Hit The Driver Straighter By Following THIS Process

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so hitting the driver straight definitely the most difficult thing to do oh done under pressure have a done under [Music] pressure but have hope and do not despair because hitting the driver straight is what this video is all about and I invite you to walk with me into the promised land so firstly let’s understand what happens at impact when this club meets the golf ball ultimately the direction on the golf ball is determined by the angle on which this club enters the point of impact its direction of travel so if it’s left if it’s right if it’s up if it’s down and of course where that club face is pointing it’s no surprise that most golfers when they struggle to hit the driver straight suffer from a classic over-the-top movement so the hands and the arms moving out towards the ball moving left something which leads to a slice that movement as well also usually causes a descending angle of attack the opposite of this for a right-hander is when the club moves a little bit too much inside like this and a big old hookeri comes through in both cases we need to find a way to get this club moving through impact on a little bit more of a neutral path the hardest shot to hitting golf is the straight one like even the very best plays in the world modern day professionals don’t hit the ball straight that often oh come on come on Kick left however if you can reduce the amount that the club travels from out to in or from into to out if you can get the club moving a little bit straighter through the point of impact then you’re going to help to neutralize a lot of your bad blies we are not looking for Perfection we are looking for consistency and if your Club is moving say 10° in this direction from out to in and you have to adapt the club face to match to try and curve the ball back to Target whether subconsciously or consciously there’s more factors at play if we can simplify these numbers we can simplify the swing consistency should come through something else I would love people to consistently do is hit that subscribe button those balls have landed pretty much on top of each other and simply for that just hit the Subscribe button we’re approaching 100,000 subscribers here on YouTube give us a follow hit the Bell to be notified of new videos so how can we achieve this firstly I want to do a drill which involves the whole body because believe it or not as this club starts to approach impact this is the same with irons we did a video recently on this as well the amount of control that you have is going to be limited the amount of manipulations that you can make at the point of impact when the club is moving at its fastest is going to be finite so we need to get your body your whole structure of your swing in a position that can help you deliver the club more neutral and not just focus on what is happening at impact so one reason that players do lose control of the club is because they start to lose the structure of their swing by structure I’m talking about posture now if you were to get into your driver swing position the ball position would be just inside your lead heel you’d have a little bit of distance away from the ball you’d be tilted over from the hips and your right shoulder will be slightly lower than your left your swing Center here is behind the golf ball we want to be hitting up on a shot with the driver after all what I’ve done here is I popped an alignment stick pretty much through the middle of my chest middle of my biceps here and I want to try and maintain my posture throughout the swing so I’m going to get the lead side of this alignment stick pointing down after the golf ball so what you can see here is that my shoulders have turned fully my body has turned fully but because I’ve got this alignment stick pointing down behind the golf ball what I’ve also done is maintain my posture I’ve not stood up and out so the structure of my back swing has remained pretty solid now what I’m going to do is simply repeat the process I’m going to turn my shoulders and my body and get the other end of the alignment stick pointing down just before the golf ball and again what you can see here is that I’ve not lost my posture and I maintained the structure of the Swing if you turn away and you lose the structure of your posture it can cause so many issues you can lift up and start to reverse pivot towards the target the shoulders could become really flat and the club could whip away miles on the inside all of these things going to have to require body movements and corrections as you start to approach impact if you can maintain the posture and we can turn and we can turn the whole structure here can remain consistent and allow this club to move outwards towards the ball and start to be more neutral through impact so repeat this process as much as possible with an alignment stick you can do this in your house you can do this at the range if you are going to go to the range and practice this I’d probably say like a 5:1 ratio so five of those little practice motions then get the driver and just try and repeat those same body positions when you actually hit if you do that with a 5 to1 ratio you can spend an hour and probably hit about 25 balls and you’ll be exhausted because actually controlling your body in this manner is pretty difficult oh I’ve hit in exactly the same place ah car path 340 yards with a 15 year dve so there’s something that you’ll notice about these shots that I’m hitting they’re actually flying pretty straight but they’re moving off to the right hand side now there’s a couple of ways that I can change this I can try and neutralize my path a little bit more so rather than coming from the inside quite so much try and move it a little bit straighter or I can work on my club face alignment and try and strengthen that position either to hit a draw or to try and straighten out the initial line but here’s how you can check where that club face is and actually incorporate it to the drill that we’ve just done so we know we want the left shoulder pointing down to maintain posture then the right shoulder to follow how this interacts with the club face though is going to determine its position relative to Target line so what I mean by that is if you turn away get the Shoulder pointing down and at this point if the Leading Edge of the driver is matching spine angle we know that it’s going to be pretty Square to Target as you turn through if you can get the Leading Edge matching spine angle right shoulder pointing down towards the ball we know it’s going to be pretty Square to Target line so how about we practice that turn shoulder down turn shoulder down matching up that face here we go tightest hole in golf watch more videos


  1. It’s 2 am here and I play at 7 am so hopefully this video gives me the swing makeover of the century 🙏

  2. Absolutely superb, so simple, such clear and easy to understand instruction.

  3. Hi Peter, I was wondering if you could do a video on the release part of the swing. It's the part I struggle with the most, where my lead elbow will point behind me (instead of down) when my arms are parallel after hitting the ball. Also, how should the release feel? is it something you actively do, or you just letting the arms go? fully relax them after the hit? I also feel this is very related to grip pressure. I wonder how the arms should feel after impact, because atm mine are still tensed up leading to minor chicken-wingy.. I have a tendency to fade/slice, and have never been able to draw driver even though I have a straight/slightly out-to-in club path.
    I think I'm losing speed and distance here. Any thoughts? 🙂

  4. Ive pratcied the take away club face alignment to spin drill but never the follow through one cheers. I will gove this a try my miss is a big ol duck hook

  5. “…modern day professionals don’t hit the ball straight that often.”

    Ludvig Aberg: “I took that personally.” 😉

  6. I watched this this morning as I’ve been suffering with a horrendous slice (I’m a left hander). I’m at the driving range trying to implement what you’ve said…. and it worked!! I now have a slight fade or they go straight, thank you Pete!

  7. Hey PETE!! Just pressed play & already must ask what's with the Titleist Pro Titanium 905 Driver from like 2005?? Don't get me wrong, I love the old-school throwback.

  8. Is that a 915D or a 905???? Im about it and thats a great throw back. One of the best driver lines in that era for sure

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