Golf Players

Global 3D // Masters // MinChan Kim

Check out this AMAZING flight from MinChan Kim (Masters Class) at Global 3D, Venlo 2024.

good a go fly for XL power hobby wing and ego drift big thumbs up that’s from the 20-year-old from South Korea ladies and gentlemen Make some noise for mckk he wants to see you the St [Music] oh [Music] all I’m eating like a m you got it up not the one who make the r let me see you do it do it right [Music] [Music] go right left right left right left [Music] [Music] right oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh B [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen MC [Applause]


  1. Finally some ROCK, yeah! 😎🤟💪Awesome flight, precise and entertaining, MinChan Kim you're truly MASTER!

  2. Incredible !!!!!!! long time whthout watch him fliying and this was INSANE !! CONGRATS MCK !!!!!

  3. Meanwhile yes he’s using Vbar which everyone been dissing. Zero abnormal disc oddities tail was deadly perfect so…

    MCK won this event wveb if not given the prize his skill is unreal period

  4. ..and his freestyle was 10 times better…definitely the BEST 3D pilot in the world…no more,no less…(judges are asshole!!)

  5. Insane man 🔥
    5min from my house 😃 hope you had a good time in Venlo 💪🏻😁

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