Weight Shift in the Golf Swing

Weight Shift in the Golf Swing – Carolin Pinegger

let’s hit a couple shots like this and it’s going to take a couple shots for you to feel comfortable with it but again if you feel like you’re slicing it a lot on the course if you feel like your right side is just too strong and firing just lift up that right toe and here’s how I do this so I walk to the ball I set up so let’s say we’re on the cor we’re setting up got your your got your set up and the last thing I just think about is lift my right toe lift that up keep it up keep it up through the entire back swing just keep it up Don’t Put It Down and that’s really going to help you have a better lateral weight shift and not so much of a forward and back and there is obviously some forward and back weight shift in the golf swing but compared to the lateral one very minimally um and this is going to really stabilize your footwork and it’s actually have going to have such an impact on your path

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