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‘You answered every question’: Jill Biden treats Joe like ‘toddler’ after debate

US First Lady Jill Biden has been mocked online for treating her husband Joe “like a toddler” after the first presidential debate.

The Bidens visited Democrat voters at a watch party following Biden’s contentious debate with Donald Trump.

“Joe, you did such a great job answering every question. You knew all the facts,” Jill Biden said.

Joe Biden’s wife was roundly mocked by conservatives online who suggested her remarks were infantilising.

“This intro of Joe by Jill sounds like a mom congratulating her toddler for using the potty for the first time,” a user on X wrote.

“There’s cringe. Then there’s Jill Biden,” another user wrote.

Joe you did such a great job you answered every question you knew all the best and let me ask the crowd what did Trump do why yes [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Joe Biden’s age of course was already a talking point before the debate was Amplified as well not just in a cognitive sense plenty of discussion online about this footage of the first lady Jill Biden helping her 81-year-old husband off stage you can see pretty small steps there but having to be helped off he clearly needed assistance to descend those steps to greet the two CNN moderators after that so I’m sure that’ll be images played as well it’s get more reaction CNN reporter Julia Benbrook has been good enough to join us live Julia thank you very much for your time I know it’s late over there first of all how our people the voters reacting to tonight’s debate performance well it will be interesting to see what the reaction is like tomorrow these two candidates came into this debate essentially tied in Nationwide polls but we are hearing some reaction there are some democratic party officials who have privately expressed concern about Biden’s performance in this debate citing some of those more shaky moments that he had there was an interview with vice president kamla Harris on CNN shortly after the debate where she said it’s not about these 90 minutes it’s about the last three and a half years in the work that their Administration has done for the American people but when she was really pressed about his performance she admitted that he got off to a quote slow start yeah okay and in terms of the standout moments what did you see them as this evening well there were quite a few they talked about everything from serious topics like abortion rights to their golf game these two were also asked about their age they’re only a few years apart now it’s typically Biden’s age that gets discussed but they would both be the oldest president president on their swearing in day and so both of them tried to say yes I’m fit for office I am ready to go when it comes to abortion rights that had been a key part of Biden’s reelection campaign says that he wants to codify parts of Roby Wade Trump on the other hand is proud of the fact that roie Wade was overturned and and spoke about the three conservative Supreme Court Justices that he appointed on immigration they both say that the Border should be more secure but Trump says that Biden’s not doing enough and Biden says that Trump in part tried to stop a bipartisan agreement that they had to strengthen the Border they are two very different candidates what about their preparation how did that differ so very different preparation very different performances very different candidates you had Biden at Camp David for about the last week in discussions intense discussions and mock debate prep Trump has kind of shunned this formal debate prep philosophy and he has participated in some informal briefing sessions but he kept a pretty regular campaign schedule leading up to this with interviews and Ries went about it very different ways his team really encouraged him Trump’s team really encouraged him to stray away from airing grievances tonight and instead focus in on issues like crime inflation and the economy Biden’s team encouraged him to paint Trump is unfit for office and we saw them both attempt to do those things Biden’s team also wanted him to focus in on things like abortion rights the economy and democracy yeah okay now a big moment but it’s also one that’s come well out from the election indeed the first debate before the candidacy is actually confirmed so what is next in this so there’s a lot coming up and this election year has a lot to it Trump is actually going to have his sentencing for his hush money trial in New York on July 11th in just a few weeks and he was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records then he turns around quickly and goes to the Republican National Convention there he has said that’s where he plans to announce his running matate so lots of eyes on that then in August you have the Democratic National Convention and then these two candidates have agreed to a second debate that’s scheduled for September 10th on ABC all right so that will be another appointment viewing moment Julia Ben Brook appreciate your time thank you


  1. This lady is a piece of s*** I'm not even a Biden supporter and I feel sorry for the man to even have to be around this so-called first lady disgusting.
    Pig. To put her own husband through this

  2. Omg ,she should be up on charges for senior abuse,letting her husband be made a fool of like that, she is just rediculous up there ,this is a shame .Do they really think we are that stupid to think Joe Biden is ok.

  3. She’s an example of how the bad singers go on American idol and are shocked that they don’t get past round one.

  4. LOL was this right after? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    she must have been watching something else.

  5. The big lie has been exposed to the world, shame on the media for hiding the facts from the American people, we deserve better than a feeble old lying man with diapers on..Parhetic!!!!!!!!

  6. As terrible a person as Biden is, I can’t help but pity him. There is something in every human being that can see and detest the cruelty in parading this old man around as a laughing stock. This is elder abuse plain and simple, and Jill Biden is the main perpetrator. I don’t think Joe knows anything he’s saying or what he even believes anymore.

  7. Jill: "Joe, you did such a great job! You answered all the questions and you knew all the facts."
    Joe: "Where am I and who is this lady?"

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