Here Is The Cure For Your Sick Golf Swing.

Focus on the positives

okay today’s video is just to show you in slow motion what actually happens when you come over the top on the downswing we get to the top of the back swing the first move is the arms right shoulder and hands come outside the target line the left hip moves back and we swing across cross the ball it’s a really disastrous move because it can cause Shanks obviously the ball will go left it can go right as well it all depends what the club head is doing because if you’ve got no control of that movement it’s very unlikely you’re controlling your hands or the club head one of the problems is most golfers won’t realize they’re actually making the over the top move because the swing from start to finish is a Split Second so let’s not fixate on the negative which is the over the top move let’s work on the positive which is the correct move rotation right knee towards left toe that shifts the weight over right shoulder drops down the body keeps moving left hip turns the corner and we finish the swing if you work on on that move over the next 3 months you will become a very good golfer thanks for watching


  1. Love your videos here in the mountains of North Carolina. I keep trying to mimic these steps and I have to say, I'm hitting the ball more solid. However, I noticed that I have a tendency to hit early before the ball and I have a hard fade/slice at times. I appreciate the help

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