The Addictive Way To Become a PRO Like Hitter in 50 Golf Balls

I’m addicted to this method and it’s helped me for over 12 years to really compress the golf ball and try to get as close as possible to a pro like ball striker. I have then preached about this to so many of my clients, and just like me, they also see brilliant results.

We can all admit there is no better feeling in golf than a perfectly struck iron shot from the fairway, which results in that ball then turf we all look for. Sadly and understandably for many amateurs it doesn’t happen often quickly enough and they don’t compress the ball well or at all, which can dead do duff shots and chunked iron shots, which none of us want!

In this video I will teach this method that I personally find addictive which will get you ball then turd and perfectly struck golf shots with compression. The best thing about it is, any golfer can do this no matter their age of ability.

Link to the BUNDLES –

The Addictive Way To Become a PRO Like Hitter in 50 Golf Balls

There are a few essential steps so i run you through step by step just how to achieve those giving you ball then turf, compressed golf shots, and they are addictive, so please watch the whole video.

Once you start striking the ball with this method that you haven’t seen before you will never let those poor habits to creep back in. As you know this channel is powered by you so please subscribe, hit the bell and comment your question below! I will feature it in a video – Thanks, Alex

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now I really hate seeing comments like this from Jacob Alex I need your help I keep chunking my iron shots and I don’t know why my weight shifts left I follow through my shots but everyone is a chunk now I’m going to say this conservatively today I reckon in less than 50 golf balls actually reckon you’ll do it in like 15 20 you can go from chunking to Pure strikes and I even mean this out on the golf course as long as you follow this method now this is a method that I’ve employed for years anytime I’m inside 150 yards and look I trust it that much we’re going to play these shots and I’ll show you where they finish and I’m also talking about doing this with sort of these clubs but you can use it for the longer LS too but I’ll be honest with you I want you to start performing really well with these we’ll go with 7 iron but like I say if you want to do it with longer IRS you can do it with these too okay I just want you to watch me hit this shot here like I say this is a method that I’ve employed for years ear just look how I hit this look at my ball position look at my swing look where I finished and look how that lasered straight towards that flag which is exactly what we want isn’t it now there’s only a few steps you’ve got to get right because simply if you’re hitting the go ball heavy your bottom of the Ark is happening before the go ball and this is a great way of explaining it so we got this line here right let’s just say this is where our gold ball is right and our ground is here if our ground’s here can you see where the bottom of the hoop is catching the ground first if our bottom of the Ark is happening before the go ball so we’d catch the ground probably hit it heavy best case scenario fat now if we move our low Point ahead of the Gul ball this yellow line This orange line here still being our ball can you see now how you’re going to get the ball then Collide into the to Earth and all we’re doing is changing where that low point is and that’s so vital and it’s a lot easier than you think and that’s why I know you’re going to do it in less than 50 gold balls and like I said more like 15 10 15 20 now you eagley viewers will notice the first thing that I did is I gried down I had sort of let’s say three fingers for my top hand from the top of the golf club and I do that for good reason I’m shortening that lever and it’s just making it a lot easier to control if I’m up at the end here and got really maximizing the length of that club so my thing is here yes you might have the potential for way more Club head speed but I’ll be honest with you what’s the point in club head speed if you can’t get the strike no point at all we’re in the currency of ball speed and that’s our ideas so the first thing I want you to grip down by three fingers at the top of your golf club there’s literally two more stages to this video the next element I want you to work on is ball position now we have to get this understanding if I dangle a club for my sternum and again if I brought in my circle and this bit is really really vital so do really pay attention to this so understanding again the influence of your bottom of the Ark it’s a bit like a cheat code if you understand this you can really implement it quickly and if I now bring in the hoop can you see now if the Hoops in the middle of my stance and my weight is evenly distributed the bottom of my Ark if my balls in the middle is happening right at that point now in the golf swing we want to turn back but we want to finish on this side so hopefully the idea is that our hoop always moves this way taking our bottom of the Ark ahead of the golf ball now I want to do a couple of things up stage number two just to really help you preempt that number one being let’s feel as though we move that gold ball back in the stance now again look at our AR here moving the gold ball back in our stance means we’re going to access this downwards bit much easier and that means less fat less thin more ball than divot cuz look ball too far forward and more lik to it on the up moving the ball back and more like to hit it on the down so if I place my hoop here again ball in the middle of my stance Club hanging down for my sternum moving the ball back in my stance look how now we’re easily accessing that downwards part really really really key so the first thing I’m suggesting at stage number two is move the ball back but also let’s combine that let’s really combine that with feeling as though our weights on our left hand side so you’re probably wondering right now what’s our exact measurements now this is literally the easiest way for me to show you so this is the middle of my stance seven iron would roughly be half a gold ball to a gold ball ahead so here I’m moving my seven ey in to the middle of my stance so I want you to move move the ball back roughly around one to half a gold ball back of the normal position let me repeat that again I’m moving the Gul ball back in my stance so seven iron was there I’m moving it to here I’m moving it half a golf ball to a gol ball further back than its normal position so let’s simply say if your pitching wedge in the middle of your stance we’re now looking at always being on the back side so always on that right hand side as you’re looking down at your feet for a right hander your pitching wedge would definitely be back there plus your nine and eighton would be on the border line of that two so you see what I mean we’re moving that ball back accessing that downwards hit and then in terms of weight distribution to that left hand side I want you to feel that that weight really that weight is 6040 6040 to our lead side so look how now I’m keeping an anle anchoring that bottom of the Ark ahead now look where it is in relation to my gold ball middle of my sternum ahead I’m helping myself I’m really giving myself the best chance of hitting down now there’s a final part of this video which is actually the really really key bit and I want to hit the shot away and I’ll let you know exactly what that was because I want to show you the control you’re going to get from where these finish let me hit this onto the green and I want you to take the confidence into the shot so essentially a lot of this is preseted at that address position and I do it in this order I grip down I start in normal ball position I then move it back I then get my weight left and I get that feeling in the swing I’m going to hit this one away show you and let you know the last final little secret look at that strike coming in slightly right at the flag but that is a beautiful hit that is a proper members balance oh did you hear the sound oh that felt so good and the third and final piece of this video is really simple we’ve got to make three quarter swings keeping our weight in our left hand side throughout the shot so feel as though you swing back to shoulder height and feel as though your hands never go past shoulder height on the follow through this way it makes that 3/4 feel shot and it really feels like you’re hitting down towards the ball my scul have two bundles available for the months of June and July the crackers by the way they’ve got their Essentials bundle which is two dozen gold balls you get a free white crew cap and neon te’s and actually this bundle has 10% off they’ve also got their season stock bundle which is five dozen gold balls and you get a free crew blue cap this is really nice actually and this is great if you’re a seasoned golfer who always uses Vice it’s great to get on this bundle and also I think like the essentials is good if you’re s on the fence about Vice don’t know whether to try it you may as well try the gold balls get a cap and some te’s too to get access that for June and July the link is down below in my description but I mentioned this right I mentioned control and this is what I mean by control look where they finished one there one there and there is our flag and that’s two for two for me on the green inside 150 yards that is how you lower your scores that’s how you get that feed L please promise me you’re going to try it before you get out this weekend it’s Friday get out try it this weekend I can’t wait to hear you have played the best golf this season so far thanks for watching and thank you for the support


  1. Hey bud, I believe in one of your videos you spoke about where to look as well. On an iron look about 2.5 inches ahead of the ball. Driver about 3 inches behind. It worked excellently. This technique explains in detail why the look method works though. Excellent lesson as always. Hello from Texas!

  2. Great golfers strike the ball with the lead hand in front of the lead leg. The rest of us strike with the lead hand in front of our belly, or even worse, in front of the trailing leg. We fat, flip, and blade shots more than we strike them purely.

  3. Won’t moving the ball back lead to push shots unless there is a compensatory mechanism to affect the club face?

  4. We are always being Told to hit down on the ball with irons, well what is the technique when uses a tee peg with an iron?

  5. Also, try to aim your eyes at the front of the ball! Weight on the front leg, straight left arm too! Thanks Alex, good stuff!

  6. Hi Alex, I am looking forward to trying these tips. I have just started to feel that great contact but also fall back into over-the-top strikes that are so disappointing. I recently started back to golf after a 20 year hiatus and determined that what I thought was good form from prior golf experience is really just bad form. I’m trying to retool my entire swing and it’s starting to show promise and this video should help cement that pure swing. Any advice on stopping falling back into that old, bad form?
    Thanks for sharing these videos!

  7. Wouldn't you call that stack n tilt? 60/40 weight on left…. do you hit all your <150 yrd shots like this? If so you never hit a full iron shot?

  8. Unleashing your Tom Saguto here Alex! This has been saved on my memory bar, it's the most essential tip for me! Cheers

  9. Another great video. Always something that’s an oh I get it moment! Just a thought though. Please remove the irritating background music.

  10. Alex I watched this yesterday and took it to the course today. Major improvement in ball striking and length. Dropped a full club for equivalent distance and improved accuracy. Thanks.

  11. Im new to golf and stuggling with my irons. I played around at a simulater at one of my local golf stores and found out im very consistant at sending my balls about 20 – 30 yards off to the right of where I am aiming. Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it?

  12. The swinging 3/4 feel is a gem, so many times you see higher handicap golfers try to smash 7 bells out of an approach shot, instead of controlling the tempo and hitting the ball nicely into the middle of the green.

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