Jury Rules NFL Violated Antitrust Laws in ‘Sunday Ticket’ Case | BEN MALLER SHOW

BEN MALLER SHOW – Ben Maller reacts to the a ruling that could financially rock the NFL world.

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this is an unreal story and you might have missed it cuz it’s not totally an NFL story and the NFL really doesn’t want you to hear about this they really don’t want you to hear too much about this lot of a lot of testimony we talked about this story a couple times over the last week this is a followup to a previous malor monologue high profile figures like Roger Goodell and Jerry Jones visiting Los Angeles to be part of this federal trial and they were character Witnesses whatnot but the decision has arrived and it is an absolute you know what it is a mofo of a decision so if you didn’t see this and perhaps not a jury in US District Court ordered the NFL to pay nearly 4.8 billion in dages be like Ben be like billions all of this after the ruling came down that the league had violated Anti-Trust laws in the United States in distributing outof Market afternoon games on Sunday holy Andrew ceciliano Batman uh they turned this into a premium subscription service and let me repeat that for those of you that are in the back of the room and have spent too much time with your bong so the jury awarded 4.7 billion in Damages that’s to the residential class the regular folk 96 million in damages to the commercial class but that doesn’t tell the whole story you dig a little bit deeper below the surface and as I understand it since the damages can be tripled under Federal antitrust laws that means that the NFL could that’s a weasel word could end up being liable for 14.3 billion they would have to pay out if this thing gets triple $4.39 billion let us discuss the question we we’ll stay with the 4.8 billion but what is your reaction to the NFL losing this over 4 billion judgment because of their finagling with the Sunday Ticket so I’ve got MIDI hero Dean Dome and Jello and we will combine all of these random things together and we will be rubbernecking as we are sitting here and looking at the accident the 16 car pile up on the side of the interstate because oh what a story this is so number one number one number one one number one all right Cal down this is a a doozy of a story the lawsuit that amount of money 2.4 million Eddie Garcia is going to get a check koopal Loop who’s not here is going to get a check and every man woman and child that is on the record of paying for Sunday Ticket is going to get a check 48,000 businesses also this goes over an 11-year period from 2011 to 2022 it involves Direct TV the NFL was found guilty of breaking the Anti-Trust laws but here’s what they did they sold the Sunday Ticket at an inflated price okay and that restricted they also restricted the competition from offering Sunday Ticket it was only available on Direct TV exclusive tivity so when I saw the headline on this I was half awake half asleep you know one of those deals when you do the overnight show it’s it’s during the day but you’re not quite not totally away so I I saw the headline on my phone and I looked at another story and then I looked back and I said wait what wait what is that and I I was drinking some water and I sprayed it out of my mouth like I was in a bad comedy uh like a sitcom I was like whoa even for the 800 lb gorilla this is a massive amount of cash the jury of men and women acting like medieval Heroes the Timeless Narrative of Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor unwashed fan base now the NFL and do do we think the NFL has been doing this for years of course they have the NFL’s been exploiting their poor middle class fan base and they’ve amassed a great amount of power and wealth by PR price scouching that’s what they do they price scouch the food at stadiums the ticket prices the merchandise it’s all price gouging they don’t have to C they don’t have to charge that much but they say well Market will pay it okay well here’s an example of you thought the market would pay it and the market did pay it but now you’re getting screwed because you didn’t read the antitrust laws at least for now so page two where does the NFL go after this loss in court so I’m going to tell you where they go they go to the dean doome that’s an outdated reference let me explain here so the NFL is going to play the long game and as Yogi Barett said it ain’t over till it’s over well you’re going to run off to the dean dome in North Carolina Dean Smith he’s an old college basketball coach he’s dead but he North Carolina the tar Hills he ran the Four Corners offense from time to time now we are told the NFL already announced they’re going to appeal the verdict so the appeal would go up to the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that’s in San Francisco that covers the western part of the United States the ninth Circuit of appeals you know the NFL’s bummed out they wanted to take this this thing to New York because they know all the judges in New York they all hang out in the Hamptons they couldn’t do that so fine they have to go to San Francisco they’ll likely lose that when that fails The Next Step would be the Supreme Court of the United States that they will go to to scotus they’ll go to the Supreme Court and expect in my crystal ball here’s what I I expect some political donations to pop up from Park Avenue to help pay for certain people maybe their kids want to go to a certain college or whatever and give them a little money uh they will play Pinball and they’ll just bounce around until they get a sympathetic court that will overturn this now maybe it will be the ninth circuit court of appeals but they’ll just keep going they’ll appeal appeal appeal appeal appeal and the Supreme Court does not move that fast I don’t if you know about that the wheels of Justice turn slowly we’ve heard so that would mean that this will get dragged out and good luck good luck uh it’s going to take years so you play the long game and wait long enough and a lot of the people that paid for the Sunday Ticket that were price gouged will be dead before they see any money all right final point will this case cause the NFL to change its ways so the easy answer is no because the NFL is appealing they haven’t had to pay the money out it changes check back with us if the NFL does end up paying the money out here’s why if it’s just the 4.8 billion should the n NFL end up having to pay damages it would cost each member of the cartel it’s like a drug cartel but in this case football cartel it would cost each member of the cartel approximately $449 million every team would have to pay every single team now Mike gut feeling uh says if if you do the math and that’s actually I think for the 14 billion but Mike gut feeling says no way Jose okay and here’s why for 40 years now this NFL really took off in the 80s it wasn’t as popular in the 70 but in the ‘ 80s it started taking off and now we’re almost 45 years into this thing where the NFL’s continually gotten bigger and more powerful they’ve grown into this mythical monster at this point they are like a classic sci-fi horror film from early Hollywood The Blob a Jello like monster that eats everything in its path and NFL people now I’ve communicated with a few people that work in that world and they’ve indicated to me that a they’re not worried because they know the appeals process takes years and years and years and B if it’s only the 4 billion they could afford to to pay that so it’s not like they got the money and the revenues keep going up but this will be tied up the main point is this will be tied up in bureaucracy for years and eventually they think they’re going to be able to find a buddy buddy judge who’s a big fan of the NFL maybe they can I don’t know I’m not saying they would bribe the judge but hey you want some tickets at the 50 yard line to the Super Bowl you want a Luxury Box you know your kid wants to have a allinclusive experience with the quarterback okay you want to hang out with Patrick Mahomes for a day you want to suit up for the Chiefs and have Andy Reid coach it we can make that happen sure just remember us if if this any case involving the NFL goes to to your courtroom just kind of remember where we’re at well you do that for us oh you will oh that’s great that’s Wonder thank you yes absolutely that’s wonderful wait to go you want some NFL merch yeah we’ll hook you up with that sure no problem

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