Golf Players

Ankd vs TMB – Hoopsfix Pro-Am Men 2024 | Week 2

Live Stats:

Ankd take on The Minimum Brand in week 2 of Hoopsfix Pro-Am!



Travis Edwards
Brandon Tchouya
Juan Manning
Shaq Lewis
Obi Agu
Sam Akano
Jayden Carvalho
Amin Adamu
Danny Evans

The Minimum Brand:

Hafeez Abdul
Kyle Carey
Tola Okiki
Tyme regent bascombe
Mathew Disu
Lee Linton hodges
Jordan Gray
Illias Taiwo
Abi Adedo
Daniel Johnson Thompson
Sam Newman

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e e e e e e e e e e e e a very warm welcome into the Barking Recreation Center we are moments away from our second uh men’s matchup of the day it’s ank taking on the minimum brand henceforth known as tmb both sides came away with victories last time out an took a 6452 victory over Solen and tmbb took a 5361 victory over London United aned are in the black uniforms they will be well on the right of your screen in just a moment not that that means heaps of anything M and brand are in the red uniforms now what is this what is this all about the clock won’t stop for the first 38 minutes of play the breaks are very very short and probably the most important rule is if you are fouled you head to the line you’re going to shoot one shot and it’s worth the shot value you were attempting uh of course you shoot and once so the fives are making their way out onto the floor team an tmb two seriously loaded rosters here here in Sandy making his way out there rley kosa it’s going to be Brandon cheer going up for the tip and he will be going against Addie ababo C carry also representing tmb so if you want to be here next week is our final week of pools play and then it’s going to be the semi-final and placement finals and then it’s the final round 14th of July all tickets information on hoopsfix decom and remember that this hoops from sub League 2024 brought to you by hoopsfix head on over to that website Hoops all the information about all the great work being done by the foundation for the benefit of the game and it’s players in this country and hoix women are your place to go across all the social media platforms as well to keep in touch with the game that we love and the players playing it and the tip has been uh well we’re going to redo that tip one by Brandon cheer for an uh heading up the flooor for the first time cheer kicks out to Sandy Sandy battling his way through puts it in off the glass good for two Sam Newman driving downhill get more mov here in Sandy slaps out of the hands of Cal carry Newman pulls up three balls good [Music] Sandy sh at the top back to Sandy C carry playing tuck defense on Sandy Sandy making his way across tried to kick it to the corner equal to it was ABI abedo time reging Bas not able to convert that time as cabosa sinks it from outside triple is good an have the lead 5 to three galary look St in the corner going downhill puts it in off the glass sweet finish galary ties his it five cheer lost the footing kept the handle kicked it to Travis Edwards it’s down low kaboa draws the foul from Matthew duu so he’ll go and shoot one it’ll be worth two shots the clock’s going to stay running just off the mark and now TMP driving forward E scores it he’s going to go to the strip to add one more but the basket is good and it was eight with the foul that was Kieran Sandy first personal first team foul and one play no good that’s going to be aned taking over timeline it’s Brandon shuer cheer driving in scores it over AB Ado kick straight up the floor Sam Newman no good from the corner look glorious out the hand though regen basam with the pass that time no good caboa carry driving through the lane fouled in the act of shooting Brandon cheer was with the illegal action [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it’s good [Music] [Music] 42 can’t finish so technical foul to John [Applause] Manning didn’t get the call and uh one of our officials know all about it now is sent Cal KY to the strike who sinks the technical free throw so tmb the free throw and Obsession shots on the we no [Applause] good eight plays nine CMB batting away Sam Newman gets into the lane Tron manik pulls down that pass cheya what a move can’t finish good rebound regen buam Cal carry looking to put on the Jets finds some Newman kicks it to the top three balls on the way just a dash too strong [ __ ] it was with the attempt face out the three gets it back at the top Edwards steps back three ball just off the mark calry pulls down the ball and the pressure from kaboa Newman uses the screen John Manning looking to battle around it does battle around Cal carry as uh it’s out of [Applause] bounds car and Manning exchanging words up the floor I say exchanging I think that might be over egging C’s roll in all of that changes coming for both sides hay Ling checking in as is Sano change also for tnb more on them as they emerge it’s Toler Kiki Toler Kiki pulls up from the elbow just off the mark more changes will be coming for next time by Davis Edwards kicks it to the top it’s Manning Edwards wanted Ling on the other side three ball from Sandy absolutely nothing but net from the corner toiki has it stripped but is fouled by Travis [Music] Edwards Ken Sandy sits down as does Jean Manning Jaden carvalo checks in Seb mushes as the thre just off the mark to the right they retain the ball though tmb we tied at 10 travel is the call [Music] [Applause] Samano over the timeline sakano comes off inside to Hayden Ling uses high Advantage K carry can’t go from outside that’s a beautiful move though [ __ ] puts it down good drive to the Elbow forced back out Edwards doesn’t mind puts up the three Hayden Ling looking for options tries to find Edwards has been batted into the path of Jayden Calo but just a heel on the line that’s turn over as we see GB 3 on three his own Fe Abdul he checks into the contest for tmb great move and finish Jordan [Music] great taking it [Music] direct stopping po s Carell and he knew that was nice looks at his own bench on the way up the floor Abdul batting away great defense from caboa but that is a tough tough finish Al Ado what can he do Samano dumps it off inside kept alive ad takes it over at the timeline spinning puts it up can’t finish more tough play Jordan gray both these sides put on his show we got 15 seconds on the clock 14 plays 16 it’s going to be kaboa oneon-one taking a Kiki to the hole unable to get where he wanted to go he was fouled as the buzzer go goes caboa is going to head to the stripe he’s going to shoot one it’s going to be worth two and it is good so at the end of the period we are tied 16- 16 an take it on the minimum run here at the hoix pr summer league 2024 be back in 30 seconds e we’re back underwe second period action here is three balls on the way three balls [Applause] good region basam puts it home [Music] doesn’t go toiki takes it over the timeline stopped inside of f oh puts it in for two wanted the call wasn’t coming [Music] three ball off the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] M it is taiwo traveled [Applause] [Music] Kieran Sandy taking it up the floor gets it back from sakano three ball just a bit too strong Brandon kabza has a strip by toiki it’s going to be an interesting duel to watch out for the rest of this game Abdul not able to finish that time really solid defense sending him where he didn’t quite want to be as that’s put a little little bit too far ahead of Brandon choer baskam hands off to ABD who travels under pressure from Brandon choer [Applause] [Music] kabza over the timeline takes it inside on Abdul puts it down for two 20 plays 19 an in the lead once again three ball just off oh it’s good even seems to Ripple the [Music] N A Caro fenders got out of his way enough wasn’t able to finish that time 20 Place 22 another triple back two back threes the M brand readying them in they’re up [Music] 2520 C carry wants to call instead Ros gets the shot [Music] up timeout is taken by an Gary very insistent on getting that double dribble call so the score is 2025 Min and bran are in the lead over anked those backto back triples from region Nukem and a Abdul stretching [Music] out healthyish lead it can go in an instant but it is two possessions BR kosa leads all scorers he’s got seven points CAL car Kieran Sandi and H Abdul all have five [Music] so an they took the timeout they are back on the floor ready to do good defending 634 left in the [Applause] second Sam Newman Matthew D into the opposite corner he’s got it good that time just a bit short from reg [Applause] [Music] Basin Edwards driving down a absolutely no there as a Caro hits the deck Off the Mark with the Finish but a foul on the play as Matthew duu trying to put it up five black with a push Davis Edwards doesn’t agree with the call there’s substitution Jaden carvalo checks in samaro who uh took some sort of contact to the [Music] [Applause] face and it’s good 42 CNB tching their lead 20 Place 27 [Music] [Applause] Manning goes right forced almost out of bounds got the pass away just in time Su choer tro driving in spinning kicks it outside Edward back up to the top foul is the call some Newman with the foul Che try to drive [Music] through foul on three h Abdul got a little bit of arm as he was trying to contest the shot that’s two points on offer it’s going to be the one shot doesn’t go CMB going to take it back up the floor oh getting the Jets denied at the rack [Applause] [Music] though Sam Newman driving up the floor beautiful kick pass and a big man Jam Matthew vu [Applause] [Music] no good into the hands of Newman Newman kicks It Forward Fe Abdul goes right side no good substitutions coming Tak the seat is Brandon Cho checking in Bradley kabos nine points the difference an in possession they’re [Music] down battling his way through caboa fouled intive shooting he’s going to go to the [Music] strike foul called on Matthew deu as K Kerry sits down he is replaced by Eliz tywell kaboa puts it down [Applause] [Music] good for two 22 plays [Applause] 29 Sam [Music] [Applause] [Music] Newman three balls on the wayu puts down the triple tmb have a cooking they up by 10 22 plays 32 [Music] that’s good for two [Music] Manning 24 he’s 32 three ball just off the mark Abdul takes it little pocket pass good ball movement can’t finish Tyrone the first time has a fresh 14 finds Newman Newman driving inside Lefty finish can’t go Kieran Sandy pulls down the board Sandy goes to work draws the travel in fact Newman sits down as does region baskam and Matthew duu so fresh legs on for tmb a ling checked in for [Music] an Ado has it stripped illegally so he’s going to head to the line to shoot one it’s going to be with two kosza picks up the foul Sandy checks out of the contest Sako replaces him freeb is good 10-point game 24 plays 34 ank they are down the league leaders the table toppers in that pool as that’s just through the hands of ling a lot of Source on that pass from Manning so shot clock is turned off 14 to shoot it got to get over the timeline first keep he does just that great pressure the double comes dumped off inside H Abdul gets the shot up no good and that’s going to do it at the end of 20 minutes it’s the minimum brand they’re up 34- 24 over aned we’re going to have a 2minute break I’m going to be back with all of the stats leaders of course you can be following this along if you have access to the internet you can have access to the Liv Stacks all that information HS your place to be join us in about a minute and a half time the minimum brand they at by 10 over an in game number four from week two of the H 6 PR summer league 2024 e e welcome back in to brickton Recreation Center Brad lead all scores he’s got nine Matthew du leads the minimum brand with seven they’re doing a really good job of sharing the scoring load kabza also the king of the boards with four rebounds along with Kieran Sandy Jordan great has two boards he leads the way for tmb seven scorers for tmbb like when I said they were sharing the scoring load I was not [Music] joking six scorers for an as well so both sides using their benches to their fullest if you want to be here you want to be live in Brixton we got three more weekends of action we’re here every Sunday this game tips off at 10:30 all tickets all information your place to be you want to be inside brickton Recreation Center seeing some of the top talent we have in the country in chill up Vibes of Brion that’s a great move tough Lefty finish kosa absolutely ridiculous get aned off to a very good start in this second half thought about the three ball no doubt decides to take it inside Ling bats it into the hands of kosza this possessing ado and now it’s kosza kicks off to link mid-range Jay is good this is what we’ve come to expect from an and just look at the talent on this floor travel is the call toiki put his head down started Trucking impeded on his journey by Sano free ball just off the [Music] [Applause] mark to the corner stepped out of oh travel sorry is to call called on Seb musish CMB to score in the third period of play only had two minutes of it as P up all too long on the three Hayden Ling pull down the board Rosa puts up the Triple just short into the hands of d toiki one on one with Manning the KE goes right hand Manning contests him all the way real tough defense and now a five on four kosa can’t [Music] finish really good defensive pressure once again Jordan gray tries to float it in no good three changes coming for tmb [Applause] s n Cal carry and time region basam checking into the contest and staying with what’s worked for them the start of this second [Music] half kick to the top Manning wide open triple it’s good Cal KY came with a contest but it was a dash [Music] late let see IO checking in next time to the top Abul still Abdul puts it on a plate for regen bam makes it look easy flying round the lane three ball no Manning lops it up for Hayden Ling just way too congested under the basket Hayden link going to take a seat here and Sandy also going to check in carvalo checks in Juan Manning heads to the bench six to play in the [Music] third’s out the hands of region bask har no foul slow things down for a second though K carry trying to drive kicks to H Abdul haiz Abdul puts it in off the glass we’re going to see Brandon Che checking in next [Applause] time that’s reading sub compos though rejected by Cal carry we play on Theo at the top still a Caro drops it in nice and [Music] easy has it turned over Kieran Sandy was out in transition weren’t able to get to him as a Caro thinks he has a lane drops it off to Sandy Sandy fouled in the out of shooting going to go to the strike he’s going to sh one it’s going to be worth two [Music] [Applause] Sandy short on the free throw Corner no good d Edwards on the wing good drive he’s going to go to the strike is Brandon cheer let see who it’s on it’s on eightth duu make that his third personal foul [Applause] that’s good from Cheer so three points is the [Applause] difference Abdul takes it inside halfway down doesn’t get the roll now Cher driving in no good on that play makes it pay the second time and it’s a one-point contest an chipping [Music] away Sam Newman UNF kicks it to the top C carry triple just off back and right here in Sandy going downhill kicks to the corner three balls on the way sakano just just off the mark Cal Carry has aard and Sandy both hunting for it D fou absolutely hammered by kieren [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sandy Hayden Ling checking in Jaden carvalo takes a seat hayen link super efficient in his uh in this second [Music] half so the point differential was three three throws were good Sandy Tak it inside to Ling Ling not able to hit that’s a good spot on the floor for him he likes it and it’s great for him so far in this game as H Abdul just short rims it at the front it’s going to trickle [Applause] away that’s Stan what sort of pass has he got it’s a beautiful [Music] one don’t think we’re always capture that on camera though that’s say back underway 123 to play in third period of play cracking game this has been as an cut it towards one point sakano puts it down Newman goes behind his back drops it off fees up a wide open triple just just short that was a great look in the right play does well to read what was coming up the floor he Abdul Newman no mistakes there rattles round and drop it’s down 3943 the an bench want to see the tempo raising here in sanday hling with the follower puts it [Applause] [Music] home stays ticking along two points the [Music] difference yeah on the third 20 to play Sam Newman now he wants to screen Sam Newman Drive it inside H gets to it though denies Newman kosza is going to get the shot up swatted by C kry what a period of play 43 plays 41 the minimum brand do lead it but that lead lead has diminished substantially and I tell you what I want to credit obviously the scoring of kabos aano and chya Hayden Ling he has been just a [Music] menace so we’re going to take a 30 second break we’ll be back for the final period of play here from brixon this te from Summer leag 2024 you’re watching the minimum brand take it on and we’ll be back in 30 seconds we’re back live in [Music] Brixton throw AR summer league 20124 brought you by the H Foundation do you want to be here all the info we’re here for the next three weekends all the info tickets everything else absolute bargain triple no good from maku Hayden Ling PS down the rebound though just a reminder next 8 minutes it’s going to be the same game you’ve seen for the previous 30 final 2 minutes that’s when it becomes a normal game of basketball clock will stop you got to earn all your points from the [Music] line kaboa kicks it to Sandy at the top three ball just short Ling Bing away for the rebound with Abdul kick to the corner Sam Newman is he going to send it up top no he’s not he’s going to step back long two rolls around didn’t drop for him that time flying in there good ball [Applause] movement three balls on the way no good from kosza Sam Newman beat out Kieran Sandy for the rebound Kieran Sandy is going to have a foul called on him [Applause] so Kieran Sandy with the foul that just took a a little sting out is for a moment two points the difference 41 plays 43 some Newman that screen from Fe Abdul driving through again they want the travel call Travis Edwards judged to a foul foul was in the act of shooting so it will be two shots in fact it was not it will be be sideline ball calary puts it up puts it down calary good long range two four points the lead it’s been a two- possession [Music] game free ball Edwards string it back to one CAL car with the moves great pass to Sam Newman Sam Newman thumbs it off down in Low Time Regent [Applause] [Music] basam here in Sandy looking to battle C Cary little bit too much physicality there from C so foul on the floor [Music] has been knocked out of [Applause] bounds no good from outside Travis Edwards CNB do get over the timeline it’s in the hands of toiki steps up three ball no good Travis Edwards trying to shepher it out of bounds Kiki BS it back in [Applause] play so toiki passes back underway a spin move puts it up puts it down Beautiful Finish from Ab changes coming from an they’re down by five Ling through contact good finish he’s going to go to the strike to shoot one more foul called on 12 ilas tywell for the push make it a two-point contest hay Ling at the strike gets the favorable bounce and it goes he takes a seat replaced by Seb mushes two points of difference a stop at a make could say take the lead Frank [Music] hanging all over him K in Sandy I think that makes up for personal for [Music] Sandy it is the fourth for Kieran Sandy stays ticking 426 left in this final period of play as H Abdul puts it home through contact he’s going to go to line to shoot one more and one hold one was the call from the official there is kosza and we’re going to see Edwards and choya checking in next time [Music] Fe can get it to go that time and driving straight down the other end well sakano he can finish Kiki drops off to H Abdul good ball movement what can they do with it options inside and out but tough team defense dis possessed them and now Manning kicks to outside three balls just off the mark oh sorry it is good for three I’m getting so thrown by that [Applause] [Music] net and just like that it’s a onepoint game all over again 50 plays 51 [Music] three ball FS abull puts it down calm unflustered play from tmb that’s a tough move from aano KS it to the wing musish can’t finish that time to a good spot on the floor though Newman gives it to Abdul spinning his way into the paint Spin The Possession away from him though did chean koser that’s been picked off though by D to H Abul [Applause] we’re going to see if the bucket is called timeout was requested by [Applause] ank so discussion over what’s going on we got 202 left in the contest so no basket timeout has been awarded to ank minut [Music] so Sixpoint contest with 202 that subject to change that 202 we’ll see if a little uh another couple of seconds gets added to it or not aned are down high six to TMV the final two games of the day they are both from pool a function all taking on the OT boys next final game of the day whom space taking on the sry scorches and what is sure to be another brilliant encounter we’ve had great first well week and a half of this Seasons Who from summer league and we want to see you in attendance you want to pack out brickton to get information is all there hoopsfix decom and a reminder this is brought to you by the hoopsfix foundation head over to hoopsfix all the information you need and the great work being done by the foundation kaboa is going to take it over the timeline for an his side down by six puts up the shot he’s fouled in the after of shooting he’s going to go to the line the clock is stopped he’s going to take two shots that be worth two points index of 15 cabosa 11.7 rebounds four assists fact say he’s having himself a day that’s the first is good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sinks and both so chipping away that lead now it’s just four points 52 plays 56 tnb Sam Newman just gets it over the timeline duu is dispossessed wants the call isn’t coming his way so M Caro elevates and now it’s a two-point [Applause] [Music] game c [Music] car as that’s a foul on the floor byos picks up his third personal 54 plays 56 fouls on the floor in fact it was in the act of shooting so he’s going to head to line to shoot two HED in the penalty so anything from here on out is going to be free throws doesn’t hit either so uh a big moment for an now 115 left in the contest they’re down by two kosza to spin his way in oh my goodness Travis Edwards takes the lead for his side Sam Newman sends it ins go through jams it home CNB back in front they’re up by one Manning gets inside kicks it threee ball is good S A Caro what the call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two-point contest and they’re up by two CNB with possession they take it over the timeline it’s Cal kry comes it down low to H Abdul to the top the three ball Off the Mark Rebound in out of the hands of duu they’ve got a little bit of time over this is great ball movement from ank they’re playing keep away they’re probably going to want that shot though as a foul eight with the foul Matthew giz that’s his fourth and that might just be the end of things as foul comes we see who that’s called on I think that’s going to be on duu so I make that his fifth it’s going to be two shots and I think duu his day is done wait for the table to confirm that that’s the first kabza a three point difference Nets some both it’s a two possession game timeout called by the minam brand they’re going to talk things over we good take 30 seconds we back in just a moment with 8.8 seconds to go anchor up by four here H6 round summer league 2024 brought to you by the H Foundation 56 Prim 2024 here’s the summer league and all summer leagues four points is the difference this is been a fabulous fabulous contest Min and BR have been well they look so calm and cool and collected all the way through they’ve really done well growing their lead building it but an just tipped away at it they’ve they’ve just battled they’ve really battled their way back into it and now they’re up by four 8.8 seconds to play what does tmbb have in Stall they’re going inside looking for the two can’t go and that will do it Manning over the timeline puts up the prayer doesn’t goal and we have a winner an take it in the end 6258 over tmb and what has been another brilliant contest here in week two of the 2024 hoix primee summer league let’s take a quick look at the numbers who are uh Le leading performance let’s take a look at the unsuccessful team the minum brand their leading scorer was Abdul he had 14 Matthew Vu had 13 and time region baskam he had 10 for the winners an they were LED in scoring by brados at 15 points Saro had 14 and Hayden link what did I tell you in the second half Hayden link became a real Menace that was a huge turning point in this contest he got himself nine points in the contest to go along with his six rebounds but Kos dominated on the boards he had eight Ali Ado had four he led the way on the boards for the miniman brand BR kosza and Sam Newman both with five assists as well that’s going to do it for game number four game five coming up in just a little while let me tell you when the slight and tick time for that is half 3 so a little bit of time just to relax cool off go get yourself a beverage wherever it is was warm with you maybe an ice cream I don’t know functional taking on the OT boys will be our next matchup from this one it has been a classic an take it over the Mir brand 62 to 58 a very warm welcome in to the Hoops BR Summer League live from the brickton recreation center but standing room only just one more time Darren I just wanted to make it evidently clear this is the final look at the venue look at the venue it’s mat every single seat in the bleachers is filled the Baseline is packed there’s mandm sitting on the wall bro this is what it’s about it’s about to get crazy in here a thrown down she pulls it down the N ahead up the floor n n for it she’s going to the line play Henry thrown down

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