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Funniest Moments of Charles Barkley & Shaq Inside the NBA 2024 Season!

Funniest Moments of Charles Barkley & Shaq on Inside the NBA 2024 Season! Charles Barkley Shaq Inside the NBA on TNT. Kenny Smith Ernie Johnson. Inside the NBA ending. Inside the NBA cancelled. TNT loses NBA rights. Best of Inside the NBA. Charles Barkley Galveston Texas. Inside the NBA over. Heated moments Shaq & Charles Barkley.
0:00 Shaq & Charles Barkley funny moments
0:40 Chuck jokes about Inside NBA ending
1:08 Shaq & Chuck lose it over Doc Rivers
1:50 Shaq tells Charles Barkley to start OnlyFans
2:25 Shaq & Chuck roast Skip Bayless & Stephen A
3:29 Charles Barkley sends Pelicans to Galveston
4:59 Charles roasts the Knicks
5:45 Charles roasts San Fransisco
6:22 Shaq & Chuck make fun of Thanasis

what this dude got in his hand that’s a stretching stick you see you should know that chuckster you’re telling tell you something all this stretching stuff and analytical BS y’all better learn how to play damn basketball fools he’ll stick to stress hey you guys watch this game you wouldn’t believe who just um who just asked about you you know who just asked about you sh who nobody nobody he’s using he’s using the Charles joke have fun cuz you’re about to be working for ESP and Deportes tomorrow we are a little behind in terms of sending people fishing obviously no well we’ve saved we’ve been busy Kenny yeah we’ve had segments to do filling out job applications and so and so with the end of the Western Conference finals next season will be the last season of Inside the NBA we are going to look at some of the funniest moments of one of the final seasons of the show this first segment is after Doc Rivers became East Allstar head coach about the All-Star coaching situation oh what is it U so Joe moula can’t to coach because he did it last he did it the dumbest Doc Rivers they’ve got the best record Doc Rivers would clinch it tonight wow if the Knicks the Cavs and the Sixers all lose if the Knicks this is crazy the guy who could be coaching the NBA Allstar gang got fired that’s what you’re telling me yeah so we’ll keep an eye on those you know what really what’s even more weird about that Kenny Doc is lost his first two games yo doc lost that’s really hilarious doc has lost his first two games he could be the allstar Co tonight did you know Charles Barkley has an Instagram I’m learning I’m going I’m trying it out don’t slide nowhere though brother the uh the heat are going to try to slide into Denver and get the D stand up and every time you out send out a picture of you you got a hash only fans no no listen you know what only fans whatever you send out just # only don’t listen to for only fans of mine no no no don’t listen to him do not listen to this D no only fans is a I’m not even explaining this on basketball that’s a site that you do not want to be on I’m learning man you are here are stats from Sha Kenny and Chuck on games played on Leap Day Shaq a perfect 3 and 0 averaging over 28 points per game keny how the hell you average three points I got hurt every lead year and he shot one of 14 in those two pass the ball Kenny I got hurt you’re not hot I know you ain’t talking Mr 14.5 that that Ken would be on fire if he got the 14 I this has to be something more to that what’s more than that dude I’ve never averaged three points you just did I didn’t a three points when I was in the crib put me in 17 and under hey you know what those are SBS skip B don’t yeah no hey hey you saw the Pelicans was killing stepen a right yeah Hey Stephen A we love you I’m trying to figure out how you average one and a half Point like don’t you get two this next clip is right after the Pelicans were swept in the first round by the Thunder V Carter here for Kenny The Jet Smith what disappointed in orens where they going Chuck gavon that dirty ass water they not even going we not even going to send them to Cancun we going to send them to gavon with that dirty ass water be washing up on the shore you people think they in the beach y’all can’t y’all we we y going to send y’all to canun y’all drive y’all y’all quit drive your ass down to gavon come on man so taking come on they even they didn’t even try man no we’re not getting them no planing ticket to the beach we sitting there as the gavon Texas right with that dirty water wash up on the beach they can’t even get in the water come on man Oklahoma City KY know when I got trade to Houston they I said yeah I’m excited about going to the beach he’s like you’re not going to the beach going to Gabon do not want to be hi and J after me so how do you like Galviston now it’s beautiful we not going there would you go on vacation you got a chance oh hell no I ain’t going no vacation You’ got a chance to wipe the Slate clean here got say I would go to G tell you something that water so dirty I’d rather go to San Antonio wait galon man what is that you were there I had a great time I want to say that everybody was great to me in gavon but your beach was dirty as hell Galveston Texas wasn’t the only place Chuck called out he also made fun of New York City I would love to see them get their ass stomped by the Celtic that’d be great then you care who wins I mean I’m just saying whoever whoever wins this series going to get stomped by the Celtic you said you’d be happy to see it yeah yeah cuz the New Yorkers y’all deserve it cuz y’all think y’all the greatest thing since sliced bread tell them Chuck come on y’all ain’t that good in New York what else Chuck come on man y’all overrated what else Chuck just cuz y’all make good pizza and good bagels and what else Chuck crime and hold on Chuck don’t forget about the oh you know they can’t I ain’t going to say nothing bad about the street meting I love stre I love the street meat I don’t care what kind of meat it is either it tastes good to even if you you got no idea it is rat dog cat skunk raccoon it tastes good just put that white sauce on it and San Francisco hey Reggie we love you let’s not have another allar in Indiana let’s let this be the last one you sp enough time come back was it Theus uh you know 17 hey hey hey Reggie yes if you had a if you had a chance of being cold or being around a bunch of homeless Crook in San Francisco no we don’t yes we do you can’t even walk around down there yes you can walk around yeah with a bulletproof B and number one for TBO no not got a CP what are we for the Greek K hear the music hey y’all can make fun of the NIS hey that guy got better job secur than the Supreme Court Justice not not a reading my book on it so L there you have it the funniest moments from inside the NBA’s second to last season thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video


  1. Man this is gonna be like saying goodbye to a loved one next season 😢! This show has been on more than half my lifetime!

  2. I've come to the conclusion that the reason they're breaking these guys up is because they are the best in the business & their camaraderie between each other makes other commentators look bad like seriously these guys are the best & I'm gonna miss them, it's really hard to believe

  3. Gonna miss Shaq's laugh aka the sound that tool the dentist uses when sucking the water out your mouth.

  4. If inside the NBA would really be over and chuck would retire. Basketball TV will never be the same again

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