Golf Players

This Club SOLD OUT in less Than 48 HOURS!! But WHY??

This Club SOLD OUT in less Than 48 HOURS!! But WHY??

I am positive that this club will surprise you just as much as it did me. The new line from MacGregor is not to be overlooked if you’re looking for affordable high performing clubs.

Check out the V Max range on the link below:

today guys we are talking about a brand that has the second most major wins on the major tours and it’s a brand that for me was around when I was a junior but it has disappeared in recent years and this club as you’ll know by the title did sell out within a couple of days of James Robinson doing a video on this and again if it’s won that many majors you will think that it is a premium brand and for me it is a premium brand but this club is only £69 it’s a driving iron and so far it’s hit some incredibly good shots just like that this is a forine and the brand we’re talking about is McGregor golf a brand that for me was around for years but then it did fall off the face of the Earth it is one of those brands that we’ll all know we’ll all have known players who’ve used these clubs for me when I was a junior a lot of people using the mtech driver a lot of people were using the irons but then in the last 20 years it’s not been a brand that you’ve seen that much of now this is a driving iron and this is the 4 iron we do have a three iron and a 2on in this Vmax steel driving iron it’s not a hybrid it’s a little bit of a combination of a hybrid and a driving iron because as you can see there behind the golf Bo you can see we can see the back of that club head it’s it’s very similar to the utility iron I’m using from Tacomo it’s very similar to the new tailor made P dhy Club so again maybe directed towards the higher hand handicapper but for me if it hits shots like that and it’s easy to launch it could easily go into my golf bag but there’s one thing that’s holding this back and that is the shaft although it’s creating perfect ball flights there a nice penetrating ball flight down the middle the shaft option we have only comes in regular so if you have faster swing speeds maybe it’s not going to be the club for you for me there I have to slow the swing down a little bit to get the control but it feels fantastic it looks fantastic and for £69 would you put that into your golf B what have you spent on your driving iron which driving iron do you have in your bag but let’s jump into the studio now see what numbers it’s getting for me cuz those two right there right next to each other what will the numbers say so technology wise we know this has got the enclosed cavity back we know it’s got the kinetic so to help you get through the turf a little bit better and we’re trying to get as much Moi as possible and that’s exactly what this club is doing for us and like I’ve said out there down at the ball it does look just as good as some of your premium bounds you could easily think this if it was a blind testing that it is worth the 250 to 300 range but it’s coming in at 79 oh 69 even so70 here is great value for money but same as the driver obviously it only comes in the regular shaft so again it depends on your level for me I’ve hit it well out there but I would need a different shaft in this but let’s see what this [Music] goes again sounds different to your other premium clubs but strike wise they’re fantastic 222 carry 241 straight away there fantastic numbers with a 4 round this is the 4 round driving n again this could fit in with a set depending it’s a bit of a blend obviously like we say of a nine and a hybrid to give you that little bit of difference you don’t have to go straight into a hybrid if you’re somebody like myself I don’t always like the look of the hybrids we certainly know the McGregor hybrids which will be on the channel soon do have a little bit of a different look to them but if you still like the look of an iron but again penetrating ball flight there a little bit higher is a for will help you launch a little bit higher does have that low center of gravity it is trying to promote a higher launch it still wants you to have a and still have a driving IR which maybe can work so there see that one there let’s just check the numbers how far that one went 235 so 235 total carry 220 so for me it’s a playable number it’s pretty much what I’d see from the Tacoma 101 youu that I have in my bag so it’s all dependent on your budget there because we see that I’ve got a Tacoma which again is Affordable around about 15 to £120 here this is pretty much half price that doing the same job but what’s holding it back is that shaft although the numbers and the front to back dispersion has been good in here and is good out on the golf course that might be something that you need to think about and again that shot right there you can see is a little bit more me so 200 yards 220 yes I’ve turned the club over so that has gone left the club is not going to save me from Bad shots but you still see there the drop off yes 30 yards would I see that with any club yes if this was just a normal Standard Iron I’d probably see more of a drop off poor swing poor result but it’s still in play again just when you do hit it out of the center like that feels fantastic feels as good as anything 230 carry going 242 so price-wise ticking a box performance- wise ticking a box shaft selection maybe something that McGregor are going to look into maybe you can request obviously get a stiff shaft in here I know that these clubs did come into the UK James Robinson did a video on these and they did actually sell out so that’s why the title is this sold out club could be perfect for you because price-wise if you’re looking for something to try you don’t mind spending £70 giving it a go seeing if it’s the right club for you because we know your latest and greatest are coming in between 250 and 3 £300 but it will be interesting to put this to the test against other manufacturers I’m going to do that in a video in the coming weeks guys I’m going to get this in the hands of midh handicap Dave who is the the perfect guinea pig we’ll go with to try this put this next to a Tacoma 101 you put this again something maybe from title is from Taylor Made maybe the dhy from Taylor Made which again would be more directed to some somebody like Dave so a fantastic looking Club performing fantastic how will it stand up against the premium Brands that’s something that you will see in the coming weeks get in the comments Below guys have you looked at the new McGregor stuff would you consider it again very affordable no matter what level you’re at if you’re looking for something that’s going to perform for me for the price they are ticking a lot of boxes but guys what else you want to see on the channel in the coming weeks we are getting mid- handicap Dave back he’s not going to the Caravan we’ve B him from there he will be back on the Channel and we’ll be filming plenty of stuff with him so what do you want to see him try out now extremely consistent numbers there inside but this is where you want to put it to the test out on the golf course so again we’re here into a long par 4 is a four iron but would I want to hit a CB would I want to hit an mb4 I am probably not this is where even this compared to the set gives me that little bit more confidence behind it looks a little bit bigger and it’s just so easy to hit so good launch there drawing back from that right hand side and that’s nice and easy I’m not trying to feel like I’ve got to hit that I think the club’s going to do all the work and if we talk about strike pattern there not exactly out of the center but still got a good launch looks to have got the distance so doing the work and you can see why these clubs have sold out we have got more coming into stock but fantastic club and that’s another one sounds fantastic just up that right half of the green again a very similar strike just out of the toe there but we’ve still got the distance so let’s get up there and let’s see how they’ve done from this major winning brand and this is exactly what we saw inside front to back dispersion pretty good yes I’ve just missed the green there but with two pretty much M strikes they’ve still got the distance and done the work I believe if that was my normal CB4 then I could have been a little bit short having a tougher shot to get up and down so guys an absolutely fantastic Club there you can see why that did sell out again coming in at under 70 for a driving night much cheaper than the others on the market from all your other premium Brands again Wilson have just brought out a new driving Island that does look fantastic I don’t think it’s going to be coming in at this price point but they are the leading major winning brand so they’re the one with the most amount of Majors McGregor coming at second and like we said they’ve gone a little bit different now they have brought out some affordable clubs they have brought out some cheaper clubs we don’t see them on tour as much but if you’re looking to get into go for you just wanting to test a driving ey out there with that regular shaft yes not perfect for me but still performing exceptionally well so if your swing speed is a little bit slower you’re in regular shafts then these could be the perfect clubs for you


  1. Not so much Mid Handicap Dave going to the caravan, more Low Handicap Chris spending more time out of the country than the average holiday rep

  2. The macgregor v foil driving iron is still available. I got one for £46 last year. I’m 21 handicap and find it easy to hit

  3. In the U.S., they have the $70 MacTec X with some red accents and regular or stiff shafts, in 21degrees only. The $100 all black, more player looking MacTec comes in senior, regular and stiff shafts at 18 or 21 degrees. There's no shaft brand/model choice, as is the case with their upper level irons.
    By comparison. the $105 Sub 70 699U v2 (or the now $80 original) offers a few "same price" shaft choices as well as upgrade offerings.

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