Golf Players

Beware ‘The Four-Headed Monster’: Dougie’s GIANT Selection Call!

Dougie Hawkins joins Paul and Mattie to preview the HUGE month ahead, as they investigate Rounds 16-20, including the big selection decisions that loom with their FOUR giant forwards – Naughton, Ugle-Hagan, Darcy and Lobb!

welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girl to inside the Kel podcast of course we’ve got this very special guest the May of foots gray bloody legend douy Hawkin welcome to the show man hello Paul hello Maddie how are you boys good mate look lots of in the news this week mate there’s lots going on Maddie they’re even saying that the Bulldogs might win the Premiership who said that Paul well David King David King was on Fox the other day and he was presenting some pretty impressive stats saying that all the champion data puts us in the top four and um suddenly from uh from the dogs needing to sack the coach and you know we’re going nowhere to you know people are starting to to sit up and um and give us a little bit of a sneaky chance I don’t know what do you think douy well M PA I think um this game against the kangaroos North Melbourne we don’t you know what we’re shot how’s that I’m prepared to go on that and I’ll stick to to my guns on this if we don’t beat the kangaroos we not play finals 40 how’s that Maddie Bo but this is the game that I think is going to set the rest of the season up to make that attack on the final eight um and if we’re talking about final four how many games to go Maddy Paul how many games left now there’s nine games nine games left and two of those against North m strangely enough and um and we’ve also got like games against Adelaide and there’s some pretty challenging ones in there as well like really step up but you can’t take anyone lightly can you no you can’t M you can’t Paul so I’m prepared to go with what I just said I said you know I just got this gut feeling about this game that you know and again you know we know quite well that North’s improved the last couple of games have been terrific isn’t they R Collingwood and Melbourne two final sides I think from last year obviously coling would win the Grand Final um they looked like they’ve turned the corner a bit we just got to smash them we just got to get them early shop early avoid the rush and um again boys this this is just and I’ll say it again I sound like I’m I’m a broken record here this is critical this is just critical this game look I agree douy we’ve had a week off which is great so the boys are fresh I think they needed it it’s probably come at a the the Buy has come at a fantastic time hasn’t it because um you know we went into the buy after probably our best win for the season and then suddenly the optimism Rises when you hear that Norton’s coming back we’ve got JJ on the horizon Darcy the big boy Darcy’s back this week as well and suddenly the troops are returning so you know that that belief um you know it’s probably going to carry us a long way you would hope yeah you’re right you’re right Maddie and the boy Whitman back from that elbow and um young Westy’s young BL Scotty West’s boy Riley has been terrific he’s at a very very good season and again I think he kicked four goals I think it may have been um it’s going to be a couple of blocks going to be pretty stiff you you made a few you named a few names there Maddie Paul um the boy Darcy just comes back I don’t care who goes out he he’s got to come back for sure uh the boy obviously Norton Aaron Norton if he’s right he comes back into the side um who goes out does does number seven go out Roy lob I think he probably had his best game um probably I reckon for the club to be honest and against his old team freem manal I think he kicked three goals and had 15 or 16 possessions Paul and Maddy and um he’d be awfully stiff but I think he might be the one to go how’s that that’d be the end of him I reckon it’ be it’d be disappointing for him and his manager douy but what about Garcia as well I mean Dro 23 touches a goal I thought he just a pretty honest kid you know what he’s got a few tricks this kid I think he his last game or two was pretty good you know he had patches of five or 10 minutes where he done a couple of things and I said to myself who done that who was that kid and they said gy I said Jesus Christ cuz I I just had that impression of the kid that he was a hard tough hard-nosed kid who puts his head over the foot he got good courage and all that but he he done a couple of things I went maybe sit back and go this kid can play a little bit and and and Paul M I was a bit surprised and shocked that he was out that side and if there was reasons for whatever it may have been um I actually I was actually really surprised I really was that he was out of the side yeah absolutely we we agree we agree so so just on on you touched on um our four forwards and the Dilemma that the selectors fa cam Richardson one of our our viewers rode in and asked douge with Norton and Darcy obviously returning is it time to leash the foreheaded monster or is that just too much of a risk we’ve talked about this before but what do you think can it can it work now don’t forget dou don’t forget you talked about this last year was it the beginning of this year or last year you talked about the foreheaded mons you thought how how we can’t lose if we got the foreheaded monster down there what a what’s your thoughts on it now you’re on the money po MD I did say that I said these four tour forward will be causing Havoc um and they’re going to be very very hard to match up on and when you got a forward line of it can mark the footy get the ball in quickly even get to a stage where if you’re under pressure bomb it in because they one of them going to mark it oh here we go I I still think it can work and I I just need they need to um communicate maybe better uh when it’s time to go you don’t want three or four flying and and it’s going to happen you suppose because they’re all they all want to get a kick we all want to play well we all want to kick goals uh but I don’t know how B can structure that poor man if if the thoughts were there again to go big like we spoke about Paul just said last year I supported the PO h m I was right behind it I thought it was just a winning formula I just look for backlines are going to have trouble matching up because of the height and then now with the the Improvement of course of West and the boy Whitman back in the side who doesn’t mind flying himself bit so so you know I just think that um if you know that formula will fall back again and and and obviously a couple of smaller players as we touched on West um you give it a crack yeah douy what what I mean there’s people that think that that you know when jamar’s out Norton plays well when Norton’s out Jamar plays well there’s people that think that our Ford line perhaps isn’t operating as well as it does maybe because they’re still very young but also because maybe they’re not communicating I don’t know but what happened to the old R douggy back in the day when when you had big man and one would fly and the rest would stay down it does it seems like the whole three fly or four and whoever’s lucky enough to grab the ball Duggy yeah funny to say that Paul Maddie I just got this gut feeling that with Norton Jamar in the side I feel by watching the forward line and watching the two boys with just spoke about I reckon Jamara looks around more to see where Norton is than the other way cuz Norton can be at times very Reckless the way he attacks the footy and throws himself into the contest where I’ve watched the boy Jamara um making sure that he’s not going to get involved in a you know collision with him and you and be in his way of yeah well look part of the uh the equation is making sure that they’re separating and if they do separate then it’s then it’s all down to the Midfield is making sure that they’re um they’re delivering it properly and we’ve we’ve you know we’ve had some problems with the connection haven’t we previously with with the midfielders maybe not with that last entry kick not not you know not kicking it to our advantage but having said that the last three or four weeks the Midfield have absolutely gotten going haven’t they yeah they have Maddy Paul they really certainly have and um it gets back to the skipper done it Skipper again I mean G whiz he’s um he’s one hell of a player and he um Marcus Bon Pell I’ve got some great mates that are saying that he’s the best Bulldog ever they’re saying they’re saying that to me you know I’m sort of I’m not sort of prepared boys to go to go that far as better than the great EJ Whitten because you know what 50s 60s and Teddy I think retired in 1970 I I find it hard to compare different eras is that is that sort of pretty fair po m i mean we’re not disputing this this this BL now Marcus Boton P he he is he is one of the modern modern day greats of uh of AFL footy not just the Bulldogs um he’s just taking his game to another level and um and I I’m just I’m just not prepared to say he’s better than Ted because I didn’t see a lot of Ted Paul M and again they were playing in the mud and the crap and all that foot he was totally different it’s not the way the game’s play now but again I’ll say it EJ Whitten was an old day great Superstar Mr Mr Football and this kid now Marcus poon Pell he’s a modern day great there’s no doubt about that yeah yeah well look if you put them out put them on the the Bulldog Mount Rushmore they both of their faces are going to be there that’s for sure and um I want to ask you douy because I know that you and rails went to the uh the hall Hall of Fame last week and um and we got a a new player inducted so I guess that’s now 18 Bulldogs uh in the in the Hall of Fame one Legend in in Teddy and hopefully you’ll be the next Legend um but uh but certainly was it like being in a room with those you know amazing players and uh being part of that that illustrious group well mdy Paul you walk in there I haven’t been to to the the AFL Hall of Fame for a fair long time a fair well now and um it was mainly the due to the fact that um the great mate Brad party who obviously won the brown his first year and he got inducted into the Hall of Fame that the same year Mickey mous got inducted into so that would would have been an interesting um set up I think they got along okay and they said hellow and spoke which was I thought was fantastic they put a few problems away to the side and and and you know and and then Scotty West rang me Scotty said oh Haw you going to the Hall of Fame I said no I’m not sure he said mate I’d like to go why don’t we both go I said well we’ll go together with Brad Hardy uh joining us on the table was a b called Warren tread Ray yeah he’s been in the news hasn’t he this week with his comments about Port yeah yeah he he he could play I watched him play when I was doing Channel 7 and Triple M right when he first started he was a gun he was an absolute S I saw this kid play off thought Jesus Christ how good’s this tread R and we had the other blog sit with us a Blog called Jason aamanis hey W who the Alla so it’s funny MD po I I watched the video package um just a couple of weeks ago of AA It Go for about 25 near maybe nearly 30 minutes I have never in my time of football seen a better both-sided player yeah uh than Jason eamar who kicks the ball off his left side 60 M post high off two steps um and just some of his goals and he’s ability to read the play Pace mate that video I know it can make you look better when it’s the full package yeah mate he was a superstar I said to him the other night I said mate I watched you Paul I watched you he wouldn’t have disagreed with you with he he said I was good he said I was better than you left and right I said tell you what I wasn’t far beyond you let me tell you I said to him douy when we interviewed him we had the privilege he was a great interview wasn’t he MADD and he said we just said what are your virtues and he said I’m the greatest kick ever that’s what he said matd is that right he said he was the greatest kick on both sides ever so what can you say I’m not disputing that paor MD I’m not disputing that and uh and to look around the room to see you know David parin and Johnny Nichols and Peter McKenna um you know and then you see bles like Paul sammon there and Terry danaher and Andrew McLoud was there Michael long as well was there uh and then I saw the kangaroo table with Wayne Shimmer Bush Malcolm blight Ross Glend Denny another blog I didn’t pick his name was John rantel Johnny rantel was on that table as well and fitzroy’s champion and Gary Gary Wilson was on that table as well so I was wrapped because I I walked in and there was Calvin Temperon stand there and you know how I’ve spoke about Calin he’s the best player that I played with he was a rollsroyce as was Chris Grant was a Rolls-Royce because four for five years you can’t be Grant R all templon oneon-one you just can’t I don’t give Peter kns I don’t care whoever it is I just don’t beat Calvin templon so to see him there I thought you bloody Beauty he’s uh he’s in the Hall of Fame and so he should be yeah uh you know and then you know then I saw you know BL Chris McDermot great player weren he Chris mcder for for Adelaide you know then I I tried to M I tried to marry it up with BLS that I know who ain’t in it yeah you know and I say to myself different type players and I said to mcginness mcginness or McDermot well I think mcginness is a better player than McDermot I think that but they’re different type of play one’s a captain follow me lead the way the other BL was a Rolls-Royce midfielder speed both sided good courage one of McGary at 17 340 games one best and Fest in both clubs Adela so had you pick mcder not mcginness so the Hall of Fame Maddie Paul it was a really it they’re different nights they’re different nights and then to see Jason dun be inducted in as a legend while the difference between him and not as much Tony yeah if Tony Lockett tackled and chased and ared like dun would he would he would kill most BLS he would have killed them because dun had that defensive side of his game real defensive side of his game where plug was more on going to mark it but his second effort was there if someone was in the way yeah did you hear what D said at the end there he’s talking about um locker and he said um what did a kill to lose by and a gu’ say 7 75 points and he said oh he’d be glad he would have kicked more goals and lock it and he said how many lock it kick 12 out of the 14 love it Hey listen ducky just to change the subject briefly there was a photo of you and uh at your statue um Ben Cousins was in the photo MADD did you see this in the age yeah Maddie um po actually a young boy young boy Ricky he text me this photo um I didn’t quite I didn’t think quite pick it was Ben straight away but but I actually looked and I thought that looks like Ben Cousins and I’ve seen Ben last year look looking healthy he’s looking fantastic uh it it appears and it looks like he’s got his life back on track which is is great is it I mean it looked really bad for him you know you know it looked really really bad for him and uh uh he seemed to get himself back on on track again and yeah he got his arm around the statue and obviously they would have had a function there um at the um BR Hotel I got a feeling Max G was there too a couple weeks before that so the see Ben Cousins f with he with the Statue of me I thought was fantastic I really enjoyed it well speaking of back on track Doug let’s uh let’s talk to cuz we’re seven and seven you know we were facing really facing uh you know looking down the barrel a couple of weeks ago um what have you liked about um our last month well Manny they just seem to be um probably a lot more consistent you know they’ve lost one or we lost one or two didn’t we in between that four or five weeks or what it was but it just didn’t they weren’t bad losses they just didn’t feel to be bad losses um but just guys you know guys are just certainly improving that um I think English again in the rucks just boys he’s just so critical yeah and and again poor Maddy you know I’m going to say this but Thomas Liber toes just adds that hard spark toughness tror is been terrific he’s had a fantastic season um and he’s he’s ability to win the foot is is fantastic but again you know when Liber tour is in that takes that little bit of pressure off the bond and but no M po we got a big four weeks haven’t we three or four weeks coming up you know it’s funny Maddie and douy regarding who we we lost a Hawthorne thought people thought that was a poor loss hathorne have gone on from strength to strength we we were the we we created a platform for the lions lions are killing it at the moment uh in fine form so that loss is put in perspective now so our loss is even to Idan where Idan have reached up the ladder so I think the teams that have beaten us have gone on to play some good footy and continuing to play good footies you’re right Paul you you hit it on the head there the sides are that have beaten us they’ve gone on haven’t they they’ve gone on to be very they”re playing very very good football so so those losses could be not as bad as a lot of people may have thought because these sides looked like they they on the up aren’t they really on the Y there’s no doubt about it so you mentioned that and the boy the boy that boy coming back again Dary he’s going to be a star boys we we both we know it and all our listeners and all the dog supporters know it that this boy uh Sam Darcy is going to be an absolute star make no mistake about that you know his dad was a great player Luke Darcy for the Bulldogs great player Dar uh your boy going to go past you it’s not bad to go past Luke Luke was a great player for the club absolutely now also one one player you haven’t you haven’t mentioned um and he’s had a positional change recently one of our viewers Kelly Gallivan said douy what do you think of Ed Richard’s move into the Midfield how instrumental has he been Ed Richards wow wow that’s a surprised me a little bit Maddie um paor obviously be had seen something uh a bit more than probably us didn’t if you guys in the same boat as me I must admit I didn’t really look at him as that because he was coming off that half back and driving the ball long on his left foot and I’m you know and then obviously if you’re in the Midfield the ball’s going to go a bit longer than coming off half back flank isn’t it it’s going to go into your goal Square not half forward flank like like he had been in the past playing off the halfback flank with Joe Hanson out of the side as well so he’s just been fantastic Ain he and an ability about him he he he he’s quick he’s about 62 I I’ve met him I’ve met him in the car park at the glenroy um golf day it was with Caleb Daniel and Thomas Liberto I shook his hands at Rich’s about 6′ two he’s a big boy mat he’s a big boy Paul and he’s pretty strong and pretty powerful and and he’s explod got explosive Pace off 5 10 m he explodes and he runs and car and he kicks it long he doesn’t muck around with it Richards he gets the ball in quickly um man it’s been a great move by Bevo be take the credit for it or or unless it was a forward line coach is that Brad Johnson still there but we’ll give it a b you’re right Matt he’s been he’s been super Richards and he he might have missed a week with concussion did that was that him yeah two weeks yeah it missed two weeks he missed two weeks and usually when he come back after concussion a lot of the the statistics show you have have a pretty sort of slow week to to come back and and even despite that he had about 21 touches so you probably expect him to explode this week I know you were concast back in about maybe 86 or seven was it and um it took you a little while to come back as well didn’t it yeah M you normally come back Paul a little bit slower you don’t come back um Cherry ripe from a concussion I know that myself and mine goes back to the 80s and I I knew quite well that I wasn’t even though I F right at that highest level if you’re just off that little bit more a little bit the the players they’re going to get you the good players are going to get you but you Richards just come back into the sway didn’t he as did Liber Liber just come back like he had missed a beat so good players do that MD good players do that and this boy Richards how old is he now he’s only 25 I’d say yeah 25 is he 25 yeah yeah yeah okay well he needs to he should be shown it that’s right is fantastic well shall we have a look at the five games ahead because uh this this is the critical patch Paul who who have we got who have we got North Melbourne douy North Melbourne first who are in good form uh some of their younger players have becoming to the four and some of their better players are playing really good footy what do you reckon douy well paor Maddy you know how I feel about this game this just a real critical crunch game and if we don’t win this game we won’t make the eight so I reckon Bevo will sell the pitcher he said boys this is a an eight an eight this is a 12p pointer is there much critical this is to to us so and and if B sells the the pitcher that I know he will sell uh cuz they’re going okay they’re going along pretty well North but we just got to get them early knock them over early and um and this is boys this is it poor M we we’ll win this game but it’s going to be uh it’s going to be a tough game early we’re just going to be a little bit bit too good for them so if the boys bring their their best they can bring we’ll get away with them so that’s a tip tick for the dogs for me well done mate and uh this is the danger game uh Port Port Adelaide I think is it at home Maddie it’s in it’s in Adelaide ad okay in ad matter they’ve lost their last three in Adelaide and they just were lucky to get across the line against the Hawks so you know it’s maybe not the Fortress that it used to be yeah mie uh Paul Kenny higley’s under the pump a bit I reckon I’m going with us but things could change you know over the next two weeks but I I think we can get away from then we come up to one of the biggest clubs in the country douy the blue Baggers Caron they G good aren they boys Caron yeah yeah yeah they going good they look very even their four line structures really good and we not need to go about kernel m these type of players and uh I’m a big fan of the boy Welsh he’s a superstar he’s a real good player and obviously Captain uh newly in the bracket of the bond not far off I’m a huge Crips fan uh Bon bont’s a bit I think for me the bont jeez we need to play well Maddy poor we need to play well and I to come out and say we’re going to beat I rate Caron I think they’re the real deal yeah they’re right up there in the mix of the top two or three three sides in the competition right at the moment with Sydney yep um yeah no I’m going I don’t think we I don’t think we’ll beat him I don’t think we’ll beat Caron but that’s what two wins and one loss yeah all right well you’ve given us two out of three you know what meat life would say about that so who have we got next we got the cats the Hoops yeah at at the moment boys as we speak they’re in bit of disarray J long I reckon you know Tommy Hawkins looks like he’s out for six seven weeks or whatever it might be um and again his form hasn’t been you he might be at the end of the road you know Tommy Hawkins 358 or nine games been a great player for him uh but you know what happened Boys in footy that brick wall comes quick right and sometimes you don’t see it and it just goes bang you know and and and even to a stage danger field you know he’s you know when you’re in your 30s L mid early well 33 34 probably you’d be now when you start getting hammies that that brick wall comes quick too no MADD this is a game we can win uh Paul this is a game we can win we need to win it that’ll give us three out of four for me and this is be this will be the big one Sydney and Sydney douy Sydney top of the top of the ladder in absolute Sublime form played well against them though at Marvel douy we put up a grand fight um do we shake Sydney gez up Paul um Maddie our listeners we need to be right at the top of our tree um yeah the Midfield you know the boy Heeney number five he bit of Midfield forward and you got Blakey off half back giv you run kicks it long uh they they’re the real deal aren’t they they just the real deal and I just whoever beats Sydney wins the Grand Final I reckon I just got that gut feeling about that matured over the last couple years remember when jalon got him in that Granny a couple years ago just smashed him yeah uh I think that was two years ago MADD Paul I reckon that was about two years ago yeah and and last year they just didn’t didn’t regroup but I just got this feeling now that they’ve matured they got a bit older played 20 30 40 games together more which I think’s critical and important M they’re the real deal and we just need to be right at the top of the tree Paul and Maddy and if we’re not we’ll get skittled yep yep yep yep well look we we nearly beat them a few weeks back didn’t we we had a few injuries in in game we lost Tony Scott early then Norton and then we had Ed Richards go down you know we feel that we match up against them and if we can War out of the game you know we play well in Sydney we’ve won a few we’ve taken them down a few few critical times over the last five or six years during be’s 10 years so let’s um let’s go in with some optimism and if we can have three out of four going into that game you know I think we’ll have a bit of steam behind us mdy what was it what what are your thoughts on what do we got a win you brought up a little statistic the other day to me what have we got a win out the last night n what where are we going to finish out of nine you’ve got to win you you must win 13 games to make the eight we’re currently on seven wins we got nine games to go so we need to win six of those games wow if we say that we beat North Melbourne twice there’s two we beat Adelaide you expect you want us to win those three that means we’ve got to win three more out of the other six and Dougies mentioned you know there’s the cats game we’ve got a gws in the last round we got Sydney we’ve got Port Adelaide uh you know we’ve got palon it’s it’s not going to be easy um but we got to be at our best well Paul Maddie if if we do make the eight we’ve earned it we’ve done it the hard we’ve done it the tough way we’ve earned it and that suits the boys I reckon it suits the whole Spirit of the Bulldog so um if we are to get there MD and Paul it’s going to be a hard battle it’s going to be a tough battle we need to play our best footy and you know we have to be right on song and uh we get there you know what we deserve it we deserve the be there we belong there we belong there not not just there to make up the numbers where they have a crack at it you’re right Doug you didn’t fall over the line you burn then and when you when you earn a dugey then you perform well when when the opportunity comes with those finals don’t they so you’re you’re we’re we’re a good opportunity to win a final which I I totally agree with you 100% Paul douy what a pleasure love your work have a great week on your brother [Music] white do in my brain I’m Bo born bug that’s my breed I was born to follow where the that’s


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