Golf Players

PIF-PGA Tour Negotiations Update + Olympic Teams Official-Fairway of Life w Matt Adams-Wed June 19

Matt Adams broadcasts live from the Travelers Championship. The PGA Tour and PIF provide an update on negotiations and the Olympics teams around announced plus Nelly Korda, Xander Schauffele, Stacy Lewis and more.
#MattAdams #GolfDiscussion #FairwaysOfLife #GolfTalk #LPGATour #LPGA #LIVGolf #PGATourEquity #SSG #PGATourEnterprises #pga #PGATourSuperstore #travelers #travelerschampionship #kpmg #kpmgpgachampionship #nellykorda #olympics

welcome to the most listened to golf in the world the fairways of Life show on air online and around the world with the most candid interviews Unforgettable stories taking you beyond the ropes here’s your host New York Times bestselling author Matt Adams and it is a delight to have your company on this Wednesday as we broadcast to you Live From The Travelers Championship we’ve moved locations today because WFAN for those of you that watch us or listen to us in the northeast of the USA are no doubt familiar with the fan out of New York well they’re actually in our and I think they’re on uh CBS Sports HQ as well they’re actually in the radio booth that we had yesterday so they gonna have that background with the with the driving range Etc and they said to us hey would you mind switching over to the pool area where we get this beautiful pool that we have set up behind does and it’s a pretty cool area it’s very Serene over on the left about 20 feet away from me or so Greg du and Michael breed are broadcasting for PGA Tour radio their producer Billy is keeping everything connected and working over there as well uh did you hear the sad news Willie May say Hey kid has passed away and I I thought that was it was profound news just for the World of Sport there’s no doubt about that but it was also news that impacts the World of Golf because and check this video out Andrew found this on YouTube that was called the catch that was from 1954 over the shoulder catch by Willie Mays look at this on any other ballpark because of how deep center field was that would have been a home run but he makes that catch he fires it watch it right after this watch him fire at the second base keeps the runners from advancing that was in game one they went on to win that World Series as it were it was the only World Series that he would win is I would assume a World Series Championship is that equivalent to a major in golf or because there’s four majors that you’re vying for in a year uh and there’s only one World Series I is it more profound uh from a baseball judgment standpoint to win a World Series than it would be to win a major by comparison interesting thought I suppose I’ve never heard that before and I’m curious what you guys would think about that but the say he kid was very this is the connection with golf he was very supportive of Char sifford when Charlie cord was actually breaking the color barrier in golf I love that video that he’s playing that was the top of the eth it was 2-2 at the time Runners were on first and second uh when he made that play which is to this day still called The Catch 93 years old for Willie Mays uh but Charlie cord told us that Willie Mays was one of those there were many but he was one of those that was supportive to him as he was trying to break the color barrier in the game of golf because remember in the early 1960s when what is now the PGA Tour it was a players division of the PGA of America and they actually had a Caucasian only’s Clause I mean I know as I’m saying that to you because I’m sure there are people that are listening to us are watching us right now that were alive at that time uh and it’s hard to believe that I could be broadcasting to anyone where we say yeah I was alive at the time that that provision existed it’s my blowing uh somewhere Dom do we have a place where somebody wanted to hear the interview that we did with Charlie cord that they’d be able to pull it up is that available in our archives somehow so that people can actually hear it um I think I’m sorry I was chewing I’m eating breakfast you were chewing oh um yeah I’m still chewing a little bit um he shut up Andrew my director is giving me crap in my ear you can’t hear him um that interview which we’ve talked about on this program many times uh might be for you and me Matt probably top three interview that we’ve done top two it’s top two for me it it’s top two it’s that and Arnold Palmer of the two we have reared it a handful of times I believe the audio version of the show is available like if you were to do a search online in some of our old uh in terms of podcast style that being said it’s in the works it hasn’t been uh completely completed yet but uh we are efforting to build a television version of it because we only have the audio of it so it needs to be sort of produced so that it can be used in a television setting okay but we believe you and me we will be airing that interview again in its entirety on this program in the very very near future very very powerful very powerful interview uh when we did it ironically m Mr cord was about the same age as that interview that you see that we feature every year with Arnold Palmer and Mr cord still had so much pain there there was there was I wouldn’t call it anger maybe there was an element of that it’s not it’s not for me to Define what his emotions were but but it was definitive that there was pain still there because you remember he won multiple times on the PGA tour and he Flatout told us he was barred from from playing in the Masters which anybody else in that period who won uh during that time and the equivalent to what’s now called the PGA Tour was invited to compete in the Masters and he wasn’t and he said it was because the color of his skin and that pain was still there it wasn’t just that I mean his stories were unbelievable Charlie cord told me the story that he was playing in it was in the Carolinas I can’t remember if it was North or South I’d have to listen to it for the specifics again but he was leading the tournament and the phone rang when he went back to his hotel room and a man said don’t show up to the golf tournament and he said well I’m I’m leading the tournament and the man said if you show up to the tournament I am going to murder you I’m I’m going to kill you and I said to Mr cfer I mean how do you how do you react to that what did you do he said I showed up and I played and it just imagine it’s just it’s just again hard to believe that within the lifetimes of many people that that that walk the earth to these days these things were happening and it’s just it’s just mind-blowing to to think that that was the case not that long ago and so Mr Mr cord broke the color barrier in golf and Willie Mays was amongst those prominent African-Americans that encouraged him supported him and sent him along his way and the oh yeah here we go just told me we have we have a a clip from Charlie sifford and this wait till you guys hear this where he was talking about the racism at the time here’s here’s Mr cord Mr cifford just getting on tour was not the end of your struggles was it you faced racism immediately did you not of course it was racism MH always have been because uh as this when they clawed in the Constitution they never did they took it out but it didn’t mean much you know because uh 1961 was the first tourament I played in in greensbor North Carolina and that’s Sam sne territory mhm I I shoot 68 the first day lad the tournament and I thought I was going to get hurt then you know cuz they was calling could you explain to us what happened in your hotel room that night the phone calls that you received in Greensboro well gu don’t come make the Golf Coast the next day so I told him I leading the tournament so he said K whether you’re leading the tournament or not don’t come back to the golf course what did he threaten so I told him well I said though whatever you going to do I’m going to tear off 10:30 in the morning so I went out there and played played but I didn’t I wish I hadn’t to play because I had took them 18 ho to lock up I say 25 or 30 guys you know 25 or 30 people that you feel that they they had to haul away because of because of what they were doing yeah they calling me names you know and let me see let me see if you can get this and in and uh that’s everything you know but thank God you understand and I was fortunate enough to come out of there alive but it was pretty close there for one reason I thought maybe they was going to get me right there think about the last sentence he made I was fortunate to come out of there alive I mean let that simmer for a second I was fortunate to come out of there alive he’s not talking about a war he he’s not talking about some other situation where your life would presume ably and reasonably be assessed as being at risk he’s talking about competing in a golf tournament and I was fortunate enough to come out of their alive that’s what I mean about how powerful this interview is with this man and I truly hope that as Dom and Andrew are working on it we get an opportunity for you to hear it in its entirety because it is something that just like the Mr Palmer interview I wanted to live in our rotation forever because it’s a story that deserves to told and needs to be told uh because frankly there are very very powerful forces in the game that would prefer that stories such as this just quietly went away uh and this is this is a story and a message and a voice uh that should never go away it it’s it’s really amazing uh a lot of news to go through with you today uh Xander Schley is going to be coming up on the program You’re Gonna Hear be hearing from him as well as Nelly Corda we have a major once again another week another major the KPMG women’s PGA Championship which we’re excited to talk about we excited to talk about what’s happening here at The Travelers Championship I’m going to share with you some of the notable tea times in a little bit as well you can tell that the weather is beautiful at this hour there is a heat wave going on up here I know that for for many of you I mean I I think yesterday Jim Gallagher Jr was kind of laughing at us too uh when we were talking about the heat wave that’s happening in Connecticut happening in the England it’s beautiful right now I can tell you the temperature is probably I guess it’s 75 what’s that Dom no I’m just saying Jim was like Ah that’s uh it’s just Tuesday here in Heat Wave and here it’s Tuesday I’m watching the local news and they’re like uh you know make sure make sure you take a blanket off your bed and dunk it in ice water and wear it you know like a cape all day whatever um but I’m thinking geez down in Florida I I I watched Guys across the street you know changing the roof tiles and it was it was hotter than than what they’re going to be facing here it’s just a qu but it on the side of things I when I’m down in Florida the temperature goes into the 40s they’re saying you know wrap your wrap your your vegetation your plants and blankets and SS right you know don’t put your animals out you know let let them relieve themselves and the family tub or whatever because there because the temperatures they they’re scared the other way so it’s just funny it’s how it goes it’s people it’s it’s the way that it all works out so uh we do have a lot to go through with you today in those two particular areas but there was some news with the negotiations as we anticipated we had heard that that something was expected uh in the 24 to 48 hours after the conclusion of the US Open strong speculation was that we would hear definitively about an agreement between piff and the PGA Tour and potentially even that they would have signed uh Beyond just a framework agreement perhaps even a letter of intent or terms between the two parties this came out from Rex hogard where he says according to a memo sent tour players talks continue with Saudi Arabia’s public investment funds towards a definitive agreement but there is still work to do and this is to the right for those of you that are listening to us on the radio the audio side I will read it accordingly policy board meeting summary uh date June 2024 PGA Tour policy board and PGA Tour Enterprises board held a joint meeting on Tuesday June 18 in Harford Connecticut to follow is a summary of the key discussion items and decisions piff update manahan provided an update on the recent piff meetings as we’ve said in the past we can’t negotiate in public but we’re making progress two weeks ago members of our PGA Tour Enterprises transaction subcommittee met in New York with yaser Al rayan the governor of piff as well as members of his team during that meeting we reached consensus on several items but both parties recognized that there was still work to do to reach a final agreement our talks are ongoing with the goal of developing a shared vision for for the future of professional golf that is pro competitive and provides players with the best Global opportunities pause for a second there folks I’m going to reread that our talks are ongoing with the goal of developing a shared vision for the future of professional golf that is pro competitive and provides players with the best Global opportunities final paragraph reads your player directors have been crucial in this process their insights and perspectives are steering us towards a positive outcome and we will keep you updated as additional work is accomplished my take on that is to say that as they’re getting together it seems as though the consensus at large is that we need to see more occasions when the best players in the world are actually competing against each other in other words not only in the major championships and to ensure that those best players have an opportunity to compete in major championships and more even though more major championships are hedging towards saying no you know what we’re going to come up with criteria to get into the majors that will allow everyone to come in not just based upon for example uh world ranking which the Live players currently are not getting world ranking and that’s something that I’ve been saying for a long time should and needs to be worked out because you want the best players uh in the majors full stop there are other issues that that come into that on the European side they seemingly have worked out a formula where they can ensure that they get those best players representing Europe in the Ryder Cup that formula still doesn’t exist uh for for the American side of the Ryder Cup there is some indications that maybe a pathway will be found but as far as the President’s Cup goes right now it’s still on a full stop if you’re if you’re not a member of the PGA Tour uh in good standing then you’re not going to be on the President’s Cup team as as far as that goes so there are still issues to be worked out there but that paragraph that I read to you twice says to me that in their discussions they’re talking about a more open environment for the players to compete does this mean that PGA Tour players will be able to compete in some way uh in the live format perhaps team format and does that mean that live players will in some way be competing against PGA Tour players in in some way are are these ways will they be defined by these Signature Events truly raising the the the status of the Signature Events so that they are Global uh is that something more akin to the world golf championships back in the day where we now know based upon the meeting and what came out of it where they said no the field in these Signature Events going to be 72 we we’ve we’ve come to a consensus I’m talking about from a tour perspective this isn’t with Liv weighting in on it obviously but from tour perspective say no where this is where we’re going to get our alternate list so that we know that our field is going to be 72 for these Signature Events and where we’re going to get players to to complete the field accordingly to that number if need be uh right from from that standpoint uh will that be where we’ll see the live player will be something broader than that so it it’s very interesting uh there is there’s wild speculation always in the media you just heard from the tour and the policy board and and the the respective committees he said it was joint where they said you know we’re not we can’t negotiate in public and I and I understand that and I do respect that as well that it’s not a public negotiation uh and and no negotiation of of intricacy should be conducted in in the court of public opinion because it would flow and EB but there is wild speculation about a lot of stuff out there including the status of the Ryder Cup the A4 mentioned because some are saying no no no the with the the tour and with piff and with those kind of resources they’re going to go to the PJ of America and make an offer to buy the Ryder Cup now consider the fact that the discussion up to this date has always been that the DP World Tour would also be folded into this new Union that would be the PGA Tour live and DP World Tour formerly called the European tour the European side of the Ryder Cup is Under the Umbrella of the DP World Tour so if this happens they’ve already got the European side of the Ryder Cup would they end up with the US side of the Ridder cup again wild speculation who knows but it’s out there in the discourse right now uh being discussed by people so I’m curious how that will all work itself out I think the the encouraging thing is is after there were a couple of board members that left the PGA Tour the indication that we had was that the negotiations with piif had at least stalled uh there were other more hardened positions that were expressed where people are saying well this isn’t likely to come through because now you’ve got 1.5 billion maybe upwards to three billion coming into the coffers of the PGA Tour they don’t need live and then fast forward and I’m not saying this had an in an impact on on what was discussed Tuesday but I’m curious uh if it did that Bryson the Shambo wins the US Open and with that Victory could it not be argued that right now Liv has the most popular player in the world amongst their ranks could that be the case right what would your what would your opinion be relative to him I’m I’m talking about whether you love him or hate him and and you want to cast reality based upon that I’m talking about at Mass see that that’s to that point that’s thing I’m always talking about Dom is that we kind of live in a world today that the reality is how you perceive it and there’s there’s no other there’s no other reality that could possibly exist so whether you like Bryson or don’t like Bryson is not where I’m going right now what I’m talking about is do the vast majority like Bryson better than any other player if I asked you that same question as little as two weeks ago you would have made a very strong argument no no no it’s definitively Rory Mary it may well still be Rory maroy I’m not saying that I have the answer here I’m just I’m just proposing it to you you to say what is it what do you think it is uh which brings me to as I’m as I’m hitting you with all these questions today Dom did you do uh a question of the day today and and where do we stand with that what are you hearing from the people as we kick off the show on this Wednesday uh I I sure did as I always do and um we love all you folks watching this is great we got Danny and Essex we’ve got Marty Mississippi Garrett North Carolina David New York another David in Spain we’ve got Johan in South Africa we’ve got ELC and Adelaide Australia this is great Morocco all over the place this is amazing um I love it the question of the day for these folks is directly tied into what you’ve been talking about which I happen to post immediately so I’ve got some numbers for you will a deal between piff and the PGA Tour ever actually happen yes definitely or no definitely not right now 5347 53% oh 54% it’s moving as we talk 46% 54% are saying definitely but there is obviously a strong contingent there to thinking this is still not going to happen which is interesting I don’t know how you read that stuff but I there’s a lot of comments coming in as well like you know the PGA Tour did a deal with SSG implying they don’t need a deal with piff or that that doesn’t matter uh people writing I want to see uh live in the PGA Tour together I would I prefer that people oh they made their choice it’s already over the PGA Tour needs a deal someone writes they’re not going to make a deal it’s never going to happen so you can see the Divide it’s just all over the map everybody’s just not sure about about what what’s going to happen my question for you is and I know I feel like because you’re an optimist you’re just going to say oh no it’s okay but I think it’s a fair question if they can’t figure it out is it detrimental to the Future Health of golf just say it again Tom I said is it detrimental to the Future Health of the sport of golf if a deal is not done yes in my opinion I know many people will disagree with me on that there are many people that are you say no so you think so you think that the best interest of the sport of golf is a deal it’s got to get done yes I do okay I do and well people are saying that 56% think think it’s going to happen but 44% a lot they don’t think it’s going to happen you know it’s it’s like uh we us ask this question when we were just doing the radio side um PJ to a radio Dom and you and I would would ask a question I I would say in a given week right who do you think is going to win and who do you want to win real realizing that those are two completely separate questions so in this case the the question of do you think a deal is going to come together how much of that 5747 I believe you said whatever whatever the percentages are now how much of that is influenced by people answering based upon what they want reality be than based upon what they actually think is going to happen you’ve got you’ve got these entities these parties that are actively involved in negotiations you’ve got discussions that are going to impact at least billions of dollars moving forward right there’s so many different things you got to remember the PGA Tour is not that far away from being back in a negotiation table for television discussions a couple years at most right and so if you’re in that position it’s like you I’m sure you heard of the that what also came out of those board meetings that that Tiger’s been given basically kind of a forever exemption it’s like the tiger exemption it’s for players that have won 80 or more times or a player that’s won 80 or more times which is him and and the only one that’s that’s alive that that has done that on the PJ tour so we can play in these these events forever that’s great uh I think it’s interesting to me uh I understand from a tour perspective why they’re doing it because he’s tiger and and if you looked at like ratings with with where they were early in the week for the US Open uh their their ratings when tiger was playing in the afternoon were much better than when he wasn’t so people still are interested in tiger and they want to see what Tiger’s doing and and etc etc so now they’ve got tiger playing but then you then you know contrast that against tiger who says well first of all I can’t play that much so the fact that he’s exempt into these eight Signature Events okay does it matter if he doesn’t play then or is this try to force him to play like or or or clear the path for him to play which he would have got that those exemptions anyway if he wanted to uh so I’m kind of like and then and then you tiger that says well I don’t want to be a ceremonial golfer I still think that if if everything goes my way that I could win okay so it’s like what what’s the connection with all this so I I don’t I I think all of it goes back to the the TV negotiations which is keep tiger around as much as you possibly can any way you can for as long long as you can from that standpoint uh and then from the standpoint of the good of the game I was talking from obviously from a business perspective here if you have events where you can say yeah with what we’ve put together assuming this this deal goes through with what we’ve put together we’ve now found a pathway where we can have the best of the best of the best back together again I don’t expect it’s going to be frequent uh and maybe I’m wrong on that uh but I expect it’s going to be set up as something special uh something heightened uh I’m sure something that comes with big tickets all around and I think it I think it’s great for for the fans U I’ve said this many times since this whole whole you know kind of chaos erupted in in the game of golf at its highest competitive tiers is that it’s actually helped the majors did it not make the US Open more exciting where it came down to I mean it was it was it was like it was like Hollywood scripted it came down to a star that plays on live and Bryson Des Shambo against Rory mroy the star of the PGA Tour safe for Tiger Woods but tiger hasn’t been competitive so that’s why I’m putting in in the context of players that are competitive right now you had Rory maoy representing the PGA Tour uh you had Bryson dambo representing Liv And it played out as an epic match and Bryson ended up taking home the trophy for a whole variety of reasons based on no doubt on what he did so I want to give full credit to to someone that won the tournament he he faced the obstacles he faced the opportunities and he won uh and Rory maroy had the opportunities but he was consumed by circumstance and he lost uh so it was just it was unbelievable and then and in the wake of all that we see this Bryson who you know I’ve been calling him the people’s champion because of the way that he reacted uh the the way that he shared it with everybody uh you know you probably saw the stuff about him being on with with Jimmy Fallon and you know meeting Kevin cner before before you went on the air in the Green Room which you know it’s just it it’s look at that what I love about it is every picture you see of Bryson he’s holding on to the trophy it’s almost going to become a meme of of I think of Bryson to Shambo anywhere he is he’s G to have that trophy with him you know it’s like it’s like some people that have to have to to travel with the with the oxygen tank that’s that’s going to be Bryson with the US Open Trophy and I don’t blame him bring it with you wherever you can have it with you wherever you can live and breathe with with that at that all right so when we come back we’re going to continue our discussions here this morning which includes a hearing from Xander Schley the Olympics on the men’s side are now out they who who made it for Team USA we’ll be talking about that coming up the women will get set after this week after this major that lies before us and we’ll be talking about the major that lies before us as well as uh it’s that time of the week I want to give you air times where you can find the golf uh talk about some of the notable tea times that are here this is a signature event at The Travelers Championship so there’s some really big names we’ll tell you how when and where you can see all of that as well as the KPMG women’s PGA Championship and more as the fairways of Life show carries on on this Wednesday by the way the Oilers won they now Trail by one game in the Stanley Cup finals against the Panthers there’s three to two did you see Jack Nicholas banging the drum before the game for the Panthers the fairways of Life show is presented by the PGA Tour Superstar the number one golf realer from coast to coast if you swing it if you wear it if you need to learn from it you can do it with the pros at the PGA TOUR Superstore you want to shop with Pros it is your happy place PGA TOUR Superstore Pros aren’t born they’re made every January hundreds of Associates talk to the top manufacturers learn about the latest clubs test the newest equipment log thousands of hours of training and together hit over 100,000 balls all so they can get you the perfect fit in Ireland golf is more than just a game come and experience our our world famous Lynx courses and our world famous Parkland courses all set alongside world famous scenery and visit our world famous historic sites and while you’re here enjoy our world famous Hospitality fill your heart with Ireland at golf Ben Hogan golf equipment is back established in 1953 we serve golfers who demand Excellence of their equipment designed by The Game’s best Engineers forged in the world’s best foundaries and built to order in the USA don’t settle for off the rack disappointment elevate your game with custom clubs at direct to Consumer pricing exclusively at Ben that’s Ben hogen the Gen 6 iron is a culmination of everything that we have learned as a team the absolute best golf club I’ve ever hit it’s something special say hello to the New pxg Gen 6 iron the longest most accurate irons we’ve ever made they go higher and farther than any iron that I have hit to date and they’re so easy to hit super excited for the consumer to try this they’re going to love them pxg nobody makes golf clubs the way we do period baseball nah football done it I think I’m going to go after the PGA tour playing on the p K tour is not easy but you know what is easy getting the 524 series from Tour Edge getting linebackers and home runs used to be easy out here you’re going to need all the easy you can get introducing the 524 series from Tour Edge the easiest clubs you’ll ever hit even the best players in the world can use a little easy I like the sound of that look out PGA Tour pound-for-pound nothing comes close I was driving to visit my friends had my dog Max with me then out of nowhere Alex from Travelers called me about my claim but all I could think about was Finding Max so he helped get the word out we’ve got a lost dog alert a brown and white Australian Shepherd mix he goes by Max hey I can’t thank Alex enough [Music] I love being here at The Travelers championship this signature event in 2024 like I was telling you guys be when we went on the air I’m I’m in the pool area today because we we cleared out of the what they call radio deck which is above the practice grounds driving range the putting green Etc there’s a chipping green off to the left from where we were sitting the last few days and they brought us over in the pool area because WFAN I think it’s Boomer and Geo is the show that’s on right now Boomer oison and they’re broadcasting live in the deck where we were because they’ve got this whole row of where they set up these radio shows and so they said to to us when we came out here for our our pre-production meeting of where we’re going to do the broadcast and we wanted to be where we were yesterday because of the angle because of the deck because because of our access to guests Etc uh and because that was also our our live National Television Broadcast at the time as I told you this time of year we’re dodging and weaving around various programming depending on which system of distribu tion that we’re on and yesterday we were on NBC Sports Golf Channel live so we were over there today we moved over here because we’re back to streaming the show and all the different Footprints where it hits and then we have the syndicated show that airs uh around the country and around the world actually uh that starts from Saturday morning but the contents of that show are done we already completed all that so it put us in a position where like yeah where do you want us to go and they were like well can you go to the pool area that’s what’s behind me we’re we’re across the street from the clubhouse here at TPC River Highlands the golf course surrounds us every now and then Don was saying yeah the the lighting is actually better here too there’s actually an umbrella above me you can see the pole maybe next to me yeah you can uh so it kind of It kind of evens everything out but what I’m getting to with all that is I’m not the only one broadcasting from this position uh PGA Tour radio Michael breed show is right over there it’s maybe 15 feet away from me is where they’re broadcasting and when we were both you know both uh groups getting ready to go on the air we’re talking away it’s like it’s always like a reunion when when when you see everybody we’re like will we be able to hear them talking will they be able to hear us talking will they be coming over our microphone it’s fine it always is fine I was I was saying to Dom I was like we don’t need to worry about remember when we’re on site at a major and they put us in like the rose the broadcast Booth inside of the media center you’re you’re that much of plexiglass away from whoever’s sitting next to you and if you had somebody Dom like Bob bubka sitting next to you who had this booming voice Bob hka Franchesco molinary it’s so loud and the microphones that they’re just so directional that it didn’t cause us any problem at all so that’s where we are because uh we’re broadcasting live here today we’re gonna be broadcasting live here tomorrow tomorrow night I fly out to Ireland my flight leaves so early we leave Dom at 600 pm. out of Boston out of Logan Airport in Boston which is really tough because who can go to S I don’t care you know you want to get a couple hours sleep right how do you go to sleep at 6 o’ right and then it’s only like from Boston it’s it’s a it’s a you know you could skip a stone across to Ireland it takes like four and a half hours and you’re there and then at that point you just say hell with it it’s an all nighter I’m gonna go we’re gonna wake up and play golf what time Dom is your flight when do you when are you heading out to Ireland you get in later right uh I do I love that caveat that you started that little story with you’re like oh man it’s going to be brutal like oh this sucks I have a I have such an early flight to Ireland brutal life I have with this pool behind me at the travel Championship I got to get up early and fly to Ireland it’s not get up Ear I leave I leave later haha at a more reasonable hour for sleeping uh I’m leaving out of North Carolina I think like 800 or 9:00 p.m. and then I got to go to New York and over so so my flight uh is around 11: or 12 midnight I think eastern time in the US SLE and I I don’t know what the hell time it’s going to be when I land um in Ireland I have no idea but I’m very very very much looking forward to I’ve been getting messages non-stop from people I know like oh my God you’re GNA have so much fun oh my God you got to go here you got to go there so I’m extremely excited about it and we’ll share as much as we can the journey that we’re on together with all of you guys you know but pictures and and try to do some live broadcasting and things of that nature but it’ll be a lot of fun I’m I’m a little nervous about uh if my body can handle it it’s a lot of rounds and a lot of walking and not a lot of time I don’t know yeah you I I know you’re delicate with all that I got a call yesterday feet are gonna hurt I’m gonna have blisters yeah yeah I’m sure a struggle Matt it’s just one big talk about me say I can’t get any sleep and D’s like oh I’ve got to walk the I’ve got to walk all these holes playing golf whoa whoo is me you’d love this Carney Carney sends me a text Mark carnavale 1992 PJ tour rookie of the year he’s coming on the second week of our this this trip Dom flies home Carney and another group flies over and we carry on carne’s like hey um are you available to talk for a minute I was like well I can’t now but I can at this time so he says okay so Carney is Carney and he sends me sends me a notice about one minute before the time that I said I’d be available and he’s like are you free I’m like yeah yeah so I I take the call and I’m talking to carne I’m like Carney what’s up he go um Liz and I his girlfriend he says ‘ we’re coming in a day early which for them would be a week from tomorrow he says we’re coming in a day early are you going to be around and I was like yeah yeah I’m going to be around and and you know it I’ll be in linch and and the pub I hang out at linch is called the 19th you can you can look it up on in Google and I said well if you don’t see me if you don’t see you don’t see me I’m going you know where I’m going to be I’m going to be at the 19th he kind of chuckled a little bit and then I was like so so what’s going on what I’m like what what was the big thing that you needed me to you know call you and tell you what’s happening everything okay and he goes no that was it that’s that’s very much Carney though that’s our Carney that sounds very much like car is he flips away meeting right now yeah I need to I need to find out where you’re going to be when I get in town on Thursday I I’m going to be in town it’s a tiny little village I mean it’s you could ask anybody in a village Hey where’s MD they’re going to be like oh he’s at the 19th where else would he be well we have hold on now that I’m think you’re making me think about this we’re well we can canvas the people watching now if there is a place or a thing that we need to do I’m gonna I’m gonna List golf courses that I I’m G to get to play I mean Matt’s playing them too but really I’m playing them uh Duke’s Golf Link old head can sale Waterville TR Bal bunan L hinch Karne oh we’re playing L hinch twice oh so we’re going to be in those places wherever those are wherever those courses are I have no idea so if you’ve been send us stuff you got to go to this thing talk to this guy I know a guy his name is whatever talk to him tell him I sent you and and whatever also I need to figure out what I’m going to purchase because you have to have a you have to have something to remember the trip by I’ve always been a guy who buys the uh the little uh the coins the markers the little tiny markers with like the logo of the golf course I’ll kind of get one of each one is that a good idea or should I just buy shirts everywhere I can’t buy hats remember my head problem I have a tiny head none of the hats fit me yes yes with with the entire audience is is aware of most of most of your ailments and how it impacts circum I have many my suggestion to you is whatever if you if you play a course and and you just were like this is the most incredible thing that I’ve ever seen that could be there’s a lot of them that that that that could qualify for that so I I won’t I won’t suggest which one should be you you come up with it on your own but I suggest you buy a pin flag and then once you get the pin flag have everybody on your trip sign it and now you got a momentto that to me you can frame and keep forever that would that would be my suggest yeah but then you’re only doing it for one course you’re screwing all the other courses uh well I mean you could take that perspective I suppose you get one at each course but that sounds expensive Matt yeah that’s why yeah I have a feeling from from the pathway you’re going down right now expensive I don’t know what the exchange rate is but hopefully it’s in my favor yeah slightly slightly I think the euro is 95 cents to the dollar or something but you’re going to be giving that back in the uh in the fees you’re going to be paying to to change all right so let’s talk about this Travelers championship and and look at some notable tea times for that which will be underway in less than 24 hours from now remember this is a signature event bright and early at 8:45 a.m. while we’re still on the air tomorrow Davis Riley Ricky Fowler Matsuyama and Bradley Keegan is the defending Champion which is unbelievable because he’s such a huge wingler guy to win this event 10:30 a.m. Scotty Sheffer and Max hom at 1040 wam Clark and Jordan spe at 1050 shin B Justin Thomas at 12:15 Matt Fitzpatrick Adam hadwin wait till Dom’s over there and he starts to meet all these people all my friends and other people in the different pubs and they find out that he works in golf he’s always making fun out of me by talking about Shane low they’re going to be like Dominic Dominic what do you think about Shane Lowry 12:25 Tom Kim and Corey Connors at 1:30 Colin Mo coward Victor havin at 140 Tony feno and Patrick Klay at 150 Xander Schley and Matthew Pavone at 2m ludvig alberg and Michael Thor bejon uh that’s just a look at some of the notable round one tea times as to where and how and when you can get your coverage of golf that’s coming up in the tender hours at live before is Thursday and Friday from 3: to 6:00 pm we have it for you on Golf Channel Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 300 pm on Golf Channel and then 3: to 6 it kicks over to CBS Sports ESPN plus is coverage remember they have four different feeds it starts at 7:30 a.m. Thursday Friday and Saturday Sunday it starts at 7:30 a.m. as well uh that again on ESPN plus it just doesn’t go as deep into the day a Travelers Championship on pga2 radio you can hear it on SiriusXM if you subscribe to national satellite service or you can hear it on the PJ tour app you can hear it on PJ the latter two are free and available worldwide uh Thursday and Friday from noon until 6 Saturday and Sunday from 1 p.m until 6:00 pm so Dom that would mean that 6 7 8 9 10 11 the the coverage is scheduled to wrap up at around 11: p.m. midnight our time when we’re in Ireland this weekend so that’ll be fun hanging out someplace watching that wrap up as well uh we’ll be giving you some air times for the KPMG women’s PGA Championship when we talk about that in just a second but first let’s hear from Xander sh Ley won this event in 2022 Xander talked about a lot of different things uh including his memories of winning here at The Travelers Championship including what Rory went through and how he finished at the US Open and more including definitively the the defending gold medalists for the Olympics is back on the US Olympic team little tease there we’ll talk about that more after we hear from Xander here he is in front of the media I mean just winning in general is is always a nice memory to to touch back upon in your own brain so it’s just a nice uh coming of Travelers is awesome they do such an amazing job uh you know for for ourselves but caddies and our support team um you know if you look at the range it’s you know we have little little umbrellas uh we have a coffee stand a lounging area um uh there’s the green trucks there with the pizza so it’s it’s such a relaxing week uh coming after for the US Open and I think all of us really appreciate that really really kind of a weird week uh I hit the ball the best probably on um Sunday which was nice played well 200 was a good score on that on that property and uh Thursday Friday were were pretty like gritty rounds that I had to play it wasn’t hitting it very good I was missing a lot of Fairways that were supposed to be sort of forgiving and um puted pretty well and then Saturday I I kind of turned it around and then ended up putting horrible so overall I couldn’t really just I couldn’t really get it going um any any at any given point for more than you know six to 12 holes at a time and um nice to finish on a good note playing well on Sunday and uh really just had didn’t really feel like I had a chance to win the tournament at any point kind of just like everyone else you know I got done and um went back to the the rental that I was staying at and turned it on and you know my I think my brother was there uh watching it already so caught a few holes of of of the drama that I was unfolding on there on the Sunday so yeah I mean it was it was pretty wild um it seemed like it was wild as as a fan I’m sure it was very exciting and for me it was just it was a crazy finish for sure yeah it’s it’s super special uh it’s always an honor to to represent your country in in any you know given given tournament or event so um it was it was a really cool thing I was able to share with my family after winning the gold medal and you know qualifying was my first goal this year it’s it’s a very hard team to qualify for as you guys have seen um on this us side and uh you know I was a really big goal of mine to to get back and um you know really looking forward to competing again yeah I mean as a as a competitor uh you know all of us have have had our highs and lows to to a certain degree and um it’s a it’s a tough spot it for sure is a tough spot and um you know I’m sure him and his team are are discussing what happened and um sometimes you just need to step away step away from it all uh and and really try to be as objective as possible uh because you’re very much in the moment there and um obviously didn’t go his way and he’s just you know need some time away to to to figure out what’s going on I think it just depends on on uh how your week goes to be honest you know it’s uh golf’s a weird one you just you play a lot of uh I was actually just talking to this about someone I was in a little bit of denial it seemed like when at the end of the conversation I just I don’t feel super tired just playing Memorial in the US Open but at the same time you know they’re they’re two pretty hot weeks and as you know golf there’s chipping putting driving um so you’re out in the sun pretty much all day uh for two whole weeks and then you’re competing you know for the you know eight of the 14 days that you’re that you’re out on property and um it takes a lot more out of you than you think so I think mentally uh mental decisions are and that’s on your caddy as well because your caddy is a guy carrying the bag right next to you during all those hours of work you know the 10 to 14 hour days you’re putting in so um that starts to track and so when you get you know you get to a property hopefully you know it and then hopefully you and your caddy are making the right decisions uh during crunch time um I think the most welcome welcoming thing here is is the the hospitality how how nice everyone’s treated and how sort of comfy everything is here um you know our caddies have cury cars this week and you know that’s the extent you know uh Travelers has gone to to to make everyone feel comfor comfortable and I think it’s an awesome thing so um I think just cuz you’re just cuz it’s easy scoring you still have to be precise and you still have to hit really good shots and hit your number um so just because it’s easy scoring doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to do you still have to be sort of on the button and and focused to do those things it it’s different for everyone uh you know it’s it’s hard to for me to compare uh you know my losses to his losses I’d say his he’s he’s under a bit more of a microscope you know when things are going really well you know people are all over him and unfortunately when things don’t go your way people are all over them so uh you know there’s a there’s a microscope on him on why he didn’t win and things of that nature and he’s going to have to answer those questions at some point and he will CU he always does so for me it you know I I wear them pretty hard um but sometimes uh it’s nice to just get back on the horse and and and compete but uh you know like I said everyone handles those situations differently and you know it it’s those times where I think you just lean lean on your team and everyone around you that that supports you that whole time to give you that confidence to get back on the horse and and and keep Ching along yeah I woke up happy I mean I feel like I always wake up pretty happy at least I choose to be and uh it was a few days you know I had media Tuesday Wednesday after I got back on Monday so I was talking about it for a lot of the day um and I put the trophy in a really nice spot at the rental there so when I’d wake up I’d look at it um and then come Thursday I was practicing and didn’t really think much about it you know a bad shot on the Range was still a bad shot I wasn’t sitting there telling myself I was I was a major champ I was telling myself that I need to get better uh because it just hit a really bad shot so for me I didn’t really you know bask in it too long I just I know there’s so much important Golf and I was trying to win a US Open and um that was you know I missed that opportunity so I’m looking on to to to more tournaments here and we have one more major uh this year so really excited for that one Xander covered a lot of ground there and the Olympics as I’ve mentioned to you that is now secured so the defending gold medalist for golf in the Olympics will be back representing the United States rightfully so as a recent major Champion as well look at that great shot that Golf USA or USA Golf properly put sent out to us how would you like like to have those four representing the USA at the Olympic Games and you will congratulations the ladies side will be concluded as I mentioned at the conclusion of this week it is a major championship week there you can see the full Olympic field and it’s quite impressive indeed I don’t know about you guys but I’m very very excited about it because to me it it feels like we always have this debate about what’s the fifth major what’s the fifth major well in the years now when the Olympics roll around in those Summers we already know what it is I mean look at this field I think it’s very very cool indeed and should be great great fun and yeah my bias in terms of where you can find it of course I am because you’re going to be able to find Olympic coverage not only for golf but across the board on the family of NBC Sports networks so we’ll keep you up to speed and everything that’s going on because it will be early as it’s taking place over in France this year when we come back we’re going to talk about what’s going on with yet another major championship this week as I mentioned multiple times to you the KPMG women’s DGA championship and we’re super excited about everything that lies in store and when we come back we’re going to be welcoming uh Nelly Corda on to the show so that you can hear what her mindset is heading into the competition which gets underway at sahali a combination of the North and South courses front nine back nine respectively right after this stay with us I got ball fit in 200000 went on a little [Music] run doesn’t get then Bridgestone fit me again and I went on another [Music] [Applause] one I just got fit again for the new tour BX the ball fitting been helping me will it help [Music] you Bo golf provides the Ultimate worldclass Golf destination with 10 Championship caliber courses spanning three Resorts centered in Michigan’s Northern lower Peninsula the courses are the products of some of the game’s Masters including Robert Trent Jones senior Arthur Hills and Donald Ross from the all-inclusive vacation package is Elite instruction with the bo Golf Academy tournaments and so much more Bo golf truly offers an unrivaled Michigan golf vacation experience just log on to I think when you’re training for other sports or you’re what why most people go to the gym is so that they can like have muscles and you know be strong and be healthy and and a lot of the reason why they struggle to play golf is their body doesn’t move properly for them to be able to hit a golf ball and when you’re training for golf it’s a little bit different because you’re focused more on flexibility and mobility and being uh strong in motion when you’re able to kind of have a warm-up and have a workout routine and kind of gradually build up to where you’re training your body to move properly yeah you’re going to get a lot of big dividends on the golf course PGA Tour Super Store Pros aren’t born they’re made every January hundreds of Associates talk to the top manufacturers learn about the latest clubs test the newest equipment log thousands of hours of training and together hit over 100,000 balls all so they can get you the perfect fit what if we started a company and the company was under no time constraints no Financial constraints the one one constraint is their clubs had to be exceptional performers and much better than any other alternative I was told time and again it’ll never work it worked like a house of fire and I’ll tell you what I think our customers love it bxg nobody makes golf clubs the way we do period stride by zero friction the first of its kind personal c walk in comfort and style with strides remote and follow me technology The Stride handles almost any terrain and its 54 hole range will last all day the lightweight design and removable front wheels makes it simple to handle plus it easily fits golf carts pick up your stride today at a local PGA TOUR Superstore near you or at zerof Stride stride your personal cavy yeah gosh it’s such a beautiful place um definitely have to hit your shots out here um and yeah I mean I didn’t get to play in 2016 um my sister did and she just told me you really have to hit your shots out here especially your t- shots and um it’s just a really beautiful golf course as well so you kind of get lost in the nature out here yeah I’m still going to be aggressive um there’s a couple holes where I can’t hit driver but I majority of the round I will be hitting driver just because you don’t want a longer Club into these greens I mean yes the t- shots are pretty intimidating but but the greens you know the second shot in is pretty tough as well so overall I mean you’re you know if you have the length you you may as well you have to hit it and this is a type of golf course where um you just got to sack up and hit your driver yeah I feel like there’s so many majors coming up and so many big events um yeah I mean they’re two completely different golf courses um with obviously Lancaster being super undulated I mean that was such a hard test and it was just an amazing Golf Course um but off the te you know it was it was narrow but it wasn’t as maybe intimidating with the tree line um I think the rough was a little thicker there than it is here but I mean if you hit it a little offline here off the te I mean you have a bunch of trees in your way so you’re pitching out majority of the time um but yeah I mean I approach every tournament the same and differently um I’m just trying to make a game plan for this week every week is just a refresh I have never been to Paris and the one thing I’m really looking forward to is the croissants probably on every corner I love bakeries and I love baked goods so that’s one thing I’m really looking forward to and obviously representing my country and um getting to compete in the Olympics is such an incredible opportunity and I’m just super excited to get there and even just play that golf course I mean I got to watch it in Ridder cup and and to be able to play Such amazing golf courses like we do nowadays um will be such a treat you can dwell on the negatives but that’ll never lead you anywhere so um you try to look at the positives um I I did hit it really actually good on Thursday afternoon I just my course management wasn’t very good I was flying my pins and I was leaving myself in really tough spots and on kind of bumpy po Greens in the afternoon it’s kind of hard to be aggressive with your putting and to kind of gain confidence from that and then um I did have a good round on Friday and I drove it really well so trying to take the positives from that but that’s but that’s golf I mean I’m going to go through these situations so many times where I feel like I’m playing really well and then I’ll go through a little L where where you know golf is the hardest thing in my life right now so um that’s I feel like that’s what grows myself as a person and that’s what makes me appreciate the sport so much and that’s what makes me appreciate the wins and the highs and the good shots and you know the crowds out there as well I feel like pressure is privilege and you know that’s something that um you’re the only one that can kind of control that um you can listen to the outside voices but at the end of the day I mean when you have pressure then you can take it in a positive way that you are doing good and you are playing well um but um yeah I’m just going to stay in my bubble this week and I’m going to go out and try to execute my shots be confident in what I have and um this golf course is already hard enough and if I’m going to put more pressure on myself then I think it’s just going to make it even harder this week um I mean the dessert was pretty good uh Ronnie picked the menu we had a tomato and Bara for our appetizer with some sushi and then some really good scallops steak broccoli I mean can’t go wrong with that and um uh at the end of the night they asked us everyone had to speak and everyone asked um if uh what their favorite Broadway show and what their favorite movie was and I think three of us were like we’ve never been to a Broadway show so I have not been to one so um maybe eventually I will be I don’t spend too much time in New York but uh it was nice it was very intimate and um it was actually my first time doing a Champions dinner just because um you know in the Years prior with Co and everything since my win it’s been quite tough but um it was cool to get us all in a room with um everyone Dom it sounds like you should be hanging out with Nelly cter she’s definitely a foodie the baked goods going through the menu I love seeing Nelly being Nelly I love the way that she was effervescent she she was easy she’s going into a major championship I like her personality she has chosen what she calls kind of in her cocoon to stay insulated from from all of the things that surround a star of her stature and I respect that I I know Stacy Lewis who you can see would go on to our Fairways of Life YouTube page and you’re going to see all of uh uh yuka’s on there Stacy’s on there you’re gonna see a lot of content that that Andrew is loading on there as well as more stuff from the PJ tour and this Travelers event as well you can always find content we’re loading new content on there every single day on the fair ways of life YouTube channel for whatever suits you then of course you have this show 247 do me a favor if you’re if you’re watching us live smash that like button for us Dom tells me it helps with whatever algorithm or what have you uh so please hit the like button if you if you’re with us as well but I really enjoy hearing from Nelly and I think it’s great having stars of the game and whatever LPGA PGA Tour DP World Tour live and that we feel like we can connect with them or un understand them at least in some level as human beans and not just as star athletes so I think that’s really cool too uh I do want to go through air times with you in just a second here for the KPMG women’s PGA Championship but again just pause a thought with Willie Mays passing away at 93 years old a legend in the world of sport it goes beyond baseball it’s a legend in the world of sport that we have lost as to the airtime let’s take a look at when and how and where you can get your coverage of the KPMG Thursday and Friday from 6:00 to 10 p.m. you can catch it on Golf Channel it’s split up over the weekend accordingly 3 6 on Golf Channel on Saturday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. take it into Prime Time on NBC and the mothership and then Sunday from 3: to 700 PM all the way through on NBC is the way that you can find the coverage of that before uh I say goodbye for today Don we will be back here broadcasting again tomorrow uh so you can find that uh for those of you that want to catch it on the streaming television side on the fairways of Life YouTube channel uh Dom where what is the final numbers from your question of the day today will a deal between piff and the PGA Tour ever actually happen definitely or definitely not the uh final answer is definitely 66% so okay 66% I take that as you may take that as you will uh where we’re going to take it right now is we are going to say goodbye we’re just a couple minutes past our broadcast window on this Wednesday but thank you for spending your time with us it is always a pleasure always an honor to have you guys participate in show and to get your input uh we did give away the set of forged Wilson irons uh yesterday I’m not the reason I’m not telling you who want it because I’m not 100% certain uh Lindsay who does our social uh media side that she has actually been able to contact the individual yet so I’m going to hold off on that maybe I’ll have that information for you tomorrow but uh qi1 I can tell you uh with enthusiasm is going to be our next giveaway uh the Tailor Made Driver which is going to be insane once we launch that maybe Dom will’ll figure out a way that we can launch it while we in Ireland that’d be kind of cool but we’ll we’ll just have to wait and see how that plays out I’ll have to I’ll have to get and Andrew down there in our Orlando Studio to to grab product and do some uh some beauty shots of it I think but we’ll figure it out but that just give you guys a heads up that’s what’s coming next U make sure that you subscribe to our social channels make sure that you subscribe to uh the fairways of Life uh YouTube channel make sure you subscribe to my social channels at Matt Adams fool and you’re in the running that’s all you have to do we don’t ask for anything more than we pick from somebody that has uh hit the same all right until we are together again which will be tomorrow I wish you to be very very well and goodbye for now


  1. A major is not equivalent to the World Series. The World Series determines the season champion of MLB. Winning a major tournament does not do the same thing. RIP Willie.

  2. Absolutely they will do the deal! You can't have the most popular golfer in the world not be connected with the PGA tour. LIV has all the personality!

  3. Stunning how messed up the system is when Bryson is not on the American Olympic team. Wyndham Clark has not made a cut in a major this year and he’s your guy. That’s pathetic.

  4. Did Bryson do the right thing during the Pandemic? No. Do we reward him with an Olympic appearance? No.

  5. There’s the “Sport of Golf” and “Professional Golf.” Two different things that seemed to get conflated in your discussion here. No deal hurts the latter, not the former. I’m still playing even if there is no deal. And I’m sure I won’t be alone out there.

  6. I enjoy LIV golf way better! I only watch LIV golf and the 4 majors. I am currently in Old Saybrook, Ct only 40 minutes from the Traveler’s but will be flying to Nashville tomorrow morning to attend the LIV event in Nashville. The event and the players have way more fun then the PGA events! I look forward to seeing, up close and personal, some of the most known golfers in the world the next few days! Eventually it will all be sorted out!

  7. Racism Is still in golf today. And discrimination. People just refuse to see It and admit It. It’s happening with LIV. And it’s happening to woman not being accepted at clubs. It’s stupid. And the problem is that those racist people had kids and they are the ones still behaving like their parents.

  8. There should be a way to get players in good form into the signature events. Hard to watch the same players play poor golf! Bryson was a breath of excitement! The rich keep on getting richer. Yawn.

  9. The fact is that they need a way for players to come back to the PGA tour if they want to. Bryson recently said he would like to play 7-8 pga events a year. I don't know whether the "deal" will be a partnerhip or just a working framework. "A Deal" huh. What does that even mean? When you talk in such generalities everyone can interpret it differently.
    Until PIF gets their issues settled with the world golf rankings the PGA would be dumb to do anything except letting players come back

  10. Forget about PIF or LIV golf…PGA should stop all negotiations with PIF….PIF is running out of CASH….they will abandon LIV golf maybe within the next few years….

  11. Matt you got displaced by Boomer Esaison, a football personality? Not a good confirmation for where you stand and how much pull you have.

  12. There is something wrong with the way the US selects their team with the Ryder cup debacle and now the Olympics. Wyndham missed the cut in two of the three majors. Bryson finished 6th, 2nd, and 1st in the last three majors. Politics always get in the way of common sense. Very frustrating.

  13. The US Communist Kneel Bending Ring Kissing Golf Team. Pathetic. I love how everyone is jilting both orgs and rooting for Bryson. No one will care about US mens Olympic golf without Bryson. Good. The goal is to bankrupt PGAT and LIV golf and promote Youtube golf.

  14. The Olympic tournament is probably the 15th most important golf tournament in any year… A mediocre small field without some of the best players in the world…


  16. Jay hates LIV and you can’t believe anything he says he made sure Olympic team was all pga before end of US Open to make sure Bryson wouldn’t get in he’s so afraid of the LIV’s talented players

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