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Live Reacting to the 2024 NBA Draft

Live reacting to the NBA Draft with the Atlanta Hawks having the top pick followed by the Washington Wizards, Houston Rockets, San Antonio Spurs, and Detroit Pistons with great teams like the Memphis Grizzlies and the Oklahoma City Thunder not behind.

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what’s going on y’all welcome to the stream uh I’m going to double check on YouTube to make sure we’re up real fast and then drafts in 15 minutes how y’all doing how y’all doing let me go ahead and tweet out the link to um appreciate all y’all that are in here already hope y’all are doing well should we do light on light off we’ll sort the light on we’ll s the light on why not I hope youall are doing well um let me see where’s this link go ahead and tweet this out real fast appreciate y’all coming in TJ plays what’s good how y’all doing yeah hit the like button y’all appreciate that cam how you doing appreciate you waiting for this sorry I started like a a minute late congrats appreciate it appreciate it thought Denny was staying brenon bro I’m surprised that we we can talk about leading up into the draft which starts in about 13 minutes um we can talk about the trades that have happened if youall want like if you have any you want any of the specific trades you want me to talk about just your thoughts in general and I can kind of Riff Off of those tjm plays love appreciate you watching the videos support means a lot appreciate that um audio sound good video look good everything like that we’re all good I’m trying to get an icon on the screen because I have something I wanted to put on there but it’s not working for some reason baby model thank you so much for the $5 I really appreciate that been enjoying the videos keep it up don’t worry videos aren’t going anywhere they’re going to keep keep on coming I’ve got some cool stuff too on the horizon because I’ve got like kind of an announcement thing I want to make if it’ll let me like can I add an oh add overlay y’all did I solve this this might go crazy hold on hold on on this might be we this might look yeah it’s not exactly what I was looking for okay let me let me see if I can fix that let me see if I can fix that hold up uh but yeah let me trade out the ignore the big white hat that just popped up on my screen ignore that um because I’m trying to get this thing working D got trade what happened a short BL let me pull the Tweet I’ll pull the tweet for y’all hold up hold up pull that up um live now reacting to the draft come hang out with the link if it’ll let me paste the link on Twitter okay let me know who you want your F what who your favorite team is and who do you want them to draft let me know I went ahead and tweeted that out yeah Snapback Sports what’s good good yeah real quick I’ll make the announcement real quick I’ll probably make it again uh I’ve signed on with Snapback Sports as like official basketball Talent which is really cool I’m really excited about it uh go over and subscribe to the snapack sports channel I’m going to be dropping content on there we’re goingon to be making another Channel doing some other stuff might be a podcast coming we’re figuring out you know we’re gonna have some really cool content coming but definitely make sure to go check out all their social media platforms Twitter Tik Tok Instagram uh YouTube is like the big thing going to be dropping that so yeah I’m going to be dropping a lot of content on there in addition to doing my own thing I’ve signed on as like official Talent it’s super cool I’m really excited about that and I’m trying to put a logo here on the stream if it will let me but I’m struggling to figure that out so bear with me while I do that but yeah I’m really excited about it it’s really cool stuff coming like way cool cooler stuff than I’ve been doing up to this point Jack Driscoll how’s it doing Denver huge fan Mr cone okay man okay whatever Kane how you doing man hope you’re doing well uh yeah but yeah let me know favorite team who you want them to draft heat Jared McCain love that pickup love that idea Jazz Cody Williams would love that bucket Le appreciate the congratulations much love from Ireland Daniel appreciate you tuning in that late in the night I really appreciate that let’s see we’ve got um 10 minutes till the draft I can pull that up I’m on the side for myself yeah by the way I can’t show any of the draft stuff like that will not be on the screen because I will get my channel will get sniped immediately so it’s not happening just let you know the draft is on what ESPN I think somewhere over there K what’s happening at one I think it’s Zachary rash rashar one of the two um apparently the Oklahoma City Thunder are interested in trading for another first round pick potentially no way this man is the one hating on Luca if you’re talking about me I I’m a big fan of luuka I don’t think I’ve ever hated on luuka in my life I don’t think I’ve ever hated on Luka like he didn’t play great in the finals but you know you got them there in the first place somewhere to watch the draft for free I’m sure there’s a stream out there for sure there’s got to be something Denver preparing for team to pay Paul George 50 a year hey man good luck to you why do we need another first because why why not I look like Reed Shepard I’ve heard I look like Reed Shepard I’ve heard I look like Luca I’ve heard I look like Austin Reeves Reed Shepard’s a new one I I guess I see it yes I did see the Denny trade let me let me pull up the Denny trade actually that’s what we can talk about because the Thunder we’re a team that felt like kind of made sense for Denny um train for another person up is interesting yeah Brenan it’s it’s interesting I don’t know who we who do we want let me see if I can pull up for you y’all the Denny also Nick claxon by the way here let’s start with the newest thing I don’t know if y’all saw this uh Nick claxon is going to be resigning with the uh the nets for about $100 million so let’s do where is what’s a good one this layout I should I should share the media before I try to do that um share screen Boop and there okay so uh Nick claxon is um nearing plans to sign a for your $100 million deal to return to the Brooklyn Nets according to uh the athletic $96 million guaranteed that’s a big name off the market the Thunder looking for a big it became more and more clear that CLA was probably going to resign with Brooklyn as of late I’m not necessarily surprised so this is you know I would Lov to have n claxon but honestly I’m more than that as a hartenstein camp which is made more possible by the fact if I go further onto sh’s account I believe he twe out the ojen and noi news too um well first of all bam to bio three-year extension worth $166 million which is crazy Shams didn’t tweet out out the OJ anobi stuff okay whatever missed opportunity I guess um but Denny OFA Trad to the Blazers which great pickup for the Blazers like huge pickup for Portland and it makes me think a Jeremy Grant trade is coming makes me feel like we’re seeing a Jeremy Grant trade at some point soon because he’s probably gonna play the four because you have shayen and Simons and Scoot feels like they could do the one two three you could have Denny at the four which is a pretty good starting five like that’s a fun Young starting five they’re not going to be good like as a team but it’s good in terms of the youth if you’re building towards the future it it’s interesting I like what they’re doing over there but it feels like Jeremy Grant is becoming the odd man out if you ask me so I think Jeremy Grant is getting traded I think Kyle kosma is also gonna be on the Move in this draft I think both those guys are on the move so be on the lookout for that um let me go to W’s account so I can show all the ojen and noi news too which makes me think that hartenstein to the Thunder is becoming a lot more likely five years $212 million is a lot of money for o janobi but at the same time like the Knicks are just going all in you know they’re just going all in so I understand it what’s good con congrats on the new job appreciate no glove no love appreciate that what is Washington doing I am the panda not entirely sure because one of like Denny isn’t exactly old you know he’s a younger guy in a cheaper contract I don’t quite understand that I don’t know maybe there’s just players they really like in these draft or in this draft Yeah Dylan that’s another thing too like they’re trying to match up with Boston also we got a report apparently Jimmy Butler planning on not signing an extension and just hitting free agency next year so that’s also really interesting yeah Robert a lot of money for OG I know five years 212 is a ton is it reasonable say the Celtics Thunder Nick Mavs are gonna be the top four teams next season maybe I’m not counting out Denver either like Denver’s going to be up there um if Philly makes some good moves they could be one of the better teams although it feels like Boston and New York are like the teams to beat in the east at this point I feel bad for Dame this man asked for help for years over there in Portland got traded to Milwaukee finally got help with Yannis and now he’s gonna be guarded on the perimeter by like Derek white Drew holiday Oobi male Bridges it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot um but okay let me I don’t even have the draft pulled up on my on my end I should probably put in a headphone are these if these are dead it’s going to get real awkward okay hopefully that didn’t change my mic let me know if I if I start this sound different I shouldn’t we should be good but we’ll see because sometimes when I put in a headphone it changes it for some reason which is annoying because the airpod mic is nowhere near mic quality shout out to you coner appreciate it snug I don’t know if I’ve ever been called the con store cone conster let’s go this off topic but you can change YouTube name to snap at cone nah it it’ll stay the same like I’ll be hopefully you know we’ll be doing a bunch of collaboration stuff which is going to be awesome uh really excited I’m going to have the chance to actually go like more events and stuff so good chance I’m going to summer league like there’s a team Canada Team USA game we’ll see potentially um you know but I’m we’re gonna be doing some really cool stuff I’m gonna be traveling a bit more YouTube videos don’t worry they’ll still be coming soon it might not be like every single day like it has been which honestly is like might be good because I talked to a lot of other content creators and they ask me how I’m even alive when I make videos as often as I do but don’t worry plenty of videos still coming like it’ll be still a lot so don’t worry and and plus the stuff over there too are there interviews between picks sometimes uh where is the where’s the draft what channel is the draft on okay it is on ESPN okay cool three cone times the Deep three would be cool yeah I mean I’m shout out to the Deep three guys they’re super cool like Mo and I are really cool you versus Ryan who wins One V one to 21 I do and Ryan will tell you that I think he’s watch but he will he will admit to you okay let me go full screen for right now as like pick and stuff comes in we you know it’ll be a little bit bit like we’ll I’ll keep you updated on stuff that’s happening I cut out am I good now are we good I’m telling you it likes to try and cut out it collaps for half a second we’re good did you play Elder ring yes I’ve played some of the DLC I haven’t played a lot Mesmer is destroying me left and right so I’ll get back to that once the draft in free agency stuff wraps because I can’t have that type of stress on my mental while I’m trying to continue to work on this stuff they just show Cody and J Williams by the way Thunder Legend a potential future Thunder Legend we’ll see we’ll see you think the Knicks are overpaying OG I do think it’s more than he would get in a vacuum but the worth of having him still on the roster when you are building like the best Knicks team of maybe my entire lifetime probably it makes sense I completely understand that so also this draft this stream in addition to being sponsored by Snapback again go check out the Snapback Pages uh we got water too all y’all hydrate out [Music] there you’re goat basketball YouTuber Ryan appreciate that appreciate that it’s only the beginning Mike appreciate hopping in the Stream how you doing all right y’all who’s going one who’s going one let me know got my phone open down here too to keeping eye on any notifications anything crazy that happens we need Con X Kenny Kenny and I we were supposed to do a couple of videos like over the course of um the past few years it’s just like like there was one time we were supposed to do a video where I talked a little bit about the thunder on his channel and I it just happened to align with the time I got my wisdom out so and then I my wisdom teeth stuff went horrific by the way that like the worst recovery of my life I struggle with that so Kenny and I will collaborate on something at some point we’ve done some stuff you know when I was with enjoy basketball for a little bit but shout out to Ken that’s my guy they already spoiled it I haven’t seen it yet did they I don’t know I don’t even know if I should look what up con Thunder up Cory Thunder up Draft starts about right now yeah Hawks number one pick is crazy Stan that’s crazy I also I do I do doubt that the I don’t think the hawk stfts are I think they go with r did I mute Twitter no because I need to have it up for trades but I’m gonna try I I think I’ll be able to tell when it’s a draft notification and a different one cameraman needs to be fired what happened with the camera guy Unlimited I didn’t even I don’t even I haven’t even seen what you’re talking about booty James crazy comment to make I do think bronnie is going in the second round Bonnie’s going in the second round okay we got got my screen pulled up here we got draft on one side we got this we have bronnie James oh it just like for some reason glitched my thing uh let me see sharing maybe that was why who are your sleeper picks I like donon Holmes a lot I’m a big fan of donon Holmes um Ron Holland falling feels kind of crazy to me honestly if he’s on the board at 12 I don’t even mind like that’s like if the Thunder go with him because I know he can’t shoot but the potential’s ridiculous uh I’m a bub Carrington believer I have the philosophy that if you have a really cool name it is infinite infinitely more likely that you succeed in a professional sport bub car name goes crazy even if he just goes by Carlton Car Carrington that name also incredible so I’m a I’m a Believer they showed Salon when they were announcing connect and couldn’t find bub Carrington that’s ridiculous shout my guy BB um do you think we trade or no I think the Thunder do make a trade tonight they’ve made a trade on every draft night since 2018 I think we get a trade is it anything insane I don’t know if it’s anything like crazy but I think a trade happens is your stream down too uh it like reset I think you have to like go back in mine did go down for a second but I fixed it uh come did the Lakers do tonight Lakers go with I don’t know I think the Lakers take I think they just take a shooter of some kind Tristan D Sila would make sense Dylan if he’s still there for sure man I don’t know let me see if I can who got the best draft outfit I haven’t seen I haven’t looked at them enough Rob Dillingham they just showed him I know you mentioned that unlimited Rob dillingham’s outfit is clean as hell he’s the front runner just off of the like three people I’ve seen he’s a front runner Adam Silver is at the podium it’s crazy it’s draft night like this happened so fast I feel like sip the water and it bounced out into attacked my eye I almost just died on stream that was crazy sorry it would have been awkward my bad how the leg anyone over 68 hose we’ll see how’ you feel the Lakers got Edy where do you all think Zack Ed is going that’s the one thing I want to know because I’ve seen so many Zach haters that it has radicalized me into a Zach believer chat is come going straight off Shams or the the video feed alone I’m looking at the video feed if I see a spoiler I won’t tell y’all if you don’t want me to I won’t say anything how old am I I’m 24 axt so I’m older than most of these draft prospects and is I nothing will make if you guys aren’t older than a lot of prospects yet once you get to that age I’ve never felt older in my entire well obviously I’ve never been old in my entire life this was a bad analogy I feel old is basically what I’m going for there what emojis will L Melo used to walk with his teammate it depends who his teammate is thunder getting Edy I don’t know I don’t know Celtics getting booed like crazy so the other day I was at a basketball court I was hooping at a courts like a little not too far away from me and there was a guy there with the JM Brown jersey as I was leaving he just walked up I was like hey man like congratulations it was the day after the finals and he goes because I live up in New York City if you didn’t know and he goes thanks man I’ve been nothing but harassed today and he said you got in the subway and immediately was getting heckled for wi to Jaylen Brown jersey so shout to that guy everone gets old eventually it’s all good that’s true that’s true all right y’all Co what made you a thunder fan Vibes honestly and Russell Westbrook mainly I just start watching Hoops none of my no one in my family really watched the NBA and I was like oh Russ is sick I’m gonna become a thunder fan and here I am thankfully it was Russ and not KD that helped out how many minutes before first pick five minutes as of right now although the clock is not moving I think it’s broken uh I think it’s Zachary reash here I think it’s rash that the clock is just not moving I think they broke it am I from Oklahoma no I’m from Virginia I’ve been to Oklahoma like four times so it’s even weirder they’ve never to taken away the clock they said [Music] broken bull take is kinging I mean kinging going here would be cool surprised aw didn’t trade the pick I’m not really surprised because I think they’re gonna head towards a rebuild we at in VA uh from the uh the Virginia Beach area is where I’m from 757 you see the number on the number on on the boards guys I saw they’re doing a stream on ESPN that’s awesome shout out to those guys those are my guys pilling it been ridiculous the growth has been super sick to see 757 Nicholas hell yeah OKC about to be the best in the west I’m down also I went I just picked up I just got a a new laptop and when I was there at the store picking it up there was a the guy I was wearing OKC shirt and the guy’s like oh nice shirt and he goes I’m a Nicks fan he’s like sorry y’all won’t win a championship next year because we are so now I have a vendetta we have to be the Knicks Ryan in the chat saying k your biggest fan OMG whatever man Ryan someone in the chat earlier asked who would win in One V one in basketball and I told him I would win do you have any dispute there Brandon saying I’m at work but has it started yet no not yet well it started but there have been no picks candre Hunter might get moved no but that that’s cool shout out to my dad who just said I’m killing out on the stream the goat my mom saying she can’t find the stream let me hit her up with the link hold up clears hey Dylan honestly cook it’s okay Dylan you can cook up you going to show them walking out like the the draft picks I can’t show anything it’s like a huge no no with the copyright like I my channel will get slammed with copyright if I showed the draft unfortunately there was someone who was streaming it on Twitch and they just play like a little bit of audio I think for a game or something like that and it like their Channel got I can’t remember who it was um well they are very hyped is basically what we’re seeing here and I think we know who the pick is okay I just saw my from notification I won’t say who it was I imagine y’all probably know who it is but yeah y the pick is in who you all think it is if you don’t know sham just spiled it for me yeah he did for me too but I kind of knew who it was Celtic s shying at 30 I’d like that they showing very intense up close on zachar sa now it’s Alex SAR it feels like SAR is like a given to go number two to the Wizards which is because it felt like SAR was the pick at number one you know then he like declined the workouts and stuff and just seems like it fell apart from there so Hoops just see me on the disc golf course yeah if Ron I play disc golf he’d cook me how tall am I I’m like right at six foot 61 in shoes if I’m going to the combine maybe 6’2 if I really like I’m wearing like big shoes and socks maybe we’ve got a shot when does it actually start it started well the the first pick is about to come in from the Hawks 69th like nice Mike everybody like the stream hit the stream with a like takes one second and it helps out a lot I see a couple of hawks couple Hawks fans wearing Beret seemingly hype about Zachary rese I guess it could be alexar why are we waiting my question is they’ve had the pick in for like three minutes like why are we waiting you know any Hawks man in here brand the Williams family photo pretty cool I did see that that’s super dope I got just remember Kyle corver was part of the front office for the Hawks just now remembering that that’s on Paul George the Warriors I don’t really no the flight Mike is showing the draft video I wonder how long until he gets taken down I mean unless he’s got like a partnership with the NBA it’s probably not gonna stay up for too long or it’s it’s it’ll get demonetized at the very least very soon all right first pick is coming up to the podium I think we know who it is but we’ll see it announced the Atlanta Hawk select Zachary RI rash rash is how it’s pronounced I’ve been reash well show a Hawks fan chugging a beer all right y’all what’s your grade what do you think rash what’s your grade he feels like someone who is going to just I would be surprised if he’s not at least good I don’t know if his ceiling is high as some of the other guys in the draft it’s not like a stars of draft though so it might make sense to just get somebody who like you know is going to be good you know the Jimmer fette of Pat bevs Jonah I couldn’t have said it better myself what’s his draft what’s his comp feels like he’s just going to be like a really Sol like 3 andd win kind of guy B+ B minus b f minus B I probably give this pick a B+ if I had to grade it I think Alex SAR is probably the best Prospect but the Hawks are in a tough position too I do think he could be a good the thing is I’m convinced he’s gonna be a good player like I don’t think he’s going to bust so I’m I would probably give this pick a B+ I like SAR a little bit better maybe kingan but they also have like anaka kungu clink capella he is going to be a fit on whatever team he plays on he’s gonna be a fit so I like rash I’m gonna give it like a B+ that’s that’s my grade for the moment initial reaction yeah Devin saying uh understandable because s didn’t work out for them but or yeah s to work out for them but SAR is better that’s how I kind of feel you know this is the Luca trium pick all again it won’t be that crazy it won’t be that crazy now the question is when when or do Trey young and Deon Murray get traded this feels like a filler draft class Rocky that’s crazy that’s crazy there are some good players in this class you like DJ Hunter is getting traded Aros that makes sense um I wonder if I could pull up like I can just pull up for y’all like the announcement pick or the announcement tweet maybe let me let me see if I can pull that up for you so you have something to look at for the moment in between picks also I dropped a mock draft earlier on um a mock draft with a snapback earlier one for one baby one for one haven’t missed yet as you can see here I’m one for one I don’t miss what did I just do ignore the fact that I just broke that completely for a moment um what what are my layouts what is the best one not that one this one we’ll go with this for the moment why not just don’t see the fit in the Hawks from feel like that it’s gonna stunt their growth yeah all right so we feel pretty good that it’s gonna be Alex star here right are you using streamyard yes I am uh it’s going to be alexar almost assuredly here with the Wizards at two then with the rockets at three where it gets interesting if they don’t trade the pick it feels pretty certain it’s going to be Reed Shepard if they do trade or you know they could theoretically trade the pick do you think two-day draft is good I’m gonna have to wait and see I don’t like it I’ll be honest right off the bat I don’t love it we’ll see though congrats to Zach on that on the uh get number one overall pick I can’t believe the Hawks jumped out there that’s so crazy reminder to hydrate if it isn’t S for some reason then who would it be Clingan I guess Reed Shepard could be Stefan Castle or Rob Dillingham if they went really off the rails how far do you think topich slides I think he might slide out of the lottery honestly I think there’s a chance I’m very excited though to see how this draft goes two French number ones yeah back I mean the French are taking over the league as my stream for no reason reset on me stream reset what are we doing let me watch the draft I got cucked y’all it’s over it’s draft guy canceled never mind we’re back I found it draft uncancelled we’re here you’re shoot up and don’t get called off to come back the next day JJ that’s one thing I like that people haven’t talked about is it true Stars agent hates Atlanta I don’t he hates Atlanta but what is Snapback Sports uh Snapback Sports super cool new or not new but like Rising basketball Outlet um that I’ve signed with as basketball talent super excited about that so yeah shout out to them I’m G to be doing some super cool content I’m gonna be going to some games like traveling around doing some NBA related stuff it’s gonna be really cool some super cool content is coming not just here on the channel but also on like the snapack sports pages so be on the look out for that too um thank you Brandon I appreciate it yeah I’ll might might how do I I might take the comment down for right now just because H it’s like blocking my face in the moment I I’m supposed to have a snapback logo on here somewhere I swear I put the logo on the streamyard and it is not coming up so I’ll try and fix it in a moment but we’ll see pick two is coming in from Adam Silver Alex s number two to the Wizards no surprise there no surprise we we saw that one coming over under five French all 2029 well alexar re Victor wanyama mang don’t forget about him and uh like a 48y old r goar i just ra 2029 is only five years like a 38y old Rudy goar I immediately thought of 2029 I was like that’s like 50 years in the future sar’s teu wmi that’s ridiculous Chill on him Chill on SAR SAR is gonna be nice killing Hayes man man great Point killing Hayes too also Thunder Legend Olivier sar’s brother there too shout out to Alex R by the way he would have been my number one overall pick but I understand if he didn’t want to go to Atlanta the Hawks aren’t going to take him French international team gonna be good you know what’s crazy there is no defensive three in the Keys in international play they’re gonna have wemi and Rudy goar just sitting in the paint and there’s no three in the keys like how do you even score the basket again I guess we’ll see alexar b b Kali too that’s another French Allstar there we go Evan forier Bob bringing up Evan forier out of the blue star I think the Wizards are doing something cool now I will say I didn’t love the Danny OFA trade from them but I like B Kabal a lot I like alexar a lot or gord’s pretty good if they keep him the we are s arto cooked you you cooked all right so number three they could trade this pick if they don’t probably gon to be Reed sheeper if re Shepard goes three would you like the fit there I would I like re Shepard a lot to the uh the Hawks uh let me see if I can go ahead and uh can I pull my mock real quick we can see where my Mock’s at scrolling through there’s my live stream okay here’s here’s my mock so we’re right so far third pick I have Reed Shepard we’ll see if I get it right why take Reed you already have guards you need shooting oh you didn’t make that up I w’t give me credit I don’t care arthos you cooked I’m let you have this one hey con how’s it going uh good awesome appreciate it do I live in OKC no I don’t I live in New York City that is crazy though the top two picks neither one of them were college players like that’s kind of crazy is this your mock or official this is the mock I did earlier I think Reed Shepard is going to go number three we’ll see we’ll see what happens s Sports yeah man okay Riley I see what you’re doing that was true last year no now was Wy and Brandon Miller I’m ruing for all these draft picks so hard whenever people say it’s a bad draft I’m I’m rooting for this draft like crazy I want to see everybody go go off how’d you become a thunder fan uh just start watching Hoops that kind of gravitate towards the Thunder specifically Russell Westbrook happy that W isn’t spoiling yeah W they’ve have they tamed W have they stopped him because years ago when they told him to stop doing that like he was you know whatever he was like oh they’re lasering in and stuff like that um real quick uh grade what grade before we here with the third overall pick is great from y’all on the Alex star pick uh for me a I guess I’ll just go with an a I don’t know if I want to go with an A+ because you know I guess I I I don’t know we’ll have to see like a crazy slide or something like that to get an A+ I feel like I’ll go for an a at the very least at the moment uh yeah alexar in my opinion best player in the draft best player available makes a lot of sense to go ahead and get a guy like him at this moment he fits great in over there in that front Court he can you know do a little bit of everything I think SAR is gonna be really good I’m a big fan of his so I’m gonna give it an a D minus future Wiseman don’t put that on him don’t put that on him third pick coming up from the Rockets is Reed Shepard didn’t trade the pick not surprised that adds up hey the MOX three for three these picks were this was kind of a given like these picks we kind of knew for sure but give me the credit for this one we’re three for three in the mock we’re three for three we don’t miss random tweet I just saw from Frank Mason if you all know who that is from the NBA said played this young talking about reace said played this young guy in France this past season no way he’s the number one pick in the NBA draft LOL but I guess all right Frank Mason here at number four I have Stefan Castle going to the Spurs but I think kingan could go here they could take um they could theoretically take like Matas if they want to go with him they could take Cody Williams theoretically although think this is probably a bit High I think this is Stefan Castle here at number four I think this is Stefan Castle uh great great for the re sheeper pick let me know your great I’m going to give it I’m going do an A minus I think Reed’s really good I like it a lot I love the idea of Reed Shepard here in Houston you need shooting just give more spacing around this team I think Reed’s gonna be really really good uh at the very least he’ll be a knockdown shooter so I’m gonna give it an A minus I think that’s a great I’m GNA go with for Reed Shepard here do you want to trade off or possibly trade 12 to get someone I’m cool with either to be honest just we’ll see my feeling is that we trade the pick straight up that’s a weird feeling I’ve been getting okay but the next guy I mock is defon Castle to the Spurs we’ll see we’ll see if that’s the pick a for Houston Okay saw someone say Future Phoenix Sun Goes number three overall to the Rockets Ro all the sh when they get KD Reed Shepard might be gone in that deal if that happens he might be a Phoenix Sun Legend I don’t think you could really go wrong with Reed Shepard the shooting is going to be insane re sheard’s one of your favorite picks in the draft or prospects in the draft John I understand that re’s one of my he’s one of my favorite guys too that’s Kentucky guards picked in the top five it’s John Wall de Fox and Reed sheeper Kentucky guards don’t miss though Shay Maxi quickly like on top of those guys Malik monk Grizz trading up for kingan no mo it sounds like they really want to we’ll see though we’ll see it sounds like they really want to also draft hats this year kind of not good these draft CL these draft hats are kind of ugly has there been any big Trad so far no no trades come we lost on Clon OG and Denny what’s our plan Isaiah Harin it seems like he feel I mean feels like a possibility unless we throw a lot at lry Marin in you think the Spurs use or trade their picks I think the Spurs use this pick I could see them trading the other one theoretically but I think they probably just use both this one they’re definitely gonna just take someone though no Aura this entire draft Denny was a big trade I thought you were talking about big trades like in the draft or I thought that’s what Carlos was talking about Haron is a piston I don’t think hard’s a piston ibias Harris is a piston I’ll tell you that is crazy better foul baiter sha or Luca I think I’d give the edge to Luca I think Luca’s got it down a little bit better shout out to Legends though two top five guys heart’s probably staying in New York Aros I don’t think they can really pay him what he’s looking for if he takes a massive pay cut sure but I think he’s going to get a lot offered a lot of money from somewhere else har the Pistons would be funny like Ryan just saying here debias is for sure piston thatat man’s going crazy big big Pistons contract coming his way how will we get Lowry if possible a billion first round picks I guess um okay so next up on the mock I’ve got s Castle going to the Spurs we could be four for four could be four for four are you bored in New York City no I’ve just lived here for a couple years if Stefan Castle goes number four we’re four for four although this also felt like a pick that was pretty given five it could change up a little bit although I do think Matas is the most likely pick at number five we’ll see we’ll see with Stefan we’ll see the I’m I’m just excited about the idea of the Spurs getting a guard just any guard for w there second option Hoops my franchise is cooked sorry man I hate to be the one to tell you that hate to be the one Matas is probably five if this is to fun castle I’m sil’s coming to the podium right now spur select Stefon Castle no okay so no surprises so far the mock is four for four y’all I’ve I cooked I’ve gone crazy uh no trades no trades yet do you hoop IRL yeah I do favorite cheat meal I I’m I’m a sucker for canes to be honest I I love canes if and if y’all know what cookout is I think that’s a fast food restaurant that’s like more so like it’s like kind of down in more like the South although I’m from Virginia I don’t know if like that counts really but I think it’s more so in like Virginia and Below States cookout goes crazy it’s like this fast food restaurant you can get a tray that like I I’ll get a tray and it’s two chicken quesadillas it’s um white Cher cheese bites and like hush puppies or like fries or something like that and you get a milkshake it’s like 11 bucks crazy it goes crazy you have canes there can’s incredible cookout is the truth douglas douglas gets it cookout is James gets it too the cookout I’m glad there are people who know what I’m talking about because cookout is generational it’s incredible cookouts like one of my go-tos and it’s open to like three in the morning so there was one pretty close to me in um where I went I so I went to the University of Virginia in like about a 10-minute drive away from my apartment was a cookout I would go there at like 3:00 am it was crazy cookout went so hard where am I from I’m from the 757 back down by Virginia Beach originally it’s the Wy of fast food we got to get a hoop session FID one time cone uh Wu uh Jacob Rusty buckets me and him which shout out to him that’s my guy we went out there we we did a One V one when uh we were hanging out in North Carolina with a couple of other like content people and bro we played a One V one and we recorded it and he deleted the footage so you would have had a hoop video you would have had one but he deleted it so ask Kim if you want to see I do want to drop some kind of hoop content at some point but you were supposed to get something and he deleted it that’s all I’m gonna say that’s where you’re watching from appreciate appreciate you tuning in Harvey my name SM SMH bows fans hey they got it hard enough bows fans got hard enough he got cooked it didn’t go great I’m I’m definitely quicker you watch other sports yeah I watch baseball football I’ve tried to get into hockey a little bit I just haven’t had time it’s tough because a lot of it matches up with the uh a lot of it matches up with the basketball season so yeah I watch all forms of Hoops um what is my job in New York City this talking about basketball is my job which I’m very blessed that it is yeah talking about Hoops is my job I’m four for four yes I am the Mock’s not missing I did watch game seven of the Stanley Cup Final Jacob I did so WNBA Hooper a Asia’s insane like she she’s looking like Wilt out there this season it’s crazy um I like uh Sabrina a lot because being up in here in New York City I’ve been to a couple Liberty games so I’ve seen that I was at game the final game of the last year WNBA finals actually which was an amaz one of the best basketball games I’ve ever seen live it was an amazing game um aces of course ended up winning so the crowd kind of you know went home sad but it was aw like I’m glad people realizing how great the W is it’s so much fun it’s awesome and you know the rookies this year going crazy too Kaitlin Clark Angel Reese that the game between the sky and the fever the other day was nuts every game they played against each other has been really fun uh so Detroit I’ve got them picking Matas buellis we’ll see if the M keeps going crazy we’re four for four right now Mo mentioning that the Pistons are probably going to interview James brgo so that’s that’s interesting I’m listening to w real quick he’s saying something so Detroit is apparently Fielding calls at the moment for oh by the way grade for Stefan cast a minus I guess I’ll go with that sure uh so the Pistons right now are fing trade calls mtas is the guy that I like have been thinking about here they could go with like Cody Williams rumored they could take klling in I don’t think they’re taking Salon I don’t know if they go connect could go Ron Holland yeah they could go with a couple of guys Matas feels like probably the pick though so Pistons better not mess this up for Cade we’ll see why my do look like con with a beard I think I I’m just I’m just kind of look like a generic white dude I see it a little bit though we kind of it’s like I see a little bit with like the the cheek the cheekbone kind of area I see it whoa whoa I I don’t know if y’all hold heard that on the draft they’ve not like officially announced the pick but they just said on the broadcast who they’re taking I don’t know if y’all care if I mentioned it or not not the mock is dead the mock is dead so tell us it sounds like the Pistons might go with Ron Holland it sounds like they might go with Ron Holland which is very surprising I thought he felt like a guy that could really fall but they’re they’re about they’re about to announce it and it seems like it’s braon Holland to the Pistons I love I I like the pick I like the potential he could be like they’re taking a swing I like it it kind of is the assar again scham I get I get that that’s crazy though don’t they need shooting yes Devon but and they can address it they have like $60 million in cap space they can address the shooting there aaar R Holland is very odd but we’ll see they take Ron Holland wow like the pick is officially been announced wow W is reporting that teams are trying to trade up and get Donovan kingan we’ll see who it is but because we don’t there’s a lot of teams apparently that are trying to trade up to get Donan kingan how do I feel about this the Pistons need shooting but I like the swing on Ron Holland he has the potential to be the best player in the draft class if the shot starts falling I like Ron Holland a lot you know I’m I’m glad it didn’t fall I’m glad he didn’t fall too far I’m glad he didn’t fall too far where am I at on this I’m trying to decide how I feel about this we’ve got a report y’all we have a trade are we cool with me telling you about trades it’s a draft pick trade a team traded up are we cool with me mentioning this because I have like I have notifications for trades but I’m trying not to see the picks themselves we have a trade let me know what your thoughts are on this because someone’s trade up to number six we’re cool with it the Grizzlies are trading up to number six so they’re 100% getting Donovan kingan so they trade with the Hornets they have they’re going for Dyan clinging 100% we don’t we don’t know like what the outcome is or wait the Tweet hold wait the Tweet got deleted hold on the Tweet got deleted we I there may have been a bamboozle we’ll see we may have been duped we’re gonna wait and see where did the Tweet go most at Portland was trying to trade up but then I swore I just saw a tweet hold on I’m seeing multiple accounts tweet about Donovan cling go to the Grizzlies I’m just going to assume that is happening is it a fake we’re going to wait and see I there’s a lot of people are saying one thing or the other right now’s been up so long he’s seeing things I’ve been up for a while there’s not been a lot of not a lot of sleep going on the last few days okay Jake fiser is reporting that the Grizzlies are trading up that’s what Jake fiser is reporting so great for the Ron Holland pick you know what I don’t think anybody was going to save their franchise I like them taking a swing I’m gonna give the Ron Hall picking aonis I think he can be really good I like the swing why not go for it the Pistons are terrible why not take a swing and you can use fre agency to bring in like winning type of players I I’m cool with the swing okay we’re waiting to see EX Well w said that Portland is trying to trade up he didn’t say that they are trading up youall know where to watch the draft for free there’s I guarant there’s definitely streams out there you can definitely go find something that’s the logic they’ve been drafting on it it hasn’t really been working I mean not necessarily I don’t think like Ivy was kind of seen as like one of the safer picks I’m waiting to see confirmation three am minus love your channel yeah I don’t know I feel like I have gone to a minus a couple of times I haven’t hated any of the picks so far I see some people that don’t like the Ron Holland pick and I can understand why but I am high on Ron Holland I think he’s going to be really good so and honestly like as this assuming the hison use their cap space well which it remains to be seen if they do if they use it well I think this could work out really well for them also the Pistons just got a new shooting coach new shooting coach for the Pistons is in for a lot of work between AAR and Ron Holland now we’re gonna have to see yeah Ron holl’s not GNA be great right off the bat I think he’s he’s one of those like really high potential guys well by the way my mock is dead now I had the Hornets getting Cody Williams Blazer’s getting Kling in uh Salon going to the Spurs grizz’s getting D connect and then Ron Hong going to the Jazz this did not work out still possibil well no if they’re trading up not a possibility the whole thing is cooked we got cooked by the trade I I was expecting that the would make a trade I didn’t want to like project it although we’re getting so I just saw something that saying that they’re not trading for Donovan that Donovan cling is not being selected that the Hornets are just making the pick so I guess the trade isn’t happening so is Portland just going to get clinging because they’re there at seven so if the Hornets are just selecting here then kingan isn’t going to be a Grizzly so so we may have been duped we we got Bamboozled I think what is happening I don’t know because we got like I saw a bunch of accounts tweet out like highlights of clinging and be like oh like you know he’s gonna be great next to wow well I will say one thing I got it seems like I’m gonna get clinging right because spoiler he’s not going to the Hornets I did pick clinging the mock is alive the mock is back baby we’re here the mock died and we are back the greatest we’re over to we’re back in NBA history like the uh we are all the way back Jacob you get it I feel like the Piston spacing is gonna be very bad it is it’s gonna be rough man that’s that’s crazy kingan isn’t it seems like kingan’s just gonna go to Portland like I’m actually gonna get that right how do you feel about the Hornets pick I did see what the Hornets are picking it hasn’t been announced yet I don’t know how I feel about it I don’t think I love it I just tweet about so don’t look at my Twitter if you don’t want the spoiler because I got spoiled about it but I want to put an opinion out there it seems like clingan’s gonna go to Portland though because he said that they wanted to try and trade out for him it seems like they didn’t have to so kingan seems like he’s gonna go seven to Portland Al I think it’s ring outside I think I hear some Thunder y’all could that mean something we’re g to see all right Hornets pick is coming up six pick tjon salon from France we’ve got three another french guy the French are taking over the NBA Salon I like a lot I did not expect him to go as high as number six I’m kind of shocked that he is the six overall pick he felt like because he someone that was mocked continuously to the Thunder at number 12 I had him going here eight in this mock to the Spurs he ends up going going number six Jean Salon um what pick do I give this like maybe a C+ I feel like they could have maybe traded back and got him I think he would have still been there if they traded with the Grizzlies unless they they like felt pretty good about the Spurs taking him at eight and they just really wanted him like that I think this is a bit of a reach I’m gonna go like a C+ maybe a c one of those two grades I think he’s gonna be a good player I like I like his game it just feels like it might have been a little bit of a reach I don’t know is France the second most represented country in the NBA right now I don’t know hi on toan but they could have gotten later B minus does Portland trade I don’t think so I think they just take Donovan Clan because the report from W was they wanted to trade up uh Matas has m balis is falling could he be a Spur could he end up with um I don’t the Grizzlies will take him he’s falling though Portland has to be taking klling in has to be is Rob going to the Spurs I don’t know I the draft is this pick was the one that really shook everything up now except for me because I got it right with the mock if if Clingan goes here number seven I got it lob me my credit for this hey Co is there anything big I missed in the draft H bomb not really you missed um the the first four picks when is expected it was uh rash it was SAR it was Reed Shepard and Stefan Castle five was Ron Holland to the Pistons which was surprising and then tjon salon goes here at number six the Hornets which is also higher than I thought he was going to go so we’ll see we think we take it OKC I have no idea I mean Cody Williams might follow to us we might just get Cody could get Cody Williams I like Don Holmes a lot but I think you can trade back for him potentially Portland’s 100% picking Donan Kayan here right there’s no way it’s not Donovan Klay in there’s no way so this is almost 100% Donovan Kling which means the mock like Alejandra just said in the chat if kingan is the pick here like it seems like he is the mock is alive stop we have come back from the depths of the earth we were dead and buried they said it was over for us but Donovan Clingan to the Blazers could save us man Clingan clinging to the BL so the Blazers have to make a deal is what we’re hearing here this is kinging because they’ve now got him Aon and Robert Williams I think Robert Williams has to get Del I think we the I think Robert Williams gets de the Blazers draft Bellis I think he might like oh whoa okay we’re hearing real Thunder here now y’all can definitely hear that Holy um there there’s Thunder here so that maybe it’s a sign I mean the draft is here in New York so thunder in New York we’ll see the seventh pick is Donovan kingan Donovan kinging to the Blazers hey man Scoot and kinging is like a pick and roll Duo that’s really fun that’s really fun and the mock stays alive well it’s dead but it stays alive with this pick we’re here we’re here got Dan Hurley there Spurs at eight take Matas I don’t know I’m kind to him Yanks Abroad appreciate that the Spurs I mean they could go Matas this guy’s lowkey the goat Casey gets it Casey knows ball I’ve always said this about Casey I’ve always said this good by dominan maybe maybe it’s eighton maybe it’s Robert Williams man okay well now we I’ve got no clue where the Spurs go from here so in the maahad salon I mean Cody Williams and buellis neither one of them have gone yet so it could be one of those two guys here I feel like connect makes a lot of sense going to the Grizzlies later on I don’t think the Spurs take connect like is it who do the Grizz get at this point I think don’t connect makes sense like a knockdown shooter I think that just makes sense apparently the the grizzly is like really tried or you know who the Grizzlies might what if the Grizzlies go zachi I don’t want to be the one to say it but I think Ed might be a Grizzly we’ll see we’ll see the Thunder take Cody if he’s there there maybe I really thought he’d be gone but like I think he’s going to be gone Ed’s about to be a Grizzly I’ve Got a Feeling I’ve Got a Feeling Zaki O’Neal a elijuan even why is the draft feel so slow it does feel like we’re moving kind of slow we’re an hour in and we’ve had seven picks J you’re completely right it does feel like it’s moving really slow I didn’t like I’ve been thinking I was like wow it feels like we’ve been going for a minute can’t stand you con all all right man okay it’s 5 minut o’clock instead of 3 minutes was it always five minutes H okay well we’ll see eight with the Spurs my official pick is going to be I’m gonna say Matas goes here I’m gonna say they could do shooting to I’m gonna say it’s Matas do the Thunder need another Williams yes because if we take one more and then we trade for one more like the Thunder if they draft Cody Williams will have four Williams they will be one Williams away from the Williams Williams William Williams Williams lineup and I need that what’s the best Jersey you have not Westbrook I have two sha alser jerseys those are kind of cool I was at a Goodwill time and I found a Gilbert Arena like old Wizards Jersey that’s Somewhere in My Closet that’s kind of cool all right no idea who the Spurs take here though uh grade for kinging to the Blazers I think I’m considering an A plus I’m I’m just gonna go a because they do have a couple of bigs Levi saying there in the chat why do the Blazers want clinging with Williams and Aon because I think Williams is on the move and I think they trade one or both of those guys my top five NBA players right now I won’t give you an order because I’m not going to have a debate in no order it’s joic mbis Luca and Shay those are my top five NBA players you can try and figure out an order if you want those are my top five though so my Snapback mock as we can see here it’s not I will say the Blazers clinging pick I’m I’m with that I have Salon going [Music] here crazy storm going on here uh I could see the Spurs going like Devon Carter here I could see Rob Dillingham if they really just want to go for grabbing a guard you’re stupid if you think chat’s I did not say chat was top five Mike wasowski that is an order you ain’t slick cone I specifically said it was not an order yeah Carter I’m interested too like why didn’t why were they not willing to trade down or like what was the the conversation how those break down between the grizzly and the Hornets no no reading top five he’s number six don’t worry yeah the Spurs have been on the clock for about 40 minutes it feels like I saw the pick I’ll give I’ll give them a moment to announce it if they don’t we might have a trade as well we may have a trade the mock guys I’m gonna tell you all again the mock may be dead again we may the mock May once again be over we have gone all up and down the pick Rob Dillingham to the Spurs did not have him going in my top 10 Rob Dillingham that’s hey man they got they might got their back with the future it’s Rob Dillingham and Stefan Castle a good a playmaker a bucket getter I I’m with this deal I don’t want to give it another a minus but that’s the grade that immediately came to mind it was an A minus for Rob Dillingham going to the Spurs yeah I I know I’m giving all these a minuses out I get it but I’m gonna give this an A minus two he was supposed to fall farther but I like the idea of get just getting a bucket getter for the Spurs just getting a bucket getter now now I will say we have a report from Shams that Dillingham could be uh we have a official report from W the Minnesota Timberwolves have traded for Rob Dillingham we have no clue what it is for but Rob Dillingham is gonna be a Minnesota Timberwolf which I think he’s going be really sad about because he’s talked a lot in the pre-draft process about wanting to be a spur and he is now a Timber wol that is a a shocking development what are they even trading what what is yeah robam GNA be a timber wolf timber wolf wolf I don’t I don’t know he’s gonna be a t wolf T wolf doesn’t matter he’s gonna be a wolf he’s gonna be a wolf who who is going okay I’m I’m refreshing for you I’m trying to figure out who was involved in this deal I got you the second we find out I’ll let you know who I mean I like it for Minnesota I like the idea of them making that trade we’re just getting we just keep getting the report we haven’t got any any like we haven’t got any report about what the about what it is what is the what is the package yeah Ryan saying in the chat what assets does Minnesota even have I don’t know what is this deal people were saying Conley but I don’t think they would trade Conley what what would this like n Alexander Walker Maybe W tweet I found out who Memphis is taking I found out who Memphis is taking I thought it was gonna be about the trade I I found out who they’re taking I won’t I won’t sa for right now I’ll wait till they announce the pick I won’t say for the moment tell you you’re Grizzlies fan I’ll just say it’s a name we’ve mentioned earlier Levi in the chat says tell me it’s not Edy I’m not gonna tell you anything the timberl are shredding a 2031 unprotected first and a protected 20 20 30 pick swap Rob Dillingham for a 2031 unprotected first and a 2030 protected pick swap wow the Wolves really wanted they traded a first and a swap for Dillingham I mean the wolves are got someone who can get Buckets yeah 2031 does sound like a real year wow so we have the Grizzlies now Cody Matas have both Fallen to this point they could take them we we’ll find out in a moment who they did take Dr Dill just get traded for a 10-year-old it’s even younger because that’s no you’re right 10 or 11 year old getting drafted to the wall be put in the dorer chamber in the Western Conference Finals I mean hey um the Memphis Grizz have taken Zack Edy some mixed reactions in that crowd if you’re not watching the draft very mixed reactions they’re showing Celtics fans for some reason who are getting hype I’m so confused okay so let’s grade this pick well first of all I guess I need to grade the Timberwolves trade for Rob Dillingham Timber training for Rob Dillingham a grade I guess if I have to give it one 2031 pick that’s that’s high like that’s I guess they get a bucket get her I’ll give it like a a like a C+ maybe a B minus for the Rob Dillingham tree just because I like the idea of him there but that 20 with 31 pick is crazy um H cam to go yeah we’ve been having problems all night now for Zach going to Memphis I I told you at the beginning of the stream I become a Zach believer this does feel high I mean unless maybe he was gonna get taken like maybe we have the wrong Intel and he was going to go I will give the Ed pick a b I’m gonna give it a b I’m I’m going to believe in Ed I think it was a little bit of a reach they probably could have traded down but having that big Greener guy after you trade with Stephen Adams getting a big body like that next to johnar I like the idea of it so give me a b an F I told you I become the Ed believer I have to I have to grade this one decently otherwise I’m going back on my word who’s going at number 10 this feels like a spot where Cody Williams would go Utah Cody Williams that’s been something that’s been mocked a lot I had Cody going up to six this feels like a spot where Cody Williams would go Matas could go here to the Jazz I wouldn’t be surprised anything but an AM minus I got you I got you miss kinging have to sell with Edie is crazy Ed is here zille O’Neal he’s a grizzly I don’t think I don’t know if Ed’s overrated JJ everyone like all I see are people hating on Ed I don’t know if you could say he’s overrated I’ve become the I am an ed believer Ed truthers stand up all right are going up to the podium 10th pick in the draft the Utah Jazz Select Cody Williams I can’t lie Cody didn’t look super hyped when Utah got announced but I’m congrats to Cody brother Thunder Legend Jaylen Williams it would have be cool to see him in OKC with his brother but I’m not surprised he went up at this point man we can’t get a Williams in this draft now I’m pissed I’m heartbroken free Cody Williams man free Cody Williams walk out this Friday at school everyone so now go I’m going to the Thunder now the Thunder I don’t even know if I I guess I only did 10 picks in the mock the mock kind of got cooked we’ll stop sharing for now I’ll go full screen for the moment um so for the Thunder Matas buellis don’t connect um as I got the hiccups of course I did got s the to the shadow realm man I’m me try and cook something up real quick hold on give me a sec let see we get this logo let get up there hold on I’m EXC I’m Cody Williams I think he’s gonna be good I’m happy for him that he’s gonna go to get in uh this feels like a spot where you can go out there and ball Devin Carter still there let supp you have Bron going 55 to the Lakers that just feels right number 11 for the Bulls who y’all got go number 11 Matas is still there I think they take Matas I think buellis goes here who the Thunder draft juice we haven’t gotten there yet the Thunder could take Devin Carter could take like a d conect they could take um buellis he could go with like a Clare I number of bigs are still available we’ll see we’ll see but I think I feel like Matas has to go here to Chicago right there’s no way he keeps falling could theoretically go Topic at 12 that’s POS that’s a possibility I still think there’s a chance that Thunder could trade this we don’t need more guards screw it I think we’re getting a big in free agency Ryan so I’m not worried about getting another guard oh let me see if I can cook this thing up real quick hold up hold up before the Thunder get on the clock because then I need to lock in I might hide y’all’s chat when the Thunder pick comes up because I’m I’m not I can’t have one of y’all mentioning it I I can’t let have that one be uh spoiled de and Cody get the handshake right this time I think they did it looked like they got it right no more guards hey people got mad when we pied the guard with KAS Wallace and how what how do youall feel about KAS Wallace now how do y’all feel that’s what I thought that was different was it different that’s all I’m saying who do you think OKC will pick Doon connect maybe I mean we want to talk about a sniper don’t connect Lively would have been good for us too yeah I would rather have K though for what we’re what we’re building over here though K was so big for us this season see connector they could reach for col I also see the Thunder just trading this pick straight up but it feels like it feels like Matas has to go I think I think we take connect if I have to make my prediction right now I think the Thunder go with connect uh Cody Williams great for the Jazz by the way um I’m gonna go with an a I like Cody Williams a lot I’m I’m gonna go with an a is that have i graded all the picks I graded Ed yeah so we’re good about the dude from Dayton talk about Don Holmes big Don Holmes fan big Don Holmes fan this it might be a reach for the Thunder to take him here they could trade down or I mean I guess if they just want him sure why not but I I mean I’m a Believer I think he’s gonna be really good um okay let me see if I did this right what y’all watch this add an overlay did I cook who’s ready did I do it loading loading it’s still loading bam there we are there we go the Snapback logo in the corner I might have made it too big it’s fine we’re gonna roll with it I did it um but yeah for those of you that weren’t here at the beginning of the stream uh I’ve signed on as basketball Talent with Snapback Sports really excited about that go ahead and follow them on all social medias I’ve been interacting with the accounts um on um in Instagram I made a post about it too go follow them on Instagram and YouTube and Twitter I’m going to be making content for them in a lot of different ways really cool stuff so really cool stuff yeah look out for that it’s fire okay cool we made it happen cone 5050 can the way hey y’all if you are not subscribed and a lot of people tell me they thought they were subscribed but we didn’t we were getting really close to 50K we areund math 61 subscribers away from 50k so we’re almost there so if you’re not subscribed if you haven’t liked the stream hit that up one more vid and you’re going to hit it hopefully with you know for agency coming around and stuff we’ll see we’ll see I thought I’ve been subed because I always see your videos in my feed that’s how it goes Matas buellis going to the [Music] bows which is very ex that’s cool is he from the area isn’t he I might be wrong they literally just said he grew up right outside Chicago I did okay I was right happy for Matas man Matas I think happy for him I like the idea of him being over there all right thunder on the clock do not say anything in chat I’m honestly I’m probably going to pretty much look away from chat for the moment because I don’t want this spoiled for me y’all better not say anything is all I’m saying do not say something I’m look over every now and again I’m gonna be disappointed in y’all unless there’s a trade if a trade is being made you can tell me that don’t lie to me though names that are coming to for me Devin Carter don’t connect like aware theoretically um who else I put out there the other people I mentioned they selected me at 12 w I’ve been waiting for this tell to bronnie Ryan okay okay man okay will you get a YouTube plaque when you get a YouTube PL will you keep in the vids hell yeah I’ll keep that in the videos hell yeah all right I’m gonna hide I’m gonna hide the chat for right now sharp sh going off the Thunder bench sub me and coach sub me in super happy for balis getting to go and playing his hometown or his right around his hometown is super cool I still have a feeling we trade this pick though or I have had a feeling pig is in Flight reacts to the Thunder there you go yo I’m slipping down this draft board though don’t taking me yet I’m starting to wonder if I go draft a Cooper Flaga year early all right chat is officially hidden y’all sorry if y’all are saying anything good I need to lock in for this uh they’re talking to Matas right now I want to say again not the biggest fan of the draft hats not the biggest fan okay see y’all who are we take I if we take someone I think it’s don’t connect I think that’s the pick I think it’s G be don’t connect we’ll see what it is we got about two minutes the chat I see chat messages like there’s a little number I can see that a lot of y’all are popping up right now I’m not going to check it at the moment I’m not going to check I’m sorry y’all might be saying some good stuff we’re going to say can it could be bub Carrington it could be bub also the Matas pick if the shot comes back that’s he keep me really good for them he’s from the area he slipped a lot down the board I’m gonna give the Bulls I’ll go in a for Matas I’ll go in a I like to pick um connect topich I guess is technically still on the board bub he’s been linked to us a lot Devon Carter Kobe Walters there we’ll see we’ll see the pick is in the pick is in we’ll see there are very few players we can take here who I’m not going to be excited about they’re doing I need I need them to tell me who the pick is because the pick has been in for a moment and we’re just we’re like kind of dancing around it Adam Silver get out there please announce the pick for me let me know let me know let me know let me know let me know I I see a bunch of y’all in the chat I promise I’ll get back to it in a moment but I need I need to see who the pick is we please get me to the please get me to the pck please give me to the pck bro we I’m I’m too anxious I’m too anxious for this I’m too anxious why is it taking so long get out there I’m sorry y’all I want to get back to the chat I promise I’m sorry I did not think it was going to take this long when I went on my hiatus bro it is 9:22 and we’re just at Pick 12 all right the pck is being announced pick’s being announced Alam silver walking up to the podium we took topic we went we went with topic wow I actually surprised that was the pick we went with wow the ACL I I feel like was Tor it’s torn I don’t know how much it’s torn we had another playmaker very s I’m actually very surprised it was topic I need to go through the tweets real quick that people are dropping grade time I’m trying to think through it oh topic and J greeting each other let me know what y’all think of the pick real quick let me know not a fan of the pick trade that pick patience is a virtue I can I can see what the the Thunder might what they might be trying to go with here is I just saw SC in the chat say this has to be for the future there’s no way he makes the rotation this year well that that was the thing no matter who the Thunder took they weren’t going to play really in the rotation this season I don’t think there’s anybody we took unless it was like I mean it could have been like a connector like Jer MCC like someone who could really shoot uh that could theoretically add to the rotation but there was no one that was going to play Massive minutes even though like I saw people say that oh we need to take a big because they can be like our backup but I think we’re go after someone like a free agency stic I don’t think anybody we took here was going to be insane um right off the bat with topic I’m I’ll go with like a B minus maybe a B for topic mainly because the value is there like toic was supposed to be like a top four or five guy if he didn’t fall because of the ACL injury which that is concerning that is something I guess maybe it could drop the gr a little bit more the he feels like kind of in the giddy mold which is interesting we’ll have to see but you know he’s on the Thunder now topic I’m I’m excited I’m excited to see what he can do it’s not the pick I was expecting at all but it could be great value for how far he fell because of the injury even if he doesn’t play this season you don’t really need him to he can just kind of be a stash guy I’m not going to question it but yeah I’m I’m excited you know you want to talk about playmaking Sam prey really put it out there that the uh the Thunder needed a bit more play and connected playmaking in that Series against the dcks we’ll see he’s getting traded bro I mean I could I could see a world where he’s also just trade there is Al possibility that um the Thunder could go with uh a trade of some kind it’s it’s not impossible connect me on the bo board is so kind of crazy Devon I need to go ahead and tweet out about nicoa topic real quick hold on I gota drop the Tweet am I crazy or just giddy 2.0 I don’t think so you can talk about him being a bit in that mold I think the we just saw we just saw a w I just saw W tweet that kind of spoiled the next pick um but topic he’s I would he’s not straight out of the giddy mold no who the Warriors draft where’s their pick again I’m forgetting where the Warriors are at King’s pick idea uh I would like Devin Carter for them a lot here he’s like kind of the guy that’s in this range don’t connect I’m surprised nobody’s taking connect yet I guess the age thing is probably dropping him down after thinking more about the topich pick I think I’m going to go firmly like the B2 B plus category I think that’s where I’m at at this point yeah TOA just handles a lot better than giddy that’s a big thing Ard ardos I just saw you say that D Kevin maybe I don’t really know where they go from here yeah I see Warriors pick idea I don’t do the Warriors have a first I don’t think they do Devin Carter Devin Carter the Kings I like that pick a lot I like Devon Carter the Kings a lot I’m shocked that don’t connect is still not gone what do you think D would be picked I thought conect was going to be gone by now I mean if he’s still there for the Lakers at like 17 take him for sure what what other teams could take connect so who’s next it’s Portland Miami lowkey I really if I a grade off that I’m giving it an a the Devin Carter to the the Kings he’s going to be like a better version of Davon like a much better version of what they want Davon Mitchell to be that’s what I’m kind of envisioning for Devon Carter sorry got kind of quiet here and there I I’m now continuously replaying Nicole topic highlights in my mind I like Devon Carter a lot for this team Carter be one of those guys too that is able to like from day one make an impact for this team 100% uh I’m gonna grab some probably some more water real quick hold up I got my we got it we got a water pcture over here we’re staying hydrated pray for me if I spill this don’t know why I’m doing it right now the microphone let me move this for you like right on the microphone basically my bad okay I’m glad the Bulls got Matas over Carter I like Matas a lot for the Bulls I think it’s super cool too flight mic got copyrighted not surprised if you’re putting the stream up there Washington getting a a point guard like collie oh yeah I forgot this isn’t Portland this is Washington I forgot about that um I like kie a lot for the Wizards here I like that a lot they need a guard they need a point guard I’d like a Kier a lot here don’t connect I don’t think makes sense here for the Wizards L Philly if Philly could get don’t connect that’s fire too I like that a lot like either Miami Miami or Philly if I’m Philly I’m hyped because I get like a Jared McCain I can get don’t connect there’s some really good players still here so Denny tra yeah Denny was traded before the draft Yeah Johny to Dallas the lers he’s going to be like her I’d be surprised if he wasn’t M mid trade LeBron LeBron to La I mean he’s there yeah 14th pick is up the blaze or the the Wizards are taking bub Carrington I love it I love bub going to Washington that’s a guard right there I’m a bub believer bub Believers rise up K Bridges to the Knicks yep that’s real uh what do I think about the the bub or the bub signing I like it I’m a fan uh let’s go B+ for Bob B+ or a B I guess let’s do B+ I guess H yeah let’s do B+ I like it W or L draft it’s been a fun draft so far W would you prefer trading for Denny over picking topic I don’t think we wanted to trade I think we it was I don’t really know if we had what they were looking for necessarily because I think they were looking for Malcolm bro in that deal to flip him later I think that I think the who do the he the heat might go with Isaiah Kia here which would be a hell of a pick for them because I’m a big fan of um Kier I’m a Big Bub Carrington believer keep BR is a point guard we’ve heard there’s been reports that um they’re probably going to trade um or they’re looking to trade broaden next over pay for Bridges they did but they they kind of had to so now we have the heat the heat I’m feeling this feels like a spot where we’d see like kie Isaiah klier Jared McCain or don’t connect I can’t I’m shock connect keeps dropping hey con what’s up the Spurs driveing castle mean they’re out on Trey young I don’t think necessarily I don’t it we heard reports that they don’t want to trade Trey young so we’ll see but yeah these next few picks are really interesting because there have been a lot of guys falling we’ll see who the we’ll see who the Heat and Sixers land y’all got any predictions I think it this is some mix of Jared McCain and don’t connect I’m gonna I’m gonna go with that although Isaiah kie just feels like a Heat player really want the legs get to jante Murray I mean they they could they could still theoretically grab him geez this draft is taking a minute we are halfway through the first round this is GNA go like three hours what are we doing can we make the pcks quicker like the Thunder pick yeah so the thing with toic I’m seeing everybody say giddy 2.0 it’s not the same topic is a better finisher topic is a the shot looks way better he was supposed to go top three or four in this Draft before the knee injury and the thing is with the Thunder OKC was never gonna have somebody that really contributed in a big way to the team this year because like we’re the number one seed we have a deep a super deep roster with money to spend for agency so um it was never going to be one of those years where whoever we drafted wasn’t going to play a big role I’m perfectly fine with having a guy develop in the background theoretically who’s on our Sumer league roster KAS and Deng H yeah Cas KAS Usman Jang you could put like I guess you could put Lindy back on there again um you’ll have H KY Johnson will be on there too some the G guys like maybe like KJ Williams Adam Flagler maybe how about the pick I feel good I feel good uh de I’m gonna make it make it make sense for you uh we nobody who we drafted right now was going to play a big role for this team maybe don’t connect theoretically but we have so many we have the roster is deep it is a very broster and we’re going to spend money in for agency I don’t think anybody we drafted here was going to be a big part of the rotation so you take a guy in top pitch who supposed to go top four fell because of a knee injury because he’s probably not gonna play this year you don’t need him to play this season you don’t need to him to play the season at all so just you go into next season you have a guy developing in the background that was supposed to be a top four pick this year and you got him at 12 when you’re a team that’s competing for a championship already so he’s a great playmaker the best best playmaker in this class A Better handle I know people are saying it’s giddy 2.0 better handled than Josh giddy not deep enough to rebound the playoffs apparently well Ryan the thing with that is I would much rather get a big in free agency I would much rather get a big in free agency or through a trade than drafting someone here because that is a big role we need to have played I would rather trust a veteran to do that when we’re trying to compete for a championship than a rookie so the Thunder don’t need to draft a big because they desperately need one Isaiah hartenstein is probably going to be gone from the Knicks we can draft him or not draft him sign him there’s trade options out there too I would rather a veteran is doing that whoa the heo with khil we I’m a fan I like we’s game a lot I’m a fan do you think six is a perfect height for regular life I mean I’m fine with it that’s my height I can’t really explain to you if I guess it’s cool I don’t really know and no Jared McCain so Philly’s probably gonna get D connect or jar MC something CL we pick the smallest team the M gets even topic is tall like to we got bigger with this pick like topage is he’s 66 even though he kind of plays like a guard he’s 66 it’s like Shay theoretically so if you have a 66 guard Off the Bench you got you have more hey we didn’t get smaller we didn’t trade away like you know see the he got yeah he got K we big fan I’m a fan of K he’s a guy I liked a lot yeah I think people are having too much um PTSD from the the whole giddy situation how would have been the draft if I didn’t mess up my knee me too man me too dor for MVP w w take happy for khil we super happy for him uh I like this pick this is a good pick um B+ I guess I don’t know sure let’s go with that I’m a fan K we is totally going to turn into a he’s going to be a monster in Miami by the way the Super Sonics are taking me W we’ve done it yeah dillingh him to Minnesota that was a crazy moment bucket 100% that was surprising what big sco Poss we steal away Isaiah hartstein the Knicks can’t really pay him nearly as much as we can he might go back to the Knicks for a smaller contract but I’m excited for cl in Miami I’m a fan also nicoa topic does not seem to have a Twitter I’ve learned I was trying to find it connect this I feel like this has to be connect or dalon connect or Jared McCain feel like clear clear options for the Sixers here who else will be fighting for hartenstein it’s GNA be the Knicks trying to bring him back and the magic are an option we’ll see them we’ll see are people upset about the topich pick I think people are a little bit people have kind of PTSD from the the giddy thing I think what’s your thoughts on topic I’m a fan really good playmaker the best playmaker in the draft everyone who I talked to that covers the draft said that he was the best playmaker uh he has some size as a guard he did have that knee injury so he might not play this season it seems like he’s probably not going to which is fine like the Thunder I don’t think anybody we took here we were GNA want to have to rely on in like high leverage playoff situations this season so toich I think makes more sense as like an off ball player than giddy did so I’m surprised I’m really surprised connect hasn’t been taken yet maybe this is where it goes the topic Pi was good but he’s probably gonna be a trade package before he ever starts with the Thunder I mean that’s potentially H for the Sixers I think they go Dalton here cuso plus Nash equals topit that’s that’s what everyone’s been saying everyone’s been saying cruso and Nash are topit everyone’s been saying it Sixers I think are going to take Dalton it’s probably the best scenario for topich I agree I think this is a great spot for him to Landon Philadelphia 76ers it’s I think it’s it’s got to be connect It’s gotta be connector McCain it has to be one of those guys they’re both knockdown Shooters you’re pissed as a thunder fan don’t be don’t be it’s all good we’re all good don’t be we like the pick by November that’s what always seems to Happ people hated the case and Wallace pick last year too where’s my watch not wear to watch right now 16 pick from the Sixers they were just announcing that D of D trade Jared McCain to the Sixers great pick great pick e a lot that’s so big rooting for Jared McCain man what’s even the NBA is in most need to trade away their star blls uh great pick by great pick by the the Sixers they get a guy who can handle the ball guy who can shoot really well all that they need it uh McCain I think I’m gonna go with an a an A minus again I guess I’ll go with an a ball I promise you people are way of looking too far into the giddy tobic being the same thing I promise they’re not the same thing I promise you that’s not the case great pick for the Sixers Tristan D Silva is right there Tristan Silva is still not been taken like even with trist been kind of a win now player I don’t know where he would have fit on the Thunder rotation necessarily D connect still not going wow that’s so the Lakers I imagine take D connect here right unless they’re looking for a big what I mean this would it could be bronny James that would be wild I feel like I feel like Tristan to Silva makes sense here connect makes a lot of sense here maybe team are struggling to spell connect they keep trying to submit the pick and it’s D like just c o n n e c six got a Tik tocker hey T the Tik toks are fire Port gets D that’ll be nice for them yeah con should we should we OKC give Sonic history when they return I mean why not I don’t it doesn’t really matter me Thunder we get a championship of their own this season it’ll be fine what pick does Orlando have Orlando’s at 18 17 is the Lakers this feels like a this feels like a prime spot for a connect Isaiah Kier I could see I don’t I think they probably go with connector to Silva could be like an EAS Mei it’s so weird seeing JJ rck in that Lakers war room it’s crazy yeah Lakers Lakers have picked we’re going to see I think it’s it it has to be connected it has to be there’s no way they pass a shooter like that up I hate the time between these picks y’all this is obnoxious it’s so long the draft is going so long we’re about to be two hours in we’re not even at pick 20 man what is going on we’re just past the halfway point I love your reaction from people at the draft when they’re just finding out about the the picks like an hour later don’t connect as a Laker that’s a huge pick up for the Lakers yeah Dillingham is the timber wolf yeah I like I like connect a lot as this pick for the Lakers you knockdown shooter I’m a fan good pick for the Lakers man good pick hey I OBS I’ll give this an a I’ll give it to an a for the the um I’ll give them an a for don’t connect I not like us at the draft is crazy thank you they didn’t draft bronnie bronnie is gonna go like at 55 where’s T shanigan drafted I don’t know i’ got I’m not sure to be honest feels like he could be like end of first round to like early second if I had guess so Orlando is probably sick because this is the guy they would have loved to have um who goes here who goes in this spot the Silva Fury Fury or Kon George there’s there’s some good players still left here flip I don’t know if they go Phil P it feels like Phil palowsky is gonna be like more of an end of the first round guy jacobe Walter potentially there’s a lot of there’s some still pretty decent options out here hope youall are hydrating once again Bucks pick the Bucks are what are the bucks at like 25 or so talking don’t connect right now had the the accolades on the inside of his jacket the D the DK chain is kind of kind of clean what do you how do you feel about these Brown hats why is every draft hat like it’s like a beige yeah connect is 23 he’s old Ru he he’s up there in age excuse me I’m getting tired on this thing I like the Hat backtack messages of I like the hats and not a fan of the new hats uh which team do you want to see Cooper flag or get Cooper flag next summer I’ll just go Brooklyn I guess sure all right magic making a pick Tristan to Silva okay okay that’s a fun pick geez I got tired really fast I like I like this pick trist’s fun for the magic help could help them compete now like just like a decent pretty solid player I like the S drafted more best available for first explicit need yeah it seems like they just went with like maybe the most Ready Player as at the moment what do you think of the Ed pick honestly the more I think about I think the Ed pick’s perfectly fine it’s kind of a reach I guess if you we don’t know really know what his draft range was theoretically but I mean hey it’s a big guy I got so tired so fast um they need big they need a big guy do you like one in DS more like season players out of college it depends on the guy in the situation I don’t lean one way or the other I do feel like more established guys for no like I don’t think D connect should have uh Fallen as far as he did I feel a lot of that was because he’s older and it feel like I don’t I’m not a fan of jiren playing the five fulltime you could have Edie do that theoretically or just even off the bench and then jiren runs like he could start at the five and then go into more of a four at times so we’ll see I also think the Grizzlies could just trade for a big is Brooklyn’s lack of moves unexpected or does it fall more of what we thought um I am a little bit surp surprised that Brooklyn didn’t hasn’t traded anybody yet like cam Johnson or Dorian vny Smith maybe they’re just waiting for free agency and teams want to see how that goes first it wouldn’t surprise me so [Music] bro we’re only in pick 19 bro I’m G fall asleep I’ve been up for a minute I was up super late last night with the Ojo noobi stuff doing a bunch of things revolving around that so I am tired but maybe maybe I won’t do I’m trying to decide I’ve been trying to figure out if I want to do like a a draft like reaction video like like post it tomorrow and do like bet like my favorite picks like winners and losers of the first round or should I just save it for like both rounds because it’s now two days I don’t really know because this is unprecedented typically I would just like a winners and losers of the draft or like biggest winners of the draft type thing uh tomorrow but because it’s it’s two rounds I you know I don’t really know where we go from that thought in Lakers pick can I like it a lot U probably one of my favorite picks in the draft connect could theoretically play right away um could provide some knockdown shooting I’m a fan a yawns keep rolling in oh my God I’m head out but congrats on your big new chapter and near 50k thank you bucket I appreciate that yeah if yall aren’t subscribed even if you think you are check go ahead and uh subscribe to the channel we’re getting close we are at 49 845 we’re close to 50K do one for round one then do a full one the next day maybe but I don’t know if people are going to care about a full one after I do the round one one you know Sunday’s free agency so Monday night I’ll be doing like every I’ll be reacting to every move of day one of agency so that’ll be a big video posted on Monday Sunday I might I don’t Sunday I think I might do a live stream for like the beginning of for agency so been look out for that um Saturday I don’t really know I don’t know boring as a MTH who you think they take bronnie bronnie won’t go to the second round although I am curious who the Suns take and the Raptors to be honest like this is like a spot where Isaiah Kier is still not gone yet this was like a spot where he could go Suns get coak I mean yeah that feels like every everybody’s been mocking that yeah JJ drafting Dalton is a good first pickup Lakers are mixed of old and young they don’t need to worry about age right now yeah that’s fair Sun’s getting cold like it feels like it’s been mocked thousand times already how you feel about W being s for the past 4 minutes uh he’s he’s loading up something something big coming W is just taking his time don’t worry these I feel like these commercial breaks have been long too like we’re still sitting on a commercial I we’re backward as I say that okay okay oh man we’re getting through it bomb KD to the Mavs Brody I’m sure I’m sure uh Raptors Isaiah Kier that’s my prediction honest I feel like Bruce Brown could have been a player that was traded in this draft too I really thought we’re going to see more Kobe left that’s my bad all good all good I I feel that Jobe Walter okay I’m cool with the Jobe pick who should the Celtics get at 30 Baylor shyan would be pretty good Ryan Dunn I like the idea of his name is jacobe because of Jordan Kobe he’s got to be nice he has to be nice what is that skyscraper and the plans built in Oklahoma City I don’t know for some reason apparently they’re planning to build like the tallest building in the US or something like that in OKC shocked that they’re doing that but Cleveland up next who do Cleveland take I don’t K just keeps falling keeps on going jaob a great jacobe Walter we were talking earlier we were having this discussion in the in the Stream earlier about if a player has a cool name I think they’ve got a way better chance of succeeding that’s just a belief um jacobe Walter good name like bub Carrington great name I think he’s gonna succeed Nicole topic pretty good very Nicole Yokes of course I haven’t been back to OKC over five years I’ve been there recently for I was there for the playoffs which is dope how many roster spots do the Thunder have right now um I don’t know honestly off the top of my head Ronnie gonna be the goat by that logic bronny James although because it’s like derived from LeBron James bronnie I think bronnie if we’re going by the name logic I think he will be nice but LeBron James has definitely has it’s the cooler name the Suns should draft collie if he’s still available I mean maybe we’ve heard that uh it always feel like Tyler KCK was the pick but if colie is going to be there I got the pick spoiled for me W who who was it that said W has been asleep you woke W up because W just toet who Cleveland is picking and another interesting pick here for the Cavaliers and Sham just spoiled who the Pelicans are picking to I backtack picks at least we’re moving now I guess at least we’re moving a little bit Ron holl is G be a bust because his name is Bland I don’t know Ron Holland has a kind of has like a a flow to it you know I see I see I think Ron Holland could have a cool name I will say assar Thompson incredible name assar and amen Thompson both of them have to be stars with those names topage was a real surprise by the Thunder yeah it wasn’t really what I was expecting to be honest but I’m the more that I think about the cooler I am with the pick off the bat I was like I think I had around like a BB minus because there a couple players I might have liked a little bit more on the board but you know like this to me it’s it’s a bit of I guess you could say it’s a bit of a swing because he was supposed to be one of the top players off the board if he didn’t get hurt towards the end of his season and uh like I mean the Thunder have a billion draft picks no one we drafted this year was gonna be like a big um no one was gonna be like a big contributor this season so you know you’ve got $30 million in free agency it’s fine if you take a year to get topic to play it’s fine so that’s where I’m at I’m cool with it I think the grade’s the grade might be up now to like a B plus maybe B I think I think a b is right around what I said in the first place so we’ll just keep it there mainly because there is the uncertainty with the knee thing that is a little bit scary to me but if he becomes the version of the player I think he can be that would be big s and Ron have similar play Styles Pistons fans are complaining how it is going to work out since they really need shooting they do have to bring in shooting they have to you the best at socker yeah I was practic Co topich has a very deep voice I’ve learned just from watching a clip real quick didn’t understand the Spurs share Rob what happened so the Spurs traded Rob Dillingham in exchange for a 2030 F 2031 rather first round pick and I think like a a swap in 20129 or something like that basically the timberl wanted a bucket getter Off the Bench is what they were looking for so they went after Rob Dillingham Spurs I guess didn’t really want two rookies in this draft or didn’t love their options that were available maybe if like cling and fell to them at eight somehow but I gotta ra just in my chair I’m I gotta gota wake up y’all I’m getting tired draft’s not over yet got lock in but the Spurs seem to like would rather just get future assets it seems like so hope we’re keeping uh Isaiah Joe for a few years I’m still scratching my head about your PG-13 call what that I would be cool with them coming back as long as it’s not like a ton of like if it’s like $35 million like sure whatever but if it’s like a 45 Mill if he wants 45 mil or something like that no I’m good Kenny ainson is the French national team assistant coach did not guess that yeah Jay Jay I think we we keep Isaiah Joe if he went anywhere I’d be surprised my audio is glitching out Jaylen Tyson to the Cavaliers I don’t think he’s in attendance so I think is that the only the second guy that that’s not in attendance because I know Ed wasn’t we got a Euro League MVP Luca inbound sure I’ll take LCA 2.0 I like Jaylen Tyson to the uh the Cavaliers wiin is the most underrated player in the NBA good call 101011 10 101 I should have just said that that was difficult my fault I want Aaron Wiggins for president down he saved basketball he can say he can save the US shout out the Wiggins you think the Thunder pick was wasted no not at all no the thund it’s the 12th pick for a team that’s competing for a championship they took a they did have a lowrisk really high reward pick so I’m cool with that that yeah Isaiah K not going yet is kind of crazy that’s kind of crazy getting gifted Kier I have a bad news for you I know the pick and I don’t it’s not it’s not as a klier I’m sorry I think I know Tyler kic has been mocked to the Suns a million times they have to take ker right they have to I you see step’s back in just because he’s a funny dude hey I’m down for Vibes Bobby mark saying that they’ve got they have an idea of what they’re doing with Brandon Ingram there he’s they’re talking picans right now if y’all want I can tell you who the pick is if you want for the Pelicans gosh we’re fighting y’all I’m trying to get through this whole thing tell you it’s they’re about to walk up and announce it here anyways um but it’s it’s eve Mei so it’s eve Mei going to the Pelicans they there I’m so’s about to walk out and announce it in a second they said man I was not expecting this this draft to take that long they said we’re going to do two days and make it 14 hours every day 21 pick in the draft the Pelican select Eve Mei me’s fun uh not really a stretch big not really a stretch big which is a bit tough when you have Zion on the team but I mean hey maybe they’ve got they’ve got a a vision I guess Suns here at 22 I mean the Suns and Bucks one of them can get Tyler colic one kic one of them can get ker those are both good picks for each of them me is pretty solid for the Pelicans he’s he’s one of the bigs I liked quite a bit in this draft class got to take Kalia here it’s got to be him or KCK or Phoenix is trading the pick to Denver so did they so this the Suns traded down it seems like to 28 and the P or the not Pelin the the nuggets are trading up to 22 to go out there and get Don Holmes a big that I really like that’s a really good pickup for the Nuggets I that pick for them a probably a great of a I like I like that Draft Pick A lot’s going a l kids up yawning someone make a someone make a blockbuster deal save me once again I want to go ahead and give a shout out to uh snapack Sports y y’all y’all aren’t ready for the the type of cool content you’re gonna see um from me with Snapback there’s gonna be some crazy stuff coming soon y’all it’s gonna be great really cool content again make sure to go subscribe to their YouTube channel we doing stuff on there um really cool content already in place go ahead and subscribe to um or you know follow them on socials and stuff like that really cool stuff coming with Snapback Sports up here soon Mei projects is a much better Defender than yonas and a better rle man yeah I do like the idea of Mei being kind of a more mobile big like I didn’t I I think they should let Jonas go Ronnie James for the Suns could theorically Tak at 28 that’s where they trade back to as a Pistons fan who doesn’t know about Ron shall be happy satad or in the middle um you should be I would be happy Ron Holland was one of my favorite players in the draft uh crazy potential with him like he has a chance to be the best player in the draft if he figures out the shot Ron Hollen could be the best player in the draft 100 per. um the the shooting is a problem right now and I know the Pistons have an issue with that so that’s a little bit concerning the short term but I do think overall the Piston like he is a good swing you you just have to add some talentum for agency which I think they can do so I like the pick I’m a fan uh so the full trade details let me pull this up for y’all let me pull this up for yall actually um where is that notification I’ll go over to um here we go okay so this is the uh this is the news from um this is the news surrounding uh the Don Holmes nuggets Suns trade so the uh the suns are trading down from 22 to 28 they’re getting two future second round picks and the 56 overall pick the nuggets are getting the number 22 pick so they moved up they’re going to grab Don Holmes that’s the report that we’re getting as of right now why is my camera so small what happened why am I so small over here hello why am I so tiny Ronnie gonna follow the second round I that was always that’s what I always figured was gonna happen oh here we are this is the one I was looking for my fault yeah so we’re getting trade trade down from the Phoenix Suns not super unexpected or it was unexpected but it makes sense I would say that guy reminds me of Time Lord are you’re talking about Mei I can kind of see a little bit of time Lord I can see a little bit of time Lord in me’s game who do you think with the Suns pick at 28 Tyler KCK was was mocked to them a billion times it feels like maybe he’s falling and they’re like okay sure we can just get him down the board Tyler colock is a guy Baylor shyan could be good they’re announcing the pick on the broadcast right now I I really hate how we can like know picks are kind of in place and we don’t hear the on homes to the Nuggets I like dra homes a lot for the nuggets honestly this would be like an A+ grade yeah ardos I saw you say in the chat might be my favorite pick so far this is up there trying to stay locked in trying to stay stay awake I’m falling asleep here y’all not falling asleep I’m tired yeah the nuggets have needed a solid back a big for a minute now they needed somebody it’s now it doesn’t have to be DeAndre Jordan anymore so I’m here for it don’t yawn okay okay man sure buddy shout out Matt now you said I literally feel like I’m G to yawn I’m cooked it’s over uh so don Holmes here bucks shyan kic ker who are some other people like a big they could go like Jonathan mogbo they want a big but I guess don’t really need it stopping in stream now and you’ve probably talked about what your opinion of topic potentially giving us a similar skill set as giddy uh Perseus the thing with topic is is he’s a more skilled finisher the handle is better the jump jumper is a little bit shaky but the form looks a lot better he’s a great playmaker has still some good size I like the topich pick he was supposed to go within the top like four or five before the knee injury popped up and yeah that is something that is a little bit concerning but if the Thunder G to take him I imagine they feel good about it and I just I think I feel like some people were expecting us to grab someone who’s going to like solve the problem like the back a big spot and yeah we could have taken a backup big to add it to this roster but it’s pretty clear to me the Thunder are gonna pursue a backup big in free agency so I don’t really think the Thunder needed to like get a big here to save the team going to NEX I think the Thunder angling themselves for like an I say hardenstein or something like that in free agency so once again hyro young howski still a picked up Hal he was always supposed to go towards the end of the first round at least that’s where I had seen him mocked oh I got something my eye oh no it might be over oh I got it we’re good we’re back it was almost the end end Celtics are eying flip like a hawk I could see that please please bronny I don’t what to try and get LeBron here LeBron’s not coming to Milwaukee like a minimum deal that’s not happening I think this is going to be is someone gonna take Isaiah col is he really GNA fall to like the end of the first round I don’t know if the Knicks take him they might I’m also surprised we haven’t had the Knicks trade either of their picks because the Knicks I’m surprised they’re taking two guys here at least for the moment there’s still plenty of time to to go ahead and um trade one of them saving one for bronnie maybe maybe that’s it yeah bucks fan going crazy on the the video kids hype r that Dame jersey tired of Lopez not a Brook Lopez fan well I will say you’re it’s not someone I was expecting for the bucks and honestly not someone I know that much about excuse me oh the Bucks Pi surprising to me he’s not expecting them to take who they they’re G to take here because I know about this player but not like a ton about him I I he I don’t I didn’t see him mock to the spot at all it’s fury it’s not Fury I know a good bit about Fury I I think looking at the best available board they have on ESP he’s even there at the moment he’s definitely not oh God sorry y’all oh my God I was talking to my girlfriend and I was trying to communicate I was like okay the stream is probably gonna be like an hour and a half two hours maybe at the most we closing in an hour three here I am exhausted but we’re we’re here this long next year if they do a two a two thing draft my yawning is making you sleepy I’m Jay I’m trying I might next time I yawn I’m just go like this I I did askon again by the way bucks take Aj Johnson AJ Johnson out of the NBL the Knicks are trading pick 24 to the Wizards the Wizards are back Wizards might be one of my early winners of the draft alexar bub Carrington we’ll see what they get here at 24 if they could get like a ker here Kier I continue to switch it up my bad L pick we’ll see yeah we’ll see with AJ Johnson a bit of a reach I think but I mean I guess we’ll see I guess we’ll see oh Washington Washington grabbing a guy I really like I Washington might be my favorite draft class out of anybody yeah I’m surprised Dakota they took AJ Johnson here I mean really exciting interesting player he didn’t play a lot in the NBL last [Music] season I mean the potential is there it doesn’t I’m just surprised because it felt like they would have they would have went for a more like ready guy because they desperately they have like no depth at all but clearly that’s not that’s not the way they’re going so so the Wizards have traded their pick and let me go ahead and uh I can get y’all that the the the update on that draft pick trade that we’re getting here let’s go over [Music] to um uh the Wizards are trading for pick 24 and it looks like they’re going to take Kon George or kesan George I forgot I think it’s Kon George now I think it’s Kean George I think it’s kesan they’re taking Kean George who is you know really like he’s got good size he’s a knockdown shooter I think Washington said of damn good draft I’ve Washington might be my favorite draft out of any team so far I’ve really liked their draft I I don’t know if it’s for broen yeah perus Wizards with three great picks build out a lot of needs I’m with you my headphone is glitching out right now in my ear the audio on this this broadcast I’m surprised they took AJ Johnson apparently he averaged three points per game with 35% from the field last season so sh B and Grant made all the way through the season Blazers I’m not surprised Grant did okay so it was the 26 pick and the number 52 overall pick for 24 so just swap a second round pick nothing crazy yeah crazy athlete is kind of what it seems like with AJ Johnson raw player lot of potential where I see Fury going could go to Phoenix potentially so the Knicks tra so the Knicks are now selecting at 25 and 26 but they didn’t even trade this like they they still have two back-to-back picks they just said let’s push it back a little bit which is hilarious that they continue to do that let me pull up the uh the updated information for y’all okay here we go let’s share this tab instead there we go W going to have to turn Broad in any second now though I mean they could do it after the draft there’s time there’s time my audio is glitching out like crazy oh my gosh hold on I need to oh my gosh y’all can’t hear this W sounded like he was possessed I’m still getting that I don’t know if that’s just me or that’s everybody I’m G turn off the Bluetooth of my headphones it sounds like w got abducted by aliens the aliens took W like he got AI W popped up okay I disconnected my headphones for a moment and reconnected them back that was crazy glad y’all didn’t have to hear that W is an alien he’s different we’re almost to the end y’all oh got rid of the sh who sorry y’all hold on one sec there we go let me here’s the trade that is involved with this pick that we’re seeing right now one second y’all Nicole topic apparently is checking in he Nicole topish time I’m so Hello tunder friends it’s Nicola I can’t wait to see you all and I’m so excited that I’m a part of the OK family now go the goat copich speaks CO’s been linked to Phoenix yeah that’s that’s my thought process as they trade it back the Nix in talks on moving 26 now bro just take a draft pick well they’re taking 25 but we are almost to the end y’all we fre like the last five picks I’m tired I need a snack it’s all it’s all gone downhill I got like the first four picks right in the mock draft and we’ve collapsed since then are you going to bed I don’t know I could record something we’ll see we’ll see like Kean George pick a lot for the Wizards that’s a the the Wizards have probably had my favorite draft in total yeah Isaiah ker is also still on the board man they up so much for M Bridges that’s crazy I don’t think it’s a bad trade at all oh now apparently the Knicks are planning to pick at 25 and 26 so the next backtack picks Bobby marks is explaining why they went ahead and did this does any I know if six of the top 10 hug their mom on camera no idea for I’m sorry nah Bron’s not getting draft in the first round KC no way Nicks are out here budgeting because they they paid everyone like a billion dollars he mentioned Ryan Dunn he mentioned K Phil psky as potential Nicks targets UVA Legend Ryan Dunn as someone who went to UVA W we’re here shout to again shout out to the Wizards I’ve Lov their draft class probably my favorite Brian Dunn is a tibs player he can shoot for anything but that’s okay man we got to wait for two Knicks picks here so we got Nicks Nicks Timberwolf Suns then somebody than the Celtics who’s before the Celtics again who’s at 29 29 is it says the Thunder it is not us we are not at 29 I’m looking at the wrong thing oh it’s the Jazz because of us that’s why they have our our pick so the Knicks are selecting Pome daier at number 25 I like that pick really interesting defensive guy he feels like a tibs player feels like a tip player I like pomier one the mag pick him in the second round yeah he he was always felt like a guy that could go end of first round start of second like right there in that range and he get he gets the upper end of that I guess Mavs only have one pick they don’t have one in the first round I know that they have they have a second round pick don’t they yeah they have the last draft so p at 25 bro is what happened with Isaiah Kier what happened he was someone that felt like could go like like right there at the end of the lottery like beginning of the 20s he just keeps sliding that’s crazy man that’s crazy that hly are still on the board I wonder if the Nick’s take him with the next one oh is at the draft too that’s dope teams might be worried about his Medicals interesting look the look on C’s face they haven’t shown him yet for me on my stream I hope yall St Hydro over this thre hour stream my gosh I am TI we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine not wor at all so 26 is the Knicks two and Minnesota Phoenix Utah Celtics soon as that Celtics pick goes through we are out of here I’ll go ahead and move it to back to uh full screen for me right now until we see something with a trade if that happens you be okay you only Sol stream on YouTube once a year I do kind of want to stream more I might stream there is a chance I’m streaming for the uh for the begin dro the cap of my water bottle uh might be streaming for the beginning of free agency actually I might be doing that like the first 30 minutes to an hour I might be locked in on that so Maggie asking do you think the Celtics get Phil palowski I could see it I think that would be a pretty solid fit Dy is interesting I like that pick for the Knicks he’s kind of a swing guy and if you have two back-to-back picks why not take a swing with one of them you know uh have you heard have you ever thought of doing anything with playback TV actually have done a few playback TV streams the hard thing is just like I do so much work with talking about after they happen and stuff like I don’t know if I also want to include stream during the games that often because that’s like the only time where I’m like watching or one of the few times where I’m like watching not talking basketball you know so I I I definitely wouldn’t mind doing it for maybe future like watch parties with like maybe a big playoff game or something like that or just like a big time matchup but it’s it’s hard to do it regularly because I do videos so often and a lot of other content well D last longer in the NBA than Frank nelina shout out to the legend fright the tiina Co you watch six R is steel yeah Matt yeah Matt’s my guy we did a a collaborative mock draft over on one of his channels actually he was actually I watched him do a lot of 2K rebuilds back in the day he was one of The Inspirations for me hopping on and making content in the first place so shout to out that’s my guy you have any thoughts on the topage giddy comp yeah topage gets the rim better the finishing is better the handle better the Knicks are training 26 to the Thunder whoa the Thunder are back whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m I’m awake now whoa okay I know who we got whoa interesting interesting okay do do you want me to tell you who I someone in chat we got Dylan Jones interesting okay wow it was being reported that we were looking at a uh look trying to grab another uh player in the first round we get another player are you make a video on topic I might we’ll see Brian’s a Laker tomorrow he is King 100% we’re back we got another guy really like Dylan Jones as the pickup for the Thunder who’s the biggest steal I mean I guess whoever Isaiah Kalia goes to a new a new Thunder Legend yeah Dylan Dylan Jones weer State man I’m hype he’s he’s like a a very a very bulky dude Dylan Jones uh he led the conference in scoring at we were state he’s um sorry he’s like a he’s about 65 like 66 he’s like really bulky yeah 235 like he’s got a lot of size um to him so he’s kind of like a he could be like a two or three like kind of a wing type of player Wing guy that is like a he he can score the shooting is is a little bit it’s like I think it’s at like 33% roughly trade five seconds for this love to see it yeah Dylan Jones is a weird player but someone I like a lot actually yeah he’s got a hell of a wingspan so Dylan Jones what do I great this pick I like his TR back in for this pick I’m gonna give this one like I like like a BB Plus I the main thing is I’m not as like in on like I don’t know as much about Dylan Jones as some other people do but I from what I know of his game I like it a lot so you don’t know much about connect quick rundown uh one of the older players that like went up towards that area of the draft a fantastic shooter really good shooter he’s able to create his own shot gets the ball off quick he’s going to be a really good player alongside LeBron James I like the idea of connect a lot for the Lakers honestly one of my favorite picks in the draft I think the Lakers got a great pick there five second round picks is fantastic bronnie James has not gotten drafted no he’s not he’s not going to go till the uh the second round I got you Ken I did not expect the Thunder to go ahead and uh make this happen I did not expect them to trade back in I knew that was a rumor but I wasn’t expecting it I’m with it though yeah Kier Phil palowski still out there they’re still out there for five yeah 5 second round picks Jay Crowder J Crowder type package he he’s a tough defensive player they did take Cody do you think these two new guys will see real minutes topic had an injury towards the end of the season so that he might need to rehab for almost the entire year so I don’t think plays that much Dylan Jones honestly might end up in the G league for a little bit I wouldn’t be surprised like Nia if he’s healthy I could see him playing spot minutes here and there but I don’t think it’s anything crazy are they both project players or just burn picks no it’s just more so that like the Thunder are ready to compete now there was never anybody that was going to play like really heavy minutes with the team topich might I mean he might play minutes here and there teren Shannon to the Wolves okay that killing me now teren Shannon all we’re down to is Phoenix Utah and Boston y’all we’re almost there as a thunder friend I was hoping that we would draft a big I’m letting you the Thunder getting a big in free agency don’t we didn’t need one in the draft because I think we have we have a plan so don’t worry about it I feel pretty good about the thunder getting Isaiah Harden sign to be honest with you we’re fine how do we do two rounds in one day before because the the picks didn’t take this long it’s been crazy they’ve done so much extra stuff this this is a lot are Lowry Trey dreams dead I think it’s up to Utah to be honest I have been here for three hours and 19 minutes this is so long so much time I was like oh it’s not it’s like it’s not you know not the two round draft we’ll be fine next time we might just do like the the first 20 also by the way if you if you’re worried about rebounding Dylan Jones has one of the best defensive rebound rates ever for a player at his size ever so all right are they taking like a a shyan taking a a colik holler they take UVA Legend Ryan dun okay I’m with it I will say the offense is horrific but the defense one of the better defend defensive prospects I’ve ever seen it feels like he’s just he’s insane defensively the offense is like negative though I’m I’m H I’m happy with this for Ryan d I’m excited I mean that’s they they get a Defender he could play really nice as a fifth starter with all that scoring yeah Trevor I don’t hate it I don’t hate the idea of this um I don’t think he’ll start but I think it’s I think he could be good Off the Bench you get some they need some defense on this team he brings some toughness to the squad as well I like it the second round is at 8 am. tomorrow for me good luck with that man good luck with that Ryan yeah Ryan D does give off Andre Roberson Vibes Casey for sure sure you think K or k will go first round well I do know who is the uh who who’s the pick at 29 for the Jazz we know that and it is one of those guys I can it’s 2 pick I can tell you it’s Isaiah klier Coler and Cody really really good draft for Utah in my opinion I like that draft a lot for Utah this one of my headphones dies the draft just disappeared from me all right we’re almost y’all we’re almost there got just two more picks the Jazz are making their selection right now Isaiah klier going to the Jazz pretty good the good draft from Utah Wizards still probably my favorite draft if I had to pick one but I like what Utah did too I like I some Thunder F be mad about this I like what the Thunder did as well but can’t find an NBA comparison to Jen Jones anywhere he’s a unique player let me see if let me see if I can find one yeah I don’t see one hope you a bottom 10 next year the Thunder own Utah pick is in top 10 I think there’s a good chance Utah’s bottom 10 kind of D guys doing all the research they can on Dylan yeah Dylan Jones is one of those players that I saw like projected some points in the first round some points not all right y’all who the Celtic’s taking I’m G say it’s Kyle filipowski that’s what I’m going to go with we by the way please don’t do the twoe the two-day drafting again next year please don’t this is ridiculous this is way too much it’s way too much we’re down to the last pick y’all we’ve made it three hours and 27 minutes Dylan Jones like Josh hares I could see that kind of he’s like a really good rebounder for his size he’s like a um he’s like 65 bulky really good free throw shooter the three-point shot has been a bit up and down in college but it feels like with the free throw shot he can figure it out what’s what’s did uh I think of the tobic pick uh fan I was a fan of the topage pick not what I was expecting but he was supposed to go top five top four some people even said like top three if he didn’t get injured at the end of the season cause him to fall I mean this could be I’m not gonna say it’s me Michael Porter Jr because that was a bit of a different situation but I could see a similar situation where the Thunder got a lot of extra value because he fell people are freaking out too much saying that he’s Josh giddy too just because they’re both like bigger passers they’re not the same player I promise you that they’re not the same player the Thunder also they need more ball handling they do all right y’all as soon as they announced the Celtics pick toich fell so hard I thought the Spurs would go ahead with Castle um I mean they could have if he didn’t get hurt that’s the thing he was supposed to go a lot higher than that than than he did to the Thunder typically draft for upside topit was by far the highest upside player at that point in the draft Yeah I think that’s a good way to put it too and everybody keeps saying like oh we need to get a big and stuff like the Thunder don’t have $30 million in cap space this offseason $30 million we’ll be good you to deep di review after this pick you’re not get a two hour one der did have a pretty good draft I like them getting Rob Dillingham spe like that’s that’s that’s great Taren Shannon’s pretty good bra 21 years ago on this day that’s crazy man he’s he’s still he’s still that good that’s wild oh please just tell me who the Celtics picked honestly I already know it I already know it but I just want to see them announce it so I can say I did it is Dylan Jones gonna play for us or the blue this season I don’t know I think he could play minutes for us I would say maybe more likely the blue and end of the first round pick for you know a team that’s trying to contend I think playing for the blue makes sense so NBA LeBron is old enough to drink that is crazy Coler steel yeah I think so 30th pick Baylor shyan you can shoot good good connecting piece the first round is over oh my God we did it y’all we made it out we made it out please don’t do the two again next year we did it um I appreciate you tuning into the stream I’m gonna head out U maybe a video tomorrow on some draft grades we’ll see I might wait till after the second round because that could be a big aspect of it I don’t know we’ll see um but I appreciate tuning in uh enjoy the second round of the draft tomorrow for I’m not streaming the second round of the draft I’ll tell you that now um but I appreciate all tuning in as always thank you every one of you that stayed for so it was three hours this was ridiculous um I appreciate y’all I will see y’all later take care peace


  1. Was watching this and then the non OKC OKC fan gave the Dillingham deal a C and the Edey pick a B. Dude clearly has massive bias.

    ANT will be 29 in 31, midst of his prime. You are showing either a MASSIVE lack of ball knowledge or a massive bias that makes your content not worth watching as news. Good luck.

  2. If Terrence Shannon turns out to not be a rapist (I don't know much aside from the accusation), he could very well be the steal of the draft. Good shooter, great downhill juice, can draw fouls, has a defender's body, and has solid court vision for a guy with a scorer's mentality

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