Your NATURAL Hang Affects the Entire Golf Swing | Golf Tips

The Natural Hanging Position of Your Left Arm Affects Your Entire Golf Swing | David Leathem Golf Tips

In this insightful video from David Leathem Golf (DL Golf Tips), we explore a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of the golf swing: the natural hanging position of your left arm. Hosted by David Leathem from the DL Golf Tips channel, this video delves into how the natural position of your lead arm profoundly impacts your entire golf swing. It effects the grip on the golf club, that then effects the clubface, the clubface effects how the body works.

**Key Highlights:**

– Natural Arm Position: Discover how the natural hanging position of your left arm influences your grip and overall golf swing.
– Lead Hand Grip: Learn about the drawbacks of having a weak or strong grip and the necessary compensations you must make throughout your golf swing.
– Perfect Grip: Understand how achieving the correct natural position for your lead arm can lead to the perfect golf grip, enhancing your golf swing and overall performance.

The position of your left hand on the golf club is crucial. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, perfecting this aspect can significantly improve your golf game. By ensuring your left arm hangs naturally and positioning your hand correctly on the grip, you set the foundation for an effective golf swing. This simple yet critical adjustment can lead to remarkable improvements in your golf swing and consistency on the golf course.

Why It Matters:

Many golfers, regardless of their skill level, overlook the importance of their lead arm’s natural position and how it affects their grip. A weak grip can cause problems such as an open clubface at impact, leading to slices and weak shots. Conversely, a strong grip can cause hooks and require drastic compensations during the swing. By mastering the natural hanging position of your lead arm, you can avoid these pitfalls and achieve a more balanced and effective swing.

Check out our channel sponsor’s page at [GX Golf Gloves]( and use code **DAVID** for 10% off your purchase. High-quality gloves can make a significant difference in your grip and overall performance.

**Online Coaching:**

If you’re looking to unlock your full potential no matter where you are in the world, consider working with me through online coaching. Click the link below to find out more about personalized coaching sessions tailored to your needs and goals.

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By focusing on these essential aspects of your golf swing, you’ll be on your way to a more consistent and powerful golf swing. Watch now to transform your golf grip and golf swing with David Leathem expert guidance!

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[Music] hey golfers and welcome back to my YouTube channel in today’s video we’re going to talk about the natural hang of your left arm and how that affects your lead hand grip position lead hand grip position affects your Club face and your Club face affects how your body moves so it’s going to be really really important that we get this right so before we get started looking at that if you’re new to the channel welcome if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let’s get started okay so the natural hang position of the lead arm in the address position what I want you to do is take a normal setup normal posture no club and just let your arms dangle down in front of you we’re focusing on this left hand and you’ll notice that my logo of my glove kind of points my target is here about 45 degrees to the right that’s naturally where my arm wants to hang and that is where I would want to grab the golf club to give me the best chance of getting it Square now let’s think about this what do most golfers do that I teach they’re going to have a weak grip especially in that lead hand okay now I must also point out that weak does not mean grip pressure so it’s not how hard you’re holding it but actually positioning of the hand so around too much to the left would be weak too much to the right would be strong I’m going to get into something really important as to how the position of that hand is going to affect your entire golf swing okay so if I grip it too weak around here logo the glove at the Target and now I go to my natural hang position you’ll see that that club face is open so what the golfers typically do from this now we need to make some form of compensation in our go swing to fix this club face coming down more chance of coming down open we need to fix something right what will that typically be well unless you’re like a mark power or a John Ram where you can excessively bow this to try and make it closed it’s going to be really difficult need serious forearm strength for that and it’s not going to be that efficient for most golfers okay but here’s what typically does happen golfers will grip it weak that’s going to encourage the face to be open they’ll continue to take the club away open top open and then in the down swing to fix this open face there needs to be some something that happens to try and square it because if the body continues to rotate we are now sitting with a dangerously open face and simply your brain will not let that happen so a lot of times when guys are trying to shift their body and rotate can’t do that the face is open okay everything’s going to go to the right so here’s what does happen body stalls Club starts to pass and this could happen from the top even that casting motion as it comes down into the ball and I let the club pass my hands stop rotating my body I got the face pretty square but I’ve added tons of Loft no shffl no compression okay because if my face is open and I lean the handle back I can sort of square it so open lean it back the more I move it back it squares up and that’s what happens down here okay that’s your gr for contact you see this is all stemming from the grip it’s crazy I see it all the time okay now let’s just touch on you strong guys and then we’ll talk about how we’re going to get this hand in the right position but strong is now this way and I should mention people make different types of compensations to make these work that’s the most common I’m going to see and when I look at what golfers do on a daily basis when they come for lessons it’s that this body stops turning all of these things so Hand now way around here okay now I go to my natural hang face is closed all right so what type of compensation now bear in mind I much prefer this one versus the weak one okay now this one because the compensations for this are generally a little bit better what you can do to fix this one is if it’s strong and it’s closed you you can lean the shaft to square it so look closed lean squares it up much better compensation when you come down and it’s already likely to come in closed because of the grip position which should be here the body will want to rotate then to keep it Square so if you get this kind of pivot stall and the club goes there with the strong grip you’re done so what happens is it’s bit closed and the body then has to really open up with tons of shffl to try and get that ball to go to Target okay that’s a good match up some might match up this way where they get closed and then they have to go like that to shove their body and try and keep that face or keep that ball from going left and come up by the posture you can see that a lot of these compensations and I know it cuz I watch it all the time when I’m teaching that generally speaking what your body does is in relation to what your Club face is doing okay there’s different matchups for each one if you’ve watched my videos you know I’m more of a textbook neutral Orthodox type of guy and you can play go good golf with either a weak or a strong grip but I much prefer that lead hand to be there in the right position I could go on for days about what this actually influences okay so let’s talk about getting this hand on the grip correctly the lead hand so we’re in natural hang and I just want you then to bring that across and grab the club okay now as I go here and I relax natural hang face is square all right so I give myself a really really good chance because I’ve got that lead hand in the right position this lead hand also affects things like wrist hinge you’re bending your arm at the top You’ be too much in the Palm which is my very next point if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re playing golf but don’t fancy paying a high price tag for it only to fall apart in about three shots well go and check out my channel sponsors page gxg goolg use code David at check out and you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well as you come in natural hang grab it make sure that it’s grabbed and run through the base of your fingers if you see that the base of the fingers here okay we’re not going to bring it in this way and grab it in the Palm that way another big issue that I find okay when it’s in there we can’t hinge the club correctly and the Palm that’s all I can hinge it okay to get it to say 90 degrees or parallel to the ground I’m going to have to bend my arm and this is a really common thing for golfers with a bent left arm at the top all right and I know when I make videos about the grip I’ve done it before they don’t perform very well because people don’t really think that much about it or the thing oh my grip’s okay it must be my swing but I’m telling you get this hand on there in the right spot it’s absolutely critical and using the natural hang because some of you will have slightly different hang some not much like nobody’s going to stand here like that or that but as it hangs it turns in slightly and that’s the position we want that hand in to give ourselves the best chance then throughout the swing to not have to make these mad compensations into the golf shot and I have to say if you’re going to make one error on this error on the stronger side more around to the right but never that side all right guys hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I’ll see you guys in the next one


  1. Grip has always been a struggle. Am I too strong, too weak. This makes so much more sense. Going to give this a shot on the range. Already think I may be a little weak in the left hand.

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