I played Open Qualifying & THIS is what happened….

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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel! This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf equipment reviews, golf instruction & I play against some of the best golfers in the world!

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.

I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!


  1. Don’t let it get to you absolutely admire you for trying, please try again to qualify, nerves play a big part in whatever you want to achieve in life. I’m sure you can qualify if you can manage your nerves and settle down

  2. Enjoy these type of videos. Credit to you for putting yourself out there. Why you would ever hit another iron off the tee anywhere I don’t know!

  3. Dude if you’re gonna miss every fairway with a 3 iron you might as well pound driver.

  4. Tough day. Amazing of you to show the experience. You've got to keep going👊🏻to be in the position you're in. Being able to have a go at qualifying is awesome, and so many people including myself would love to be at that level. So you've got to keep at it🤟🏻. Try something different next time, another one for us to follow👊🏻hopefully you qualify next time🤞🏻🤟🏻

  5. I honestly think you should give it another go next year, take out 4 and 18, it's a respectable score, you putted really well too, I think if you can get some familiar surroundings and not somewhere you played like once or twice before I think you would have easily had a better score than on this time around.

  6. Fine margins Rick. Well played. Don't give up with the pro game on another day that could have gone so differently. 👍

  7. Beautiful golf course, great camera work. Nice decision to not narrate. Rick needs to spend a year hitting the pull cut. He has unreliable control of his club face

  8. Gutted for you. It was a shame you lost your head early on. Where was the driver in the early holes? You seemed to forget what Dan showed you around the greens. As my coach advised me when on the green, "just put in the f***ing hole". Onwards and upwards mate.

  9. Gutted for ya Rick 18th loose one off tee but as you acknowledged beforehand you had the 78 in your head , how the hell did Tiger do it time after time? talk about mental strength that guy had…..they say stay in the present what the ell is that all about everyone talks about swing technique but how do you train for that, bonkers game, great entertainment tho and fair play to you especially with pressure crowd etc that takes some doing, defo got do it each year you will get better at dealing with the pressure

  10. Loved watching this video.
    Rick played great. Very relatable content, if we didn’t have blow up holes we would all be pros.
    I’ve been watching the channel since I started golfing consistently, and to my mind Rick’s game is looking the best I’ve seen it. 😎👍🏻.

  11. Thanks for showing the rest of us what it is like to compete under real pressure, how to overcome the pressure and disappointment of a bad hole.

  12. I think you acquitted yourself quite well. A balky driver hurt you, particularly on the front 9, but you recovered brilliantly. The triple on the last was something I can relate to, as can most club players. We all think about the total score while playing and it almost always ends badly. If you played a few mini tour events in the next year, you'd play a lot better next year in next year's qualifier. You are a player. You are a professional. You just need what Tiger calls "reps."

  13. Thanks, Rick, for giving us a taste of what it's like at Open Qualifying. It's definitely not for me, lol.

  14. I have been watching this channel since its early days. I could almost hear Rick talking throughout this video. I swear I heard him say "Oh Rick Rick Rick. What are you doing?" Come on, Rick. Let's hit a good shot here."

  15. Seven irons off the tee on ten par fours and one on a par five! You really handicapped yourself with that strategy, and most went in the tall grass anyway. Get with Scott Fawcett.

  16. I’m always a big fan no matter what Rick. You’re definitely the one to draw my interest in golf almost 10 years ago. Inspired me to start golfing at the age of 37. I’m forever grateful and enjoy every round I play.. thanks

  17. You did at least as well as the other ‘tubers! Quietly focus on doing it again next year as the culmination of another year of Break 75…

  18. Howdy from Texas Rick! I know it was humbling and not the performance you expected but it takes guts to do this and on top of that to share it with the whole world. That’s unquestioned character. Looking forward to you doing it again next year. All the best mate. 😊

  19. Really felt for Rick here. Loved the video format. I’m nobody but I don’t agree when you say your professional playing days are over. Seen enough of your stuff to know you can shoot below 75 on that course. People were qualifying on one or two under, you’re capable of that too!

  20. Tbf Rick gotta give you credit it must take some balls to do that with all the negativity and go through it I do think a caddy would of helped and someone to lean on or even just give you a heads up like that bunker shot but what do I know I play off 12!

  21. If you want to go low, you have to try to go low. So many of the shots that really got you in trouble were attempted irons off the tee. Why? Go for it by hitting driver whenever possible. At least then you can say you gave it your best shot. By the time you pulled driver, you were already out of the round and in a negative attitude. "Playing smart" is rarely smart.

  22. Great entertainment Rick, that front nine was hard to watch and for someone who naturally or often over draws the ball everything went right 🤔

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