Golf Players

How Scottie Scheffler’s swing can help your golf game

Scottie Scheffler is known for his unique swing move in the downswing with his right foot which is taken him to top of the world golf rankings.

In this video I break down the reasons why Scottie has this unique move and hopefully it can help you golfers out there play better golf.

Nick Taylor is coaching at GOLFTEC in Singapore, currently Nick coaches 3000+ lessons per year awarding him with International Coach of the Year at GOLFTEC in 2021 & 2023.

Nick is a British PGA member since 2009 and aims to make the golf game easier and simpler for you to understand by giving clear and concise advice, no mumbo jumbo just straight facts!

hi golfers Nick here from Golf Tech Singapore in today’s video we’re going to take a look at Scotty sheffer’s go swing the world number one player he’s breaking all sorts of records at the moment in the game so we’re going to take a look at his goal swing in a little bit of detail we’re going to kind of give you guys a little insight into why he has that funky move with his right foot to hopefully help your golfers out there play better golf I’m sure you’ve all seen Scotty Sheffer swing but if you haven’t we’re going to play it on the screen here so you’ll see how in the down swing he’s 12 foot kind of slides behind him he does this more with a driver um and slides towards him there’s reasons for that uh but we’re going to talk about why he does this and then hopefully give you guys a way that you can hit the ball better probably not as well as Scotty Sheffer it’s I’m not going to lie if you could hit it as well as him then you probably won’t be watching this video but what we’re going to take a look at here is the reason why his foot does this this is very important so in Scotty’s swing his back swing is pretty much what I would call on plane but as he gets nearer to the top of his swing his lead arm lifts his right arm lifts away from his body now he has a little bit of Bend of his lead arm but this helps him get a little bit more length and power however it takes him a little bit off plane so by the time he gets down to position five where the lead arm is parallel to the ground in the down swing his arm is a little bit outside I’d like to see the left arm in general more across the chest at position five that would enable you to get this closure rate of the turns and the body sway pretty much controlled into the golf ball now with Scotty swing gets his lead arm a little bit outside and from there he kind of has to slow down his turning otherwise he’s going to swing across from out to in into the golf ball so the way he does that is that right foot kind of slides behind him and that stops his hips and shoulders opening up as much to deliver the club on plane from the inside so that right foot movement essentially is just him just keeping his turns closed through the golf ball so sliding that foot back just keeps his body closed as he comes into the gopo so that’s the reason he does it now this can help you if you do this movement it can help you swing more inside it can help you um move your hips forward as well which is really key important movement not only with irons to get that low point in front of the ball but also with driver to create a tilt to the shoulders as you hit the golf ball so first up we’re going to take a look at the 79 here so I’m going to kind of do my normal swing but in the down swing I’m going to slide this right foot back slightly close my turns so I’m expecting this path to be into out um but I’m still expecting similar amount of speed I’m not expecting to drop any speed here so normally my speed with a seven iron’s probably high 80s maybe 90 M hour if I hit it well so let’s just kind of try and get that feeling of that right foot sliding back behind me as I go through in the down swing so I felt that foot kind of slide back here didn’t quite get that perfect that strike now it’s okay 88 mph hit it 160 with a 79 that was okay you can see contact was okay 5° into out so for me this what this does it helps me swing a little bit more from the inside I’d normally expect my path to be maybe 3 degre into out let’s try that a bit more I’m going to exaggerate this even more this time so you can see how I finished there I hit that really well that was a little bit faster as well you can see on the screen there take that shot so around 91 miles hour I think 90.5 hit that a little bit low on the face that was actually closer to my kind of normal path there at 3° into out let’s try that again so this time let’s see if I can do this even more on the way down okay you see I really closed my hips there coming through the ball Sim so I’m getting a real nice draw out of this gone almost hold it so good speed path there 4° so yeah striking is not quite as pure because probably I’m not quite delivering the carb how I would do normally but it’s helping me keep my speed up now through the ball and this is really important I think a lot of students think you have to R really like open up your hips they see golfers opening up their hips now it’s true we measure the golfing here at Golf Tech and we know that the best players have around 40° of hip rotation and impact but that’s an average right it’s not everyone gotot Chevy definitely doesn’t have his shoulders open more than maybe 10 15° now the average tour player is more like 30 so you don’t have to swing exactly like a tour play you just have to swing that in a way that’s going to help you strike the ball well so for most goers out there they actually have enough rotation as they hit the ball what they don’t do is move their hips forward or have their turns closed enough to keep that path coming from into to out next up we’re going to take a look here at the driver see what happens to the numbers and see if I can replicate that same swing right let’s give this a go with the driver now it’s going be interesting to see how this changes now notic Scotty really exaggerates this a bit more with these longer clubs and I think that if you are hitting driver and you are closing your turns it’s going to help you swing more out it can help you get more up if you actually watch Greg Norman from back in the day kind of did the same kind of thing so let’s see if this changes I’m usually about 1° into out 1° up so see if that changes speed usually about 108 something like that so hit that pretty well yeah so very similar path actually 1° into out 1.1 into out I’ll take that shot so that one was okay so I think that I’m going to try and do it a bit more let’s try and do it a bit more bit low on the face Maybe 3° up pretty good though take it try and do that a bit more if I can 110 I’m I’m pleased with that though keeping the speed up pulled that a little bit Zachy the same path interesting same path heit that pretty good I feel like I’m not quite completely my turn so I’m going to try and make this one a longer back swing speeds are good though again 10 9.8 110 see if I can turn more in the back swing here so focused on this right foot but see if I can do this a bit more it felt like I got a bit more turn in the back swing there still 110 2 point yeah so yeah 2.4 in hour that’s probably kind of what I was expecting 4° up so yeah definitely for me a little bit harder probably not doing the right foot quite as much SP striking is good though I’m going to do one more okay see if I can get this more exaggerated okay definitely hit that one good similar path again hit that really well so it’s not a huge difference for my driver I think that I certainly when I watch my swing normally I kind of do have this right foot kind of moving towards a Target and I’m not doing it maybe as much as I’m trying to do here my path average was probably maybe one and a half to two so maybe slightly more into out than normal but it’s not changed it as much but I’m still managing to connect pretty well certainly it’s a good feel for you golfers out there that that do struggle with maybe kind of swinging across the driver hitting down on the driver um certainly doesn’t change much in my speed if you can get that power coming from from your arms cuz I think a lot of people think you have to open up your body to create speed and certainly not the case when you look at the world number one player thanks for watching golfers if you enjoyed the video please give a thumbs up and and I’ll see you again next week for another video [Music] the feel I’m here and you’re not

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