go up to him and talk to him and just got his credit he kind of just like went along with it like big brother little brother type of thing Tom was trying his [ __ ] best and was like focused in on all the shots between shots they were joking laughing around but I thought Tom was totally in trying is doing everything that he possibly could even when he missed those short putts it wasn’t like he just walked up there and tapped it like he he just didn’t feel com he kept stepping off the short putt so did want to give that take that I thought uh the Tom and Scotty like the fact that uh the preparation I agree was like Tom was just like so dialed he wasn’t like like not focused talking to Scotty and it really put it into perspective on 18 or in the playoff when they went to do the final hole Tom went and surveyed the whole with with and like so Scotty was like they were like yeah we’re moving the hole Scott like all right and got in the car like walked right back didn’t even look at it Scot like peed it out of the corner of his eye and kept walking and then Tom was like up there like getting it all yeah and the fact that you and you and Brian uh were I’m not sure if you guys heard you guys said this or I heard it with Coler uh but they I think it was might have been you guys they were like uh who are you rooting for to Scotty’s dad and he was like yeah uh it I’m not sure it’d be like nice to see uh Tom win and then after the after the tournament when they showed Meredith they were like we didn’t know who to root for it was between you and Scotty like Scotty might have been let trying to let Tom win and then he just was not good yeah BK and I spent a reasonable amount of time with h Scotty’s dad because he was following the group too and especially on Saturday and like there was a reasonable amount of people not that many and I BK said missed the green cuz we were like catching up and I didn’t really say anything and then somebody shouted out from behind like did he get it up and down and we were like oh we don’t know yet and then it turned out to we were like BK recognizes as Scotty’s dad I don’t think I would have recognized him and then he was we were like who are you rooting for he’s like that big guy from Dallas but also Tom and then we’re like we we asked him we’re like do you think he’ll let Tom win and he was like honestly I don’t know who knows with those guys like they might do something crazy so like it’s possible that like like Scotty was in a way trying to let Tom win I wish he would have let Tom win I’ll take a winner fair or not like doesn’t matter to me but yeah I thought the vibe between Scotty and Tom was cool and uh you know battling for four million bucks with your with one of your good friends down the stretch of a golf tournament sounds like a pretty good way to live like what we did over the weekend uh the last thing I wanted to say about Travy I tweeted about this I witnessed potentially my number one all-time greatest shot coming into to Travy was Scotty on six at Oak Hill in the practice rounds that has been my number one greatest shot I’ve ever seen Xander hit a three-wood into six yesterday that I will think about for the rest of my life because I’ve been of the take now for a while that watching guys hit three Woods in person is one of the most impressive things of all of the things that you can watch like going boots on the ground because to me three Woods have always been like one of the hardest clubs they hit him so high and so far and they land so soft it doesn’t make any sense how they do it he’s 285 out into the wind like the wind was blowing 10ish miles was strong it was yeah most other players were laying up or like couldn’t even get to the green or were like ripping woods and still having like 50 yard pitches perspective cam young longer one of the longest hitter hit driver from this spot yeah driver off deck Xander I’m like just turning and I was because I wasn’t watching Xander like I didn’t care we were moving from watching Tom to the next hole I see him flush he hits it in the sound and he like the way he swings too is just so smooth and so effort we were talking about this yesterday like watching Xander swing in person might be the most impressive like swinger of anybody to watch because it doesn’t look like he’s swinging hard but then the ball comes off like a Canon this three-wood was in the air I don’t know how long it felt like 10 seconds Xander like hit it looked at it and then like sheathed the club and like started walking after it this ball to the Moon from 28 in the air for a light like a punt basically like a great punter like just up there it comes you could you can’t even you can barely see the pin it’s the green is so far away like it looks like such a small Target and you just see the ball plop down like 25t bounces forward once ends up 20 feet I it was unbelievable it was you saw from behind I saw from the from the side and I was like did he just hit that like to 20 ft it was yeah unbelievable shot Xander is truly one of the I love Xander I really do and it was so it was impressive to watch what happened to him because after he hit that shot I was like it’s up yeah State of the Union like he shot even par I believe he after making bogey from 115 yards on seven which I was scared I was like Xander just almost made Eagle he’s got 100 yards on The Fairway on seven little flip wedge and then he ended up making a a five uh kind of dodged a bullet there just not having I mean though it didn’t matter having Xander like firmly in the mix but yeah just he didn’t have it I guess after that shot I’m going to save I’ve got cam young young takes but I’m going to save those as we go to Rocket right now because he’s in the field at the rocket mortgage classic jur uh you got to make birdies at the Rock and mortgage classic I don’t know how much like I I think you could come up with takes about what like Strokes gain categories matter I think definitely you can have a distance Advantage here sure you could Spike putt we’ve seen a lot of good ball Strikers play here even though it’s a I don’t think it’s a putting contest by any stretch of the imagination like the winners here T to Green rank like let me give those because I always for me to decide if it’s a putting contest or not I look at the T green numbers first and say like you know how did that translate the winners of the rocket mortgage there’s been five rocket mortgage Classics we’ve had different types of winners we’ve had bombers with Bryson and CD and feno uh Ricky obviously it’sit it pretty far we also had Nate Lashley win no one is ranked worse than fourth Tia green on the week to win the Rocket mortgage classic so like you got to strike your ball pretty good play good T green everybody scrambles good I think it’s on the par fives getting it up down is where those like around the Green stats nobody’s been worse than three Strokes around the greens uh it’s a medium amount of putts you got to make Bryson and L made about putts but at the end of the day you take out The Strokes gain stats you just go look at the other stats the birdie are better from the Fairway birdie are better par five like those are more meaningful I waited those a [ __ ] ton in the model I usually wait Strokes gained more than like the other stats I waited those almost more because like that’s the thing that remains true of all these guys I don’t care how you do it you need to be a guy get in yeah I totally agree uh my key stat obviously more than anything not a hot take driving distance don’t be scared to send it this is one of the few courses you can be a little bit loose and and and still get it in the hole um so yeah driving distance and then 30 or better percentage get out with the putter too I think is important but not as important as you may be as we may be thinking after what you just said so uh overwhelmingly like fairly similar takes I think we have on this golf course and this type of style of golf so yeah I guess you can lead us off with Cam young is he the favorite is he the actually favorite no Tom’s fa which I think is fair like Tom’s deserving as favorite with his like wi equity and how he played last week I don’t think you can bet a 12 to1 Tom Kim I mean he was literally just like 55 60 who knows field where mainly bombers win so yeah I agree and he I mean I think Tom will if Tom plays like it’s insane playing well enough to like have such a high ceiling like T T8 yeah and I mean we’ve seen at this event the last two years a couple of the like bigname favorites won the tournament at like right re ly bad prices so I don’t think 12 to1 which is the price I’m seeing on I’m looking at FanDuel for these odds uh right now I don’t think 12 to one on Tom’s a terrible bet because he could from a skill perspective and how he’s playing he the floor of him here is is very high but yeah cam young 14 to1 cam young shoots 59 cam young then makes four birdies in a row to start the final round and then cam young realized that this wasn’t just uh out there for fun let’s see how many birdies we make this was a golf tournament that somebody was going to win and once he realized that he completely ejected from the tournament you were on him he’s your guy before we talk about him here at Rocket mortgage to me I actually I I won’t fully go that Scotty’s win was bad for his career I will say cam Young’s 59 and then four birdies in a row and then ejecting from the tournament actually was bad for his career in my opinion it didn’t make me any more high on him as a player it actually proved to me what I already thought about him as a player an unserious golfer what was your take on the performance from yeah super unserious like a it’s like a 59 out on the on a Saturday morning with your boys not in the not not not any contention and then he he keeps it going he firmly gets into the mix with 15 holes of golfs left like you’re tired for the lead on Sunday I know the leaders are a little bit behind you but yeah he could if he birdied the part five if he birdied six he would have been on the same score that Tom and Scotty ended up leaving six at like he was in the lead firmly in the mix like like and then so he had on six hit a a beautiful driver off the deck he didn’t even a cut in that right Fairway cut wasn’t even in the rough hits an awesome pitch to four feet and I’m like we’re about to take the lead and I as a cam young backer at 100 to one suei I thought it was a fine number for the the talent that cam young is we won’t be filing any loss hits for that that that’s a reasonable it’ be different if if it was like whatever his number is this week uh so yeah he was I’m like all right cam young like we’re doing this like we might have a sweat I’m going have to go watch cam young for a few holes he as soon as he missed that four-footer on six it wasn’t like a I wasn’t even mad it was more of like a relief like okay this is over I could just focus on focus on my guy focus on like stay with Adam and Brian watch TK and oay we’re good like it’s it’s cam young do your thing so yeah he does that and then he makes another uh Birdie on nine Bogie’s 10 and then or flip that around one of those two things and then he gets to 12 makes a double somehow somehow makes a double on 12 and just a fully ejection after he he misses that four-footer uh yeah super unserious golfer and now I I think that weekend round boosted his uh odds by 50% or 100% I think they’d be double if they were um if you just played normal over the weekend so so you’re you’re out on the 14 to one yeah yeah for sure and I know he has a runner up here in his only his only trip like on paper yeah a lot of courses make sense for cam young but why would it’s not like he’s in blazing form he he had a good start to the season in terms of sho’s gain in formed and he’s been objectively bad the last month or two of the Season had a one good weekend and I don’t think we should buy him at a at this price like Ricky was playing insane All Season like he was all season long Elite Form it wasn’t even like this recent run of Tom that like we’re getting Ricky was insane all season and one I mean Tom I think is a is what whatever Tom and Cam I don’t think they’re Elite level form to have that another favorite win because Bryson won at like a plus 800 tone a very short number and Ricky at 14 to1 I don’t think we’re GNA get another one of those this year yeah I mean Tom is first in the model this week because he has been playing good and his stats check out cam young is 17th in the model because like the model takes longer time frame than just how did you play you know last week so I don’t think the price on Camy young makes any sense at all uh I will definitely not be in on that I don’t think I I I mean I won’t be in on Tom I’m not betting anybody below like 20 to1 this week for sure I almost never do but uh those are the two guys if you had to do a head to-head who do you think finishes higher take the odds out of it between Tom and C why where would you be going wow that’s a that’s a good question I I’ll say Tom I’ll say Tom yeah I like Tom if I mean if he’s gonna show up and play for a 10th week in a row uh he probably wants to win I don’t know uh the 20s are there’s two guys in the 20s they’re both 20 to1 on FanDuel and then we it jumps right to the 30s uh and they’re two young guns they’re two guys we talk about a lot the one of them we were just talking about o is 20 to1 minwoo leers this is not a lyx course uh as we know but I have never seen minwoo so high in a model that I’ve ever made because usually his stats suck and it’s magic that allows him to to play good he’s fourth in the model this week oxe is sixth uh who do you like better between OE and minwoo this week and can minwu win even though this isn’t a links course I do I think I like I think I like both of them more than the other two just as a whole and the splitting hairs between the two I think I might like minu a little bit more just purely like I I can see the driver putter working this week him just absolutely sending it and then finding birdies and honestly the approach play has been hasn’t been good but it’s been spotty which is good for him like he’s had good weeks he’s had bad weeks which is like good for minwu um we’re going to I know I’ve made this connect before but like these green surfaces from travelers to Detroit are like very similar not uh slope wise but grass type and if oxay can keep that that rolling up I don’t love oxay in pure birdie Fest truly but um if he can just keep that putter up he definitely has the distance off the te like the iron play is it’s not in the in the best spot right now but we know what his ceiling is with the irons he can gain seven in any week and no one will be surprised but I wish he had that better iron player last week CU he was either flagging it or not hitting a good shot there was not really a difference when his with his iron player last week so I don’t know this is a really tough one we we’ve seen guys play really good in rocket then play really good the next week just like keeping that form minwu hasn’t played in a while probably just based off of that I’ll go ache but I I do like minwu as well the closer I look at it I don’t know if I love either of them just because they’ve been gaining so much off the tea and like you look at Rocket last year and even a guy like ludvig who obviously Stripes it like he led the field off the T he gained uh 5.2 which is obviously a solid number off the T but like it is pretty hard to gain off the T here like you can do it with if you yeah if you’re just nuking it like that’s great and you can gain a reasonable amount but like I still need some iron play and both menu and ox have been a little sh I mean we know what minu is I agree that he’s been hitting it a little bit better with the irons than he has recently uh he has been putting better I think like again this field is so bad these these guys are steady players both minu and O I think it’s fair for them to be 20 to one but from an outright perspective when I need like when I’m going to look a little bit more iron play and putting neither of those guys right now in their current form like jump out to me from those perspectives uh we get to the 30s I’ve got four guys at 30 to one Z which 3 to1 that is surprising uh noren MAF mcne and Keith Mitchell they’re all 30 to one who’s your who’s your favorite there and maybe who’s your least favorite there that’s just a fun it’s just crazy how unserious that range is and I it’s so unserious that like I think one of them will play well and like maybe mix like it finish T5 I mean we saw good things from zal like on Thursday the fact that he finished where he finished is so funny but like it was I’m happy to see like I never want Zen a birdie Fest I’m happy he had a good round on Thursday like he’s done the same thing at AMX before like had one really good round and got a a decent finish um Keith Mitchell’s stats are the best out of this range like Keith Mitchell stats are insane but he’s the fact that he’s priced 30 to one every week doesn’t really make any sense like ever because he’s won what one time his entire and I tend to prefer him in a little bit more difficult conditions if I had to pick a spot for um norin he’s the the recent the really good results have kind of worn out of of the LA over the last three starts but I will say like those were on in really tough field so maybe he can get back on his horse and he’s just a grinder who’ll be there for 72 holes um just by that that I would probably say norin maybe finishes the highest Matt McNeely he’s definitely the driver putter guy and he’s kind of striping his irons like the best he’s has in his career or one of the best he’s have in his career h maybe MAV then maybe MAV could be the guy I like him I’ve always said I I’ve always said my MAV is gonna get his first win in a [ __ ] field at sub 50 to one at a bad number uh if I’m just going back to circling back to Old takes that could that could work uh I don’t really love this price maybe I i’ go with MAV yeah I’ll agree that I think of those I’d pick MAV I will not be betting him at 30 to1 though I can I can assure you of that I can see myself getting there I don’t think I think I put MAV in one of the least amount of dogs on the entire PGA T like he doesn’t mix often but every time he’ll be up there I’m sure he takes the lead at some point this week or his name is like they show the big leaderboard he’s like T6 I don’t trust MAV I had him at the fortnet this is long ago because he never mixes but he used to mix and the dude legitimately cold chunked an iron off of the te on a like layup par for to lose the tournament so uh yeah I have MCN in my no dog list for sure but I do think he plays well in his his incoming form makes sense there’s a lot of guys in this tournament and instead of going let’s give me some names just like who are you looking at and I maybe I’ll start because I’m just scrolling through looking at the like the 40s 50s range here first of all Thor boron’s 50 to1 that’s insane uh genuinely insane good player but wow 50 to one I I really I’m I’m excited to watch him this week because we’ve see these young studs come out and not even win just like play better than we think quick and he got off to like a he played fine at a signature event I’m interested to see how he plays this week because like just come out of nowhere just bomb the hell out of it I want to see his driving distance numbers because they were like leading the field on Thursday of Travelers excited for him but um Davis Thompson I like him a lot this week thoughts 40 on Davy T I like him I also don’t think he has dog for some reason DAV T like his performance at the US Open actually was surpris what he finished at the us because ninth best around the green performance of his career I think was crazy impr at Pine he can’t really putt which would concern me I could see DAV T being first round leader I could see he’s been first round leader before I could see him playing a round or two good I think that’s the thing this week there’s going to be guys who I don’t like necessarily like outright to bet that are going to have one or two Spike rounds but I need a guy who can get to 25 under by shooting six seven under every single day by being steady across the board not like a guy who just can only Spike you know for one round and then kind of just I need a guy who’s kind of steady across the board and davt I think makes sense from that I like him he’s been playing good golf of late like he’s yeah he’s a Sol player like three top 20s in his last since since May runner up in Myrtle which I think is actually a good comp I’m looking at Myrtle and fortnet as as comps guys that who send it off the tea and make birdies um yeah I don’t dislike him but it’s hard 40 to1 is a tough number for me on DAV t uh in the 50s there’s some guys that I I think this is I like these are the first names that actually start to interest me are like the 50 to 55 range guys uh EVR give me EVR making birdies any day of the week and we know he’s got dog and can win uh Ryan Fox this is a fox fox course for sure if Fox can’t play good here I don’t know Fox like I I’m I’m not I never will commit 100% to a bet on the Pod because I need to do my process before making a commitment but I’d be surprised to 55 to one Fox uh isn’t on the card this week also all of our guys are 55 to1 this week because Nico is also 55 to1 and so is Nick dun yeah Fox yeah yeah just that might be my card right there 55 to one fox Nico Nick dun who who of those is your would you be least surprised if they won out of those group like who do you think’s most lik least surp least Fox Nico Nick dun um I would say uh Fox he’s been playing probably better and he’s we say no Nuance but it is Donnie Ross might be a little bit of nuance on these greens yeah you got every Winner’s gained at least three around dude fox has been struggling around the greens too that’s concerning the the the Nuance is real and did you see my little interaction with Andrew Novak last night I did not but I saw you tweeted about him did he respond I tweeted about him he responded and he said uh please just don’t look at my putting stats so I I did look at his putting stats um and then I and then from there I was like okay is this just a onetime thing or at a Donnie Ross thing his two worst putting weeks are minus8 at Rocket and minus 7 at Windam so I was like all right the Nuance is real like he just is in his head and as as Donnie Ross guys like we are we know how it is like it’s not a joke so we don’t we’re not [ __ ] on Andrew Novak our guy yeah some guys have it or you don’t if you’re not a putter who plays a lot of break and dies it in the hole if you’re a guy list I like to putt a little more aggressive I like to you know if it’s two cups out on the left I’ll go one cup out on the left and hit it with a little Pace that’s not going to work on Donnie Ross because the second you get it’s the second the ball gets below the if you’re below your line you’re missing see you and it’s gonna roll out an extra six feet yeah and if you if you somehow miss the center of your your C if you hit it dead out of the toe or the heel you are dead you are gone it’s you got to hit your putts well maybe a maybe a will have a real leg up on these greens because he uh he hits it at he rolls it he rolls it that’s a fun range that 55 range I think we could bet them all uh Cam Davis is 80 to1 Jers not playing great golf but like you play Cam Davis in his spots and Cam Davis if he was in form in this event would be like 18 to one yeah no no I I I 100% he’s playing horrible but he yeah but I I I might be down uh Rio where nap is uh nap is 120 to one that doesn’t make any sense card if you play well in Mexico you can play well here him and both Sammy valaki I think are fine plays um just Bomb It Off the tea and make birdies you do not need any form to to play well on these courses or in Mexico and valaki had his best ball striking week in his last start since Mexico so he showed something Jake knpp has been playing awful golf but I think they were in like literally major Memorial Signature Events fine he’s got 125 to one he was what 90 to1 at the Byron where in like no form I’m down I I hope he’s not popular like again because I can see him I think I think he will be I don’t like like I think like I was on him at Byron when he was 100 he wasn’t popular that week I think people I think people are going to do the Byron uh connection and be like oh he’s 100 there and he played good and and I I hope he’s I hope he’s not because I can see myself getting there uh second oh Matty walls is 65 to1 how did Matt mdy play at the KLM comfy T14 back-to-back weeks gaining six ball striking again another guy who mixed at Mexico in Mexico he was the 36o leader so yeah I’m down for some Matty walls and he’s playing good golf right now random year of the week and I’m going to include argentinians if you do want to go the toasty route uhand of the week plus argentinians are also allowed what are you looking at there yeah why not just do it toasty there’s how many courses are there that you can say Alejandro go hit your driver as far as you want to with zero remark where it goes that is he does that he does that at he would do that at sahali he he doesn’t care he would do that so toasty this course allows him to do that I’m down with what is his number uh toasty is 110 to one yeah I’m down let’s do it he almost wanted a course where you can somewhat do that in Houston let’s let’s let’s do it and get scorching hat with the putter that’s all you have to do just heat up with the Putter and that’s his route he’s not going to hit many iron super close but he’ll have he’ll have wedges and he can hit those close here and there and get hot with the putter he needs to have a good week because both and not both all three of Ortiz Neiman and Muno is finished inside the top eight I believe on on Liv Meo is just lost that fourth spot on tqu is it’s gonna be open it’s gonna be open agree so I think yeah a win from Toy could get him there he’s under consideration for sure for that last spot on torque svenson’s 90 to1 if we’re riding guys who played good at Travi I’d rather ride svenny than cam Young from a price perspective like what yeah he’s gained T green like Infinity starts in a row and he finally gained putting at Travy yeah like I’m down and and what’s his number 90 but we might be able to get Triple digits on fenny somewhere yeah and if like obviously we’re going to prefer the guys who have that plus distance off the te but there will be some guys that just have a really good approach weeks who can mix and Fen that guy is not going to hit it 370 like but he will play good golf and he’s having a really good season like in terms of just consistency being good golf and he gained putting here last year which I like oh yeah that’s awesome and he gained putting at Travelers I assume yep like you just said yeah why not funny uh of these bombers sh or uh gup who do you like um gup is somewhat unserious but Myrtle comp and just this is there’s three courses I like gup on gup there’s a lot of random Young Guns in the field this week we’ve got we’ve got Neil ship we’ve got Jackson Ken we’ve got Luke CL uh who of there was there’s others like Michael Miles Russ lot young yeah Benny James the the Rocket’s gone out and acquired some young Talent this week for the rocket mortgage we we appreciate that no one appreciates it more than us i’ I’d like a few more DP World Tour guys maybe coming over to really make it the world rounded field that you and I like but of the Young Guns who do we need to have our eyes out on this week do you know like sh Omar’s not in this field if Omar Morales would be a T20 lock at like 40 to1 e um yeah in that in that group we just talked about I kind of like Luke Clinton he has one start and he gains six ball striking at Pinehurst he’s a sophomore in college uh Neil ship’s obviously a stud but he’ll get like a lot of love um I don’t we don’t really know too much about Neil ship’s game yet but I both courses that he played well on are courses that you probably had to hit driver far meting the Masters and Pinehurst this is one that you have to do here so no ship can maybe [ __ ] here we’re not too familiar with his game yet at least I’m not um but I like what I saw from Clinton and I wrote him up at Pinehurst I like Pinehurst Ben James also is a stud from Virginia but my my my pick in that range is going to be uh uh Clan a guy that I’ve been high on always at the rocket mortgage this is only a semi-serious take he he was higher in the model than than I anticipated I talked about him this week when we were in the car Harry Hall you play Harry Hall when you need to make putts and nothing else d Potter yeah like you can hit it kind of wherever you want Harry Hall was t42 at the RBC Canadian open that’s in form for Harry Hall making any cut is a success for Harry I like the Charles Schwab comp this week and uh give me Harry Hall to be a random long shot of the week who uh who else deep down the board do you have your eyes on from a long shot perspective um Sam Stevens playing good golf I kind of like Sam Stevens I Al I wanted to ask you what is pendri odds uh I expect be popular yeah pendy is 40 That’s a honestly a good number on on a winner and honestly he makes more sense than everyone like he’s I think six on tour in driving distance he’s played well here before he’s got and he’s playing fine Golf and he’s the irons have been spotty but better than they’ve been in like a longterm is good with his wedges like I like pendy when he’s like he gained at I mean yeah pendy at 40 40 to1 pendy is crazy yeah I don’t know why I skipped over him but yeah from starting a card starting a I was on pendy last week we played fine he’s played great here before yeah 40 pendy that might be ST card he the fact that he wasn’t 40 at Byron like why was he a what the number he was like he could have easily been that I will say you said Sam Stevens there’s never good odds on Sam Stevens he’s 70 to one that’s really yeah I didn’t know that sorry I I like that he he finished runner up in his hometown corn Ferry event and he’s hit the ball well there in his last start so Sam went down and played the kft just home he’s he’s from Witcher he’s like let let me just win this and he finish runner up so I think it was just like a Vibes to play that’s dog I respect that going down yeah he didn’t have to do that uh yeah there’s get over to the site this week we’re I assume you’re going to be slinging some long shots this week on the card like what what’s your plan on the card are you going to be going like what’s the the strategy you’re thinking for sure yeah I don’t I can see myself getting to one of those like one of those 30 below guys and then just going below I kind of like that strategy like for for these events um I hit last time I did that no did this week last year I mean last week sorry I did a long shot card came close Byron I did a long shot card got hit one there so hopefully we can do that I I’m I’m definitely down I what are Bob Max ODS I know you don’t like him but I 40 not good no yeah I don’t like him my 40 um all right yeah so no real takes it’s going to be like bomber Central for me long shots um this is fun you can definitely get into the woods here I will say I have pretty nice course history myself at the rocket mortgage you Cam Davis I hit CD here at triple d’s a few years ago go I had cam young runner up to feno last two years ago and I had had one in the playoff at like 60 to 70 to1 last year so and I also had Peter Quest like 20 to1 top I invented Peter Quest here last year I actually didn’t need to say that keep your eyes out on the Monday Q’s this week because Lashley won as a Monday Q here Pete Quest basically won last year as a Monday Q maybe wait to put your cards together wait to do your research until the Monday Q’s come through because if we get some bombers who can make birdies I mean anybody who Monday Q’s can make birdies which I think probably correlates to why you can play good at Rocket if you Monday Q because you’re just in the zone of making birds so get your eyes on the Monday Q’s uh follow the Monday Q tracker he’ll report those uh that’s the rocket mortgage it’s going to be a wonderful event uh there’s going to be birdies last there’s going to be storms I’d be surprised if there’s no delays I haven’t looked at the weather but when I think of the rocket mortgage classic I think of weather delays every single time there they did the early start last year uh because of the weather delays uh DP what’s going on the Italian Italian open new new course I think yeah they’re not playing Marco Simone so so who’s who’s even in the field do we got any is anybody going over to play we just won last week by the way yeah yeah I haven’t seen anyone any notables in the field I didn’t take a deep look into it though uh hold on let me see there’s a notable in the field at the top of the odds board who he’s on live take a guess oh [ __ ] he’s on live is an American on live playing Johnny cats Johnny cats might be in the field but that he is not the favorite he’s this person he should be I agree this person is the favorite of the tournament is American Taylor g p Reed is ripping the Italian open this week at 11 to one p is over there uh yeah he’s the only like notable name that is so funny Luke list where list no he’s playing Detroit I but yeah so for people who don’t know Luke list went over last week and played the km and missed the cut he’s now missed four Cuts in a row uh yeah he missed the cut at the Dutch open plus two wild did he was play I thought he was like going over to Europe to just hang out until the open because sometimes guys do that Billy Billy Ho will be over there I would assume pretty soon he just went to play the KLM cuz he needed to get a week in because he’s he’s clearly lost his game is so lost that he had to fly to the to the Netherlands for reference we’ve never seen an event that Matt Wallace is the favorite at and he missed the cut that goes to show how bad it I don’t think we’ve ever nobody like we follow the DP PGA overlap as as much as anyone I’ve never seen this before a player who’s when was the last time he’s played the DP he he hasn’t ever teed it up on the DP it’s not not like he’s like a European guy like Henny no going over last week to play right Henny that makes sense lcas just randomly ripped the KLM open off of four three straight Miss Cuts missed the cut again he shot yeah I don’t he shot 75 in the second round of KM and lost five Strokes to the field he could be trying to Pioneer something because if you and I were in the camps of an X PJ tour players team we would make them do that cuz we would know where they [ __ ] and where we would give them a global perspective on all the courses that fit them no matter what the tour is what the event like Cam Davis at Ringin and sudel like we’ get him over there so I like it I mean I I want guys doing this but a weird thing nonetheless yeah so Italian Open no Liv uh Hatton [ __ ] on Liv and won easily oh yeah did you watch any of the Liv I we watched in far on Friday but I can live with that like 12 to one Hatton that’s fine bad beat on John ROM sorry bad beat he was runner up I think I literally I when I I looked at the leaderboard on the way back on the draft I was like to BK and I was like J is going to complain about the ROM uh T3 and he’s going to go back to him again uh somebody in the Discord was asking ROM at the the open maybe I could be down but uh yeah we got rock and morgage we’ve got the oh quickly Viking cup not a great week on tour for the Viking cup uh we didn’t really have anybody mixing this might have been one of the worst pan P Kanan he was there all all weekend yeah but on the PGA I’m just saying for the best Viking cup finish to be havin T20 that’s unacceptable we we need better than that he was overshadowed by Thor Bon they were kind of seeing what his like whe where he where he would have his citizenship but yeah uh on the DP uh M Corin where did he finish I think he was like he shot over par on on Sunday yeah so moo we haven’t even mentioned him on the Viking cup it’s nice to see him uh pop up Seb sodas I my Seb sodas oh Seb sodas isn’t playing Italy he’s sent it out because he withdrew after three holes last week or yeah I think on Thursday I think on Thursday he withdrew after five holes [ __ ] he’s like [ __ ] this or that could have been the week week before but I think no I think you’re right yeah weird yeser fense 45 to1 at the Italian Open ohler are you on Monero at 60 to1 at the Italian Open Monero we should he was like the first round leader last week um I I like I loved him at pioner we have to we have to peep this uh this uh new course for the Italian Open then we’ll get in the Discord yeah get in the Discord there was a lot of great stuff in the Discord this week thanks to everybody who’s in the Discord they gave uh I don’t follow the LPGA very closely I obviously support women’s golf but uh maybe I maybe I need to commit myself more to the LPG if I’m gonna back up the take that I support women’s golf uh but it was obviously it’s aah Holly and do we know anything what’s the deal with the girl who won because we ripped all of the accuracy G people that were talking about the Discord they started off pretty good uh Selen bouttier I had her she was mixing there for a while corpo was up there but then by the weekend all my people had ejected then this person this lady won what was her name LPG uh Yang I think yeah a Yang I think she played the final played her final few holes at three over and still won pretty significantly so should did she have a big lead Amy Yang her first major success shout out to Amy Yang good yeah I think sah there were so many tweets and pictures and things uh from sahali it got the people G gave sahali the credit that it deserves I’ve talked about on here it seemed like it was a yeah minus oh wait that’s a different event that’s minus seven I think where did she what happened here yeah minus 7even even F around went by three yeah did did are you looking at her scorecard did she play like 15 and 16 three over or was that was I looking at I don’t know even how to see the scorecard here we go I believe she like somewhat choked but she had a big enough lead I was hoping Hatton did that but he did not uh let’s see she yeah she uh finished bogey double par but she was so far ahead that it didn’t matter wow good good week for her but yeah so people in there they know LPGA I’m starting to get into it because all I need is some some takes and I’ll throw a card together for any tour it doesn’t matter to me uh so shout out to people in Discord putting that together and helping us out we’ll start we’ll start I think the people put the LPG stuff lpj stuff in the DP world to our Channel we’re gonna give the LPG its own channel yeah we should do that we need to do that that’s the right thing to do uh so yeah getting there 999 per week up on the side 34.99 a month Jers it was great to see you this weekend I’ll see you again soon and uh let’s have a great week at the rocket maret classic let’s hit it


  1. what the media won't mention is that i actually played bad in the stroke match and good in the non stroke match. Ultimate dog. Tough L on sunday for team malbon

  2. Love the Pittsburgh Hat! I Live, Born, Bred in Pittsburgh! Skeenes Baby! This week Tosti, Fox, Wallace, Mav Mc lets go

  3. Mcnealey reminds me exactly of Taylor Moore & Cam Davis and they Both won events like this (i think lol) so he could mix this week. Atleast this is this week if he’s going to do it !

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