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There’s Less Than 15 of These in the World

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[Music] all right this is a long aerobic warmup some rolling and some stair stepper and I’m going to hit some goad but I’m going to do uh a pre-ad and select some movements do you think TBO has the pig put in there oo I don’t know we have to hit him up no Pig come on TBO everyone has a pig everyone has a pig it’s super common there’s like 12 of them out there ever or 15 maybe 10 I don’t know not that many of them I guess do they change the weights in them for guys and girls or do they just have 20 no that they have like some for guys some for girls but the pig that we have is the old pig from like the 2015 games and it’s a little heavier than the one that we use now I think it’s like 100 lb or something like that heavier maybe more maybe less I don’t really remember I guess I’ll was put heavy deadlift that counts heavy deadlift and press yeah or just a I guess I could do a heavy cleaning jerk Turner Turner’s thinking with her brain this morning um but we got a little bit of a fun workout we’re going to do three sets uh with with we’re going to do pig flip then we’re going to do a handstand walk to the wall into strict deficit handstand push-ups so you got to walk to the wall walk into your deficit and then hit your strict handstand push-ups um Adam said if I fail the first hand standand push-up I have to redo the handstand walk so got to make sure I get that one and then we’re going to do two uh seated rope climbs um like we did at regionals or semi-finals whatever the heck called now and then a 1500 M C2 bike in between all that and that’s going to count as like the rest so do that at like a slow to moderate pace and then make it from bike to bike for time so that’s it super fun right sounds like it get Dallas in there Dallas is a pro at the pig flips now so I’ll just do pig flip we got Hunter here he’s going to do the pig for the first time that’ll be fun okay all right 10 minute goad let’s do it right Pro tip if your girlfriend’s using your only PVC pipe in the gym you can use a broom hot [Music] [Applause] Turner right w we’s kind of like putting the camera on a slider getting shots dismount Sony uh web he uh like the Olympic weightlifter does all like those crazy complexes did a video today about my snatch huh yeah he uh broke down your snatch broke down my snatch he said it was pretty good really good consistency in the technique an event like this where there’s lots of multiple repetitions the what he does here is really good between rep one and two because he takes a step back and resets himself now taking that step back and going back through your process even if it feels like you’re wasting time will reduce the likelihood of you missing reps and staying consistent with your Technique so that’s something that I really like to see with his lifting between rep one and two and that’s why you see such beautiful consistent technique yay no big deal whoa yeah Theo it’s not Theo watch out like but Shady bro watch out dude think it’ll make it up oh look at that come here come here yeah so strong easy ass very nice I think about like almost like trying to like slide it like a sled push like I’m leaning into it pretty good and then my feet are pretty wide not pretty wide but a little bit wider than my Squat and then when I pick it up I’m grabbing like on the very outside of this and I’m going to pick it up and drive into it and then I’m going to step in with one leg I like my left foot it’s just the foot that I jerk with and then I try to at least get it to my hip if I can a little bit higher and once it’s there it’s like another like dip drive and you’re going to try to get it to your shoulder and then from there it’s like another dip Drive and you jerk it and then you walk into it but what’s 99% of the time that’s what’s going to happen is you’re going to get it to here you’re going to go to get it up to your shoulder and it’s only going to get to here and you have to do another one to like get it to your shoulder like when I get tired that’s what happens to me you did it a little bit like that right yeah but the biggest part for me is like the initial pick and trying to get it as high as I can that yeah so like when you get it like I said I try to get it up as high as I can and then it’s on here then you’re just trying to get under it but even if you get it to here and it’s not where you want you can do like another one to try to get it up and then it’s just it’s a really grindy movement maybe try first to see if you can get it to your your hip yep hey pretty much he going a high yeah you going a high if you use your hips you’re getting off to your shoulder that first pick was super good that felt good right yeah it was a little awkward when it got to yeah when it got to kind of like there like once it’s here you got to like just get it up there strong and then just like a big jerk and I just try to get my arm straight and then you can just walk into it okay yeah I might mess around with it a yeah do a couple easy [Music] you yeah [Music] yeah backing I’m better than ever I think I got a vend oh now they call me I seen them all getting S I told them all I getting let up they I tired of me never give me a shot and I I SW shoot like yeah yeah they getting nervous I seen it what I seen wouldn’t believe it they say they wanted I need it damn I’m going DB like I D at a class get in my lane and I’m going right past I turn it up watch me go to the mask you went in first and you noticed you last I thought I told him I’m coming right back I got a FL like it came from the tap and I came from my city this right on my back backing I’m better than ever I think I got a v better oh now they call me I seen them all of those times getting SED I told them all I getting let up they tired of me never give me a shot and I I SW shoot like B backing I’m better than ever I think I got a vend better oh now they call me I seen them all getting I told them up they TI of me never give me a shot and I I like that’s how I shoot lately I’m driven like I’m on the rout Dam my land I told on to move now that I’m popping got too much to loose look at the numbers got nothing to proof I’m in the city just me and my crew told me I’m sick and I know that it’s true but I’m still going to ball like I got a yeah run it up I told him that I’m coming back so let me get all of that time is now I’m coming around to get a check said I need my taxes back all the time I’m getting m to get in line and it’s with no respect that I told them all about the ball getting chips feeling like sh backing I’m better than ever I think I got a vendetta oh now they call me I seen them all of those T getting SED I told them all I getting let up they get not tired of me never give me a shot I Sho like [Music] yeah yeah [Music] that was good I mean Pig’s never been like a great event for me but now we got one here and going to get a bunch of work on it whether it comes up or not I’ll be ready for it but regardless it’s freaking great training the way it makes your freaking legs and body feel it’s just like shocks your CNS like crazy I mean anybody that’s done any workout with like heavy cleans or heavy deadlifts like in it it just freaking shocks your system because like every rep is like full effort so it was good it was interesting to do with like the C2 bike right before it cuz it kind of just like filled up your legs and though your legs is like the main thing that you’re using to get that thing going so it was good rounds two and three were much different than round one which was good we got fitter today yeah you got to the bike in around one in like 53 seconds yeah like what the hell I know maybe was a little bit longer than that yeah I was like don’t freaking like save it just freaking blow through round one and then see what happens and I did see what happened I don’t know if it’s like much different though cuz I think like no matter what when you get to rounds two or three it’s going to be hard so like might as well get those pigs done quick but man that like last flip that way on the UPS slope is a lot more difficult than the first slip this way on the down slope dud that’s all I saying when I tried it yeah you didn’t think it’d be that big of a difference but it’s huge you definitely feel it which is crazy but yeah I got some hand s and walk skill stuff right now and then wrap it up with some trusty old rowing intervals should be super fun got to love those but that’s it for session one today Dallas will be back for freaking Max up for upper call today hey buddy got to finisher after that see if we can rope them in yesterday we did uh uh the finisher after the lower session was 25 wall balls with a 20 lb wall ball to an 11t Target 25 Cal eeko then 25 wall balls with a 30 just regular to a 10-ft Target and then 25 Cal eeko and Dallas and Daniel teamed up to see if they could beat me um Dallas was going to do all the wall balls Daniel was just going to do the echko but I thought it would be fair if they did 30 and 30 instead of 25 25 25 because like Daniel could just send the echo you know and I won Dallas kind of fell apart and saved me at the end and up beating them by like just over 30 seconds but that was good how’ that 30 lb wall ball feel Dallas it was impossible I know I was doing my wall balls and I was like almost done and then I got on the bike and then I heard Dallas is doing singles on his last set of thir wall balls made me happy combined suffering is always better yeah all right stay moving it’s a new day W up every and say it’s a brand new day he take a good day make it great okay cuz if you got some lemons make some Lem


  1. Another great one:) But just wondering…..did you get into a fight with the asphalt?? or how come you shoulder is scratched up😅😉

  2. @justinmedeiros please workout to the song Mullet Shake by Jace Davey. My 9 year old son has a mullet and he loves the song Mullet Shake.

  3. Put some blenders on and get a medium size thickness (8mm) bout 24”-22” long gold chain and you’ll be intimidating everyone at the games

  4. It’s taken me a while to be a JM fan.. I don’t know why. I just am always rooting for the older cross fitters.But he’s just so authentic and real. How can you not like this guy. Hope you crush it this year man!

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