Golf Players

Heats | Stateline Speedway | 6-22-24

The Heats at Stateline Speedway (Busti, NY) on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024!

out of for reflex in the air we’re [Music] underway yeah Mike Smith leading us through three and four Ryan Scott gets way up there lap one goes to Smith to break for a second marado third Scot for [Music] still the brake C right there battling with Mike Smith Mike Smith opening up that lead over to BL to break clear down the back shoot out of four it’s still Mike Smith got out third place on turn and he gets better on the back straightaway at the line in third place goes Ryan Scott so Mike Smith has led us the whole way bring break we sitting in second R Scott third go took the words out of my mouth up tank get Smith working down the back shoot Mike Smith has got a comfortable lead over to brakle White Flag in the air final time around Mike Smith leading us through one and two the break clear right there Chris bunk take his home Smith away for break the back straightway has enough the tank coming out of four check flag goes to the 96 of Michael Smith the great clear second Scott and d f that top five F mod fourth Scott third break here second and ladies and gentlemen you’re heat race m a 96 Michael Smith this might be a good heat race too coming out of four green flag in the air so Daryl bosard leads us in one and two Kevin Smith’s got a good run up on the high side Daryl Bard’s got a better run though gets a little jump coming into three but it is still Daryl boser to take lap one yeah boser leeting us out of out of two pulling away from Kevin Smith Kyle Bedell right there on Kevin Smith Kyle Bell F 7j trying to make a run down on the bottom Jason jenko right there as well Greg Oaks kind of sitting towards the back a winner here a week ago he got a good battle for second down the back straightway between and Smith Smith will pull like three better exit at a yep hold on the second Jason jenko move jenko into the conversation for second three cars under a blanket it’s Bedell Smith and jenko and out of four Jason jenko your new third place driver jko trying to make a move for second catching upell asell will P away but it was still all Geral Bard up to this point yeah Kevin Smith fading Greg Oaks working on him now move Greg Oaks to Fourth and out of two it is still Kyle Bell ping off Jason J second place position pops STI air for bosard y two laps to go for Daryl bosard Daryl bosard all by himself working down the back shoot is Jason jko have enough to get by Bedell for second Pell has got the upper hand working into three and four Jason jenko down low white flag in the air final time around ping off jenko off one more time coming out the back straightaway it is still Bell jenko not going away without a fight yep and through three and four checker flag waves Daryl boser takes heat race number one number two Kyle Bell Second Jason jko third Greg Oaks fourth Bob Dorman rounds up the top five so you’re top five in this one fifth the 19 of Bob Dorman fourth the 22 of Greg Oaks third the seven the 29j of Jason jenko second the 7j of Kyle Bell and you’re heat race winner in the 22b Daryl bosard good pick if not he was close to it yeah all right coming out of four green flag waves heat race number one is underway and quickly this Carz jumping out of the gun m and that was trying to stay up with him as here comes gerak down the back straight away R carash leads us through three and four gerak working that high side oh Hower gets into gerak lap one goes to crash gak’s all squirly he goes to the back that was a h two that was no kiss on the cheek no it was not as carash is still your lead leader yeah Kash all by himself just like the chess club president on prom a 23 of Middleton moving up into second place after that gerak went to the back already up to third keep your eyes glued on that 5G is Scott gak gerak work in the bottom is it going to be at the line it’s still Middleton for second gerak will take the bottom line clearing Middleton as Middleton just took that turn one a little too squirly gerak pulling away from Middleton working into three and four carash still your leader make it official at the line n new second place driver it’s Scott [Music] gak just Dom first race yeah rck crash dominating nobody has had anything for crash so far in this one kak working on reeling him in though he’s not making big moves on him but he’s reeling him in slowly but surely got a battle for four [Music] between little is involved believe that DJ c pop single sticks in the air two laps remain for R carash out a time yep if he’s going to make a move he’s got to do it now and he might be making that move here comes Scott gak down the back Sho oh and we have a car around in the middle of one and two that is the 23 of Rob Middleton oh man kak was aing it not a little and we have a car turned around again DJ Kook in that 803 machine yellow is out he got out of four green flag waves we’re back underway gak not getting the restart as crash going pull away yeah crash definitely got a way better start than gerak G sleeping a little bit little yes Sean Little’s got to run up on the high side in that 86 machine here comes the goat White Flag in the air final time around for Rick carash Kash leading us out of two working down the back shoot for the final time cruising that low line through three and four checker flag waves Rick carash takes heat race number one Scott gak second Sean little third Rob mlon fourth Ray Hower rounds out the top five no he was close but so you’re top five in this one fifth 360 a r Hower fourth of 23 Rob Middleton third the 86 of Shawn little second the 5G of Scott gerak and ladies and gentlemen your heat race winner in the 6K give it up for Rick crash and with that was not green flag waves heat two is underway jenko shot out of a rocket no one has an answer for jenko as of now that’ll move third got a coming out of four lap one goes to the defending track Champion Jason jenko jenko working that middle to bottom Groove Randy Hall up to Second some Heavy Hitters Jake Wilbur Randy Hall Jason jenko Jake wber working on the 87 Randy hall for second so far in this one it has been all Jason jenko went through three and four Randy Hall pulling away from Jake wiber for second Randy Hall trying to secure a position in the rraw exced yes quick Cross Flags in the [Music] air oh Chris Jason jko dominating this one is are you shocked not at all not at all oh Jake Wilbur’s got a run on Randy hall for second things are about to heat up for second popsicle sticks in the air two laps to go for Jason jko but right now the race to watch is that battle for second we have got a hornets nest between Jake Wilbur and Randy Hall Randy Hall up in that middle to high Groove Jake wber down low Paul’s got the better exit coming out of two coming out of for jenko will take the White Flag final time around Jake Wilbur right there at the line it’s Randy Hall will still battle it out coming into two all has the uped that two just like last time coming out of coming out of three into four Sher fly waves Jason jenko Takes heat race number two Randy Hall holds on to Second Jake wber third Steven blet fourth and Steve Hower rounds out your top [Music] five so you’re top five in this one fifth and the 33 Z that is Steve Hower fourth the 23 GB of Steven blet third the 50 of Jake Wilbur second the 87 Randy Hall and ladies and gentlemen give it up for your heat race winner defending track champion in the 29j Jason jenko in that hopefully a good finish to the firecracker tonight coming out of four glex in the air we’re underway with heat race number three quickly Subs out all the way down to backway keep an eye on that 61s of w shell W started on the final row making his way up to the north he’s going to be a guy to watch in this one and your new leader Gary Young yeah Gary Youngs in that wide 26 Clement gets squirly he’ll get sideways in one and two he keeps his foot in it we’re still green flag racing tubs going down to the grass to get by him and we have a b oh oh Gary Young’s goes around Tom’s got into it who’s Brand the infield yeah we’ll uh we’ll see we’ll see what Spanky does about this one green flags in the air we’re back underway agery leading us into one and two he is going to pull away W shell has got the upper hand over for Doro down the back straight away sh still working on yeah work shell [Music] battling good or Shell’s got to running that 61s down on the bottom W shell diing out of four at the line it’s still Hagerty pops it the six in the air two to go coming in one it is still Hagerty pulling away a btit oh W Shell’s got to run here he comes here comes shell down the back shoot into three and four shell down low Hagerty running the middle out of four white flag in the air it’s barely Hagerty W Shell’s got one last shot he clears him out of two working down the the back shoot he is pulling away into three and four for the final time Chris Punk take us home shell out of four Hager doesn’t have enough checker flag shell gets it Hager second young third and it will be four round out your top four as sh any fashion flag yeah what a last lap pass by the 61s of Ward shell there new base so Rockwell Johnson out of four GRE flag wser underway Rockwell leads us out of two Greg Zack Johnson’s got a run coming out of two Troy Johnson on the outside coming three Troy Johnson up on the high side got a little too high up in the marbles a little bit out of four left one goes to Rockwell pel Rex par at the middle of turns three and four call it out the yellow yep yellow flag out Mitchell Rex parked th B lined back up coming out of for green flx in the air we’re back underway it’s going to be Rock but here coming with jet and Greg Johnson yep out of two Timothy Rockell pulling away Craig Johnson’s got a run on his son we’re about to see a little fatherson battle oh Craig got way up there a little too high he’s up in the marbles Timothy Roa Ste leader Zack Johnson second GRE Johnson rebounds he’s back to Third Troy Johnson running forth in that 2J Tim Peterson right there Dennis lunger trying to get into the mix of things as well we’ve got about four cars under a blanket for third coming into four Peterson got up high in the marbles GRE Johnson Johns that’s Greg in third Zack Johnson running second Zack Johnson’s got a run on Rockwell Rockwell a little faster down the back suo working into three and four Johnson going to dive down to the bottom can he make it work cross Flags in the air halfway through for Timothy Rockwell Zack Johnson right there parking at Rockwell Zack Johnson’s got a nice run in that 105 machine can he make it work down the back shoot Brockwell is a little faster rolling into three and four he’s got the upper hand Zack Johnson still working that bottom at the line it’s barely Timothy Rockwell over the jet Zack Johnson’s got a good run in one and two he has got the upper hand coming out of two cor door the wheel down the back straightway they will enter three Johnson with the upper hand though we’ll slide up the track a bit Zach Johnson slides up the track opening the door he will clear new leader at the line it’s Zack Johnson two laps to go can Zach Johnson hold on rest of the way rolling down the back shoot longer gets into the infield a bit yep Zack Johnson still your leader coming out of two white flag in the air final time around for the jet aqu trying to catch up to the jet but I don’t think he has enough time as they down the back straight away one last time Hunter Jord take us home Zach Johnson leading us into three and four Timothy Rockwell with a run down low two little too late checker flag wave Zack Johnson takes heat race number one Timothy Rockwell second cig Johnson third Troy Johnson fourth Tim Peterson rounds out your top five so your top five in this one fifth the 07 P of Tim Peterson fourth the 2J of Troy Johnson third the 05 of Greg Johnson second the 32 of Timothy Rockwell and ladies and gentlemen give it up for your heat race winner in the 105 it’s the jet Zack [Applause] Johnson yes you did for green flag racing keep number two is underway CJ Ramsey and Scott are battling it out coming into two Scott has the up for Edge with CJ Ramsey will pull away coming in the back straight away CJ Ramsey leads us down the back shoot David Scott working that high side Scott gets a little to the mar that top looks to be dangerous a lot of guys have gotten a little too high as lap one goes to CJ Ramsey David Scott barely heads second over Butch southwall Butch southwall with a run down on the bottom deponer turned around Christopher deonier the yellow flag is out Chris bunk tell us what happened file CJ Ramsey out of four we are back to green flag racing Ramy that lean with Scott and South though will battle out for second but Scott has a run on the outside on rant he down the back straightaway yep CJ Ramsey a little faster David Scott hits the old crossover on him working into three and four CJ Ramsey still has the upper hand coming out of four it’s still CJ Ramsey don’t sleep on David Scott just yet though got trying to catch up the Ramy coming out of two has a run on the bottom yellow flag is out Matthew h Haskins around and turn four that was getting good that was getting good I feel like that has been the story of the Season sa green flag is back out well CJ Ramsey leading us at it to David Scott down on the bottom but southwell’s got a good run in that 55s machine up on the high side of David Scott door to door wheel to wheel Scott’s got the upper hand coming out of two Ramsey still your leader David Scott Ste second place driver in the X3 two Ram yeah David Scott not giving it to him though and the cross Flags in the air halfway through for CJ [Music] Ramy Here Comes Andrew be in that 5p Andrew be working on but South W for third [Music] Here Comes Slow Ride door door wheel to wheel CJ Ramsey David Scott working into three and four CJ Ramsey with the upper hand Scott down though barking at him two laps to go who’s it going to be at the line it’s still CJ Ramsey over David scota barely David Scott digging out on the bottom can he make it work he is running out of time Ramy with upper hand down the back shoot working into three and four it’s Ramsey Scott White Flag in the air final time around new leader it’s David Scott it’s going to get good yeah David Scott pulling away fromy the [Music] back David Scott working into three and four for the final time check GT flag waves David Scott takes heat race number two CJ Ram second put out thr third Andrew bman fourth Dave lfar rounds out the top five great heat great heat race good job by Scott before that white flag came out well you’re top five in this one fifth 39 of Dave lfar fourth the 5B of Andrew Batman third the 55s of buch southwell second 14r CJ Ramsey and ladies and gentlemen your heat race winner in a home build Affliction race car defending track Champion Slow Ride David skott all right the call before the storm GRE flag waves heat three is underway oh he gets swirly he goes over the BM and he’ll collect one watch out Nelly he’s coming right at [Music] you the green before the storm as you like to say we’re green flag racing that is what I like to say right working on coming into two Brightman wheel down the back straightway yep Brightman with the upper hand coming into three and four kazinski down low Kell Crocker working in that 4 J in third backing down bright though they still over theel yeah Brightman with the advantage through three and four Matt kazinski not far behind him [Music] though yeah briman still leading us he is extend that lead out of two trying to pull away he [Music] working ooh land fear a little lap traffic right in the middle of the track get as well [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we got two to go for break running out of time on the back straight away [Music] not break the yellow flag out on the speedway so coming out of four green and white together we are back underway for one more lap rocker a rocket second place there does right does he have enough to tank he’s going to cross Chastain that on the outside but not enough going be Jason Brightman taking the checkers kale frer second kazinski third and kazinski fourth and so your top four will be Tommy kazinski Matt kazinski kale Crocker and ladies and gentlemen Give It Up your heat race winner of the 16 it’ll be Jason Brightman and that will Jordan take for green flag racing Harvey jumps out to way hug no hate Chris buk I love you yeah Hardy P Harvey pulling away down the back shoot in three and four Joshua loox looking decent down the bottom second left Z Harvey yeah Zay Harvey opening up that lead early already a two-time winner this season a winner last week huge battle for second place don’t to yeah AR Watson uh I think Joshua loox is about to get in that too we have got a Hornets that’s for second and we have got a car round in turn three that is the 24 of Michael berer around in turn three F GRE flag is back out so Zan Harvey leading us through three and four almost went three WI yeah I think Josh wox is going to make things interesting here in a second halfway through for Zan Harvey the drop of the green nobody has touched Zay Harvey here com AR watching join that fight yeah little oppon next didn’t look to upset his C too much as he is right back in right back in that battle with Arnold mil Cox’s up on the high side can he make it work Joshua Wilcox has got a good run up on the high side two laps to go for Zay Harvey but right now keep your eyes glued on that number one that one W with Joshua Wilcox run yep final time around for Zayn Harvey wox opens up that third place lead a little bit working down the back shoot into the three and four for the final time cruise control Che flag wave Zan Harvey takes race number one Steve Watson second Joshua wox third Nick AR Nick Arnold fourth Thomas grou rounds out the top five will lead us out of four Spanky Hall gave us the [Music] Green Tommy Kemp leading through three and four coming out of four lap one goes to the 2 to Tommy Kemp keep your eyes on that 71 of Al Brewer he’s got to run on Hill down the back shoe trying to take fourth away he will successfully do so move out Brewer in the fourth mov four almost in third now but I the line takeing third yep Al Brewer moving in this one the Old Guard still getting it done down the bottom Brewer yeah what I say keep your eyes on that 71 about Brewer know he’s doing but he is running out a time ople six in the air five two to go jumble the gun a little bit [Music] there Here Comes Al Brewer in the 71 working that middle to High group going to Diamond off get down on the bottom White Flag in the air final time around for Tommy K [Music] oh Bill Silvis goes around in the middle of one and two and that’s not going to matter the checker flag is out Tommy Kemp gets it done Josh Canfield second how Brewer Third brayon Hill fourth Cody van Gilder rounds out the top five so you’re top five in this one fifth the F4 of Cody van Gilder fourth the 38 of Bryson Hill third the 71 of Al Brewer second the 33 of Josh Canfield and ladies and gentlemen you’re heat race winner in the 28 give it up for Tommy C wise words 100 Calm Before the Storm coming out of Bo three flags in the air battle out one on the [Music] B nrom leading us into three and four coming out of four lap one goes to nrm Peterson second Oaks third who Dennis ler in [Music] four oh Peterson’s got a run it’s it’s still nice to him though keep your eyes on that 24 pet though Tim Peterson working the bottom nice drums faster down the back shoot new leader new leaderer set at the [Music] line to make the back straight away P Peterson leads us to the halfway point of this one y Tyler Oaks [Music] around Flags in the air we’re back under way is still p and on out but Dennis lugger’s in the mix here we go this could get good slide up the track still second o it out for third coming two bottom [Music] top the pop here to go this nice white black with Peterson nice Tri HS running out of time back last time coming out of four check your flag Peterson takes the H race nice second o third ler and fourth Anders in bed running up your top five will be the 59 x of Brian Sanders the 71 L of Dennis lunger the 22t oak the 72v of Von nrom and ladies and gentlemen your heat race winner of the 24p Tim Peterson GRE flag waves first heat race number one is [Music] underway Stein right has the upper hand coming into three and four coin down low out of four who’s it going to be at the line it’s barely Joe Stein right [Music] that got Joe Stein right comfortably Your Leader coming out of four oh he slipped up a little bit Russell coin right there still sign right though Dustin Gibson Dustin Gibson’s got running the X1 machine to the bottom of coin coin’s barely got the upper hand through three and four out of four Gibson’s better though Dustin Gibson in the second yellow in the air for Gary fiser around in turn four flag in the air here we go back in way point battle get into that second place position a better exit on thex still all join Joe Stein with a big upper hand Brent marado getting into the conversation for third he is underneath Russell coin cross Flags in the air halfway through for Joe Stein Dustin Gibson right there Gibson coming into two Stein right get a little squirly that opens the door for Gibson down the back straightaway Stein right will get right back his Dustin Gibson underneath Stein right he’s got a good run hit a little hiccup there in the middle of three and four but not bad enough Dustin Gibson to the lead trying to make got come out of [Music] four sticks in the air two laps remain for Dustin Gibson Russell coin takes third back from Brett marado coin and marado are coming out of two way down the back coming out of four white flag in the air final time around for Dustin [Music] Gibson down the back straightway one last time ping away from Joe Stein R through three and four and Checkered Flag waves Dustin gets in gets it done Joe Stein right second Brett marado third Justin Pratt fourth and Brian Mohawk rounds out the top [Music] five flag the air under number two a rocket really quick by L Tanner Ramy leading us down the back shoot pulling away early in this one Donnie blood’s got to run up on the high side in that 45 machine Ramsey up by the marbles lap one goes to Tanner Ramy battling out second yeah Lin and blood ding it out for second it has been all Tannery early on in this one and we have power SP out coming the green flags back out second place [Music] quick the back ramsy leading through three and four Donnie blood coming out of four will take second away do Donnie blood the second [Music] halfway through for Ramsey as Ramy this heat race has been a symbol of his whole season just domination been the guy to beat all season long here at St line current point leader [Music] in the air two to go two circuits remain for Tanner Ramsey as he is all by himself in this one for he will take the white coming out of fourth final time around for Tanner Ry in the 14r Donnie blood still holding on to Second as Canon Ramsey takes it out of two Chris Punk found back straight away one more time for Ramsey in his control at this point rolling out of four check your flag will goer Ry the 14r second place go Donny blood third place I I get that was close all right between the scoreboard it says Eddie merwick so mck third yep and that’ll move Johnny’s forward but your heat race winner the 14r Tanner Ramsey great flag waves heat 3 is underway battling first place Dam it out turn two back trying to make the move that made LeBron James cry cross and it is still Hammond right now though come out of four Hammond will take lap one yep lap one goes to Andrew Hammond John Klein barking at him for for the lead John Borman up to third the bottom three now to four makes a little bit attack damage but does not [Music] affect Matt Samson sitting back and forth up on three wheels coming out of two all [Music] working down the back shoot it has been all Andrew Hammond ear on in this one cross sticks in the air halfway through for Andrew [Music] [Music] Hammond yeah [Music] Dam it really a comfortable lead over Klein not comfortable enough though that you know if he makes a mistake here Klein can get right back into Striking Distance as he takes the pople STI to lap Tain and we have a caution come out yeah that might be the front bumper of the O2 um Richard that nose ripped off the car who else is that sitting down there and we are back on the [Music] way St trying to hold off both warin and fine as they com the back straightaway yeah drag racing John kleinon John bourman a pair of John’s duking it out white flag in the air final time around for Andrew Hammond can he hold them off get Matt Samson into that battle for second Matt Samson coming on strong late but it might be too little too late coming into four one last time Checkered Flag for the second time this year Andrew Hammond wins the G race fine second Samson third fourth yep so you’re top four in this one fourth at Triple 7 of John Borman third the 17s of Matt Samson second the 07 of John Klein and ladies and gentlemen for the second time this season your heat race winner Andrew [Music] Hammond and that wrapped uplex yeah we’re underway one out of two it is still knock his yeah Rob eaten leading us through one through three and four JY kazinsky right there as is Jesse Isidor that one goes to eaten Jesse Isidor second and we have the 56 of ksky out coming two DVID ksky he was running third got a four green flags in the air we’re back underway still leing [Music] us yep Rob Eaton pulling away keep your eyes on that number five Ryan card he’s got a run down on the bottom Ryan card digging in the number five machine move him into second eyes on move the rocket house car into [Music] second halfway through for Rob Eaton [Music] [Music] two sticks in the [Music] air coming out of four white flag in the air final time around for Rob Eaton Ryan card running second Terry meeley third fourth Cameron TR rounding up top five at the moment working down the back shoot into three and four for the final time sheer flag waves sharp mini late model heat race number one goes to Robbie and Brian card second Terry mey third Jesse isor fourth Cameron Sherwood rounds out the top five so your top five in this one fifth the Nessa Cameron Sherwood fourth the0 Jesse Isidor third the 14 of Terry meley second the five of Ryan card and ladies and gentlemen your winner in the number 82 machine Rob Eaton green rolling out of four green flags in the air we’re underway with second Mini [Music] yeah Trey white leads us down the back shoot on lap number one into three and four Chris White sneaking up on Oakley Terrell for second lap one goes to Trey white Oakley Terrell second Chris White third [Applause] [Music] Trey white yeah hope Terrell’s got a good run in that number zero machine Trey White’s fast coming out of two though Trey Wright going to pull away once again down the back shoot Oakley Terrell looking strong through three and four halfway through for Trey white out of [Music] now the 15 [Music] third oh and Oakley Terell goes around in turn two check on him see what the problem [Music] is Rick Isidor to the lead lead last yeah man bad break for Trey whus he was leading this one and the green flag is [Music] outg curry yeah Morgan curry with a run on oakle Terrell down the back shoot Oakley Terrell has the upper hand White Flag in the air final time for Rick Isidor [Music] so Isidor down the back shoot into three and four for the final [Music] time coming out of four Checkered Flag waves Rick Isidor gets it done Oak Trail second Morgan Curry third Kyle Coons fourth so your top five in this one fifth will be the 99 W of Trey white fourth the 93 of Kyle Coons third the 10 of Morgan Curry second the zero of Oakley Terrell in your heat race winner in the number 15 Rick Isidor


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