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Chamblee, McGinley debate Rory McIlroy major drought cause | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

Brandel Chamblee thinks Rory McIlroy has failed to win a major since 2014 because his swing isn’t as good as it used to be. Paul McGinley thinks the drought is due to something more mental. They debate on Live From. #USOpen #GolfChannel #RoryMcIlroy
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Chamblee, McGinley debate Rory McIlroy major drought cause | Live From the U.S. Open | Golf Channel

it’s harsh I’m sorry you know but um what what Bryson has is is real innate grit and you don’t feel grit from Rory you feel skill you feel virtuosity and you feel when he’s in full flight it’s wonderful but then when it’s not you feel the weight the weight of being Rory mroy the scrutiny it takes to be you know considered the greatest talent in the game uh the scrutiny you have to accept with that and you know the the for a guy who’s empathetic to what other people feel wanting to not let everybody down I just feel like Rory has a lot of sensitivity for a really top number one type player and it and it’s not necessarily productive to not have you know to have that much conscience so to speak so he said something interesting a couple of years ago he said that when he won his uh two majors at the end of 2014 he played with a ruthlessness and he felt he uncomfortable with that and that he thought he didn’t need that to be successful so he wasn’t going to approach it in that in that same way yeah no I I he did say he could compartmentalize that ruthlessness that was his goal not to be a ruthless person but to be a ruthless competitor but again some of this stuff seems to be innate and you know Rory I just hope this doesn’t keep him from staying in love with the game because I think that’s the only thing really that’ll allow a rebound Randle look I I I said at the top of the show tonight that uh or this afternoon that that Rory had more pressure on him to win than anybody else in the field the burden of expectation it mounted you know like a heavy coat on a summer day uh it had mounted from 2015 and just exponentially grew and I think it grew Quantum Leap after the 2022 Open championship at St Andrews I know that one had to hurt uh this one I think would Trump that one but what I’d say is that they feed off each other uh I think the reason he hasn’t won since then is because his swing simply isn’t as good as it was prior to that four of his first 15 major he won two of those by eight shots I’m going to list all the people that have won two majors by eight shots or more since 1900 Rory and tiger and that’s it yeah just two and that forecasts into the future domination yes but he changed his golf swing his golf swing is not in the same place it was in in 2014 it’s deeper and it’s it’s it tends to be across the line and it comes from the inside so yes we can we can infer negative attribut mentally M but the contributing factor to that more than anything is the golf swing it’s like going to a test and you know you’re not prepared can you relax no if you’re prepared you can relax yeah and I think he goes there and maybe he’s done all the work but there’s a nagging pull left and a magging flare out to the right that puts him a little bit on the edge we saw it today I mean we’ll remember the putts at 16 and we’ll remember the putt at 18 but if you go back and look at all those iron shots that he just didn’t hit crisp enough I could say that all week there was several through each round that felt like a weak right shot or it was an opportunity that was not able to take advantage of what I think was different this Sunday is how it started to go out with the birdie right away and then to have that stretch of what was it four birdies and five holes in the middle of the round he gained traction and I felt like that was always the what was missing on those Sundays where he couldn’t make putts the the the last Us open in 2023 where he was in contention he made 46 feet of putts he could not gain traction he made 126 feet of putts today it’s ironic that we’re going to remember the short misses when so much of it was was a it was framed very differently today but I don’t agree that it’s it’s it’s that it’s a swing issue uh brandle I think if you’re looking for Perfection you can say it’s a swing issue he’s had chances to win uh three majors in the last two years since since uh since um St Andrews with Cameron Smith and he hasn’t lost him because his swing deserted him at the wrong time he lost it because his putting went slow and when he had opportunities he didn’t seize the initiative last year at the US Open he came back and one overpower it’s like he gets to the stage and you saw him in Quail Hollow um he gets to Quail Hollow and he just takes the opportunity and he seizes it and he runs off into the distance and he kills the opposition he wins he knows how to do it there’s enough golf game there to run off into the into the sunset and win tournaments the difference in major championships is when the initiative is presented to him he doesn’t run off initiative today was presented on the back of 13 when he made that birdie to go two shots ahead he played 14 really poorly he played 15 really poorly he played 16 17 and 18 really poorly that was the period of time to run off into the distance and that’s not just because all of a sudden he lost his swing mentally he got on the precipice of winning this tournament and instead of driving over the line he hesitated and if you hesitate with guys like Bryson around you who is play Fearless and plays with fearlessness um you’ve got a problem and that’s what happened same with Windam Clark Fearless competitor same with Cameron Smith Fearless competitor when the initiative presented to them they took it over over Rory that’s what I think is the issue and if you want to talk about perfection I agree there’s a bit that can change in the swing but you’re telling me that Bryson is the finished article as a golfer I mean there so many flaws you can pick in his game and and so many flaws you can pick in his swing uh he hit four or five Fairways today not me you don’t think so not me one of the best swing in golf his swing looks oh God yeah you know people I look I don’t get me wrong I love Roy’s golf swing it’s beautiful it’s beautiful but he’s now finished in the top 10 in the last six us opens and he’s averaged in those six us opens because I just looked where he finished here in Strokes SC approached about 30th guess what they do not do when us opens the guys that win us opens finish first second first third fourth Brooks kept up in US opens first second most greens and best iron shots Strokes gain approach Rory consistently underperforms in his iron play and that is the most important statistic He underperforms In the Heat of battle brandle the first three days he gets in position every single time does close the door the reason he’s not won Majors is not because his game deserts him on Sunday it’s because he doesn’t have the confidence to drive over theine like he does in PGA Tour events that’s the difference well maybe it’s the confidence and maybe it’s the game but what I’m getting at is why can he do it in qu Hollow I think it’s why why can he dominate the field on a difficult Golf Course like qu Hollow not much golf is golf no it’s not so it’s a pressure situation phenomenal line and I believe it at the highest level golf is only hard when you care Y and he cares more than anything but it’s it’s up to the player to take that pressure and alleviate it and put it in a different place that’s going to D per I’m not saying he couldn’t win a major championship if he found a very relaxed spot but he was winning them by eight when he was swinging down the line why can he why can he dominate in qu Hollow he blew the field away that was the best players on the PGA tour he blew them away Xander shley playing as good as Ander shley can play he dominated and blew him away what’s difference there yeah I don’t know comfortable able to fly the bunkers he could fly all the trouble he could you know the trouble at 16 there is three 30 off the T guess who could fly it one person Rory he could fly it he could get it over the corner it’s a very it’s like it’s like Bill Wasing for what’s that when he got a chance he wasn’t missing for full BS not because he could fly at places yeah but what makes him nervous the reason there was so much pressure on those four four foot putts otherwise he’d have been ahead by five it’s CU his iron play wasn’t sharp enough if he’d have been first in Strokes get approach or second in Strokes gain approach he’d had so many putts that were 5 feet 10 feet 8 feet he’d have been four in front not two or five in front not two and he doesn’t miss the putt at 16 and he wouldn’t miss the putt at 18 and he either won by six seven or eight but you’re looking at Perfection you’re you’re looking at Perfection the golf is a game of imperfection and misses and you got to take the role of the dice when it goes against you when you lose a little bit of game you got to find a way of making par I was going to say just that Bryson is the example of somebody who didn’t have his aame today he may have been the better swing better iron player but he was able to persevere through the adversity and when mury uh started to flip up in his game on 14 started hitting it left he didn’t have that extra Reserve quickly how’ Pinehurst do this week I thought Pinehurst did really well I mean it they didn’t go extreme they stayed pretty reasonable uh they could have got it to an even par winner but I think the six under winner was a nice balance I think you saw the rolloffs enough of them to know that that’s what you know the the meticulous shop making was going to reward uh but it didn’t punish unnecessarily


  1. Bryson got lucky on Sunday – his driving was not very accurate – Brandon chambelee analysis is way off – Rory just needs to a bit of luck in the majors – don’t fiddle with the swing too much

  2. Anyone who knows golf understand that Brandel is right in this case! Rory is longest off tee, but still needs sharper irons to get closer to the pin. That is exactly what cost him the win at St Andrews two years ago, and it contributed to his loss this time around as well. Sure, he missed those putts but, just like BC says, if his shots to the pins was sharper, be would have won by 5-6 shots, most likely…he needs to do what DJ did, work much more on his approach shots!

  3. We used to call it “CHOKING” ! He stood over a three footer and missed it period! And then he got into his car and left. He hasn’t seen anything from the fans yet. I don’t remember Gregg Norman acting that way.

  4. I am so happy for Bryson that he won. There was a lot negativity woven around him, players started rebuking and putting him down. I remember once he was standing on front side of Rory while he was taking his swing, Rory was very disrespectful to a fellow golfer and asked him in very intimidating, , not behooving a world no.1 or 2 golfer. Bryson is inward and hedonist, does not go out so much amongst groups, as it looks like. Its good for golf that he won. Let there be some balance !!

  5. Bryson was not at Quail Hollow. The PGA is weaker today than it has been in decades. It’s not the swing or ability to push to the finish…it’s the level of competition at the Majors!!!

  6. hei hei people
    golf is just a game of sport !
    Please do not over state about what happen to the one game .I think golf is peaking out itself.
    too much money around chasing too little value if any !😂

  7. You can bitch about Chamblee all you want but he can dissect a golf swing as good as anyone. I think they are both correct. Rory has been off on his iron play for a long while and he for some reason let those 2 putts whip him but as Brandel said if his iron play was better he would have been further ahead and he doesn’t flinch at those 3 footers! JMO

  8. By a show of hands golfing with your buddies with five bucks on the line? How many of you have had the yips and had your hands twitch? My hand just shot up I’ve had so many times that a putt that meant a lot to me was missed. The long and short of it is I gagged. I lost my focus and is a three or four handicap player. It happens.

    Tom Watson his entire career and he won about 35 tournaments that’s 15 more than Rory has beautiful, swing fairways and greens and fairways and greens and suddenly could not make a pot to save his life and that only lasted for about 20 years. That’s just one example there’s been a whole bunch of guys. sudden they can’t make a pot Sam Snead 83 professional wins that’s why they had to change the rules for putting because of Sam Snead well, Rory‘s not even in the ballpark they talk him up like he’s the king of the world shit he’s got 20 wins in 15 years they tried comparing him to tiger shit with Tiger got 82 or 83 wins either tied or one behind Sam Snead, Rory has proven himself to just be a spoiled boy. Who’s immensely talented and will probably never win another major.

  9. Its the US Open. Bad bounces.. crazy ass greens., Course setups that will give someone dyslexia. It’s a survival contest. Rory played very well. On the back nine he hit a par five in two and the ball ran off the green and trundled all the way down into a unplayable pit that turned as sure birdie at least into a bogey there’s two shots right there and that’s why he lost the tournament. everyone misses puts but that crazy ass bounce on that par five is what lost the tournament for Rory not the missed putts.

  10. Now having actually listened to what these guys are talking about. I agree with Brandel. Rory’s iron game from say 120 yards in stinks for an elite tour player.. Elite tour players hit wedges close Rory pulls them 20/30 feet left most of the time

  11. The professional sports world is in dire need of real men. Unfortunately, immaturity and pride are the new "virtues" given as examples to our kids.
    Instead of the great sportsmanship of the Jack Nicklauses of the past where they put their arm around their victor, praised their performance and stuck around to watch them receive their award have been replaced by the spoiled antics of the modern professional, making a quick exit, speaking to no one. These people deserve what they get.
    Then we have the so-called experts in the booth. Guys, can we please get past second grade? Can we not give our opinions in an objective and fallible fashion instead of digging our heels in with know-it-all pride that refuses to admit the possibility of being wrong? Guys, in truth, you can only guess at whatever people are thinking.
    or the reason they are doing it.

  12. Paul Mcginley is 100% correct – chamblee is suggesting mcilroys swing is at fault – right ! When he plays faultless golf to get into position to win – his swing is at fault ? No – he lost his nerve – and missed short putts – end of !!

  13. Brandel is absurd. The idea that his swing isn’t good enough to win is laughable. Rory’s swing is better than all the guys they listed.

    Brandel has lost the plot.

  14. what got Rory was the crowd behind Bryson, in my opinion. Yes, there were Rory fans but nothing to the extent of what Bryson had behind him. It had to affect him and when you're under the pressure of trying to win a U.S. Open, the mind, filled with negative thoughts(like I've done this so many times before-losing), it can be your worse enemy. The pressure got to him and he's human and would have gotten to many others. Just happened to be Rory. I haven't fact checked this, but I believe Phil won his first major around the same age as Rory. With that said, Rory has many more major opportunities ahead of him. I'm not a Rory fan necessarily, but I believe he will cash in on at least 3 more before his career is over. And today, with players winning in their 50's, maybe more.

  15. Surprised Brandel can give Bryson a compliment he absolutely hates LIV and mentioned koepka he is turning over a new leaf lol.

  16. How much money does NBC pay their commentators? Wow! Spend the money on a well founded charity instead. They only wished they had an ounce of McIlroy’s talent and resume!

  17. If one really looks closely at that putt on 18, it JUMPED right at about half-way. Yes, it wasn't a great strike as his blade lifted. But the starting line was about right, was what Rory intended, AND it was to start with a TOUGH breaking downhill putt. It was no gimme & those pretending it was don't know putting.

  18. He changed his mind dummy. He lifted the putter on the downswing and yipped it right into second place. This comes from lack of confidence and pressure he puts on himself. Meanwhile Bryson is out there having a blast with an open mind and a switch from concentration to jubilation.

  19. Agreed by Gary Davis. A great putter would not have missed, it's been his MO. 36 putts at the Open at St. Andrews, even 20 handicappers might luck in a 20 – 30 footer but he didn't. Nicklaus said it best, you par the last 3 holes when leading or tied for the lead you'll win. As a PGA of America member I'm a huge Rory fan and it hurt me, can't imagine him. On 16 he hit a good shot, You're supposed to 2 putt from that spot.

  20. No one was surprised when Rory missed the putt. Likely he was thinking- I could have taken the $700 Million from LIV and still be trying to hole this US Open – 18 th hole putt.

    Instead – Rory could hear the PGAT fans chanting against him – USA/USA. Rory’s last thoughts before missing his last putt at the US Open could have been “I hate LIV” and “I am so stupid for not taking the $700 Million”. Hope Rory turns it around and maybe wins the Open this year. 😀

  21. Brandel’s argument: he’s mentally weak under pressure so his iron play needs to improve so he wins by 8 and doesn’t have pressure. Lol. Cope harder.

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