The Long Right Arm! – The New Easier Downswing! – Simple!

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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of this channel is to provide effective and evidence based coaching content for all golfers.

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[Music] so people connection Direction and length of arm let’s have a look at this Trail arm and what’s really going on with the trail arm a lot of people are really confused there’s a lot of misinformation out there we’re going to have a look at what the right arm the trail arm is really doing in the downswing first off we’re going to have a look at connection reconnecting the right arm inside of this arm this tricep to the body in the down swing this is going to bring a little bit of a pulling effect that has a wonderful chamber reaction on your swing then we’re going to have a look at the direction of the arm and then we’re going to have a look at the length of the arm now this pulling motion this reconnecting of the arm back into the body does a whole bunch of things now we’ve seen it with just about every single player in the history of the game I’ve been showing people the lag wall getting inside the correct side of the wall in the downswing so this is affecting 90% of the am golfers out there this will be affecting you most likely have a look at the right arm of the professional golfer here in the back swing on the outside of the lag wall and watch as he pulls the arm down and reconnects reconnects the trail arm to the body have a look at the am player here now people watch this the am player no reconnecting and this is the thing with the amers they’re leaving the arms out there the arms have to this has to be a pulling effect here the arms have to move down and get back into the side of of the body this is going to give you Shar Lane this is going to help you slot your down swing we’ve seen so many of the great players reconnecting here the arm back into the ribs it doesn’t matter if it was Nicholas or it’s Tiger Woods the wide back swing they reconnect and get this arm back into the side now in the video coming out I’m going to show you a great drill how to immediately get this into your swing this is going to help you in a lot of different directions when we say Amon appliers we tested thousands and thousands filmed 40,000 am golfers with highp speed cameras and we have data collected and analyzing the arms and the body when we see am players what they tend to do from the top is they leave the arms up they leave the arms the arms too far away from the body it causes casting it causes directional issues and it causes the right arm to come in very very high and when we have this we have to do all sorts of things to manipulate that club hit now when we create a pulling effect and this reconnection of the arm against the body we have what we call a positive chain reaction of events you’re given a whole bunch of great things in your goal swing especially in and around impact to help you become more consistent so guys this is the best connection drill this is the best way you can feel and program this move to stop standing up and flipping it if you want to get consistency or that consistency of strike now I’ve teed up through three balls just taking the Liberty to do that let’s have a talk and have a look at what’s going on here now what we want to do is we want to get up take your dress position take like a nine or an eight ey and get to the top of your swing and you’re going to bring the arm down it’s going to reconnect to your body now when you do this guys I’ll do it from this side here it’s going to reconnect what we want to do is keep these hands quite close to your right leg your right arms nice and low right now you’re going to have the arm see where my arm is there it’s not it’s not out here you know all these information about bringing the arms out here how many times have we’ve seen great players with the arm just slightly behind the body here in fact with players like us hoys and and Ma at times we see it quite a long way behind and these players are able then to straighten the arm or throw the arms really the hands of the arms out and just get around the corner and still hit a pure right so if you’re a player that’s back in here and you’re trying to get out here you might be putting the cart in front of the horse there so guys if you think you know the golf swing have a look at these because for a lot of you there I’m going to show you some things you haven’t zoomed before now when we’re looking at players coming down everyone thinks the right elbow the trailer elbow has to be way out in front of the body here now what we’re seeing with some of the world’s best ball Strikers I mean maroy is the best driver the golf ball in the world one of the best drivers of the golf ball ever it’s absolutely unbelievable have a look at ooys and how far his elbows behind his body now you see that you think right you know this is what my online Legends do they see that and they I have to get rid of that you can’t get rid of that right if you’re coming down and really your right elbows higher than the left here if that’s the case you you’re going to have a tough time so what this type of players going to do they’re going to sort of throw the arms at it and around impact the arms going to be very straight so they’re going to throw the arms around the corner and straighten the arms now if you look at someone like Adam Scott who’s got amazing flexibility in this shoulder joint people with what we call external rotation they’re able to bring the right elbow underneath right you see that you see the difference now when people have that ability they’re going to bring the club out a lot more in front of them for people that come down and the right elbow’s higher or level it’s going to be often behind them more so you got to understand what start of Swing you’re working with where’s your strength what are you what are you working on are you working on the good staff so this is an area to swing when we see professional go when we see the ability to get this elbow like physically a lot of people can’t do that right so you you got to know what you’re working on so this is a really interesting area guys you don’t have to have your arms out in front of your body you just have to know what you’re doing I see a lot of people with my online lessons they’re trying to fix the one thing that’s really holding this swing together like for a lot of amers that are standing up and probably over 90% of AM stand up and they’re trying to fix it but of course you’re going to stand up if you you know your arms out here otherwise you’re going to chunk it right so it’s unconsciously your body’s fixing up the mistake of this being too wide cuz that’s how we you know we got to pull this thing in here and when you try this drill you’ll probably hit it thin so when amist start to use the right eye more effectively they hit it thin then you can stay down right then you can actually stay down or even lower down like the T average is 3 in of movement down because when we actually get the arm in a great place and get the shaft lean it actually shortens the radius of the Swing so this place this feeli this arm getting it to reconnect is such a big thing let’s have a look at this drill take a nine or an eight on get to the top swing down reconnect the arm and just pump the arms a couple of times and then give it a hit all right do it again up to the top just feel what your body is doing feel this arm up to the top of the Swing pull the arms down right get it into the side here you can really feel the arm I want it to reconnect I want you to physically feel contact here pump the arms a couple of times once you’ve got that position one two give it a head and guys this is a powerful way to create more sharpening more speed and just bring your arms into the position where great players are so guys I want to show you something that you wouldn’t have seen before voted best swing analysis and best online instruction by several independent surveys world class golf instruction is transforming thousands of golfers at every skill level do not miss out this video platform has over 14400 videos and 85 separate masterclass series the most structured and detailed video platform platform ever created improving golfers on average between 4 and 11 shots join the chat room and join the community of world class golf instruction this is golf instruction that you’ve never seen before the proven PGA corridors factual evidence based material Unleash Your true potential with The Cutting Edge swing analysis technology experience the thrill of progress with the state-of-the-art practice programs and specialized golf Fitness plans best information available I want to show you one of the secrets to the downswing here and it’s about straightening the right arm and this has am is absolutely baffled completely fooled when we have a look at the right arm as it slowly straightens in the downswing it’s going either going to point at the ball or slightly outside the ball when’re looking at the best ball Strikers in the world it makes sense to look at great ball Strikers okay now the arm won’t be completely straight at impact but we know for a fact that this helps shallow the plane it brings the arms into the slot position now the right arm would just be slightly bended impact but for so many am players I’ll show you some of those in the moment they just don’t understand this move you got to understand how your downswing works this is why people are getting stuck and come in Steep and all sorts the arms only just slightly bent really an amazing position here but with so many amers they’re riding in really high with this right forearm look at that tips the club over it ruins your wrist alignments here here people and player after player most of the guys are just practicing this what we’re going to do is have a look at how to get this right arm or talk about what it does to get this right arm in the correct position it’s just one of the key elements for for great ball striking so guys have a look at my right arm here now watch this okay see the club head is in front of my hands here Club see the club head’s pointing up watch this here okay I’m going to bring my hands down watch what happens to the plane of the club when I straighten my right arm okay look at that bring the right arm up straighten the right arm okay now the right arm is just slightly bent but obviously for a lot of am players as they’re leaving the arms up as they turn they really come in with a high right forearm all of them just about now what we want to be able to do here is get this right arm closer your hands lower and closer to your right leg okay so the drill that we’re going to look at here is simple we’re going to bring the hands in really close to the right leg now it makes sense right if I put the golf ball here and we looked at this in in a video recently I see people doing this Drilling and it it probably does it’s a shame for the people it drives me crazy right so they get here the golf Ball’s on the ground and they’re doing this drill right so the arms up here and it’s like they’re hitting the ball off a chair or or off a stool or something up here and they’re practicing that and when they’re practicing the drill they’re doing that the arms are going to straighten there’s going to be some straightening here I’ll just grab my phone here for for a second have a look at this because this is a a really good visual effect you’re going to have a little bit down the bottom here it’s going to be a little bit of pushing the arms are going to get long but your right hand’s going to stay down and when you see the face of my mobile phone or cell phone there see where that right hand is now if you’re if you’re getting the arms to be long down here but you’ve still got that look at the club face it’s pointed down and the other way of course and you you guys know how much I use the hanger and love it in my own training I get this I get this on so it’s a couple of finger widths away and when I just bring it down I just simply have the hanger touching my forearm and that does it anyway and I like to practice with that cuz I like to feel feel that move and like every week There’s a discount code in the description box underneath one of the drills that you can do it’s really interesting and we call it static positional training and we’re going to have a look at that right now so guys here we go this is what we do all right you take your dress position I want you to put your hands opposite your right leg now I want a really good angle in this wrist okay so I want to almost get a right angle here but I want your hands really really low okay so I want to get your hands just above the top of your right knee now you can see how long my arm is and I might be just slightly exaggerating there but hey that’s what we do when we practice and use drills all right so we take the position right and if you came into impact you’d be here you’re looking at that and then you just get just hold it there for a second and picture that right feel where where that hand was and then give it a hit all right do it again so get the arms nice and long around this position here right I’m just above my right knee that won’t be probably that far down when they here but I want to do that I’ve got the face pointed down i’ got the mobile phone I just look at that position and recreate picture that and then move down then through the golf ball and give it a hit and you you can really picture it as you’re swinging and this is this static positional type of training IT Supplies you with a feeli so that when you hit you can reconnect to that that picture or that feel very interesting way this right arm getting the arm to be long but maintaining an angle in this wrist here is a really important part of how we practice instead of practicing or using drills incorrectly so people let’s talk direction of the arms for so many of you out there right let’s talk about this initial downswing move and the direction of the arms now if I take my address position here right and I’ve got 6:00 on this side 12:00 there’s a big clock on the ground and we’re going 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 what I want you guys to do is to take the club away nice and straight here but get it going between 6: and 7:00 now on on the when you’re getting up to the top of your swing I want you to feel like you’re starting down in that direction almost feel like when you’re starting down if that’s the camera there I want 30° I want you to guys to get the feeling that the club or the hands are moving down more over in this direction like it’s staying from the inside right as we’re getting the arm to Clos into the side I want for so many of you out there we got so many people coming in steep with so many people hitting slices and too many Fades with a lot of people out getting the club to move down in this direction is going to help so many of you now you can get the feeling you can experiment around the club won’t do this but you can swing out to 12 and 12 between 12 and 1 for a lot of people for a lot of people that helps them create more of a draw now for Advance players moving through the ball you probably won’t want to do that you don’t want to get that far out here you might need to move around a little bit more to the left keeping a pressure point in here working the club around a a little bit more to the left and keeping the heel up a little bit with some neck tilt then you get really nice dispersion for people coming over the top you don’t want to work to Club around to the left it’s more of an advanced move but for many of you out there thinking in this fashion it’s really simple right swing out this way if you come in Steep and your divot to left sowing have this way for advanced players work the club a little bit around and under with your head and your neck on the side that way the moving through the golf ball will get you moving down nicely a really interesting area when we start to look at the direction of the golf club here guys


  1. As usual another great video. I just figured out how to do this yesterday at the range after a bad round of golf. This increased my accuracy and my distance. It was a complete eye opening range session. I did want to leave and stayed at range for 2 hours after round.
    My round starts it 4 hrs and I am heading to range early to work on this move.

  2. Ive recently started to get my elbow more tucked to my side and ive been striking it better. Then i see this video to help confirm im on the right path. Thanks for the video.

  3. I have a SECRET in my golf swing that works automatically just like Mr. Hogan described in his fundamental book. The. Secret = DO NOT use your hands other than to hold the club from flying out of your hands. Let the wrist react to the shoulder rotation on the way back and the hip rotation on the way down and hold the club don't squeeze it to death with the proper grip on top for fade and slightly to the right for right handers for draw. The faster the hip turn the further the ball goes. Hogan said you can not turn your hips fast enough. Try to hit the ball with out using your hands and let the wrist react to the motion of the shoulders and hips. Do this and every thing else falls into place as it should such as the so called magic elbow which would be elbow's as you do have to of them. Who am I? Just a golfer for over 50 years no one special. It works for me so give it a try. The set up is also very important and balance is key. Two points of contact hands on the club and feet on the ground! Hold all your address angles in the swing until you have hit the ball. Let the momentum of the club bring you up and out of it after the hands and wrist have hit through the ball on their own! If you do not know what the ball flight laws are I suggest you look them up. There are nine possible ball flights disregarding trajectory. It's not rocket science it is a chain reaction that requires practice so you can feel it happening.

  4. Hey Craig, great stuff as usually. Craig being self taught later in life I have nothing ingrained on how a golf swings works, that being said, your work on the proper shoulder plane has helped me more coming from the inside than any drill out there, and what I see and hear at least for myself and it's pretty ridiculous to even say this but the biggest problem still is my brain see that golf ball and just wants to go after it, that's when I'm way over the top slicing, just horrible contact, etc,etc,etc, when I take a few practice swings without a ball at setup my swing isn't half bad, I know it sounds so brainless but it's true, that golf ball just gets my attention, I still have trouble creating a thought to swing thru and let the ball get in the way, idk sometimes I just don't trust my mechanic to get me to the ball. ok that's all I had to rat myself out so I can get better. Thanks Craig I haven't purchased the hanger yet , but its definitely gonna be my next purchase, I get lazy filming my swing, play back, pausing the whole deal gets frustrating sometimes , I need physical contact with a swing aid for it to sink in. Be safe , ty .

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