Golf Babe

[KLPGA 2024] McCol•MONA Yong Pyong Open with SBS Golf 2024| Round 2 (ENG Commentary)

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well a good afternoon and welcome to day two coverage of the mcole Mona Park ladies open played here at the Yong pong Resorts Birch Hill Golf Course Timothy low here great to have your company on another glorious Saturday afternoon watching the finest on the klpga tour and Jung took the lead into day two after a blistering bogre round of 63 yesterday no one was able to catch us saw a couple of 66ers Friday afternoon in the form of Joy mung and park M mung sort of been able to continue that form although a couple of late Bogies leave her back at 700 par she signed for a 71 earlier this morning qu yon also a very solid effort on Saturday morning a 66 for the sophomore and the KP Jor leaves her as saw and Jung’s colosus pursuer at 8 under y Jung started her day with the birdie on the opening hole but did drop a shot at the second so level pegging through three for your overnight leader it’s an 800 million Korean one prize purse up for grabs this week this is your featured group on day two three ball of leoan P hun Kung and Co you so very accessible pin here on the par 36 today right in that little funnel section that Valley in the middle of the green gu with an opportunity to take her total to two under three underpar just over borrowed all that one for coiu winner back in 2022 of this Championship we jump up ahead to the second shot into nine of K darbin who’s 6 under for the championship it’s a little bit further up in this screen as it was yesterday and that’s right around pin high for here now park Yun Kung picked up a win last week at the BC card hanyong ladies cup thrilling playoff involving Yuna who sadly had to withdraw at the end of her opening round and H G young second win of the Season top of leer one in the Ducan match play back in May see the amount of swing in that one nicely hold for Paran Kong it’s going to be backto back birdies she starting to just claw ever closer just saw y Jung’s lead go up ahead to the what looks like seventh and Kim jhe of the Singapore Women’s Open to start the year birdie putt to get to six under squanders an opportunity there now year One open with a 67 yesterday did the leader of the kpga points list that’s a good birdie takes it a 7even underp alongside parun kyung so championship leader first look at her this week so Yun Jung second into the long fourth he carrying speed but this one should take a U-turn yep there it comes okay good shot J he for par okay nothing like winning your breakthrough title on your birthday it’s exactly what she did back in January Kim J it’s seven straight paths to start 2 P J young 243 career starts before she finally got her breakthrough title at the dbo house D open last year that’s just going to be a pirate 8 for the new mom dabin left to right slick one at the ninth for birdie just watch that go skating on past shows you if you’re on the wrong side of some of these whole locations you will be tested so our future group of the day will head up to the par for 7th next you can see there quite a generous landing area pin on that green fronted by water it’s kind of the front left section so hun with the honors and all the momentum of the kpg to right now two wins in the last four starts here one we put on some distance in the last two years since she was a rookie back in 2022 certainly paying dividends so the come back of for dabin par at nine W will be the only three part we see at this par 4 today so that’s going to be a frustrating drop shot for hiin to end her front nine going to get to double digits under power once again soan Jun on the fourth swinging back but just not quite enough up to the third shot into the par five eighth choim much better angle here from the left side of the Fairway for Kim MB and a very similar result good shot just a tested left for Yan Jung’s part four okay stays one clear of quansu Yan’s 800 clubhous Mark still 14 holes to go for so young Jung as she looks to build on that lead she works so hard to put together with that 63 on Friday morning for looks like a scary pin on seven but really for these professionals that water not going to come into play not when you’re coming out of the Fairway with maximum control AR and K can just look out a little bit right of this flag there is a slope that kicks the ball back towards this left section of the green year one 81 m should be a fairly comfortable gap wedge for Le goodness me what happened there like she C that off the bottom Groove thed almost very strange shot from Korean number one the stage of day two it’s still Saun jong’s name up top but Kon after a very solid round of 66 sees herself second on the first page of that leaderboard here at the birchill Country Club at the Yong pong Resort what the for for what for for I so after that truly bizarre second shot for Leo one now through the back of the seventh green but again not a difficult pit shot here everything just slops gently downhill towards the pin I’d love to see where that balls ended up let’s try and guess by the reaction dear she blasted it through the other side all gotone a bit pearshaped for Le one here at seven and again from 81 m truly strange passage of play now Kim mol up ahead at the ninth by the looks of things alongside bunction still one of the longest chitters in the game here on the kpga tour still seeking a first title is minol so year one to salvage the situation fourth shot now at the seventh would have been some power if that went in but it’s going to be a drop shot for Lee TR also at six Cendera playing alongside Min bill oh fantastic birdie there for Park and kongu joins quanio yon at 8 under par hottest player on the kpg tour in the last four weeks is within one of the lead of this lady’s lead in fact s j has second from 96 M into the fifth just nine Paces from the left Edge today oh hun three birdies on the bounds have got her within one of Saw Yun Jung’s lead hitting a t-shot at the par 58 good sh G I’m slightly out of position at nine but the angle’s much better here to try and access this righto location one little shaken after that very poor bogy at the seventh is wild there he it’s safe but maybe a little cause for concern for the career number one right now J heat fifth shot now to the power five8 must have run into some trouble so from the very middle of the circle at the night Kim Min bill yeah good shot there it’s going to be a quick putt but that should work its way down off the slope a little bit ideally want to hit some kind of cut shot into this pin but she started that right try to turn it back against the slope pretty well done Bangin s on the green for an eagle look at this Bangin sill just Wiggles that wide [Applause] already a multiple time winner on the kpj tour that gets her birdie account started for Saturday see there this par 58 hole almost dog legs 90° right as you make your way up towards the green hi kill see that Target ahead of her just going to be a layup from this left rough so Dove left right after impact but that should still be okay it’s pretty luscious rough around this Birch Hill Country Club easy for the huzzle of a club to just get tangled in that grass and have that face shut down immediately even with modern technology now up on the green a bogey put six for DJ young okay just the one drop shot then for the Singapore Women’s Open Champion quick one straight down the hill swings hard from her right at the ninth y decent look for birdie here at five was a little off her left four so squirly t- shot at the eight for Leo on but that Ball’s safe and again no real damage done this being a par five it’s certainly going to be a layup from this position but had that ball ventured left of the C Pary would have been in all sorts of danger so a good break you could say for the 22y old as it was this time yesterday that breeze starting to pick up for these ladies up at 9 draw your rim for a birdie here slightly easier part going to be coming up hill want to just dive a little right at the end tracking nicely just running out of pace just an awkward length parut remaining for young Jungs four at the fifth okay creeps that one in M could start making it a little bit congested at the top of the leaderboard if this one drops stays High so he kill soly like her chances here nice angle to get to this pin coming out of the Fairway as well so we’ll get good amount of spin control on it oh it could be better almost to whole out Eagle three but most certainly four birdies in a row for Park kyung told you she fancied her chances have another look at this year one just inside of 80 Mage that gave her trouble on the previous hole that certainly sounded like better contact a much better result [Applause] so come back of a par at the 9th nicely done for Jong stay five under to the PA 3 six then saan Jung he is a very simple hul to do with this funnel pin that should Bank around okay well done someone in the gallery like that then why not it’s another beautiful day for golf here at the Yong pong Resort but it’s getting a little tight at the top forun Jong quu yon 66 best of the morning wave and parun kyong has a kick in in a couple of moments to tie so Jong at the top of the leaderboard here at the mull Mona Park ladies open for for for for for for for a this would feel nice a bounceback birdie opportunity for Leo one at the par five8 bit of right to left in this yes very well done it’s been a real strength of her game putting these last two seasons now bankin Sil into the ninth right hole location so coming out the right side of the Fairway not ideal it doesn’t really matter when you’ve only got a a short iron in hand straight at it Parky and Kung for four birdies in a row to grab a share of the lead with saw Yun [Music] Jung and the player known as cutiful sees her name in a all too familiar position in 2024 right to the summit of a klpga to leaderboard across to the 10th T and Kim minol good t- shot away here at this elevated T box and well she can entertain thoughts of reaching in too [Music] Kim G he beg your pardon par Kung on the nth T Championship co-leader now which she’s watching this one closely didn’t need to that is piped seven time winner on the kpj T pair of those major titles back to back winner the kpga championship this is the lady who’s going to be defending the final major of the season the height jro at Blue Heron in October one and only major championship on the kpj T but you should we feel with the talent that she possesses she’s going to add at least a couple of more by the time her career is over song has been caught by parung but a chance to take the solo lead once again with this birdie putt at six gets to 10 underp nice birdie there reclaims the solo lead at 10 underp soan Jung Shin is that staying up no it’s it’s not that’s gone racing past she is quite an aggressive passer but sometimes she does putt herself into a bit of a pickle sh still with a uncomfortable comeback of a par bunker with her second Splash out to here Kim for aart it’s going back to back drop shots to end her front nine and that one’s rolled a couple of feet past as well such a momentum game golf these Bogies they hurt your scorecard but they also grind your momentum to a screeching Hal awfully close to that penalty area of the te for choim at the 10th it’s a bit of a blind second shot it’s got to come over this Fairway bunker definitely be a layup on the SP five from 247 he don’t want to go to the turn and taking 66 on 8 and n okay just the Boe five and she tumbles back to 3 under par much clearer view of the landing area now IR in for position for Lee J Young well looks like it’s all systems go for Kim M Bell Middle of the Fairway she’s got the heavy artillery out should be able to get it close to the front edge if not on from 227 it’s a bit high and spinny leaks that out to the right but green sight tra into not a terrible leave for Kim to the second shots into nine for your featured group K it’s been on fire towards the end of this front line be surprised if she takes this right whole location on with a 9on she’s on a different level right now park Yun kyong another Sensational iron shot and we saw Yun jong’s birdie at six to move one clear Yun kyong could tie her again yeah one pretty similar yardage to hun [Music] Kung pretty solid shot as well for Lee Yan and hun already multiple time winners in 2024 Le Sawan Jun second shot into the seventh trouble look short and left but don’t think it’s going to be a bother for her with a pitching Ed from 93 so birdies birdes everywhere here at birchill and it’s still so Yun Jung who leads by one over the hard charging Park Yun kyung for for for for for for for for go on with this gentle downhill left to right breaker for birdie to end her front 9 at8 underpar just so hard for a right-handed golfer to start left to right breaking buts high enough online still that’s a solid two under part start Saturday for Leo one now back to your leader saan Jung looking to stretch her Advantage gets that to drop saan Jong first player this week to get to 11 under bar backto back birdies for her leeo opt it to leay a little bit further back then her two playing Partners at the 10th proves to be a very good decision indeed Kung doesn’t know it that this is to get one back again with so Jung now at 11 under par for five birdies in a row tell you what that is some golfing from Park hun Kung absolutely Relentless to end her front nine turns in 31 and just gives soan jong a little tap on the shoulder saying well I’m still here I said it wasn’t a terrible leave for Kim inall it’s a long bunker shot but it’s fairly compacted sand just see good acceleration through impact here want to carry it just past that little Mound about 20 ft short of the flag everything should camber towards the pin from there just drop that into the face of the SL took all the sting out of it looks like Hong Jong Min here on the 12th T it’s a six iron for the former Ducan match play champion and it’s a good one so birdie put now for M Bell at 10 after splashing out of the Cent decent effort only a par though for the big hitter on the par five Troya Rim slightly shorter biry effort than her playing partner Sun breaking from her right now that’s low oh but it catches the low side and drops in for choim a little bonus there for Cho’s having a very good day here at birchill for birdies another drop shot on her scorecard through 10 holes this also for a birdie for Lee Jong could have seen yim’s but just turn left at the cup but unable to capitalize on that fine approach like M Bell it’s just a part so it’s y j by one over hun then a little bit of Separation toio yon and tro Mong who are both D and dusted for their days but choim and lean going along very nicely as well here on day two at the Yong pong Resort Yim on the 11th T wide Target here only real dangerous if you send a big block out to the right can confirm that was tro Rim not Li young she’s just walking back down the hill from the 10th t k in B doesn’t need to hit driver here with this elevated T box but again it’s a wide landing area so just push it down as far as you can leave yourself a a much shorter Club in for your approach and today on this 11th all the way in the back of the green 42 Paces from the front so even if you do tug it into the left rough it’s not going to be as problematic as it was 24 hours ago to the red hot parun kyung to start her back nine at 10 T up can Yan keep Pace with hun Kung that is the question got binil lead up into the tent so this is now her third the name at the top of the board remains unchanged but Park hun kyung scintillating five birdies in a row to n her front line have moved to within one of Yun Jung’s lead for for for for for for for so Kim inol can she throw it all the way into this back pin on 11 42 Paces from from the front right on that back step good for distance just tug slightly for Kim and B most importantly just clear that little hump as we quickly go back to 10 and a birdie putt for Kim jhe who could use one or two after stumbling to the turn in 38 good try there shaves the high side of the cup second shot at 10 for Leo one is she trying to get this one up close to the front edge she’s got three wood but it’s a bit of an awkward hanging lie with the ball well below her feet she’s played that very nicely that’s a an aggressive layup but a well played one for for Lee at the green bin Sil for birdie po T shot forced her hand into laying up but still could walk away with a four beg your pardon no this is for bogy lost her first t- shot that’s going to be a double for Bangin s these power fives at B chill I tell you they present scoring opportunities but you send a an shot into these treelined of difficult areas and bogey are even worse very much in play so try your Rim good t- shot to get it past kimman B can have the step cutter rough but not going to be too much of a bother to a back hole location okay my little low on her safely on the green goiu sort of the Forgotten player in this impressive featured group to Good Hits there on 10 and well it’s going to be an eagle opportunity for the 2022 mle MOA Park ladies open Champion if COI you could get it on into you have to think Park and kyung can too she’s last to play okay not going to get it all the way onto the green but like Leo W she’s left it handy just short left mbell up ahead at 11 it’s put going to move pretty hard from right to left at the midpoint then just straighten up as it approaches the cup all and all nicely judged for Kim three runnerup finishes last season two of them losing in playoffs what a start to 2024 it’s been for the reigning player of the year year One what a Resurgence it’s been for Park and Kong who waited 18 mon between victories before she won the chu Samu Masters at the end of last season already twice a winner in 2024 is cutiful up to your leader saan junk looks like she’s just in the very left edge of the Fairway at the E and that really opens up the angle to this pin 68 M left for saw this one should back up off the slope clever shot [Music] [Applause] joim birdie put on the way at 11 and very nicely old for joim he’s five under for the day as well look at choya rim you really expect at least two of these players to walk off 10 with birdie GOI you on the Green in too here one and hung Kung just shot it’s going to be Lee first to play pretty good there for Leo one that’s a very brave choice of shirt from Park do young good sign me up for an order of those if it’ll yield birdies like that well done par doong gets on the fringes of the top 10 with that birdie hun Kung she’s got that little rise to negotiate about 10 ft short of the hall so I don’t think she’s got the option to fly it there try and play the one hop and spin I think it’s just got to be a low little chasing chip and run see a lot of weekend golfers over complicate shots like this around the greens even the pros will tell you the sooner he can get the ball running the better the more predictable it’s going to be fabulous touch from parun Kung six in a row perhaps to the T at 12 and another player having a very fine afternoon at birchill Troy Rim five under for the day she’s just birdie 10 and 11 to start her back n for M Bill using the far right side of the T box here pin on the front portion of this screen it’s going to be a seven iron and you don’t want to tug it left it’s only about eight yards left before you run off into some trouble here at the 12 just off the edge of the green okay not awful for the pair of them Kim J heat out of the left R add 11 want to make sure you get it onto that back third of the screen not like the contact on that see that club turning over right at impact and that is going to be highly unpleasant for Kim J he at the 10th at the 11th now back to the 10th and see COI ‘s already hit her Regal P she’s got about 3 ft to go these are all birdie looks for the ladies in our featur group will’ll be year one first toart just a bit of movement from left to right [Music] not this time for Le after seeing that little Miss from year one Kung leaving nothing to chance here but from this position I don’t think you need to start this one outside the hole just Inside Edge with good Pace year in year out statistically has always been one of the best Putters on the KL PGA to B Pat now for six in a row to move to a share of the lead with so Jung once more she is certainly in a state of flow right now park H Kung 36 in a row seven of her last eight and Tai saw Jung at 11 underpart can anyone stop her shinil head at the 11th so she’s been caught can she move clear again great seesaw battle between Pim kyung and soya Jung today not this time par remains at the top of the board can think about making this one Char your Rim minimal movement in it though it is coming slightly downhill little aggressive there a little too aggressive taking a chair that might catch another slope that’s clumsy for CH your Rim would you bet against her picking up another birdie here at 11 yesterday’s pin certainly would say it was much more Gable but still that she swinging it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest so talked about this being a real challenge for Kim J up ahead awkward light ball sitting down in the rough will be landing at the back side of that mount almost no way to stop it I try and bump it through the rough and she’s just carried it too far oh we forgot to account for the fact the flag might get in the way well she was do a good break thought that that face would tell you she’s awfully pleased with the way that she’s been playing for the last hour so and Jin cats it Papa at the eighth you one just has to focus on her own game here not get swept up with what park Kong is doing [Applause] spe up to the green and bunction seal from the back Edge for a birdie lovely roll great try from shinil I wasn’t going to make the same mistake tro your Rim just did that was maybe aach on the conservative side for Kim inol so for the Great Escape at 11 Kim J he forart well done indeed that’s a real bonus for her flag stick coming to her Aid at this par for so TR rim to avoid a first blemish on her card this Saturday a very weak effort there so the birdie birdy start to The Back Nine should give back one of those shots with a drop shot here at 12 so so and junk at the ninth just coming towards the end of her front line that’s a little too high up the green it’s going to try and take that slope but we’ve seen that but a couple of times already today that is going to be very quick Kill from 139 should be a a six iron maybe even a five iron all for puncture and still be much better off going past this pin even if you’re on the back Edge of the green a much easier look at birdie than if you were to come up short in that middle level Just a Touch left and that’s going to be delicate for hun did the right thing played out right off the pinj young and she’s going to find a birdie here at 12 nicely Hal put had a good look at the line from Cho your rims P she’ll take full advantage now year one from the smack da middle of the Fairway at 11 don’t want to come up short left here anything pin high right that’s okay for for so foran out at 12 Kim in Bol no like Troy Rim just tuing that t-shot left proving costly for both Troy and now Kim so last season’s Rookie of the Year going to drop back with a bogy at 12 just need to be delicate with this first bounce is going to be pretty spicy kicking off that down slope just about making good contact here and letting the slope and gravity do the rest of the work really nicely played from Paran Kung string of birdies going to come to an end here at 11 but she’ll be fairly pleased with the power four got Kim J on 12T as the Bree starts to pick pick up into her face just don’t want to miss this green left 20 30 ft right that’s okay she took an aggressive line and she’s been rewarded you’re one more well back in the STS just a little little nudging run good aggressive try there just get this started you’ll get to the hole straight downhill all the way for saw Jung at n nowhere near it this could even roll off the green if she’s not careful that’s the trouble with that PIN on nine you get a little bit too defensive and staring three right in the face try just opting for position here at the short 13th going with three-wood going through the Fairway bit of a mistake there for tro saw this queen was pretty hard to hit in yesterday’s opening round arguably the firm green at Birch Hill now Hong Jong Min a little bit further up the back nine into the par 4 13th and playing a very nice shot to about 18 ft just a little parving tester remaining for p and Kong here at the 11th looks like it just wants to move a little left on her but more than right half of the Cup by field good save keeps the card at 6 under for the day and keeps a share of the lead jump for par at nine real tester but G is up to the task huge Passover to end her front line for saw junk one also TAPS in for pared 11 so there’ have been lots of birdies but also a couple of very good pass saves at 11 for Pon kyong and at nine for soyun Jong that see them share the top spot at 11 underpar here on day two at the the Yong pong Resort testy little Chip Shot for bin still left of 11 Green trying to bump it through the Fringe but as we’ve seen from a couple of players that have missed this green left it’s just so hard to stop that pill next to the pin shinil going to come under pressure trying to save par again here started her back L with that double at the 10th as we go up to Kim INB operating out of the first cutter rough into this 13th just want to land this on the very front edge of the green we’ll get plenty of release Strays wide Into the short-sided Bunker that’s not going to be a walk in the par was aggressive with the t- shot cani convert this is Kim jhe for a birdie at 12 for first of the day now well done Pops in that 10-footer gets back one of the two shots she’s already given up in the second round jungman quietly going about her business a little bit further at the back line this for birdie at 14 just don’t Dove right hard at the cup good try hangs that one out to dry as well and again just both Kim and B and leaving thems in awkward situations here over the last couple of holes as we return to the 12T and P Kong who surely is experienced enough to know that just leave this one right at the flag on 12 do not miss this green left she’s got six sign it’s going to be a pretty soft one easy [Music] easy just tumbling into the rough and she was up to the task on 11 with a delicate little up and down going to have to do the same here at 12 yeah could you make a better go of things also with the same Club of six that’s even worse than Park and K it’s really sat down in that rough J only play in this group to hit the fairy so we’ll have a good amount of control on this one she uses that bank very nicely clever shot there from Li J young H kyung and Yun Jong three clear of quanio yon four clear of a trio of players back at seven underp power for for for for for for for oh she’s not going to get any spin out of this and not much elevation with that ball sat down in the rough just going to have to be a little stub Into The Fringe and hope for a friendly kick for Leo one that is the problem with being too aggressive to this pin on 12 a good break to stop it and she didn’t get it so M be some problems of her own up ahead at 13 delicate little shot here first TR your Rim not bad slightly easier for hun Kung a better lie but still same kind of shot required a pretty similar result very good shot into this point for Le J young she get it to seven under oh just gives you a sense of how slopey it is around that pin on this 13th lost it left early could never recover the one still has this for par right around 18 ft only hit at 17 to scramble away with the par here after being out of position with both her t- shot and her second shot well done but she would have seen the line and pace of year ones and she will can it great up and down there for parun Kung keeps her level at the top B s back in the Fairway or the right rough to be specific at 13 that hung back we trying to hke this one up in the air have it to come down soft and that is beautifully played from Bang Yim now has made her way to 14 much better t- shot there we have a look at this short but tricky par 4 13th it only plays 295 M on the scorecard but it’s a really challenging t- shot you have to fit it between the trouble on the left and the pair of bunkers on the right and see i’ see a lot of players going with less than driver here 3-woods hybrids or even chip drivers because that bunker on the r only 200 to get to but the problem really starts the challenge really starts with your approach into this very awkwardly shaped green on this power 4 front section very firm big mount on the front right the to up skill your vision of it don’t want to be in that bunker right that PID today 15 from the front and just six from the right Edge even though it plays under 300 M part not a bad score here on day two [Music] goiu has quietly picked up a couple of birdies she’s up at five under par for a second Title Here at birchill in three years still six back though aggressive off the tea and that is nicely placed going the driver here as well Park you and K has had it on a string today off the tea only missed one Fairway B kyung this is a much more predictable play from year one just going with the three four position funly enough going with three would the only player to miss the Fairway here at 13 [Music] for down on the green bankin s after a very nicely played second shot from the right hand rough with a birdy opportunity stay up no once again just a little low it’s not able to start her puts high enough is bin Sil out to the start of the back nine and saan Jung’s third shot into the par five 10th must carry it past that slope 10 ft short of the flag and that’s not going to stay up surely is i’ running Market if I were you you junk try r at the 14th pin only seven Paces on the screen today that’s a good clever shot Hong Jung mint has reached the 15th this is a birdie PT should start to gather Pace there gave too much respect to the slope for h j awkward stance here for Li young ball below her feet easy to catch this fat and unfortunately it’s exactly what’s happened at the 14th J One an awkward lion stance of a own at 13 again ball just sitting down in that rather tangly ruffle 77 M to go but with a lob wedge or a gap wedge in hand well below your feet always makes it a little uncomfortable easy to stand up on these and hang them out to the right stay in her posture very nicely but she’s bunker problems here for the Year One H aggressive off the T can attack now beautiful techniques they so connected but just unlucky took a very firm first bouns and doesn’t grab on the second got lucky with that third shot wasn’t her best strike but there’s a p from just outside 20 ft for birdie at 10 hjo Min Al for par at 15 after a pretty poor first part bit of an exploratory effort that’s a good tart covers the situation well nice P there for home still seeking a first stroke play win on the KP jater her only victory at the Duan match plate back in 2022 now DJ Young’s third pretty well judged from B angle wasn’t easy at all to The Back Nine here on day two at the M mono Park ladies open and it’s still parun kyung and so Jong leading the way here at birchill for for for for for for for could be a a trip to the practice range to work out some kinks in her wedge game for Leo one at the end of play today second time she’s missed the Green from inside of 85 M lucky to not be in the bunker at 13 the played pitch a chance to scramble away unscathed TR headit at 14 for a birdie this one coming downhill and sliding to the right just all about Pace this one for parun Kung unlikely to make it from this range but don’t want to give yourself too much work to do for par so anything inside that Circle of friendship easy easy she is outside the marker of Leo one so Jun long way back on 11 this is a six iron go to the back of the green but that’s not the worst spot to miss J young for po after an erant t- shot at 14 good save there Kung has it lost a turn yet on 13 that’s another important momentum preserving putt for par from right to left confidently rolled in for Park shinil hit at 14 so year one just have to follow Yun Kung in here right Edge Hong Jong Min good t-shot on 16 ped eight right in the front of the green go to leanon from the front edge is that going to catch the slope it’s going to try keep coming don’t you stop don’t you stop yeah there you go now that should start to feed a little bit closer a bit unlucky there to stick on the top of that rise for jungman so we return to the 15th G and Li Jong just the one bogey on Troy your scorecard today coming back at 12 but other than that that’s been a very solid outing for Troy so a couple of birdy opportunities remaining including the par five 18th why don’t we have a look at this 14th hole much like 13 it’s a shorsh power four dog legs the other way just need to avoid the that Fairway bunker on the right hand side and you play to a slightly elevated green but the PIN today just seven on from the front and 10 from the left Edge the best place to be putting for birdie from is sort of past the pin and maybe just a little to the right of it leaves you the straightest look I mentioned earli up only missed one Fairway today Park and Kung driven it very nicely not going to miss the Fairway here at the 14th you know what going with the driver let’s get the hands a little far forward had a dress it’s a bit more sharlean than some of her counterparts the back of the green 11 saw and junk just can land this on the fridge have it tumble on the hole clumsy two clubs in hand for Lee J Young on 15 pin tucked in that little right corner of the green you can see it there so guarded by that bunker short you can’t take it up the middle of this screen try and use a bit of a a left to right slope to feed the ball towards that pin but really you don’t want to be coming up short so if you’re debating between two clubs there Jong I would highly advise going with the longer one to take that bad miss out of play gripping down on that really trying to hoist this one up in the air have it come down soft we’re not going to find the target but you’d much rather be trying to get up and down for power from there than you would from that deep bunker short so good thinking there from Leon now back to shinil for birdie at 14 curling that one and again just leaking it low so frustrating for bang shinil he’s giving himself lots of good chances just unable to miss it on the high side now so y Jung to stay in a share of the lead with par and Kung this is a par at 11 can’t get away this time and that means Parkin K sits alone at the top of the leaderboard at 11 under pass she leads by by one be M Mona Park ladies open H Kung chasing a third victory of 2024 this Kim in Bell looks to be just taking relief from a drainage cover on this 15th Fairway it goes a little deep but we’ll get some help off that back slope good chot for kiman B not easy to do severe downhill Li playing to an elevated green now a little bit easier for tro Yim she’s on the UPS slope we get good elevation on this pitching wedge this one should come back a little bit as well for choy Hong Jong Min on 16 birdy opportunity third season on the kpga tour has been one of the more consistent performers since she turned Pro in 2021 and was locked in that terrific Rookie of the Year battle with Kim G and eventual winner s now if this is a good number she could go flag hunting if she’s slightly in between clubs like I mentioned on that t-shot just look a little bit long and a little bit right no need to bring that front trap into play don’t think she knows it but she’s the solo leader of this ch Championship after so Jung’s untimely bogey at 11 love how shallow she is through impact here really vital for good spin control with these wedges going to be gouging too much Turf getting too steep on it just what the doctor ordered pass the pin a little right excellent shot from parun Kung how does she respond after ay there at 12 so your jump we know where the bad Miss is here on this PA three that could be a little delicate for S okay let by three coming into today but she’s trailing by one now year one at 14 yardage that has given her some problems today not on this occasion fine shot that’s more like it from Lee so that bogey from so Yung at 11 now hands Park hun kyong the solo lead on Saturday at the Yong pong Resort for you know for for for for birdies have been few and far between for Leo one this Saturday but this is a good look at the 14th for the 22 year old know that one scrambled right in a hurry never really had a prayer up ahead try your rim for birdie at 15 got a chance well done choim gets back the shot she dropped at 12 and back on Course once more up to e andar for Choy alongside quanio yon who’s already sitting comfortably in the clubhouse after a morning 66 Pon kyong to extend her Advantage this a birdy opportunity to take it at 12 underp unlucky look good for so long we’ll remain above ground Kim in Bol for a birdie of her own at the 15th yeah did well from an awkward line to leave herself in that position and like Chim she steadies the ship back to even for the day looks like she’s electing to putt this one so Jung and I don’t mind this play we just go wandering on on pass so another knee knocker remaining for so and Jung to avoid backto back Bogies so one in for a whole hum power four 16t hold just dog legs from left to right got to keep this down the left hand side you block it into the right rough could be obscured for your approach into the green [Music] no a as we saw there in that little Montage this 15th all well this closing stretch in fact at Birch Hill these Treeline Fairways can present some problems if players are off the mark you send one sailing towards the trees your fate very much in the lap of the Gods straighten out her driving a little bit over the last couple of holes the year one she’ll be first to play here good swing there and a placed t- ball from Lee PK doong and that fabulous shirt up ahead on 16 green this a CrossCountry effort and whoa look at that from PK do young you could drop a small bucket of walls from that spot never haul a pot like that again well done back to four under hold back with your championship leader parun kyung ideally as far left in this Fairway as possible especially with the pin on the right hand side of the green okay but she’ll take anything on the short stuff it’s another Fairway hit for par as we gaze back down the 16th Fairway from high above the green by the group of Kim and Bol choim and Le J young maybe I’ll just through the Fairway here but can sort of shape a wedge around some of these branches taking it up and over did you get all of it I’m just going to have to hope for a park to Young level of Brilliance from there now Yim with the slight up slope here we just sneak it inside the ball of Kim mol bankin Sil at the 15th bit of left to right movement in this birdie putt for bang under everything today but that was bang on the money for bang shinil get her back to where she began the weekend again at 4 under that is still seven shots of drift of parun kyung at this stage of the championship now Kim G from this side of the cup on 15 maybe just a a fraction of right to left in this one taking a time over this every shot every P every stroke so critical doesn’t have to worry about keeping her card got a two-year exemption after her win at the tanira Country Club’s tampones course back in January February excuse me this forart nicely done good save there for Kim so while back in the Fairway Park K so if she takes a direct line at the target at the pin with a long eyeon even a hybrid unlikely to be able to stop the ball on the green so really needs to look just left edge of those green side bunkers sort of on the midline of this enormous green at 15 and try to slide a little cut off of that so if she just go straight you tumble through the back of the green that’s not the worst place in the world to be but again don’t want to be in that deep green side bunker short right we saw try rim and Kim in Bill use that slope just past the pin as a bit of a backboard to slow the ball down it’s traveling with too much team so just got to be be smart about this for your Championship leader gosh that took off in a very aggressive line too aggressive perhaps that’s bunk it so send it out right here for Kim in ball just get it to the precipice of that slope and then have it take the Ridge and collect down to this whole location read it nicely good touch here one little bit closer then H not sure to Club into the green as well it’s only an eight iron for the points lless leader good smart shot there this one should just turn a little right stays up on the top of that spine but no armm down for Leo one joim seen the perfect line for this part having watched Kim in beol this one Trav with a little bit more Pace but also very nicely cozy down there for Choy big sand die ahead for Yim has never won on the kpj has had so many close calls could this be the week for the 27y old for J first to go for par just outside of 3 ft here but don’t need to give the hole away here just maybe inside right edge with good positive stroke well hold from how deep this bunker is you can just about see the top of the flag parim Kung takes commitment and acceleration from here fabulously played shot but work’s not done yet for hun Kung that remaining for par saw y Jung from the back of 13 this one going to be coming up and over a rise and moving to her right once it gets over that mound really good touch there from Sal TR your rim to tidy up for a four at 16 it’s got a good two and a half 3 feet of right to left movement in this for Leo one also be going to be coming downhill so not really a birdy effort she can be too frisky with last thing she needs is a little 5 six foot comeback of a par [Music] Softly She hit that it’s all the way down to about 6 in away gives you an idea of how unlucky that second shot was to finish up at the top of that slope the go you did use the slope effectively so a much shorter much more makeable birdie putt than that of Year’s but coming downhill just have to keep that in the back of her mind but a a good look to get herself back to 5 under here for the 2022 champion just left a little conviction but I don’t blame her at all coming downhill just aart okay go up ahead to bin SS second shot to the 16th huge t-shot just 91 M left want light come H kyung has been up to the task every time she’s had a challenging pass saving putt can you pull a rabbit out of the Hat here again on the 15th oh finally her luck runs out and she tumbles back to 10 under right spe now first look of the day at the par three 17th this afternoon Troy your rim on the te with a six iion beautiful Maserati hold in one prize yet to be claimed this week but that’s a good solid shot for choy year one now on 16 okay only place you don’t want to go is pushing it right into those trees enough room left half of the Fairway just through the left Edge that’s okay yeah the breeze once again staring a pick up we’ve gone very fortunate with the weather over the first two days here at the Yong pyong Resort but the weather forecasts predict that there will be some precipitation tomorrow afternoon hopefully that doesn’t affect the course of this Championship because it’s been a wonderful contest thus far here at the m Mona Park ladies open Kim B also going with six iron at 17 like Choy your Rim playing a fine shot h k first bogy since the opening hole for her back into her share of the lead with soan Jung [Applause] so par at the top of the leaderboard once again hun kyung and Yun Jong two clear Of Quon and the hard charging Chim here on moving day at Birch Hill for for for for for for for well through no effort of her own saan Jung’s back in the share of the lead with parun kyung second shot here into the 14th for so just a little shy but it’ll creep on birdie but upcoming co- leader is up here on the 16th hole part of the demanding closing stretch of holes coming towards the clubhouse at Birch Hill par kyung five under for the day he shot up the leaderboard with that string of five birdies in a row six birdies in AOW excuse me round the turn has just surrendered a shot at the 15 to be back at 10 under par haven’t seen too many balls close to this front left pin the approach shs been coming in quite flat see if coiu can Elevate one get it to come down and land softly she’s got a pitching wedge here from 110 great shot there from goiu and it’s just going to take that slope and feed off a little right still well played now year one little closer than go but yeah I’ve seen that so many times coming into this pin just almost impossible to stop it on that front ledge see a lot of players put from that very spot again K from the middle of the Fairway that’s going to grab the slope like GOI us surely and start feeding a little right still pretty good distance control from Park and K outside opportunity for a bird8 m bill for a birdie at 17 after a nice t- shot and that reac says it all that’s just teed off on the low side saw your J downhill birdie effort on the way here at 14 should stay fairly straight almost pting between two valleys right now two Mounds excuse me that neither hard enough nor high enough saw yundum lackluster effort there at 14 now tro your Rim at 177 this would get her to within one of the lead and as we saw yesterday late in the evening the green just slowing up a fraction a bit of cleaning up to do for so and juns Par at 14 okay brushes that one in nicely what you think with a p here and a birdie on the last Troy your Rim could very much snag a spot in the final group tomorrow afternoon chasing that first klpga Crown oh looks up to the sky oh we’re not feeling a couple of water droplets she’ll be skating up the 18th hole takes a lot of creativity to visualize a pat like this for Leo once send it out right get it to the top of the plateau and then just have it gather pace and collect down to this front left pin well judged from the year one super touch to 17 Kim G he’s got one Club more than Min and Yim hit it’s going to be a little feathered five iron into this front right pin coming in with the a little less Loft unable to hold the green there for Kim J he now to the 18th and the t- shot for choer Rim remember birdie here potentially spot the final group if things ended right now it’ be quo yon who would get that late Tea Time by virtue of being the first player to return her scorecard on eight Ander goiu giving par and Kung a bit of a look at the line here with this birdie effort at 16 okay decent effort does move quite a bit in the last couple of feet bit of an uncomfortable looking STS here for Kim J he gripping well down on that club very good bit of touch there from Kim jhe she would have seen how hard Go’s part turned at the cup sparking Kung can just send it out a little bit higher than her playing partner from this angle she’s coming mostly uphill so can be a little bit more positive with her pace for the outright lead once again good stroke oh you are kidding how is that stopped that’s not even a revolution shot that’s a dimple away from tumbling in she could scarcely believe it gol’s not fair sometimes I tell you well she has 10 seconds from the time she reaches the ball without causing undue delay but you can stay at it all you want I just don’t think that one’s tumbling in for parun Kong a great effort it’s just going to be a par for for cutiful look like it hit a a glue patch about a foot out it was pouring in on the perfect line unable to separate herself from soan Jong choim at the last can she get home in not quite sure what yardage she’s got for back here but she’s got three wood just going to be a layup for Choy after to make Birdie the oldfashioned Weg so his play winds down here on day two of the mle Mona Park ladies open it’s Park kyung and so and Jung who share the lead at 10 underpar that should be a exciting Sprint to the finish here come Championship Sunday who’s going to come out on top at Birch Hill and claim the Lion Share of that 800 million Korean one prize Pur certainly hope you can join us to find out for

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