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LIVE Best Ball Draft With Expert Guests Thomas Tipple and Anand Nanduri!

This week’s #FAmily draft features special guests Thomas Tipple of Fantasy Points and Anand Nanduri of Player Profiler to draft with Howard Bender, Andrew Cooper, and the Fantasy Alarm Family! Join us as they break down the best strategies like Zero RB and late round QB. And, if you like what you hear and want the best rankings in the business, grab your copy of the 2024 Fantasy Alarm Best Ball Cheat Sheet now!

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oh whoa baby we are live uh let’s get the intro clip rolling [Music] what’s up everybody uh yeah as you can see we’re missing our head Tech Guy head of everything in fact Howard Bender today no bender on the show no Bender in the draft but that doesn’t mean that we stop the show The Show Goes On so good morning Angie good afternoon to everybody on the East Coast uh good evening to people in Australia I believe I’m not entirely sure what the time is over there but I show up you had a good day wherever you are or if it’s still the morning you’re gonna have a good day and what we’re gonna do here today with the family with Angie with Jack with Charlene with everybody is a family best ball draft we’re loading it up we’re doing one every Wednesday uh for those that haven’t joined us and uh we’re we’re going through and we’re hammering out 80P we’re polishing up our rankings and we’re crushing it and as always we got a couple fun guests since we have no bendino today I’m just bringing my friends over right parents are out having a party with my friends and I’m bringing them in early today so I don’t just sit here by myself talking to you guys so first guest we’re bringing in today my guy Mr TT Thomas Tipple from fantasy points what’s up my dude how you doing I feel like I’m in a Michael Bay movie uh that intro came at me uh heavy and hot uh I I feel like we’re we’re getting to like endgame Style with with this I’m it’s amped up and terrified I don’t know who the villain in this draft is gonna be it might be Gator I don’t know but we’re gonna find out I have a sneaking suspicion that the villain actually isn’t in the draft he’s going to be joining us to talk about the draft coming up no spoilers on who that might be uh but the draft is up and running now we have draft order hasn’t started yet uh but first on the clock is our guy cam from the FF newsletter uh already firing away with Chris mcaffry let me pull up the board here and then we get everybody a little what pick did you get TT I’m drafting a 12 baby I’m picking my that’s that’s just been my my Doom spot all all year on best ball breakdown over there fantasy points the Doom spot what spot do you like picking from like if you could choose any spot right now what would you pick one six six wow I got seven you set the tone right like you set the tone on runs you’re never really at the at the end of a tier of misery uh that I’ve found there and in a tournament like this you’re not trying to beat the field you’re trying to beat 11 players right so you get to have weird builds here like you get to build as weird as you want when you’re in a situation where you’re not worried about a tournament format or or you know 50,000 other players I just have to beat the other 11 people in the room yeah so at six I feel like you get your best picks at the next tier or you’re never really forced to pick the trash cans of a end of a tier run so I feel like if you can just beat the field you’re good to go and six for me is that spot yeah what we’re playing for here for those that haven’t joined us is uh we run these all summer long we did last year as well and the winners of these uh you get you get a little badge for joining over on our Discord but we got badges set up for the winners you get a little trophy if you win if you’ve won multiple like only Jack senen shout out Jack straw Kizmet has then you get a crown uh if you get up to like five you get a star we got a whole system set up dude so a lot of Pride going on here TT uh there’s the honestly a lot a lot of shiny bling riding on this one me personally in the early uh I like picking early because right you know any of those top six just like yourself because as you go through the draft even in the second round in third round things start to Jumble up it’s out of your control having that first pick is what matters like me personally I just rather pick at one picking at one is is nice right you just get your guy whoever it is you could take CD lamb you could take Christian mcaffrey you could take Garrett Wilson right last year people like we argue we him and haw so much about rankings at the top which is crazy you see people coming in and saying like oh my God I can’t believe there this guy ranked here that’s so stupid but last year if you wanted cidd lamb the number one player in all of fantasy scored more points than Josh Allen scored more points than chrisan mcaffry scored 400 PPR points if you wanted him you had to take him at whatever pick you had in the first round whether that’s one or two or three and people are scared to get their guy don’t ever be scared to get your guy in the first round because you can’t he’s not coming back right he’s not gonna be there at pick 24 that’s for sure so you know you gotta get him man you got to get him who is your guy at one by the way are you a mcaffrey guy or you a I have a zero percent mcaffrey zero percent well what if you were picking that Jacob Sanderson Tommy T we’re 0% in at mcaffrey in in big tournaments and yes I realized that puka went I have them queued so I can I can keep talking so good that’s it you’re Prof because you’re a professional that’s why that’s what’s up that’s best ball breakdown down uh you know but uh yeah so I have 0% mcaffry I actually I got I got heat from Graham Barfield and and Scott Barrett for drafting uh Jamar Chase 101 uh I think people are kind of kind of asleep at the wheel for that last time we got healthy Jamar Chase and Joe burrow in a playoff run they went nuclear and won people everything so if we get healthy healthy burrow healthy Chase if you get the stack then that is a week- winning stack any week so I think he’s a little slept on I get the Dallas thing with CD lamb I get Justin Jefferson’s been the goat for three years I I dude I get it but Jamar Chase slept on a little and I’m sorry but I I can’t do 28- year old Christian mcaffry I I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do it I think there’s an edge later with uh with some backs so how deep so you say you have zero exposure right now how deep would he need to fall in the first round for you to take him like how many players do you legit have ranked at five wow that’s not gonna happen yeah I think I would do I think I would do the big four wide receivers yeah and then him but honestly I think I would just take bejon too so like I have more confident in the secondy year bejon breakout than mcaffrey sustaining insane Health workload and production I just do and maybe I’m gonna maybe I’m gonna look like a dummy I don’t know but I’m I’m confident in my zero percent yeah I mean I I would mix in a person I would mix in a very small percent just in case but hey you do you man and I will say the chase pick like I’m at with my first round pick I’m looking for the safest possible thing right so when I look around I actually I have l at one because just because you know they they didn’t do anything he’s the only guy in town but I have Chase at two and you know Tyreek Hill he’s a tremendous player he’s on Pace for like 2,000 yards last year obviously he’s a good pick you can’t really knock it but I there’s so much weirdness with this guy every I feel like every month you get something where it’s like okay he his house is burning down and he’s punching some guy in the face at the marina and you know he’s breaking some woman’s leg at the beach you know it’s just like there’s always something with this guy like I it feels like Antonio Brown part two it’s like I truly would not be shocked I don’t think anybody would so it’s just like those little things that scar me not to mention like you know he had the ankle injury last year he’s 30 years old now like I just like the idea of Chase burrow right we know what it is we know we’re getting and then of course with Jefferson I don’t know what’s going on with the quarterback situation so I really am not super amped on it I don’t know about you man uh before we before we get before we do that I just wanted to make sure we give a shout out to everybody listening everybody draft with us even if you’re watching on Twitter that’s cool but maybe come over to YouTube hang out in the comments with an dun and Rex timotheus and Gator J in the gang uh get on in right give us a like give us a subscribe you can do it for free if it supports us uh so yeah thanks the cam picking at the one our boy w257 picking at the second spot uh we got steel leer Jay Gordo at three the doct JD uh some guy popping in with us River Seekers is John and Pemba I’m snck floss uh the apester is new uh I think Gator Jay might have brought him in from his crew uh shout out to the apester man uh then we got Rowdy of course and dun Gator Jay and then the hamburger Hamburglar who’s a classic with us and Thomas Tipple so full house today Dr JD on the clock uh and we got another guest we’re gonna bring in momentarily but yeah Justin Jefferson man what are your thoughts are you you you your big four you were talking about he’s in there yeah’s he’s got to be in there but at the same time he’s he’s somebody that you can take in in the top four and not need to stack the QB he’s you don’t have to stack them all especially in a tournament like this he’s somebody that I don’t want to have to rely on Sam darnold or rookie McCarthy like their warp projection for what they would need to hit to be such difference makers compared to other quarterbacks so you can stack with other players later it’s just not for me but he’s so Good by himself that you could probably be okay I obviously just want to take him because it’s Justin Jefferson picture world where he’s not good I a world where he’s not but I can picture a world where he’s great and his quarterback sucks yeah right like I that that exists so he’s not someone that I feel like if you you draft chase you you got to get burrow like if you got to reach a like six to eight spots you know on ADP to get the stack I get it but I don’t feel a rush to have to go and draft you know JJ McCarthy or like you can get darnold round like you know 18 or whatever for the most part so it’s not like it actually like hurts you but I’m not I’m not like pushed for it you know what I mean I think where it hurts the most is is honestly we’ve seen it a ton is touchdowns right like look at a guy like Brandon Cook for instance like when he played with Tom Brady and Drew Brees lots of touchdowns when he played with worst quarterback play he’s not really fine in the end zone you look at guys like Evan Ingram I mean Evan Ingram top five tight end with Eli Manning played with uh a player who will not be named for a couple years and did not do well and then he played with Trevor Lawrence top five tight ended back toback years like it obviously does matter you know so I know guys could transcend that or these quarterbacks might be serviceable enough to get it done but it just scares me it scares me right um so so through three rounds now I figured we might as well since it’s just you and me why don’t we bring in our our uh our super sneaky third guest here D baby not drafting with us but I want to get his opinion he is UN he’ll bring his unbiased opinion to the table hopefully you can see what’s going on with the screen here uh Mr Anan andur what’s up brother how we doing what’s up fellas long time no see it’s been a long time since Kon man I know dude are you are you are you ready for this year yet are you mentally prepared the nights of geores never end you you if I had to pick one person you know where it was like okay I need someone to Jet Set to where I am by tomorrow and and and crush a bunch of martinis if I had to pick one person to be able to do it I think You’ be the one1 what do 101 he’s he’s the one1 I’m so excited because I’ve never been so to to Vibe it out with you guys this year it’s going to be it’s going to be a time man it’s going to be a time look for to it man it’s it’s always a time as c will tell you too um anyone that’s been will tell you it’s an absolute event and a half they do a great job up there I mean you’ve got a bunch of people that could be doing other stuff that are spending you know early August in Canton Ohio probably a pretty special event yeah Canon Ohio man so cool what a town I mean think of all the things you can do and can you can I think they they got a dve Busters do they have any I’ve been to it I’ve been to it uh that that um that unicorn that’s in that basketball hoop back there is from the David Busters in K one we got there day early once and we were like what do we do and I was just like Googling what to do in K obviously the only thing that comes up is the Football Hall of Fame right so the next best thing next best thing is probably Waffle House best thing I’m gonna say something Blasphemous go ahead I I’m I’m not going to the Hall of Fame I don’t I it’s like my least it is my least like what I’m looking forward to the least yeah I will say it’s um well the way I would describe it as uh whelming Welling right it’sing you can’t say it’s underwhelming because there’s too too much there’s too many special things inside the building right there’s all you know uh autographed cleats and what have you right which it’s like you know okay but I don’t know nothing really goes crazy really there when you leave you’re not like oh dude they had this one thing right like it is what you think it is it’s pictures it’s busts it’s jerseys like I’ve done the Hockey Hall of Fame like I’m from Toronto so it’s whelming uh we got the Basketball Hall of Fame here in Springfield and it’s like here’s the thing I it’s okay yo my my wife gets on me about this a lot like because she’s like oh let’s go to this Forest I want to walk down like let’s go to the park I want to walk down this Trail and like look at trees i’ like I got Google tell me what tree it is I’ll show you the tree like I don’t need you are I don’t need to go somewhere else to see the tree right like I got a VR heads if I really need I’m right there but it it’s I I just like to I’m I want to be around the people I want to be around you want to be around the the her tree correct yeah exactly big Elden shout out that is the tree I want to be ready tree you are you got here we go I’m ready uh I’m I’m ready for the L tree I’m ready to go all right oh I love you brother I love you do you have any do you have any swords that you could show us uh no just this um I have a toy gun back there that I was gonna say he’s just gonna what kind of weapons do we have all right let’s talk about football YouTube isn’t even like YouTube’s not even know what to do with the algorithm show there like a trees and swords and guns they’re going to put us in like the Elden ring Channel hey man it’s pretty good can you see the board mandu and second question if you can what team looks most like a team that you would draft um the what apster is doing is some combination of what you and I would do yeah um the double tap I mean dude if if people are going to disrespect the tight ends like that man he’s he he’s going bully tight end and it kind of puts people in a hole man it makes other people reach so um Garrett Wilson Barkley Higgins Josh Allen is very like I I feel like that’s a very 2022 2023 me draft Yeah Yeah my team is like a 20 2019 draft I got Devonte Adams I got Cooper cup no one if if we’re going by a couple years ago no one’s beating me oh yeah you’re crushing um but yeah I mean it’s just beste ball is such an interesting you know like it’s an interesting format for multitude of reasons but most because people think they’ve broken it to an extent you’ve got people stacking they’re the week 17 folks and yeah obviously that correlates large tournaments um long term to people winning but it’s probably going to be someone that drafts between now in mid July that gets this huge ADP value on some of the rookies on some veterans that find new homes maybe it’s a quarterback that you know gets injured and their backup starts to shoot up in ADP um any of those it’s going to be you know it’s usually teams drafted here that win the large tournaments um just because we have enough information but not quite too much information um so there are still discounts to be had across the board but it’s kind of interesting to watch um that you know it’s basically round four and QB Mania starts so it’s it’s interesting to see see how people prioritize QB especially Josh Allen basically naked there is no stuff on digs to tie him to this year um obviously people are going to try King Kade which I think makes a lot of sense um but it’s interesting to watch some of these QBs you know the Herz double stack I’m sure something that people are chasing a little bit um but you know it’s crazy to watch the top guys be you know basically QBs on their own they’re almost Island qbi if you want to call them that um and you know it’s you know you you take Mahomes who are you trying to tie him to it’s such a strange year for that right last year it was like life felt so simple in the second round with because people were drafting quarterbacks in the second round remember that like what was that about last year and it was it was basically was like okay I took Travis I took Travis Kelce now I take Mahomes I took AJ Brown now I take uh now I take Jaylen Herz and I took ston digs so I take Josh Allen like it was people were just like like robots stacking players and now that you know after we saw how things went down last year and how many viable quarterbacks they were and how kind of smooth it was now we’re back to this we’re in this weird world of there’s a clump of top quarterbacks and a t clump of top tight ends and nobody wants to draft it’s crazy people are gonna see we did a mock draft recently with a bunch of guys like Richie bar and uh like JJ and nobody wanted to take a quarterback it was I think the first quarterback in an actual mock draft went in like the sixth round or seventh it was out of control so I don’t know it’ll be interesting to see how it works out in real Leagues with with your friends from home because it’s always it’s always it’s always a lot different than what you see in these industry ones right it’s the funny part for me is you watch this right and um Dan orlovski had the Tweet the other day like the guy that could surprise is Anthony Richardson are we to the point where fantasy football folks are ahead of the curve on actual players at this point because man that would be a sight I’ll tell you though it’s funny that like you know we always dog each other in this industry and we’re like oh this guy’s crazy that guy’s crazy but the industry as a whole oddly I’ve noticed on a lot of rookies will come together and kind of shun certain rookies and and those guys usually don’t pan out like how did everyone know that Tut two Atwell was not gonna be good the entire fantasy Community stood up and said you know we all debated we all debated about all these people right and then tutu Atwell and Anthony schw that Year everyone said no nope and that’s because your newborn is bigger than him I think that might be it I TCH everyone like tchell he’s T just like it’s funny maybe maybe you know these teams should check in you know I’m not saying go off the rankings but check in and if everybody in the world is saying don’t draft Xavier Legette that there’s negative correlation when players break out like this and play this way then don’t do it and of course course the Panthers probably don’t even have a computer in the facility so they take it’s like but I don’t know you know it’s like it is funny when the entire Community is off a guy it’s very rare for those guys to hit but this community has also been crazy wrong hem but yeah well that’s where being that’s where being plugged in too much right like death by over analysis right there’s just some things that pretty easy to see right but this year I feel like there is a lot of in between with how quote unquote the community views guys I’ve seen even at fantasy points ourselves we have Scott Barrett very high and Xavier worthy uh myself and Brett Whitefield want to be nowhere near him and John Hansen’s right there in the middle so it’s we have there there are more of these guys lad makoni is the same way people think they’re going to throw the ball 250 times run it 7,000 uh right so they don’t want to be near lad makoni in these situations I want to be in on makoni this year it there’s just there’s a lot of disparity from any picks that were in say a 12 team rookie draft any one after seven up in the air and this is one of the first years since I’ve been doing this this plugged in where there’s been that much disparity after the seventh pick across the board yeah and rookie drafts are so so much harder than than what we’re doing here here because you really do have to try and be a tal and try and evaluate the talent right because like the Chris godwins of the world they’re gonna come out and be behind Mike Evans and Deshawn Jackson and like you know at the time you look at those guys and you’re like of course this guy’s not gonna play right it’s kind of like Tyler lockin and DK meaf and jsn it’s like you have to truly believe in the talent because the opportunity is not there right now for the rookies for this we can really Bank on opportunity so got to ask uh Nan for you if you had to pick a rookie wide receiver besides Marvin Harrison Jr who has obviously an incredible opportunity who who do you like of the next crew to that that has the talent and the opportunity right it has to be neighbors and I mean I know the situation is so ugly and I know we don’t love the quarterback but man like if no one is going to get the opportunity e maybe not even Marv gets the opportunity share that that neighbors is going to get this year because there is no one else there’s nobody there dude literally no one who who Darius Slayton LED that team in yeah insane the heck it is that’s the thing and of course the quarterback thing the thing is I kind of like am I crazy for saying this boys I kind of like Drew lock I kind of like I kind of like him I kind of like I like rooting for him I think he’s a good guy and I think that he can play at a serviceable level like I don’t think Gardener muu necessarily gives you that much more than what you can get from Drew lock but you think that’s crazy T I think he’s bad I think we’ve seen enough to know that he’s just bad like like bad not like maybe this guy could one day could like when you’re most known for lip syncing on the sideline and not for anything football related I think that Jeezy clip is actually why I like him but that’s that’s what I’m saying he had look he had the big Drive last year he came back through that like really nice ball whatever his moment super dope that moment probably gets him backup contracts for like five years and keeps him out of UFL and CFL territory great for him consistent day-to-day NFL football we’ve seen itam he’s he’s fun bad he is fun bad that are not that are not fun bad yeah Daniel not fun it is just I’m tired of him bumbling about somebody else in there that’s after this year you will R in somebody middle of the pack though because like that when you put those guys side by side now you’re gonna find out right like you’re gonna find out if these guys are high level or not right like you’re gonna you’ll find out Daniel Jones is the guy or not because if if if they’re both competing with each other I would get them both out right I I truly believe that the Giants quarterback next year is not on the roster no matter what and they should be calling Dak and offering him uh you know a blank check and a ke to New York and saying please please come here and help us but yeah that’s I I warned of this exact thing man that with Brian dable that sometimes when you’re a good coach you can coach up the you can get to the wins without the quarterback and then that makes you think the quarterback’s the guy the Chiefs did it forever with Alex right they were making the playoffs they were winning like 12 games and then the moment they were like you know what let’s let’s get another guy in here and see what it looks like they were like oh that’s how it that’s this is what it’s supposed to look like then they just kept winning the Super Bowl over and over right it’s like I worry about that sometime I mean you call me crazy I worry about that with with Jared g a little bit that maybe if that team I know I like Jared G AI CP likes Jared gof but I wonder if maybe if that team had a different oh quarterback then they would just goof is such an interesting case yeah Goff is such an interesting singular case on this show we all have liked Kirk Cousins for fantasy for a while like he’s been a very stable floor guy you’re GNA get your 4,000 yards your 20s something touchdowns he doesn’t turn the ball over a ton he’s just a very reliable safe like low-end qb1 high-end qb2 and that’s what he’s been for a long time time the Super interesting thing to me about Goff is his Seasons where his offensive line is good to Great versus when they’re average he goes from one of the better QBs in the league by most metrics to totally unplayable there’s no in between and I think he’s one of those guys that so desperately needs structure around him to succeed and they have it in Detroit and the Rams had it for a while but you’ve seen what it looks like when the Rams didn’t have a solid interior line you saw what he looked like that’s the same player like it’s just there’s no and that’s why I think teams are so hesitant to take the mack Jones type quarterback anymore is if he doesn’t have serious Mobility you’re gonna have to build a wall around him to even get him to be you know pseudo competent at that level I I think it’s just it’s a tough way to build a team um Detroit got really lucky in that they basically had give up nothing to get him and got a trial run of him for free the extension is certainly um eyebrow raising given I’m glitched up here I worry about it man I I think you know if I think the whole thing is glitch but mine mine actually just froze yeah I’m I’m frozen up here that’s not great I don’t know who I’m picking next I’ve actually never seen this though because it’s not it just stopped the clock stopped at you’re like you’re just all zeros right now yeah what you do I concerned I am concerned about who I’m about to get given and everyone might get a serious break here if you get Kamar though he’s at the top of the he’s at the top of the list that’s a good pick in my opinion I have a massive Q set um so I hoping it just doesn’t take somebody who’s really low I mean I don’t know I’ve never seen this you were having issues with Underdog earlier and then now you’ve somehow jammed the clock they be they not even a thing there’s it’s not like there’s a commissioner I could pause this or anything it’s just I’ve never seen we’re gonna find out what happens we’re gonna this is GNA be interesting crashes we’re about to find out yeah Folks at home uh let us know if you’re playing in this draft I’d throw some people in the queue because it could just shotgun pick people a ton of a ton of picks right now this is probably not the best time for me to say uh use promo code alarm if you want to play on on your dog uh but I will say this is the first time I’ve ever seen it glitch it’s usually pretty reliable so like here’s the thing I’m going to hit it’s aot me to hit draft right so I’m going to I’m going to draft a player and we’re going to see if it lets me draft someone right even though I missed my pick so an can’t even add to Q Gator can’t do anything like so people it’s not just us it’s broke legitimately Frozen all right well I mean dude that’s the draft get that sword collection out let’s let’s talk swords here oh you want to talk swords I’ll talk I’ll talk some swords let me see do you have multiple swords I have two here yeah two swords yeah I’m Lord of the Rings I’m a Lord of the Rings fanatic do you ever dual wield them uh yeah but my neighbors think I’m nuts so I had to stop doing that they assumed I was a danger to everyone around me uh we we I it allowed me to pick it allowed me to pick back on we’re we’re Quasi on track here literally Jaden Daniels dude so many of these not who I not who I wanted to take pretty early ear uh but you know we’re um upsides there though we’re vibing uh Jaden Daniels qb1 on the year thanks Underdog uh okay I gotta St if that happens how smart are you gonna feel I gotta stat for you guys I’m I’m just going to screenshot it right and give no context so that if it happens I’m just going to be like I told you on fantasy alarm I told you it was going to happen it’s going down Underdog couldn’t stop me it could they tried to stop planning Victory laps in late June they Haled the entire contat baby yeah they were if you’re not if if you’re not pre-planning a Victory lap in June for the end of the year and having it in like a folder on your desktop you’re not creating content dude you know what Happ just not you know what happened TT is they they have the script already they have the NFL script and they know that you have the perfect draft already pooping Thea jir Gibbs tank Dell Travis CN K pits R and they said dude we cannot let him get Jaden how how did he figure this out guys like where did we slip does he I’m on the inside there’s a big red button they just they hit it and it just halted production shut it down yeah so okay well here let me let me make a pick okay let me auto pick somebody no no I’m going to make a let me let me share a little stat and I found this stat when I was doing research for uh the player profiler draft Guy where I will be covering Kyler Murray but I went and sorted right I sorted the stats and I said okay give me every quarterback that’s played at least 16 games till a full season right and let me give me give me every quarterback that’s had more than 90 carries in a season right which is about five five or so carries a game right which is what Kyler Murray did last year it’s not that many carries every one of those players except one finished as a qb1 in fantasy football damn the player that didn’t was 2014 Colin kaer so and he still scored 250 fantasy points which last year would have been good probably for like you be 13 or 14 right but uh yeah so if you’re running if you’re willing to and we’re talking in this list were guys like Vince Young where he was a qb1 one year and Daniel Jones and uh a lot of very strange players and I double checked I was like was this guy a qb1 yeah they were qb1 so if you willing to run that much it’s very difficult for you not have a good floor so Jaden Daniels a guy that ran the ball 186 times in a season in college entirely possible that he runs the ball five times a game no he’s the latest quarterback you can actually draft that has number one overall upside in my opinion what about because because of that reason just what you have to do if you’re a pylon quarterback is so like CJ Stout had a goated rookie year but and same same with like someone with Jordan love neither of those two guys can touch qb1 unless they put up 300 400 yards rushing or four to five rushing touchdowns like the Russell Wilson years in Seattle where he was putting up like 550 yards rushing is as close as you’re probably going to get to a pylon if if you’re going to go to and be the number one guy look at momes Mahomes doesn’t do it unless he rushes for 400 yards or throws for 45 touchdowns in a year he doesn’t touch number one so it’s it’s you need to you gotta be able to yeah you got to be able to run or you got to be able to throw 50 50 touchdown passes right like and which is a lot there’s only been three three guys that do it 50 touchdown who are they n who are what trivia the three quarterbacks that had 50 touchdown Seasons H it’s Kon Manning Tom Brady and who is the third Marino at 49 Marino is close he’s active player so there you go that will get that’s a big hint so it’s oh yes say you know too much about football at once that it’s blocking your mind got you got both of the hard ones immediately and then the easiest one yeah the easiest one that we had just mentioned that we were actually talking about for that reason took he took you second yeah yeah you know uh long is that a sneaky like is that Andrew trying to Hype up his boy Drake May sneakily we made it finally we can we talk about can we can we talk about to say it I had to Inception you into saying wait a second what wait a second Daniel uh Jane Daniels ran the ball 186 times in the season uh Drake May ran the ball 184 times in the season what if what if I’ll I’ll I’ll hang up and listen what if I mean I don’t think I don’t think qb1 overall is there just because of who he’s throwing too um but I mean that’s a sneaky like that is a really sneaky play I love the you know if you’re looking for like a baby stack him and Jaylen poke could be a really fun one super late the old poke me pinch me poke me no we’ll Workshop that we work on that it’s something I think there’s something there but that’s not it pause pause but the um yeah I mean I go back and forth on Jaylen pulk where it’s like I don’t like how he ended up on where he is because you talk you talk about like why teams reach for players the Patriots wide receiver coach happens to be a guy that was a coach for Washington where Jaylen PK went to college and I asked myself does that mean he’s got inside info on him being better than jayen McMillan or is he or they playing favorites and and did they reach for this player for that reason and in my heart my heart wants to say it’s the first one but my head is telling me it’s maybe the second that was my hottest pre-draft take is I would not be upset if someone took Jaylen PK in round one that was my oh you’re in oh that’s great news go tell us about him so I thought that the way that Washington ran their offense was unique because of the way that Michael Pennock can one extend plays and two He’s Just Deadly accurate you know it’s like um they almost had like a diet version of 2019 LSU at Washington last year where most secondaries they played against um and most D lines they played against just didn’t have the dudes to hold up against all three of them whether it was McMillan pulk romad dun um and when you have a quarterback that’s that accurate especially at that level um there really just weren’t a ton of teams in America even Texas I mean you’re talking about a team that puts a ton of talent into the NFL draft that’s going to be in the top four again this year even they couldn’t handle it it really took um a generational defense in 2023 Michigan to finally solve it and give them fits um you saw Oregon who was another really Premier top five top seven program really good DB room out there they struggled with them too um I think what pulk allows you to do is basically run your offense however you want when you have a a romad Dun that is very clearly built for a certain role um that basically you set him at X and let him live um I think having a guy like pul that you can move all over and create missed matches with whether that’s running backs tight ends you know slot wide receivers as New England’s done in the past it basically allows them to run their offense however they want um I know that that’s probably not ideal I know that Pats fans wanted a true quote unquote number one um do I think that he can develop into that maybe uh but I think that he is already basically out of the box a really good number two um and that’s something that they basically didn’t have already yeah and I think that what you’re trying to say is that the Pats are so back what your but I I get what you’re saying and I do like it and I appreciate it for rebuilding team is they went out and they got the guy that you can kind you like if he hits to the point where he’s uh just an NFL caliber player you find a spot for him like Christian Kirk right like you can put him at slot you could put him at flanker right he’s probably never gonna play split end but who cares it’s like what it’s like What teams do with lineman like the Jets did drafting uh Vera Tucker It’s Like You draft the guy that you know is gonna be an NFL caliber player to some degree and then you figure out if he’s gonna be a guard or tackle and then fill in the rest later right like if if you had somebody right like um zavier get we talked about earlier if you just put these profiles side by side and basically said they’re going to reach their 60th percentile outcome Xavier liette probably takes 350 NFL snaps and Jaylen pulk probably has an8 to ninee Career exactly yeah Legette would be KJ hamler if that’s the case right not good like yeah I get what you’re saying yeah I just worry that like sometimes when you use that philosophy what happens is the guy doesn’t like they come out you come out and say oh well we’ll draft uh this guy because he worst case he can play special teams right like Andy Isabella over DK Mecha for instance and the worst case is that he’s just not get it football well the other part of it is you have to have a plan I mean if you I mean obviously you you talk to Harmon and JJ and all these dudes that do incredible work on these wide receivers um but I mean if you look at puka aaku is a great example if you look at his perception perception profile they only asked him to do what he was great at they didn’t ask him to basically sit there and run nine routes it’s just not his game um and so they maximized whatever he was they maximized whatever cup was I think if New England I don’t think they have the caliber of players of of cup puka but if you just basically take their skill sets and maximize whatever they can be Drake May is absolutely a viable fantasy quarterback especially in superflex where he’s costing you next to nothing um I think that’s you know when I lean to when I look at values that you can find rookies are often the best values whether that’s redraft whether that’s um you know whe trading for and Dynasty halfway through the season Drake May is one of those guys that I think may not quite hit the ground running but once he figures things out week eight week nine week 10 um you know hopefully everyone stays healthy in that offense and you can kind of see what it starts to look like if they were to ever get a true Alpha number one in there exactly like you can later you pick the specific guys that you need but for now you just kind of get the floor guys in uh I I just want to point out I love that uh and D drafting in between me and Gator Jay just keeps getting sniped left and right in the uh they’re they’re having a giggle in the uh coms there which is I love that because that’s what happens in these family draft a lot of players that we all like um I gotta ask I want to ask TT about this player because I don’t know you being a Rams fan I know you’re an unbiased analyst but uh I’m going to direct this one over uh over at Thomas uh what are your thoughts on Blake Quorum and by proxy on Kon Williams this year uh I I think the if I had to make a guess I would say the death of Kiren Williams is being OV exaggerated yes uh classic Mark Twain quote there right I I I I think it’s a little early I think we’re anointing him toast a little too quickly in my opinion because I I understand they already want to limit his snaps if you think any running back aside from like two guys a year is getting 85% of the snaps I think you’re out of your mind right right I think mcaffry and then yeah there’s there’s always there’s always a surprise right to me there’s always like a Kiren was a surprise where we didn’t expect him to do what he did Even though that’s all Shawn McVey wants to do all the time is run one guy and then when that guy got hurt they sign guys off the street and then yeed him again like I think korm is is a good back I think where he was was kind of like perfect for him but rookie year Korum is not who I’m afraid of for Kiren so I’m fine drafting Kiren I’m fine acquiring Kiren Williams I’m all about him this year in in every format so best ball you don’t got to worry about it so in drafts I’m happy to get him if he’s my rb1 I’m happy with it like I we got Todd Gurley last year at a discount price right so shout out to Goat Todd Gurley who’s still one of the leaders in touchdowns even though he’s been he’s been out of the league sorry Anan to bring it up but he’s been out of the league for years already that’s the usage we’re getting out of Kiren Williams so okay we get Blake Corin comes in and we get 75% of what Kiren Williams was last year guess what guys that that’s a top 10 running back in the NFL so I’m still happy with it I I just think it’s over exaggerated km’s coming in I love Brett Whitefield he thinks km’s a better running back today I don’t think Shawn McVey is gonna care whether or not he’s a better running back today I think cone Williams trotten out on the field is the rb1 yeah so I I’m fine with it I I get the doubts or whatever I’m happy to draft like korm late whatever the case may be but at the end of the day I’m just not worried about it I think there’s just so many people that I the reason that’s that that people are skeptical in their they’re scared is because of how many times it’s happened in recent years where like a team had this like breakout running back from later in the uh you know later in the the rankings and the standings and then the next year the team goes out and drafts another guy and they’re like oh wait a second this guy’s just better like our our offense was good and it turns out this guy’s better like we saw it with Tyler algir it happened to him happened to you know James Robinson happened to Michael Carter happened to Damen Pierce I 100% get where you’re coming from but none of those coaches were like McVey right who loves one guy until their legs don’t work and then he sends them to the cleaners or clearly cam Maker’s like hit on I don’t know a family member of mcvey’s I have no idea what happened and N would be able to give me the scoop because that dude was loved and hated he TOS Achilles let’s pass it over to the Rams let’s pass it over to the Rams delegation to see what your um for me I think that you’ll probably see closer to like a 7030 split between kyen and Blake corm early um and I think you know he will get opportunities in ways that guys that didn’t have his draft cache that didn’t have his talent probably wouldn’t um if you remember when the when the Rams made the run to the Super Bowl with gof as their QB that was gurley’s borderline MVP season but the guy that the that carried the load in the playoffs was CJ Anderson um and so when when you look at kind of how how Shawn likes to to rotate in his running backs it’s ride one guy ride one guy ride one guy until he can’t and I think that last year may have been the first time where he sat there and said okay I don’t know if there’s a chance that we can just go grab someone off the street to do the things that we ask Kiren Williams to do so instead of doing that let’s invest the draft capital in someone who will eventually take over his job but at minimum can spell him for a driver two a game um I just I don’t think that they’re going to just turn it over to Blake Korum immediately and say hey you’re the guy you know we’ll give you 85% of carries this year I just don’t see that happening barring some kind of nightmare injury situation um so I mean I think if you’re drafting for all outcomes Kiron is still the guy uh unless you know you have a magic eightball and can tell us when exactly he’ll be injured if so I’m interested you you can find me uh on Twitter just let me know but we have plenty of those guys on Twitter the the doctor fortune tellers of the world but other than that you know it it’s to me it’s Ken’s backfield until it’s not and I’m with TT I’m comfortable with him is my rb1 um I think last year is probably the ceiling I I don’t think that you can expect that again yeah um but you know when we’re talking about running backs it’s mcaffrey and then it’s everybody else and among everybody else you know if you’re grabbing straws out of a bag kyen Williams really isn’t a bad straw to grab um best ball format versus you know versus standard redraft versus Dynasty uh Dynasty running backs I tend to stay away from just generally because they’re just it’s buy them when you need them um whenever you’re ready to make a run that’s kind of how I’ve always done it uh it’s just it doesn’t make sense to sit you know a Bree Hall on your roster if you’re pseudo rebuilding they’re just you you don’t have the window to use them it doesn’t Mak sense to keep him on your roster um and so Kiren Williams is the kind of guy where you know if you see Blake qums try you know start to eat into carries a little bit and uh the kirn um the kir owner is a little bit worried that’s probably when I’d start sending out those trade offers right and I just don’t get the thing is like is you know I I I get the arguments on both sides one part is I I been trying to figure out what it is that Blake corm even could po like what he does better than KY Williams because because that’s how it work right is that like you have to get your foot in the door somehow like Zack Charan kind of immediately uh showed that he he was a better pass down back and then now he he ran more routes last year than Kenneth Walker that’s how he got his foot in the door and with like Blake Co when I look at it I don’t know he’s he was a good pass blocker but was he better than Ken Williams I don’t know like I don’t I don’t even know what his path would be right like he’s not it’s not like they’re gonna send him in for like to punch it into the goal line because KY Williams was great at that right so I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what the path even would I think the way that they did it was they basically said hey um this is what we want out of a running back and as close as we can get to what we have in Kiren Williams with potentially a little I think Blake km’s significantly more talented than Kiren Williams he’s just not as developed yet obviously you know an NFL strength and conditioning program over a year is a big deal in terms of what your body looks like um and I don’t think that should be discounted either but I think when we look at this if we have this exact same conversation a year year from now I think all three of us would be singing probably a relatively different tune but I just don’t think he’s better for what they’re trying to do right now he doesn’t understand the system as well and it’s it’s going to be a little bit of an adjustment yeah I mean there I think there is a chance that week 9 101 he just wins the job outright I think there is a chance um but I’m not betting on that by any means and I think you know you can kind of just ride Kiren as an rb1 well it’s going to be tough to have that conversation a year from now because Tipple will have won every tournament that he’s in and he’ll be a millionaire and all that tough to get him back on the show well can will you promise now that break Underdog you’ll come back on the show I was gonna say if I if I keep breaking Underdog I may not just be I just may get banned right then you’ll just have to commentate like our here that’s right I’m just trying to get to an an’s level all right like I’m every day I wake up and I I give myself some affirmation in the mirror and I go today is a day you get one step closer to being like an end and that’s how I start my day it’s it’s that and then coffee right and then it’s like you know who’s going to carry the boats and then I get to work at my computer all right but it starts with trying to be like Anand first yeah first you first you you get to his level right you then you get the money Anand coffee goggin and then you get the money that’s then you get the money and then you get the swords that’s right yeah it’s what it’s that’s the plan let’s let’s go around the room quick if you could have any sword right and I’ll even allow fictional swords to be included if you could have any sword what one would it be uh I think this is unfair because I have it you already have it like this is the blade that cut the ring R anyone is the Lord of the Rings fanatic that’s awwesome so like it’s an exact replica from the movie this is like a movie set replica so I already have it that’s unfair if if I had to pick one that like that you don’t already have realistically I could ever pick up you know what I mean it what swords you guys buer sword Final Fantasy 7 cuz if you had to have that to scale I I’m a real man might be able to pick that up I’m not so uh that thing is twice the size of me if I could have one it would be the bust sword from Final Fantasy 7 pulling that up right now dude that thing’s ridiculous I’m saying it’s I’m gonna go before coup goes because I don’t want him to take mine okay mine is the Ultimate Weapon from Kingdom Hearts 2 I’ve always thought that that was one of the coolest things that’s ever you know come out of it but a close second is um seph Roth sword that you fight him with at the end of Kingdom Hearts to that’s that’s absurd dude that’s sword is ridiculous I’m going with um I’m going with I’ll go with the sword from Halo the the beam sword oh that’d be yeah guess the energy blade yes sir the energy blade I thought about I thought’s good Gator light a sword right that’s a sword yeah yeah I mean if if we’re going if we’re letting Halo in we gotta let yeah we’re doing yeah uh Gator J says the He-Man sword there you go dude there is a so there’s a place here in Winnipeg that you actually uh it just has a whole bunch of replicas like that’s where I got these from like you can you you can get all the Witcher ones you can get uh they have the keyblade right from Kingdom Hearts like whatever you can think of they got it I’m not gonna even ask I don’t want to know I don’t want to know do not tell us that do not tell us what you paid for that sword it looks pretty sick I will say that they’re they’re a lot but I I’m not gonna say it because then there will be evidence somewhere that my wife can find out I don’t know Dr in the chat I’ll drop it I’ll drop it in chat yeah but um yeah I think she’s got this house wired to to to catch me she’s been trying to figure out how much and you’re just like oh they just to you know it’s nothing they’re not real yeah no ignore that stamp on the blade it’s not important free shipping yeah I don’t know how they ship those uh Excalibur dude now that’s yeah is that that the one that they The Sword and the stone where you pull it from the stone or is that from the leg that’s that’s King Arthur yeah Excalibur is King Arthur is it not like it’s got to be you’re the sword guy dude I would say I would also say I would also say I I I will also say one that’s completely forgotten about is uh um sleep you know one one R there there can be only one right the Highlander Duncan McLoud of the clan McLoud sword from that TV show in the 90s underated underrated I a nerd of nerds bro like you are I mean that is that is a such a deep cut sword I to Google a couple of these yeah and like anyone in the chat you want to find me at eler Thomas on Twitter and just talk nerd stuff bro I it I look me and my wife we have no kids we’re a dual income household I have no responsibilities now do you know this one captain algren’s Katana from The Last Samurai is that the Brad Pit movie uh no that is the Kiana Reeves movie reev yeah it is a Last Samurai is a is a k Rees movie I believe ke re vehicle or no uh Cruz Tom Cruz sorry that’s a Tom Cruz one yeah Captain alrens yeah that’s I believe that’s Tom Cruz’s character in that movie well while we’re talking sleeper swords and sleeper picks uh I’m like jesz it’s already 2 o’clock I forgot that you broke broke the uh I you broke the the thing here very about it still why don’t why don’t we do this I got back doored into uh overdrafting some players here and missing out on Stacks so I’m kind of sad about it I think dude I think you’re gonna be just fine why don’t we take a minute here and you guys let everybody know what you got going on I really I appreciate you guys coming in Talking Football talking swords hanging out with the chat draft so new swords and we’ll have to we’ll have to Workshop that too but uh let everybody know what you got going on what you got coming up and uh where they can find all your stuff we’ll start with you TT uh so obviously I got my two guys queued here so we can we can Vibe um obviously you can find everything I do at Fantasy I mean they are they’re family right so anything anything you need from me you can find at Fantasy anything that we put out on YouTube that’s that’s the work that we got going on uh that’s all that’s all my work right there from Dynasty points on Tuesday from best ball breakdown on Thursday we’ve got everything you could possibly need or want within fantasy football we uh the Discord which is now getting exclusive content for the first time uh that they’ve ever had exclusive Dynasty content we have a full trade tier charts that I am constantly building out and and applying new things if you have questions about this player needs to be worth what draft pick compared to what guess what I’ve got it covered I have a full full tier breakdown sheet Available to You exclusively in the fantasy points Discord which you can get on fantasy it’s just ever ever growing man for for what we’re doing over there more dynasty content than ever and that’s that’s my main squeeze you know did I mention this to you I’m proud I’m proud of you brother I’m proud of you dog I appreciate that the man and then D where the heck can we find you are you in Chicago or like you’re always somewhere in some weird City where are you right now I’m in Chicago full-time but uh during the summer I travel around a lot I was say fulltime bro fulltime is relative um but I’m in I’m in Columbus a lot I’m in Atlanta a lot I’m in Miami a lot occasionally you’ll find me in Vegas Minneapolis uh they’re all kinds of places that I could be any given day of the week but you’ll find all content side stuff um at player profiler Matt and I do a show called decision point where we kind of break down um what a general manager’s job actually is is uh because they get talked about a lot side by side with head coaches and their jobs are very dissimilar because a head coach’s job is year toe to maximize talent and squeeze everything out of a roster that they’re given while a general manager’s job is to assemble talent in um a manner that makes sense and that’s usually a three to five year window and not year to year like a coach but that’s kind of how we talk about it and so uh Matt and I get into it about that and occasionally life lessons that we’ve learned from uh starting businesses or um dealing with people in the gambling industry or you know all kinds of things over there so uh we have a fun time with that and then obviously I’ll guest on some of our other pods on player profiler um obviously we enlist people like uh our boy Coupe over here to do our draft kit which should come out fairly soon um I think like a week or two on that but looking forward to seeing everybody in Canton man um if you want to find me on Twitter uh sometimes football a lot of times other life things uh nandu NFL um and if anybody ever wants to get into a conversation about whiskey much like TT’s nerding out that’s uh that’s what I do whiskey Football let’s go I’m doing a show with Matt dude this is how sick we are I’m doing a show with Matt uh this Sunday at 8:30 in the morning sickos man yeah yeah we’re just like how can we find a couple hours to talk so because he you you know you can’t talk to that guy for 10 you can’t talk to that guy for an hour no he’ll he’ll hold you so uh so that be fun yeah I got that coming up so definitely check out these guys stuff for us draft guide coming out soon get your All Pro membership now you get a copy of the best ball guide that’s already out and the draft guy that’s coming out soon you get all that get all the baseball stuff you get everything so get the All Pro membership now at Fantasy for me I got that coming out I got doing the Series XM tomorrow for Jim Bowden and tonight there’s an fsga draft I’m in on the channel as well so it’ll be all over the air we there but that’s it for us we are out of here thank you everybody for hanging out with us for drafting with us uh and again you know if you buying the draft guide is the best way to support us but if uh you can’t do that I know you know funs might be tight a little like a little subscribe that’s free it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside so hit those buttons we appreciate you

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