AI Golf Clubs: Gimmick or Game Changer? (Insight from Major Brand)

Draw on the back of a cocktail napkin or computer-generated-what’s the best way to make a golf club? We discuss the intense marketing campaigns that promise AI will transform your game, but is it all hype?

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Join us as we dive deep into the intersection of technology and tradition in the golf world, focusing on AI in golf. In this video, we interview Evnroll Putters, a company that embraces a balanced approach to technology. While many big brands push AI as the next big game-changer, Evnroll emphasizes the importance of human feedback, sound, look, and feel in the art of club design. @EvnrollPutters believes that while AI can enhance certain aspects, it can’t replace the artistry and precision of human craftsmanship.

Can technology alone lead to better swings, or is the traditional touch just as important? Discover why the right balance of AI and human feedback could be key to your success on the course.


welcome back to iron sharp and irons artificial intelligence and [Music] golf oh my gosh so much marketing around AI you see it everywhere 10K Moi terms that I don’t know that this guy knows a lot more about I’m sure Alan cistron with even roll and we’re going to talk a little bit about AI is it just a marketing deal does it take craftsmanship out of the kind of the equation which you guys are amazing at at even roll and by the way the er2 that simply makes it much more stable more forgiving with a higher Moi for better speed control and allowing you to make more putts play put of the year just announced by my golf spy so congratulations on that big award but just your first thoughts about AI is it is it a marketing thing or is there something there um and and let’s kind of start with that yeah I think it’s definitely a buzzword these days I think um it uh with with certain golf clubs I think can definitely add to the forgiveness and and find new ways to to increase thei um with with Putters you know we’re so zoned in on the look and the feel and the sound that I I I just feel like you know a lot of R&D in prototyping and and using garen’s uh personal designs can be a little bit better path on on finding the the correct product but um you know in Ideal World we’ll we’ll try to you know use both yeah yeah um okay so what’s even roll stance on it do you guys use any AI technology again I I saw the shop I went back there to see how you manufacture and its Precision uh at at its utmost kind of Peak from what you guys do so we don’t use a lot of AI uh technology itself however all of our Machining operations are dialed into the highest tolerances so um all of Garren’s drawings start even roll was founded on that principle of of grooves I’m about Roll But offc Center hits are offc Center hits and so sweet face technology became the the foundation of even roll like he likes to say on the back of a cocktail napkin you know and it evolves into um into a into a a uh drawing that the machinists can use to to cut a piece of metal and and get to a final product I feel like AI you know there’s some great things about it it but I I equate it to what’s in my Tesla right the full self-driving kind of is great but it’s also a pain in the rear uh I mean it really is it’s not perfect it has no human feel to it I almost uh really big tangent I almost had it run into a pile of rocks like it just ran straight it was going for it unless I took over as the human to make sure that I didn’t hurt myself um the human element that’s kind of coming out in a lot of ways but I know is still very a part of even rule um what do you personally kind of see about that especially you know you have the bigger manufacturers that are leaning so hard in AI technology and you have again what you guys do which is precision crmh well precision crashmariosonic but right is it a fit for your game and I get it maybe you’re showing up at the first te and you’re like look at my new AI smoke look at my new Q10 or whatever these things are that got designed by AI but you can’t hit it straight right and and as far as Putters go I guess give us even roll stance you know that the kind of the overall talking points about what separates you guys from the pack out there yeah it’s a great question um you know like you said it’s um fine-tuned components right machine to high tolerance but it’s putting is an art right so we we design the putter to look clean have a nice aesthetic and then what really separates us is the sweet face technology right so we utilize the groove Tech to get a cleaner roll more consistent roll and then um less dispersion on on off-center hits as well so um more of a more of a redirection towards the hole and and easier to control the speed yeah and you heard it from Allen but also we have plenty of videos about what takes place with this sweet face technology I go through the paces here at their studio in carlbad check out that video you’ll see why their Putters might be a great fit for


  1. It doesn’t matter if you can’t hit it straight. Or does it matter? I don’t know that AI makes me hit it any straighter if I can’t hit it straight to begin with 🤷‍♂️

  2. The only new thing about AI is easy accessibility and therefor marketing value. The not so new part is AI itself and the high cost. Being able to test millions of designs in millions of scenarios is every company's dream, not only for golf equipment, but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

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