The 3 Dimensional View of the Golf Swing

The 3 Dimensional View of the Golf Swing. Here Riley and TJ go over how the center of mass of the club and body work off of each other. This is a must watch!

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what’s up guys te how are you good man today we get to talk about the 3D look of the golf swing ready to dive let’s go let’s go this is kind of a fun one um and I think it goes along with like how we really like to coach te which is this like very holistic view to to the golf swing for for players just a better like understand it like what the golf swing is um you know and then everybody has like these little different quirks like you see it all over the tour right like Sheffer and havin don’t look anything like no they don’t they look very different uh but again both really high level players so I I think for us like in in coaching it’s it’s always this quest to like understand what the like absolute laws are like everybody abides by these principles right like that’s fun and when we really think about it there not a whole lot of those things those items MH I would agree with that fleeting like there’s there’s just a few and so I think when we’re talking today about this like three-dimensional like view or picture of what the golf swing is what your golf swing is and how to improve it I think the best place to start with this is just understanding like where the center of mass of the ribs are and how they marry or communicate with the Center mass of the club so let’s first Define those two things where’s the center of mass of the club uh Center and mass of the club would be the balance point right where you could just hold that thing and it would just roughly level out exactly Center of mass yep and then Center of mass of the ribs we could roughly say it like around the level of the heart right right in this area just inside the heart okay yep yep got it exactly so there’s are two points that we’re going to start with okay I like it we’re going to film this from like multiple different angles too because human beings just in general we just stink at three-dimensional yes Maps like seeing it we see things in two Dimensions really easily so when you’re looking here from this like down the line view we can see it in in a two-dimensional space but then we also need to take a look at it from either like posterior view or or caddy view face on so that we can at least better see this just generally like how this thing is is moving in this three dimensions right so if you were to just set up for us sure you’ve created this space when you set up like the distance between the center mass of your ribs and the center mass of the club there is some amount of space there right yes okay so when we’re moving okay and we’ll see this in almost every single highle player that the center of mass of the ribs throughout the entirety of the Swing is trying to move away from the center mass of the of the golf club mhm so when we go into swing start really what we’re going to do is almost keep this where it’s at in space and we’ll just do this like and then we’ll come back to like kind of different aspects of the Swing different parts of the Swing but if you were to just move that through the spiral line away from the center mass of the golf club and keep going keep going keep going and eventually the golf club’s going to go ahead and get towed there you go that’s swing start now eventually where is this going to travel kind of on the same direction direction that my ribs just told it to right exactly so as this is working up on its plane you’ll just keep on turning as it’s going up here now where do you need to go it needs to go away from where the center of mass of the golf club is going so here’s the whole idea of this we’ll do this all the way into the Finish is that the center of mass of the ribs is trying to get away from the center of mass of the golf club at all times H so at the start it’s trying to move away as the golf club starts to work its way on its Arc up back and away this starts to move forward in this space so if the golf club’s moving in that direction you’re moving or your Center Mass your ribs is moving in this space and then if we take that one step further right like through the strike yep where’s the center mass of the club going to go it’s going to go right on that same direction of the ribs so down this way down and across yep and then as the center mass of this shoots out yep we’d see a lot of people kind of go with it right uh-huh that’s a blocking pattern block uh-huh so you’d kind of want to feel that the ribs can start to move away from where that yes mass is shooting exactly exactly and we’ll see this in a lot of different ways like we see it in like a player’s head I mean if you want to talk c-spine stuff you can talk c-spine stuff you can talk Center mass of the ribs there’s a lot of different ways to see this but like in our terminology like how we see most items right is there’s a rib system which is from the bottom of the rib cage so the top of your Dome top of your cap okay and then there’s a pelvic system which is from the bottom of the ribs to the tops of the knees so this would be the pelvic system this would be the rib system rib system okay all right so if we let’s just dissect the golf swing into three parts okay we’ll have um wait gosh you can articulate this in so many different ways we go load one load two and then unload so three different different points to the golf swing you could go swing start uh a away swing finish and through the strike there’s a a bunch of different ways to look at this but in essence there’s three different parts to this this how we’re going to describe this so let’s let’s go part one first okay let’s go part one all right very simple So This is Swing start or load one or or or or or or whatever you want to call it’s just words you just use whatever words you want exactly you can use whatever words you want but this a swing start here so again we’re trying to move this away from this so this is the angle that it’s on right now and what’s nice is this angle meaning from the center mass of the ribs of the ribs to the center mass of the club is on this angle well guess what else is on that angle this portion of the Spiral line when you say this portion of the Spiral line what do you mean by that so the spiral is going from your lead hip complex across your abdomen underneath uh the armpit and so this portion of the Spiral as it goes up over the top of the scap is on this point l meaning that direction so it matches with this direction got it so this is where you’re going to feel swing start is the expansion of this working away so goad and start again yeah so it’s there there you go see how we’re trying to move this away on that plane and it’s getting away from this it’s very subtle but see how this space there you go this Space Center mass of the ribs is moving away from the center mass of the club in its Inception of the golf swing there you go now really if you just kept starting to turn that up up up right there this is load one this is the first portion of the golf swing so as soon as this see how it’s traveling and it’s working in the direction of where the ribs just went this is where now the ribs as this keeps working on its plane you can keep turning and doing all that stuff but this needs to start to drop and what’s the main dropper pelvis pelvis is the main dropper as this is working up on that that plane and you can continue to turn so start dropping now there so see where this went te the center of mass of the ribs went in this space because the center Mass Club is moving in that space okay so would you say that that’s somewhat to keep this distance between this and this somewhat constant is that the idea or or not the idea relatively yes okay yes because like how are you going to make that space that much longer from the from the address position like it’s at its furthest uhhuh space just an address right but what you’re trying to do is actively move this away from that is it going to get dramatically like larger that space absolutely not right but now as the golf club planes and works to to the top or P4 that’s where the player’s dropping good now where would you go with the club on it shoot here this would support that by working in the in the opposing Direction there you go so what’s nice is the spiral line is in charge mainly absolutely for uh for like load one or the first first portion of this obviously it keeps it keeps going because we’re going to continue to turn but man that’s when the drop starts right so the big deal here is if I’m up and away and the golf club works up here so I stay in this space that’s a problem yep yep so that like where the drop occurs for high Lev players is somewhere between P2 and P3 that’s the start and then all the way to P4 they’ll be fully dropped in there you go that’s what you see at a Rory right like see how TJ’s lead leg goes in like this lead knee goes into into more flexion because of that drop State yeah that’s it okay okay so let’s hit one with just this idea like in and the whole idea of this from a Down the Line perspective is kind of this Arc that the club’s going to be on and as the club’s arcing on its plane both in the away and the forward TJ is just going to manage where his Center of mass of the ribs is in space compared to the center of mass of the golf club okay so it’s a way to start trop boom and Away there we go very cool so in essence it’s like the the center of mass of the ribs does not like the center of mass of the club and it’s always trying to get away from it okay got it let’s do that again got it one more time yep same idea same idea good okay the the other nice thing with this is that they both are active here like I’m you’re you can actively motor the club in space like you can send it on this Arc right I can actively move it I’m also actively moving this so it’s not like I’m just dragging on this thing like then you lose perception of where the club is got it so if I’m going here and the golf club now I’m going to send it on its plane that’s just where I’m going to turn and drop with this so I’m going here now I can actively shoot this on its plane down out and away while I’m actively moving this away got it so run here there here there okay it’s that understanding all right okay let’s hit one more with this this like idea of like actively sending the center of mass of the golf club on its on its path during the entirety of your swing but just managing where the center of mass of the rib that’s such a good look beautiful look very cool now if you thin it right like that was that was no good we just need to drop the pelvis just a little bit more to support that spiral didn’t allow a lot of time there to drop the pelvis for sure yep so it’s just kind of the balance of all these forces right exactly Beau beautiful and just the sensation of that that’s got to feel so nice just in general so yeah you’re just balancing out where this wants to move in space and how this supports it right that’s the main deal right so again from like this down the line P perspective like the the plane would be somewhere in here and you can modify it based on height your own like perception of the golf swing if you want the golf club a little bit flatter you can do that you want the golf club more upright for any reason then you can do that but you’re just always to balance out this Center of mass with the center of mass of the club there we go yes yes it so let’s do this as well from face on so we can go ahead and see it from this perspective as well this perspective now and this is where it’s it’s difficult cuz in essence what we’re going to ask you to do is like share your perception of the golf swing from both down the line and face on to create this 3D perspective so if you’re set up from this perspective here this face on or caddy view the center mass of the ribs and the center mass of the club are roughly stacked on top of one another it might change with driver and different clubs but just in general we’re here okay so this doesn’t like that so it needs to move away on its curve and and again the way to see this I think is is either M here is Mia here is CH line if you set up again so would either be here but that also is like representative of the Spiral line there is a lateral and a vertical component to the spiral line like it works on this diagonal from this hip complex across the abdomen underneath TJ’s armpit to work in here so we’re in this space got it so in essence you’re trying to move your Center mass of your ribs on that plane good and once you go there and the golf club starts to climb up that because the continued rotation what’s this going to do there you go and so you’ll see if you do that again so just go to load one for me okay and the golf club will be right in here teach good this in DJ’s mind he’s going to send it on that in this direction just up back and away and as it’s working there where’s this going there you go there’s load to now where do you want to send this it’s on this plane down out in the way so where’s the center of mass of the ribs going to go there you go excellent so let’s hit one at kind of like a cruisy pace here homes where we can really distinctly see like load one load two and then the unload so cool so cool that counter force is beautifully beautifully working so it goes back to like what we were really talking about at the start of this which is like what items in the freaking golf swing would we classify as like law to kind of classify this as law that this Center mass of the ribs sort of acts as a counterbalance to where the mass is swinging right exactly so at the end of the day like good players are really good at swinging this yeah in space right like where where is this being swung like it’s it’s up here it kind of moves you can shallow it you can do all kinds of different stuff with it you can do whatever you want got it but good players are very good at controlling the instrument okay the body is simply there to support that and so when there’s this counter Force to the directionality of this swinging oo it feels nice good yeah play with this too right like if somebody doesn’t have enough lateral movement here and they just like to send the golf club away and fall into the space immediately okay if if somebody drops in the immediate to send the club up oh I can have a little bit more vertical directionality of of the center mass of the ribs so you can just play with it based on your own Tendencies as a golfer which is really fun yeah being able to play with forces oh baby now you start to feel nice uh yeah that’s a lot more fun than you know position a position B that sort of idea right well and and you know like the the the P system is great for just describing a general space that you know either your body is or the the club is in space like that’s good but if you’re just like hunkered into like here’s P1 and then P2 should look like this and three is here blah blah blah blah blah then like o boy clunky right this is fun cuz it’s Dynamic like you’re moving all you’re always just a aware of where the center of mass is in space compared to where the center of mass of the club is in space got it fun got it very cool okay so let’s send one more okay the last intention here is you can be active with how much energy you want to put into this you can actively send that okay but just know that the where the where the ribs need to be moving in space to support that act so I’m going to bust this one a little bit so you can it’s it’s up to you it’s the energy amount that you determine as the athlete that you need to put into the instrument got it that’s so cool and again like here’s the fun thing with like we rely on eye test a ton the eye test there you’ll watch that and go shoot doesn’t look like TJ’s like working hard but there’s tons of speed in the instrument mhm which is great like you even hear him before you want me to bust this one yeah you can if you want to if you want to you got you got the tools to do whatever you want with it right but the interpretation of bust it like we have one one uh one young man in the academy that always thinks that busting it is moving this through through impact laterally to bust it this way MH which it looks like he works really hard and doesn’t get that much out of it so what do we always work with him on how to counter that force with where he wants to shoot the golf club yeah that’s busting it right exactly which is the whole point of this conversation and understanding the 3D look of the golf swing as it moves in space compared to the ribs and the center mass of the Club you do those two things you going to be looking right baby you H some better shots looking right and feeling right that’s right okay flush him

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